PHOTOSHOP'S DEPTH BLUR NEURAL FILTER (IMPROVEMENTS) Achieve More Realistic Results (3 Images Tested)

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today i want to take another look at photoshop's depth blur neural filter it has had some improvements and we're going to take a look at those improvements today hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave culley thank you so much for joining me today i hope everyone is doing great out there i want to take another look at photoshop's depth blur neural filter i'd like this filter but it had a few drawbacks to it and i think it's getting better and i want to show you some of the new improvements today and i think you're going to be quite pleased with them i'll be trying this filter out in three different images this image this image and this image one of the images i will let you know straight up will not work and i'll show you what to look for and you'll know exactly what images will work with this neural filter or won't well let's move on to the first example so we have this image here and let's go ahead and run the neural filter on it so just come up to the filter menu click on neural filters and we want to make sure we click on depth blur now this is still in beta but it has been vastly improved i got to tell you that they added this new focus subject which is really good and i believe it comes on by default so it so photoshop looks for a subject and that's really nice because generally you want your subject in focus so we have our focus subject on and you can see right away let's see here's the before and here's after it's perfect really now you have a focal range here you can adjust the depth of field right now it's a very shallow depth of field but if you want more of the area in focus like behind her like this chair you can take this focal range and start to drag it to the right and give it a second update see that chairs in focus that looks a little more realistic to me and i kind of like that but you can work with the focal range you can adjust the blur strength it's a very simple straightforward filter to use it'll make it more blurry or you just want it to look realistic and i think that looks good there you can add haze if you want to of course you were not going to have haze in the building right unless you're in a shower there but we're going to shut the haze off but you do have haze in case you need it you have a temperature control tint control i generally don't use these i'll do these adjustments in photoshop as well as saturation and brightness but here's another feature which i am super happy with and that's the green feature the previous version didn't have this and whenever you blurred the background you lost any kind of grain that was in there which made it look unrealistic but now you can add green just by dragging the slider to the right to match the green of the photo now how much green should you add good question zoom into your photo look at the original in focus area and try to match the amount of grain with the amount of grain that's on the in focus area it's just that simple and when you do you're going to have a more realistic uh bokeh effect hold the presses wait a minute i just noticed i'm missing a part of her laptop computer that she's carrying right on the edge but we have a masking tool we can you see over here we have the plus and the minus this area of the laptop is out of focus and we need to fix that make sure you click on the minus masking brush and then just paint back in the missing part of the computer it's just that easy now don't forget you have these masking tools so you can fix little issues and that's kind of nice and now we have to output this back into photoshop i like to use output as a new layer and you have different options here with this drop-down menu but i'm going to output it to a new layer and click ok all right now let's go ahead and take a look here's the before and here's the after pretty realistic other than that little issue i had with the laptop computer but that was a quick fix right inside of the neural filter now let's move on to our next image and here's our next image let's see what kind of result we get with it let's go back to filter and neural filter and let's click on our depth blur filter and you notice it says processing on device that's something new it processes on the device now i thought it automatically focused on the subject but i guess it doesn't so let me go ahead and click focus subject it looked like it was focused on the subject but it's focused on the subject but as you can see it's done a really nice job here now let's give it some more uh blur strength to really blur out that background as you can see it's doing a really great job and everything looks good and i highly recommend that you really zoom into your images to make sure it's not missing anything and you can see a before and after right here if you click this right here show original it's missed a little piece of the subject's hair and we can use that masking tool to fix that if we want to let's turn this back on and let me get the negative brush now that brush is way too big and i'm just going to go ahead and paint that hair back in all over paint maybe a little bit okay now you can see i over painted so let's go ahead and get the plus brush and it's way too big i'll make it smaller i'm just using my left bracket key and i can just come here and fix that just like so so it's a good idea to really go in and check and while i'm in here we can look at the grain pattern there's a tiny wee bit of grain you may not see it but i'm just going to add a little bit of extra grain to the background but this grain feature is really nice i'm going to go ahead and fit this back to the screen so that's done a good job and by the way if you don't want to use focus subject and i don't know why you wouldn't let's uncheck it you can also see where it says click to edit focal point you can click right here and add the focal point there as well you can do that or do focus subject but i like focus subject i think it does a good job but if you want to change your focal range give it more depth of field you can go ahead and start to drag this to the right and as you can see it'll change the depth of field which may look a little more natural in this case here so let me just pull this back just a wee little bit now i'm noticing an issue and do you see it do you see this right here how it didn't blur part of the palm tree and over here this part of the palm tree that didn't show up until i pulled this focal range and started to drag it to the right and you can see them getting you know they're not out of focus here and here right so it's missed that and i want to show you something here's remember i told you there's a way to tell if you have an issue on your image whether this filter will work or not and that is using this uh depth map only feature if you click on this you can see the actual depth map but you can see see how this this palm tree is this gray color but you can see it's a little darker on here and you can see it's a little darker in there so that means it didn't quite make the proper depth map everything else is perfect on here except there and there now you can still use the filter in this image and i'll show you how we can fix it when we take it back into photoshop a very simple and easy fix this is a really nice feature this output depth map it lets you send depth maps to photoshop and you can use those with other filters and i use them from time to time and i'm not going to get into that right now but i like to check to see if an image will work with this feature i just toggle it on and like when i see that stark and that's dark i know that's going to be a problem okay so let me uncheck this for now but we're going to go ahead and uh send this back to photoshop and i'll show you how i can fix that little issue and that little issue no problem and again i have output set to new layer i'm going to click ok and now we'll be back in photoshop and now we can see here is the before and here's the after but it does a really great job now i'm going to go ahead and fix these palm trees i'm going to go right on this layer here not a problem get my spot healing tool that's the type to j key on your keyboard and i'm just going to paint that right there and it's gone you see that spot healing tools are amazing and that's a quick and simple fix and by the way if you're wondering why i didn't work on these palm trees in the neural filter with the masking brush it wouldn't work it'll take something that was in focus and then went out of focus it'll bring something back into focus but it can't take something that was the opposite in other words an area that was in focus and then make it out of focus it can't do that it's kind of hard to explain but think of it this way it's a masking tool it's not a blurring tool the filter itself does the blurring that can just remove blur it can't add blur it's a masking tool i hope that makes sense and now let's come to our last image and this one remember i told you there was one image that wouldn't work well do you think it's this one you're gonna find out here in a sec so let's go ahead and click on filter and let's go to neural filter and one more time let's click on depth blur and see what kind of result we get okay and looky here this time focus subject was checked on okay so sometimes it's on sometimes it's off i i don't understand that but let me go ahead and pull up the blur strength now it's focused on the subject let's take a look at the depth map here and because remember i always like to look at the depth map to see if the image is going to work or not so let's click it right now it seems like the image is working but i'll show you it's not because you notice something unique here or odd i should say you see this person back here they're dark as dark as these people up in the front right so it's thinking that this subject is in the same depth plane as these subjects up here and that's what a depth map does it takes a look at the depth of the uh of the image here and it's got this wrong photoshop has got this one wrong or the neural filter i should say it's got this one wrong so this will not work so let's shut that off and i'll show you what i mean let's go back and see the blurred image now let me really blur it but watch this girl back here as i really take up the blur strength now remember it's on focus subject our subjects are in the front so let's go ahead and move this to the right and really increase the blur but watch that girl she never goes out of focus that's a problem right so that would look very unrealistic we couldn't use that so let me do something here just for the heck of it let me turn on output depth map only let's check this on and let's click ok i'm going to send this back into photoshop as a depth map only and i know you're saying dave what in the heck are you gonna do with this well i'm gonna show you i'm this is an added bonus i'm gonna show you a work around when the depth blur filter doesn't work another filter that you can use and you can use the depth map that was generated from the depth blur filter so this is a good tip so pay close attention here the first thing i'm going to do is get my brush tool and remember i said she is the same color as these folks up here meaning she's in the same depth plane and that's not correct she should be in this gray area back here so i'm going to get my brush tool i'm going to option click or i'll click this right here and just for the sake of being fast here and it will work just fine with my brush tool i'm going to make sure i'm on this depth map layer here and i'm with a nice soft edged brush at 100 i'm going to paint that gray color right around her i can over over go over her a little bit just like so and you'll see it'll work out just fine you can be real accurate here and use the selection tool and so on but this is going to work fine and you'll you'll get the drift here so i'm just making her that same color as this area back in here okay so she's in that plane right there now i have to save this out as a channel now i have an action for you i'm going to link it in the description below this video you can click on that and download my action it'll save you a lot of time because i want to save this depth map to a channel once you download that action and double click on it and open up your actions you're going to find it lives inside of your actions so then you'd open your actions and you should find it near the bottom of the list and it should be in a folder called the joy of editing just make sure you have depth map highlighted and click the play and it will make that depth map channel for you because we're going to need that here shortly but for now we can go ahead and close out our actions and the other thing it does is it duplicates our background layer and gives us a new layer which we're going to send into another filter and that filter is going to be found in this blur group here and it will be the lens blur so go ahead and click on lens blur and when you do you'll probably notice that you have under depth map a source that says depth map if you don't just click this drop down menu and make sure you have depth map clicked on and that's that depth map so you'll notice now see right here where it says set focal point i'm going to go ahead and click this and we can set a focal point you see this little pointer here i'm going to point it on this guy's face right here give it a second or two and his face is in focus these guys are in focus and you'll notice now this grow back here is out of focus now if you want more blur you could take this blur radius and drag it the whole way over to the right and really blur out that background if you want less blur you can drag it more to the left and then you'll get less of a blur back there so whatever you want so let's get a realistic amount of blur maybe something like this that we can really see and now she has the correct amount of blur and also there is a noise slider here where you can add grain to the out of focus areas to match the in focus areas which is very important all it's left for us is to click ok and we're back here in photoshop now there's some other issues here and i can put a layer mask on this layer right here and if i want to i can get some black paint and a paint brush and if this cherry sitting on is a little out of focus right here we can just paint over here and fix that right up now just to sum things up for you here whenever you need to get that extra bokeh in an image that extra blurry background or foreground use that depth blur neural filter try it out and remember you can take a look at the depth map right inside of that filter and see if that filter will work or not if you find out it's not going to work for you go ahead and save the image with the depth map only and then once you get it back in photoshop as i corrected the girl in this image you just want to you know paint on the depth map whatever color gray that'll fix an area up you'll fix it and then you're going to go ahead and use my action and save that as a channel and then just fire up that lens blur filter and you'll be good to go so one way or the other you're going to get your job done and both of those filters now have that green to make your job look very realistic and that's super important oh look i noticed i missed the little spot right here oh my gosh let me get my healing tool spot healing tool i'm going to type j and i'm just going to give it a little tap here and just fix that little section right up just like so hey i think that'll do the trick it just has to look realistic i know somebody out there was going to say hey man you missed that well i did miss it and now i fix it so thanks for forgiving me i really appreciate that well there it is everyone i hope you enjoyed this tutorial today so give that new depth blur filter a try and now if you encounter any issues when using that depth blur neural filter now you know how to handle those problems just save out a depth map and use my photoshop action that you can download for free below this video and if you can't remember all my steps just go ahead and watch this video again and refresh yourself today i had a few issues but i showed you how i work through the issues and we're photoshop people we need to learn how to take care of things and i'm here to show you different things that i know and help you out the best i can if you enjoyed the tutorial today please give it a like and share with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it well i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today on the joy of editing with dave kelly and i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 2,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Photoshop, Depth Blur, Neural Filter, Improvements, Bokeh, Depth Map, Photoshop Action, Photography, Photo Editing, Tutorial, Training
Id: s41puiTFgxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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