Time Of Refreshing (Wednesday's Edition) - July 14, 2021

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i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i know a man [Music] i can't tell a sword i would be without him without him i would be naughty [Music] [Applause] without him freedom hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus all glory thank you jesus we give him all the praise this morning we give him all the glory all glory and honor and praise belonged on to him hallelujah glory to god this is the wednesday edition of the time of refreshing hallelujah and we are here giving god thanks we are here seeking his face hallelujah glory to god i must first give honor to god this morning and to our worthy bishop bishop dr delphi davis minister petrova davis glory to god minister peter minister scott all evangelists missionaries officers oh glory to god the body of christ your viewing audience receive only greetings in the mighty name of jesus i pray this morning that wherever oh glory to god we will find you oh glory to god you will be blessed oh glory to god you will be touched you will be delivered you will be set free in the mighty name of jesus glory to god give him some praise all those that are in the house hallelujah let me hear your worship the lord let me hear your worship the lord let me hear your worship the king of kings let me hear your worship the lord of lords let me hear your worship dog conquering lion the tribe of judah the one that can break heavy fetters all glory to god us gracious and loving father one more time oh god we come unto you oh god giving you the praise and the glory and the honor almighty god as we join night to you this morning we pray almighty god that is your people oh god from all over lord jesus oh glory to god to join in with us we pray dear god there will be a touch oh glory to god somebody god will be touched somebody god will be healed somebody further will be saved a backslider will be reclaimed a broken heart will be mended all glory to god this courage will be encouraged we will make strong hallelujah we pray dear god that you'll touch somebody in their business place in their homes in the hospital in their vehicle wherever they are oh god they will be torched in the name of jesus almighty god i pray for deliverance a prayer for healing a perfect saving power in the name of jesus will you anoint afresh in the name of jesus christ all glory to god taught somebody this morning taught somebody that is tuning in i need to hear a word of god touch everything that can be touched touch those that will intercede touch those that will sing touch the musicians touch the camera crew touch the prayer warriors god touch the one that shall bring forth the word send a word send a word not just any word but a word from you when your name is called let the power fall oh my god we are rwanda oh penn heaven this morning and we are looking to you who's the order and the finisher half our fate here we will cry after an unsweet way leave no stone and turn but touched on god touched on in somebody's life this morning send a revival in somebody's spirit send a revival in somebody's soul this morning jesus sick bodies will be healed in the name of jesus we give you praise glory and honor and we tell you thanks in jesus name hallelujah bless the name of jesus glory to god can you turn with me to him number 36 in your imnal glory to god we praise the o god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus stay in the spirit saints of god glory to god thank you jesus we praise thee o god for the sound of thy love for jesus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah to the land [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] hallelujah we have never prayed a prayer [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i have never said [Applause] oh [Music] get ready one more time [Music] [Applause] that he could [Music] time glory to god hallelujah calling evangelists bodily glory to god thank you jesus bless the name of jesus [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus jesus i thank you jesus i praise you jesus i exalt you jesus i lift you up your brain you're [Music] hallelujahs to your name we worship you father we worship you father thank you thank you glory to god we bless your name lord we thank you for the gift of life today lord god almighty you're worthy to be praised we bind right now every other spirit that will come against your spirit hallelujah devil we declare in the name of jesus that you are a defeated foe hallelujah the battles have already been won because we are calling on the only name that has power and the name is capital j e s u.s when we shout that name demons and devils fleeing when we shout that name hallelujah [Music] victories will be won we are not calling on a man's name devil we are calling on the only name hallelujah that has power glory to god father in the name of jesus i come before you this afternoon lord i empty myself this morning before you lord i would ask of thee if there's anything in me right now that would make me unworthy to be in your holy presence lord i repent and i ask forgiveness because lord we sin at times when we know not hallelujah but right now my father i'm coming to you on behalf of the body of christ lord god almighty hallelujah we're facing trying times lord god there are many discouraged ones among us they are sick ones among us they're those right now almighty god who have been crying out to you almighty god we know we serve a god who hears and answers prayer we serve a god who knows what we're going through we serve a god who is we're all powerful god and when we call on you lord when we come before you lord god almighty with our petitions we know your ears are not heavy you're not deaf you will hear and you will answer mighty god i bring those before you right now lord god almighty that the devil has touched with different diseases a curse can sign the name of jesus occur sugar diabetes in the name of jesus i curse heart condition in the name of jesus a cursed kidney condition in the name of jesus renal failure across you you're not of god you're an intruder and in the name of jesus god has given us his people power over every foul unclean spirit lay your son and today devil we have no apologies hallelujah because we are standing upon the living word of the living god hallelujah glory to god he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our inequities the chastisement of for peace was upon him and by and with his stripes we are healed oh glory to god almighty mighty god i curse every spirit of frustration in your name almighty god mighty god these are times lord god when we as believers almighty god some of us are getting weak mighty god some of us reach the point that we feel like giving up hallelujah but today in your name i will encourage the people of god there is no failure in you my jesus hallelujah you're the all-powerful god you're the all-knowing god you're still the god of miracles you're the mystery working god so i challenge you devil in the mighty name of jesus i said take your filthy hands off god's people glory to god hallelujah to god today father god as the three hebrews boys they had enough confidence in you all yourself that's a light fire seven times hotter god the god that we believe he will deliver you were the fourth person you turned up in the fire my father and god they were delivered remember daniel he was threatening to be swallowed up by the lions but you had power jesus oh glory to god you shut them out of the lions jesus oh glory to god hey yourself mighty god you spoke to contrary wind because you have power glory to god is there any discouraged ones among us today are you going through situations you feel like giving up i want to remind us all today we serve a great big wonderful god hallelujah he's always victorious and he's watching over us oh glory to god almighty hey yourself people of god remember that all god cannot fail remember when we are serving him from a heart hallelujah when he's getting genuine worship oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah satan the lord god rebuked you the blood of jesus is [Music] [Music] you're a squatter around god's people today you're trespassing devil hallelujah glory to god i your son we stand upon the authority of the word of god in the name of jesus hallelujah lord god in isaiah 45 11. you say we can call and you also tell us we can command you that is your word hallelujah glory to jehovah god so we stand flat-footed in your name jesus we fear no look we fear no lamb [Music] we have the power in the name of jesus to speak into situations and watch our god bring it to pass saints of god hallelujah rise rise today know the god you're serving know the god in whom you believe oh glory hallelujah glory hallelujah [Music] we are not preparing for war we are ready for war hallelujah we have the right ammunitions devil yeah and in the yes of jesus as soldiers in god's army we are our devil we're dangerous devils we're coming hallelujah to tear down your strongholds we are coming together to crush every love across ecuador our god is able our god is capable our god is a poor hearing god our god is a prayer answering god i command sick bodies today in the name of jesus release your faith the healers in the house hallelujah the deliverer is in the house the only god of powers in the house all glory glory glory he's among us to do wonderful things open your hearts believe if you believe you will receive our god is not passion he is a god who hears jesus he is a god who will answer he's a god that will deliver and by faith hallelujah you can't be delivered today i bless god for his presence with us and i believe god to do things among us today miraculous things we will not live here the same way we came hallelujah because we know we had an encounter with our lord and savior god bless us together as the body of christ keep fighting saints of god never give up never give in god has an army and we're bound to win satan is an evil foe and he's fighting against god's church hallelujah pull out your almost pull out your swords and go fighting in the name of the lord and i say amen jesus [Music] is [Music] and feel your heart [Music] when jesus jesus christ is [Music] for all this [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory to god father we worship you mighty god will lift you up mighty god we magnify you lord god almighty we glorify your name this morning mighty god lord jesus christ we honor you this morning there is none like you god there is not to be compared unto you mighty god there is none that can be oh god almighty above you beside you lord god almighty when i look god there is none to be compared because you are god alone you alone sits on your throne you are i am lifted up you are mighty in this place now you are the i am that i am you are alpha and omega you are the beginning and the end you are the first and the last you are omnipotent you are omnipresent you are omniscient you are jehovah god god you are guarded by yourself lord god almighty you are god alone you are god alone you were not created by human hands you are not dependent on normal man because you are god alone lord jesus christ we come before you this morning again lord god almighty a place before your god this congregation of waiting saints lord god almighty we are waiting on a word from you god we are waiting for something from you god your people are here there is a need you know the situations god you know the circumstances god lord jesus christ those that have joined on on youtube on facebook lord god pfm weather flower did you sell lord god almighty they need i touch your god somebody might need a healing somebody might need deliverance somebody might need a breakthrough but god the word came to us sunday that we know the god who we serve whose god do we have who's god do we need lord jesus christ some of us we need the god of abraham because we need the blessings some of us we need god of the light some of us we need the god of daniel shadrach and anna bendigo some of us oh god almighty we need god of joseph because we were told that we can't reach to anything we can't make it we will always be down we can't get promotion we can't go to any other level but we know who's god we believe and we know god almighty you are going to come through for us this morning whatever it is that person's walk through these doors with lord god almighty they shall not leave within this morning holy ghost of the living god fight the battles for your people this morning fight for us lord god almighty and fight against them that fight against your people this morning mighty god take out your spirit jesus block the way of the enemy this morning lord jesus christ you know who the enemies are they come to kill steal and destroy you but we block them we are this morning in the name of jesus christ of nazareth holy ghost of the living god let them be let shuffle against the wind this morning lord god almighty tear them down tear down the device the scheme the plot and the plan of the enemy against your children lord god almighty too many of us are going through crises too many of us are going through situations lord god almighty we cry on you this morning confound the enemy god bring them to shiima lord jesus bring confusion in their camp [Music] holy ghost after living god oh god almighty lord jesus they tried to stop us but god almighty we asked you to make them we are dark and slippery this morning lord jesus christ let your angel slew them left and right with a two-edged sword in the name of jeb i wonder if you know that is why this morning let your enemy slew them left and right with their two-edged sword lord jesus let your angels god slew them this morning let your angels god slew them this morning hallelujah holy spirit of the living god we cry out to you this morning lord god we stand not by might nor by power but we stand by your spirit holy ghost of the living god we call unto you lord [Music] mighty god mighty god we call unto you jesus holy ghost of the living god we put the young people in your hands right now lord jesus you know every situation you know every circumstance you know the trials lord god that they are faced with lord jesus many of them they are battling with this gender business god lord god this transgender thing we burn it up with the blood and fire of the holy ghost we burn up transgender in the name of jesus you're born man you're a man you're born woman you are a woman be born of transgender in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord god almighty many of them they are getting schizophrenic god lord jesus then stress out but this morning we put them before your lord lord jesus pep results soon come out god and every year god a child commits suicide before the result come out but we kill that we kill the spirit of suicide this morning we stamp in the head of suicidal spirit in the name of jesus no suicide among our young children no suicide no suicide we send back that to the sender in the name of jesus holy ghost of the living god we cry out to you this morning for our young people many of them they are online but they have not learned anything lord jesus they are doing seasick they are confused they don't know what to put on the paper because god they weren't paying attention whilst they were online lord jesus have mercy on the huge jesus a divine intervention for the youths mighty god oh god oh god lord jesus many wayward children they're all over the place lord god almighty the winds coming lord god getting in gone business lord jesus in prostitution not just woman but man to lord god almighty we kill that spirit in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we it down we tear down the spirit of prostitution that is hanging over the youths of god in the name of jesus father god oh god touch the youth the you department of this church oh god lord jesus christ you know where our young people are lord god almighty we put them in your hands this morning lord god almighty those that are on their way and decide that they are going to let go ah right now to rule up them back in lord jesus like a fish let them be hooked on the almighty god holy ghost of the living god and draw back lord jesus christ to where they once were lord god theory 1909 lord jesus you did not left them oh god almighty to be doomed but god you said you returned for that one whichever one god that's his way word jesus withdrawing back to you god father god have your way with the service now god bring your healing bring deliverance and lord god let your will be done father we give you all glory lord jesus christ as we put our bishop we put our first lady we put oh god almighty their children and grandchildren in your hands lord god almighty man to them this morning go over them under your blood jesus lord god almighty you shall perfect all that which concerns the mighty god lord jesus christ lord god let not one o god almighty be left out of this covenant blessing father god have your way with us this morning remember the ministers the elders everyone god of this great assembly and father god we give you glory honor and praise we have our final intercessor in the form of exotic john harriet glory to god receive him in jesus name hallelujah hallelujah jesus hallelujah hallelujah may i invite you to stand for this prayer hallelujah [Music] hallelujah just lift up your hands in worship hallelujah because worship do something in this place today hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ancient days hallelujah ancient of days we worship you we bless your name this afternoon lord this morning we exalt you we praise you we magnify your lord we lift you up high by way of worship we lift you up by way of honor and adoration god hallelujah hallelujah we bless your name jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus ancient words ever true changing me and changing you hallelujah we have come with open heart oh god let your ancient words impart we thank you today lord we bless you we honor you we lift you up god we give you glory and praise we join with the angels this afternoon this morning god to magnify your name we are conscious almighty god of the requests that we are making nobody is forcing us god but we come willingly god we come boldly god we come with expectation we come purposefully oh god knowing that you are a prior answering god you are a god that hear your people you know the cries of your children god when they come up to you there is no two voices alike with you god you have not gone confused god you are not troubled by age lord god your eyes are not dim your ears are not heavy god your hands are not sharp this morning so you can't reach god this morning as we come into your presence we come to worship we come to honor you we come to praise you we come to offer up supplications to you god jesus the everlasting christ jesus the christ of the living god we come in your priesthood to the father we cry out to you for you to hear us god will need your help make haste oh god to help us because trouble is near and there is none to help oh god everlasting father and our god we look to you this morning i present jamaica our land we love before your gods oh god almighty god you know everything that is taking place in our land you know the good and you know the evil you know the hearts that are right with your god and you know those that are bitter in the god of wickedness god so much bloodshed lord jesus christ there is no more regard for the lives of men lord jesus christ the hearts of these men are works cold they are evil god evil are in their eyes lord god their desire is to kill almighty god they are thirsty for blood oh god innocents have been perishing in our land of god hallelujah but we come to cry out to you this morning great god like the blood of abra cry out and you heard it from the earth god there are a lot of bloods that are crying out to you this morning here oh god hear our prayers hear the cries of those bloods that have been shed innocently lord jesus christ and avenge them upon the wicked this morning in the mighty name of jesus christ we are not praying for you to slay the wicked god for you said you have no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked should turn o god lord jesus christ send a word send a messenger send somebody oh god you know where all of those shutters are god you know where they are located you know their next plan god you know the next life that they are planning to take send somebody with a word of god to stop a young man from taking an innocent life in the name of jesus christ so many mothers are crying so many fathers are crying some of them have one child god and they lose that child by murder oh god their hearts are paining today because of the act of wickedness lord jesus the christ my heart was about to get bitter and dark at a point in my life and i was sad to take lives but god you called me from heaven i heard your voice you said john give your life to god when there are no one to preach to me god you call me yourself so god you can call a young man this morning jesus the christ there's something about your call god there's something about hearing your voice it changed my circumstances jesus the christ look what you have made out of me today you can make something better than me out of somebody else out there today god oh reach a young man god in the state where man cannot reach them anymore there is a place that man cannot reach us anymore god but your voice made the difference after you call me god you sent bishop michael hutchinson and i couldn't stay away from coming to you god call that brother this morning call that sister this morning call that mother this morning call that father oh god and the son this morning jesus jesus jesus just the hearing of your voice break the chains that was holding the bone god [Music] oh yes lord oh my god there was a light of god that was shine it shined in my darkness god and i see the light of life [Music] shine your light oh god it is in your light we shall see light shine your light in that dark place god here i am in power faith god with a microphone praying take the guns out of the hands of the young man put a microphone in their hands let them amplify the sound of heaven let them amplify the voice of god let them give their bodies as usual temple and vessel unto god defeat the enemy break your chains god break your shackles i call for to you hero god i stand upon this altar and i invoke the altar of god that is before the temple of god in heaven oh god and i speak to every evil altar i said silence those evil altars that are influencing those young men some of them are not acting out of their own self god they are being oppressed by spirits they are influenced by jokes god the demon of drugs that is making their hearts bitter shataka secretary mighty god hear us send forth your angels in strategical position not consecutive lose those that are tied up in sin lord god there is a young lady that is confused god now thinking about to go sell her body for gain we breed the blood of the everlasting covenant we canceled god jesus the christ of god the living king who is the highest authority and power oh god there is no spirit there is no dominion there is no authority that is above you or so god let every powers be subjected to the highest power the highest power is god the almighty king i stand in the authority that is given unto me from heaven by jesus christ the lamb of god and i pray as a sun god i can't play as a priest in this house i got to pray as a sun god bishop is our priest i stand as a son to cry to the father [Music] mighty god of daniel mighty god of daniel arise you are the deliverer you shut the mouth of lions you quench fire oh god you put the enemies to flight go in the ghetto god in the garrison lord god between sunday friday the sunday murder three night ahead god i could have been there still lord jesus christ visit the community visit the communities the inner city garrisons oh god visit them jesus walk through holy ghosts let the angels of god oh mighty god walk through the communities today walk through jesus wherever you show up demon have to flee you walk around the tomb and one man with six thousand demons lord god was delivered in a moment because you showed up jesus you showed up lord i have a testimony that you showed up and i have seen the light of light oh i was sitting in the valley of the shadow of death but the great light appeared and shine in my darkness and i see the light shine of god in somebody darkness today your god let somebody see the light let somebody see the like god let somebody see the light daddy [Music] in the light they will know how to come out god you say those that walk in darkness stumble but those that walk in the light see clearly shine your leica in the name of the father hey shandy lift up your hands and just thank him now thank him for his breakthrough thank him for losing your son loosing your nephew loose in your husband we give you glory god hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah oh glory to god when the praises when the price goes up the blessing will come down hallelujah jesus oh we give him praise glory to god thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god can you please take your bibles glory to god and turn with me psalms 1 25 glory to god thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah if you found it let me hear you say praise the lord praise god glory to god i read and you're following your bibles i begin they that trust in the lord shall be as mount zion which cannot be removed but abided forever as the mountains around about jerusalem so the lord is around about his people from henceforth even forever for the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous lest the righteous put forth their hands unto iniquity do good o lord unto those that be good and to them that are upright in their hearts five and last as for such as turn aside unto their crooked ways the lord shall lead them forth with the workers of iniquity but peace shall be upon israel glory to god peace shall be upon israel the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the righteous unless we put our hands to iniquity the lord has spoken let me hear the church say the lord has spoken let me hear you say praise god it was my pleasure serving you today god richly bless you please put your hands together and make welcome our bishop our founder bishop dr david davis receiving in jesus [Music] let's give the lord praise in the house of god lift up your hands open your mouth give him praise and glory and adoration adoration to the king is worthy to be praised from the sun rises until it sets he is worthy god bless you take your seat please what a wonderful time of intercession for a wonderful time of being exposed to the rich anointing of the holy spirit what a wonderful privilege to be with god's people in god's house on a day like today receiving deposits spiritual deposits in our lives gaining strength getting knowledge more understanding as the spirit of the lord moves upon his people as he ministers through his people anybody got blessed so far anybody feel better now since you've been in the house [Music] i feel better now since i stole away to jesus [Music] i feel better now since i prayed god bless everybody oh and abroad who want to thank the prayer department under the leadership of this fiery evangelist jennifer rowe she's doing a fine job so far isn't she and those who are arma bearers all the prayer warriors the other two leaders one absent missionary parish and one present evangelist foster these ladies are fully committed oh yeah you got to give god thanks for those among us whom he has raised up may i say raising up because you are not to raise the opposite okay you're still being raised up these ladies preach in this fasting service to leaders and we are we are trying to bring out more preachers evangelist jennifer wrote you know i looked on the youtube page i believe you looked in it and you have over 12 000 people who listen to you already my goodness over 12 000 views you're doing better than me oh man god is good isn't he wonderful lord have mercy so i thank god for the alma bearers everybody i said here sometimes ago not one member of my body fights against the other they all support each other and that's the body of christ if your eyes or your feet or your hands or internal organs large or small intestines if anyone become unruly and begin to fight against the other then we have serious trouble in the body that's why paul said there should be no easy man schism in the body but we all should be on one accord speaking the same thing as it relates to the things of god oh you're not with me okay so i thank god for everybody dr pitchover and i could not do this all by our on our own god would have to bring all of this group together and those you will not see you'll never see maybe in this life they are in distant world but they are part of what god is doing this is an international family put your hands together for the international family of power of faith ministries and they are christian people from all denominations oh this is no oh yeah this is what god is doing bringing his people together so we thank god for everybody musicians and ushers and everybody camera people and what could we do without the saints of god here gathered this is a wednesday is it i think so my goodness it's good to see you almost like a sunday morning scaled down style we thank the lord for you amen [Music] and tonight the lord tires well seven o'clock this evening we'll be back again to roll the chariot along let me tell you about wednesday night of course you know friday nights we have worldwide per meeting and it has it has gained momentum thousands of people across the world look forward to it and you my brethren who can be in church in person we want for you to be here that's friday nights well on wednesday nights we're gonna have uh maybe a different kind of service on each wednesday night because there will be no one set pattern in terms of the pulpit ministry in terms of the organization you are going to have the ministry of the apostles the prophets the evangelists the pastor the teacher the exalter you are going to over time be exposed to all of those ministering from those servants of god well i'll be ministering tonight and i don't know what cloak i'll be in if i'll be in a pastoral cloak an evangelistic cloak an apostolic cloak but one thing i know i will be in a cloak tonight whatever cloak god's gonna place on me for tonight and that's what's going to happen different wednesday night because different ones of us will be speaking from here from there from wherever so we want it to be a time to meet with god and to bless the families around the world amen oh you didn't say amen that's all right you know my philosophy what's part of my philosophy is is this it's not at the crowd at the crowd it is at the cross at the cross it means therefore if one person is here we're going to preach the very same if a thousand is here we can preach the very same we know what it does when five or ten of us meet for sunday morning service and we preach and minister like ten thousand are here oh you're not saying nothing give god praise again with me everybody so you are here some of you will be able to make it back on tonight not all of you for sure but you who are out there we want you to come on in and join with the others and let's have a great time in the lord amen well let me say just two more things and then we get the preacher on tomorrow god's willing on time of refreshing we'll be having a cardiologist a doctor cardiologist specializes in the matters of their art so you friends near and far get your questions the seat of the emotion is the heart so the cardiologists will be on on tomorrow in a time of refreshing to speak to all things concerning the physical aspects of the heart we speak to the spiritual aspect of the heart and they speak to the physical operations of the heart and then on friday we will have for the first time i suppose in time of refreshing one of jamaica's outstanding prolific attorney at law you know this ministry someone said to me bishop it's like a university we learn so many things we are exposed to so many dimensions of ministry spiritually and otherwise so on friday we'll have an outstanding attorney at law so you prepare all your legal legal questions they'll speak to a variety of issues as they relate to the legal fraternity some of you have some decisions to make you do not know how to make them legal matters maybe you will receive the answer to your question amen so that's two special presentations tomorrow the cardiologist and on friday who did i say the lawyer so don't tell me about woe unto you lawyers and doctors don't give me that he was speaking to the philosophical ones not the medical ones okay amen stand with me please god is good i did say god is good and we're happy for what the lord is doing we got a rich anointing that flows within this house whenever we gather a gentleman said to me yesterday i'll leave his denomination nameless well i know he's viewing right now so he said to me bishop davis god has raised up power of faith ministries such a time as this for all people all people you may not know but we are feeding anybody here feeding have you been feeding have you been feasting one of my elders said to me sometimes ago at the level maybe you could do an item you know if you got an old-fashioned song you're a very good soloist before the preacher comes we have a little time don't you worry so you could sit down again please let's get a soloist from this wonderful elder who said to me sometimes ago bishop i went to certain place and as soon as i walked in the place somebody looked at me and said bishop davis i could see him all over you you are power of faith i see you i know you amen god is good lift your hand and say i got a mark on me i got the blood mark on me i got the power of faith emblem on me they must be real power faith amen god bless you at the level give us a number through after he's through our speaker today is going to be one you have heard before and you'll hear again uh minister germain ling he's going to preach today the word of god i want you to work with him pray with him support him and let god have his way god bless you sir give us a number hallelujah praise god are you happy to be here this morning i am happy because i'm alive and well in god thank you is your life worthwhile living and your heart are sinking fast as a feat has crumbled under from the rubbles of the blast take a look into your future and step away from your past it will give you life oh is your life worth while living and your hope is sinking fast as a feed has crumbled under from the rebels take a look into your future step away from your past it will bring your life new meaning he will rescue you at last i know it took some doing cause i was twisted and i was leave all my countenance were huggered oh i was bitter i was mean but he placed me on his finger clear my heart began to be when his reals of grace and mercy so i ask you have you been to the pacha's house his hands of mercy oh it lifted me the sinful life that i was living oh i know it would not last [Music] place my vessel into his hand where his wheels of grace [Music] i know it takes some doing cause i was twisted and i was lean all my continents were huggered i was bitter and i was lean but he placed me on his sprinkle clear my heart began to beep where [Music] oh so happy to the patrol's house hands of percy always lifted me the sinful life oh i was living oh i know it wouldn't last so he placed me on a splinter where my heart began of grace and mercy again oh have you been to the house where is grace and mercy oh it will lift all the sinful life that you're no living oh i know it's not one to last oh so i enter into the pacter's house and you place your wrestle into his hands where his wheels have grace and mercy over again [Music] [Applause] is mercy it made me [Music] hallelujah come on put your hands together and give jesus a big praise this morning praise god he is good [Music] god is good and all the time praise god just look at the person beside you and tell them that very same thing god is good come on tell him god is good praise the lord i see some of you looking like you you don't have a testimony this morning all the persons with a testimony of god's goodness come on lift up your hands in the sanctuary hallelujah glory to god i am deeply deeply honored please remain standing praise god i am deeply honored this afternoon for this opportunity to preach the word of god in another wednesday service i am grateful and i'm deeply deeply appreciative this morning i want to give credence and pay homage to the noble leadership of this house found in no other person but bishop dr delphi davis praise god come on everybody put your hands together and while you're doing so clap your hands for his wife dr petrova davis this morning praise god is family bless god all the ministers and uh all the leaders who makes this house what it is praise god i am deeply deeply happy to be a part of your company this morning how could i leave out praise god the hard-working woman that i see on the front line every wednesday every sunday i i i don't know that we appreciate these people enough and i was very glad when bishop made mention of them because it ain't going to happen without prayer i don't care how anointed you think you are how big you think you are how great you think you are you need somebody praying with and for you am i in the right house this morning amen praise god i want to [Music] say a big hello to my wife who is not here this afternoon praise god it has been a long night amen got up this morning from yesterday i was with the kids by myself got up this morning had to make break fast iron clothes get them ready then come to church to preach i say that because we don't always give the woman the credit they deserve and it is not until us as men find ourselves in a position that we have to do what the women do so effortlessly come on somebody praise god that woman get up every morning make break fast iron clothes and do everything else for years and i found myself doing it last night this morning and i tell you no joke me tired i kid you're not church because it's been a while praise god so brothers and sisters i ask that you pray my strength in the lord this afternoon now how many of us watched the news on last night you would have seen where a 14 year old boy was charged for some shooting incident i believe in westmoreland praise god and uh the news report stated that they are seeing a proliferation of young men teen little boy doing heinous crimes now i i remember when i was 14. 14 makunivo talk good because my mother with a box of my teeth hallelujah but we see young men today doing all sorts of evil and i say that because i want us not just to come to church because we can we come for a reason and especially in a fasting service you must fast with a purpose now one of the things i i saw and i have to make mention of it as a pastor is you're kianed upon the church component of fasting they just eat or we eat or we eat away i don't know if i'm permitted to say this when you come to fasting it's not just a service it's a time that is designated for a specific purpose i know i'm not going to get a lot of immense here because some people just coming because they can't come i don't want to leave my host period and come to church and go back home to see him away i'm way past that church of god way past that somebody said i need results isn't this the fast that i have chosen what is it for why do we fast why do we come it is your obedience to what god has prescribed that gives you the results am i talking to the church this morning so look at your neighbor senior but if you have a compound wednesday if i even a few hours give it to god ah lord some of you cannot upstairs for one hour praise god amen so i'm asking friends because i came early real early and i was just sitting in the car just looking because i saw mystery and i was just observing because when you go to a new place don't just go in like you know the place come on somebody praise god it's your duty to go in and kind of get a feel and sensitize yourself around and familiarize yourself around and i saw people just back and forth when i eat patty i eat this unai this had drink that and i was like i thought this was a fasting service so people just come apparently to be prayed for but they don't come to put in anything look at your neighbors i've come to give something to come on tell somebody man give something give something give something oh you're not saying anything look at somebody say give something to hallelujah so i'm going to ask that we pray for our young men we pray for uh our teen men pray brothers and sisters for the young men of this nation pray for them i know a lot of parents are here a lot of mothers are here let us pray for our sons we're losing too much of them and i was telling somebody yesterday that the devil not hurling no hostage again the devil has sent them straight to them grave i don't want to lose no more brother i don't want to lose no more uncle no more cousins so we're going to pray for a young man they meant somebody amen somebody jeremiah 20 is where my assignment will be extrapolated from this afternoon jeremiah and the 20th chapter thanks thanks i give you thanks for all you have done i am so blessed my soul [Music] give is that one more time say thanks fans thanks come on lord i give you thanks for all you have done i am so blessed jeremiah 20 my soul is lord i give you thanks are we there this morning are we there this morning the book of jeremiah the 20th chapter now bashar the son of emmer the priest who was also chief governor in the house of the lord heard that jeremiah prophesied these things then pusher smote jeremiah the prophet and put him in the stocks that were in the high gate of benjamin which was by the house of the lord and it came to pass on the morrow that pashur brought fort jeremiah out of the stocks then said jeremiah unto him the lord hath not called thy name peshawar but ma gore me sabb yeah we also take what time with some of these words for thus saith the lord behold i will make thee a terror watch this to thyself and to all thy friends and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies and thine eyes shall behold it and i will give all judah in the hand of the king of babylon and he shall carry them captive somebody say captive into babylon and shall sit and shall slay them with the sword moreover i will deliver all the strength of the city and all the laborers thereof and all the precious things thereof and all the treasures of the kings of judah will i give into the hand of their enemies which shall spoil them and take them and carry them to babylon and they'll persuade and all that dwelt in thine house shall go into captivity my god and thou shalt come to babylon and there thou shalt die and shall be buried there thou and thy friends to whom thou hast prophesied lies let the word speak oh lord he says thou hast deceived me deception is what the prophet is claiming from god and i was deceived thou art stronger than i and has prevailed i am in derision daily everyone mocketh me for since i spake i cried out i cried violence and spoil because the word of the lord was made a reproach unto me and the derision daily then i said i watch this will not make mention of him nor speak anymore in his name but his word but his word was in my heart as a burning fire shut up jesus huh in my bones and i was weary with forbearing and i could not stay i'm going to stop there in the interest of time because i want to preach what god has laid on my heart to preach father we thank you we are grateful we are thankful we bless your name we magnify your awesome auspicious name there is absolutely none none none one writer said we could search all over we could find nobody close miniscule close to you you are in a class all by yourself and this afternoon we have come to say thank you thank you daddy god for your grace thank you for your mercy and there's somebody here who is thankful for another chance god we have come to sublimate your name today for you are or everything we cease to exist without you for it is in you that we live move and have all beings so as we sit at your feet today feed us bread of heaven wash us today cleanse us today but most importantly set us on fire today in the mighty name of jesus somebody who love him put your bibles down put your hands above your heads and clap them for the king of kings and the lord of lords this morning praise god praise god i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you when i want it man of god just turn it down praise god you may be seated in the presence of god this afternoon praise god hallelujah brothers and sisters i want to talk to us today from the subject get on fire and stay on fire get on fire and stay on fire let me see the hands of all the saved people in the house today i'm not talking about just being a member of this church see if you love jesus wave at me wave at me lord have mercy that looks just about everybody we need more christians to get on fire today what we need more than that is for christians to get on fire and stay on fire it seems that so many today get fired up and the few days later a few weeks later they are in the dumb's missing church doubting their salvation giving into temptation vulnerable weak and discouraged thinking about quitting on god we need the church of god to get on fire and not just get on fire but stay on fire john wesley uh one of the men of god from the methodist church who was very instrumental praise god back in the day says and i quote he says my fear is not that our great movement known as the methodists will eventually cease to exist or one day die from the earth my fear he says is that our people will become content to live without the fire the power the excitement the supernatural element that makes us great unquote in these verses praise god solomon makes an interesting observation ah from proverbs 30 15 and 16 he says one of the few things on earth that cannot get enough is a fire god said in proverbs 26 and 20 we're no woodies fear the fire go it out can i take my time to preach this this afternoon it is a scientific fact as long as you keep adding wood to a fire it will continue to burn somebody said burn i'm not hearing you said burn [Applause] this talk of getting on fire my skier are concerned some people they are afraid of fire there is a quote and for those who know me know that i love to read there are different kinds of fire there is false fire there is free fire no one knows this better than we do but we are not such fools as to refuse good banknotes because there are false ones circulating and although we see here and their manifestations of what appears praise god to us to be nothing more praise god than mere earthly fire we nonetheless prize and the value and seek for the genuine fire which cometh from the altar of the lord unquote that is william booth why is getting on fire so important i'ma preach in a minute let me lay this foundation john the baptist said in matthew's gospel the third chapter and the 11th verse he says i needed i indeed i'm sorry baptize you with water and repentance but he that cometh after me will not might this should be the desire of every born again believer he says one is coming after me and he will baptize you with the holy ghost and win you better talk to me in this house this afternoon with the holy ghost and with fire somebody sold fire [Applause] fire heeds those that are called church of god gone are the tears when you could come in the house of god and you never had to wonder where you were you never had to wonder what the people came about church of the living god i got seated in the church of god of prophecy back in the day and i'm going to tell you this church of god when you went in the house of god back then ah even if you did something saturday night when you went into the house of god on sunday morning ah there was the fire of god in the house and because the fire was in the house it caused great conviction when the presence of god begins to move amen somebody you find yourself in a place where the desires you came with ah take time take time and start to be burnt out why because god knew why the fire is in the house now today we have caused form and fashion we of course formalities amen we come in the house of god amen and we program god we put god in a box with back shop card we lock up god and as a result the fire of god cannot be experienced in the house why because we are no longer desirous of presence p-r-e-s-e-n-c-e what we need in the house today our p-r-e-s-e-n-t that's why people come to church today people don't come to church no more because they are hungry for god people come praise god because they have all kinds of situations all kinds of circumstance and they need god to touch it yes he is and he will whoever god says i'm looking for some folk right not just after my hand but that's after my heart i want the church to burn again i want the church to get on fire again where there is fire there is heat lord god when the fire of god is in the church you don't got to read on this hopper you now feel weird on the prayer mothers when the fire of god is in the house sick bodies lord jesus begin to get healed those that are pro-busted and disgusted when the fire of god is in the house lord jesus people start crying out i healed i heal i can't rule it no longer now this is what's happening we have to form all kind of theatrics [Music] people are wet up people in a church went to a service some time ago bishop and the preacher preached but you know when preacher mcnair said nothing and the people were mature believers so they now run upon dog nice come on the church get well there's a powerful they come and see it no joke if you're listening to come on i want to say this to any preacher not come over here if you know however they know can the people sit on that look by yourself this is a word church somebody say where church well you're not preaching me this morning mr i'm serious serious church and when the manner may be a nice nobody now move the mindset the church dead the man dropped with the water with them game fit drink priests gotta start wet up the people what up let me not put her in my clothes come at church for nobody wake me up you're not gonna talk to me all kinds of theatrics in the church to substitute the presence of god but look at your neighbor neighbor nothing else won't do lord have mercy me say look at somebody said nothing else won't do we need the presence of god in his church the church belongs to god bishop davis is the steward the shepherd that god anoints come on somebody to elevate the church to get the church together but i hear god told peter upon this rock i'm to build my church and the gates of hell sit down please let me pray sit down please see don't ah yeah sit down please let me preach this let me preach this thing fire heats those that are cool me no one calls my side of me i'm on fire so when you sit down side i mean if they don't like me hallelujah if you don't like me praise the lord a sorry fear mr missouri fear but i can't consider because there is something happening i don't hear nobody here i said there is something happening in here you now feel weird upon the sermon if you sit down beside the right person never take my time never take my time if you sit down i kid you not beside the right person in church when them say hallelujah you catch it as a priest the lord i don't hear nobody in here some people sitting in a church there no no no no fire and every time you get up i wanna run because you don't carry them sit down sir like a funeral they me now come on funeral fasting i've come because there's some stuff there's something in my life that i need god to fix i need god to change i need god to turn which means i've got to get her on fire open your motor lift your voice and show fire look at the person beside and say be careful i might burn you be careful come on so be careful i'm hot right now i don't hear nobody look on the person beside you say excuse me behind torture i don't hear you excuse me if i run past you the devil is too bad i'm too wicked right now for me to steal lukewarm for me to steer core i've got to be hot may i feel bad that means anything will come near anything will come across somebody said burn in jesus name somebody give god a radical fire prayers make the world heal for your people prayers fire people fire people fire people will open your mouth release it release it [Applause] don't see where go on you know hear what god look what is now work goodness now work you've got to be [Music] fire somebody's wearing the atmosphere fire fire fire sit down please sit down please let me talk to you we're gonna get there in a minute we're gonna get to shouting in a minute acts 28 and two says and the barbarians people showed us no little kindness for they kindled a fire and received us everyone because of the present rain and because of the cool church of the living god you cannot be hot and cool at the same time the lord says i rather i rather you are hot are you cool come on somebody your kia inaudible too much people in the middle in a church can i tell the truth can i preach it like i got it too much people and i'm not speaking specifically about power field a year is mega church i'm a seed them is 20 percent at the church that carried the church twenty touch university one to the other eighty say one to the other eighty what is happening is this 20 percent is under pressure they love what them do they know their call to it but the truth of the matter is sometimes we couldn't need and do with some help that the truth will god love i heard bishop made mention of two specific persons as leaders i'm sure they are more i'm sure there are more but they are persons who come to church only to pull from others ah gotta preach this thing i said there are persons who come to church and get themselves ready from their yard they'll not have them want consecration then to have them on altar then no faster than we are so they only tying them fast it's on a wednesday look at you i said care work come on say care work say one piece of wood can't keep this fire pleasing this fire need a seven days oh you don't hear me church me said this fire it need a whole week [Applause] so i made up my mind i made up my mind anywhere my god any organization or group i'm a part of i have to make an indelible mark why because may i carry my one fire me not come at church the people catch me come on somebody make here me fire come at church that's why before me coming at church i mean i feel weird on the right side i wish i could preach this thing like a water i mean i feel weird on the right side some people in the choir now sing the right song if you should not preach the right message oh condom sit down come on like a cemetery hallelujah but is there anybody in here who understand that you need the fire back in your yard because when we come at church we come to fellowship but the real world fear oh let's say that a backward me there people put on their best when they come to church come on somebody but we know that the real struggle the real battles are fought outside the church will come yourself for two three hours come on somebody get their yard every day you're in your community every day which means brothers and sisters at some point in time we have to stop make up mine if i'm gonna do this i'm going all the way [Applause] but no you're not disappear i'm not saying enough i make mistakes but i'm saying your mind must be in a place we said to god god i'm desperate i am hungry i am thirsty i need to have this somebody lift your hands in his presence and give him a shout of praise [Applause] fire each fire purifies the polluted zechariah 39 and i will bring the third part though through the fire and will refine them as silver is refined and will try them as gold is tried they shall call on my name and i will hear them i will say it is my people and they shall say the lord is my god the lord is my god you know why because he has seen my heart he has seen my desire he has seen that inasmuch as i'm not perfect that looked boy i have a desire yes there's some stuff in him that i'm still fixing and working on but the young man i'm hungry even want me come on somebody here church of god that's why i've got to get the fire of god on the inside why i don't want to come up here this year and talk about the struggles of last year why are you gonna purify me the fire will cleanse me it takes a burn out when i when i just got see it there was a song they used to sing holy fire burn away everything that is not of you and this of me i need more of you and less of me some of your praying amidst why because you're not praying to god earnestly you have to pray to god earnestly say god moan get rid of me i don't want to continue struggling with the same samia you don't hear me church of god i want this thing out is there anybody in this house who said lord i'm sick and tired of being sick and tired i want this thing all to me i don't want to struggle with this no more i wanna be free i wanna be i wanna be holy i want god to be pleased with me lift your hand above your head say lord bernie thought said i want everybody in here to open your mouth say lord purify perch clench wash me out lord i need your fire [Applause] ah yeah people are comfortable with them struggle so from you know some people every year them come at church god sees god knows and he understands yes but the fire of god's presence is for a reason it's supposed to purify you the fire of god's supposed to purify you am i talking to somebody here it's supposed to purge come on somebody it's supposed to cleanse you somebody clap your hands and give jesus a priest right there fire watch this eliminate the worthless what are you saying preacher i'm glad you asked matthew 7 and 19. every tree that bringeth not for good fruit is hewn down and be cast into fire is destructive preach i knew about it because back in the day my family lived in a place they called warika hill and the reason we ended up in the country was because the fire burned down with house so i know what fire does fire pulverizes it obliterates come on somebody fire destroys and that's why some people are like holy ghost church i'm a preacher and kill this demon that's why some people don't like holy ghost church praise god becoming the light come in the presence of people carry fire because when you come in the presence of people carry fire it push you come on somebody it's true and here it makes you uncomfortable because it demand them inside you they can't stand the heat come on church and before you know it them outside they might drink something on their back then they are about the church but instead of weird they should be look at your neighbors neighbor if you really want to please god get in the fire if i could destroy some things it will burn out some things it has a purge here it might be hot come on a man it might be challenging on the flesh but if you really want to please god flesh was dead [Applause] if you want please god flesh forget hit burn it put it in the fire and make god fix your right church of god i said this a few years ago i had a major struggle major a woman said struggle attack struggle when i talk about things where you do comfortably then talk about it being a struggle i'm talking about finding yourself in a place where like paul every time i would do good oh yeah see i like with powerfeed i'm serious from my heart with us afrikaan is first first two words on the jump on the scripture every time i would do good evil evil and i remember saying to god god oh long am i going to go through this hold on and church of god i'll never forget because i remember vividly when everything started to happen when god light the fire and that thing started to burn and i started to get uncomfortable and i started to say god mino like would feel me not like great fear and then god had to remind me you say you want this right you want to be clean right you want to be freed right or you're not talking to me down the back you want to be freed right you want to be clean god says it's your flesh that's crying it's not your spirit god say your spirit is what wants to be freed are your flesh about god if you really want to be free stop the crying and spear into the fire search of the living god just when i thought just when me think reach a point to make good no church of god lost my church god said you want to be free you want to be purged god say everything you have must be placed on the altar and whatever you're going to get this time is going to be for real you don't hear me church oh god you don't hear me church oh god even my church god talk believe me i almost lost my family come on somebody watch this almost lost my mind because i worked so hard for the things i had received but it was my own strength it was my own ingenuity it was my own effort but god says you're crying out for something real i'mma have to take everything you built i'mma have to take everything you created church of god brothers and sisters i cried weeks after weeks months after months church of god i cried but let me tell you something god not take nothing from you i knock you back better a preacher 10 people here now mr anything god actually give up is because him of something that's we are better we are bigger you don't hear me church i was just wanting a small thing and god said hey you want to be real i've got to take what you did [Applause] someone has cried about something you want to lose god say wipe your tears look at somebody inside and say wipe your tears tell them if god took it jesus have mercy tell them if god took it that's because fear is better got a call on my phone i got to testify got a call on my phone somebody i don't talk to period because i'm going to tell you this church of god and those who don't know i'm the most friendly guy with no friends we love everybody but men aren't afraid because people evil man telling nature i almost said people are church people i know some people are not gonna like this but if if you are one of those who have made up your mind to stay in the fire to be purged you are gonna like it because some of you have felt the hands of people who come to church come on somebody who open them or speak in tongues and talk all kind of things you're not gonna talk to me now some of you have done it some of you have felt it some of you have seen it come on church and listen listen i mean it's with all sincerity and with respect i'm not the preacher when i come here come say some loose and lit things and sure what kind i don't mean that i say that with respect people become a church have all kind of proclivities tendencies habits and all kinds of other things so the best thing me do because i have been through it before i turn by myself you're nasty i'm in a car to your door come on if you want to help me hug it never shake your hand but not call me phone [Applause] oh no i like this up listen you're preaching i don't need to be afraid enough you preach i don't need to be a friend your lord have mercy i want a bishop there is one message i don't wanna overstep my phone to come just come listen church you preach i don't need to be your body no i'm no need for be smart your calculator preach about fire come on do not give the bishop a name wife a break no you're not attacked to be church get your own anointing get your own fire get your own prayers get your own altar get your own consecration [Applause] too friendly if they're too friendly everybody wanna be friends with us so church people still love but not to death but don't you never say i've been protect your heart don't you never see have you protect your heart someone will never like that kind of preaching now because someone would i want kiss up kiss up the bishop call bishop was at night come on somebody praise god say all kind of things to the bishop praise god listen to me churchill god if my wife was here she would tell you some time of a call bishop listen to no lie as a pastor the hardest thing is to call another pastor especially when you know the extent of their ministry i years their work with bishop davis someone will probably never know years in a full gospel and we know the reach of this man's ministry that's why i'm have so much past has wronged him that's one of these anointed people praise god i wanted a few churches come and people as i walk all night church as i pray like me don't see people out my son look at me and say daddy people's walking around people say what [Applause] i'm serious and i know some of you are offended because i saw it some time ago i was watching one of the programs one of the broadcasters my wife will tell you when she will go home we watch overlook every service you know when i miss no service now and as a matter of fact we watch every service i love them from back then but no awareness universal pretty not never there so no them things are never up here a long time we'll watch over everything somehow they ever watch this service down here we'll now watch tvx we'll now watch our i'm not telling you what to do but if you're getting from this world you're pulling from this world the least you can do is sure some appreciate some of them never logged on yet my god i know sorry my listener so watch somebody call me on my phone say pastor ling them tend to me i lose everything in the church them time they people say them don't look madone palmer pomephis church somebody want me to ever talk to call me it's a pastor link somebody asks for your number said bishop davis a oxfield let me say here goes one of the mother scammers you know i something this i wanna look for me church got the person insisted i killed you not said bishop made a public call in i'm church i said what and then i got the number when i call the number praise god they say yes in fact bishop davis did ask for you and ask you to come and see him bishop never know what happened in my life but church of god i'm telling you when you have presence church this is a whole different sermon when you walk in the presence of god jesus if part of the body is out of position i'm gonna lose some of you now if part of the body is healing us sick when you have presence when you're walking with god i'm trying to get some of you to get this fire that i'm talking about people who made it close to never have a clue they've never called me yet bishop another call my name is tv i know them one man asked me you can't give me a meeting with bishop davis and you say me i want to talk to the bishop mr me me you know what jamie can say me never am i say publicly some people ask me personally over bishop they ever said no may not answer them i know i've never put on facebook and i had a huge following that i'm ever going to preach over here are i'm a part of this church you know why tell anybody if you protect your heart a one spitting twice shy come on tell him i protect your heart protect your heart church oh god i am not in the position right now to go back to quarter are the things i'm gonna go through man of god may not think would i make you thought i don't think so someone come here come talk i'ma come here come preach i'ma talk about bishop davis church of god just believe me i don't want to swear i don't think a lot of you and i said it's at utmost respect and from my heart but nothing could not understand who will not have as a leader and and let me say this you see the people and grew up in a certain things not it you know it takes somebody who we're trying to do quite a while though for understand that this man could not be a normal person somebody got about big snow somebody had about vicks can't never listen to comfy here i fire me at apple but we have to put even perspective to the fire come on somebody because i wanna be loose with this fire we wanna know which shuttle the fire i met the fire work for us come on somebody am i talking to anybody in power fear last night i was talking to an apostle overseas and i'm sam simeone simia brown bishop and whatever whatever and he's a man of god let me tell you something still over there he says we are the pastor lame may i say to every member power field every member of profit they see the church here enough church mago let me just say for the record who are live may get save up prophecy maybe i remember a new testament i tried um um when i was at ue adventist church me i go yes bishop because i always love garam manured so may i search i saw mystery my search and church of god might try all of them and i'm gonna tell you this with no guile in my mouth i would no motive as god be my witness church of god this man single-handedly see of my life and my family [Applause] club you have grown in it it becomes normal to you but this is somebody looking on from the outside no luck can't do this no no personality can do this this is divine so that's one of the calm of a powerful comprehensible fire cut that field with me in the presence when the man i gotta preach that at night he was under something and and i commented on it on him on the face and come and say this man is a preaching machine because the dear oh my god bless up the deer we were up the other day when they had them 10 armed the ill family overseas and bishop preached him a heart in our meeting and you know myself mercy i wonder bishop come on and take me and take me out later and he came on and him just go off again and look here hold on i'm serious you see next year let me turn on the tv again cut i subscribe with with the notifications as powerful come on ping my full star ring make me have to say that church let me look mr bishop sitting again on a table i preach again [Applause] he said that me a young man but no [Applause] i'm not here to toot anybody's heart but you have to give honor to whom hannah is due it not get no better than who not have you are the proof may not spit out bible verse like i could not eat bible on the yard you hear me church of god every fasting i've come i've seen a great multitude everyone i've never been to power field and don't see a large contingency of persons that mean he is has and will be doing something right i want everyone now no i never planned for this church i never planned for this i have a one hour sermon on my phone but only my family knows the level of respect and honor we give to this man of god i'm a comrade some other brothers in the church i'ma feel it too they revere and respect the man of god i feel it among the sisters i see on on the street and up in the bishop i come the other day i went somewhere and and they were introducing a few people to me and said this is sister this is like what i said it says calvin and the lady said to me said pastor don't call him calvin or call him sister calvin calvin because bishop said handler must go on people cop don't just call them by them force them so and i'm saying to some people that would seem trivial like ah but church of god that is showing the respect the hana we must have for one another come on church that's leadership that's leadership and only a pastor can talk about another pastor muya camino have no motive come on church i'm not looking at mike bishop no praise god i'm not trying to find a pulpit church if meno have not pulled me i gotta preach cmo because i know what i was called to do come on church if i don't have a mic i'm still going to preach because i know what i was called to so in essence let me get back to this and close i am deeply grateful to the for the bishop opening his doors details come on church god i'm not telling this other pastor some of the things they're never nice or someone don't want to be free you know some of you don't want to be free you cannot heal what you do not reveal you care it's impossible the devil loves secrecy psychology proves that there is a dark hole in every man's brain will hide things they call it a black hole the devil at this time live so if you really want to be free sometimes afraid of us get smarty and talk about it we're too prideful we know nobody look power we're not different but you'll see when a man really saved an afterward but and never come on him one day and feel like you know boy bishop have me of course tell him you know no as a matter of fact church in manila where's it on tv when i get to talk to bishop about my wife i thought no offer i want a bishop i could deal with a rougher next time because i'm chaos are nice but let me tell you something church it's not the wrath of god that leads men to repentance it's a goodness the love the gentleness we have enough condemnation in our church already we have been of judgment in a church already we need people who can listen with an ear to restore if your brother be over tear killing a fall ye which are spiritual not religious abide by my love restore such a one in the spirit of meanness considering yourself also lest you also be tempted in essence let me give you in a pasteling terms i will tell how spiritual you are by virtue of how you handle my problems now tell me your spiritual let me tell you something that's everybody in our church eric bakker you're not spiritual you're worth someone out there come on church become your people where me know you're inaudible hear back so i'm gonna come at church to be condemned that judge the only reason mr kama become a need help everybody never need help come on i was in a position to praise god i'm saying church and i don't know how i got here find my way back home sing a song i somebody lift your hand and give jesus praise lift your hand and give jesus praise i'm almost done fire is a severe judgment of sin genesis 19 we are given a scripture and 24 then the lord reigned upon sodom and gomorrah brimstone and fire from the lord out of heaven note this is the first mention principle of the word fire the first time we see fire it is the angel at the garden of eden with the flaming sword genesis 3 24. spend time with god if you want this fire you cannot be watching series after series then jump asleep then tackle bible hard for read the entire code let me tell you something church of god the devil had no power over you except the one where yukimu as a child of god you're not gonna believe that you're not gonna believe the devil get more prayers in our church thank god will go through and the devil the devil the devil the devil when the bible gives us the antidote for the devil submit to god resist the devil and you're going top chat about him cannot exist unless you bring him into the creation romance year 20 and we know that all things somebody say all things say all things what is misnomer all nothing all things mean everything work together it might not good at first but god said if your top complain complaint is an insult on god's integrity because compliance says god don't know what he's doing god can't get me out of this god no sir me i got you god not understand the devil is a liar quit complaining quit yourselves like men stand up and decide for god to live and forgot i'll die no weapon that is formed against me it can prosper and every time god says that rising judgment are going to be come on now worry about the devil stop working the blast out give god praise take your eyes out for your situation take your eyes after your circumstance i feel the presence of god with prayers the devil too much i know everything you got you are the devil think about ruth going to her situation think about david going through his situation think about elijah going through his situation where you see them complain and talk about the devil these men understood that from the place of salvation to the place of destiny is a thing then called process it clear nice because what it means gonna bring you to a process forget egypt if god did ever make her get to the promised land we don't process that sorry for some of you the process is to purge you i'm preaching better than some of y'all shouting the process is to purge and cleanse and get some things out fire that when you go over upon the other side the grand eloquence the awesomeness of what's there won't get to your head why god taught your humility to the things that you suffered [Applause] the church of god i'm learning every day i've not mastered it yet but i'm learning that there is no temptation taken you but such as is common some of you think your problem is unique to god some of you think you surprised god with your troubles the bible said god is fearful who will not suffer us to be tempted above that which we are able to bear and will with the temptation make a way of escape look at your neighbor say there is a way out come on a man look at somebody said there is a way out shake somebody said dear is there is there is but you're complaining too much you're casting away and god is saying take your eyes off what you're going through and find a way you're almost done two more minutes two more on them than i promise spend time with god hebrews 12 29 says for our god is what the number one reason the people get call on god is that they fail to spend time with him one reason that many baptists never get on fire for god many methodists never get on fire forgotten i call all these religions because many pentecostal churches is they have never been set on fire by god spend time in your bible jeremiah 23 29 is not my word like as a fire saith the lord and the hammer that break at the rocking pieces i'm trying to close church of god spend time in your prior closet the old testament tabernacle had an altar of incense a type of the believer's prayer life incense smoke order of burning sacrifice of sacrifice you can't have prayer without fire prayer is fire ask god to get the laziness out of god hallelujah ii chronicles 791 i'm done now when solomon had made an end of praying the fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory the glory that's what we need in the church god we need your glory we need people to come to church and them never come to the altar to get healed come on church of god when the glory of god is in the house the fire of god church of the living god people are passionate again the bible said even the apostles close come on would heal people some are not ready for this thing yet because you think i just dress up and come at church you think i was pretty close i'm pretty here style come on church oh god there's some of us who are made up in our minds it no matter what we have got through i've got to get this fire you want power above your top of me you wanna criticize your criticizer but i've got to get this fire everybody jump up on your feet i'm done preaching if you're here today and you say pastoring i've got the situation in my life that needs divine intervention i'mma ask you to lift up your hands open up your motor and just begin to pray the fire of god down come on ask him lord send your fire in my situation send your fire in my family send your fire in my home car oh i heard a brother so powerfully prayed for not go ahead this morning is there anybody here who will say lord send your fire in my community i need a fire of god in the community i need transformation i need a turnaround i'm gonna ask you to take one minute one minute wherever whatever situation that's happening in your life you need a fire of god he says call unto me and i will answer jeremiah territory tree and i will answer you and show your great and mighty things that you're known out of somebody ought to lift your hands right now we can't leave hands for nobody you got to get this thing for yourself come on somebody want somebody to be ignited today lift up your lord send fire in a naggerhead send fire i don't know the communities of portmore you know whatever come on wherever you live oh come on some of you your marriage is on the rocks come on church say lord i need some fire in my relationship send your fire god in my marriage send your fire in my home send your fire in my business somebody who opened up your mouth open your mouth [Applause] fire destroys a feel god fire destroy father release the fire we release the fire some of you know about it for you come on foreign man come on someone keyboard i'm ready for you now give me something on the keyboard we're gonna show fighting here until every hostage is released mr every bandage broken fire fire fire fire the holy ghost fire the holy ghost fire [Music] burn off every shackle [Music] off of my business lord i need fire fire [Music] there's somebody here today you're not see it you need to leave you and say lord send your fire need to be purged i need to be cleansed i need this thing in me [Music] jeremiah after going through hell he said i said i would not preach anymore in disney because god deceived me and i was deceived but him say his word his word his word his word put him in fire put your right hand in your ability for him to use a fire the fire come on she is a fire fire fire his word was like fire shut up in my board i don't hear you open your mouth the fire said lord i'm hungry for fire i'm desperate he'll feel you right now he'll give you the fire right now he said he will if you really want it you can have it lord [Music] glory to god lift up your hands in his presence hallelujah [Music] glory my own is on the altar and i'm waiting for the fire [Music] waiting [Music] [Music] lift up your hands until the holy ghost glory to god [Music] my lord is on jesus jesus [Applause] [Music] jesus [Applause] [Music] [Music] is [Music] yes sir yes sir [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] everything everything everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] touch me again [Music] lord [Music] jeremiah felt it lord elijah felted lord isaiah felt it lord [Music] jesus jesus touch me again lord touch me everybody pray [Music] a prayer to almighty god ask him to light a fire ask him to help you to put some wood in the fire i ask him to help us to stir up the fire or something needs to be done to keep the fire burning to light a fire to sustain a fire [Music] to extend the fire everybody say a prayer say a prior in this sanctuary say a prior facebook youtube say a prior pfm family television say a prior wherever you are around the world in your own space in your own space the holy spirit is offering over you right now he wants to do a consuming job whatever needs to be burnt up and burned out he wants to do a consuming job that fire and whatever need to be refined and to be purified he wants to do that job [Music] so the lord whom you seek has come to his temple but who may abide when he appears for he is like a refiners fire and a fuller soap and he shall purify and purge the sons of levi as gold and silver is purged in the fire and then shall they offer unto god an offering in righteousness then shall be then shall the offering of judah and jerusalem be pleasant unto the lord as in the days of all and as in former years and i will come night to you saith god in judgment sheikhou si mandori lord we thank you today for the hot word the burning word the living word that scorches and burns and purifies and get rid of what needs to be removed out of our lives and let us and set us a place for you in the name of jesus christ this fire is a power of the holy spirit as john the baptist declared it he shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire whose fan is in his hand and he will thoroughly purse the floor and gather the wheat into the garner but will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire lord we ask that you do a purging work among us today we ask that you do a sanctifying work among us a cleansing work among us and whatever is chaff in our lives whatever is wood a unstoppable in our lives the fire of god will take charge oh you will produce out of us lord the vessel of gold and silver to worship you in spirit and in truth may the fire burn out every sickness right now may it burn out every disease may burn up every attack of principalities and powers he was spirit's invasion delorean's spirit in the name of jesus christ of nazareth spirit from the deep dark on the world in the name of jesus oh god of heaven oh those spirits of sun palatan tobiah those spirits of dead and quran abiram those spirits o god almighty that are deadly among the people of god deadly among the nations of the world may the fire of god consume them oh glory to god we release the blaze right now mighty god mighty god mighty god might to god burn from head to toes and in between burn from toaster head and in between and when we come out of this fire we're coming out a pure gold we thank of the word we thank you for the anointing we thank you for response of your people at home and abroad your will and you will be done continue to purge and use the vessel that you have used oh god almighty keep him in the potter's house keep him on the potter's wheel as we ask you to keep all of us in the potter's house all the apostles and prophets evangelists past as teachers all those who stand up for you every child of god maybe we be kept in the potter's house and on the potter's wheel do you think father in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen lift up your hands and celebrate the king of heaven lift up your hands and celebrate the king of heaven celebrate the mighty god celebrate the wonderful counselor celebrate the prince of peace you are almighty god anybody got blessed here today anybody got blessed here today clap your hands and show the i i i i praise to almighty why don't you leave before you sow your seed okay you can't eat in a supermarket like this today and walk out without pay something oh no you can't do that what a thank you for sharing at home on the broad facebook youtube instagram pfm family television our brothers and sisters part of this international family what a wonderful word a timely word a rich word a fresh word let it resonate with you and stay close to the fire hebrew 12 29 our god is a consuming fire but he will not burn you up he will burn you out not burn you up he'll burn you out and purify you and me and all of us for his glory and for his honor so until we see you again later tonight yep seven o'clock tonight we'll be back at it right from this sanctuary right from behind this pulpit and i believe god has something more for you on tonight so join me and join all those who will join us for another great service as we take you out and take you in give our viewers everybody a big and everywhere in the name of jesus i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again but i know i can't take
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 10,142
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Id: sif9i01spgc
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Length: 166min 6sec (9966 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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