Todd White - Burnout is Not Necessary

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you know we're all in in process all of us i just don't process on the wrong side of the cross if i process on that before it's finished i'm in trouble but if i process the from that's finished then god can work with that because you have to get over what he are got over so that you can step into who he's called you to be amen and that only comes from righteousness and that's super super powerful waking up free going to bed free that's powerful waking up in the middle of the night and not thinking about trouble from the day that's powerful because if you think about trouble from the day today then you're going to be thinking about what about tomorrow and then we're caught up in that whole thing that we're not supposed to be and then your lamp gets dim your eye and you start to not see single vision because the eye is the lamp of the body and of your whole if your body's full of light then that's the most amazing place to be but it's full of darkness it says how great is that darkness your perspective is everything so we need to see you know when it says when we're when we're talking about just one look with just one look with just one look there's a reason why it's so powerful and it's not just because maverick city did it it's because that fixes everything john the baptist said behold the lamb behold look at the lamb the bible says in hebrews looking unto jesus the author and finisher of our faith like looking unto him looking and seeing the reality of what he did for us that is where everything changes where you become captivated where your gaze hooks into his and you can never look away and that's where we are that's where no backsliding happens oh my backsliding is unnecessary burnout is unnecessary it's unnecessary the only reason you backslide is because you haven't ever slid home all right the only reason that someone would backslide is because they've never slid home home is knowing who you're created to be who he's created you to be but knowing your creator knowing god it's all about the father they wanted to kill jesus because he said about the father he was good till he said the father and i are one then it was game on they're like we're going to kill you because you you claim to be you know like god and that's a pretty crazy place to be but when you see what righteousness is and you've been reconciled just like jason said the ministry of reconciliation you become an ambassador of reconciling people back to the father and that's where persecution is i'm serious man and it all flows from the place of being right with god because when you see that all hell breaks loose the enemy isn't really concerned about you saying you're a christian he is not totally consumed with people having churches he is very very concerned about you knowing that you're the temple if he can remove if he can remove jesus from here in you being your lord he's already started to win jesus being our savior is amazing jesus being our lord is where we step into after we know he's our savior i went home today after service and i played with my kids a little bit i did a couple of things and then i went right back to the to the room i i put asher to bed to take a nap and i went over and i just laid in the bed and i just jesus will worship you and just loved on him in about 30 minutes i i was there and then i went back in my closet and his smile met me there wow i guess i'll have to talk about vulnerability again remember in july who was here in july when i preached only three of you so in july in july i preached a message about i repent for not preaching the full gospel and like it was amazing like all kinds of different camps that i'm just going to be careful in choosing my words all kinds of different folks out there christians thought i said i repent for preaching a false gospel it was crazy i didn't say that i said the full which meaning which meant there's so much more to this gospel that i haven't even seen yet but we should all be pretty aware that there's a lot more than we think we know unless of course you think you know it all and that's not going to fly right and so i heard bill johnson say this once he said um always remain a novice never think that you've arrived i'm good with that what we can't afford to do what we can't afford to do is live as an infant without nourishment yes it's true that i'm captivated with just one look but if i don't find out what this book says about me then i can look at him all day long but he really really really wants me to know this you know what jason was talking about his face and which is so true like god revealing himself all through scripture it talks about jesus revealing the face of god the face of god was revealed when jesus got baptized in the river jordan and came up out of there the heavens were opened and boom jesus was the visible image of the invisible god and when you see jesus you see the father right like it's all through scripture it says in the beginning in the book of john in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god that means this that when i open this book or your ipad wherever the bible's on when i open it and i look into it i'm looking into god's face what's happening and what's happened is so many times we've tried to open it and not understood it understand it so we need someone else to help us understand it which is okay but if we see where scripture comes from and the truth of it everything shifts and everything changes you are meant to be filled with the wisdom of god you are meant to be filled with the knowledge of god's will you are required by scripture by god to know the will of the lord not just in some situations in every situation that you face how could he ask me to everything that i do and everything that i say do it say it as unto the lord if he didn't require me first to know his will are you with me the will of god is revealed in the life of jesus christ jesus never did anything apart from god's will never said anything apart from god's will if you want to know the perfect picture of what god's will was then you have to look at jesus because jesus was the visible image of the invisible god the express image of the father so when you see jesus you see the father a lot of times we have trouble with the whole word father because of how we grew up and how we were raised and my father wasn't there for me or my dad abandoned me and man i'm just i'm okay with god being god but i'm not okay with him being father that's not gospel jesus said if you don't believe me even though he was speaking what god was saying if you don't believe me do the things that i say at least believe me through the works that i do because the father that dwelleth in me does the works so he was saying the works that i do reveal the father god is requiring us to do the same works that jesus did but let's never forget that jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed by the devil so yes healing is part of the will of god because jesus did i always tell people if like because i talk to people everywhere i go about healing and about miracles because that's where people's questions are they're like well i mean because there's so much controversy just in the church alone just so much controversy about whether god heals whether he wants to whether it's his will to and how can you say that it's always god's will to heal you pray for people and they don't get healed i guess it wasn't god's will that's not what scripture says are you with me like if i see it in jesus's life i have to re i have a reason to go after it if i see jesus healing the sick people are like well you know sometimes people bring that stuff on themselves i get it but once jesus comes in you no longer reap what you sow you reap what he's sown it's different but if you don't get in the truth and find out what the truth says you'll think that what you feel is god you'll think that how you feel is god and when someone says something look i don't care what church they're from i don't care what stream they're from you better know what's in this book you can't afford to be unwise you need to know god's will and if you grow up in religion and religion teaches you that the miracles are not for today because the day that the disciples left the planet all the miracles stopped that's just so weird when i got saved like i i never read that part and i saw miracles happen like within dan's life and i was fascinated i'm like this is real like this is real guy's dying of leukemia he's on hospice he gets prayer he walks out the same way he walked in and then the medical report two weeks come back two weeks later comes back he's completely leukemia free so in a young believer's mind my mind as a young believer i went oh my god i'm praying for everybody what did the disciples say they said we cannot help but to speak about the things that we've both seen and heard jesus was a complete show and tell the father i'm gonna tell you about the father i'm gonna represent the father i'm gonna demonstrate what the father looks like and everywhere he went healing happened miracles happened everywhere he went he was supernatural why because jesus was doing the miracles yes he was but it was only through agency of god the holy spirit because jesus was full it fully abandoned utterly abandoned to god and jesus is linked with the father was holy spirit god the father god the son god the holy spirit the trinity and now when we get saved as children of god the same holy spirit that raised jesus from the dead comes here why because he wants to make you like jesus jesus never took glory unto himself he didn't he gave glory unto the father oh that's awesome we're never supposed to do things to receive glory for ourself we're supposed to do things to glorify the father let them see your good works so that they will glorify your father that's awesome all this is scripture but so many times we read books about the bible because we want to know because we like with me when i got saved i was like i couldn't read and then all of a sudden the bible became the first book that read me that book reads you like when you get in it that's why people don't like reading certain things because they know there are things in their life that need to change but the very things they don't want to read is the very things you need to eat because when you eat it it will come in and completely change your internal system and your complete mindset of your way of thinking to make you actually conform to his image instead of being conformed to the world's image he will transform you from the inside out there is no way for you there's no way for this to happen any other way you come to church all your life and still be just as far along as you were the day you got saved you can go to a building all your life you have to do some work people like no it's not works it's grace no yes it's by grace you got saved but when you stand before him you're going to be judged for your works if you were like i don't believe it that's because you didn't read the bible are you guys with me this is fascinating to me i'm like i'm so filled with joy yeah you're gonna have to listen to today's message because i can't do it i just i talked about how i tried to fix everything like you know this building is pretty big you know that we came here and didn't have anything and then we moved into this building and it was amazing and tom did a wonderful job at like holding things together and then tom went his way and then we stayed here and i was like okay i can do this oh my god i couldn't do this i proved that for 17 months ask my staff it's not like it's not like everything's in confusion but the problem is is that when i think that i can fix stuff that grace isn't on my life to fix it doesn't get fixed it gets confusing and so what i did was i caused confusion in a bunch of areas it wasn't there wasn't any blatant sin weird stuff it was just i would go hey how does this work to people that had it working and they were like why is he asking me thinking like i'm trying to investigate whether they're doing their job but i was just curious and i wanted to know everything was working well so see the best place for me to be was outside and not say how's this going the best place was for me to be was pray seek the lord give myself to the preaching of the word and go after this thing with everything in me and let them do their job where grace is on their life and so if i try to put that grace on my life it does not work i proved it i'm serious and so this last week has been the most painful week of my whole entire life even before christ i know crazy to where the reality of me needing help hit me not that i didn't know i needed help but like i'm like gonna do coaching and all kinds of different stuff to like make sure that i can be the proper leader that you guys deserve so i'm going through it and it's amazing and i'm gonna like i'm going after it with all my heart people are like oh man i don't know dude that's weird now i'm like wondering if you really are and i am who i say i am i love jesus with all my heart i do i just believe that my staff deserve better and why would i think that i could lead wow okay there are grace there's grace on people's lives and when you get around like bill johnson said if you want to kill if you want to kill giants hang around a giant killer here's why because like david killed goliath was a giant killer and raised up mighty men mighty men some of the greatest warriors that this world has ever seen why they were all disgruntled they were all broken they were all of contrite heart these men were disgraced to society and david's like come with me took him into a cave and they came out some of the greatest champions that this world has ever seen why because the grace that was on david's life what was on david's life a love for father he was a man that was after god's heart and so what happens is you've got all kinds of people around you um i i spoke this this morning just on the reality of being vulnerable admitting that you can't do everything and i was well aware of that but the fact is is that when i like i have no idea about like technology i don't want to know about technology but if i spent time with somebody that knows about technology i would know way more than me just not wanting to know about it because i would be with them and the grace that's on their life would hit mine there's just certain graces that i don't want but there's grace on people's life if i hang out with a worship leader like like rachel's amazing and and and she's just leading so well if i hung out with her in the place of worship that thing would get on my life why because the grace that's on someone else's life will get on yours if you give yourself to that are you with me yeah if you're on a highway and you drive by a big truck do you ever feel it suck you over like whoa what was that like you're driving like i drove like a jeep for a while you have a jeep with a soft top on everything moves your vehicle when you're cruising but a big truck whoa that's crazy you know if you tuck behind that truck there's there's there's a draft on that truck that keeps you right behind it you know on a race track with nascar and all that when those cars are going around if you notice when another car comes right up on it they stay in each other's draft and so we need to learn as a body i want to as the church to be able to glean from and to get grace that's on other people's lives that's how the body functions beautifully that's why it says don't say to the hand i don't need you don't say no no we need each other i mean we need jesus first and foremost and we have to live from the place of the it is finished we can't live on the other side of the cross to where we don't know that it's finished we have to live because the it is finished produces the righteousness of god and you start to see that you're right with the father that makes your perspective teachable if we don't hit the reality of being sons then we're orphans and we remain jealous of other people we remain jealous we remain full of envy we remain full of self-seeking but that self-seeking isn't gospel self-seeking that's selfishly seeking and that selfishness is the opposite of righteousness because when i see that i've been given all things according to life and godliness and i have all things in christ that when i see that i'm actually a joint heir in jesus christ i don't have to compete anymore i can actually celebrate you gosh you can celebrate other people for the person that god created than to be look john the john got the disciple john and you're looking through the gospel of john you read through peter really jacked stuff up but john was the disciple that knew he was the one that jesus loved and when you look at the end of john john celebrated peter why because peter wasn't a threat to john sonship helps you celebrate other people and you can see the grace on their life and celebrate what's on their life and not be afraid to celebrate it oh man does that make sense so i'm stepping into this season like we're growing like like the whole the school is empty you know it's going to be empty in in may that means that that school's available do you understand how big of a project that is so i'm sitting back thinking about this and i'm like wow that's huge it'd probably be good for me to not just do it without the proper planning but but the kid in me wants to say i'm not kidding i promise ask my wife look the angie just tapped her on the back yeah so here's the deal with me i shared this this morning reinhardt reinhardt marked my life one of the things he marked my life reinhardt funky for those of you that don't know amazing think mufasa from lion king i say that because the hyenas were like mufasa we'll say it again what a man of god what a father like i'm talking 80 million people have come to christ through that ministry that daniel kolenda is heading and and running crazy and it's just going to be amazing about i think it was i'm not positive it was probably eight years ago daniel kolenda and reinhardt shared this at the first school of evangelism that i went to be uh just a student at but he shared this he said that reinhardt called me on a sunday morning he said i just want to tell you what kind of person reinhardt is and he goes reinhardt called me sunday morning he lives in west palm beach i'm in orlando at the cfan place at the defense the offices he said he called me sunday morning and he goes he goes daniel i'm on my way to visit you right now and he daniel said reinhard it's sunday he goes i need you to listen god has spoken and i'm like what do you say you know it's just reinhardt preach the abc's the gospel and you literally want to get saved every time i'm not kidding like he would share and you're just like oh my god oh altar call amen i don't care how long you've been saved i'm so serious the the love of god that that man carried and the gospel that he preached but reinhardt said this he said he said god has spoken i want you to meet me so daniel met him at a restaurant and ryan is sitting at the table with his hands on the table and he goes the lord said we are to buy an office in orlando oh wait this is before they had the office i'm sorry in orlando sorry i'm backtracking they were just working they were working out of different places but it was all about africa reinhardt said we need to do this and daniel said reinhardt you said we're not supposed to invest in brick and mortar and reinhard said the lord has spoken he said well reinhardt we can't call any realtors because it's sunday remember he has spoken and daniel's like okay what shall we do he goes nothing here's what he said when the lord speaks i want him to see me jump and that hit me there was nothing they could do on a sunday morning but reinhard heard the lord got in his car and drove just to tell somebody this is what god has said and i want him to see when he speaks i jump and it hit me it marked me man and it made me even more zealous i came back from that school of evangelism i couldn't even talk for two weeks like i couldn't even the church was like what happened just a mess couldn't even function it something hit me but that piece right there hit me so hard so i want to be obedient so when god speaks to me i want to jump i want to i want to lunge i want to jump i need him to see that i am i'm in it that's how i live my life unfortunately that when it comes to things like this it's probably good to run that by other people meaning there's a school over there i want to fill it right now right now but there are systems there are strategies there is staffing there's planning and all that stuff needs to take place because you don't want to start something and not count the cost you want to make sure that you do it with wisdom yes it's faith faith says we're going to do it and we're going to do it how i don't know when i don't know but i want to do it now i do he knows that but i've got other people that are around me to make it happen like i don't know how to like hire a bunch of teachers like what am i going to ask them do you like teaching here's my here's my qualification pray in tongues [Music] if they can't i'm sorry we'd love to have you are you open to the baptism of the holy spirit i have to have spirit-filled teachers i can't not have that i know things that i need to have but if i just rush into something i'm going to mess it up so i'm learning that i have many people around me to help me make more educated decisions here's why because i'll get a vision from the lord and i'll announce it on the stage and my staff sits over there and goes i remember there was a girl you do you guys know deethra she was with us for a while i remember coming off the stage one night she goes i quit she was it was a common joke it was i quit joke really i quit why oh my god you scare me but what i'm doing is i'm i'm gaining wisdom from multitude of counselors because i need to know that this thing is going to be amazing i want to have the school filled spirit-filled teachers i want to have the whole school filled with students that are full of the holy ghost i want to i want to go after this thing with everything that i am but as far as when i don't know but yes we're going to do it so what i've done this last week i realized i've wanted to do a lot of different things and i'm the visionary see here's what i i can do this i i'm the guy that like here's the goal god just gave me a vision boom that's where we're going but what i haven't done is thought out strategically how we gonna get there i don't have to i have to have other people that can think strategically that are full of god full of holy spirit full of wisdom full of grace that they have that grace on their life to make sure that everything functions with excellence so that's where i'm at i'm just like this last week was this wake up of my heart realizing that there's a better way of doing things and it involves every other every people that can do this and they have the grace on their life does that make sense okay and in saying that as a church there are people here that have skill sets that you do not have there are people that are part of the congregation there are people there are members here that don't that that have skill sets that you don't have and you're never going to know what skill sets they have unless you actually meet them so what if we could be a church that actually knows different people that are in the church that we're actually family oh man how do we get there like if we're really going to have a church where community becomes family then we need to do something we need to like head towards that growth tracks how many of you have done them what you think pretty good so what we want to do is we want to do growth tracks so we can all be on the same page right but i really would like to do because we want to do we want to do like small groups i want to have fellowship outside of here like coming on a sunday is awesome but what if you actually had friends that actually became family to where they fight for you we need this man and i'm like i really need help in how to establish this we right now in in kids we had 213 kids there this morning in kids church there are not enough volunteers to help with all the kids that are coming and we need people to actually follow through when they say they're going to be here to actually be here because now we're running into people that have said they would and then they call in they say i can't so let your yes be yes and let your know be no anything else is of the evil one if it's no that's fine but if it's yes put your feet there and do it are you with me one for you natalie she's doing amazing job i need help i want to raise up champ i want the kids to be champions man i want them to take out the devil i want them to be a threat to hell man i want my school that we're going to form to be a threat to hell that the devil trembles because these kids say the name of jesus and it's not just some jesus that they don't know but i want them to be able to hear the holy ghost i want them to be filled with the same holy spirit that raised jesus from the dead that we're filled with i want them to learn what fellowship looks like before they get into a place where they're not in the kids in the youth so now they're a part of a congregation but they've grown up in fellowship they've grown up in this place where they prefer one another they've grown up in a place of the church is my family to where they they go to church but they're part of a family don't just go to a church and see how the worship is and see how things are over here and then go over here and see how it is over there now it's okay over there and man i want family i don't want just people to come to a building on a sunday i want family the enemy is threatened by family watch this the enemy is threatened by family that know their father when you have a bunch of people that get together that know who their father is and they actually know their identity from the place of sonship from the place of righteousness knowing that their sons and daughters of the one and only true god knowing that eternal life jesus defined eternal life in john 17 3 this is eternal life that they might know you so when we begin our journey in christianity we don't know god as a father we we hear our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name but it's different when you understand that the father actually dwells in you see when i say our father who art in heaven what happens is i look towards heaven because that's where the father is and not realize that god the holy ghost has come to set up camp in me he's in you like he's in you it's real okay let me just share a little i hope that made sense gosh we've been given the ministry of reconciliation jason shared that i want to just show you a scripture in colossians 1. in verse 19 it says this he was talking about jesus for him i'll just just go back jesus verse 15 is the image of the invisible god man right before that says we have redemption through the forgiveness of our sin jesus is the image of the invisible god the first born of all creation now wait a second adam was the one that was first here no this is different see when you get born see jesus was the firstborn among god's creation on this earth watch this when you get born again you become a new creation are you with me check this out for by him all things were created both in the heavens and on the earth visible and invisible with the thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities all things have been created through him and for him he jesus is before all things and in him all things hold together he is also the head of the body the church and he is the beginning the firstborn from the dead oh my gosh i love this so much oh no no no just keep going okay so because there's so much in here so that he himself will come to have first place in everything watch this for it was the father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in him in jesus and through him to reconcile all things to himself having made peace through the blood of his cross through him i say with the things on earth or things in heaven and although you were formerly alienated and hostile in mind engaged in evil deeds yet he has now reconciled you in his fleshly body through his death in order to present you before him holy and blameless beyond reproach do you have to do anything to be holy and blameless and beyond reproach why did jesus hang on the tree so that you when you get born again can be presented to the father holy and blameless and beyond reproach this this is such a hard thing but it really is simple through the lens of righteousness jesus who knew no sin became sin so that we might become something did you earn this or did he pay for this so how can you by works receive something that was given to you by grace but if you don't see what was given to you by grace you'll think that you have to earn it by works and your works have to be the byproduct of what you've received by grace i just want it to go off ding ding ding ding ding i get it this is the key to everything it is the it is finished something so powerful was in the it i said it a couple weeks ago i'm telling you it's profound it's the last words that he said why on the tree he who knew no sin became sin so that i might become the righteousness of god in christ jesus and when i see that i've become righteousness his not mine i didn't earn it through works because all of our works are as filthy rags to the father but what he did he did for me to become that it's called grace it's called the cross it's the finished work it's finished i can't add to it or i'm cursed he did it it was in his plan he planned that and when you see that god knew your sin your junk and all the stuff that you were into when you see that he saw it the whole time when he when you see that you'll realize how great his love is because he should have smote you because the wages of sin is death but he didn't he put it all on his son and jesus bore in his body on a tree my sin jesus was bruised for our iniquity he was crushed for our iniquity he was striped for our healing he was pierced for our transgressions the chastisement of our peace was upon his head through that crown like he paid it all why so that i could have peace so that i could have rest so that i could cease from my striving and enter in to his rest not my rest his rest i could enter in to his sabbath jesus is the sabbath gosh what if every day was sabbath to you and what if every day you could go through your life and not be stressed out about life but actually be in the place of his grace you could see it my gosh i love this i'll just say this again it was the father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in him how did the father dwell in jesus with all his fullness how please don't say you don't know this it's not a trick question how did god dwell in jesus okay easy easy answer god the father of the son god the holy spirit jesus was filled with god's fullness what is god's fullness holy spirit which holy spirit dwells in you a different one or the same the same holy spirit that raised jesus from the dead dwells in you are you with me this is like not hard it's the gospel he didn't pay a price to live outside of you the disciples were walking with jesus and he said i will not leave you as orphans the holy spirit that is with you will be in you the holy spirit's not just with you he's in you that takes orphan out and puts sonship in the fullness of god it says that we are the body of christ the church in ephesians 4 the fullness of him that fills all in all so what if every christian was a full house what if every christian was full of god well i've got news for you every christian that's born again is but what you don't know will kill you what you don't know will kill you in the kingdom in the world what you don't know won't hurt you in the kingdom we perish for lack of knowledge oh gosh look it was the father's good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in jesus and through him to reconcile all things to himself guess what ministry you've been given reconciling people back you got the same ministry that jesus had except you don't have to head to the cross you just have to carry yours oh man okay i'm so excited i'll be more excited than all of you it doesn't matter because i'm fascinated i'm just fascinated i'm fascinated like today i went in my prayer room and i'm like oh my gosh for real ephesians 3. listen to this this is the new american standard paul says in this is the pauline one of the pauline prayers got ephesians 1 colossians 1 philippians ephesians 3 for this reason i bow my knees to the father from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name it's all about the father that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory now look he says in ephesians 1 that he might grant you the spirit of wisdom and revelation why in the knowledge of him so it's all about being filled with his knowledge it's all about being filled with the knowledge of him so watch this that he would grant you according to the riches of his glory to be strengthened with power through his spirit in the inner man so that so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love might be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth to know the to know the love of god of christ which passes knowledge that you may be filled with the fullness of god do you hear what he just said every time i read this it gets brighter and brighter and brighter god wants to fill us with his fullness i mean how full is that how full how big is god so big is right and he wants to and watch this he wants to fill us with all that not the whole church like like with the corporately he wants to fill us all individually so that when we all get together corporately we explode oh gosh i love it so much now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we could ask or think according to the power not the power here the power that's inside of us christ in us the hope of glory the anointing of god in us holy ghost in us he wants he wants to give us more than you can pray for more than you could even imagine and i can imagine a lot it's not about stuff it's about what could we do to be a more effective weapon of righteousness on this earth how could i raise up a generation that walks together father and son daughter and mother older generation younger generation how can i bridge that gap to get the body of christ to step into her identity in the fullness of god filling each individual a house with no empty rooms and when we get together a town with no empty houses fully possessed with the fullness of god knowing who we're created to be how can i have that happen that's one of my goals and god wants to give me more than i can ask or think and i can think of that what could be greater than every christian on the planet knowing who they're created to be walking in the miraculous walking and healing walking in the prophetic walking in their identity walking without jealousy walking without strife walking without envy walking without self-seeking and selfish desires and selfish ambition how could i affect christianity in such a way to where every confessing christian would actually walk out what the bible says they are [Music] that's a goal god wants to give me more than that and i'm thinking what could be more than that only you know i'm talking about every christian on the planet because if every person on the planet that said they love jesus would actually live it the whole world will be saved in a day the whole world what if little kids got possessed with the fullness of the knowledge of him they would totally be convicting to the parents that might not believe it yet let a little kid get possessed by god go into a grocery store and see somebody get out of a wheelchair when your little kid prayed let that happen and see what happens to your life you're either going to try to shut them down or know that it's god and i'm pretty sure they get out of a wheelchair and they're paralyzed and they get out of a wheelchair and your little kid prayed you're not going to have trouble knowing that it was oh my god listen to this in the in the passion translation this makes me want to just scream it says i kneel humbly in all this is ephesians 3 in all before the father of our lord jesus christ the messiah the perfect father of every father and child in heaven and on the earth and i pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power then by constantly using your faith the life of christ will be released deep inside of you and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life then you will be empowered to discover what every holy one experiences the great magnitude of the astonishing love of christ in all its dimensions how deeply intimate and far-reaching is his love how enduring and inclusive it is endless love beyond measurement that transcends our understanding the extravagant love this extravagant love pours into you until you are filled to overflow with the fullness of god never doubt god's mighty power to work in you and accomplish all of this he will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request your most unbelievable dream exceed your wildest imagination he will outdo them all for his miraculous power constantly energizes you i'm going with this i'm going with this bible and what it says about me so i sat back in my prayer room today and i'm just praying and i was praying um psalms 23 my cup overflows he prepares a table for me in the midst of my enemies when it's really scary and everybody hates me god's like this is a great place to sit and dine with me he does it he prepares a table for me in the midst of my enemies he just wants me to sit down at it when it's really scary god loves to announce you're here and the loudspeakers in the devil's camp my son's here my daughter just stepped into the room but he wants us to manifest him in every situation and know the love of god that's in christ jesus are you with me gosh i'm already in the negative times kicking the other way jesus talks to the woman at the well and says this he says give me a drink she says sir the well is deep you're a jew i'm a samaritan we don't drink from the same cup how would you get this like she goes we don't do this he goes if you knew who was asking you you would ask him for a drink and he would give you a drink of life giving water and you would never be thirsty again so in one aspect jesus is saying that when he's crucified because he said it again he gives all who are thirsty let him come to me he who comes to me will never be thirsty yet he tells us to hunger and thirst for righteousness and we shall be filled when he comes in you he creates a well that is deeper it's it's never ending but in order for you to have the right constant flow of him and the knowledge of him you have to do this by the place of right standing with god or otherwise you will not believe that you deserve this or you believe that you'll have to earn it you won't believe that it was given freely see when jesus did what he did it was to present you blameless when you got born again in the father's eyes you became blameless because we never step into what really happened there and we kind of just listen to what other people say about what happened there that's not going to do it i read this morning in first peter 2 when jesus when when peter is talking and he says desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby so many people have come to christ and not taken the proper nutrients to grow and there are wars and fights among us because of selfishness and because of things that we shouldn't be fighting about when you get saved you gotta pacifier in your mouth just like an infant when you're born again as a baby you are you are you're not even teething yet you get me you have a pacifier most people because they can't see it or feel it live pacified for their christian life 95 of christians don't share their faith never lead somebody to jesus that ought not be it's because we're feeding on the wrong stuff you can be going to church you can be writing reading the right books but if you never open this book and let god fill you with the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him you'll never know who you truly created to be the well that's in you is deep and jesus said those who come to him will never thirst again jesus said come to me all of you who are weary burdened down by life come to me and i will give you rest the initial rest that we get when we come to jesus cannot be sustained unless you join holy spirit and learn from him he says take upon you my yoke is easy my burden is light learn from me i am meek and lowly and you will find rest for your soul he gave us rest when we got saved but your soul coming into true rest is learning straight from the master this is how we live in a place of never being thirsty for what that lady wasn't getting living water that lady was getting physical water she was getting the bare the basic necessities of life jesus was saying that you will never ever grow thirsty for the basic necessities of life if you discover real life if you tap into this i promise you your everything will change you will look in the mirror and never see yesterday you'll never wake up guilty or ashamed or condemned again like in my life this finished work is so deep and so big for me that when i mess up when i mess up and i know it and holy spirit corrects me as soon as i see it repentance happens and that thing doesn't have a voice in my life i'm not kidding no matter what it is so like in this context of me kind of of me kind of diving in and looking into like different departments that are part of lifestyle trying to see what's going on it was wrong for me to do that because they're doing their job and it made them question whether i believed they could which causes like a weird mistrust thing but that was never in my heart but i caused it myself i did it so now that i see it i'm out but not just out i'm not guilty this is everything in life it's not just when you get saved and your sin gets lost away it's everything when you mess up and you confess to god he is faithful and just to cleanse you of all unrighteousness what does that mean now i'm going to learn how to bear fruit that's worthy of repentance so now i repent so now i'm going to bear fruit that shows that i did okay um can i just get worship if there's anybody here kenny you're here all right i've oh yeah hey thanks for like skipping the football game and stuff i mean i i don't mind it we showed it here last year we had it here last year but like um thanks for coming here people like hurry up man still going what time does it end what time does it start what time did it start 5 30. oh wow it's over who won who's winning the bucks are what's the score what is it 5 to 30 oh wow well look let's pray for the underdog i'm the worst person to be at a football game because i root for both teams they're all children of god and don't know it i told theo because he's a he's a tampa bay guy because he's from florida so he's like he told me the other day he goes bro you're like you're for the bucks right i go absolutely not dude so i thought he was talking about money like what's wrong with you no no the tampa bay no no i'm not i'm not for them last year when kansas city prayed there was like prophecy hanging on it i don't know if you remember but you talked about revival bob jones when kansas city hits the super bowl and they win so in my heart what's wrong with them keeping winning until we have revival right sorry i don't mean to go down that road no i i really do i root for both teams i don't have a team i'm on team jesus and he's for all of them i know you say that's great but sit in the game with people that really love a team and go wow awesome they're like oh yeah you're on my side then the other team scores and you're like yeah you're like what's wrong with you i know that's whacked right okay sorry yeah sorry i just messed everything up just go home love you no if here's my here's my question this morning i asked everybody if you feel like you've kind of have taken on a whole bunch of stuff that you know you probably shouldn't have and there are other people around you have that grace on their life i want to ask you so like with me i've tried to take on a whole bunch of stuff that i shouldn't have and and and what it did was it caused me to think about a whole bunch of different things that i never needed to think about so because i sincerely want to see things succeed that stuff's always like trying to figure it out but when god showed me i just went and i'm like and that can be me again like i just love it so if you feel like in your life you've kind of bit off more than you needed to and you're involved way more than you have to be in certain situations and lord will tell you in your heart if you feel like you've had that happen and you're in the midst of that right now and i i described it this morning as like a pressure cooker you get that little thing on the top that's rolling don't take the lid off buddy because if you take a lid [Music] but i feel like i feel like there are people here i felt it this morning too that they're like a pressure cooker and it's just there's this tension and because you've kind of stepped out of grace there's only grace on your life to do what god's called you to do but you're not created to do everything are you with me so if that's you i just want you to stand up we want to pray and if it's nobody that's okay i'm standing so [Music] it's not a bad thing and this isn't like you're going to let go of all your responsibilities that's not it there's just grace on people's life to handle certain things i'm not created to handle everything that's why god calls us to be the body there's only one head and it's jesus are you with me so if god's called amen so if god's called us you have a little prophet there if god's called you to something then he puts grace to get there but he also puts people around you to help and sometimes like i described my life as that song jesus take the wheel where like this is responsibility and i don't want anything going down not that not that we ever did but that thought of what if what if people aren't what if it's not what it i couldn't do that i just i took on more than i needed to so being vulnerable i said i'm i'm done i'm done i'm actually getting a coach that's coming just to help me danny silk is actually going to help me sherry silk's going to help me just different people because i want to create a culture of honor here i want to create that i want to be i want to be uh i want to be a son of encouragement i want to be that that's where my that's my lane man my lane is to be an encouragement to everybody else but sometimes we take on so much and we think that we're everybody's savior and we're not jesus is the savior amen amen who's here who's going to close jason
Channel: Todd White
Views: 23,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Lrt3be-SMY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 8sec (3848 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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