Sunday Morning Live (2nd Service) December 13, 2020

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center st catherine jamaica west indies [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] so this morning because of all that god has done for us we can just reflect and to just give him all the glory of the honor he deserves because no foreign [Music] we give you [Music] glory give you glory we give you glory [Music] glory yeah [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] is [Music] today [Music] [Music] [Music] glory [Music] [Music] glory oh is no [Music] is [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] come [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign hallelujah he's indeed here this morning somebody just come in to lift your hands and give god some praise hallelujah don't let me suffer just go ahead and give god some praise just take your hands open your mouth exalt his name extol his name this morning go ahead and lift him up go ahead and magnify his name come on somebody i didn't walk in my spiritual thought this morning but if i have to i will lift him up myself hallelujah just reach your hands and give god some praise you're awesome you're awesome you're awesome you're awesome and this place glory to god if you have your emails with you could you kindly turn to redemption song psalm 180 hallelujah that's redemption from your redemptions book song 180. glory to almighty god and will sing that song is that amen will your anchor hold in the storms of life [Applause] [Music] come on put your hands together [Music] which cannot move [Music] is is [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] put your hands we are [Music] oh [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] oh come on jesus christ oh i feel his presence jesus christ for the very long time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to almighty god we have another pause keep us ted faster and move up ashore hallelujah we're going to the crown this the throne room this morning lift your hands uh praise the lord all the prayer father in the mighty name of jesus oh god you come before your presence one more time god father we are nothing god you're no one god brought your uncle jesus hallelujah we look to you god there's somebody to say i look to you you are where my health comes from uh so in the name of jesus christ of the direct god father we go before your presence god will tell you thanks to your goodness and your mercies are extended unto us each day god we woke up this morning god in our right mind father god he woke up this morning with you and our mind god and this place in our heart god are you in our hearts god and his face is on our minds that's the reason why we are here this morning now father we just want to ask you one more time god up as your presenter says god before you father god as a congregation present itself before you almighty god father we just want to go humble at your feet god we just want to ask you to wash us one more time god can you cleanse us one more time from the inward hearts god father when you purge yourself will and us father god in the name of jesus is nothing good that we have done now while we're in our right minds god while you're extending your answer to us god why have extended your blessings god our way god so we just want to thank you for sending jesus christ to die for our sins almighty god will ask you to move one more time up in this place god father we're praying your consecrator this service almighty god to your glory father god it belongs to you god he belongs to no one else father god i pray god matter that you're moving ambitions god will you remove self-conduct when you let fish die god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth exalt yourself god extol yourself carter lift up your name on high this morning uh father will worship you this morning father will keep everything into your hands uh father gonna place myself up before you almighty god church me connor in warland oh toward ghana purge regard purify me god up because i stunned god in a delicate position god and father god i need your love god i need your washing and your cleanse enough i need your anointing god the um chant to almighty god space almighty god consecrator praise and worship god consecrate the musicians almighty god almighty god consecrator this waiting alliance god in youtube almighty god tv lander father god whoever his service reacher almighty god on facebook almighty god represent everything before you almighty god represent the shepherds at this house before your god bishop and minister davis rather gotta watch over them one more time father god who curse her everything god that is unlike you in your life's god father god before you raise him up to another level almighty god anoint them especially for the task one more time almighty god father god grant them almighty god the moses anointing the joshua leadership anointing give them insight and foresight god almighty god will pray that you cover them almighty god the blood cover them under the shadow of the almighty and the almighty wings almighty god almighty god to pray for bishop almighty god that is laboring almighty god day in a toyota night in the night of god many nights almighty god will fall asleep almighty god is here feeding the lamb's god feeding shepherds up feeding it cheaper almighty god feeding everybody god it's a quantum level portion by the ministers of this ministry almighty god father like the only caleb's god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth remember the officers god the membership almighty god the viewers the browsers almighty god remember them cover them with your blogger father god our family members god they pray for them as well father god our nation and our leaders almighty god prime minister andrew hold us up we'll put him under the blood god opposite our leader my goal in almighty god father god the cabinet ministries god the prayer father god because you said when the wicked is in power the people grew on carter but when the righteous ruler will be happy and rejoice so in the name of jesus christ of nazareth check out manna after you own a heart and almighty god like yesterday in the name of jesus christ of nazareth for we pray for the saints afraid he has strengthened our arms almighty god oh god the road is long gone they may get wearier but hold up our hands one more time god listen to prayer minister to them god for the representative the convicted power of the anointing of the holy ghost god to minister to them god pull them closer to your god father dropping off time almighty god and is ready to rise up earlier and take your plate and leave the bread of sorrow so in the name of jesus christ minister to one and our god will pray for us to come up with god we're praying every healing god bring deliverance goddamn bring breakthroughs in the mighty god he is somebody god work a miracle carter you are still in a miracle working mrs goddard almighty god grant somebody a testimony this morning of your breakthroughs up almighty garden of deliverance father god put one in your hands we put all in your hands god and put this service in your hands almighty god god be pleased to get your glory father said angels almighty god that takes tucker almighty god bring back our report to your god so you can't descend in your glorious place up let even a remnant of your anointing rest upon your people this morning now father it's time to give you the praise god is talking given the glory father god you start to give the honor because he belongs to you and you tell your thanks sir just lift your hands and give him some praise just hit your hands and tell him thanks for what he has done and what he's about to do hallelujah we worship you god you are worthy this morning glory to almighty god the psalmist as i was god where they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord glory to almighty god and indeed we are facing extraordinary times almighty god and is the house of god it's the word of almighty god the rhema almighty god word from the mouth of the servants and the prophets of god and the word of god i will keep us throughout this time is that amen glory to almighty god if you have your bibles with me can you just turn to the book of isaiah 53 we'll be reading the first 12 verses that's the book of isaiah 53 the first 12 verses and then while they grabbed in your bible i just want to take this time out to greet my pastors bishop dacadell for davis his wife minister dr petrova davis want to greet our senior assistant pastor in our absence i want to greet all you wonderful ministers officers members those who are viewing us via the various mediums social media facebook live youtube live we're also on instagram hallelujah you can find us on and pfm family tv is that amen glory to god we have a worldwide ministry we have to give god thanks for the one and the one of god who was obedient to the god of god in their lives and let us hope we can at least follow in their footsteps isaiah 53 first 12 verses and it says who had believe or report and who is the arm of the lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground he had no form nor commonness and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected of men a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteem him not surely he had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted but he was wounded for transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his tribes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the lord had laid on him the iniquity of us all he was oppressed and he was afflicted yet he opened not his mouth he brought as he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter and as a she before her shearers is done so he opened it not his mouth he was taken from prison and from judgment and who shall declare his generation for he was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people he was tricking and he made his grave with the wicked and with the rich in his death because he had done no violence neither was any deceit in his mouth yet it pleased the lord to bruise him he had put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an orphan for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the lord shall prosper in his hand he shall see the truth the travail of his soul and shall be satisfied by his knowledge shall by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities twelfth and final therefore will i divide him a portion with the great and he shall divide the spoil with the strong because he had poured out his soul unto death and he was numbered with the transgressors and he beared the sin of many and made intercession for our transgression is god a good god this is the word of the lord amen this is the word of the lord the lord has spoken let the church say the lord has spoken let the church say glory to almighty god hallelujah at this time we just want to put your hands together you can have your seat and make welcome the recorded ministry of the voices of inspiration receive them in the care of the holy ghost [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] me [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] ah [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] my [Applause] my [Applause] you're [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] great [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] ah hallelujah if you know our god ring just give him a praise if you know oh god reign give him a praise who that don't reign is that amen krishna don't reign is that amen but our god already at this time coming to do the welcome and acknowledgement general welcome acknowledgement please make welcome brother andre atkins [Music] hallelujah praise be to god yes my god reigns but not only my god but your god he reigns and that is why we are here this morning praising and worshiping him i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i want to wish you a blessed and holy sunday morning welcome to the power of faith ministries international incorporated sunday morning second service prism it is with humility i said it is used with humility and great pleasure that on behalf of our founder bishop dr delford davis his wife minister petrova davis and our assistant senior pastor i still don't know man and from all of us here at the power faith ministries i welcome you our visitors to this morning service i also extend welcome to our browsers on www.pfa youtube instagram and facebook live i also extend welcome to our viewers on pfm family tv flow cable network and digiplay visitors friends you're not here by chance you're not viewing by chance the lord has a purpose for you he has a purpose for you and all of you we pray that you open your heart and will be blessed encouraged and revived in the lord jesus christ who is the anchor i said the lord jesus christ is the anchor we pray that you'll be blessed by the service as we fellowship together we pray that you'll not live here as you came we pray that you will not live here but when you do my apologies we pray that when you leave here you will leave here with the peace i said with the peace and the fire of the holy spirit in your hearts and in your steps enjoy the service and may you have a blessed day in the lord congregation put your hands together as we welcome our visitors our friends our browsers and viewers [Applause] amen [Music] you restore refresh and renew your eyesight [Music] we're gonna be one two more time [Music] anybody need a healing this morning anybody need a healing this morning you could have a physical condition so you need a healing hallelujah whatever the physical condition is called immediate healing mercy is a healing jesus hey god baby you don't need a physical healing you need a spiritual healing almighty god is in the house we are saying what are healing jesus or maybe you don't have a spiritual condition but maybe you have a financial condition so you need a financial jesus almighty god you're the great physician [Music] foreign god foreign [Music] for you [Music] this morning in a very humbling position trust me when they get up here you'll understand hallelujah my time to get out of the way i just want to thank you for worshiping with us at this time i want you to put your hands together and make welcome god's man servant bishop dr delphi davis as he comes to take the podium in jesus name but before he comes we have the voices of faith choir group coming to sing please put your hand together meet them [Applause] welcome [Music] hallelujah lift your hands and praise the lord praise the lord one more time if god has been good to you let me see you brave your hand and praise the lord again [Applause] okay god bless you beautiful lord wonderful safe here i know for sure all of my days are held in your hair and crafted into your purse [Music] your holy spirit [Applause] [Music] holy cow [Music] [Music] is prayed [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] your holy spirit [Applause] through your [Music] set me apart [Music] leave me lord take me [Music] [Music] [Applause] say [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] the party [Music] no one else [Music] [Music] is [Music] send [Music] leave me lord i pray [Music] me [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] give my life to jesus [Music] [Applause] i give my life [Applause] [Music] amen let's worship the lord everybody come on give him praise like you really mean it hallelujah give myself to the potters and jeremiah chapter 18 is such a profound scripture as it relates to the potter and the clay oh house of israel can i do with you why can't i do with you as the pattern to the clay go down to the potter's house and see oh that potter is able to manipulate the clay and he makes whatever vessel he chooses i want to do the same for you give yourself in my hands become pliable in my hands so he can mold me make me i give myself glory just give him another praise and thanksgiving everybody come on go ahead and give him thanks and praise again [Music] oh will you moan to me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] oh one more time everybody [Music] [Music] me [Music] oh jesus take me take me take me glory to god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to god [Music] the lord bless you be seated please wonderful lord just a few timely reminders and new information well minister gil filian might be through preaching now at grove road if he's not remember him in your prayer he's ministering there this morning the lord is good isn't he i want you to be mindful of sister abu well deaconess habu in your prayers and the very same for sister elaine robinson they have called in needing special prayer and i know the circumstances indeed they need our purse i mentioned this morning that eel the family healed the nation will be held on the 6th of january should the lord allow us and for those pastors church leaders in my audience viewing maybe we're looking for many churches across the island in which the service can be held it will be the official launch of the national day of prayer we have some churches already committed and we are saying this because in as much as here this church will be the central hub for the meeting we'll only be able to take 13 or 1400 people here within these facilities so some will have to go to other places or view from om they'll be carried on all of the platforms but emmanuel apostolic church and these are in portmore evangel deliverance center support more open bible port more gospel assembly and passage forth port more holiness christian church and port more united all those churches will be open and the service will be held simultaneously at the same time in saint mary are not to be baptist church in saint and united deliverance lifeline church of god and that's in saint anne's bay in manchester richmond united church bryce united in christiano and mandeville new testament church of god in saint elizabeth power faith ministries holiness christian church in black river and sharon baptist church in santa cruz in anova lucy new testament church of god and hopewell deliverance central in saint james faith temple assemblers of god and rose mount missionary church in kingston and saint andrew welcome we have church of god in christ 25 mountain view avenue mountain view cathedral of praise 65 mountain view avenue mountain view new testament church of god star church of god all of these are in mountain view avenue and church of god deliverance center ministries 127 queen ward road westmoreland we have nine churches confirmed all of the locations we do not have at this time but central tabernacle deliverance center in savannah lamar among eight others which we will announce in due course so my brothers and sisters across the 14 parishes we are looking for other locations so that persons do not need to travel from all of those distance those traveling days are over for illi family in the nation because it is now an annual national day of prayer that will be conducted simultaneously in many places of worship across jamaica are you with me in this house so we want you to pray that god will make the great day to be carried on the social media platforms and of course pfm channels flow and digicel instagram and the others some of those churches will receive the live transmission from this church while others will go with the printed program but for the hours or between the hours 9 00 a.m to 2 p.m we all will be on one accord time is of the essence so i need to say are we going to say these things now and the committee chair minister michael smith along with the heads of the jamaica umbrella group of churches will say more and you'll have printed documents and you'll have radio and television advertisement that will commence in short order so please bear it in mind across jamaica don't travel from those parts and come to port more because some of my portmore members will have to find out a church i stay home we can only accommodate did i say 1400 people and we are going to do registration for that and where we cut off at 1400 we'll have to stop based on physical distance kovid 19 speaks loudly god deliver us 28 29 and 30th of december three days of fasting and prayer in the sanctuary please prepare your hearts to participate and be a blessing finally 31st of december new year's eve we always look forward to midnight service to 12 30 a.m there about that will not be possible based on covet restriction well whatever restriction so we are going to meet at 6 30 p.m and dismiss us around about 8 45 9 00 p.m to be off the street before 10 p.m but i love to preach my new year's message at 11 30 p.m so those who can join facebook youtube can be in the church facebook youtube 11 30 p.m to 12 30 a.m we'll be preaching this is not a talking stuff now we'll be preaching i'll carry a pulpit to my house and preach from there i mean that i'll take a pulpit i did it before i'll do it again god bless you finally let's say happy birthday to two former prime ministers i did so early i'll do so again former prime minister honorable bruce goulding and the most honorable portia simpson lucretia mila only female prime minister she's celebrating her birthday today i won't tell your age but that's public news everybody knows give them a big and please may god bless our leaders and give them long life good health and strength stand with me please this is a wonderful day for worship and even a wonderful day for the lord to come again hallelujah final men's fellowship service for 2020 and our president minister andrew brown lit this morning and you'll hear from him later in some shape or form not only singing with the group but i thank god for everybody bow to somebody and tell them i thank god for you come on even if you have arthritis in your neck bow your neck and say i thank god for you you'll get healing by faith i thank god for you i thank god for you [Music] do you thank god for minister brian give the lord a hand of praise for him and thank god for him wonderful man do you thank god for exalted oil give the lord a hand of praise for him do you thank god for all the musicians the av department all the hushers all the ministers all the deacons all the elders everybody who fellowship in this church at one point or another do you thank god for viewing audiences thousands around the world come on give god praise celebrate them celebrate them hallelujah glory my god almighty jesus jesus do you thank god for the person standing beside you what if they were not there you would have been lonely glory to god give him praise again give him praise again yeah mighty god of daniel stand by me peter paul on us [Applause] [Music] i don't hear you [Music] [Applause] sing it again [Applause] is [Applause] deliverance [Applause] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] we gotta do it again mighty god [Applause] yeah gotta feel the touch of the holy ghost hey i know you can't deliver [Music] you deliver each chadra you delivered me shock you delivered a deadly girl you can't deliver me you will deliver me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessings [Music] [Applause] one more time [Music] [Applause] bye [Music] go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead jesus i know you have delivered hallelujah i am not a shadrach i am not a misha i'm not on a bed to go but mighty god of daniel stand by me hallelujah [Music] stop by hallelujah jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] channel [Music] in my soul [Music] [Music] stand [Music] god bless you [Music] our speaker this morning comes to bring us god's word [Music] he has done so many many times he leads the council of elders doing a fantastic job so let's open our hearts and welcome eldo antonio morrison [Music] bring us the message on this final sunday of men's ministry 2020 the lord bless you sir amen bless the lord thank you very much bishop it is still time for you to give god thanks in the house of the lord so let me see you with those hands continually and give him thanks for his goodness for his mercies giving thanks for taking you throughout this week and bringing you into the house of god this morning to worship him in spirit and in shoot still giving thanks for all the things that you have done you have brought you out of a miracle the songwriter said you have put your feet on a rock to stay he give you a song to sing songs of praises hallelujah god bless you this morning you may be seated for a while let me take a time out to greet the holy spirit of god who is certainly without any doubt evidently in the midst of us today and surely he's here to bless and he has been blessing us and with the help of god he's gonna continue to bless us through today and throughout the week remain of the year god is able to bless and to keep us because he's a good god there is none like unto him before the hurt was he was the hurt came into being and he heals we want to hire here and he's still here and long after you and i are gone he still will be here because somebody say he's the hall of fun is the omega is the beginning and he's the hand is the first and he's the last he is god hall by himself we praise the name of the lord and because of that this morning we are into his house to give him praise to lift up and to adore him for all his many benefits towards us let me take time out to greet our bishop bishop dr delford davis and his wife minister dr petrova davis our senior assistant pastor minister isilda noteman all the other ministers officers members visitors those that are views viewing those that are browsing let me greet you in the mighty name of jesus the son man said so sweet to trust in jesus and just to take him at his word just to rest upon his promise just to know thus said the lord he's a good god let me hurt you to just reverence the lord while i house god blessing at this time i do believe i must believe that jesus died for me open the cross each [Music] one more time i do believe i do believe that jesus died [Music] [Music] is set me free i do believe i must believe the holy ghost of god [Music] father i stretch my hands today no other help i know god if those should jew thyself for me where shall i go where shall i go oh god i'm seeking a refuge for my soul i need a friend to guide me to the hand where shall i go but to the lord this morning lord your people come before your presence oh god we come with different needs we come with different expectations oh god but we are before your presence love where there are fullness of joy and we know without a doubt oh god that your hands is not short neither your hair is heavy lord but you are god who citizen look lord and you said if we hacks of you oh god for fish you will not give us a stoner but according to your riches and glory lord according to our various needs this morning lord we pray god that will breathe upon us oh god fill us with life a new helpless love to love the things you love and to do the things that you do this morning lord hear us from heaven your dwelling place this morning lord here is your son standing in the midst of you oh god empty lord need to be filled and oh god your people are here lord need to hear a word from you lord but lord if you have not come true for me lord then what will i tell them lord so on this time lord i pray that you'll breathe upon me oh god fill me with your word oh god and help me to bring a word to somebody that at the end of this ministry oh god even one person or god will cry out i have heal i cannot holy total no longer hear us this morning we pray oh god we humble ourselves at your feet we give you praise we give you glory we give you hannah dominion and power that is drawn to your name and we tell you thanks for hearing your prayers these are the mercies we have sir in jesus name amen and amen holy jesus we praise the name of the lord we praise the name of the lord the scripture was already read and then in trace of time i will look at a few verses i look at the first six verses from isaiah chapter 53. verse 1 said who heart believe our report and to whom is the harm of the lord revealed for he shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of dry ground he had no farmer come our communists and when we shall see him there is no beauty that we should desire him he is despised and rejected of man a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief and we hid as it were our faces from him he was despised and we esteem him not surely we have borne our grease and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken cementing of god and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgression he was bruised for our inequity the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his tries we are healed six verses we are stopped all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone from our own way and the lord had laid upon him the iniquity of us all the word of god is he a good god isn't he a good god i want to bring a few words from this passage of scripture that was written and my analytical studies in the very infant infant stage therefore sometimes it's hard to find that a team or a subject to focus on when we read such a word but i think today it is very much easy when you read isaiah chapter 53 to arrive at a subject to speak to god people about and so today i will just look at verse 5 and verse i said but he was wounded for our transgression and i want to personalize it and i won't want to say he was wounded for our transgression but i want to say he was wounded for my transgression and i want every person today to personalize it and to acknowledge and know that god was rooted for your transgression and he was bruised for your iniquity we praise the name of the lord and because of that that is why we are in the house of god today to lift up his name in praises you see oftentimes we have situation that bothers us and many of us when we come into the house of the lord we come hoping that we will get a solution to our situation our answer to our problems and we come hoping that the lord will work a miracle for us but i want i don't want to disappoint you so let me get the disclaimer out of the way john the baptist the forerunner of jesus christ was preaching jesus coming john said one comment after me whose shoe slash i am not worthy to stoop down and unleash and the bible said that after john the baptist preached truth herod did not like it so herod summoned john the baptist and put him into prison we praise the name of the lord and after herod put john the baptist in prisoner another situation arrived and they asked for john the baptist's head but prior to asking for john the fact he said john the baptist was disappointed that he was in prison so he send a disciple to jesus to ask him master is it you that should come i should we look for another john the baptist was disappointed and so many of us sometimes are disappointed of situations uh so we come into the house of god and we hope that god will see us through we hope that the preacher our bishop will minister word directly for us and we and sometimes uh you thought you have a need or somebody have a greater need and your your ministering does not come true and you're left disappointed but i want to say to you do not dismay one ear the tithe god will take care of you beneath the wings of love abide he promised to take care of you and if he promised to take care of you certainly he will take care of you because he's a god that cannot lie he prays the name of the lord and so if he promise you something just hold on to god and change it and he will come true and so today a lot of us are disappointed because 2020 in another three weeks or less 2020 will depart and the things that we set down hoping to accomplish within 2020 it's almost finished and we haven't got anywhere at all the bills are still piling up we have not gotten that new car as yet we're still not able to settle the mortgage and have the host of yet as a matter of fact many of us have gone further into debt and the bank about to write unto us asking what happened and we don't know how to explain it and we want to have a deliverance so we come into the house of the lord and for many of us we do wrong things and go about life the wrong way and when we go about life the wrong way when things don't seem to work out we start to cast blame on others and saying that it is them that causes it we praise the name of the lord and sometimes when we don't cast blame on others we cast it on ourselves we start to complain that if we did not do things this way and do it another way life would have been different we praise the name of the lord and so we started to complain and make a list of the things that could have happened that have not happened and we blame ourselves for the wrong decisions that we have made and we start to say if i only did not marry the person i am married we blame ourselves and we say if only we would have listened to somebody when they talk to us and take it then we would never find ourself in this situation some of us we don't blame ourselves but we blame others that is because of dear mistakes why we are suffering and it happens in our personal life and it happened in the society of all without me internationally covet is around and everybody talking about kobe and somebody want to get rid of what the situation will is and so they start to blame other country that is them who cast of it we praise the name of the lord it is as whole as the beginning in the garden of eden man looking for somebody to blame for their mistakes and it still continues today we praise the name of the lord so often times we turn to other ways trying to smooth or to find our ease to forget about the things that bothers us every day so many of us we self-medicate ourselves we turn to drugs we turn to alcohol we turn to illicit sex and we continue along the line doing our whole lot of things that is not right trying to find a way out to rid our heart of our sun condition that we sometimes inflict upon ourselves we praise the name of the lord we praise the name of the lord but i want you each and everyone today to take a look back into your life look back in your life and see the things that you have done the mistakes that you have made the decisions that you have taken and ask yourself if only you have done it otherwise how would it work we praise the name of the lord we praise the name of the lord but no matter how you go about it everything that you do must come to an end one day we praise the name of the lord [Music] we praise the name of the lord and the truth being told if every one of us in here today would only look back into our life and see the things that we have done the mistakes that we have done and if we conscious within ourselves every one of us will be crushed this morning because we are all one way hardy harder we praise the name of the lord but isaiah said but he was wounded for my transgression he was bruised for my iniquity not only that but the chastisement of his peace is upon me and by his tribes i am ill we praise the name of the lord we all have regrets in our lives we have regrets every day about the things that we do because sometimes we make a decision out of ace and not stop to think about it truly are thoroughly and then when something happen all we do is to complain and to grumble about the things that we have done we don't have to be continually living in the past or feel hurt this morning because isaiah said he was wounded for my transgression but not only that i just said all we like sheep have gone astray we praise the name of the lord so it doesn't matter who you are where you live where you work the car you drive the friends you keep every one of us this morning in god's house today are guilty somewhere they had her as something that we have done in our lives that we have to look back in our lives and say if only we have known but he was wounded for our transgression and if i don't have anything more to tell you today one thing i want to ensure and remind each and every one of us this morning is that he was wounded by my transgression my transgression was upon him and by his tribes the isaiah said i am healed we praise the name of the lord we praise the name of the lord and when we look at it like that we need all before god this morning to be naked because we need all need hope and help and if we don't get help from god then what will we do we praise the name of the lord let's let's look in it from a contextual perspective in isaiah chapter 52 i science go about a song and isaiah didn't start in 53 he started in 52 and verse 13 52 and verse 7 said beyond my servant shall deal prudently he shall be exiled and extolled and be very high as many were astonished at thee his vintage was so marred more than many men and his former more than the sons of men so shall he speak of many nations the kings shall shut their mouth at him for that which he had not been told them shall they see and that which they have not heard shall be considered here the songwriters that now said who isaiah said hearts believe our report and to whom is the homer of god revealed for he shall grow up as a tender plant we praise the name of the lord we praise the name of the lord it shall grow up like a tender plant and a root out of our trigon and every one of us today sometimes have a dry time in our lives so every one of us go to a dry spell at times we come to church to worship god and we only come because it's a regular thing to do it's a really just thing every sunday morning we come into the house of god to pray but within our heart there is a dry spirit with the preacher preaching that we don't feel nothing at all because there is a dry spirit in our hearts we praise the name of the lord no wonder why sometimes when we come in the house of the lord and the preacher preached that everybody around us is worshiping and magnifying god and we still sitting down because we don't feel nothing because there's a dry spell in our hearts [Music] and everybody beside us is praising god and we just can't feel anything and sometimes we have the audacity to be thinking that what happened to them why you can't feel it there's a dry spell but the truth being told every one of us in god's house this morning go to our joystill at times [Applause] it can't be all happy and happy do our our time sometimes the bible says song through the water and some through the flood shook us up to great sorrow but all through the lord but in the night season god gave us a summer we praise the name of the lord for we shall grow up before him as a tender plant and as a root out of a dry ground we praise the name of the lord all of us have times when we want god to come in our life because sometimes not in our opinion we want god ask the woman in san juan chapter four she's going to address still she could the bible says she couldn't cheat not even cause when the regular woman go in the morning to catch water but she go in the deer when nobody come and jesus met her one day we praise the name of the lord jesus met her at the well because she was having a joy spell and jesus said to a woman give me some water to drink the bible said she said to jesus master the world is deep and i have nothing to draw from so i can't give you any water to drink but the master of the sea the master of the land the master of the wave said unto him you are enough to give so give me some water to drink and the bible said that jesus stole all her needs and when she left jesus she went and we are singing the samantha she came back bringing her son the water that comes from the willow we praise the name of the lord [Music] and so for many of us we have to have hopes in god for our dry times we praise the name of the lord and if any every one of us today should be honest about salvation we have to first be true to ourself and to man that we too have some struggles at times no need to preach need to pretty tough we praise the name of the lord because every one of us have a dry spirit at times i tell you some dry spells sometimes that you don't even recognize or realize that you're going through joyce bill but you are going through because sometimes we saw a person we see person going through things and we accuse them but it's not for us to accuse them because we all have sin and come short of the glory of god i haven't killed anybody but the bible says that i hate with them in my heart i murdered them with my power we all go to our church spell we praise the name of the lord [Music] i know not all of you are not like me and you don't go through dry spell but i know that there are some of us that are here today who go through a dry spell it's only that we are not telling but we go through it so when you see us and we don't look like or we should be encourage us because we are going through our choice spell so you super saints who don't have any trouble i don't have any drama going on into your life continue praying and when you pray pray for us for many of us are going through trailers we are going through tribulations we are our back is back against the wall our back is in the land and our strength is almost gone but we are just continuing to claim of the journey and open that deliverance to government we praise the name of the lord so the sermon says stand up stand up for jesus for we are soldiers at the cross lifter is not stop at us i want to look at it as isaiah look at it because 700 years before jesus came on the scene isaiah got a vision isaiah said unto us a son is born unto us as son is given the government shall be upon his shoulder his name shall be called wonderful the everlasting father the prince of peace and then i saw your god and jesus came on the scene he came on the scene to pay the price of sin for you and i we praise the name of the lord he came on the scene to pay the price for us for the sins that we have done isaiah talked about his suffering at the hands of soldier and he died a horrible death we praise the name of the lord and the dead that jesus died you and i know it was no sins of his own but it was for you and it was for me he died a horrible death of crucifixion and when we look at crucifixion we arrive we derive the word excruciation from the word crucifixion because it's a terrible thing to experience and oh gosh is even a worst thing to experience in the time of jesus because before jesus israel was being ruled by the persian empire and every time the israelite children do something wrong and the persian want to show them their authority they will take them out of the city and take them outside the city gate and crucify them hanging them on a cross to crucify them until one king arrives and say we're not doing like that anymore so he said we're gonna cut that head off and put it up on a spike so the persian started to kill people and hung their their head up and spike in a way of humiliating the israelite people we praise the name of the lord and when i was doing my research i remember some time ago in early 2000 when when america has a situation where they were experiencing problems because somebody captured one of their people one man named daniel pearl and they killed him and put his head up on a pool in humiliating america that's how crucifixion was to humiliate people and to bring them down so that they don't look good anymore we praise the name of the lord so after that the persian used to crush it cut out people head comes after that is a the catholicism who comes after and they impre implemented crucifying people by tying them upon a cross and humiliating them with their hands out they tie them and they watched them suffered for deals on the cross until they died and in heart after for complete humiliation when they died they didn't just take them down and bury them but they enough ten times or carry them out into the desert and leave them to be heated by wild animals we praise the name of the lord but here comes the roman empire and the roman empire wanted things to be even worse for the jewish people so they put more pressure on the crucifixion so they implement crucifixion and they put them to the cross and not only that but they tie spikes open whips with nails and they beat their prisoners in their bucket and the writer when he saw jesus he said he was wounded for my transgression we praise the name of the lord and so i do my over can i realize how they used to crucify people and for you and i we are not being crucified why because jesus already crucified for us jesus become our escape god you know what escape vote is right we praise the name of the lord it escaped our naked two egos and they would have get the sins of the people and they would have killed one of the peacocks and have a sacrifice for the people since and then they would have write the sins of the handles and tight around the neck of the next equator and let him go in the wilderness so that he can go with your sinner but here comes jesus and the sinner the ultimate i came to die for you and i so that you don't have to sin anymore and in your sin you don't have to go and you can alarm to slay by your sins we pray the name of the lord jesus came that you can have life and have life more abundantly [Music] so he came to forgive your sin because oftentimes we read that the children of israel at a certain time of year they have to go to jerusalem to have sacrifices for their sin but jesus come and see to redeem us for our sinner one time afraid and it's all over with no more sacrifice you don't have to slay any lamb anymore you don't have to put them in blood at the pool jesus i pay the price out to him sin and let the crimson steady watch it white as you know [Music] and the cross tremendous strain was exerted on the wrist and hands and shoulder resulting in the disc dislocating of the elbow joints the horns and the cross the arms being held up and outward held the ribcage which made it extremely difficult to exhale and totally impossible to take a deep breath the muscles from the loss of blood and oxygen would undergo severe scrums and spagmatism construction until one the one being crucified suffocated in his own fluid we praise the name of the lord look with me church what jesus has done for you and then we come into the house of god and we don't want to give him praise [Music] that would have lasted for this but to hesitate they would have come they will come back and break the crucified leg they pull a fluid that contains around the heart cause heart failure while the person would steal on the cross not yet dead he would have had a heart feeling we pray in the name of the lord but the bible said when they left jesus on the cross and when they came back to break his land our transgression yes we have to prove our iniquity holy ghost of god the justice of our peace was upon him but by his christ we are healed what a suffering that he had to go through and worse than that it was not just the romans it was not just the jewish people who mocked him but his father in heaven he suffered at the hands of sovereignty because god turned his back on him god turn his work on his holy begotten son so that you can have life i can have life and i'll be more abundantly holy ghost of god i i am so glad today i am a part of the family of god washing this fountain clarifies god i can join church with jesus as i travel along i'm so glad that i'm apart of the crummy not only that but there was two thieves on the cross with him one said if you are the son of god man come down the mountain and see on yourself and save us but one what's the earth who have a fear of god you look over to jesus and it's a master when no comments remember me jesus looked at him and said today today you will be with me paradise at the vice of jesus calling we will go and work today here's the white hand [Music] so jesus didn't go through a his road for us he suffered he suffered a cruel death on the cross he suffered when he suffered and he was hanging on the cross the first miracle in saint john when jesus saw his mother and when jesus mother hurts him they run out of wine what you gonna do jesus referred to his mother as a woman what a those to do for me to do with them but this time when jesus hung on the cross and when he looked at his mother's continent because if he nailed he's gonna lack for blood cannot excel he said woman behold thy son we praise the name of the lord we breathe i think the woman said son beyond thy mother because he come for no other purpose but to die for you and me and i did not die what would happen what would have happened to you and i the bible said that when he was there and when they went to break his leg he died and when he died like all other prisoners they could not have take him out and put him in the wilderness because sometimes when they crucify people they allow them to wipe these to take the body or they crucify them along the shoreline and wait for high tides to come and take the body to see but with jesus is different so they crucified me and it and the cross joseph came by and hearts for the body and when jose's asked for the body joseph and nicodemus take him to joseph brand new tomb we praise the name of the lord and you know what i am about to say because every time i come up here i try to remind you of the reality of horse christians he died one friday and he wrote sunday morning we praise the name of the lord but it just never goes there we praise the name of the lord you are to see with me because i grew with my grandmother and there were some things that i could not appreciate with my grandmother back then because five o'clock in the morning time my grandmother used to wake up and she has single kind of redemption son and we just agree with her and you see those of us that grow with our grandmother we have some real experience you know see people i want to drink sweet juice and them something i wonder what my grandmother used to care about pigment with that home our bedside we drink water and people don't want to eat meat anymore but my grandmother used to know why he'd be she used tell us a story about a woman one dapper child and every time she cook she get hurt after the meat and the adopted church give them a soup and one day the child was sick and go to the doctor and the doctor tell them woman your daughter lived far from the kitchen she said no because every time he cooked me gear the meat and the doctor said no you shouldn't yet let me give her the soup so when you're growing a grandmother you have some serious experience in life my grandmother over here every morning five o'clock should wake up when you want to sleep and start telling all kind of bible story and this one was our bible story but i'm going to take it to the scripture today she married twice and the first husband i know she loved the husband she always talked about her her first husband and my grandmother said one morning she said boy when my first husband died i knew i'm gonna have you know because when he died when they buried him he's supposed to say to the grave oh grave we're recycling and then queen to look back at him and say oh victory but i just couldn't understand what my grandfather was talking about but i understand no what my grandmother was talking about because you have to have a victory to understand what he's talking about we praise the name of the lord so they buried him he arose on the third day but before he arose when they buried him and put him in the tomb they sealed it with a stone we praise the name that means he can't leave any at all but we know that he died one friday and they buried him and sealed the tumor and they laid him to rest near unsaturated but early sunday morning he arrives from the dead with power and with glory and with authority in his hands we praise the name of the lord we praise the name of the lord and because of that this morning we can sing for sure without a doubt because we know that we have a hunker that keeps our soul steadfast and sure why the pillars roll we praise the name of the lord and so sometimes we don't understand these songs but should i grow with my great grandmother morning time you never actually get up and she starts to sing what can wash away my sinner nothing but the blood of jesus what can make me whole again nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious sir is that flow and calvary but the blood of jesus we praise the name of the lord we praise the name of the lord my grandmother have then sinned son like thy life was given for me thy blood oh lord was shed that i am a ransom being taken from the dead we bless the name of the lord because he's worthy to be praised there is a fountain still flowing this morning there is a mountain flowing for those that are unclean oh you can't be washer in the blood of the lamb we praise the name of the lord his blood is above all our bloods can we have ten times know that the children of israel used to offer blood god called me every man sent him a month mariah to offer sacrifice of highest god when he came to mount mary i could not offer that sacrifice because that bloody not only taken the sins of abraham not unto you and me because we were not on jewish people but we were far eliminated people gentiles children but christ's blood reaches down to you and i so abraham blood eyes and blood couldn't make it so god prepare him i love him in the ticket we praise the name of the lord and so for many of us today will come into the house of god and expect him to get some supernatural artificial deliverance from what you are going through the reality reality of this song is there is still a fountain flowing from the soul and clean your muscle be washed in the blood of the llama we praise the name of the lord his blood is certainly epic shots enough to cover our sins your sin and my sin and because it's efficacious in us to cover our sins certainly we can be washed in the blood of the lamb that the cross the right are sin on the cross where he first saw the light and the burning of our heart rolls away and someone said was there by faith i received my sight and noah i am happy holiday we praise the name of the lord we are saving god's house and we need to continue to stay safe because we hold fast to god and changing and he's coming back 40 days after he was risen the disciple met him and when he was about to go he gave them a commission going out into all the world and preach this gospel baptizing people in the name of the father we bless the name of the lord and thinks it's gonna get better for us in spite of what is happening today saint john said he got to prepare a place for us and if he go he will come again to receive us up to our same self so that where he is there we shall be also in my father's house i have many mansions and if it were not so i would have told you the right to the clear but god got to prepare a place for us but when he come to the pure place that is long way old but right now while we are serving god let us stand fast in the liberty where christ has set us free and we not entangled in the yoke of bandage and stand fast because they say not a crown of righteousness we shall wear but you ain't seen nothing yet just assume my feet stretch diana some glad man and the writer said we swear this life is over i'm gonna fly fly away to me my god the one that was there died on the cross the one that had paid the price of sinner that you and i cannot life and have like life apparently i have been dealing with thee if someone says i've been part of the price and so i don't want anybody to look at me and tell me who i am because i know who i am and i'm trying to serve god because one time my life was not like this we were in a mass but oftentimes we used to wear masks and people don't see who we are but god knows the heart but one saturday morning not too many spoons trying to go i went to for a picture anticana fiercely killed me and he baptized me in the name of jesus christ and noah i am happy no i am free i am no longer in sinner john god and serving him in spirit and in truth i am no you can't tell me who i was because i know who i am today i am a strong for christ i am a witness of christ i am a heroine for science i am a servant of one man for christ and if everybody asks me who i am i just tell them i am redeemer i am part of the pride she is changed my whole life god ever bless you god ever keep you stand for us for christ stand for us in the liberty we are christ that made you free inattentive remember the reality of life jesus died no sins of his own he didn't have to do it god sent his only son the only begotten son of the father full of truth and grace to die in your step to die in my step so that we all can live and live forever more god bless you god keep you god caused his peace to shine upon you and be able to glory gracious unto you and give you his peace take the great pleasure and add it back to our mission reach up to the church church to a bishop in jesus name [Applause] [Music] i'm no longer a slave to fear lift your hand and say i am a child i don't hear you i'm not [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me the words give me the words you surrounded [Music] you surround me with a song my enemies [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] lift your hand and say i am say it again one more time i'm no longer [Music] jesus the wounded one the bruised ones the chastised one jesus christ the paschal lamb jesus christ escaped he took all our blame and he carried all our sins today if you're here in this audience or wherever you are this same jesus is available to you as he was then so he is now your savior one of these days he'll become your judge accept him as your savior and you will not be judged at the judgment bar be all i stand at the door and knock if anyone hear my voice minister andre brown is coming to pray a prayer for salvation for reconciliation overhaul persons who need it now and believe god to do it for you believe god as he prays the sinner can be saved the backslider can be reclaimed the saints of god can be strengthened to go all the way with jesus of god [Music] hallelujah father [Music] we look to you right now you're declaring john 3 16. for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that those who ever believe it on him should not perish but have everlasting life you sent your son into the world not to condemn it but that the world through he might be safe you declare that this is condemnation that light has come into the world but man rod of darkness because their sins are evil i know lord god almighty across the world in this immediate audience there are those lord god almighty who needs a transformed life those lord god almighty want to turn their lives around those who are seeking salvation and according to your word you were wounded for their transgression you were bruised lord god almighty for their iniquities and i pray right now lord god almighty i will speak to them save them lord god almighty from the disgrace of sin i pray right now lord god almighty that you will cut them loose and set them free let your prevailing blood be upon them satan will rebuke you take your ends off we bind your plan right now in the name of jesus and we claim these souls for the kingdom and father we thank you right now lord god for bringing salvation to your people as i pray in jesus name amen and amen well glory to god lift your hand and give him praise in the house give him praise in the house believe in your heart confess with your mouth and go rejoicing god bless you baby before he touch me he touched me let's prepare for worship in giving now [Applause] as soon as you get your gift walk down and give you a gift [Music] [Applause] [Music] those who do not take an envelope as yet take one i don't see any out here i need to see some [Music] those who have those bring them in and all the joy my soul [Music] touch me [Music] jesus touch me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] let's get a few reminders from the announcer please if you are standing by thank you bishop welcome to the pages of the puffy ministries diary for wheat beginning sunday december 13 2020. christmas greetings came to our bishop minister davis and the prophet family from the fallen brethren who are overseas sister edmundson will send special greetings to adult once on the school class and voices of triumph sister dorothy patterson who sent special greetings to the prayer department sister paulette thompson sister jasmine macdonald worker negreta penicot let us remember to keep our overseas veteran in our purr meetings after service all prior workers are invited to meet with evangelist roe by the multi-purpose hall for a very important but short meeting all brothers and sisters are invited out this saturday december 19th at 7 00 a.m sharp for cleanup of the sanctuary this will be the final cleanup of the sanctuary for 2020 also immediately after service please get yourself refreshed by the canteen in our upcoming events on saturday december 19 the special pre-christmas sale continues in the udc car park right in front of the church come get all your clothing items for the entire family also items pillows cushions sheet sets pots and pans everything from the for the home and more at a very reasonable price all protocols will be observed for your safety please come out and give your full support our next baby christening will be on sunday january 10 2021 at 9 45 in the 9 45 a.m service please take along the chance birth certificate to register the church's administrative office monday to friday 8 30 to 4 30 pm the pfm care center will be hosting clinic on the following date the gynecologist will be in office on saturday december 19th at 9 00 a.m the fallen persons are sick brother hectoro is sick and at home brother lenroy brown of the voice of inspiration core is in the spanishtown hospital the following persons have passed away and funeral arrangements are pending sister ini taylor has passed sister joy clark the brother of sister glennoy curry and siddhani green has passed away you can get their church their numbers from the church's office also learn as well as lost or sister schedule funerals the funeral service for the late brother owen roberts will be held on saturday december 19th at the meadows memorial garden beginning at 10 a.m the funeral service for the husband of sister almer almer miller will be held on saturday december 19th at the bratwurt funeral chapel beginning at 11am internment will be at memorial meadows memorial gardens the funeral service for the brother of minister sonia patterson palmer and brother dave patterson and the uncle of minister troy patterson sister alisa patterson malik patterson and brother mikhail patterson will be held on saturday december 19 at the peters ill in brandon hill clarendon beginning at 11 a.m photographs of the deceased members are posted on the notice board for your viewing our bishop his wife and the members of the prophet ministry share with those who are ill or of lost loved ones may you find strength in our continuous prayers thank you note sister simonette graham and family have expressed thanks to bishop minister davis and the prophet family for your expression of love kindness and support during the passing of her loved one mr parish also extends appreciation to the members of the missionary council for the support given on friday in our weekly activities thank you those are all right those are standard activities okay bishop wonderful god bless you give your hand please let us stand please [Applause] great father these gifts that were given tithes and offering a special offering we ask you to bless them for your work's sake on all they give us lord we ask you to give them many many false blessings according to the promise of your word our bond shall be filled with plenty and our press is burst out with new wine we thank you for your blessing in jesus name amen anybody god bless here today anybody god bless with the word here today all right god bless you remain standing we thank the lord for elder marston we thank him for minister carby earlier this morning we thank him for all of you those of you still in my viewing audiences remember you need to contribute to power faith ministries during the month of december go to the website go to sub splash go to paypal collect an envelope here at the security booth whenever you're passing by send it by western union send it by moneygram we want to be a blessing to many people and that we will be starting on next week those of you who still have them you have the month of december to bring them in amen what do we say before we close the service amen do remember the sisters i ask you to pray for in your prayers and remember sister beverly gayle in canada wonderful member from way back she was among the first sets of migrants overseas pray for her she's entering upon some particular business ask god to bless her amen grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore and god's people say amen the lord bless you have a good afternoon well thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at for more information stay tuned and be blessed
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
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Rating: 4.828125 out of 5
Id: -IDyokbwb_U
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Length: 140min 25sec (8425 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 13 2020
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