Todd White - Burning for You Lord

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[Music] i don't want anything from you [Music] i just have to know you jesus [Music] my insides are crying now my flesh is burning for you lord i just want to know a you more nothing compares nothing comes close [Music] i have to know you i have to know you jesus [Music] i have to know you [Music] my heart aches to know you [Music] oh god created us a hunger god stir a hunger inside make us more hungry jesus we don't want to miss it [Music] i don't want to go another day without knowing you more i don't want to go another day god moses said if you don't go with us god you have to go with us god you have to go with us we don't want an angel leading us your presence god we need to know you [Music] oh god we need to know you god if you don't show up [Music] all is a show [Music] we don't want to show we want you jesus [Music] we have to know you christianity was never supposed to be known by its doctrine was never supposed to be known by its theologians jesus didn't die to create theologians he didn't die to create debate he didn't die to just have buildings he died to bring us to the father so that we could meet the father [Music] jesus we have to know you i need your help god i'm undone [Music] holy spirit we give you dominion god we're asking you to burn in our hearts that god you would set our hearts ablaze in such a way that it would be the most amazing oil fire that this world has ever seen jesus we're asking you to come and invade every place in our life god we give you the throne of our hearts we give you permission to tear down every idol no matter what it is whether it's family your kids your work your job we give you permission to shred and to tear down every idol [Applause] we give you permission everything everything would you give him access would you dare to allow god to tear down every idol that you've built every idol even if that idol is theology because you can seek to know the word and explain the word so much that you forget the one that authored it [Music] you can seek to find the truth in everything and miss the spirit of truth who is everything you can write your pretty sermon and your amazing your amazing lecture and wow people and you compare the head the hair of faith faith thinner and thinner and thinner and thinner until it's not even there anymore jesus never wanted us to explain him away [Music] he wanted us to know him this is eternal life they might know experience [Music] the one and only one the one and only true god and jesus christ the one whom you have sent that's the lord's prayer we have to know you [Music] god tear down the graven image that we've made you in our image so that we can step into who you created us to be god you've opened up my prayer life in a way that i've never known it before and i've been praying my whole life in christ and i feel like i just met you you've just come into my closet when i decided to shut my mouth oh god help i don't want just to church i want a place that's known by your presence god i want a place where people are transformed where people move from glory to glory [Music] where we would raise up an uncompromised generation that has no bails that has no idols we want to raise up a people that needs no counseling because they've met the counselor [Applause] i want to see a place where the kids run free with jesus where the kids abound in the supernatural where the kings abound in heavenly habitation someone told me the other day todd if you really want to draw people you're going to have to shift your message i said i'd rather die i will never ever ever ever ever bow to a crowd god allows you to stand before people because you kneel before heaven god allows you to stand before people because you kneel before heaven god have your way help me i know that your eyes are like flames of fire i've read revelation i'm asking you to make that a revelation in everyone's heart and in everyone's vision that when we behold the lamb when we behold him we see him as he is right now not as he was hanging on a tree not as he was dead in the grave but as he is alive seated on the throne and let us approach him with boldness because he has taken care of our joke god give us a prayer life to where we just don't talk about intimacy anymore we just don't have it haphazardly come out of our mouth but we actually live in it god unity is what you desire [Music] if america doesn't come into unity in the church we're done if america doesn't come into unity within the church we're finished father we thank you that mindsets demonic mindset selfish ambition [Music] the wisdom of man would be annihilated the wisdom of god is peaceable and gentle and willing to yield full of good fruits without partiality and without hypocrisy the wisdom of god is peaceable and gentle what does gentle look like what does willing to yield look like it looks like jesus because all god's looking for are yielded vessels yielded yielding to him yielding to his presence yielding to his love yielding to his desires [Music] oh i'm so finished with normal if what you're looking for is just a place to come to get fed so you can get through your week this is not your place it's not if what you're looking for is a place where people can make you feel better about yourself this is not the place people would tell me that this isn't wisdom because you're trying to build a church no i'm not no i'm not i'm trying to love him out loud i want to raise up a people that will love him out loud full time that it won't matter who's in the room it won't matter who's in the room my faith doesn't depend on whether you love me or not my faith depends upon what he has done and it will never change it's settled my faith depends upon what he thinks about me not what you say about me my faith doesn't ride upon the opinions of people i am tired of seeing people when someone walks into a room they change they become a chameleon that's not what jesus paid for am tired that the people want to repeat what other people have said and and and always say what someone else has already said god did not make you an echo he made you a voice he made you a voice the pandemic everything that's going on right now is trying to silence the voice or have a voice that is not from god come up where are the ones that have a voice for righteousness where are the ones that will voice the reality of god's holiness where are the ones [Applause] that would stop bowing to baal that would stop bowing to society that would stop bending because they're afraid what does fear have to do with jesus i would rather die than compromise the message right now it's not a time for watered-down trash right now it's not a time to satisfy tickling ears no now it's not a time to tickle the ears now is the time to pierce the heart now's the time it's not a time to tickle it is a time to know that his eyes are a flame of fire that we will all stand before the throne all of us and be judged for the deeds done in the body it's not okay to live haphazardly to so-so with your christian wall it is not a time to halfway jesus here this is not a time to get your feet wet this will not be known as a building of wet feet this will be known as a place where the fire of god is present [Music] this place had a huge tragedy way back when it was known for adultery it was the black cloud of the area this was a huge mess [Music] it was known for adultery where the head pastor was in adultery the devil has made a mocking ground of moves of god you look at yale starting to raise up evangelists it's a big secular humanist place now has nothing to do with jesus look at harvard the same thing to raise up evangelists to spread the gospel has turned into a secular humanist moves of god that started amazing lakeland started amazing ended in adultery what are we thinking we can't afford to sell our birthright for a moment in the flesh [Music] esau and jacob esau sold his birthright for a moment in the flesh it's in hebrews talks about not despising the chastening of the lord don't despise the instruction of the lord and it said that esau saw repentance with tears and found none why because he sold his birthright it's not okay a moment in the flesh forfeiting eternity and all those people that see that move of god and say man this is god this is god this is god thousands and thousands and thousands of people and all of a sudden someone sleeps with somebody outside of covenant and it throws the whole move of god in the trash and satan uses it as a grandstand to mock the armies of god this place 3 100 members packed out thriving in 1996 eight months into this a few different affairs pastor was called in the building went from 3 100 to 400 overnight i don't bring that up to bash him i bring that up to tell you this that god told me to be here we didn't even have an office we were working out of our homes nobody had an office i looked at this building and they said that happened here i said that's it it's totally going to be redeemed for the lord this is more than you think this church thing that god put in my heart is more than you think well todd white wants a church no i want to see this building redeemed for the purposes of the lord i want to see the fire of god flow through these hallways i saw rivers flowing through the city i saw it rachel said it i saw it i saw it weeks ago i saw it i saw people raised up burning with the fire of god i saw a move of god so crazy miles of cars trying to get in and it ain't about this this building god wants to do it all over the earth but let us start here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] prayer and seeking the lord and going after him when no one's looking aside from work aside from stuff a stye from all that that's where it's at where is it's in your prayer room where it is it's in your closet where it is is wherever you're alone with jesus it's not just for church it's not just for sunday it's not just for saturday it's for every day every day if you're not willing if you're not willing personally to sacrifice some of your 24 hours of life each day for the sake of giving it to the one that created you the one that created you think with me [Music] with you tithed out of your 24 hours back to the lord [Music] what if you tithed your life 24 hours if i'm not correct that's 10 is 2.4 am i right what if you tithe 2.4 of your hours in his presence back to the lord think with me 24 hours in the day you got work you got stuff what if you dared to tithe your life back in your prayer room to the lord what kind of payback do you think that would be on god's part if god's people would humble themselves and pray and seek his face what do you think he'd do what do you think you do people say well i ain't got time but you got time for tv you got time for sport if your game was on you'd have time i promise you you say sports in texas people get so mad because it's an idol oh i ain't coming here dude he don't even like sports that is not what i said i said you have 24 hours in a day what if you thought about that and tied your time back to your father oh my gosh people are 2.4 hours like 15 minutes god didn't want you to just do devotions this morning he didn't want you to just read a little bit and be like all right wow i got through it okay i can start my day no that's not life that is not the abundant life how can we have the abundant life that he told us we'd have if we never give the life that we think we own back to the father we can't this nation is in the biggest quandary that it's ever been in there were 27 nations that made it as far as we have made it 27. 26 of them have crashed in one day one day they went down one day this isn't a fear tactic it's real i sat in a meeting last week with amazing men and women of god business leaders all all kinds of professionals that were amazing and showed me all these stats on america it was depressing to look at this [Music] let's not forget this nation we left and came here and founded this nation under god yes i can talk about this all day but it starts with you it doesn't start with a group it starts with each individual i'll share with my kids i tell them all the time you cannot ride on your dad's face you have to have your own you are not todd white's daughter todd white's son you are god's daughter god's son you have to listen this is such a big deal i don't know how to make it as important as it really is all i can do is cry out that's all i can do is cry out [Music] people have to step in people have to say i'm in not just born again born again is essential but it's to unlock your potential i've been praying for 16 years as diligently as i knew how and i and i feel like i just met jesus i'm not kidding i feel like i just got born again i preached a message a couple weeks ago and i said i repent for not preaching the full gospel and all these people these calvinists and and and people heard that and thought todd white repented now he's going to give up everything and go back no what they thought i said was that i repent for preaching a false gospel but that's not what i said i said a the full gospel why because i realize there's more to god's heart than what i knew if you're in a place where you think you know it all you're done if you're not willing to step into a place of repentance and say man i do it every day there's some noir news i repent every day of my life every day if a mindset is not right god corrects me i immediately yes lord i'm not playing with this thing this position on a stage i will be judged way more strictly when i stand before him people have this desire to be on the stage a desire to be on a platform if your desire to be with the lord isn't more than your desire to be here you will fall you will fall to the opinions of men to the praise of men the praise of people is the most crazy lure that is out there because you work hard to get to where you are and then people like it and then all of a sudden you're like yeah well it wasn't me that wasn't jesus but that's short-lived all of a sudden yeah well they like me bam it's over you're done you're finished because if you live by the praise of people you'll die by the criticism of people [Music] do you think that everybody should love you and cuddle you and want to swaddle you and pet you and stroke you and that's what makes you a man of god you are deceived there are people that will hate you and despise you and despitefully use you and you pray for them and you go after heaven with everything that you are guys i'm at this craziest place i've ever been in my whole life i don't even know what to say i'm i'm in love and i'm trying to express it and i don't know if it's even coming out right [Music] i've i i feel all mixed up because i've never had feelings i've never felt god and now it's all the time and i'm like i'm really messed up right now i'll never live by him but i'm becoming a i'm becoming possessed by it and it's his heart my heart is burning for people to know him it's burning for people to know because i know the answer to sin is you knowing him because when you know him you don't want to do it anymore you don't want to be in that place anymore when you know him the appreciation of people and the applause of people doesn't get your attention it makes your belly turn [Music] i feel like i'm losing it i'm not kidding i i feel like i'm going like something's wrong but it's right i've just found out how to yield more i want to be so possessed [Music] i want to be more undignified not in an unholy compromising way how can i use this life [Music] more how can he use me more than what he is how can i yield my voice more than what i have i can't unless he possesses me so it's a daily possession i've moved from two hours to four hours i don't know anyway any other way i don't want it microwaved put it in for a couple seconds you need to cook this doesn't work in a microwave there's no fast way i mean fasting is a fast way and i'm doing it i'm i'm eating vegetables and and not eating every other day there's nothing to look forward to with vegetables nothing i'm not kidding great to eat celery tomorrow but what i've done is i've stepped into eating him because living bread is still keto [Applause] i've stepped into eating jesus like i've never eaten before and taste and see that the lord is good has come to a brand new meaning in my life oh god's just sitting there looking at me like [Music] todd he loves me i've stepped into him loving me more than i ever have i i thought i knew this is way more intense it's like it's like he's looking out through me now instead of i don't know how to explain it my gosh i'm gonna really sound like a lunatic lord if you don't help me it's like i'm seeing through his eyes in a way i've never seen before and i really really love it and i'm trying to find out how it can be intensified i'm searching the scriptures lord how did moses do it what happened how god with jacob jacob went laid his head on a rock i was reading it today and and he fell asleep and when he fell asleep he saw angels ascending and descending right where he was and when he got up he said this i didn't know the lord was in this place i don't ever want to be in a place where i don't know that the lord is in this place because jesus made it from a place to mobile jesus talked to nathanael nathaniel and jesus's first meeting nathanael comes come and meet the messiah come he's from nazareth can anything good come from nazareth jesus meets nathanael and he says this behold an israelite in whom there's no guile jesus says i saw you underneath the fig tree praying nathanael's like you're the you're jesus you're the you're the son of god jesus is like i'll tell you you think this is amazing you're gonna see angels ascending and descending upon the sun there's no recording in scripture that he saw it but jesus said it so it was on when jesus was baptized in the river jordan i think i shared it last week i don't know everything's blending together it says that the heavens were rent and the word means torn apart ripped apart ripped doesn't mean god just went all right no god went and tore he tore the heavens apart and the holy spirit came down and hit and landed on jesus rested and remained jesus went out came back out of the wilderness after he was tempted holy ghost and power went about doing good healing all and he went about his life angels ascending and descending right now as i stand here angels are ascending and descending [Applause] a theologian would try to explain how that might not be happening have we really gotten that smart that we explain away what jesus said should happen have we really become that smart that we explain away why healing's not for today because we've studied for 17 hours on a subject that we can actually is the mind of men that perverse that we think that we can study away what god said he rents open are we really that smart that we can explain away through threo theo theology gosh i want to be really careful because i my war is not against people i know that but my war is against the brilliance of man when it's geared towards being smarter than our king of kings if jesus said it's on how can man say it's not what man needs is an encounter what theology needs because there's good theology dr michael brown was here a few weeks ago he is spirit-filled burning on fire one of the most amazing people ever he is filled with the spirit and he is a theologian he is amazing but that's not always the case other theologians call him to debate with him and he likes it i do not i'm done with debate dude i just want to lay hands on people and let the holy ghost settle it i'm done but he has a real gift for it i i honestly think that the power of god in the and the fire of heaven is so coming i i'm i can't even explain to you what's going through me right now i just need to talk about it a little before it hits so we can explain what's about to happen because i'm not kidding you when i'm telling you that something's coming that none of us none of us and i'm so like debate [Music] presence over debate presence over [Applause] the day is coming because the heavens are still rent open they're still torn open we all live underneath an open heaven the only closed heaven is between your ears i'm not kidding it's the mind of man that has a closed heaven the mind of man can't close those heavens but you could limit yourself the bible says that we are limited by our own affections so if my affection is caring more about what people think of me i'm definitely not going to step out in faith because what if it doesn't happen and you have more faith and doubt than you do in it happening the day is coming when christians gosh when i say persecution is coming like people are like oh man it's such a bummer if you can't love him when there is none how are you gonna love him when it comes if you can't love him now when there's nothing how are you going to find it when there is i sat with a man the other day he was a pastor from a country that is really persecuted can't be on film can't be in front of people just kind of a private meeting he is being hunted by secret police crazy if they find him they execute him on the spot and he is full of joy full of love full of fire and the underground church where he's from is thriving like never before never before and if i told you the country you wouldn't even believe it certain facilities that were for other groups of religious practice are empty they're not even being they're not even being attended to the the news would never report that and i'm sitting there looking at this guy totally sold out totally sold out going to church meetings have to know if the secret police are coming so they can move move move move have to know whether they're coming or not by the holy ghost i'm sitting there going oh my god it's driving me crazy makes me want to go but god didn't call me to go if we can't seek him now when nothing's happening what do you think is going to make you seek him when everything's happening do we really need tragedy to push us into majesty do we really have to get to a place where god is all we have left to realize he's what we needed to begin with to where this perception of god that is just going sunday just dancing around in worship which is cool but we're dancing around to try to like shrug off life jesus said in this world you're going to have tribulation but he didn't stop he said be of good cheer i overcame the world christians in america america is in trouble big trouble and it starts with you you're not the trouble you're the answer the church has the answer the church has the answer you and i are the answer it doesn't start here it starts in your closet then we don't forsake the assembling together we don't we get together we celebrate but when you walk out the doors it should say you are now entering the mission field the day of just the evangelist doing all the work is over it's over evangelists will still have their platforms but each christian is responsible to know what god they serve and intimacy is priority but intimacy is life without it there's death we need to know him and i need you to be on page with knowing him at your workplace if you're the only one that knows you're a christian something's really wrong and if you work in a christian environment and everybody looks the same but none of that environment is burning something's wrong we have him locked up in a bigger box than we said we haven't been because he's not in a box he's in you god is not in a box is it you you are his temple and god wants to use you in this world he wants to bring fire christians should be arsonists we should be known as fire starters no matter how dry no matter how wet no matter what it looks like we should bring flames i want god to light me on fire in such a way where everywhere i go people catch it i i don't want to live if i can't have it you don't understand i'm done i'm like gone either he intensifies the fire or i don't want to be in this world i said lord this morning i'm in my bedroom crying for two hours in my chair because i'm getting quiet my mind's drifting you know i'm thinking of dumb stuff i'm like lord this is not okay you see if you saw me in my prayer room you think i'm a lunatic you have no idea you think you'd think he has lost it i'm really not kidding it looks like this god i love you i worship you i praise you jesus thank you so much and i just have some pads on like that and i'm just loving the lord loving him god i love you so much and maybe five minutes i'm in that place of just god beholding him and then i'm like in my mind driving a car doing just going somewhere that has nothing to do with the lord maybe it does but i cut it off oh my god it's not okay did you see that i know you did because you're in me and you see it you don't understand see this is i'm telling you go on i'm like you think that like well lord to be transparent i got news for you nothing's hidden he sits in the theater room of your soul and sees everything that goes across your screen guys your whole pornography thing you think like no one knows it god's watching it with you he waits till you reach climax god if he only knew me if he only knew me if he only desired to know me i would be his climax he's not mad he just sees it he sees it in the frenzy and in the heat of of of a husband that is cheating on his wife he sees it he's right there in bed with you he's right there in bed with you and he's seeing it all he's watching yet he is watching you look into the woman that you're not in covenant with he is watching through your eyes through your frenzy for your passion through you thinking that that's your life and he is all the while in your heart saying this is not who i created you to be but through the frenzy of human wisdom and selfish ambition people like i don't like this do you think he does all the while in the heat of that moment where you're in you think it's okay because your wife doesn't know and and you've chosen to to because she doesn't treat you right you're not getting what you think you need you've you've chosen to go maybe the grass is greener on the other side of the fence and god is saying if you would just water your own lawn people don't like when i talk like this i don't care if you do or not really i love jesus i love him what if in the midst of that the lord spoke to you and said hey oh he said gentlemen he doesn't do it gosh what if he did he doesn't but what if you got real with god what if you got real with god and you realized that he is there and you are convicted of your righteousness because when you're convicted of your righteousness he cuts off the wants sin period he cuts it off man i mean he cuts it off as though that's not that could never be you it makes your stomach sick to even think about it god's in you watching pornography he is seeing it the eye is the lamp of the body if the eye is single the whole body is full of light but at that life that's in you is darkness see there are christians that say they love god but they're stepping into these areas because they don't have intimacy with god see how one thing you share builds up people and everybody's like yeah then you go into somewhere else and it's like what if what if what if we fully fully fully gave ourselves as a body gave ourselves as a community to this father what if we what if we all together what if we all together gave ourself completely to community to father to the body what if we stepped into a place of philippians 2 what if we stepped into that place where we considered everyone else is greater than ourself what if we stepped into intimacy what if we stepped into real relationship there are people that are out there that watch that have stuff to say about these things what are you gonna say when you stand before him it's better that you know now that all of it is naked nothing is hidden from him david said in psalm 139 where can i go from your presence where if i go to the deepest part of the ocean you're there if you went to the furthest part of the galaxies he's there you think you can hide in someone else's bedroom our god is a loving god he's good he's gracious he's full of mercy he's full of kindness he's an amazing father and if you meet him that stuff and other things that are idols will never be an idol again i really heard in my life that tonight god was tearing down idols tearing down idols we cannot have revival with idols we can't this is why i can't even sometimes go into green rooms with people because i can't han i can't stand it i don't joke around i don't make jokes i don't sit there and make fun of i don't sit there on a stage when people are you're preaching and you're under anointing you go in the back room and you're making fun of somebody what is wrong with you so i'm not a oh what are you just mr legal you think legalism is stopping you from saying bad things about people do you think that that's that really what you think it is or are you really not a man of god that you say you are where's the christian that's not afraid of confrontation because when you get put in this position you better have this position because this position is what keeps you free because if you're afraid of the opinions of people you'll definitely be afraid of the opinions of pastors and i love people but i'm not sitting there being quiet about sin buddy you represent the father if i love you i'll speak the truth to you in love if i don't love you i'll let you get away with whatever you want to we're like well you know i'm their friend i don't want to you know have we really moved away from being a friend of god to a friend of people i'm not saying i'm perfect but i do repent pretty much daily the great thing is it's not over the same thing twice i love the lord where's my worship team please help me you guys just sitting there waiting eagerly help me bail me out god bless got pretty intense it's great though it's called love [Applause] it's love it's it's love i'm going to go home tonight right and like i'll cuddle with my kids and uh hold on when i'm holding them i pray for him lord in my heart quietly not out loud god thank you so much for these i love him and i get as right he lays right here zoe and briley and then asher if he's not in bed he's crawling all over astr's asher comes in my prayer room tonight he busts in the doors this morning he because i've been in there for a couple hours i got my noise cancellation headphones on so no one can hear me i'm in there loving jesus i'm serious [Applause] i'm whimpering and crying and this morning like it was crazy because for like an hour and a half oh my god what is happening i need you to silence this thing right here you would think i'm a lunatic no i have an active talk to god relationship it's active it's not i know god knows but i need to remind him i know you saw that that was the weirdest thing ever that was a bird flying in my mind and i'm thinking about you lord and i know he created the bird but it's not time for that it's time to adore him it's time to move into a place of deep affection for god to where he's the only thing that satisfies me it's not time to to read 4 000 scriptures it's time i look at the scripture and it says that god wants to strengthen me in my inner man ephesians 3 strengthen me and i could know the height the depth the length the width of his love so i'm in that place right there boom locked in and a bird flies in my mind i'm not a hunter i'm like god kill the birds i don't know what's happening but it's got to go i'm serious i'm in a dilemma because i want to be quiet i want to be still i want to be still it's not time for that and it's breaking my heart and it's neat because i know god sees me he's like oh look at him like get rid of him i need help i need help guys we all do i'm not perfect but i'm in love with jesus man and i know what god told me he said that if people would come and lay down their idols god would remove them right now so if that's you i want you up here i don't want you to wait i want you to run down here don't wait don't wait make it a real thing because it's not okay it's not okay we're going to go into worship and god's going to crush this stuff because he's a good good father and his loving kindness endures forever he's merciful but he don't want that stuff in you and you don't either because if you did you wouldn't come up here takes humility and i'm not pointing out what it is idols can be anything and everything anything that you have that stands in the way of god is an idol and it's not okay and i believe that i heard the lord say he's going to burn them out tonight burn burn them out because he wants to set a fire in your soul that you can't contain that you can't control because we want more of god more of god what we're saying is i don't want this junk i don't want to be in this place i don't know how it got there but god's showing me that it is there and i want this out of there are you with me what you're saying is you love god with everything that you are and you don't want anything to be first in your life you want the lord to be first in your life you want relationship with jesus to be first in your life so what you're saying is you're turning your back on an idol if if it needs to paint the picture you're pushing over that idol you're getting rid of that thing tonight saying i don't want this in my life i give it up freely to the holy ghost i'm asking you to burn this thing out tonight fry this idol out of my life burn it up burn it up burn it up because this withering fork is in his hand and he burns up and thoroughly cleans the threshing floor he doesn't want you to carry that he wants you to carry him he doesn't want you to carry idolatry he wants you to carry glory he wants you to clary a burning heart he wants you to carry a burning heart he wants your heart to be burning on fire holy spirit come right now come right now come right now god we say yes we are done we say yes you have won you have the victory holy spirit we ask for your presence right now come come your amazing burning fiery presence come and smoke this stuff come fire of god come right now we welcome your fire we welcome your fire come right now [Music] we welcome your fire we welcome your fire burning flame of come come and baptize us burning flame of love come and baptize us [Music] more more we welcome you holy spirit come right now fill us up burn like a fire right now more more more [Music] more more [Music] come holy ghost let your presence come holy ghost fire holy ghost fire come right now marcus come come come [Music] hands on people
Channel: Todd White
Views: 34,565
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JD57W8ePg2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 50sec (3710 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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