Joe Rogan's Life Advice Will Leave You SPEECHLESS | Best Life Advice

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that most men live lives of quiet desperation it's  one of my favorite quotes ever because it's true   you just you're just in this world where  you just can't wait to just run away but i think one of the reasons why  these people have this deep-seated   anger and resentment is there's  a bunch of people out there that   have these lives that are deeply  unsatisfying because i think   there are so many people that are working all day  long doing something that is deeply unsatisfying   and and almost painful yeah soul killing soul  killing they're stuck in traffic all day and then   they're stuck in a cubicle after that they they  they relish the time to take a sh in the bathroom   and look at their phone i mean they literally  do that that's a highlight of someone's day   they get in traffic on the way home they get home  after that they're watching television and they're if people have a regular day job if  you could just find some one thing   that you do as a passion project and just keep  building on it just keep at keep watering it   keep adding fertilizer keep giving it attention  keep giving it focus and you can escape you can   escape and you can be self-serving you can be  okay you're gonna be okay for making furniture   feels good if you make furniture you make  furniture for a living and you you feel a   great satisfaction of that you sell that furniture  look man if you can do that you could you could   cut those corners perfectly and sand everything  down nice and stain it and then it's done you get   this satisfied and you sell it to someone and that  pays your bills that is infinitely more satisfying   than being stuck in some [ __ ] cubicle working  for someone that you don't want to work for   having to have these stupid [ __ ] office meetings  talking to people in human resources sitting down   with your supervisor where they evaluate your  job performance and you know you're not really   you know you you really need to be enthusiastic  about this company this company is your future   this kind of like you're like [ __ ] kill me now  you know there's a lot of people out there that   would way rather do something else and i hope  they understand that they can and people that   are trapped in bad situations one of the problems  is you feel like this is your future you feel like   you're and you can't get out of that there's no  hope there's no light at the end of the tunnel   there's no rainbow and if you feel like that that  alone can be incredibly defining and limiting   but if you can look at if you look at yourself  objectively and say okay i kind of am [ __ ] here   i'm in credit card debt i'm working in a shitty  job i i don't like what i'm doing but i have some   ideas i need to feed those [ __ ] ideas and i i  need to feed them and water them and i need to set   aside a certain amount of time every day to just  try to make those things happen you can do that   everyone has a different personality they have  different different interests different different   things that they would be really satisfied  pursuing that's not encouraged what's encouraged   is go find a job what's encouraged is go find  someplace that you can shove yourself into go   find a square hole so you can stick your round peg  and just and jam it in there and shave down the   top and the bottom so you slide in with all this  extra space on the sides and finish for the rest   of your life because you need a job because you're  in debt because you have credit cards because you   have student loans because that's what everybody  does and so you do it too that's what's wrong   you have an apartment you have to pay  for you have a car you lease you have   a wife that you have to feed you have  a child you have to raise you have to   you have your mortgage you have your this you  have your that and that's where it all comes from   well the opportunity takes place usually when  you're young and you don't have any responsibility   that's when you have your options  well your options are severely limited   the more you gather responsibilities like if i had  as a 51 year old father of three married man pays   taxes has a house and a mortgage and a business  and all that jazz if i had to quit everything   now and struggle the way i struggled as  a stand-up comedian it would never work   but the only way i could be this person now is if  i took that chance when i was 21 when i was dead   broke and had my cars repossessed and all that  stuff that's the only way you you ever get where   you want to go you have to you have to take a path  that's dangerous and most people want to take the   safe path the safe path leaves you stuck in quiet  desperation almost every time it's hell it's hell but can people just make that change i mean look  i believe that you have to plan it out the way   you can change is you have to put aside enough  money to give yourself a window and then you   have to have a plan and you have to spend all  your waking hours outside of whatever job you   do planning your escape and you have to come to  the realization very clearly that you [ __ ] up   you got yourself stuck so whatever you're doing  you have to do it like your life depends on it   and whether it is you're trying to be an author  and you're gonna you're gonna if you're gonna   try to be an author and you're working eight hours  a day plus commuting plus family responsibilities   or whatever else you have whatever time that  you have you have to attack like you're trying   to save the world you're trying to save your  life you don't want to drown that one and a   half hours a day that you have to write god damn  you better be caffeinated and motivated you got to   go you got to get after it and you got to have  discipline that's most people don't have those   things most people don't understand what it's like  to to really go for something and to know that the   consequences of not doing that are horrific  i think here's an important thing too failure   is important it is important i think failure  teaches you things you don't learn from success   i think failure gives you an opportunity for  self-examination and also gives you a feeling that   is very uncomfortable and that very uncomfortable  feeling helps you grow that when you feel like you   screw something up like when i've had bad podcasts  my podcast has always gotten better afterwards   when i've had bad stand-up sets i've always gotten  better after that because those bad sets motivate   you they get they give you a perspective like hey  here's some clear examples of where you [ __ ] up   yeah what not to do yeah don't and don't look  at these failures as like proof that you suck   look at them as opportunities for growth look at  them as opportunities to be motivated to do better   you have to make mistakes you've been there you  feel it you understand what it is and then you   have that time to adjust that's why losing in  life is so important whether it's getting dumped   getting fired losing a game loss those feelings  where things didn't work out your way that's   important because it lets you know this is the  bad feeling that comes when it goes wrong and   you improve and then it makes the good feelings  of victory all the better and i mean that you   know in a relative sense like even getting  good at something forget about victory like   making a terrible book that gets rejected by every  publisher and then writing a really good one and   people accept and you're like [ __ ] i got better  yes like that's interesting yeah those feelings of   failure are really critical for your motivation  you see an old person walking down the street you   go oh that person's always been an old person no  that was a baby that was a baby that became a 90   year old man there's a there's a progression that  you're not witness to you don't see it and that   that takes place in everything it takes place in  authors it takes place in comedians and musicians   there is a starting point and then with time and  focus and as long as you reevaluate and reassess   and constantly objectively look at what you're  doing and then pursue it with passion and focus   you get better at things don't be scared of  failure i think failure is awesome for you   and that's one of the reasons why like i  said i like doing things that i suck at   i just feel like people need inspiration and they  need guidelines and if as long as you could just   start moving just get action like  you're just getting just movement so for a few months i was staying with  my grandmother who was on death's door   for she lived like a year or so after i moved out  and she wasn't really aware of me anymore she was   not quite there anymore and my grandfather who was  struggling to take care of her and just seemed sad   and i remember thinking man this life is temporary  like this experience that i'm experiencing right   now as a 24 year old man like this is not going to  last like this is the prime of my youth and i it   like hardened my ideas like you got to get going  this is going to happen to you too it's going   to happen to all of us and you you think that  you're this static thing like you stay in the   same exact state it's not true it's an illusion  all those people that you see that are old people   that are walking down the street with their  backs hunched over that you're going to reach   that age someday it's going to happen and if you  don't pay attention it all goes wrong you could   wind up looking like that guy you could wind up  thinking and behaving like that guy it is a slow   ebbing of the life force of the body that's gonna  it's gonna drain you so god man get your fun out   get your life out just live you gotta live it's  can coming and you've gotta remember because if   you don't remember you're gonna sleep in if  you don't remember you're not going to get   anything done if you don't remember you're not  going to you're not going to have the the same   focus and determination that you would have with  the understanding this is a temporary experience over time i've learned that these people you  just you're not going to fix them i used to   want to fix them when i was young i used to  want to go hey man i see what you're doing   like dude don't do that anymore listen just  try just just do this and and stop doing that   and start doing this and if you just work towards  this you could be successful and then a week later   the guy's doing the same [ __ ] you're like okay  i'm wasting a significant amount of my energy on   someone who doesn't want to waste any of their  energy on themselves and so managing the the   community and the tribe that you're in making  sure that you're a good member of that tribe   that you're doing your part when you're around  happy inspirational people that are successful   it makes you feel better and you get inspired and  if you act on that inspiration your life will be   more fulfilled and it's not just inspirational  in terms of financial success but in terms of   doing difficult things whether it's running a  hundred miles it doesn't pay you a gut thing   other than the the the wealth of the knowledge  that you can push yourself to such an extreme   or anything else whether it's someone who  becomes really good at playing chess or   someone who's really good at martial arts or or  whatever it is there's there's a great feeling   in these overcoming these difficult things i think  a lot of what happiness is a management issue and   decisions that you're making right now like you  could be in a state of mind right now but you   can make some decisions to adjust that and over  the next couple hours you'll get to a much better   place it's good to treat other people the way  you would like to be treated yourself it's like   a [ __ ] golden rule and there's a reason for  it that reason is that we're connected in some   strange way that we don't totally understand  unless you are good to other people around   you unless you're kind and friendly and warm and  loving you're not going to [ __ ] enjoy this life   you're just not you're going to be problems  everywhere you go you're going to have problems   everywhere you go you got to figure out a way to  enjoy this park in life this is not because of   anybody that may or may not have ever existed it's  because that's how you fit in better in the world   that's how you stay positive and it doesn't have  to be some [ __ ] that was written 5 000 years ago   on [ __ ] animal skins that doesn't have to be the  golden rule because it's old you know that's dumb   we need to figure out like now today what what is  you know the best way to live your life what is   that you know there's got to be ways you can be  putting forward the most positive energy i mean   we know objectively what's causing pollution we  know objectively what's causing birth defects and   you know and we're taking too much chemicals and  not enough vitamins we know objectively all this   stuff we know how to organize our world and  yet we don't do it we know how to organize our   health and yet very few people do it we know  all these things the right path to like being   like a happy healthy person is to do all the [  __ ] that we already know you're supposed to do   take care of your body take care of your  health take care of your mind your stress   meditate be kind to people we all know that you  ask anybody they know how to get by and to be   the most evolved version of you that you can be  i mean it's not like a magical checklist if you   talk to people about it you said okay here you  got a person you want to improve them what are   the things you're going to do to them okay  well if i was a life coach the first thing   i would say is this guy's got to get on a diet  that makes him healthy i don't mean a diet just   to lose weight i mean just healthy foods in  your body many many vegetables start working   out your body and get a better sense of like how  this machine feels when it's moving it's flowing   better there's less tension in it your mind feels  like relaxed and you enjoy every single moment of   the day better step one everybody knows that  step right what step two be cool to people be   nice to as many people as you can smile as many  people as you can have them smile back at you   tip well when you go to restaurants just do the  most you can be as nice as you can and just still   manage to not have people walk all over you  just get through this life as nice as you can   do what you want to do with your life right  don't don't be doing something you don't enjoy   don't do something that's don't get locked into  you know a car that you can't afford and doing   something crazy because you need the money don't  don't do that do what you want to do do what the   [ __ ] is it that you really want to do because  if someone else is doing it you can do it you know   i mean everybody makes their own path through  this world but a lot of people don't follow   the path that they really [ __ ] feel pulled to  you know there's for whatever reason they got   negative programming you know when they were  kids someone told them they couldn't do it or   told them to take the shortcut or or take the  the short route that's a sad thing man when you   talk to dudes especially like talented dudes and  they don't follow up with what they want to do you know it sounds like really hippie but true  happiness comes from making other people happy   true happiness comes from being around happy  people and enjoying each other's company   that's really hard for people to wrap their  heads around because they always associate true   happiness no true happiness is with like titles  or you know numbers or you know objects that you   possess you're you're you're not concerned about  being nice to people you're not concerned about   having a positive impact on people you're  more concerned with making ones and zeros   but it really truly is how the human race  interacts with each other you you really have   to be nice to other people to be happy you have  to if you're not you won't be happy and you know   we all make mistakes and we all find ourselves in  positions of frustration and we've all acted out   and yelled at our dog and maybe we shouldn't have  and you know there's always pressures in this life   but i think it's really important to recognize  what what those truly are and to understand that   at the end of it we can alleviate a lot of how we  deal with in this life if we really treated people   the way we would treat them as if they  were ourselves living another life and this   includes the way you communicate with people  the friendships that you have and making sure   your friends know that you love them they drive  you they change your opinions they challenge you   they show compassion you open up to each other i  mean this is everything in this life is community   one of the things that's true is how people how  much people enjoy being around you that makes   your life more enjoyable and people don't think of  it that way they oftentimes think i want to be the   one that's enjoying life like especially selfish  people if people enjoy being around you you'll   enjoy everything more the solo effort of going  through life a narcissistic perspective one of   the major problems with that is there's no one to  share it with because you're all out for yourself   even if you get there you're going to be filled  with sadness and despair it's not what you want   what you want us to be happy right well i know  you think that you have to be all about yourself   to be happy but in fact that is a way to ensure  unhappiness regardless of success that's right   what i'm saying is the way you are with your  family and your friends and your loved ones   and the people you communicate with get  better at that because we need each other   love is the most important thing that sounds  so cliche but without love it's all useless   a lot of people say i just want to sort of  they got they're kind of dabbling in the   idea of improving themselves and the real  way to do it is you got to write down what   the [ __ ] you want and then go after it because  otherwise you live in sort of a wishy-washy world   if you decide i'm going to get down to  bang i'm gonna do this i'm gonna run a   marathon in less than five hours i'm gonna  you know whatever the [ __ ] it is you gotta   write that [ __ ] down and go for it what i tell  people is the best advice that i i've ever heard   it's the best advice i ever came up with  is it live your life like you're the hero   in your movie and right now is when the movie  starts and your life is a [ __ ] back disaster   like every [ __ ] arnold schwarzenegger  move where he wakes up and makes a blender   full of pizza and ice cream and that's what you  know what i mean those guys were like on the brink   they put the gun in their mouth and they put it  down because they see a photo of their daughter   pretend that's you pretend you are of right now  you're in the part of the movie that starts and   it shows you as a [ __ ] loser and just decide not  to be a loser anymore live your life like there's   a documentary crew following you around and you  are analyzing your own behavior do what you would   want to do so that your kids one day would look  back at it and and see that documentary and look   on it with pride like wow my dad was a bad [ __ ]  he really did what he had to do wow my mom really   got her together i'd love a success story but  even more than a success story i like a dude who   [ __ ] his life up and then gets it back together  against dory those are my favorite stories and the   way to do that you gotta write it down you gotta  think that you are the hero in your own movie and   then you get a sit down and you gotta write  it down write down what you need to do most   people play the role of the victim in the movie  right sure yeah this life is giving me over man   i could have had this and i should have had that  and why does this guy get that and why does that   guy get this and all things that are completely  unrelated to you yeah all things that you you find   other people's success as a downfall in your own  existence instead of being inspired instead of   choosing to be positive instead of like improving  constantly on the direction of trying to achieve   whatever you have written down you just sit around  spiral you know there's nothing more miserable   than sitting around someone's [ __ ] complaining  all the time it is one of the most annoying things   ever everybody hates it when someone just sits  around and they complain about their life and   they don't do jack about it and you tiptoe around  it you don't know what to say well she gets upset   when you bring that up i don't want to bring that  up and you want to go you [ __ ] crazy you know   what's wrong with your life stop stop announcing  it to everybody else and go out and fix that   well when i was 21 and i was first starting to do  comedy that's when i was really devouring as much   of it as possible because i was trying to figure  out like how to not be so lazy how to be motivated   how to get done and how to how to like find the  correct path and think about things correctly   i would follow all this personal power like  you had workshops you would do like little   like notebooks and fill out and things to talk  about and things to concentrate on like if you   did do it it would help you but really what it's  all about it's just getting together and moving   just go do something just doing it just doing it  makes you do more like do more hard it makes you   do more hard yeah understand that you want it bad  so you're willing to put into work and do things   you don't want to do it's what makes you have  that confidence that you know how to push through   and the the mentality that i'm the type of duty  gets done like i'm going to show i'm not going   to waste my day just sitting around a  hotel room no i'm going to go to work   that's what i feel like is missing from a lot of  people that are getting into motivational this   motivational that they ain't doing you gotta go  do something that's the number one thing right is   [ __ ] action take action well i think the one  thing that discipline definitely does help you   with is it it helps you get things done and when  you get things done when you you you actually do   things you you you have more success if you have  more success and sometimes a big part of success   is just not being lazy and just doing it yeah  just get that's like 90 of it is just showing up   get there and start working like you're not  gonna feel perfect every day if i felt if i   only worked out when i felt good i'd be a fat  because there's a lot of days i don't want to do   it if it's pretty much the same with everybody  that that actually gets good at something that   you you get there's got to be those days you  push through and they're probably going to be   more numerous than the days you don't and so the  benefit of discipline in my eyes has always been   that through discipline i get things done  i always tell my i always say that i'm like   the most lazy disciplined person i know because  i don't want to do it yeah but i always do   you know and that you have to sit down you  have to overcome resistance and that the pro   goes to work and it doesn't matter if you're sick  it doesn't matter if you have kids it doesn't   matter what you you're a pro and you go to work  and that and that just it puts it in your head   that this is what i do this is what and you have  pride in that you know you you're doing the work   and out of that work gems blossom little things  but you might have a day where you just write   nothing but dog [ __ ] so what show up again  tomorrow and tomorrow that dog a flower will   emerge you never know and that's the only way  to really develop your potential 100 in anything you
Channel: Motivation Core
Views: 1,995,833
Rating: 4.9113216 out of 5
Keywords: joe rogan motivation, joe rogan, joe rogan motivational speech, joe rogan motivational video, joe rogan desperation, joe rogan's life advice, joe rogan motivational speech 2021, joe rogan motivational, joe rogan on motivation, motivation core, motivational video, rogan motivation, One Of The GREATEST Speeches Ever, joe rogan best speech, motivational speech, joe rogan compilation, Joe Rogan's Life Advice
Id: u4taz6dfPQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 14sec (1334 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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