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hey everyone it's tk friday this is masking success part two hello everyone and welcome to the joy of editing with dave kelly last week's tk friday tutorial was uh setting yourself up for masking success that was part one we're just going to carry that theme further and just get deeper into masking we're going to be using the masking calculator some more where i'm going to be introducing some different ideas and concepts today and by the way not only is it tk friday my favorite day of the week but this is tk black friday you're going to save 25 percent off everything over on tony kuiper's website just click on my affiliate link in the description below this video and it will take you to those black friday specials there you'll find the tk8 multimask plugin for photoshop along with a bunch of really great training videos you'll save 25 off of anything in that site and just use my promo code dk25 when you use that promo code i'll get uh credit for those sales i'll make a small commission it helps me to keep these tutorials coming your way so if you'll do that i appreciate that if you purchase anything but sit back and relax you're going to learn a lot of new cool stuff today well let's go ahead and get started i did provide this image for you you can download it you'll find it in the description below just click on the download link and you can follow along with me i'm not a big fan of the crop of this image so i'm just going to give it a little bit of a crop so i'm just going to grab my cropping tool and i'm just going to pull down you know maybe something like that i think that'll look better i'll just go ahead and accept it now let me go ahead and fill it up to fit the screen by clicking this icon here i chose this image today because it doesn't have a sky background and normally i'll select the sky and then invert it and then we'll grab the foreground out of that but i'm going to show you how we can work with this image without a sky instead of selecting a sky we can come here and click on this icon and we can select the subject now it looks like it did a pretty good job so let me go ahead and zoom in and let's just take a look here and it looks like photoshop did a really good job of selecting the subject but we need to clean it up a little bit let's go over to the trusty tk8 cx or combo panel whichever one you're using they're both the same they just look different let's go and click on s m for selected mask and that'll bring up the selected mask dialog here now i'm using a red overlay but you have different choices that you can use but let's just use the red overlay now i'm going to be using the second tool down which is the refine edge brush tool and we're going to refine the edges i'm just going to paint right here and it usually does a pretty good job it doesn't actually have to be perfect i think that looks pretty good let me come down on the edge here and see what it gets it missed a little spot in there so i'm going to hold my option key down and just paint in here yeah and that looks pretty good now it's missed the spot right in here if i paint over this you can see it kind of gets a little bit of it in there but go to the next tool down and what we're going to do is just paint it's just a regular old brush and you can adjust the feathering on the edge let's make it like i don't know maybe around like a 40 50 feathering and i'll just paint down here just like so all right now i think that looks pretty good and i'm just going to go back to the refine edge tool and just paint right here and just see okay and i think that's for all intents and purposes gonna be fine i'm gonna output this to a selection so i'm just gonna click ok and i think that's gonna be good let's go ahead and fit this back to screen by clicking this icon here now that i look at this i'm looking at my selection i missed the piece right in here i believe let me zoom in here one more time just to see yeah that's some background there so let's go ahead and click on s m one more time and i'm going to use that refine edge tool and just paint right here and see if that cleans it up yeah it does a pretty good job takes a little way here let's go to that other brush and this is just a regular brush remember it'll just paint things back in and if you hold your option key down you can remove things like like here let me go ahead and just do this you know it is select and mask and it's supposed to do a really good job i'm going to go back to refine edge and right there make my brush a little smaller but is it perfect by no means is it perfect i'm using the wrong tool i wanted the refine is i'm going to hit command or control z to go backwards make my brush smaller see i'm making mistakes and i'm leaving my mistakes in for you there that looks better i'm going to take that and now let's click ok and now i'm happy with that i think that's going to be better let me go ahead and fit it to screen again now i made this selection what the heck am i going to do with it well if you're thinking dave save it as a channel you are right so let's come over here to the tk cx panel and click this icon and we can save it let's just call it subject and click ok so that's saved in the channel the next thing i want to do which is a little different is i'm going to use the object selection tool and i know i've used that before but let's click on the object selection tool i'm going to separate out this um grass area here okay so i'm just going to go outside of the canvas here and just drag i'm using the rectangle tool and go like this and see how nice it selects it it's not perfect we're going to go back into select and mask and refine that but follow me closely because i'm doing things a little different today so let's go to s m and let's refine this area right in here i'm going to use this same refine edge brush tool and just paint along the edge here this doesn't have to be perfect but just paint right along here like so and i think that's going to be good and then we're just going to output it as a selection and click ok and now we have that selection and if we want to we can examine this mask so we can come up and click on this edit selection icon we used this last week and we could take a look at the mask but what i want to show you here is we have some of the animals legs here and there's some areas out here that selected masks didn't do such a great job on but we have some great tools in here and what i mean by that is we have a dodge and a burn tool and i'm going to utilize those and i'll show you how let's click on the burn tool first and i'm just going to take the default settings it's set for shadows and 50 exposure and when i paint over here look how it cleans my mask up isn't that cool i can come in here and clean this up here i can get rid of these legs and we have a brush tool in here as well that we can use if it misses some of the areas little stubborn areas and again it doesn't have to be perfect but look how i can clean things up so we have selected mask but we also have these great tools inside of the tk8 multi-mass plug-in for photoshop now this area right here is part of that animal's legs i don't know what the name of that animal is but if you do let me know in the comment section below grab a brush tool black brush tool and i'm just going to paint that off just like so isn't that cool and i can clean that up now i can save the mask right here but before i do there's some areas down here let's click move over to a dodge tool we have a burn tool but we also have a dodge tool that we can come in here and dodge things a little bit and again it doesn't have to be perfect but let's just clean it up a tiny little bit just like that now let's go ahead and save it we can come right here and save this so click on save and i'm going to call this let's call this grass and click ok so now we have a grass channel saved as well and we can get out of here at this point and so far i have a subject let me just change the size here a little bit so you can see so i have subject and i have grass and i have a selection made right now i can deselect the selection if i want to now remember this is masking success so what i want to do is combine this grass with the animal and the reason i want to do that is because then i'm going to invert it and get the background but follow me closely here here's what we're going to do come up to my channels click on the subject click on the mask calculator click plus and then x out of here come back to my channels and now click on grass and click equals and now we have the animal and the foreground grass together so now what i want to do is and it missed a little spot right here but look i can grab this little black or not the black brush let's say the little white brush okay make my brush a little bit smaller and just let's just paint this let's just paint this right here and that is good enough a little area here it missed fine it's going to be perfect i mean right down here you might say i missed this little spot but i can clean this if i want to honestly it would not make a difference if you did or if you didn't okay so now what we want to do is invert this now right here we have an invert so let's click this and now we've inverted it but check this out we now have just the background selected that's pretty cool isn't it so what we want to do next is let's save it so we have save right here so let's click on save and let's call this background and now we have the background saved out we'll click ok so now it's added to our list right here and now let's use it to work on the background so let's output it let's output it to a color grading tool i love the color grading tool so click on the color grading tool and that mask is applied to the color grading tool i'm going to click on the mid tone which is the one i generally start with and i want to darken this background so i'm going to take this lumen slider and start to darken it up a bit isn't that cool and it's just selecting the background pretty cool stuff now i think that background's a little too blue so i'm going to take this block and slide it up and warm up that background just a tiny wee bit i just like that i want to get rid of some of that coolness i think i want this little cloudy area behind the animal to be a little lighter so let's click on highlights and let's just lighten that up a little wee bit not much but just the tiny wee bit i think like that let's take a look here's the before and here is the after maybe i'll lighten it just to smidge more you know decisions decisions that's too late right there i think that's good the background's done now let's take a look at the foreground grasses now there's a problem here because we have some of these uh twigs in here which are not grass and i want to make this grass green but let me show you how i do this first off we're going to simply x out of the color grading tool let's come back to my channels we already have a grass channel saved so let's click on grass and there's our grass let's output it to a color grading tool and let's click on mid-tones and let's make that grass a lot greener make it a lot greener and do we want to lighten it up any maybe a little bit maybe more on the green side something like that let's work on the shadows in the grass so let's click on the shadow block and let's just darken up the shadows by moving the slider to the left a little bit just like so i'm going to over exaggerate this it's probably a little bit too green but here's the before and here's the after now let me zoom in on this on these uh twigs here see they are green now that's that's going to be a little bit of a problem we got to take care of that now let me show you how we'll do it now pay close attention to me this is a new technique you're going to learn you may want to go back and watch this again but follow me close the first thing you want to do is shut off this color grading layer because we want to grab this stick here and i'm going to show you how we do it but we need to shut the color grading layer off first before i shut the layer off you'll notice that stick is green right but we want to use the color from the stick to help make our selection so that's why i shut that color grading layer off we're going to use something a little different we've never used before let's x out of this color grading tool and let's grab this icon right here this lets us create our own mask we're going to click this right here and basically we get this black and white adjustment layer here now what we're going to do is we're going to take the greens and drag this to the left to darken up any greens that are in here and also yellows there's not a whole lot in the green but then we're going to take cyans and drag this a lot of the way over to the right because there's a lot of cyan and blue in this stick and i'm gonna take the blue as well and you see how that's all lightening up in there and that's really good now don't worry about the rest of the image we're only worried about this stick here okay we're gonna refine it a little bit more and what we're gonna do next is grab this levels adjustment so click on the levels adjustment and what we want to do is take the highlight slider and move this to the left see how that sticks getting lighter and now let's click on the mid tone slider and drag it to the right and see how everything else is getting dark around the stick pretty cool right now i can take this highlight and drag it over a little bit more make it a little bit lighter that's pretty good we're not done yet but follow me closely next off what we want to do is output this as a selection so see this icon right here click this and we output this as a selection now you don't see the marching ants because they're hidden and if i click this icon right here you can see there's my selection okay they're hidden so we don't get distracted with marching ants but we do have a selection and you also notice we have a selection indicator here these dashed lines and also the color outline around the cx panel these indicators confirm yes we do have a selection now we're going to further refine that selection remember we're trying to get rid of the green on the stick that was added from the color grading tool we don't see it now but i'll show it to you here in a second what we want to do is click on this icon so we can edit our selection and now we're going to use tools in here like the dodge and burn tools to refine a little bit so let's start out with the burn tool and let's just paint around the stick here and just clean it up we don't have to worry about other areas here because you'll see how i'm going to fix this a little bit and it doesn't have to be 100 perfect so i like this grass i want to get rid of it i don't want it i want to keep this all green up in here in this area right in here this is going to be a little stubborn so i'll show you how to fix that but i'm just cleaning around my stick a little bit this is a rock over here by the way here's some stuff over in here and then if we want to we can get the dodge tool and paint over the stick and dodge up some areas of stick and even out here a little bit okay so we can dodge that up a little bit and again it doesn't have to be perfect okay because we do have some green moss on sticks and things like that time so it doesn't have to be 100 perfect but let's get a brush tool like a black brush and let me just make my brush a little larger and i'm just going to paint off some of this area in here like this and i think i think we're going to be pretty darn good okay but you get the idea you can spend all day in here and play around if you want to but you really don't need to but that's all we need to do at this point now the next step and it's very critical we want to load this as a selection so click this right here now you want to mouse click on the mask because remember we'll be working on the layer mask so click on the mask and let's turn that layer back on and now we see we have green here okay so we have a selection we're going to be painting with what color paint do you think we're going to paint with if you're thinking black you're correct so let's get a black brush let's use the let's come up to the cx panel and click on this black brush icon here and when i paint on this stick we'll be painting actually on the mask itself with the black paint and we'll be taking the green off i'm going to use 100 opacity and check it out i can just simply paint on this mask and reveal the sticks natural color back through now remember i'm painting through a selection that is very important we're not painting on the image pixels and now if there's some areas that you want to fix like right here i didn't get uh and this rock over here if you want to fix those little areas not a problem all you need to do is deselect your selection by clicking right here and then with black paint and i'm just going to use 100 opacity make my brush smaller i'm going to get a nice soft edge on this brush and i can come in here and paint if i want to little areas that i missed like right in here no i mean not a big deal it depends how accurate you want to be and i can just get in here and fix that right there but the key to success here was painting through that selection on that stick and then i just used a regular brush without the selection and just touched up a couple little spots that it missed let me go ahead and get rid of this properties panel let's go ahead and fit this the screen now let's take a look at the overall before and after here was the before and here is after we're almost done a couple more things i got to do a little bit of work on the animal and that's next now remember our theme is masking success we're setting ourselves up for masking success let's come up to my channels and let's click on subject we have a subject let's output it to a color grading tool there and all i want to do is click on the mid tone slider and i just want to lighten up the animal just the little wee tiny bit and next what i want to do is get a hue saturation layer i'm just going to click on the hue saturation layer right here i'm going to clip it to the animal color grading layer by clicking this icon right here and now i'm just going to take that saturation and when i adjust it you'll notice i'm only adjusting the color on the animal isn't that cool and that's the clipping layer letting us do that so let's just give him a little bit more saturation and i think that looks good i have one more thing to do and that's an action let's click on the tk actions let's click on soft pop because it's really good for fur and animals so let's click on soft pop and let's take a look here now just look at the animal here is the before and here is the after but let's clip it to the layer below it by clicking on the clipping icon which is right here and now you'll notice it is only on the animal see that before there's before and here's after it just brings out a little bit of texture in the fur and i may want to go back to the hue saturation because it added a little extra saturation as well and i just may ease back on the saturation a little bit now remember everything is non-destructive so right there so here's our overall before and here's our after well there it is this was masking success part two i hope you learned a lot today we used some different techniques today and we used some old techniques as well but i hope this is adding to your arsenal of ways of using the tk8 multi mask panel for photoshop if you enjoyed the tutorial today please give it a like and share it with your friends and if you're not yet a subscriber to my channel please subscribe click that bell notification icon then every time i upload a new tutorial you'll be notified about it well i want to thank each and every one of you for joining me today in the joy of editing with dave kelly and i'll see you all right here next time but until then happy editing
Channel: The Joy of Editing with Dave Kelly
Views: 4,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TK8, TK8 Multi-Mask Panel, Photoshop, TK8 Combo/Cx Panel, Photography, Layer Masks, Luminosity Masks, Photo Editing, Training, Tutorial, Masks, Object Selection, Object Selection Tool, Select and Mask, Mask Calculator, Mask Calculations
Id: KreEbt8Sm5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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