TK8 PLUGIN for Photoshop: Sketch-O-Graphs (Is it a Sketch or is it a Photograph? HINT:It's Both...

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hey everyone it's tk friday again boy do i have a good one for you today today's show is called sketchographs this is going to be fun and exciting art and photography will mix today it's going to be a fun episode let's get started hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly sketchographs what's a sketchograph what the heck is that dave well you're going to find out today we'll be taking a deep dive into the color sketch in the black and white sketch found in the tk8 panel now tony kuiper has showed me how to use this feature and i'm so thankful for that because now i really know how to use it and i'm going to share that with you today on the screen right now you see a page out of tony kuiper's website which i will link to you in the description below this video these are some of the sketchy graphs tony has made and by the way these actions come from steve dell and i will link his website in the description below as well so take a look at steve's images i'll be working with several examples just to show you how this all works now it takes a particular type of an image for a color sketch to work and you'll usually know right away if it's going to work or not and i tend to find that images that are have a lot of detail in them not necessarily things like landscapes where you have a lot of trees and things like that but things with a lot of detail could be like city scenes or flowers or flowers with a lot of details on or leaves like you're seeing right here these are the type of images that work the best it doesn't work on everything well but when it does work it is really great let's make our first sketch a graph now sketch a graph part sketch part photograph they marry together you know photography and art are colliding there sketch a graph and that's what tony kuiper likes to call these sketchographs or you can call them color sketches whichever you like you'll find these actions when you click on this icon right here this is workflow extras and inside of here we got a bunch of different workflow extras we have color sketch and black and white sketch which we'll be working today and by the way this is a link to steve dell's website it'll take you right to his website which is nice and now let's click on color sketch and see what happens when we do we get this dialog box up here that says minimum and we have kind of a black and white sketch going on here now you'll notice we have a radius of 4 pixels i recommend that you try the default setting first of four it generally works really well or you could go to 2 pixels i like to try two pixels then i'll go to six pixels and usually i'll come back to four but you can go three you can go five you can go eight if you go too crazy it's not going to look right but i find the sweet spot really is between two to six pixels let me go to eight pixels just to show you now what should the image change when i type eight here you see all the lines get a lot more bold you know we could go let's try 10 pixels and see what we get as you can see they're getting bolder so experiment with those but i'm going to come back to four and i think that's going to be good and next i'll just click ok and now you can see we kind of have a sketch a graph here now you'll notice by default after you run this action you have this levels adjustment up here and that's very important because that's what we're going to adjust first but let's take a look over here in this color sketch group we have adjust sketch which is this levels adjustment here now it's not set for us we have to set that ourself and this is the most important thing that you have to do to make this technique work i'll show you that in a second but notice we have this layer called inverse color sketch and in here you can find that minimum dialogue so if you decided well i wish i would have chose six pixels you can double click this and bring up that minimum dialog again and change that so that's nice it's a smart filter and then we have this layer called remove color color sketch what does this all mean i don't know but i'll show you how to make this thing work right now inverse color sketch is highlighted so what i'm going to do is double click adjust sketch here and my levels adjustment comes back up now here's what you need to do to adjust this take this midtone slider and you start to drag it to the right and you notice what's happening everything is you know getting more darker and more colorful and usually the best point is right to the edge you see this right here i like to start out by taking this mid-tones and pointing it right to the edge of this histogram here now in this case i'm going to go even further nobody says you have to stop here you can go to the left of it if you want it lighter if you want a darker keep moving it to the right now what i'm trying to do is i don't like the way this looks right in here you see these areas in here so i'm going to make those go away by making those areas darker let's turn them pretty much black maybe right there and that looks really cool now let's take a look here here's my before and here is my after but you see how that sketchy look is on top of the photograph and it looks really nice so again here is the before and here is the after but you'll notice the image gets a lot more bold a lot more detail pops out and it just really takes on a real nice appearance and usually when you're trying this method out when you first take the slider and drag it over here to the edge of the histogram you're either going to probably say i like this or it's not going to work so if it's not working you may say well color sketch is not the way to go here but that's all you need to do at that point now i notice here that these lights in here are a little bit too light so let me show you how i take care of that problem i'll come up to the tk multi mask panel and click on luminosity mask and i want to find a lights mask that will really isolate those lighter tones that's lights one let's try lights two let's try lights three i think lights three will do it i'm not gonna make any adjustments on it i'm just gonna output it to a simple levels adjustment layer and just take this mid-tone slider and watch these light areas as i start to move this to the right it's targeting those areas and you'll notice they're getting darker as i c they keep getting darker as i move this to the right okay i'm going to over emphasize it here so you can see it's because sometimes it doesn't show up in the video as well but i'd probably keep it maybe right around here here is the before here is the after but if i do a little more so you can really see it like this here is the before and here is after but you see how it nicely targets those light areas but let me go ahead and put it where i think it should go which would be maybe right here so here's a before and here's a after just tones that down just a wee little bit but that was our first sketch of graph let me go ahead and make this fit the screen here but let me even go i'm going to type f two times so you can really see it but isn't that cool a sketch a graph so the image started out looking like this okay and now it looks like this pretty cool right i really love these you got to give these a try let's move on to our next image and here's the next image now i'm working with stock images today but i was trying to find different images that this technique would work on and this image is very soft and it looks a little bit out of focus to me just slightly soft but i love the muted colors and i like the texture on the elephants well let's try this technique out on here let's come back up to this icon i'm still working with color sketch don't worry i will get the black and white sketch too but let's click on color sketch and we're going to take the default setting of four i've experimented with this and four seem to work the best i'm going to click ok and this is the look we get now right out of the gate it doesn't look great right i admit that but don't forget we start out with this levels adjustment we take this and we move it to the right let's drag it right up to the edge there and right away look at that beautiful here is the before and here is the after what do you think i think it looks really really cool here's something that tony kuiper had taught me and that is you can make further adjustments with a exposure adjustment so let's come up here to our tk8 cx or combo panel and click right here and let's click on uh this icon right here which gives us the exposure layer adjustment and we can work here with exposure offset and gamma correction now i generally use gamma correction or exposure in this case i use gamma correction i move this to the right it darkens up the image you see that or you can move it to the left to lighten up the image okay so whichever way you want to go whichever is appropriate for the image but i went to like a point 86 i believe it was there's point 85 there's 0.86 right there okay so here is a before and here's an after isn't that nice now it gets a little dark in here and right here and on the elephant right here and i'll show you how we can take care of that these are dark areas so let's come up to our trusty tk8 multi mask panel click on the luminosity masks and this time let's go for a darks mask i'm going to start out with a let's look at a darks one i think that's going to be too broad of a selection yeah let's try darks 2 and let's try darks 3. i think darks 3 really isolates this area here in these dark areas and over here on the elephants head here so let's go ahead and use that let's output that to this particular icon right here gives us a white layer mask with a black brush but we want to make sure that we have this color sketch group selected this is very important so click on the color sketch group and now let's output this white layer mask with a and it's going to give us a black brush and we'll be painting through a selection when i click this okay and there's my brush now all we have to do is paint our correction on i have a nice soft uh large brush here and i think that'll be fine i'm gonna paint with an opacity of 50 so i'm just gonna make these darker areas lighter just by painting over these dark areas that's one pass here's another pass and it just lightens up these areas a few more passes in here let me come over here on the face of the elephant maybe down in here and maybe on our little elephant here let's lighten him up just a little bit and maybe down in here and that's all i really want to do with that so that is simply just painted through a selection on a white mask and it just lightened up the dark areas it's just that simple if you want to see what this mask looks like just make sure you have this layer selected and click this icon and you can see the actual painting that you've done okay so there's your layer mask click this again the image comes back the other thing you can do is disable this mask so you can see your effects click this x right here and it'll shut that mask off so there's the before and here's the after so as you can see it's just nicely lightened up those areas now you can see we have a selection because we have the selection indicator here and to get rid of the selection if you want to just click this icon right here it takes the selection away let's take a look at the before here's the before okay what a dramatic difference right so there's the before and here's the after isn't that cool i love the colors in the background these tones back in the background here look really beautiful in the elephant but i think we can do a little color grading and make this look even better so let's come up to the multi mask panel and click this icon right here click the plus to add a color grading layer and now let's um do a little color grading let's click mid tones and let's just warm up the mid tones on the elephants just like that you see that i might even go a little warmer just right there and let's cool off the background just a little wee bit so let's go to shadows and let's just cool down the shadows just a little wee bit let's make them a little darker by taking this luminosity slider and dragging it to the left just a wee little bit maybe just a tiny bit more maybe right around there may let's see a little more blue do we want a little more blue that might be too much right here i just want to cool that off just a little wee tiny bit so here is the before and here is the after just that little bit of warmth i might be too warm let me go back to mid tones and just pull this down just a little wee bit okay so here's a before color grading and here's the after just a nice little subtle color grading i really like it here's our next image i knew this was going to make a nice sketchograph because it's got a lot of nice details i love all the spines and the triangles it's got a lot of symmetry let's try a black and white sketch first so let's come up to the group here open up the workflow extras and let's click on black and white sketch this time now we're greeted with the same minimum dialog box and i'm going to take four again you could change this radius two four six eight you know whatever you appreciate change it to that but i'm gonna leave it on four i think it looks good let's click okay and we have the same deal here now look it looks really nice right there it's a black and white sketch but the same deal you got this a levels adjustment so we can take this and i follow that same rule drag this over to the edge of the histogram isn't that cool and right there we are done so there's our black and white sketch let's take a look here's the before and here is the after so that's a black and white sketch now there's a variation that you can do on the black and white sketch and that is you can take a black and white sketch because i find with the black and white you get a lot more details popping through than you do with a with a color sketch so we can use that to our advantage and i'll show you what i mean and that is referring to a color sketch to turn this to a color sketch come up to the black and white sketch group make it active by clicking on it and then simply change the blend mode from pass through to luminosity and to do that you can come right up to the c x panel or the combo panel and click on luminosity lum for luminosity and it turns into a color sketch that easy isn't that cool and you have a lot of beautiful detail in here now if you want to add more color to this if you feel the color isn't strong enough because the color will be a little weaker when you do this method you can add a saturation adjustment above the group not inside the group because the group is on a luminosity blend mode so what you need to do is add a saturation adjustment layer you can just click this icon right here it'll add a hue saturation adjustment layer now it's inside the group you need to drag it outside of the group and now we could come here and adjust the saturation and give it more saturation you can increase it okay so that's an added thing that you can do if you feel you want a little bit more saturation okay so we started out the image look like this and now it looks like this and we had a black and white and a color sketch now i can shut off this hue saturation layer and then i could come here on this sketch group and change this from luminosity let's go to our normal blend mode and now we have a black and white sketch so we have a color or black and white sketch now let's try the color sketch action out on here so what i'm going to do is duplicate this image it'll duplicate it and i'm just going to get rid of all of these layers i'm just going to click the first layer and shift click this layer right here and we're just going to go ahead and click on our trash can right here and we've reset everything this time let's come up here and grab a color sketch i'm going to keep the minimum at 4 and click ok all right and let's follow the rule i'm going to take the mid tone and drag it to the right uh right to the edge of histogram and that looks really nice right there and if it's too dark you can move it over to the left nobody says you have to drag it right up against there but it's a good starting point and i think maybe right here looks really good now here is the before and here is the after let's make it full size and let's compare the two results so here's the one i made with the color sketch and here's the one i made with a black and white sketch now you'll notice the one i made with the black and white sketch i used the luminosity blend mode on the color sketch group to turn it into a color image and then add a little bit more saturation on top but you notice you see a lot more detail in here than you do from the color sketch so whichever one you prefer i like them both i think i'm more partial to this one but i also like this one too if you want a little extra detail so you have those different varieties as well so you can have a black and white sketch a color sketch from the color sketch action or a color sketch from the black and white sketch action when you change the blend mode on the color sketch group to luminosity and now we come to our last image a single cactus against the white background i did not like the white background so i added a solid color filler above it and i just masked out the cactus to let the background turn to black i just use the select subject icon to select the subject then i had to invert that subject and then i just use select and mask this icon here to refine the mask typical stuff that we do in photoshop all the time but this tutorial today is about color sketches and black and white sketches so i'm not going to get into that let's go right up here to this icon and click it one final time let's do color sketch and i'm going to accept the radius of 4 click ok and that looks kind of cool here it's a little light right but remember we want to take this level adjustment and start to drag it to the right and when i get it the whole way to the edge of the histogram i'm going to stop but look how cool that looks i mean i love it look here is the before and here is the after now i have one little issue i'd like to take care of the light coming over here i really like this the way light's striking the cactus in different parts but i'd like to just kind of tint this a little bit on the green side i'm going to use a color grading tool to do that all i need to do is come up and click on this icon right here let's add a color grading tool and then all i'm going to do is click on highlights and let's just take this square and move it into green just like that see how it tints that slightly green just that little bit of green if you want more i'm going to go real green so you can really see it can you see that i want to see that highlight on there so i'm going to pull it back i just want a slight amount of green tint on there just like that here's the before and here's the after it just tints that white area to a slight green tint if you want to hang out for a couple more minutes let's turn this into a black and white sketch i'm going to go ahead and duplicate the image and get rid of all these layers except the color fill there and then we will make the black and white sketch and now let's come up and click on black and white sketch i'm going to say 4 is ok and drag this slider my levels over and uh you know what that looks pretty cool so there's a black and white sketch now remember i could come here on the black and white sketch layer and change this to a luminosity blend mode and now a lot more detail is showing up let's go ahead and fit this to screen and we definitely have a lot more detail in the cactus now let's go ahead and add a hue saturation layer now right now it's inside the sketch group and it's in a luminosity blend mode you notice when i move the saturation slider nothing happens because of that luminosity blend mode so let's drag it out of the sketch group and put it above it and now we can take the saturation and bump it to the right and add more color in there but isn't that cool now we have a whole lot more texture i'll zoom in so you can see it you can see there's a whole lot more texture in here as compared to the other cactus so whichever one you like is the one you like now let's compare the two so here's this one and here is the other one so it's a little smoother so really depends on what look you're going for but they both look really cool i just noticed i have that issue with that white there let's go over to the other cactus and let us steal this color grading tool let's hold our optional key down and left click with our mouse and drag it up onto this tab as soon as the other image opens up drag it over on top of the image release your mouse click and now you'll see that layer sits on top of the hue saturation here's the before and here's the after and now we've corrected that white and replaced it with a little bit of a green tint well there you go everyone i'm going to roll us out with a little bit of a slideshow of the work i've done on this tutorial give this a try let me know what you think in the description below in the comment section leave comments questions suggestions i'd really love to hear from you hey if you enjoyed the tutorial today please give it a like and share with your friends if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing [Music] [Music] you
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 4,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK8, TK Friday, TK8 Plugin for Photoshop, Luminosity Masks, Color Sketch, B&W Sketch, Photography, Tutorial, Photo Editing, The Joy of Editing, TK8 Multi-Mask Panel, TK8 Combo/Cx Panel, Creative Editing, Photo Art
Id: 1RQ_xGiWVfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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