TK8 MULTI-MASK PLUGIN for PHOTOSHOP: Developing With Masks /// It's TK Friday ///

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it's that time of the week again it's tk friday welcome everyone today's episode is called developing with masks hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly yes it is tk friday again i always love tk fridays and i hope you do too i know i hear from a lot of you out there saying you do enjoy tk fridays and i'm happy to be here with you today today we'll be working with a mass calculator we'll be working with color masks luminosity masks and will also work with the my channels button the my channels button allows you to grab masks that you have stored as channels and then you can do some further editing on them and then use those with your adjustment layers recently i published the video on my youtube channel where i use dxo photo lab 5 to do the raw processing of this image i'll link that at the end of this video in case you want to see it but i mentioned in that video that i do all my local adjustments in photoshop using the tk8 multi-mass panel and so i thought well i'm just going to make a video where i do some further developing on this image and i will be using the tk8 multi-mass panel and the cx panel to do that i'll start out today by saving a sky selection and to do that i'm going to come over to the tk8 cx panel and click this button right here which will select the sky for us and once the sky is selected i'm going to use this button right here which will save that as a channel which will later access with the my channels button and so i'm going to call this sky and click ok and you'll notice i have a sky channel saved for me here and now i want to select out the water i'm going to make this a little bit smaller here so to do that i'm going to grab this object selection tool and i have mine set up for rec rectangle in this mode here you can change it to lasso or rectangle but i'm going to use a rectangle and all we have to do is get close to this water here and just kind of draw a marquee around it like this and i'll save the water as a channel so come over here and click this icon to save that as a channel we're going to call this water click ok and now you'll notice i have a water channel okay then now we have a water channel a sky channel i would also like to select these autumn trees now how can i do that well we're going to come up and click on the my channels button now you'll notice i have an active selection which is this water selection i have not deselected it yet i have a sky selection and a water selection and it's reading my channels down here okay sky and water now how can i make this selection on the trees here's what i need to do let's select sky and then what we want to do is that sky is selected but we don't want the sky so let's invert it see this icon click it and when you do click it it will invert that now we have those trees selected but the water is still selected as well so how can we get rid of the water if you're thinking mass calculator you are correct so let's click on this mass calculator right here now we want to remove the water from this selection so let's use the subtract feature let's click it and you'll notice it's highlighted in green now letting you know that subtract has been selected now let's think for a moment where did we save that water well we saved it down here in channels so can we go back to my channels and locate that yeah let's go ahead and click x let's open up my channels and we already have uh subtract selected so let's click on water click equal and check it out we now have the tree selected without the water without the sky pretty nice are you ready for a good tip after you went through all this trouble creating this tree mask let's go ahead and save it as a channel so come right here to this icon and click save and let's give it a name let's call it uh trees and click ok and when i do you'll notice now the trees are down here in my channels saved we may not need to use it but it's there in case we do now that i've nicely selected the trees what am i going to do with them well i want to make some adjustments on them and i'm going to use one of my favorite adjustments the color grading tool i always like to use this now when i start out my images to balance out the highlights mid-tones and shadows so i'm going to come here to this icon which will output this selection or this mask to the color grading tool so just click here and now i have a color grading layer with the tree mask attached to it and now for some adjustments so what i'm going to start out with is the mid tones click on the mid tones we have the gray block here i'm going to lighten up the midtones by dragging this luminosity slider to the right just to lighten up those midtones a little bit here and i might give them a little warm color grading so i'm going to take this block and drag it up into yellows a little bit you know just to give me a slight warming effect here is the before and here is after so slightly warmer and now let me go to my shadows and i think i'm going to take my shadows and just drag the luminosity slider to the left a little bit just to darken up those shadows yeah that looks that looks really nice i don't want to go too far here but i like it here is the before and here's the after and i think the highlights are fine i'm not going to touch the highlights you don't have to touch every one of these adjustments in here if you don't want to in my case i feel i just need the mid tones and the shadows adjusted but i like this here's the before and here's the after i'm in the process right now balancing out this image so i think the water is a little too light so i've already made a water channel right so let's come back up to the my channels button let's select that water and this time i'm going to send it out to another color grading tool so click here and i'm going to click on mid tones and what i'll do is just i want to darken right so i'm going to take this luminosity slider and start to drag it back a little bit not too much just a wee little bit and maybe tint it slightly blue not much but just a little bit of a blue tint so here is the before and here's after and i think that was very helpful i've done the trees i've done the water next is the sky let's x out of the color grading tool and let's go back to the my channels button can you see how cool this my channels button really is let's select the sky and another color grading tool and just that quick and easy a little bit of preliminary setting up of the edit but from that point on everything goes smooth and i really enjoy that i think i need to tone down the sky a little bit so i'm going to click on mid tones first and i'm just going to drag the luminosity slider to the left i'm not going to go too crazy here but i just feel it's a little bit too light maybe i'm going to go more than i thought i'm going to try right there now it's a little cool so i might want to warm it up with a little bit of warm tone so let me drag this block up into yellow it's just a little bit i don't want to go too much but just a wee little bit here is the before and here is the after i like it maybe just slightly warmer here is the before and here's the after and you can always come back and readjust these things if you need to but for now i think i'm happy with that and let's go to my highlights and do i want to uh pull my highlights back a little bit let me see i'm just going to draw yeah i might just pull those highlights back just a wee little bit so here is the before and here's after so the image started out looking like this i'm just holding the alt or option key down and clicking on the background eyeball here's my before and here's after but a nice balancing so far let me go ahead and make my image bigger i always forget to do this but let me go ahead and click this icon right here and we'll fit this to the screen i apologize for that at the beginning i usually work at that size to be honest with you because i like a little border around mine but for the video it's nice for you guys to see everything now i examine the image and let the image speak to you because you know what it does speak to you and it kind of tells you what it needs well this is an autumn scene and to me the image is telling me it wants these autumn trees to really have a little bit more saturation and light in them so that's what i'm going to work on next what type of mask do you think we could use to select the colors of these trees well there's a lot of colors so let's try a color mask let's get out of this color grading tool let's just click the x click on the color mask icon and let's pick a color that we think would represent all these trees and i think these yellowish tones in here would work so i'm going to click here and click ok and see what kind of a mask we get and i like it it's selecting the trees very well let's go ahead and lighten up that selection let's drag this luminance slider to the right a little bit and we lighten it up now we see we have some clouds in here as well we can get rid of those now we have these paint brushes here a white and black brush click on your black brush and you can simply with a nice big brush with a soft edge 100 opacity paint off any of those clouds that we don't want in there which is none we don't want any of them in there so we can go ahead and clean this mask right up with this brush and that's what those tools are for and i'm referring to all these tools in this gray section here now i like our mask now here's what i recommend if you like a mask and you think you might use it again take advantage of this button right here the save and just like we did with that previous mask we're going to save this as a channel i'm going to call this one tree highlights and then i'm going to go ahead and click ok and that'll save it as a channel and if we need to use it at some point in the edit we have it and it lives right here in the channels now remember i made this mask so i can make a saturation adjustment in the trees so let's output this to a hue saturation adjustment layer and as you can see we have our hue saturation adjustment layer with a mask now we simply take the saturation and drag it to the right let's increase our saturation i don't want to go too crazy here because it'll look unnatural i might make it look a little oversaturated just to make sure it shows up in the video and i think i might add a little bit of lightness now here's a little tip when you add a little bit of lightness you're going to lose a little saturation so you might have to increase that saturation a little bit so that's a tip and here's another one if you decide to use the lightness slider to darken the image a little bit then you may find that the saturation increases so there you might have to pull back on the saturation a little bit let's take a look at the before and after here's the before and here is the after so i like that nice little saturation boost there i'm continuing to let this image speak to me and now i think i want some nice light up on some of these light areas of the trees just to sculpt these trees a little bit and light does a really great job of doing that and i think i'll do some dodging now i saved this uh channel this mask in this channel tree highlights okay so let's come up here and click on my channels and let's click on tree highlights and that'll bring that mask back to us we don't have to make it all over again and now let's uh send it out to a 50 gray dodging layer where we'll be dodging through a selection so just click on the left side of this dodge icon and now we have the 50 gray layer with an overlay blend mode and you can see my selection indicators showing me that we have a selection and now we can dodge now we're automatically set up with a white brush i'm going to make my brush smaller because it's way too big and a real soft edge on it and i'm gonna take my opacity down to about thirty percent i'm just typing the three key and testing it out yeah and see what i'm gonna do is kiss some light and just make these trees just really jump out at you and it really sculpts them as we do that now remember we're dodging through a selection so it's very much controlling what we're doing and that is exciting and i love it but just take your time this is where you really become an artist and you really create your image now these trees up here that are already light i'm not going to do too much to them but i'm just picking out certain trees that i think a little like kissing them may look beautiful like look at these trees right here these excite me i love the way these trees look in here okay so i i want to have some light on those and even some of these areas back in here and how about this tree over here yeah let's zing a little bit of light not on everything but you know you pick and choose and you find the area where you think it'll look good and so that's what i'm doing here and you can always come back and do this later save this out with all your layers intact but i think for now i think i'm good maybe i'll hit this a little bit okay and you can go over things again and keep applying extra paint and a little lighten each time you do it okay let me close this properties panel let's take a look here is the before this is before dodging and here is after but isn't that nice the way that light just really zings and makes those trees just really come to life again here's the before and here is the after this is the magic of editing the last thing i want to do for today's tutorial is lighten up some of these uh tree trunks in the mid-tone areas in here and to do that i'm going to grab a levels adjustment now i'm just going to click right here to get a levels adjustment and i'm just going to lighten up the mid-tones a decent amount and even take this highlight slider and drag it over a little bit and then pull the shadow slider to the right just to add a little bit of contrast in there maybe lighten up a little more i may over exaggerate this because i can come back and retweet this because i'm going to use a mask to take care of this okay so right about there let me see here's a before and here's an after and i know you're thinking dave you destroyed your image it was looking so good well don't worry here's what i'm going to do i'm going to come up to the luminosity mask and click right here and then we're going to click on mid tones 1 there's a midtones 1 mask and all i'll do at this point is output it to this black layer mask with a white paint brush so it'll hide everything i've done click right here and it says warning no pixels are more than 50 selected that's okay just click ok and when you do you've hidden what i've just done or i've hidden what i've just done so it's back it's back so now i'm going to be painting through a selection through a midtones one mask i'm going to get a big brush here and i'm going to paint at i'm going to try 100 i'm going to type my 0 key nice soft edge brush here and i'm just going to paint that mid-tone adjustment you see that just like that and it's only targeting my midtones and i'm going to come in here as well and over there and i think that's looking pretty good now it might be overdone let's see here's the before and here's the after so i'm going to come back up here and readjust so i'm going to take the shadow slider drag it to the right a little bit more uh let's see and that adds a little extra contrast so i'm going to lighten still maybe right there i feel there's a slight red cast here so to take care of that the rgb drop down here click this and click on red and just drag this slider to the right and when you do you're going to add cyan to the to the overall image so i just want to add a little bit of that cyan to offset the red okay and that will kind of remove that color cast see right there i think like at a nine maybe an eight okay here is a before and here's after so i lightened up the mid-tones and got rid of that red color cast i might just paint in here just a little bit more in this section i think that's it again here is the before and here's the after just a minor little adjustment at the end let's take a look at the overall before and after here's the overall before and here is the after so i think it's come a long way i'm really happy with it am i done at this point maybe but i'm not sure i may come back and revisit this later but i think for the tutorial i think i'll stop at this point and save it out with layers intact to save it i'll just come up here to file and click on save and it will save it out and all my layers will be there when i come back to this if i decide to work on it further well there it is i hope you enjoyed the tutorial today if you did please give it a like share it with your friends if you're not yet a subscriber please subscribe click the bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing you
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 3,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK8, Tony Kuyper, TK8 Multi-Mask, TK8 Combo/Cx, Luminosity Masks, Color Masks, Channels, Dodging, Photography, Photo Editing, The Joy of Editing, Dave Kelly, DK15, TK Friday, Layer Masks, Masking, Training, Tutorial
Id: WzddYqvWEmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 40sec (1060 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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