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hi everyone anthony morganti here historically in order to do compositing in photoshop one had to be highly skilled while over the years photoshop has been updated considerably and the tools needed for compositing have seen the most upgrades now it's very easy to do compositing and in this video i'm going to show you how easy it is what we're going to do is clip this woman out of this scene and we're going to put her in this scene [Music] [Music] all right we're going to start out with the lady we're going to clip her out first in order to clip her out we need to make a selection of her to make a selection you get a selection tool hit the w key on your keyboard and you'll get one of three selection tools over here object quick or the magic wand tool doesn't matter which one is active just make sure you hit w then at the top you'll see two buttons select subject and select a mask just click on select subject and photoshop will find the subject in your image and select it you can see we have marching ants now around our subject but it's not a perfect selection it selected part of the table and it selected the chair over here and it didn't select all of our blouse right here so we need to fix that we'll do first go to the quick selection tool now we need a very specific tool so make sure you're using the quick selection tool and by default you'll be in add mode that means wherever you're going to click you're adding to the selection and the right bracket key will make the brush larger and the left bracket key smaller now what i want to do is i want to make sure i'm getting all of her blouse so i'm adding to the selection but i want to remove the table down here so i need to get a minus brush to remove that selection from the table i'll get a larger brush and instead of going up here and clicking like the minus brush all you need to do is hold in the alt or option key ultimate pc option if you have mac keep that key held in and you'll have a minus brush then we could come in and deselect from that table and we've got to get this little area right in there a little better okay and now i'm going to kind of you'll see as you click it gets it gets better and better as you do it and i need to get rid of the chair that's behind her so again i need to remove from the selection so i'll hold in the option key on my mac and come up here and there's a little piece of those folds on her uh skirt and i need to get a smaller brush for that hit the left bracket key holding that option key get in there all right so now we have a really nice rough selection we're going to refine it further so to do that we're going to go up to select and mask when you do that you'll see on my computer i have this red overlay wherever it's red that's what's getting clipped away and uh you could change that a lot of people don't care for the red they care for something they prefer something else just go to this drop down and you could do you know whatever you want a lot of people prefer like on black and then you could affect the opacity of the black with this slider here personally again i prefer the red for most instances now as i look at it the only thing that i think is really troublesome at the moment is her hair you can see right in here it didn't get between her hair very well now you could come up here and click this refine here button but what i found is that often makes it worse but let's try it we'll click refine here and you can see it it refined the hair but you can see how the red now is over in here that's going to cause us issues we need her hair to be solid black not like with this red there so the refine here in this instance didn't work so i need to undo it hit command or control z is in zebra that will undo your last step don't go over here and hit the undo button on the far right because that undoes everything and you don't want to undo everything so pretty good selection her hair right in here i could see a little bit of the um original wall behind her there so i need to fix that so what i'm going to do is get the refine edge brush it's the second brush brush from the top over here on the left hand side i'm going to be in plus mode and i'm simply going to come in here and click and paint on those areas that i think need to be fixed and that's it maybe right in there a little bit too and that is it that looks pretty good so i like it the way it is um i think we have a good selection i don't even have to come over here and move any sliders or anything at all i'm going to go down to output 2 and you could output i would say i recommend you output it to either a selection or a new layer with a layer mask i'm going to just do a selection and click ok or back to the original image with the marching ants i want to put her by herself on her own layer so i'm going to hit going to hit command j on my mac it's ctrl j on a pc turn off that background layer and you can see we have her clipped out and you can see between her hair there we could see transparency so it worked out well now i need to get her from here and put her in the room over here and to do that i'm going to get the move tool the v key on your keyboard is the keyboard shortcut for the move tools right here we're going to click right on her and just drag her up to that tab of the room and just drop her in now of course she's way too small for the room so we need to resize her so i'm going to put her over around where i want her to be over here i need to get the free transform tool hit command or control t to get the free transform tool and i'm just going to grab a handle and make her fit the room pretty pretty good now the bottom let me leave it at there for a minute i'm going to click the check box you can see the bottom of her skirt looks a little rough so i want to make sure that doesn't show so even if i move it like if i move it right there you see how it looks rough so i want to make sure that doesn't show so i'm going to go back to free transform mode hit command t and drag that down so it's off the image and then drag her up just a little bit more just like that now i'm lucky in this instance because the window is at camera right and the light's coming in that way and that is the way her face and body uh happens to be lit so that's good if the window was on the other side of the room and i needed to flip her to do that in free transform mode when you have this box up here just right click on her or on inside of the box and go to flip horizontal so that's all you need to do to flip it so that the lighting matches now in this case i didn't need to do that the lighting did match so i i'm good to go i'm going to click check box now she actually fits the room pretty well but often what you'll find is the colors won't match and they don't match too much here that you know a little bit the room it has lower color saturation than she does so i need to fix that there's a new tool in photoshop now it's in beta it's a neural filter that will take care of this it's called harmonize to get to that we're going to go up to filter neural filters and it's over here i mentioned it's in beta so it's in the beta part it's called here harmonization we'll turn that on now you just need to tell it what the background layer is so click on this drop down and go to background and you can see that at the bottom it's processing on device let it do its thing and it did it so it kind of took some of the color away but for my liking i think it made um though it just made her a little too dark the lighting i don't think is is is right because the room is very bright now what it's doing is it's assuming she's more backlit that's why it made um you know the front of her face and everything in front of her body a little darker but i don't like that i'm going to so i'm going to brighten it up i'm going to move this to the right see what that looks like let it process and there i think that looks a little better now again you have control 2 over the cyan magenta and yellow color mix and also the saturation overall so if i thought it was still too much saturated i could bring this to left or if i want to give more saturation move it to the right so the overall strength though i could even bring that down if i wanted to but i think she fits the scene so i'll click ok now when you do that what this neural filter will do is it will give you an entirely new layer so it's non-destructive there's our original layer that i just dragged over and there is the one that had harmonized added to it now i'm going to take the original layer i don't need it so i'm just going to throw it out you don't have to do that you just turn it off and i think that's it you can see how easy it is to do compositing now i just want to mention one more thing because you may run into one issue often when you clip out something anything and you put it in another image you'll get some fringing going around it most often what i found it's a white fringe but every now and then you'll get a black fringe we don't really have that here but what i'm talking about is wherever like a darker area is like the dark area of her skirt or arm you get like a little white line if you encounter that make sure you click clicked on that layer that has in this case the person the clip out then go up to layer down to matting and then you want to either remove the black matte or remove the white matte now i mean like i mentioned most often it's white i'll click on that and you can see it actually filled out her hair a little more so you might run into that and if you do just do that and you're good to go so the new tools in photoshop really help compositing i mean it makes it very very easy so many people could do um compositing now without all those hours of practice many of us had to do so that's it for this video i'd like to thank everyone who watches my videos i really do appreciate it i'll talk to you guys soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Anthony Morganti
Views: 14,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: morganti, anthony morganti, photoshop compositing tutorial, photoshop compositing for beginners, photoshop compositing basics, photoshop compositing secrets, photoshop compositing techniques, Photoshop Compositing Tricks, Photoshop Compositing Tips, jrfromptc, photoshop training channel, photoshop tutorial, compositing, photo manipulation, match color, create shadow, create realistic shadow, lighting, photography, composite, adobe, photoshop, tutorial, blend images, unmesh dinda
Id: OWv1z84KuAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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