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hey everyone it's tk friday i'm really excited as always did you see that new feature in the tk8 multi-mass panel the edge mask feature did you wonder what that's all about well we're gonna tap into that today by the way there's also a bonus tutorial at the end of the first part i'll show you how i use an edge mask with an orton effect which will give you better results hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly thanks for joining me today yes it's another tk friday and i'm always excited about that today we're going to look at edge masks have you ever wondered what this little flower icon was well it is the edge mask icon when you click it an edge mask comes up what is an edge mask i'm glad you asked you're going to find out today sharpening images is a very important part of the photo editing process there are many different ways of sharpening images but i'm going to show you a tried and true way and that is using the unsharp mask in photoshop but i'm going to show you how to incorporate an edge mask along with that to get better sharpening results and today we'll be working on three different images uh the first image is my image the second image is the stock image this third image is my own image and the last image i'm going to work with an orton effect and use the edge mask on that one but we're going to start out with this image here first i'll provide download links for the two stock images in the description below when i was coming up with an idea for today's tutorial i consulted the tk8 video guide which i highly recommend if you don't have it get it also if you don't have the tk8 plug-in for photoshop yet grab it but you can get the plug-in for photoshop along with a video guide for 49 which is a really good deal and you can just get the video guide by itself for 29 if you don't have it yet it's a great stocking stuffer but if you use my promo code dk15 you'll save 15 off anything you buy on tony kuiper's website and you can just click on my affiliate link in the description below this video and it'll take you right over to this page well enough of that let's get started this technique i'm going to show you today is not all mine tony kuiper and i work together to figure out how to make this all work working with this edge mask so thanks tony for helping me out on this one i appreciate it but here's the first thing you want to do you want to go ahead and make a copy of your background layer you can either click this icon to stamp the layer or you can click this icon to just make a copy that layer and put it above there tony printed out a list of the instructions for what i'm going to show you today and i will have that in the description below this video for your reference step number two come up to filter and down to sharpen and then open up the unsharp mask filter now here's the filter here now you'll notice here's my starting point always for any image amount two hundred percent for this technique i'm showing you radius of two threshold of one and i find that generally is the one that i'll use but sometimes i'll use another one and that is three hundred percent whenever you're doing three hundred percent just change the radius to three three hundred percent radius three always leave the threshold at one that will give you extra sharpening and if you need less sharpening then 200 percent then go down to 150 percent the radius would then be 1.5 do you see how that works 150 1.5 and the threshold will always be one now don't forget in the description below the video there's going to be a list of instructions and it'll explain this to you what we're trying to achieve with this technique is maximum sharpness we're actually overdoing the sharpness and adding halos but that's all by design because don't forget we're working with an edge mask and the edge mask will get rid of the halos you'll see where this is going but follow me closely what i'm going to do is you see this little square right here i hope you can see that i'm going to come to an edge here of one of these petals and i'm going to zoom in here to like like 400 can you see that little edge on there that's the halo right there okay so we want to add a halo so 200 percent works fine if i go to uh 300 and three pixels that halo will get even wider but if you don't see a halo you might need to bump it up to 300 percent or if you see too much of a halo you might need to come down to 150 percent i generally find that 200 again is gonna work pretty much most of the time sometimes i will have to bump it up to 300 percent but this amount is determined by me seeing a halo this is very important we do want to see a halo not too much of a halo but a halo just like this so i'll use this amount 200 2 and 1 and click ok now let me go ahead and zoom in i'm going to zoom into 100 let's even zoom into 200 i'm going to go in one more time click the plus here and let's take a look here is the before and here is the after so the before and the after and as you can see i have some halos around the edges here like here and here all right and it really is over sharpened at this point again here's the before and here's the after now let's go ahead and work with the edge mask next before i add the edge mask this is a crucial next step step number three shut off this layer so click the eye and shut that sharpened layer off okay then come up and click on the flower icon and open up your edge masks the next step is you see this icon right here looks like a little water drop this is the blur icon for blurring so click this the first thing you want to do is blur this two pixels is always going to be two pixels in this formula and click ok i just type 2 right in the radius and click ok that's all you need to do now it's very important that you remember the amounts you used in the unsharp mask we use 200 percent and a 2 pixel radius we want to add a 2 pixel radius to this edge here see right now you see the white edge here i want this to get a little wider so i'm going to come to this icon right here to maximize that edge this is your maximize icon this is your minimize icon we don't want the edge to get more narrow we want it to get wider so we're going to use the icon on the left the maximum icon we use the 2 pixel radius and the unsharp mask so now we need to make this a 2 pixel radius so just highlight it and type in two and that'll give you a two pixel radius and click ok preserve is on round let's just leave it that way and click ok right now the edges are white which will reveal in a layer mask as you know we need to conceal the edges so we need to what what do you think invert well we have an invert icon right here just click it and now we've made the edges dark so that's going to protect our edges from halos pretty cool right and now all we need to do is apply so come to this icon right here it'll apply it to our layer which is our unsharp mask layer click this and now we have that mask attached to it and if we click this um double arrow here we can see what that mask looks like right now right now that layer is shut off so let me go ahead and turn it on now let's take a look at the before and after here is the before and here is the after now remember we have the edge protection turned on here if i come over to this b over here and really zoom into this b let me shut the edge protection off by clicking this edge right here this will disable this mask can you see the halos around the edges here now watch when i turn it back on they pretty much go away they're very much reduced anyway you need a little bit on there just to see the actual sharpening now i'm zoomed way in here too like uh how far am i zoomed in i'm zoomed in to like 470 percent so i'm way in here okay but anyway here again is the without the edge protection and here it is with the edge protection but as you can see it's doing a great job let me go to the actual size of the image here and see if you can see it here i hope you can see it on your uh on your monitors at home here's the before the sharpening and here is the after the sharpening let me go into 100 here is the before and here is the after so it does a great job we also have two different ways of fine tuning this image if it's too sharp you have this opacity slider that you can start to pull back to the left to decrease some of the sharpness if you need more sharpness you can make sure you have the mask selected double-click the mask and see the density here you can add more sharpness by dragging this density to the left here and the more you drag it the lighter this mask will get and that'll add more sharpness so to take sharpness away reduce the opacity to add sharpness work on the layer mask and reduce the density if double clicking the layer mask doesn't open up the properties just open up the properties panel and make sure you're on the mask okay because if i click here you can see it's giving me the pixel layer information make sure the layer mask is clicked on i just want to point out with photoshop photoshop give you a choice when you double click the mask you can either open up the properties panel or open up the select and mask dialog so if yours is opening up the selected mask dialog you're going to have to get out of there and come back and open up your properties panel on to the next image let me close the properties panel and let's click on our next image this image i do provide for you all right so we want to duplicate the background layer let's just click this icon here let's go to filter let's go we'll go a little quicker unsharp mask okay this one i've experimented and i'm going to come up here see the little square if i come up here on the edge and let's zoom in now actually i do i do have a halo here it's a i think i want a little larger halo i'm going to change this one to 300 percent 300 because i've experimented and i like that little extra halo in here but remember if i do 300 here i have to do three here all right and that's cool and i'll just click ok and now you can see here's my before and here's my after super amount of sharpness it's extra crisp if i zoom in you can really see it's crunchy there's the before and there's after okay let me go back to full size here so i'm at 300 in the unsharp mask and 3 on the pixel radius now we need to shut this layer off then go up to edge mask the flower icon click on it and give it that 2 pixel blur just type in the number 2 if this is highlighted in blue and click ok and then just come up and click on the maximize maximum edge dialog icon click this and change this remember we use three pixels in the unchart mask so i'm going to highlight this and type in three so now i have three pixels on here click ok and remember we need to invert it so click on the invert because right now the edge is white we want to invert it to make the edge dark so now the edge is dark to hide the halos and now all we need to do is output it to the unsharp mask layer by clicking this icon right here and check it out we don't see anything right because the layers turned off don't let that fool you it just fooled me i'm going to say wow it doesn't look any sharper and it doesn't so let's click this on and turn it on but look at that it may be a little over sharp okay but if i were to click this x and disable this mask you can see it's super crunchy right but look how that's really protecting it so we need to fine tune this one before i fine tune this let's zoom up into this edge a little bit so let me hit the plus key a couple times here and let's go up to the edge let me shut off this edge protection and check this out see the halo and now watch when i click this the halo is gone very cool right so let me go ahead and resize it to fit screen so it's too sharp so what we need to do is take the opacity and just start to ease it off a little bit so i'm going to take it back to maybe let's try 82 here is the before and here's after but look how beautifully sharp that is let's go ahead and zoom into it a little bit so we can really see it here here is the before and here's after there's a buffalo and i think it is oh it's right down here check this buffalo out here is the b4 and here is the after now i still may be a little too strong so i'm going to ease this off a little bit more now remember i used 300 so i was really aggressive so i'm going to bring it down to like 72 here is the before and here's the after but look how beautifully sharp that is now click this icon that'll fit it to screen so again here is the before and here is the after when i set up the unsharp mask filter i used 300 and 3 on the pixel radius i could have probably got away with 200 so if you try this at home try 200 i think it'll probably work but remember you can always pull back on the opacity no big deal if you're over sharpened or if you need more sharpening make sure you have the layer mask selected and open up the properties panel and just pull back on the density and that'll make the image sharper let's move on to the last sharpening example and then we're going to move on to the orton effect where i show you how to use the edge mask all right so we got this image we need to duplicate the background layer so let's go ahead and do that and let's open up the uh unsharp mask filter right here and i'm going to use 200 percent i'm going to type 200 and remember 200 we also want 200 or 2 on the pixel radius so type 2 threshold always at 1 for our formula click ok shut this layer off come up and turn on the edge mask dialog open it up go to blur we want to blur this two pixels okay we want to go to the maximum edge mask open this up let's highlight this and type 2 here see how quick it can be and then just click ok and then all we need to do is invert it and then apply it and then turn on the layer and see the result so there's the sharpening this is at full size here this is the sharpening result and here is before sharpening and here is after and if i were to disable the uh protection the layer mask protection let's disable it look how crunchy it is okay so now here it is with the layer mask protection so just like that it's that easy i did this one fast just to show you how quick this really is it takes a while to explain this stuff and i'm happy with this result i don't need to add extra sharpening or i don't have to pull back any sharpening i think it's perfect and like i said that 200 percent with the two pixel radius and the one threshold is generally the one you're probably going to use most of the time and now it's time for the bonus tutorial so let's go ahead and open up that image holiday ornament hey an orton effect would look really great in here give it a nice soft dreamy look so that's why i chose this image you can go ahead and download this image it's provided in the description below it's a stock image let me go ahead and fit it to screen by clicking this icon right here on the on the tk8cx panel and let's come to our actions and simply let's just add a regular orton effect now i learned this technique from watching that tk8 video guide from sean bagshaw and he gives you some other ways of using the edge mask as well things i haven't covered today so if you don't have that video i highly recommend it it just gives you all kind of information on the tk8 panel it's the tk8 video guide and you can save 15 on it remember that so let's go ahead and leave the radius at 10 by default i'm going to click ok and as you can see when you're using an orton effect you get a nice soft glow but we lose a little bit of detail on the edges and that's where the edge mask is going to come in so let's take a look here's the before and here's the after but see the detail we've lost but let me show you what to do so here's the orton effect group we want to put a mask on this group so we're going to leave this on but here's what we're going to do we're going to come up and click that same edge mask icon get our edge mask and we're going to do the same two pixel blur okay and then we're going to go to the maxima maximum edge and remember it was a 10 pixel radius for the orton effect so i'm going to come here and type 10 and click ok 10 radius 10 maximum radius as well and then all we need to do is simply invert it we have to invert it because right now the edges are all light we need the opposite and we need them dark so we invert it and now they're all dark you see that all we need to do is apply it to that group and check it out let's disable this uh layer mask this is what it looks like without the layer mask and this is what it looks like with the layer mask now if you want a little more dreamy look all you have to do is come up make sure you have the mask selected go to properties so that's on properties this is properties and you can pull the density back you see that you can add more dreamy glow there but i like it the whole way up i think it looks really nice or if you felt you had too much orton effect you can take the opacity and start to pull this back if you want to okay so just like that but i'm gonna leave it up full it's christmassy it's got a nice glow here's what it looks like without the orton effect here's what it looks like with the orton effect and the edge mask is bringing back some detail and if i disable the edge mask it gets a lot softer now you may like that look but if you want to bring back some detail do this technique i showed you with the edge mask okay now the orton effect is great for landscape images any type of photography but when you're losing too much detail with the orton effect add an edge mask to that group it'll really help well there it is i hope you enjoyed this tutorial today give it a try and please leave comments and questions i'd really love to hear from you if you enjoyed the tutorial today please give it a like share it with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click the bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 3,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK8, TK8 Muti-Mask Panel, TK8 Plugin for Photoshop, Photoshop, Photography, Luminosity Masks, Layer Masks, Photo Editing, Halo Control, Remove Halos, Sharpening, Unsharp Mask, Edge Protection, Tutorial, Training, Orton Effect, Orton Glow, Orton, Glow, TK Friday
Id: kVekrCEx9e0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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