A Time Of Refreshing - March 4, 2022

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i can't take a heart that's broken making over again [Music] well praise the lord this is another wonderful day since it began 12 a.m earlier this well this morning this is afternoon yes since it began the day we have never seen before and we'll never see again when it goes into the annals of history it will be a day gone from all of us god is good mr patrick i am live on here doing a broadcast i'll talk with you i was sorry listeners sorry everybody that's what it means when you have to multitask and you find that all things are both lawful and expedient you just have to address them and this was been my life for many years and some of you have grown accustomed to that now okay so let's give god thanks for today we thank him for yesterday we thank him for all the days but certainly today we are very thankful i want to share with you god's word i've got a lot to say so maybe a two-part i don't know but let me remind you that we meet on tonight power faith members and might i say christian people from other denominations who will not meet in your particular place of worship and you want to join us please do so in the sanctuary prayer meeting starts at seven o'clock we go for two hours thereabout so join us you'll be blessed sunday morning god willing we meet for seven a.m and 10 a.m services no sunday night on first sunday nights but the other sunday nights second men in action third women of worth in ministry fourth youth and fire for god fifth family sunday whenever one comes so bear those in mind we'll tell you more as time goes by thanks to pastor williams for sitting in yesterday's first time heir from disciples covenant ministries there in saint mary thank you pastor williams and thanks to everybody over the over two years of this program how long will we continue it for i don't know god no i don't know he told me to get it started well if he needs me to discontinue at any particular time and for any reasons then he will but you know what power faith here we always have something going if it's not strength for today if not the hour of prayer if it's not many many other programs i've gone before thanks to everybody father bless us as we enter upon your word today let the holy spirit inspire our hearts and god may we be blessed in jesus name amen hi judith how are you judith douglas the lord bless you and i need to remind you everybody that the lord he said let me check it carefully when we'll be making the contribution to the av department as you would have contributed uh and i hope you are contributing where is this calendar okay so on the 20th of march yeah the 20th sunday the 20th of march will be the day to make the gift to the av department workers so if you have not gotten yours in as yet you got two sundays power of faith church members to do so and you have all of those days people from all over the world to do so all right so that's it i hope you will do your very best and let's make it a blessing to the department okay number or exodus chapter 20 is a very interesting passage uh among other things it speaks to the what we call in old testament time the decalogue the ten commandments it speaks to the ten commandments among other things but because we new testament people of focus maybe primarily on the six dispensation that we are now in the dispensation of grace yeah we do not spend lots of time you know looking at the ten commandments in in respect of when they were given to whom they were given and the purposes for which you were given and especially what jesus said i don't come to condemn the law not at all but to fulfill it and also he said of commandments i give you a new commandment and he also says you want to know what commandment is all about somebody ask him which is the greatest jesus said let me give it to you straight up love the lord your god with all your art your soul your strength your mind and your neighbor as yourself he said these are the two greatest commandments and on these two hung all the laws and the prophets love for god love for self love for neighbor you can't get it better than that so all of the others are wrapped up in what jesus said okay have i turned you off i hope not i hope i have informed you a little more so the first maybe seven verses of exodus chapter 20 says and god spake all these words saying i am the lord thy god which have brought thee out of the land of egypt out of the house of bondage thou shalt of no other gods before me thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow thyself bow down thyself to them nor serve them for i the lord thy god i'm a jealous god visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that ate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my commandments thou shalt not take the name of the lord thy god in vain for the lord will will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain and then after that god gave them the commandments but what do you want to look at today bishop i want to look at verse 5 where god says for i the lord thy god i'm a jealous god and the holy spirit gave me this just this morning i made this preparation telling you that god is jealous over you god is jealous over you over me bishop yes you're is right you got it right jealous over you first of all as is creature created in its image and in his likeness receive is tumor pneuma breath in your body and cause you and i to become a living soul and the very fact that we were created for a particular purpose the whole duty of man what is the whole duty of man you know it to serve god to fear god to love god to keep his words yeah to be in fellowship with him and the very fact that we have not been doing so in a full some way both saved and unsaved i mean that god says on the part of you being my creation i am jealous after you when i see you're not doing what i want you to do and especially when you have exposed yourself to another some other gods some other creatures some other human being and secondly for those of us who are christians god says i am jealous over you because i do not want you to share me with any other paul in the new testament writing he says i have exposed you to one husband which is christ and that you should be conformed to him and not to share your love with another but someone may ask bishop how could you ascribe jealousy to god because jealousy is some type of type of a sinful vice in songs of solomon chapter 8 and verse 6 and and i want to read that to you just to support your point the question you have asked he says set me as a seal upon thine heart as a seal up under an arm for love is strong as death jealousy is cruel as a grave ah so jealousy is a cruel thing so how could you ascribe jealousy to almighty god well of course there are different types of jealousies different types of jealousy and the jealousy that god declares that he has for his children is because he doesn't want you to share him with another or share yourself with another it's comparable to that which exists i suppose in some relationships husband and wife some husbands are very jealous of their wives over their wives some wives are very jealous over their husbands and rightly so especially if a spouse is going overboard and sharing their love sharing their affection sharing what they should not share with another that's all god says i don't want you to share me with another i share yourself with another we are exclusively ours so god says he's jealous and what he's actually saying you know he's saying he is intolerant with this loyalty and i want you to take some notes you know because i have some powerful things i made this preparation this morning the leading of the holy spirit i am intolerant with disloyalty i am intolerant with idolatry i am intolerant with spiritual adultery i see his with physical adultery because let me send to say while some people prostitute their body others prostitute their soul and god is equally jealous of both if you're prostituting your body god says i'm intolerant with that because you were not created to to to to to operate that way and if you are prostituting your soul giving into some i idol worship idolatry and you know things that are not in keeping with good order are god's order god says i'm intolerant with your disloyalty i'm intolerant with your idolatry i'm intolerant with your adultery i am resentful of it that's what he's saying you make me in rival in other words competition you cause me to be competing and god said i'm not competing with the devil no i don't defeat him long time 2 000 years ago through jesus christ at calvary he's doulas douma has already been sealed so god says please your love and your affection ought to be exclusively mine i am a jealous god i am a jealous god the lord thy god is a jealous god so what he's saying do not be unfaithful because you'll cause him to become jealous i told you what paul says paul says i expose you to one husband even christ spiritually speaking do not prostitute your body to anybody do not prostitute your soul to the devil or to any any secret society to anything that is ungodly and clean and will cause you to lose your soul and i'm going to give you several scriptures for you to write down you know i go into the scriptures when i sit here because i'm not just talking from the top of my head let the word speak the word is quick and powerful on all scriptures given by the inspiration of god and is profitable the word is profitable for doctrine for reprove for instruction for corrupt correction and righteousness the word is profitable so i love to let the word speak oh so bear that in mind bodies can be prostituted souls can be prostituted and god takes offense to all of that so he says i am a jealous god jeje lost god so we make it abundantly clear that you know it's not a case of god being manifesting the kind of jealousy that solomon speaks about cruel as a grave no it's a loving type of jealousy a caring type of jealousy in other words i don't want anybody else to share you do you want another woman to share your husband with you do you want another man to share your wife with you do you want another to share your girlfriend with you or your baby mother with you in those intimate senses no you said no absolutely no those things bring about the jealousy that is cruel as a grave and that's why we have some homicide these days yeah of course intimate partner violence that's reason we have it because of that kind of jealousy but god says my jealousy is because i love you and i want you to be mine and i do not want you to prostitute your soul to satan and the devil so we're not making up an idea of god drawing upon any of those evil god cannot be tempted with evil there's no evil in him so the truth is god says don't worship any other god don't give yourself to idolatry do not give yourself to spiritual spiritual adultery yeah don't do it he says i'm jealous over you and maybe i need to get into some of these scriptures i have for you here because they are very very powerful exodus chapter 34 and verse 14. let's see what it says exodus 34 and 14 sure when we get through all of these today for those shall worship no other god for the lord whose name is jealous is a jealous god that's it that's straight up that's what we're talking about thou shalt worship no other god for the lord whose name is jealous is a jealous god lest thou make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and they go a warring after their gods and do sacrifice unto their gods and one called thee on your heat of their sacrifice god said don't do that if you do that then you are displeasing me i want to look at deuteronomy deuteronomy chapter 4. let's get to quite a bit more all right deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 23 take it unto yourself lest you forget the covenant of the lord your god which he made with you and make you a graven image or the likeness of anything which the lord thy god art forbidden thee for the lord thy god is a consuming fire even a jealous god so we got to be pure we preached on wednesday some of you heard the wind says ash wednesday first wednesday fasting messages i delivered both where jesus says i did it all for you and i challenge us let's do it all for him let's set ourselves apart so we can worship him in spirit and in truth those of you do not realize that time is winding up you know something wrong with you yes i'm wrong with you what is wrong bishop i don't know but something wrong is wrong with you all the indications around us you heard what mr putin said or a spokesperson the other day if you listen to international news it says we are on the verge of a third of the third what does it know world war three we have world war first and second one and two in the forties he said no we are on the brink of world war three and this is gonna be a nuclear fought war not necessarily tank and guns rolling on and and aircraft bombing it could be the release of substance god almighty the release of substance have you heard following the news that russia has now captured the largest nuclear plant in europe here they captured they are not controlled the nuclear plant they're in they've controlled it oh god almighty so if you don't think that time is winding up i don't know but i believe time is winding up and everybody should recognize that all right let's move to two more scriptures because i want to get in everything let's re way over to ezekiel where do we find ezekiel ezekiel chapter 39 and i'll soon get back to my notes ezekiel 39 verse 21 i will set my glory among the even on all the events shall see my judgment that i have executed and man and that i have laid upon them so the house of israel shall know they shall know that i am the lord their god from that day and forward they shall know and he then shall know that the house of israel went into captivity for their iniquity that's why people are going to captivity because they trespass against me therefore i hid i my face from them and gave them into the hands of their enemies so they all so they fell by the sword according to the uncleanness of according to their uncleanness and according to their transgression god says have i done unto them and eat my face from them therefore thus said the lord god no will i bring again the captivity of jacob and of mercy upon the whole house of israel and will be shallows for my holy name so god says when i see what he then has done and all the people had to be brought into captivity because of their their wickedness their immorality and their refusal to repent god says i couldn't take it i have to have mercy upon them because for my name's sake i am jealous for my holy name my name was on them and because my name is on them i can't just leave them in the hands of the enemy i gotta find a way to deliver them that's why many of us are alive today is because god's name is on us and his mercies continue to be our portion okay now in the new testament in second corinthians chapter 11 because you think this is only an old testament phenomenon ii corinthians chapter 11 the first four verses let's hear what the apostle paul says second yeah paul says my goodness he said what to god you would bear with me a little in my folly and indeed bear with me no this is the apostle speaking to his brethren he says for i am jealous over you with godly jealousy he said i'm jealous over you and if paul could be jealous over those jealous over the people whom the lord used him to preach out of sin and bring them into apostolic ministry what about he who is our creator who paid the full price on calvary paul says i'm jealous over you with godly jealousy for i have exposed you to one husband that i may present you as a chest virgin to christ in other words i don't want your mix-up mix-up with all kind of people and sharing their sins and sharing their iniquities some people are just a little too mixed up and i'm talking even some people who are christians you know i've been eating hard since the other day yeah even some people who are christians are just a little too mixed up they are not straight caught christians they have shady deals you know and today in tomorrow out so paul says i want to present you as chase virgin to christ but i fearless by any means as a serpent beguiled eve even through its subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ oh dear god he went on to say to the corinthians for if he that cometh preacheth another jesus whom we have not preached or if you receive another spirit which you have not received are another gospel which you have not accepted you might well bear with him so all the other things are there yeah what did he say yes the other things are there he says another spirit is there another gospel is there dear god almighty another spirit another gospel so you have to be careful friend good afternoon everybody god says i am jealous jealous over you he's jealous over you and whenever satan is messing around you god is jealous and whenever you begin to mess around with satan missing your own with his tricks mess around with the fruit of the flesh are the works of the flesh rather fruits are spirit work is flesh begin to mess around with the works of the flesh god says i'm jealous i am jealous all right let's give you first corinthians chapter 10 and we will get back to some other things first corinthians chapter 10 from verse 16. now here it is clearly christian people from all denominations here it power faith members paul says i speak as the wise men judge what i say from verse 15 the cup of blessing which we bless is it not the communion of the blood of christ the bread which we break is it not the communion of the body of christ for we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread jesus in john chapter 6 declared himself to be that bread we are all partakers of that one bread regardless of what christian church you belong to and notice i say christian church because not all churches are christian church that's it but all of us who are part of the christian church we are partakers of that one bread the body of jesus christ john 12 24 the wheat that fell into the ground and die oh glory to god and john 6 the living bread the written word the bread so let's let's let's read on uh one bread verse 17 of first corinthians chapter 10 for we being many are one bread and one body for we are all partakers of that one bread behold israel after the flesh are not they which eat of the sacrifices partakers of the altar the heat of the sacrifice you are partaking yeah you're partaking what say hi then that the idol is anything or that which is offered in sacrifice to idol is anything anything can be made an idol anything can become an idol so you have to be careful your car can become an idol your house your money in the bank your wife your husband your children your education yeah all of those things you can glory in them and not in the lord we need to be fully committed said states officially she's helping me she's in bowie uh maryland she says we need to be fully committed that's it take my hands take my feet take my silver take my gold take my intellect take my self take my heart we sing those songs in church but we struggle to make the application god help us help us so anything can become an idol your clothes can become an idol yeah you put on your clothes and all you see is you sell yeah someone would say you're so full of yourself you want everybody to look look on you you want everybody to compliment you and if they do not look on you and compliment you for your deportment your adornment you feel let down oh god come on god says i'm jealous let's finish this reading because the time goes so fast so verse 19 of first corinthians chapter 10 says the idol is anything or that which is offered in sacrifice to idol is anything oh no anything you see people do some things themselves these days they wonder why they do them and let me let me say this straight up if you are an unsaved and you do certain things in your unregenerated state you're not born again at the time of your ignorance god wink you overlook it because you're ignorant but when you become a christian and the true light now shines within you and a man being christ is a new creature you must recognize that all things are passed away so you do not go back to the the wallow in the mire as the og and that's bible words you do not go back to the vomit as the dog that's bible words peter used those words they are there i can use them he said when you walk away from your first love and go back to those things you stopped doing you you were doing those things just stop doing them because you are now born again but all of a sudden the grace level fell the commitment level fell the consecration level fell and you find you begin to do those worldly things little by little and a little level live let your whole lump you started out with one inch one inch of worldliness i know you are what ten feet into worldliness you started out with some little things and you got to be careful of the little foxes that know upon the vines because the word says the grapes are tender and those little foxes can destroy both vine and grape some of you know what i'm talking about when you began to lose grace you started out very small but incrementally you continue to lose and lose and lose and lose and today look at us now look where we are now look at what we are doing now look at how we dress now look at the friends we have now look at the words we use now look at the no no no first time it was not so be careful friend god told me to tell you that he is jealous over you you so you need to put it on the board god is jealous over me god is jealous over me god is jealous over me yeah he's jealous over you jealous over you with godly jealousy so we are reading this here first corinthians chapter 10. so paul says in verse 21 you cannot drink the cup of the lord and the cup of devils you cannot be partakers of the lord's table and of the table of devils do we provoke the lord to jealousy somebody's trying to get me a million times let me tell them what's happening please i am under here i cannot take your call right now call me back after two o'clock okay thank you so much my goodness next time i don't bring the phone inside here okay but because i can get emergency call anytime that's why i do that yeah god is jealous over you god is jealous over me say me say me yeah god is jealous over me he's jealous over you friend he says you're fearfully and wonderfully made so paul says you can't eat drink the large cup and the devil's cup at the same time some people are selective christians what do you mean by selective christians are they of selective christianity oh you're yeah wonderful they are christians when it suits them and when it doesn't suit them they are not christians suit them when they are among church people or among persons you know that whatever but when they find themselves among their unsafe friends they're drinkers they're smokers they're gamblers they're adulterers they're fornicators they're lesbians they're homosexuals they're bisexual they're incestuous people all of those are sin they're wise swappers and husband swappers come on i said to someone the other day tell me which sin you think is most relevant and prevalent in the society all over the world and the person says sexual sins and i say you are rightly spoken but i went further to say believe me among all the sexual sins that are so pervasive in the society today it is my firm belief that fornication is the most prevalent among them fornication bishop yes fornication is what sex out of marriage yeah fornication you're not married but you're going around having sex now look around the world today look in jamaica one of the statistics the other day showed that is it 86 of the children born in jamaica were born out of wedlock what does that mean it means 86 of the co-operating adults our young people are fornicators jesus what i mean only 14 of the other people who are sexually involved are married people who are reproductive age really that's a shame check the the the demographics in the 14 parches you don't have to go far to find shocking up couples everywhere you turn they are there young people middle-aged people older people not married but having sex all over the place or having sex for years not married fornication is the most prevalent of the sexual sins may god help us he'll judge a nation he judge a world for those immoralities bishop you're really cutting strong yeah i'm eating hard because time is winding up and it profits nobody anything to gain the old world and to lose your soul it'll make no sense and the word is easy for people died people to die the way oh it is easy for people to die these days you have to be careful like everybody everybody's breath is in your nostril so to speak can't go any time brother clive blake running around this church young man not an old man like me young man driving his car running just saying is that feeling well not feeling well you know boom by the reach him to the hospital the young strong man dead died said jesus i said no no no probably i can't die like that that's it in the midst of life so you have to be careful friend you're young you're healthy you're strong you feel you're on top of the world you're on top of your game your lights are shining blue green you're just running and going be careful slow down do we provoke the lord to jealousy are we stronger than he be careful i think i need to give you one more scripture isaiah chapter 43 back to the old one dear god somebody say help us lord isaiah 43 i'm declaring to you that god says he is jealous over you if nobody has ever told you that mark it down today this preacher tells you that god says he is jealous over you and he's mindful of what you do with yourself your body and your soul he do not want you to prostitute your body to men or women and he doesn't want you to prostitute your soul to the devil no he doesn't want that he wants you to serve him and serve him in spirit and in true isaiah 43 but now thus saith the lord that created thee o jacob and he that formed the o israel fear not forever deem thee i have called thee by thy name the lord mind when the past is through the waters i will be with thee and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee when the walk is through the fire though shall not be burned neither shall the flame king upon thee far eye the lord thy god the holy one of israelite savior i have given egypt for the ransom ethiopian sible father father for thee verse 4 since the was precious in my sight wonderful precious in my sight the what's been honorable and i love thee therefore will i give men for thee and people for thy life god says if needs be you know you said i will take life for you and this is speaking to the born-again christians yeah god says i'll defend you every step of the way anybody try to come between you and i said god i'll fix their business i'll fix it up i'll fix their business he said i fix fear as business and the egyptian business for israel i did it under moses i did it on the joshua i hope divide red sea and let them cross over i dried up jordan and let them cross over what a mighty god we serve yeah the great god of heaven he's watching over his people and he says i love you i'm jealous over you with godly jealousy i looked at a couple of other versions of the bible for this love thing here jealous thing here and in the contemporary english version we find these words to me you are very dear and i love you that's why i gave up nations and people to rescue you coming from isaiah 43 god says to me you are very there you know please understand what i'm going to say now it's a little difficult but please understand this whilst god doesn't have any favorites or so-called special people in this earth he has some people here that he watches over with special eyes what a wonderful way to say bishop oh yeah that's the lord helping me well she has no special people our favorite people in this earth hear me well he has some people here that he watches over with special eyes eagle's eyes and those are the people that he says i will give men for thee and people for their life i will move nations for you god says i'll do it because you are very dear to me god i hope i'm one of the very dare person to the master persons to the master i hope i'm one of those that he watches over with special eyes that he assigned his angels to watch over me thank you jesus oh yeah those who are here doing god's will advancing the kingdom of god propagating righteousness standing up for holiness you think god just leave you by the wayside like that oh no he'll never you are defending his cause you're protecting his interest you're advancing his cause he's gonna watch over you so he says when you go through the waters i'm gonna be there for you deep core anointed teaching says my sister from saint thomas united u.s virgin islands yeah he said no you know what i'm going to say this on air in the hearing of my employees if they are listening i hope they are listening i hope they listen to these teachings and you know are growing in grace bishop or can i say this yeah well let me let me rephrase it and say it another way you don't know what i was going to say but an employer watches his employees or her employees yeah you may not be on india faces all the time you may not be micromanaging watching everything here and there but employers are not stupid i don't think i don't think they are i'm not even putting myself in that category but you watch your employees you listen to them you see how they attend upon duties et cetera et cetera and there are times when you as an employer will give a special favor to a particular employee to particular employees because they are advancing your cause they are hassett to what you do some employees are both assets and liability great liabilities some some are both assets and liability you have to weigh both and see which works heavily are heaviest in the favor of what you know what what you do but that's how it goes with god he has all of us in this earth today somebody said you're the apple of god's eyes wonderful he watches over us and he sees those of us who are attending upon his business he sees those of us who are mindful of the things of the kingdom who seek the kingdom of god seek its righteousness and he says i am watching over you with special eyes yeah because you are very dear to me i'll give up nations for you and people to rescue you god is jealous over you he says in the amplified version of the bible you are honored and i love you i will give other men in return for you and other peoples in exchange for you that's what god says in other words i'll move some out and move you in i'll take some down and put you up my god almighty i'll demote someone promote you you know a bishop said something to me just yesterday and i won't say it on here i won't say it because you might think i am blowing my trumpet but i didn't know the trumpet someone said and it caused me to say lord i thank you so much yes clive blake adults sunday school teacher he died you can't believe it he died first i'm saying it they died a few days ago my god okay and then he says in the good news translation i'm coming down good news translation i will give up all nations to save your life i will give up all nations to save your life because you are precious to me and because i love you and i give you honor dear god somebody should help me praise him here i know carl samuels whoever is on that device and always there you are praising him i will give up all nations to save your life because you are precious to me and because i love you and i give you honor my brothers and sisters the jealous god whose name is jealousy god is protective of you yes he's protective of you and god is protecting you protective of you uh god is jealous over me i once strayed from god and for the first time i saw bishop okay i missed the remainder of that thank you so much thank you so much you must read the comments friends that people are putting on the board youtube channel you read them they are ministering with me i say god is protective of you god is protecting you because he loves you and he's jealous over you so because he's jealous over you he wants you to be his exclusively is hallelujah god has not left us any twisted and discarded message in this earth the message is clear i am the lord your god hallelujah i am over the lord i am the self-existent one i can do all things why won't you trust him today and god's jealousy is constantly presented as a motive and an action to show mercy to show love and to bring his children closer to him i pray today that this world would have blessed you i got a lot more to say but i my time is gone and i thank you for sharing on this friday may the lord bless you i want to open the line i got seven minutes to take a few calls about whatever you want to say but i tell you if you remember nothing whenever you go wherever you go engage yourself in whatever you're engaged in remember god is jealous over you he does not want you to prostitute your body not to prostitute your soul he wants you to be exclusively is god grant you the sincerity of heart to surrender it all to him eight seven six nine eight eight six six two six two eight seven six nine three nine one five zero zero thanks to all of you my dedicated youtube viewers dedicated facebook viewers dedicated pfm channels flow and digicel thank you so much while i'm awaiting three calls this evening seven o'clock prayer meeting yeah and you may see me look just like i look in prayer meeting tonight first in church official prayer meeting for over two years i got something to share and we'll bring it to you on the social media platform also that means no worldwide prayer meeting tonight you'll hear me from the church we'll be there between seven o'clock p.m to 9 00 pm thereabouts my goodness god is jealous over carmen yes he's jealous over you carmen i'm glad you put your name there thank god for grace and mercy thank god all right so remember now a special gift for our adav department workers will be given on the 20th of march third sunday if it's one dollar if it's one million if it's ten if it's five if it's two dollar whatever you give and i hope you hope you do your best those who have been given from among our brethren in the church and otherwise god bless everybody all right oh nobody but god yeah nobody but god we want you to listen to already broadcast to those of you who are overseas you can log into the radio stations everything is now world connected on friday evenings we are on gospel j a fm at 5 30. yeah gospel g a f m 5 530 every friday evening then on sunday mornings we are nationwide at 8 30 a.m every sunday morning and that's for years we've been on these stations love fm 101 we are there on thursday mornings at 9 30 a.m and we have been on love for all of 29 years minus three months we took a break for three months 29 solid years on love 101. you can also find us on the internet radio i'm trying to remember the name of it right now but we got somebody online let's get that and i'll get back to the name welcome sister ro you're in spanish town afternoon bishop yes god is jealous over sasha rule i love that pasta i love your ministry i love the word and i love the work that the ministry is doing i came to fasting first wednesday and uh um give my offering for the av department and i feel led to give again because i love the work that the ministry is doing and i thank god for you i thank god for your family and ask god to continue to bless you guys and continue to bless your ministry i love your work pastor and i follow your ministry follow me minister right you so i thank god for the word that the av department is doing i appreciate the work and they are doing a wonderful work i i show up often already first wednesday and i'm going through again when i come to fasting next wednesday god bless you and bless you ministry pastor have a good day thank you for the word thank you so very much my dear sister may the lord bless you abundantly also wonderful she gave already and she's inspired to give again is that something angela is in mandeville welcome angela [Music] are you there all right angela seem to have chipped out so the other radio station has me referring to is kingdom sound radio and that's an internet-based radio out of montego bay kingdom sound radio so you just google kingdom sound and we are on that station several times for the week so kingdom sound internet based love 101 thursdays at 9 30 a.m gospel j-a-f-m friday evenings at 5 30 p.m nationwide sunday mornings at 8 30 a.m tell others so they can be blessed and follow us on our social media platforms one more call and then i will close in prayer thank you jesus i'm special in your eyes marilyn yeah watching over you with special eyes don't have any special people or favoritism or partiality but they are those people that he watches over with special eyes yep may the lord bless you thank you everybody for sharing father we thank you for today we thank you for your blessing we thank you for the holy spirit that has led and has inspired your servant to deliver this word telling your people lord god that you are jealous over all of us in the name of jesus i pray for those who are sick in body that you will heal them right now by your mighty power god we have entered up on this season of length in which you settled your your whole will and you said to the father not my will but your will be done you settle it once and for all and you pay the price fully in calvary for redemption for restitution for fellowship with you to be re-engaged oh god we ask you now to save the lost and reclaim the backslider strength and the weak lift up the fallen glory to god and grant o heavenly father that having recognized that you are jealous over us we will not prostitute any part of our being not spirit soul nor body we will not go down to the devil's level in the name of jesus christ but by your grace we shall stand for you as true soldiers of the cross hear her prayers now and as we pray lord we are mindful of our brothers and sisters and the people there in eastern europe oh god almighty ukraine in particular dear god we ask you to show yourself strong among them men and women and children infants and all are under the guns or under the tanks are under all kinds of amen weapons of mass destruction look down upon them lord touch the president president president zielanski whatever his name touching father give him the courage to remain standing and we also pray for president putin there in russia oh god almighty is said to be the aggressor the instigator of all of this i have asked you lord god almighty to do for him to him what needs to be done because this is not your will that people should perish so in the name of jesus show yourself strong on everybody's behalf in the way as it pleases thee we tell you thanks for hearing us god almighty our brothers and sisters of the seventh day adventist faith and the sabbath worshipers they will meet tomorrow later on this evening they'll begin their devotion to you i pray that you stand by each and all of them oh god and let everyone experience a mighty touch of your holy spirit o precious lord god almighty and those of us who meet and sunder the lord's day first day of the week we pray that you do the very same for us be present at all our tables it is in the name of jesus christ of nazareth we pray amen and amen god bless you everybody thank you for sharing and we'll see you again in the will of the lord on this platform but certainly we hope some of you will join us for more sanctuary later on for old fashioned worldwide for a meeting until then god be with you and remember please make your contribution before the 20th of march peace be unto you my brothers and sisters we love you in jesus name i can't take a heart that's broken making all again but i know [Music] i can't take [Music]
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 2,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 48sec (3708 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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