Todd White - The Heart of Evangelism

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I'm gonna break some stuff down I want to I want to share I want to share on the heart of evangelism and and why you don't have to be an evangelist to do it cuz that's a miracle right there cuz you're not if you don't have the call or the office of evangelist like people people I said it last week and and what we need to do is we need to break this thing off of our thinking our thinking is that I'm not the Evangelist so I'm not gonna share the gospel and honestly been we've been brought up that way we've seen like Billy Graham Crusades like amazing a man that finished amazing had the office of evangelist and preached stadiums were filled we have Reinhardt bunkie Daniel kolenda we have these evangelists that do mega Crusades like Reinhardt I think one of the largest Crusades that they did they saw I think it was 2.9 million people born-again saved and plugged into local churches in a four-day period in Africa that's like nuts right so what we do is we think that evangelism is just for the guy that has the office of evangelist but I want to share what Ephesians says a little bit I want to take you into the word and share some truth and hopefully inspire you to the place where you just can't hold Jesus back anymore because your jobs your mission field Walmart's your mission field Kroger is your mission field gas station for mission field Starbucks is your mission field bring Jesus like don't just write on your Facebook page I would have to get coffee today and it was amazing I went out today to get coffee at Starbucks and I I paid for three people's coffees today and two of them were so overwhelmed they cried and gave their life to Jesus post that that's amazing but like honestly we we want to we want to have like social media we want to let people know like we want to kind of plug into to see what other people are doing and let them know what we're doing but bring Jesus with you really start sharing it start start making him known if you're bold about who he's created you to be you won't be able to hold him back and we need to be a people that is that are so in love with Jesus that I don't want to hold him back from people anymore when you hold him back you separate people from the right to be born again when you hold him back from people see everybody that you walk by is eternal they're either headed to heaven or hell you might think there's an in-between went bowed and you read the Bible there's not so one day the destination of everyone that you see is going to land in one of two places they're either gonna spend eternity with God or they're gonna spend eternity separated from God everybody people sometimes they hear that and they're like well I don't really like the pressure it feels like pressure how much pressure is it gonna be when you see thousands of people that you walk by in the wrong line when you stand before Jesus how much pressure is it gonna be well that's not gonna be for a long time no it's it's going to be for eternity see right now people have the chance to know him and you're the Gateway you're not a you don't have to be a gateway and the fact that you got to preach at people and look these people that we're sharing these testimonies this is like real life this is just active Christianity passive Christianity is illegal in the kingdom there is no way that you're supposed to stand on the sidelines and cheer people on there is no sideline the safest place to be is the front line the fear that comes from the enemy towards the body of Christ is so profuse and so overwhelming that we we we get flustered and frustrated and wonder how I'm supposed to share with that person and like how do I start off a conversation and my my my answer to people is hey how are you that was seriously difficult how you doing today the people will tell you how they're doing well you know no I don't what how you doing well you know I'm going through it wow what happened all of a sudden they'll give you their history they'll give you their day that and their day could be horrible and all of a sudden they have this bad day because of a bad moment and once you can narrow it down to a bad moment you can actually talk to them about Jesus and talk to them about how amazing he really is unless you're having a bad day and most people have bad days because they're not sharing him in their day [Applause] like he really wants the Christ in you is the mystery but Christ coming out of you as that mystery being revealed Christ in you is the hope of glory but Christ coming out of you is that hope being made manifest and we are to be ambassadors of hope in a lost and dying world we have the answer to everything we're not know at all but we know him and he knows everything sometimes we're afraid of what to say and how to say it how would you talk to your friend how would you talk to somebody that you know yeah but I feel weird because I don't know them yes but God does and if you know God then he wants you to know what he knows about the person that you don't know okay all right I know it sounds silly but it's really amazing like the gospel is really not complicated love God with everything you are and love your neighbor as yourself you can't love your neighbor unless you love yourself and you can't love yourself unless you know what God thinks about you if you don't know what God thinks about you you will listen to what the devil says about you the thief comes to steal kill and destroy comes to twist you and completely obliterate your identity he comes to take away what's rightfully yours and God is yours he comes to take away God he wants to he can't come up into heaven and dethrone God but he wants to dethrone Jesus forever sitting in your soul he wants you to invite Jesus into your heart but keep him back from your mind he wants to keep on whispering to you because jesus said my sheep will hear and obey my voice the devil wants to shut off you from ever hearing God's voice and the first voice that we need to hear is you are his son or you are his daughter in movies well please if you hear that right there it changes everything if you hear that you're his beloved if you hear that you are his beloved son you are his beloved daughter and whom he's well pleased it won't matter what the enemy says because that stays factum that never changes see God made up his mind when he crucified Jesus and Jesus was crucified before the foundation of the world oh my gosh God knew you before you ever were born he knew you he thought about you had plans for you he has every hair numbered even if you have dreads he has he knows he has more thoughts for you that outnumber the grains of sand in the whole world and every thought is for your welfare what if you what if you thought about ten thoughts that God thought about you instead of instead of fifty that the devil saying about you what if you just got what if you got ten thoughts what if just ten only ten thoughts you got ahold of but that's where you meditate it every day you'd be overwhelmed with love you'd be completely overwhelmed with God's love for you there'd be no place for condemnation no place for guilt and no place for shame to rest you if we see what Jesus really did see the devil never wants you to come to the reality of what the finished work really looks like because if you come to what the finished work looks like and you realize when Jesus said it is finished he didn't say to be continued when you see that it's been finished the veil was tour when Jesus said it was finished the veil that separated people from God's presence was torn down the center from top to bottom so there'd be no mistake about Sorek when Jesus tore that veil he said it is finished on that tree your way to try to get to God through your own works was over and God's God's Way was Jesus and when Jesus came he's the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father except by him so Jesus came and suffered in our place so that we could be set free set free is is not just free a little set free is free indeed free indeed is a lot different than free a little God didn't give you a spirit of bondage again to fear God gave you a spirit of love and power in a sound mind God's perfect love casts out all fear and when you see how perfectly your love you can't be afraid anymore when the devil tries to whisper you just remember the reality of God's love and it cast it out there's no way to fear to rest when faith is intact but your faith has to be in the just of the justification and what Jesus did for you the finished work the cross he wiped out the transgressions against you he wiped out the handwriting against you Jesus did what you could never do you could never ever clear yourself you could never ever vindicate yourself that's why God has vindicated you that's why God has cleared you of every offense man if that thing hits your soul it wrecks the devil's camp the enemy is a liar he whispers don't pay attention just worship Jesus yeah but he keeps talking I know he's a liar why listen yeah I know that's what God says but the devil says we know that he's whispering we know that he's lying thoughts that are coming to you that are not edification encouragement and building you up and grilling you closer to God are never God the devil he's trying to beat you down so that you can think that you're nothing when really God says you're everything the price that Jesus paid is way more than what you think God is love and love came down in the life of Jesus God put on flesh became a man was tempted in all points yet without sin and he who knew no sin became sin so that you might become something and if you see what you've become you'll never try to do to be you'll be and you're doing will come out of your being and it won't be work it won't be effort it will be grace inspired the reality of truth and grace and powers truth to happen and Jesus isn't some way he's the way he's not some truth he's Dutch truth he's not some life he's done life this isn't Burger King this doesn't have it your way it's have it God's Way and God has paid a price for you to be free from you and free from hellish thinking demonic thinking is inspired by the demonic he's a liar and the father of lies why do we listen to him because we don't know her father but when you see what God did for you oh my gosh Ephesians 4 oh I'm like this is my favorite subject why I don't know Jesus is always my favorite stuff he never he's always always good like this book never changes it never no matter how many times you read it it doesn't change God God will inspire you and teach you and and he will work for the Holy Ghost to inspire you through the word but the word never changes it remains the same there's no way God's not gonna change his mind about you like he made up his mind God thought that you were worth it the blood of Jesus is the price that he paid and the price that God paid always determines the value of you if the value of something is determined by the price that was paid and the blood of Jesus was shed for you and God's thought that highly of each individual that God shed his own son's blood and the value system of heaven is the price that was paid how much more valuable are you than you think well I'm worthless I've only done this now see sometimes we think that we reap what we've sowed in our life but the truth is that when you come to Christ and you see the finished work you reput God so do I know that sounds weird for people but it's true God so too son Jesus said unless the seed dies goes into the ground and remains alone but if that seed dies and goes into the ground it and you're supposed to you're supposed to be the fruit of what he sowed it's liberating it's free I couldn't I couldn't go on if I didn't believe this truth alright sorry kind of not really a little all right Oh Ephesians 4 I want to talk about evangelism and the deception of believers that think that it's just up to the Evangelist to share his faith like if you saw the early church it wasn't evangelist that were sharing their faith it was everybody that was born again like it didn't matter they got born again they're gonna share about the new king because they got possessed with the truth and the reality of Jesus I mean when they got baptized in there at the beginning disciples when they got baptized it was more than just getting wet it's more now than getting wet it's being crucified with Christ but the Romans would come and they would write down the person that was getting baptized because they swore allegiance to a king so what they did was they took away everything they had their property their land their everything it was such a sacrifice you get baptized in some of these countries that are out there like China different countries man you're marked for life some of them you you you die when you come out of the water but they're like it doesn't matter I got to do this it's like totally sold out this gospel is a sold out gospel this isn't incorporate Jesus time guys this is surrender completely go full-on with this thing and further his kingdom and not yours and go and press into this thing and raise up warriors that will not bow to the gods of bail all right in Ephesians 4 it says in verse 7 it says but to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ's gift therefore he says when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men now this he had he ascended what does it also mean but that he first descended into the lower parts of the earth he who descended is the one is also the one who ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill all things and he himself gave some to be apostles some prophets some evangelists some pastors some teachers for the equipping of the sinners for the works of ministry that's not what it says that's not what it says this right here will revolutionize your thinking about your identity of who you are because if you see what it means look sometimes we're taught that st. mark st. Jude st. John st. whoever they're floating above and we're taught the Bible and we read certain Bibles and it says st. Matthew st. mark sake Luke st. John I get it that's not what it says here and if you look even in Corinthians he talks about to the Saints who are in Corinth and they were messed up messed up like immorality and all kinds of bad stuff was happening but he still called them Saints because your identity as a saint changes everything so as an evangelist my job is to equip the Saints for the works of ministry for the work of ministry what does that mean that means that every Christian when they get born again the reality of their life comes from being a sinner that got saved by grace so we're in sin we were transgressors we were lawless and we were completely twisted you didn't know it like I was talking to somebody today I forget where I was somewhere I talk to people every day about Jesus but when you get saved like what I used to watch TV all the time I was like I was addicted to all kinds of everything actually but TV was one of those things and it would pacify myself by watching comedy shows by watching all these different things and so when I got born again and I really surrett my life I watched a show that I used to watch I remember just an example hi I came home from Teen Challenge I was really lost and then I got really found like but that's all of you like there's a time in your life where you're completely lost you can grow up in church but still be lost it's your surrender to Jesus being born again and actively giving yourself to God where you get found it's when you surrender that's your found like you can grow up in church and really be lost you do you know they're devils in church do you know that like they're not allowed in church oh yes they are they're allowed any place you're not surrendered Devils come anywhere you're not surrendered people are like well no I I gave myself to God well you can say you did but did you is your life surrender to God are you taking his word and making his word above everything in your life because God's magnified his word above his name people get upset but I don't really like this well I love you but I'm not gonna water down the message to make you happy the word God's magnified his word above his name and since we don't take his word and put it where God put it and we allow CNN to be above his word we have problems we allow the newspaper in the morning to be above his word when we should really be fellowship with Jesus for reading a newspaper to see how messed up things are and then we're wondering where God is God is not in your newspaper all right if I took the truth of what God said about me and I would put it in my heart and I would meditate on this instead of on stupid stuff that doesn't do anything but entertain nothing then all of a sudden my mind would be renewed and I would start to think like God thinks and I would have my mind set on things above and not beneath and if I set my mind on what God thinks about I will start to think like my father thinks and when you think like your father thinks there's no way for the devil to tell you a lie because you know the one that tells you truth there's no way away from this it doesn't matter who we are the weapons that we have aren't carnal but are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds or to take every thought captive to the obedience of the mind of Christ to the knowledge of him the devil wants to whisper and exalt himself against the knowledge of God it's constant it's a bombardment it never changes and if I don't learn to utilize the weapons and to have grace and power truth to happen and get alone with Jesus to say god this is who you say I am the devil says this but I see here that none of that's true God did not pay a price for your pastor to be Jesus God did not pay a price for for a pastor to have an elevated spot above Jesus God paid a price that you could have a personal relationship with Jesus not just say that you have one or not had one 12 years ago when you first got saved but you did nothing to entertain identity and you did everything to entertain the world and you become a lover of the world instead of a lover of God God did not pay a price for that he paid a price for you to highly impact the world you are to have the Dunamis power of heaven in and upon your life and everywhere you go the reality of the Holy Ghost is in you upon you and around you you are to change the atmosphere because of the Christ that's in you is the hope of glory you were to have words of encouragement edification you are actually supposed to hear the father about people their lives that are in turmoil you are to have the answer but how can we have the answer if we don't even know what he thinks about us that's not mean that's preaching that's preaching the gospel people like Bob feel that makes me feel bad no it's called conviction obey your conviction and stop living a lot stop living a lie if a lie is I feel like today I feel like God loves me today and then Sue Barra I don't really feel it it's not about your feelings it's about faith the just shall live by faith the world lives by feelings how dare we incorporate feelings into the gospel it's so powerful the blood of Jesus that saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I'm found was blind but now I see I was lost now I'm found I was blind now I see I never could hear but now God gave me ears to hear I want to read the Bible so I can find out and have the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him so that when a lie comes across my screen when something comes when a neighbor says this and they have an opinion about who God is but it's not biblical I don't take that as truth and call it the gospel people have lots of wondering about God and God did this and God did that and honestly in a lot of people's eyes and a lot of people's thoughts God's a thief they walk on eggshells because God might take from me again he took my grandma he took my sister he took this he took that God didn't steal anybody from you the thief comes to steal kill and destroy you've pinned blame on the wrong dog we pray for somebody we lose him God didn't hear our prayers it wasn't God's will tell me that Jesus would have prayed for them and they look the problem is as we've allowed unanswered prayers to determine God's will instead of the life of Jesus who was the will of God Jesus is the answer I prayed for people lost him it's horrible I don't like it it's horrible man I close people people close to me I prayed for them and they haven't made it am I gonna allow that to determine God's will I can't Jesus was the visible image of the invisible God he was the Express image of the Father Jesus didn't come to do his own will he came to do the will of him who sent him so the will of God is determined in the life of Jesus so if I pray for somebody and they don't make it I have to sit there and say if Jesus prayed for them would they have yes so the answer isn't on God's end it's me growing in faith that's a hard word to hear for a lot of people like what are you trying to say I didn't have faith I'm not saying that you didn't want people healed I've been there man I'm there every day I am there every day praying and see want to see breakthrough I'm not seeing everything I need to but I'm seeing more than I ever have seen and I'm gonna see more than I'm seeing right now because I'm gonna go after this thing with everything I am I'm gonna realize and pray from the place of being a saint being right in the eyes of God the word saint means holy and set apart for God the word Saint means holy and set apart for God are you holy and set apart by God that's what God says about you oh I don't believe that I'm still sinner you know what there was a time in your life when you got born again and that thing that you wanted to sin was cut off because you didn't want you anymore when I came out of Teen Challenge the last thing I wanted to do was sin and get away with it I did him a whole life a life a whole life I hurt people my whole life but I came out of Teen Challenge I was like dude I can't believe that I was doing that I think back and I'm like oh my gosh I did that stuff but that's not me that's the old man he's dead how do you keep him dead you find out who you are live in Christ let's send no longer have dominion over you come on this is a hard word right it's not a hard word it's the Bible it's the word am i perfect now but I keep my conscience clean I keep my hands clean I keep my heart pure and I want to do well but I want to know God more today I got up in the morning early god I need to know you help me god help me it's not the pressures of life it's the pleasure of knowing you it's not the pressures of life that make me go into my bedroom and seek God it's the pleasure of knowing him more than I did yesterday people are dying people are dying the church is Diane Christians that should know God know about God but need to know him I have a longing in my heart to know him more I'm not under pressure this building isn't pressure this school is impression it's not ministry isn't pressure from me I've lived in rest because I believe what God says about me I haven't lived in stress I haven't lived in works I know I can't do it without I know that I came to pump gas without him how dependent are you willing to be you can't be dependent unless you would ask God to reveal this truth to you if God calls you a saint the works of ministry come out of your identity it says that the Evangelist is for the equipping of the saints for the works of ministry the equipping of the Saints for the works of ministry a believer that gets born again has become a saint in the eyes of the Father the reality of us not seeing that is a problem God sees it we don't but the more you press into the reality of what has the blood done for me listen to this are you guys alright it's pretty intense but it's good for me it's great oh I'm telling you I have woke up I've woke up in love with Jesus for 14 years man like for me like this isn't uh it's not a struggle ah I love him and every day God I need to know your love more help me help me help me know you God I need to know you today I need to know you more than I did yesterday God it's another day you said your Mercy's new today every day your Mercy's new God mercy woke me up today he gave me one more day to manifest him and not me grace empowers me to walk that out grace isn't a license to sin grace is the ability to walk like Jesus says you can the last thing I want to do is send and get away with that why would I want to sin and get away with that now that he set me free from it he has sent me free from the ability to ever want to miss it again the last thing I want to do is miss it and if I do I immediately come to God father that's not how you created me to be I thank you Jesus thank you that this is what you say about me don't let the devil ride me sit there and whisper to me and lie to me and pin me in a corner make me condemned he's condemned tries to make YouTube rest that's cuz he's depressed he tries to make you bitter cuts cuz he's bitter tries to make you hopeless cuz he has no hope he's cut off there's no chance for him he's a withering branch dying cut off from the tree listen to this this is Colossians 2 this is out of passion translation this is so good I'm like oh my gosh camping in here they were like well no the King James is the only one where you just think what you wanted I rebuke so many times I was in the airport coming to security guy goes kind of bow but you got I've got the word man he goes which one I go God's Word he goes well which one is it cuz there's only one real one I said well I probably don't have the room and then he goes which one is it I got man I said I said I got a bunch of them which one thank oh my gosh the Hebrew I told him I said I had the inspired word man he was let's good it's King James right oh my god you have the King James I have it he is well that's the one that's the only one matter of fact I can tell you something about the other versions I said well you're going to anyway so and he just started going off and I'm in security I'm gonna get pulled over in security anyway because they aren't peculiar so this guy causing a ruckus in security as it gonna help things so when I go through and they say do you have anything sharp I'm like yes I do cuz the word of god is sharp alive sharp and active I tell them that too some are okay most of them are not oh yeah I do I tell him the Word of God live sharp and active you have no idea but to me that's not an inconvenience I'm gonna preach the gospel man I'm not kidding in in that time when that man was tell me about the King James I was like I was telling him I said I have a lot of versions I showed in my iPad he goes well the only one that's real is this and I said you ever study the Hebrew the Greek nope King James I said to him I said man I said I told him my Testament he goes well you ought to read the King James Eversole couldn't talk about it I'm not making fun of it cuz I read it I actually have my Strong's Concordance is the King James where you touch the word and it defines and tells you what the Hebrew is in the Old Testament the Greek is in the new and all the references and everything so I showed him that he goes well just make sure you don't lead people astray like no sir I do I came through and security started to give me flak and I was like getting pulled over by I've called get polar by security in a TSA I'm sharing the gospel with them oh yeah and now he's like fine - fine tooth like going through everything open my Bible make sure I don't have anything in the middle because I look like I could have drugs or something I tell people I'm addicted to the Holy Spirit but people are like where you're making like more problems for yourself that's because you think people are an inconvenience for you that's because you're in a hurry to get nowhere when people's souls are at stake so see when they keep me I'm just gonna give the Jesus buddy as much as they can handle I'm serious my wife and I will come through security one day we were going to I forget where awakening Europe I think and they were like you have a guitar because you have to play it if you come through my line I go you serious he says yes sir he goes and the lady behind him she goes he's serious I go it's seven o'clock in the morning it's it's packed with people I said are you sure so yep I said all right here's the agreement if I start playing a song you can't stop me tow him done right so he says he goes alright you got a deal I said you promise use yep you're gonna really do it I said oh I'm gonna do it so we get through and I'm like whoa Jesus just bringing it up with you Jesus Jesus just went through and sang some a little bit of blues and Jesus and there were kinda just looking at me like he is serious it was cool cuz everybody security locked up there like this stopped the conveyor everything they did and all of a sudden like people without without cuz music you know cuz music bypassed your brain goes straight to your heart so they were like and then they caught themselves it's great we got on the plane and the girl comes back and she goes here and she wasn't in security she comes back she's like you're in my exit row and I go yeah she goes you'll have to sing a song to your mics row I'll go over you and security she goes no she goes but chaps sing a song I said are you serious won it same day I'm like alright we'll say you so she goes it what do you say she goes how about you sing this I said no how about I sing acapella like just a song that she was okay I went Amazing Grace how sweet the sound I'm singing right people like they were it was awesome the whole plane was singing she goes wow you're really saying but yeah you want another one we're good as look you need to be free it's not about the show it's about Jesus but everything I'm gonna lure five Jesus like why would B be afraid Jesus Jesus is amazing he's actually a big boy and he really backs himself up do you know that heaven has given you everything according to life and godliness these are just some simple truths about the word and the truth of what he says you know we don't do Street evangelism I said it last week but since there's so many how many of yous first time it's amazing what's going on it's the same as last week it's amazing where all the other ones go see you probably won't be back next Friday be like once and done buddy we love you but praise the Lord serious guy got a bun on his head and he wants me to share my faith I ain't ready for that it's not about street evangelism it's about bringing Jesus everywhere you go like if I'm gonna go shopping look as easy as this I'm going to Kroger so I'll get my groceries and I got someone in front of me they got like four items right like hey we do me a favor can I get that for you but why just cuz I believe the Lord really just put it on my heart to do it is it okay well it's only it's okay would you mind if I bless you with that well I mean if you really want why are you doing this because like people are like what's the string see someone else paid the price there is no string it's not by the way I'm an apostle here's my card it's not that that always scares me if someone goes I'm apostle so-and-so I go praise God thanks man give them a hug and it's part of the gifting in the body of Christ it just sometimes it's weird a little like if I were to I'm evangelist Todd boy I bought your groceries today because I'm revenged that's what a Vangelis do that's weird to me how about I just won't tell you that God loves you so much he really has a plan for you well what do you think it is you'd be surprised that God would tell you you know I feel like you're gonna be a pilot what would happen you know what you would do you would be like oh my god serious if you never step out we've seen people like they go and pray for somebody they're like yeah hey um do you have a back do you have back pain yeah I do Wow do you mind if I pray for you well okay I guess you pray for him oh my god it feels better are you serious cuz like where's what is that safe I guess cuz God II touched him you'd be surprised at what it does I've seen hundreds of people like I never stepped out before and today I was I was out there at the mall and I I thought that person had shoulder pain and I thought now that's just me I'm not gonna say anything then all of a sudden they went like this and I went oh my gosh hey you got a problem with your shoulder yeah I do mind if I pray for you get the blank away from me right no joke never pray for anybody for come on up I heard it my heart let me pray whatever and he'll walk away in the name of Jesus be healed like not even touching them hey what the blank did you just do I'm not kidding they're like your blanket your blanket blanket you're breaking me out they're cussing and swearing and it's nuts like what did you just do to my shoulder I just prayed man hey easy serious is it better but I just love it so God is so bigger than you think he's like he really wants to show up if we just let him come on what if you prayed for somebody they had a serious migraine headache and you saw him holding their head and you prayed for him their headache got healed what would you think they'll be like oh my gosh what did you do you know I pray for you Jesus healed you I don't believe in Jesus that's blankety blankety blank I'm serious it was Jesus whatever get away from me and you walk away at their headaches healed they didn't even say thank you and they got healed anyway because God's goodness will lead them to repentance it's happy Christian he's supposed to be fun we're supposed to move from glory to glory not bummer to bummer serious what have you just stepped out what have you just told somebody God loved him really here's outreach go to Starbucks go to coffee bring Jesus with you hey I just want to say Jesus loves you so much hey all right thank you and put a tip in there tell him Jesus loves him and put a tip in there actually give money to like go to dinner and get something and tip them you'd be surprised like get up go to in and out and bless them man just tip them do something tell them how much Jesus loves them we've been in restaurants and praying for the whole staff and back behind the counter everything just laying hands on people it's been crazy could I tell you boy I'm gonna be late I'll just tell you a couple testimony it's okay hey it's our building I was in Brazil and I was at a for-real I got Brazilians in here jaha's Korea [Applause] you ever eat in there show host Korea you guys know Texas de Brazil to read there you like have to sit sideways for a day after you ate there your face is swollen from all the salt on the meat well we're in the Sahara in Brazil I just got done a fire conference with Daniel kolenda and it was so powerful there were people everywhere just laid out with Jesus and it was good so we're like hungry so we go to get some meat meats from the Lord so our vegetables but meat is too so they have this thing in shahe scary is called picanha it looks like this wait for the picanha then you go anyway so we're eating and stuff and the manager comes over and I go hey man I just wanna let you know that if any of your people are hurting or sick I would love to pray for them because Jesus will heal him he goes oh oh ask so he goes and asks a bunch of staff no one will come near the table right so the manager comes back he goes everybody everybody is getting ready to leave and everybody says they're okay I go okay how about you can't pray for you he goes if you would like this is no joke so I said to him I said all right man is it okay if I stand up put my hand on your belly he was yeah so put me here on his back in his belly he goes like this his hands kill like that people were like I step it out mm-hmm I'm not kidding he his hands went like this his eyes rolled up in his head he started foaming at the mouth and going right in the restaurant you can't leave him like that you think it's funny now but if you were there it makes your hair stand up cuz it's a full-on devil people were like wow I've never seen one start praying for people do you know that members at this building their first qualification is they cast out Devils just kidding that's a church qualification actually the Bible says these signs will follow them that believe in my name they will cast out devils it's the first sign of a believer what if your church membership was that buddy hey we're so glad you're here by the way membership classes are tomorrow you show up and all the sudden they got Devils in the front cut out Jesus if you're in here science [Applause] have we changed that much some of you are freaked out right now we've had lots of Devils in here go bye-byes shut the doors I'm just kidding just few more like look I've got students that are here how many of you had demonic stuff that left your life so far he we're like you know it's happy yeah I'm glad it's gone like it's not cool to hang on to a devil I'm not kidding just by me saying this it stirs people up how many of you right now when I'm talking about this feel sick in your stomach alrighty then it's ok so we're sitting there this guy his hands go like this he starts foaming at the mouth that starts freaking out screaming now the employees are all coming out this is the manager they're all round in a big circle it's just me and another two guys that are from the conference this guy falls down Heaney plants right on my five finger toad in the middle of my foot and fells like he broke my toes like he's on the ground I mean his tongue is out of his mouth his eyes are up in his head he's foaming it looks like he ate seiner I mean it's really really intense and so I'm praying for him and this thing is just holding him and then after about three minutes it completely left him and he just looked at me and I said welcome home and he looked at me and said that he'd been having an affair and cheating on his wife for the last two years and that thing has to go and so he got born again and got baptized in the spirit and started praying in tongues this is like four minutes after it all manifested well this is a big deal a big deal so so here why don't we do this if you're feeling sick in your stomach right now and you feel like you just want to run out of here come forward [Applause] [Music] it's all good it's all good it's all good it's all good look at me it's good it's okay all right okay it's gonna be good you're gonna be good how many other people are feeling sick in their stomach and they actually when I started talking about this they they started feeling really bad I need you up here you meant I need keys is there someone to play keys William Jonathan somebody don't play keys hey don't be afraid okay we'll go get free [Music] you're gonna get free all right love you you
Channel: Todd White
Views: 62,784
Rating: 4.8905611 out of 5
Id: 7CJ8RMB_ou0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 27sec (2787 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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