DXO PHOTOLAB 5: Exploring the Newly Updated UPOINT TECHNOLOGY

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the new version of photo lab has been released it's version 5.0 there's been some nice updates to the u-point control technology and we're going to get a look at those today hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly photo lab 5.0 has been released and there's been some nice updates done to it today i want to look at the u-point control technology there's been some nice features added to it and that's what i'm looking at today they've also made some changes with the way uh photolab5 handles metadata in your photo library if you like keywords keyword management is easier than ever before so that's a welcome addition here's another nice new feature photo lab 5 now supports fujifilm x-trans files it's still in the beta form but i'll tell you i understand it works really well i don't have a fuji camera so i can't really show that to you and there's been some changes to the way it is working with your files it's faster and more efficient now and to celebrate the launch of dxo photo lab 5 and also dxo film pack 6 those products are on sale for 30 off up till november 14th as well as the nick collection and uh looks like pure raw is on sale right now as well as viewpoint three so you could take advantage of those sell prices just click on my affiliate link in the description below if you do that i appreciate it i make a small commission and that helps support my channel and helps keep me going so i appreciate that and i want to thank you for that in advance if you use my affiliate link well let's go ahead and jump into this i want to show you the new uh updates to the u-point technology now to get to the u-points what you need to do is come up here where it says local adjustments in the menu and click this and that will open up the interface for upon technology and also other local adjustments then what i like to do is right click with my mouse and when you do that you get a menu up here now inside of this menu of all different kind of local adjustments that you can make now you have your u-points or your control points you have something new called control line and these both use that new technology that i want to show you of course you have a graduated filter eraser brush and an automatic mask brush and a regular brush tool and then you can reset things and you can add a new mask here but what we're going to look at first are control points so let me go ahead and click control point and when i do you notice i have a control point here now let's say i want to darken this grass area down over here and i'm going to use control points to do that so i could come here and click and add a control point and see this circle here this is the area of influence that it will be affecting so i can click this and make it larger or smaller and then i could come and maybe add another control point and maybe add another one over here and maybe i'll make this a little bit larger just to overlap that one and make this one just a little bit bigger make sure i got the whole corner there now if i come here and click show masks you can see the light area is the area that has been selected now it's overreached into this area here but here is where this new feature comes in handy and it's called mask selectivity it will be found in this local adjustments group right here see how it's selected if it's not selected like say if color was selected you could come here and select the local adjustments group and that mass selectivity will be found inside of here chroma and luma now of course chroma will be dealing with color and luma will be dealing with the luminosity of the image so we have two adjustments here so if we take this chroma adjustment and move it to the right we'll tighten up the chroma selection here you see how it's getting tighter if i move it to the left it broadens it out and encompasses way more out in this area that i want so i can take it move it to the right somewhat and just grab that area you see right there and then i can also work with luminosity try this one way i'll decrease the luminosity range if i move it to the right now increase it if i move it to the left so you can just tweak it and fine tune it too it's just grabbing the area that you want and i'm thinking maybe right about there let me play with this one more time right there okay and you also notice we have control point here this is this control point here and every time you add a new control point this this list will get build up and i'll show you here in a minute but now we can go ahead and make the adjustments so what we can do at this point is right now our masks are showing we can shut our masks off and now we can use the adjustments right here now we have our like uh light adjustments in here you have your color adjustments here and your detail adjustments here so if i want to darken this down a bit i can just take the exposure and drag this down a little bit and darken that up a little bit okay or i could lighten it if i wanted to but in my case i want to darken it up just a little bit and then we can go to color and we could come here and you know we can increase the saturation or decrease it a little bit maybe i'll just decrease that saturation a little wee bit just so we don't have too much emphasis drawn to this side of the image here okay and then you can come here where it says control point and you can click this and you can see there's the before and there's the after which is really nice and then you also have the opacity here if you felt that adjustment was too strong you can take this opacity and you can start to pull it back so you have a lot of control here which is really nice now let's say i want to lighten up this area of the corn field in this area right here now i could click new mask to give myself a new mask or i could right click with my mouse and click the plus right here for a new mask and make sure you have a control point selected which i did and then we could click here and let's add a control point so there's a control point let's add another control point here maybe let's widen this one out a little bit and let's add one over here and just widen it out a little bit okay so i have that whole area selected pretty well right now and let's click on our show mask so we can see the area selected but it's picking more area up than i really want so let's try out our new tools let's work with chroma first i'm going to move this to the right see how i can narrow that down or widen it out but i want to narrow it down a good bit maybe somewhere right around there so i'm just thinking of this cornfield here right now let's play with luminosity we can tighten up the luminosity or we can broaden it out and i think maybe right about there gets kind of the area that i want now let's go ahead and click off show mass so now we can see the image and now let's go ahead and make an adjustment and see so let me uh take the exposure and lighten this up see how i can just lighten that up and maybe i'll give it a little bit of extra contrast in there and how about maybe a little bit of clear view just to show that through a little bit better maybe just a little bit more of the exposure so now we can take a look here here is the before and here is the after and i might give it a little bit of micro contrast as well just to you know sharpen it up a little bit okay so here is the before and here's after so just that easy we can lighten up that whole area there now if i feel these trees back here we're being affected too much and i didn't want them to be affected so let me shut this off one more time before and after yeah you can see they're lighting up a little bit i can get a negative control point and just come here and throw a negative control point and see that'll fix that up right there and maybe over here i'll throw a negative control point and now let's see here's the before and here's the after so now we're just definitely getting that field so don't forget you still have your negative control points and they still come in handy just in case we need to fine tune that selection just a wee bit here's a good tip for you we have this list of control points and i like to name these control points you can double click them and you could go ahead and name them like i'm going to call this one corn filled and the other one i think i'll call it right side grass so just double click that and name them that way you'll be able to go back and tweak them up if you need to so that's a really good tip and don't forget you also have the opacity control that you can adjust for each one of these control points as well the next thing i want to do is work on this sky and i'm going to use that new control line feature but first we need to create a new mask so come down here and click on new mask and that will create a new mask for us and right now i have a negative control point we need a positive control point so i'm going to go ahead and click here then i'm going to right click and my menu comes up and we're going to use this new control line so just click right here and now you see i have this crosshatch so all you need to do is click and drag down now you see the circle that i'm dragging on here this is the graduated area i can make it wider or more narrower and then you can also adjust the angle here so make it as wide as you think you want it and then release that and then come up to this circle and click and drag it down into position now i may need to readjust this a little bit so maybe somewhere right around there so this is the graduated area right in here okay and now you notice i have this eye dropper tool but i'll show you how this works but first off let's come down here and click on show mask so we can see the area selected but look how nicely it selected our area now you can take this eyedropper tool and drag it around to select a different part of the image okay so i can drag it over here and select this area i could come here and click that and it'll select that so you can move this around and pick different areas and the eyedropper will use that to calculate how it's going to make the mask and i think right there looks really good now also you also have the chroma and luminance adjustments so that are associated with this so we can go ahead and adjust these as well and just you know fine-tune that selection i'll work with the luminance here but see how i can get it really nice and defined at the edge there but maybe something right like that is a perfect selection now we can click show mass again and that'll shut the mask off and now we can make our adjustment and in case you're wondering each one of these bars represents a different adjustment so we have exposure contrast micro contrast clear view highlights mid-tones shadows and we have blacks and then we have the color group here which has vibrancy saturation temperature tint and hue and then we have detail which has sharpness as well as blur so some really cool stuff so i could blur that sky out if i wanted to but i think what i want to do is maybe just uh pull back on the highlights a little bit where are my highlights right here so i'm going to pull down on the highlights see darken up the highlights just a wee little bit and maybe just pull down the exposure just a tiny wee bit and let's see here is the before and here's after so it just really nicely darkened that sky up just a tiny wee bit i'll go ahead and double click control line and we'll call this sky but those are the new features in the u-point technology so we have that new control line which is really nice we still have the um grad filter but the control line is nice because it'll grab edges of things really well it's super powerful and i know you'll find a lot of great uses for it and then don't forget we have this new mask selectivity which works with both the control line and control points to really fine tune your selections with chroma and luminance so really great new additions to photo lab 5. well there it is everyone dxo photo lab 5 is now out as well as film pack 6. there's some introductory sales going on right now again just click on my affiliate link in the description below this video it'll take you to those cells today i showed you some of the new updates to the u-point technology control line as well as luminosity and chroma adjustments to fine-tune your selections hey let me know in the description below this video what you think of these new features i'd really love to hear your thoughts if you enjoyed the video today please give it a like share with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber on my channel please subscribe click the bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 5,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DXO, DXO PhotoLab, DXO PhotoLab 5, Upoint, New Release, Sale, New Update, Control Points, Mask Selectivity, Photography, Photo Editing, The Joy of Editing, Dave Kelly
Id: VuLV085tjVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 01 2021
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