A Time Of Refreshing - March 01, 2022

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okay bishop we can't share now oh lord i can't take a heart that's broken making over again [Music] okay i can't tell [Music] greetings and a wonderful and precious name of jesus our son coming lord and savior praise the lord once again it's such a great honor and privilege of mine to be coming into your homes behind prison bars at your workplaces just wherever you are under the sound of my voice with the good news yes the times a time of refreshing praise god program coming to you live and direct at this time out of the beautiful studios praise god of the pfm family tv praise god yes and i just want to thank god for each and every one of you praise the lord glory be to god you know if there was ever a time that we need a time of refreshing if we need to a time that we need to be refreshed it is now as stated in acts 3 19-21 praise god don't forget that you can tune in praise god on mondays tuesdays thursdays and fridays that's right at 1 p.m until 2 p.m and on wednesdays which is the fasting edition for the power faith ministries on wednesdays 11 a.m to 1 30 p.m you can also tune in praise god where they'll be streaming from this sanctuary lord be to god and so i just want to say a heart to welcome to all of you on facebook all of you on youtube praise god on the television channels flow 602 flow 672 and also on um you know did you play and channel 20 i want to say praise god god bless you and thanks for tuning in praise god i am uh praise god prophetess dr juliet fagon praise god also the apostle and overseer for vision miracle church of god evangelistic association located in lot four in three seventies greater port more and also in the evans meadows community down there in dembe clarendon where bishop leroy is praise god in charge of that work praise the lord i want to acknowledge at this time the founder the visionary praise god there would be no pfm tv had had it not been for god speaking to this wonderful couple this man of god and woman of god talking about none other than our own apostle and prophet that's right yes same bishop dr delford davis and his wonderful wife co-pastor praise god petrov dr petrova davis and the team and so i just want to thank god for all of you wonderful viewers all of you partners who continue to partner with this great work this great and mighty work from time to time also for being a blessing to us as speakers as partners with this wonderful team here in jamaica praise god and i know they're also streaming on the um website and so you know people all over the world are tuned in to a time of refreshing um you know weekly and um you know we just want to thank god for all of you praise god glory be to god hallelujah praise the lord i do believe in my heart that god has given me a fresh word a rhema word and no word praise god as a matter of fact we're going into end times we're going into end time prophecy praise god as it pertains to where we are today you know many of us praise god including the man of god um himself praise god you know over the years we have been prophesying praise god prophecy is twofold i always make sure i say that prophecy is twofold foretelling where you speak something before and fourth telling where you use the word of god you bring the word of god you bring it out forth that people can understand where we are today so while it was foretold or while we foretell things praise god we must also be able praise god to bring forth the word of god with simplicity and with clarity praise the lord glory be to god praise the lord hallelujah and so when we look around today and we see what's happening with um you know russia and the ukraine um it's just the beginning of it it's just the beginning of it ezekiel uh foretold these things as he killed a prophet also daniel um foretold all of these things now these things that we see happening today this is um you know forerunner this is in preparation for what is coming so even jesus when he was leaving he um you know he left a word praise god with the apostles and he left a word for the church that you know we should not panic we should not be surprised we should not be in shock the church should not be acting like the world like we do not know where we are glory be to god hallelujah and so praise god today i want you to take a moment and share share this broadcast with as many as you can one of the weakness of the body of christ is that we do not know how to um you know we might not be you might not be able to get out on the highways and the byways you might not be able to go on the mission field but right now god is using um you know social media for you to share the gospel and so one of the ways that you can be on the highways and the byways is using whatsapp using youtube using facebook you share it in your groups you share it on your pages you share the word of god that others um can also you know be forewarned and be encouraged and uplifted and inspired praise the lord glory be to god and so i pray and trust that you're prepared for what god has really laid on my heart and i'm going to be sharing praise god glory be to god hallelujah glory be to god i want to look at revelation 6 verses 5 and 6 praise god uh glory be to god hallelujah and it says and when he had opened the third seal and when he had opened the thirsty we know that john the revelator you know we're showing something on the isles of patmos praise the lord and so here we see now you say when he had opened the third seal i heard the third beast say come and see and be held and lo a black horse glory be to god hallelujah um today i'm gonna be releasing some prophecy some of you that are on facebook on youtube you would have known that i've been prophesying things as even even as far back as 20 20 20 19 into 20 21 there were some things that i prophesied um you know even when it was the you know um when it was the appointment for the president of the united states of america on the 19th he was installed on the 20th and on the 19th the lord spoke to me while i was in the cayman islands it's there on facebook the whole world could see it and i prophesied about russia i prophesied about china i prophesied about iran i prophesied some different things and i released it and left it there and you know there were persons who were saying that i'm talking foolishness and not no gosso and you know and i must go sit down you see this is what i'm talking about you see unless some people believe unless you you you're not out there with millions following you or you're not there with you know doing this or doing that they don't believe that god can take someone you know that nobody has heard about and nobody have seen and just groom them and train them and then bring them from out of the backside of the desert you know where he had them in hiding for years and and just bring them out and when they speak they're on target praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah and so today what i'm going to say here is you should not be shocked about what's happening with russia and ukraine or heart goes out to all of them who you know the loss of lives and some of them are innocent lives and in both locations our heart go to all of them anytime it has to do with war there's going to be innocent people children babies and civilians that will lose their lives and so our condolences to to and we'll continue to pray for our brothers and sisters because there are christians also there also praise the lord and so we should not marvel you know when the pandemic began there was a lot of christians that went into this panic mode there was a lot of christians including many in this of in the clergy you know they went into this panic mode and you know and and what have you but we should not be surprised we should not be taken by surprise if you're in the word of god and if you know what jesus said what happened then when you see these signs he said he said he said when you see this time look up be ready be prepared for your redeemer praise god for redemption joy is not your redeemer praise god your deliverer dry snare but he also went on to say that when you see these things you know it's preparation time but it's not yet the end so god is so good he might not have said it would be a specific day he might not have said it would be a specific date he might not have said it might it would be a specific hour per se but he has given us clues he has given the body of christ the church clues he said when you see these things he said prepare yourself you know prepare yourself you understand when you see this thing but you say you know just be in red mood because it's not the end yet there's more you're gonna see and the more you see is the closer you draw because your redeemer is is drawing nigh praise god and so we see praise god that in revelation six and verse five you say and when he had opened the third seal i heard the third beast say come and see and i'd be hella low a black horse block me death a black horse and he that sat on him had a pair of balances had a pair of balances in his hand and i heard a voice in the midst of the four bc a measure of wheat listen to me a measure of wheat for a penny and three measures of bali for a penny but he went on to say see and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine the oil represents those that are filled with the holy spirit we know that we consider the holy spirit as the oil we know that the wine praise god represents the blood glory be to god hallelujah see that you do not touch those that have been born again those that have been washed in the blood of jesus praise god hallelujah and so when we see these things happening today you should not marvel you should not be afraid you should not be terrified praise god you should not jump on making a move watch god look at the signs praise god the signs of time the signs are everywhere you see god has revealed to his people praise god god has revealed that an economic famine is on is on the brink praise god an economic famine praise god already we are here in our nations and our countries talking about you know the price of oil will go up talking about food price will go up and what will happen you understand you know what two or three weeks ago two or three weeks ago nobody was talking about one thing it was all about pandemic it was all about kovid and now now you see there's a shift there's a shift now all eyes all eyes are all all eyes is on russia and ukraine praise god and those of us that are into end time prophecy we know praise god that it's not just about russia and ukraine but it's also about iran it's also about afghanistan it's also about turkey it's also about all of these things as they come together but the main focus is there is this is a superpower country america praise god you know america you know they want to take down america and i also want you to know as i prophesy here today and i release this word that at the end of the day it's it it is leading up to gog and magog praise god and then where we would have the battle of armageddon come on somebody praise the lord so israel is is really the main target you know i believe after a while that ukraine and russia iran and and all of these countries they're gonna group back together they're gonna become good friends and they are gonna pool their arsenals and they're gonna attack israel but we know praise god that israel is god's you know chosen people god's chosen nation but i say all that to say this praise god this is not the time to talk about running down all the hype this is the time to for you to understand prophecy praise the lord you see praise god i just want to say something praise i just want to say say something praise god to each and every one of you praise god that you'll understand praise god that we are on the verge of one of the greatest crisis that will ever hit planet earth praise god it is the beginning of it i want you to know that jesus will not tarry forever he is coming back again praise the lord and it behooves the church to be ready praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah and so god has revealed praise god to his servant that an economic famine will soon hit the earth with such a magnitude praise god that nations of the world will be helpless to deal with it oh praise god glory be to god hallelujah it must come to pass it must come to pass it have to happen the word of god says so praise god lord be to god hallelujah you see uh not until you understand prophecy not until you understand prophecy that you realize it is it is more than a title it is more than people coming and telling you what what color car you're gonna get and and and what color house you're gonna get and and and and all these fancy things to appease the flesh you understand prophecy is more than that glory be to god prophecy is to edify the body of christ prophecy is to edify the believers prophecies to edify an individual you know on a personal level praise the lord prophecy is not just to call down judgment but prophecies also to encourage prophecies also to build up praise god and to uplift praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah the purpose of prophecy is to warn and to prepare to edify and to encourage praise god prophecy is not just something that that is to just try to get people to to be scared you know there's a lot of prophets prophets that uh and i don't know if they're prophets or whatever but there's a lot of folks that use prophecy to frighten people you know that if people don't give 500 dollars a u.s or a thousand u.s kilometers or common amen all this kind of stuff come on somebody that's not what true prophecy is about true prophecy must line up with the word of god true prophecy must line up with the word of god if it's not in line with what the word of god says it is false prophecy and you should not expect it to come to pass praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah hallelujah and so the purpose of prophecy is to warn and prepare you not to scare you god has already used his prophets of all praise god to warn of coming judgments praise the lord hallelujah surely in amos 3 and verse 7 it says and i want you to hear me out praise god it says surely the lord god will do nothing the lord god will do nothing without revealing his secret without revealing the secret to his servants the prophets praise the lord glory be to god so even as prophets even as apostles you know whether it's evangelists pastors or teachers in the 5-4 ministry praise god we are still servants praise god we are not to exalt ourselves we're not to have people shining our shoes on the pulpit we're not to have you know you as people like as if they're slaves to us and stepping on people and beating people and doing all this rubbish come on somebody and a lot of you a lot of you right there watching me this is what you're into this is all the garbage and the rubbish that you like this is what you're in love with you know all of this foolishness it's time that you get in the word of god get in the word of god for yourself praise god hallelujah in the old testament times god used noah god used no yeah god used noah to warn of the coming flood so it was was noah no no no was noah you know speaking what god had revealed to him yes he did and it came to pass praise god abraham and lord warned of the future destruction of sodom and gomorrah i'm telling you and we're still warning about sodom and gomorrow what happened to sodom and gomorrh today come on somebody people don't want you to come with the word people don't want you to to to come with about sin people don't hear not like that they just want you to come with nice things you understand we got to preach the word of god in season and out of season and while we have time because a day is coming when when government leaders is going all over the world is going to try to bond churches and bond the preaching of the gospel and bond the bible you understand it's already happening in in many parts of the world and so he used joseph joseph warned and prepared the people of for seven years of famine that was coming and it came to pass elisha was directed by god to warn of a coming famine in samaria and you know the king mocked him and the king laughed at him and you know elijah pointed his finger and he said you can see it but you won't be able to taste of it and he was trampling on it we know what happened it came to pass in new testament times god also prophetically prepared the church for tough times to come and this is where we are today praise the lord this is where we are today we are nowhere out of place praise god it is it is it is beyond pearls and necklaces and fancy this and all the hype come on somebody you understand i just want to be simple i just want god to use me that's all i want god to do i am not here to impress anybody i'm not here to to to look like i come in like like like i was um you know staying with the queen of sheba or anything like that i'm just here as a servant of god he that has an heir will hear and he that has eyes to see will see praise god glory be to god hallelujah and so we see praise god let's look at le let's look at acts 11 27 to 30. remember prophecy must be in line with the word of god glory be to god and in these days i'm keen prophets from jerusalem and antioch and there stood up one of them you know sometimes it's not the crowd sometimes it's not the majority sometimes god will pull pull one person god will pull a a a little somebody that nobody no count god will put a lick of somebody that nobody never look at and god will just pull that person out of the crowd and use that person praise god watch this and there stood up one of them named agabos aquabus and signified by the spirit of the holy spirit spoke through him that there should be a great dearth what is dearth there's there should be great scarcity that there should be great luck now this this this was this this was the prophets of all and look at where we are today there is there will be a great dearth there will be great scarcity there will be great lacking you know you understand worldwide you know it's a ripple effect that's going to take place what you see happening with russia and ukraine the dominoes will be toppling the dominoes will be coming down you understand this is not the time to play church this is not the time for you to have one foot in the church and one foot in the world make up your mind and come in pull yourself into the church pull yourself and get close to god again some of you are backslidden some of you are low one piece of kentucky chicken or one burger some of you are love a few dollars some of you were allowed you know men and women and you sell your soul and you're going back into the world drinking smoking whining and doing daughter dance and all kinds of things god has sent me today to pull you back in to remind you that what was prophesied in this book must and it shall come to pass glory be to god hallelujah and so agapa stood up and signified the spirit that there should be a great dearth throughout all listen read it for yourself throughout all the world throughout all the world guess what back then it came to pass in the days of claudius caesar it came to pass praise god hallelujah then the disciples every man according to his ability watch this and see if this is not what's happening today then every then all the disciples every man according to his ability to determine to send relief look around and see if what the bible say you know would happen back then and what the bible say would happen you know in this generation what shall see if that's not happening now before us what what god is saying is the signs are everywhere the signs are before your church wake up wake up church this is not the time to listen to the secular world this is not the time to to have political leaders leaders lead in the church you know when i hear of of pastors wanting governments to do this and do that you know you're wondering what in the world is going on you know the church must be the leader in this world the church is the one that carries the light the church is the one that has the candle the church is the one that is keeping this world a lit oh my god who is with me now who is helping me here praise the lord and so they all sent relief praise god in in this scripture god used agabus god used agabus one of the prophets from jerusalem to warn the believers in antioch glory be to god about a famine which was coming upon the entire world glory be to god i stand here today and say it's coming again it is coming it will be history will repeat itself history is about to repeat itself i cannot tell you whether it will be next week or or next month but remember this word today as i sit on this set praise god hallelujah prepare get your hosts in order notice the response to the prophetic word immediately upon hearing it they acted upon it nobody was questioning nobody never never criticized nobody was in mocking nobody was in there you know trying to find everything nobody never say nobody never go and say well i gotta go and pray and fasting and finally what's she saying or what he's saying is the word of god you know many times this morning i was saying to someone here in the studio missionary shera and praise god i was saying to her this morning as i walked in and we were talking and she agreed you know what the members agreed you know who's in the studio here here at on the pfm um tv um studio and i was saying to her i said look look sometimes people might not understand what i'm saying but i said what god is doing now there's a shift there is a shift god is really raising back up the five-fold ministry god is raising up the 5-4 minister back in the churches now for those leaders who are bold enough and and ready to to open up and make changes praise god because let me tell you something you know you understand the five-fold ministry must be in operation now in the church like never before the apostle the prophet and you know the females are prophetesses you understand just like how you would have a deacon and a female is a deaconess you understand the apostle the prophet praise god you know the evangelists you understand the pastor and the teacher you understand these we know that we embrace the pastor we know that you embrace the evangelists we embrace the teacher praise god but when it comes to the apostle and when it comes to the prophet or prophetesses it has been those two things that has been pushed aside it has never been embraced like what god is doing today in our churches come on somebody i'm not talking about this horror come up thing neither i'm not talking about these novices you know somebody with all these gowns and and all these big old chains crosses and and all these big old rings and stuff i'm not talking about that come on somebody i'm talking about men seasoned men and women men and women who have who have gone through the experiences men and women who know what it is so to be to be without food to to be without money men and women who know what it is to wear one pair of shoes until it to tell until you have to take it to the shoemaker to get it tuck up or to get it so aparting and wear it again men and women who know what it is to have a black skirt or a black suit and in a witch oh glory to god glory to god use my holy ghost use my holy ghost hallelujah jesus hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus speak holy spirit speak hallelujah we're not talking about these horror come up things we're talking about seasoned men and women of god who god have spoken to god have spoken to in visions and in dreams and it come to pass when you look at this studio when you look at at all at all that god has done and is still doing praise god you know who else could it be but god you know you think that natural ability natural senses give give you all of this you have to have a vision you have to have a dream god have to show you some things praise god hallelujah and then you act upon it until it come to pass praise the lord glory be to god many people see me in jamaica here today i've been here over 18 years now praise god to and fro you know my hometown my birthplace grant came up and it was about five years before i came to jamaica it was about five years before i came to jamaica i would step up on the pulpit every sunday morning religiously and i would say to the brethren to the minister to the musicians one of these days you're gonna look for me to come out of that office but i'll be coming out of another office somewhere else some other part of the world five years bishop leroy is there others are there five years i didn't just get up overnight and say i go into jamaica watch this before i even thought about coming to jamaica it was about a year and a half or two that i came to jamaica and registered vision miracle church of god evangelistic association with the companies of law here in jamaica we got earth or trn for the ministry i said god was leading me to put things in order long before i came to jamaica praise the lord and so when you when you see what what's happening today you can't deny the fact that god is speaking through his men and women praise god those who are listening praise god hallelujah praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah so i want you to know praise god that god is saying something in this hour you see god has placed prophets within the body of christ prophets and prophetesses praise god god has placed them within the body of christ they are part of the fivefold ministry and and serve a specific purpose i'm going to say something here every church every church that has been built on the solid foundation of god every church should been moving and flowing in the prophetic ministry god has just been manifesting things god has just been doing things you know because my faith level is now at a level where i am no longer afraid i'm no longer terrified of what people got think or what people got say i am listening to the holy spirit and i move according to the holy spirit praise the lord glory be to god and god is always sanctioning god is always manifesting praise god he's always bringing what i say to pass in due season praise god pray for your leader praise god because every church needs a prophet why you do you think we have so much witches and warlocks and opia workers and all kind of we got people still working obia sitting on the choir still oiling up still stinking up the whole place come on somebody your baby because they they feel well nobody in the church can pick it up come on somebody and so what god is doing in this hour now praise god is is is is there is some some of us praise god that has been graced with that apostolic anointing and that prophetic anointing praise god glory be to god that apostolic anointing that gets out there and plant churches you know build up churches you know releases men and women into the ministry equips and releases men and women into that's the apostolic part of it that apostolic you know we operate in an apostolic anointing and we flow in that apostolic movement praise the lord and then you know there's another part that god has graced some of us with where when we stand on that pulpit and when we open our mouths praise god and when we speak thus say the lord praise god sometimes it's to edify and build up sometimes it's to warn and forewarn come on somebody glory be to god can somebody praise the lord can somebody praise the lord hallelujah and so god has placed um the sin god is placed within the body of christ his church you know um the five-fold ministry and we must we must we must get to that place where the 5-4 minister is operating in the church praise heart and we're not talking about these little um as i say jonah come lately hurry come up come and tell me nobody don't have to nobody don't have to tell me who i am i don't need nobody to tell me who i am and what i'm called to do i just flow i just operate in the office praise god or in the offices i just operate praise god as the holy spirit leads me praise god i don't need to put on no big show come on somebody i know who i am i know what i'm called to do i know who has called me i know who has appointed me and i know has anointed me praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah and so i am praying for men and women praise god to rise up in the ministry praise god and and pray and fast praise god you've got to be in your prayer closet you've got to learn you've got to love praying and fasting you know if you're a person that i don't allow holding a mic if you're a person that only allowed to be seen if you're a person that only allows to be heard and you don't have no no time you don't know what it is to come apart yourself and to listen to what god is saying then you're going to get yourself in trouble oh glory be to god hallelujah god uses prophets to give spiritual focus and direction to reveal his plans and purpose and to warn and prepare the body of christ come on somebody for what is coming praise god now you see why we need prophets in the church the prophets that could take the word of god and and forewarn and force telling and foretelling and and keep the church at us at a place of alert keep the church at a place to where they're constantly being reminded of where we are of end times praise god hallelujah glory be to god hallelujah the word of god is clear brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen god will do nothing absolutely nothing god will not do god will do nothing without first revealing his secrets to the prophet and that is the word of god hallelujah every church every member should be praying up your leaders praying up your leaders every person you know should be praying and fasting and asking god to release the prophetic ministry in the church praise god hallelujah joyce speaking in tongues is good paul tells us you know paul even makes us know that that you know he speak he speak he speak tongues the most you want to somebody say if you're going to be speaking in tongues and there is no edification then you know he say keep silent you understand everything that we're doing must be able to edify the church everything that we're doing must be able to build up the church make the church stronger make the church get more serious praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah you know as we talk about the the crisis you know um there's gonna there there's a crisis of change that has taken place even as i'm speaking on this program there's a big crisis of change that has taken place right now as i'm speaking you know god revealed that there would be such a dramatic change there would be such changes in society praise god that people would find it difficult difficult to cope with the resulting and with the results and what's happening people just got so you're talking about the pandemic the pandemic was just the the beginning of the reset you know the new world order you understand you you understand what you see when something is coming something is coming and if you're not strong in the lord and in the power of his might you're gonna you're gonna you're gonna fall you're gonna give up you understand there's a lot of people today right now they're living in fair you understand there is some of us that should be the ones that are fearful and those that should should not be faring is now fairing we should there's some of us some of us that should be fearful should be afraid of this and afraid of that and we are not afraid i am not afraid of anything i am not afraid i know where i am i'm not afraid of nothing i see everybody doing this and everybody doing that i'm moving i'm making no move i make a new move i i i i know that this is part of what jesus said would be happening so i i i i watch him i watch him i watch it i say what else now what else now lord what's next what's next what's coming and as i see things being rolled out and i say see things being rolled out i'm watching again what's next and it makes me want to just draw closer get more serious do the work of the lord do whatever i can do i do for the lord whatever i can give a gift to the lord so many people had diamonds and pearls and some of them had four five six cars and all of that when we look around and see what's happening in the war zones now just a little bag just a little bag some of them don't even have food to take with them some of them have on this suit of clothes on their back you understand these are all signs and so it is we brought nothing into this world and we surely can take nothing with us but make sure that it is well with your soul make sure that you're that you're sweetly saved praise god hallelujah praise the lord you know as i look i see sister talma say hallelujah somebody's praise the lord paul let gold and say amen praise god beverly smith say amen lord have mercy on us god iona wilson i bless god for you bishop fagan love you praise the lord god bless you praise god there's a thumbs and say help me lord not to be fearful that's right carmen pews it says good afternoon bishop and mr davidson pfm family thelma says trust in the lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path praise god karita campbell says hallelujah bobbitt williams son amen my sister revelation is speaking god bless you thanks for confirming praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah so a crisis of change praise god hallelujah joined the past few years all around the world all around the world whether it's political come on somebody financial praise god and cultural there has been an upheaval when we look at the pandemic things has shifted things has changed we will never go back to 2019 we will never see it again it will never be the same again come on somebody praise god hallelujah you know there's great turmoil throughout the world throughout nations throughout islands throughout countries that is a crisis of change but there is another crisis there's a crisis in the family when we look around today we never see as much divorces we never see as much homes being split and destroyed we never see as much family issues or there's problems you don't understand you know husband and wives are are they they're devouring one another children siblings are killing one another there is just war in families you know the family the the it seems as if sometimes like the families is at the brink of extinction you understand there is just so much going on we've got family members more less than little babies more less than little children come on somebody you got you got so much things that are happening there's a crisis in the family praise the lord you know we have seen this dramatically fulfill praise god children murdering children come on somebody there's an elevation of crime and violence praise god you know when we look around and see i mean how many shooting is taking place on school campuses you know when we look around we see they are promoting and elevating even coming out of some that call themselves church where they are pro-abortion and they are for abortion and you've got some church leaders there they're claiming that they're church leaders that they are foreign and they say it's well pleasing in the sight of god in the name of jesus i plead the blood of jesus against every murdering spirit in the name of jesus when you look again praise god the divorce raid is just as high in the church as it is in the world praise goddess you know there is a rampant elevation praise god on sexually transmitted diseases there is an elevation of with our young people there's so much promiscuity you understand there is so much sex on the television you know there is so much sex on instagram and facebook and youtube and now they have tick tock and the children everybody are not interested you got parents that don't even take their children to church they don't go to church anymore there's children that don't even know who jesus is there's children that do nothing about god oh praise god come on we're in a mess we're in a mess there's a crisis in the family there's a crisis in our churches oh glory be to god there is a crisis in our churches at the beginning of this decade of this decade god revealed that there would be an experience uh um the church would experience a major crisis in the church praise god god said that there would be a shaking in the churches and sure enough we know that during the pandemic there was a great shaken in the churches i shaken to where some god fearful are shaken to where some didn't know what to do i shaken to where some even made stupid mistakes come on somebody oh who am i talking to yes somebody's praying for me i feel it i feel it somebody's praying for me right now praise god you know he warned praise god there would be a change that the body of christ would emerge praise god in a new form and now this emerging in a new form has to do with the five-fold ministry god is now raising up men and women praise god who will speak and when they speak it will come to pass god is raising up members in the church who are determined to become stronger and closer to god god is raising up members now who is not afraid who is not intimidated who is not fearful who is not doubtful about the supernatural provision of god come on somebody people are raising up again our minister is a small ministry as many of you would know our ministry is a small ministry but i can tell you during the pandemic we never had one light cut off you know not one light cut off nothing was cut off people were still given people were still doing what they grab it's even to cut the grass if it's even to take care of the utilities the members decided that we're not gonna pull back on our tithes and offerings uh woman of god we're not gonna pull back on our giving no matter what's happening no matter what the world is saying this is what i'm talking about this is how i teach the members this is how i teach them i don't know i don't collect five six offerings in our church i don't stress the people out i don't stress them or we teach them to give praise god there are some ministries that have different departments and have different missions and sure enough praise god they're going to different missions praise god but you know we we're as a small congregation i teach the people the importance of trust in god and stop fearing what you see happening around you praise the lord hallelujah glory be to god you know god has used me over the last couple of months to speak to to speak to churches for our leaders you know be it on zoom or whatever privately to to to speak into the lives of members and and and to speak on behalf of leaders praise god because well i can speak from experience praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah there's a there's a crisis in our church today we have witness increased persecution around the world christianity is being prosecuted like never before we have witnessed the separating the separating of the true body of christ praise god by uncommitted believers praise god we have seen the formal structure of the church begin to give way the formal things you know years ago we used to you know preach on certain things and and we used to you know we were so caught up in in in certain things you know and and and and today god has opened our eyes you know um i was one of them praise god you know that if you never had a heart on your head you know i i don't think you could come up and pray or you could do anything in the church praise god i'm a person that i love to compliment praise god i love my little turbans i love my little hearts when i read my little raps when i read it and sometimes i don't wear none because i learned over the years that that has nothing to do with my soul salvation it has nothing to do with my soul salvation there's a lot of people that is on the hats and under this and under that and they still work in witchcraft they're still talking about their leader they're still trying to mash up the church they're still not supporting the work of the lord they're still meddling in witchcraft come on somebody so don't get me wrong don't get me wrong i am speaking as the holy spirit would have me to speak that some of these things some of these things that we were focusing on you understand god is shifting things now praise god hallelujah god is shifting things praise god you know there was a time that if you saw your bishop or your bishop wife come and have on a little chaperator or a little ring you know people would criticize and people would say let me tell you something we passed that long time we passed that long time the church is emerging into a more powerful church than she has ever been praise god the the prophetic ministry the apostolic minister praise god the evangelist is rising up in the churches praise god going out there praise god the evangelist praise god the the pastors is raising up and not wanting to do their own things but to help to build up the work of the lord come on somebody i never see as much split churches in all my life everybody as soon as they got a little title they're ready to split the church they're ready to sue right inside the church on the choir right there with the bishop right there where the prophet of the prophet is there right there on the mining they're right there choking in things and trying to destroy the work of the lord but what god is saying in this hour he's raising up his servants he's raised up and so he said i will do nothing without first revealing my secret to my servants the prophets praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah tradition and man-made doctrines are being broken down praise god members of the true body of christ are beginning to emerge into new power and new strength trusting in the lord not only is there a crisis of change or crisis of family a crisis of the church but brothers and sisters there's a crisis of satanic confrontation praise god like never before satan is walking into the churches you've got orbia workers coming into the churches they're wearing their god rings they're wearing the thing praise god just just about three weeks ago praise god i was on the pulpit and the spirit discerned me that someone was there with a guard ring and i i i i would not move until the holy spirit tell me to move and i did not it was not about embarrassing individual it was not about dragging the individual around the church and embarrassing them this person was a sinner praise god and a sinner this person was told certain things and what have you so i'm not here to to embarrass this individual is now growing in the church praise god and i i was there and i zoomed in on a god ring and in the holy spirit when it was time say go down walk down now and when i walked down i said come here and i i had that individual come up to the front and i say take that off put it in my hand and i turned to bishop leroy and i said bring a hammer bring a hammer and i said to that individual in front of our entire congregation maypen god would have napan and portmore were together for fellowship i said if nothing is in this ring i will pay you for this ring and you can go back and buy another one but i say god has revealed that this is a loaded ring and it is not to help you it is to kill you it is to destroy you and i'm god has sent me today to deliver you and your children and i said bring me a hammer it happened also in the cayman islands many things happened in the cayman islands and i said listen and i'm so happy one of our ministers had a hammer in the back of his car and he brought the hammer and we have the pictures it's on video we have it there and bishop took a stone and he put that ring on and let me tell you something about three to four good hits with that hammer that ring popped open and what came out of that ring what came out of that ring it splattered over the whole church floor she herself was shocked because it was supposed to be a god ring to protect her but it was something that they put in it to hold her that she would forever have to come to them she would never prosper she would always be broke and so this is what i'm talking about this is what i'm talking about i won't be able to finish everything here today praise god but i think that i've done and there is a lot more there's a lot more about crisis and the economic crisis and the worldwide crisis there's a lot more that i could share praise god but i know my time is coming down praise god and i'm gonna ask you if you're out there and you feel like you want to call the number is showing on the screen go ahead and give us a quick call praise god and just make it short sweet and spicy praise god for for time sake go ahead and call beverly edwards i want to be close to my god bobbitt pauline freighter glory to god michelle jones my god janet simmons praise god is worshiping all of grace say mighty god dorian scott is there worship worshiping so many of you is there worshiping praise the lord hallelujah and so if you want to call in go ahead and call praise god we have such satanic confrontation you have satanist oba workers coming in the church and thinking that they could bind the past thinking that they could bind the prophet or the prophetesses or the apostle thinking that they could bind his wife or her husband or thinking that they could lock up the church but let me tell you something god is releasing a supernatural kind of power anointing on his churches that like never before the fire is blazing in the church there is going to be that reverential affair that is going to come back in the church you understand there was a time when if a man heard a church service he would have to oate his cigarette put down the bare bottle you know but i'm telling you guys that god is getting ready to do it again revival is coming to the church fire is coming to the church revival is right now taking place in vision america church of god revival is taking place praise god things are happening in our church praise the lord glory be to god we are focused praise god god is our source praise god hallelujah god is ours so we have jasmine calling from port more go ahead jasmine praise the lord well we seem as if we lost jasmine verona clark praise god hallelujah thank you um brown antoinette praise god hallelujah and so praise god i just want you all to know if you want to call in you can call in praise god the numbers are showing on the screen praise the lord and i pray trust that you have been wonderful and blessed praise god by these words i'm gonna ask you once again to make sure that you subscribe to the channel make sure that you share praise god make sure that you like and follow praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah we have miss gloria calling from moana go ahead miss gloria yes how are you bishop go ahead glad i'm glad to see you again yes ma'am but you mustn't take so long to come back you must come more often oh god i have to wait and i have to wait on our prophets because you're really i'm telling you you're really godless and you give us a real truth and nothing but the truth right and so i'm pr i'm i thank god for people like you thank you okay yes ma'am my friend may god bless be with you all right i'm asking you all so to pray for my grandmother okay i will okay okay god bless you god bless you we can take one more call we can take another call um if you're there just um we can take another call if you have been blessed by the ministering praise the lord we want to hear from you praise god don't forget praise god that you give god thanks give god thanks we praise the lord don't forget to give god thanks lord be to god as i said before praise god we have a lot of spirits that is trying to confront the man of god the woman of god we have a lot of things that is happening like never before so there is that crisis of satanic confrontation praise god we have people that are rebellious have adopted a spirit of rebellion they're ready to trace off the bishop they're ready to trace off the the minister they're ready to tell off everybody in the church and you can't talk to me i'm a big woman i'm a big man come on go sit down praise god you know you have to learn to take rebuke glory be to god hallelujah praise god hallelujah lord be to god and the last crisis before i close is a great financial crisis it's upon us it's upon us we see how many banks are you know people are withdrawing their money like crazy all over the world because of what's happening with russia and ukraine but don't forget i said before look out listen up for iran listen up for china listen up for korea listen up for more things happening on the horizon with america listen up for afghanistan listen up for iraq listen out for it it's the beginning of it you understand right now our own only source our only source of true provision is almighty god praise the lord hallelujah praise god approaching hoofs of of the of the horse man they're approaching hoofs praise god approaching hopes of them and the beats of the black horse that was prophesied in revelation as i read to you praise god hallelujah in chapter six we can hear it coming we can hear the galloping coming something is about to happen and so i just want to encourage you to be strong in the lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armor of god and keep it on sit on in zion this is not the time to run up and down from church to church to church to church this is not the time to be running running after every sound of and wind of doctrine sit down where you're getting good food support where you're being fed you understand support the work support this work when you when you support this work then it um you know bishop always bless every speaker on this platform you know if it's even a soft drink be a blessing to us we are being a blessing to you praise god we have vashti just in time before we close go ahead vashti from port moore could you speak up we can't hear you hello i can't speak up for me somebody would raise her just raise her volume there go ahead praise god we have paul at golden saying yes lord you are our only source praise god we're going to be closing ruth davis says amen um dorian's god we must be of good courage and he'll strengthen us praise the lord well my time has expired my time has come i want to say i pray that you have received this word today whether you're online or offline you can still leave your comments on youtube you can still leave your comments on facebook we will still see them praise the lord glory be to god and so on behalf of praise god our apostle praise god in our prophet praise god yes none other than bishop dr delphi davis and his beautiful wife the woman of god praise god co-pastor minister petrova um minister dr petrova davis and the team i just want to say god bless all of you until the lord lays it on your heart for me to be back again shalom i can't take a heart that's broken making over again [Music] i can't take [Music] you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 2,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dBIBle5cHzI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 59sec (3479 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 01 2022
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