Working With the New LIGHTROOM CLASSIC Masking Tools (Part 2)

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on today's episode i want to work with the new masking tools in lightroom i think the more we start working with these tools the better we're going to understand them this is lightroom classic the latest update hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly i had some good response on the last lightroom video i did uh concerning working with the masking tools and intersecting the brush with the masking tool i want to just dive a little bit deeper into the masking tools and cover some different um ground here and i think it'll help you so stick with me this can be a little tricky but i think the more we work with the lightroom masking tools the better off we're gonna be with them and as i said my last video i usually do this type of editing in photoshop using the tk8 plugin for photoshop it's my favorite way of editing my images but you can do some pretty interesting work here in lightroom now especially if you have images that are not too demanding you can do some of that work right in lightroom today i'll be using this image of some bleeding hearts and i'll be using the subject selection tool as well as some intersecting of masks and the brush tool and if you've never seen any of my tk8 editing uh tutorials in photoshop i'll link uh one of those at the end of this video just in case you want to see how i edit in photoshop with the tk8 panel and i have a bunch of videos i have a show called tk fridays where i work with the tk panel every friday so i'll link that at the end of this video just in case you're interested but today it is lightroom classic and this is a great update i mean i never thought we would get this kind of uh capabilities in lightroom but you know what we do it's a little it's not user friendly yet but i think it'll get better as they go this image has a pretty defined subject these bleeding hearts and the first thing i want to do is add some extra saturation to these bleeding hearts now you may say well dave you could just come to hsl they're pink right come to hsl and uh grab your target saturation tool and just pull up and add pink to the flowers but you see what happens it doesn't add pink to the whole flower right it it doesn't get it okay it's picking magentas or i could come to purples here and say is it purple yeah a lot of that is purple but it's missing other areas and it's not doing a very nice job so i think i need just an overall saturation adjustment so what i'm going to do is reset this purple here i pulled back blue a little bit there was a little bit of blue in these whites here and i just pulled back in the saturation now i've done some basic adjustments to this image but what i want to do is add saturation just to these bleeding hearts not the background colors okay and you'll notice if i pull up the saturation i'll get some nice pink in there on the overall image and i just want to add a little bit of saturation to the bleeding hearts i'm going to go ahead and reset the saturation but i'll use local masking to do it so what we're going to do is click this icon right here this opens up your masking dialog here and let's go ahead and try selecting the subject let's see if it can find these bleeding hearts click select subject give it a second or two see it's thinking okay i'm using a blue overlay today because they're pink i like to use magenta generally as my overlay but these these bleeding hearts are magenta so i chose blue in that case it's doing a really good job selecting them but it's missing some areas here like this is the background this area right here and uh right over in here that won't be a problem right now because i'm going to intersect this subject with a color range tool but later on that'll give me some trouble and you'll see so hang in here and when it does give me some trouble i'll show you how we can fix it okay so right now what i want to do is intersect this subject with a color range mask so let's come here to this ellipse and click right here intersect with and let's go with color range let me go ahead and shut my overlay off so what i want to do is pick pinks in here so let's pick a nice area a nice sample area of the pinks like right around here and as you can see it's doing a real nice job just selecting all the pink now we could come here and refine this by you know adjusting this uh refined slider to the right it'll give us more ares it'll bleed into more areas or we can tighten up the selection by moving it to the left okay so i'm just going to move it to the right just the wee little bit here it's not going to affect the white areas too much because there's no color in them anyway okay so i'm just going to move a little bit to the right and then what i'll do is add some saturation now as soon as you add saturation the overlay will disappear but now you see how i can get some really beautiful saturation i'm not going to go crazy here a little bit of saturation and then we have other controls here for instance i can bring up the highlights a little bit if i want to lighten those up a little isn't that cool and uh we can even pull a little tiny bit of texture they're delicate flowers but i might just pull a little bit of texture in there and that looks pretty good and let me just pull back in the saturation just a tiny wee bit and then we could click on the mask here we can see the before and the after so here's the before and here's the after but just that easy we're able to target the bleeding hearts and bring up some of that saturation but that was step one the next thing i want to do is add a little bit of lightness to these white areas of the bleeding hearts and maybe i may lighten up the stems of the bleeding hearts as well so to do that i'm going to add another uh create a new mask and let's click on select subject again and you'll see why this makes sense in a second here select subject but this time what i want to do is i want to intersect a brush and you'll see why here in a second so i'm on the subject i'm going to click click the ellipse and intersect with a brush now i have a brush tool but what i want to do first is take my highlight adjustment now remember that uh overlay goes away as soon as i click on one of these adjustments here and i'm just looking at the light areas now notice when i start to pull this up it's really making these light areas over here really light but not these so much so i'm just gonna target these areas first okay i might i may need to make a separate mask for these and i believe i will but for now let me just pull up the highlights to where i think they should be i'm going to go a little strong here because we can always come back and readjust so i think that looks pretty good right there and now i've intersected a brush so now when i start to paint and i'm not using auto mask or anything i have a nice feathered edge brush when i start to paint and i have let's where is my flow here my flow's at around 58 and i have a pretty nice feathering here so as i start to paint here see how i'm just lightening those up and i'm just going near the edge of the pinks now if i go into the pink slot it will affect those pinks but that's okay i'm not going to get that close i'm going to use some nice brushing technique here okay and that's why i have that feathered edge to protect me now i'm going to come in here if this area i don't want to be as bright i'm not going to hit it yet i'm actually not painting over it i'm just going to paint this in here maybe a little bit on this yellowish color here greenish yellow and then i'll take my flow and bring my flow down pretty low here like around like 20 and just maybe paint over this area here just lighten it up now we can take a look here we can see the before and the after so i just lighten those areas up that easy now we're going to need to make a new mask to lighten up these next areas here i think i'll make a separate mask for the stem as well now let me point out something just in case you're wondering you may say well dave why don't you just uh intersect another brush to this subject here well the reason i can't is because this highlight adjustment is affecting these areas of the bleeding hearts and these need a separate altogether different adjustment so i can't use that same mask i need to make a new mask okay so let's go ahead and create a new mask we're going to select subject again and then we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna uh come to the subject and intersect with a brush okay and then i'm gonna go ahead and lighten the highlights up now i'm only looking at on these two bleeding hearts here okay so i'm going to take the highlights and really bump it up don't worry about the other two bleeding hearts i'm only looking at the ones on the right okay i'm going to go pretty strong i'm i think i'll have to go the whole way up but i'm going to use my flow to protect how light i make these okay so now let's take my flow i'm going to put it to around like you know 44 and what i'll do is now you'll notice it you see the adjustment and everything as soon as i start to paint that adjustment will just start to be painted on now i can be very sloppy on the edges here i got to watch around the saturated areas here but on the edges that subject selection is protecting me okay so i can come in here and now just paint my adjustment on now come over here now i have that low flow so i have to really paint away here to make that get lighter but that's good it's let me just bring it up slowly because i don't want to overdo it i'm using flow to help me get that adjustment and i hope that makes sense so now let's take a look here is the before and here's the after and if it's too strong you know we can always come back and pull back on the highlights or if i wanted some more i could even take some exposure and add a little bit of exposure in there if i wanted to by the way i could have turned auto mask on to protect me when i got near the pink sections of the flowers but i just used the nice feathering to blend i would rather blend that than use auto mask there i'm just going to reset my exposure and leave my highlights up full and i think that does the trick the next thing i want to do is add some lightning to these to the stem up here now if you'll recall i said i think i would make another mask for that but let's see if we can get away with it uh i'm still in the brush tool let me see if i can just paint across here and see if i can lighten up these stems enough and don't forget i've intersected a brush with a subject so i can be very sloppy when i'm painting along these stems because i have protection let's take a look at the before and after now remember i lightened up these light areas here and the stem so let's come to this mask three and click the eye here's the before and here's the after by the way you can name these masks just double click on the name of the mask and this dialog comes up and you can give it a name and i highly recommend that you do that because if you get a bunch of masks you'll be confused and anytime you open up lightroom and want to work on the image again the names of the masks will be there and that'll be a very good help to you the last thing i want to do is darken the background now how do you think we can do that if you're thinking select subject i think you're on the right track so let's come up here create new mask and click this plus and let's select the subject now we do the subject is selected okay and now what we need to do is come to the subject this can be a little confusing not to the actual mask itself but come to the subject click this ellipse and click invert and now it's selecting everything but the subject so it's inverted it now it's missed some areas like see right in here and here right here and here and over here it's miss those areas but i'll show you how we can fix that but i want to darken the background so remember we see the overlay but as soon as i start to take the exposure here and drag it to the left i can darken the background isn't that cool i'm just darkening up the background okay and then i could add some more contrast back there if i want to and i think i will just a little bit maybe pull the exposure back now remember it's missing some areas here but i'm going to show you how we can simply fix those areas and i think that's good for now so here's the before and here's the after now let me show you how to fix these areas now this will not be involving intersection what we're going to do is click add and this time we just want to add a brush i'll leave the flow of full because i want these areas to take the full effect of the darkening of the background i hope that makes sense to you i'm using my left and right bracket key to brush to make the brush size the size i need now you could put auto mask on here if you want in fact i do have auto mask on here now watch when i paint right here i just fix it you see that and i fix that and auto mask is helping me to protect those areas right there like that and i can come in here and just paint all down through here and just like that i've corrected my problem and i see a little area over here i'm going to make my brush a little bit smaller and just paint right in here and maybe right in there right there i'm going to shut off my auto mask and i'm going to go and erase and just come on the edge here just to soften this in a little bit right here and here okay and that's it or is it no i missed the spot here now i have a uh erase brush on right now so i need to go back to an ad brush and auto mask i'll turn it back on and just paint in here and correct this little area here and that is it to take a look at the overall before and after come up here to mask and toggle this off there's before and there's after but some pretty powerful tools here in lightroom now there it is everyone i hope you enjoyed this tutorial and i hope you have a better grasp of the masking tools in the new lightroom classic if you enjoyed this tutorial today please give it a like and share it with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly and i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 2,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, New Masking Tools, Masking, Local Adjustments, Color Range, Luminance Range, Brush Tool, Intersect, Photo Editing, Tutorial, Training, Layer Masks
Id: pMNmBpX4-B8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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