Ash Wednesday Fasting Service (2nd Watch) - March 02, 2022

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center saint catherine jamaica west indies [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah glory to god the altar can take a few you can kneel in the benches in the in the eyes you can kneel up as we pray and consecrate ourselves before almighty god hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus cause me to drink from thy rivers o lord [Music] calls me to drink from thy rivers [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] peace [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] cause me [Music] it's for a time in the house hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah glory to the name of jesus glory to god father we thank you we lift you up lord we worship your jesus we magnify your name we groan him king of kings and the lords of lords he's the conquering lion of the tribe of judah and he's more than enough to our souls oh what a mighty god we serve angels the power before him heavens and earth that to a rhema what a mighty card we serve oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to the name of jesus he is worthy to be praised he is the word his word is worthy oh hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god cause us to drink cause us to drink up at thy rivers the lord caused us this morning to drink a mighty cat of daniella oh glory to god as we are in your house one more time we come to peace we come to full up this morning oh glory to god further clear the atmosphere clear the atmosphere for us we plead the blood of jesus christ of nazareth we plead and reach a vacation blood we plead the blood in the atmosphere root up and pull up god every plan of the enemy god cramp and paralyze every plan of the wicked one in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh glory to god gloria the culture glory of god hallelujah hallelujah glory to your name glory to the name of jesus oh glory to god hallelujah we pray you will clean us up clean us up as individuals do a corporate cleaning oh god as we enter the corporate war room a prayer you will dress us for war let us put on the alarm of god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth holy cows of god let nothing stand in our way this morning oh god we pray you will move them we pray god you will rule every stone away god everything you have everything of confusion now we pray you will rule them rule them alternative we are godda your children come to prayer your children come to seek your fears god in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh glory to god father move from the rust um to the pews father take whoever god consecrate this year cradle the lord as your sons and your daughters bow in your holy presence oh god let there be no strains of fire god on the altar no stranger fire let the holy ghost consume let the holy ghost burn in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god take over the service this morning the service is in your house you are the reason why we are here oh glory to god hallelujah glory to god take we are not our own we belong to your lord we can't even walk without you holding our hands so lead and direct the service leave us to mother realized in your hand not self and no flesh god the raw anointing on top and on court lord jesus christ of nazareth you sent your sheer your glory with no mankind we want you to take the center stage take center street this morning oh glory to god remember the singers the worship singers god i pray you will anoint them i pray you will use them you will minister to them anoint the musicians consecrate every piece of instrument in the name of jesus christ of nazareth remember the intercessors the lord have mercy god has said anointed anoint intercessors that you have chosen for such a time as this holy ghost of god our prayer you will rest your hands upon them how prayer they will feel the jeremiah for your card i pray you will anoint them you will minister to them as you have never told me before oh glory to god lord jesus take full control allah taught the one who will bring forth the word anoint your servant god anoint him i cannot continue to use him continue to minister to him let a double portion card have your anointing rest upon him remember those in the av card we pray you will touch every instrument cutter every connection that is connecting us right across the world touch the ushers torch camera crew oh god that they are in your answer touch the viewers the browsers touch the congregants lord god and you seek among us we pray for healing we pray for deliverance oh glory to god and he told our minds we knew that jesus is real her son is real our god is real this morning lord god we put the said man of the house before you cover him under your plots and energizing card revitalize him from the crown of his head heart to the very souls of his feet in the name of jesus christ of nazareth cover his wife dr petruva visa back her up on every side undercurve your woman servant in the name of jesus christ of nazareth oh god oh god cover the other minister and servants cover them under your blood cover your people lord let none come in your presence and leave the way at the cover a prayer card you will open tours you will fly the drop of the enemy culture you will deliver your people god you will set them free leave us to an unturned this morning have your wear god have your way jesus get your glory mighty card up daniel get your glory jesus no spectator spirit god let your children participate in the name of jesus christ of nazareth let us say it was good for us to be here father we are depending upon you god do it again do it again lord do it again for us god as we look to you father and we tell your thanks we give him praise and invite you all to stand with me and just to worship god give him a note of praise for what he's supposed to do give him worship give him praise give him glory and honor he has been good he has been so good to us we cannot complain he has opened some doors to us we could not open our glory to god hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah oh god we thank you we give you a thumbs up we're giving praise we give him glory and honor oh glory to god we magnify your name we bless the name of jesus he's the word to be praised he's worthy to be lifted up he's a great god he's the great i am that i am he's caught all by hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah glory glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey hey hallelujah oh glory to glory hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah thank you thank you master hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh hallelujah to god glory to the name of jesus glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah thank you whatsoever the enemy used to disqualify you i come to let you know you're qualified this morning you are qualified you're in the house of god you are in the presence of almighty god do not let the enemy whisper in your ears until you are disqualified i said you are qualified this morning just go ahead and worship her you have a child of the king you are a royal priesthood i send your royalty this morning you have all right to praise him you are qualified to worship him you are qualified to praise god oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey hey hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hallelujah [Music] somebody call his name somebody called the name of jesus hallelujah glory to god acts 3 and the verse 19 tells us some repented therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of god hallelujah good morning one and all glory to god let me create the holy spirit of god who is present in our midst he's in our midst go ahead and welcome the holy spirit this morning um welcome the tall and holy ghost up he's in our midst he will give us a time of refreshing um glory to god hallelujah glory to god let me create always team bishop apostle dr delford davis his wife dr petrova davis or senior assistant pastor minister stills and northman all the ministers up we have so many ministers in the house this morning just put your hands up together for all the ministers in god's house the elders the glory of god the officers of the membership of greet you up in the matchless name of jesus let me greet departed leaders evangelist raw and missionary parish let me greet our viewers they are viewing from all over dedicated viewers and browsers youtube digi flow channel the pfm channel all the other mediums i want to greet you this morning i want to let you know that in the presence of god there is a fullness of joy and at his right hand the upletters forevermore of stay tuned this is a time of refreshing and we're coming to you from the headquarters of the pathways and ministries international of today's ash wednesday and it is also first wednesday and we are here to give ourselves to god to seek his face glory to god and to give him glory hallelujah somebody lift your hands and just worship god hallelujah he's worthy of all the praise he's worthy of the glory and the honor glory of god we magnify the king of kings and the lords of lords uh glory to god reach for your redemption song books with me please and turn to redemption song number 34 who is he in yonder stall at whose feet the shepherds have fallen redemption psalm 34 glory to god who is is [Music] is [Music] [Music] probably [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] we [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] it's the lord the king of glory and his peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Music] the king of glory at his feet [Music] [Music] we see the gathering strongly [Music] so is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] and his feet [Music] [Music] tree [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] is [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] glory [Music] right [Music] hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus we come to crown him king of kings and lord of lords this morning glory to god just go ahead and crown him just go ahead and crown him up he deserves the worship and the praise cronin king of kings and the lords of lords oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god thank you jesus thank you hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you jesus glory to god bless you the name of jesus thank you lord reach for your bibles with me please hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey hallelujah jesus jesus jesus jesus glory to god glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh god oh god i jesus jesus jesus glory glory to god hallelujah oh jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh god oh god hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus the glory of god when i think of the goodness of jesus and what he has done for me i said my soul cries out hallelujah [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus oh glory to god glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh your god we thank you we give you thanks and praise up we worship you lord we give you worship god we magnify your name we bless you the name of jesus he's worthy to be praised he is the world is to be lifted up he is the cardinal by himself hallelujah hallelujah he deserves the worship he deserves the praise he deserves the worship go ahead and worship up go ahead and magnify his name let nothing on no one hinder your prayers for this morning go ahead and praise him you are in liberty hold up worship your god worship your god up hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh jesus we give you praise jesus we worship you jesus we magnify your name you are a suffering god so we come to reverence you lord we come to worship we come to mountain we come to honor you lord we honor our god we give him the praise we worship you lord we worship your jesus we worship our god we worship your lord we worship the king of kings and the lord of lords he is the conquering lion of the tribe of judah he is more than enough to our souls we give him the worship we worship your god from the respecters of our souls from the core of our beings oh god that we worship we worship your god we worship your jesus we worship you lord oh glory to god lord god we give you praise we give him praise we give him worship he deserves the worship he deserves the praise oh glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] nothing else matters about the worship oh glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god hallelujah hallelujah thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you lord oh glory to god thank you thank you jesus thank you jesus oh god oh god hallelujah bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus we give your praise so much to bless him for so much to thank him for so much to adore him for so much to love him for hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus glory thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey hallelujah glory none of us can hinder god's praise none can hinder the worship none can stop the worship of god god requires worship god requires worship hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] to hallelujah glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus hey hi glory bless the name of jesus glory to god we use our weapons to break the devils of defense hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus thank you jesus glory bless the name of jesus bless the name of jesus are you just take your bibles with me please sir hallelujah saint luke chapter 4. from the verse 1 to 13 hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] those who are seated please to stand as we read god's holy word and jesus been full of the holy ghost returned from jordan and was led by the spirit into the wilderness being 40 days tempted of the devil and in those days he did eat nothing and when they were ended he afterwards hungered and the devil said unto him if thou be the son of god command the stone that it be made bread and jesus answered him saying it is written that man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god and the devil taking him up into an high mountain showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time and the devil said unto him all this power will i give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me unto whomsoever i will give it if thou therefore will to worship me all shall be thine and jesus answered and said unto him get thee behind me satan for it is written thou shalt worship the lord thy god and him only shall jesus serve and he brought him to jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple and said unto him if thou be the son of god cast thyself down from hence for it is written he shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and in their hands they shall bear thee up lest at any time they'll dash thy foot against the stone and jesus answering said unto him it is thou shalt not tempt the lord thy god and when the devil had ended up all the temptation he departed from him for a season glory to god the lord hath spoken let the church say the lord had spoken let the church say glory to god put your hands together for the lord glory to god thank you jesus glory to god bless the name of jesus we'll be going into into some proper sessions uh hallelujah glory to god blessed the name of jesus i will now call on elder morrison hallelujah you'll be coming to pray for the body of christ hallelujah that at this time will be strengthened glory to god because the journey will be great it is great and we need strength to go on pray with the elder as he comes to pray hallelujah glory to god hallelujah we praise the name of the lord we praise the name of the lord we are going to pray please put yourself in reverence unto god master speak thy servant hear it waiting for your gracious word longing for your voice that share it must let it know be heard we are listening lord forty what up though to say to us this morning father we thank you this morning for this another privilege oh god that you afford us that we can come into your house to give you thanks and praise not any good that we have done our military narrator god why we are in your house this morning but because of your goodness and your mercies towards us for nothing good we have done oh god some of us have done some wrong things oh god and if it was for that oh god would have been in prison this morning many of us would have died and our soul would be cast down and we have been forgotten about oh god but because of your mercies because of your loving kindness toward us because you are god and god alone we are standing on the promises of christ our savior this morning oh god and so we just want to invite your holy spirit one more time lord to calm down come as a dove and spread your wings oh god your wings of universe shall love and cover your people this morning lord we just want to lift you up in praises lord because you have brought us too many dangers thailand schneer and we are in your prison to give you thanks this morning lord we thank you for your goodness towards us oh god we thank you for your mercies because this man will wake up in our right mind oh god all our limbs are working oh god we don't merit our deserve it oh god but it's because of your goodness oh god towards your people and as we come into your house this morning to lift up your name oh god we just want to thank you lord one more time for giving us journey mercies and look at us we are gathered this morning lord at your table to feast oh god we ask you lord that you're empty or so god of all the things that should not be within us at this time and revive your worker within us oh god and fill a supper with your word so that we can be life to unto us oh god and lamp onto our pathway we give you all glory and honor that you want your lord and we tell your thanks for your goodness oh god come many souls are sick many are sad many have lost the love they love for you lord but we are here this morning and repentance go on giving your thanks and praise for your goodness oh god and for your mercies towards us oh god many things are happening are in and around also god that can distract us but god will actually that help us to stand for us in this liberty we already have set us free oh god and help us nata to entangle ourself in the yoke of bandage our pile and wars within and without oh god around us our children are fighting against parents and parents are fighting against children oh god father is fighting against sun and the reverse is true oh god neighbors fighting against neighbors gangs are fighting against gear in our country oh god on the international stage oh god keep them are fighting against kingdom oh god but your will must be done oh god so help us oh god just to stand for us when he said these days up oh god because you remind us in your word in the last days these things shall happen so help us oh god to keep our eyes on the and the step fast and unmovable always abound in the work of god because we know that your coming is sure oh god so help us god to hold on to your unchanging honor because we know without a doubt that your reward will be great for your people so help us oh god to be stronger help us to hold on lord that we can't hold by ourself oh god so at this time we're going to ask you to also god in the outer palm of your hand your children are before you today lord we come for a word lord many of us have many weaknesses many of us are seeking the body of god but we know that you are the great physician you are the bomb in kenya you are the conquering lion of the tribe of judah you can break every chain and you can give your people the victory again and again so we look to thee from winds coming to our help this morning because we know without your daughter or we have kept coming not from man or hell coming not from the things that we possesses but our hell committed from the lord the lord that make him an unheard and you promise never to suffer our foot to be moved help us to stand and against our lord help us to withstand that against all the fiery dots of the adversary lord for there are many and they're great and they come in great power but lord we look unto you who is the heart and finisher for faith and we give you glory give your heart and we give you prayers that you want your name and we humble ourselves for your mercy sita we tell you thanks uh in no other name but in the name of the father and in the name of the son hallelujah and in the name of the holy ghost tree spirit rule reigns i never disagree worry no tender god's people say amen amen and amen in jesus name amen praise god hallelujah glory to god we're moving right along we'll call elder coburn and he'll be coming to pray for us pray with him believe us pray with him hallelujah it's not easy hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god bless the name of jesus hallelujah bless the lord bless the lord yes lord we give you praise we give you praise hallelujah to the name of jesus come on church hallelujah to the name of jesus yes lord yes lord yes lord we call unto you lord jesus yes and you incline your ears unto us lord jesus and hear us o lord and answer our prayer lord jesus oh we thank you that your here was not heavy lord god that you cannot hear lord and you hear us lord and we are in this place lord rejoicing for your goodness lord and your mercy is lord you pull us almighty god out of the arm repeat lord jesus yes lord yes lord you pull us out of the mirror clear lord jesus oh yes lord yes lord many are the things many are the affliction lord oh lord god but you deliver us out of all of them lord and o lord your deliverance plant us up almighty god and this rock lord jesus oh yes lord a rock that we can stay lord jesus firm on god almighty god in jesus christ and the holy ghost lord thank you lord for your goodness lord thank you for your salvation lord jesus yes lord you put me on the path oh lord god so that we can sing a song from our heart lord jesus yes lord jesus save jesus save to the heartmost jesus save lord jesus we thank you for saving grace lord jesus many many all over the world yes lord our neighbors friends will know o lord jesus with this song that you save and they will fear your lord jesus and come almighty god to fall in love with your lord jesus come on falling in love with jesus oh yes lord it's the sweetest thing i know yes lord cover me lord jesus come also under your blood lord jesus let god arise on the enemy scatter oh yes lord we know that we are stronger when you're on our side so almighty god we seek you night and day lord jesus oh yes lord water our soul oh lord god because you're water almighty god nevertheless for the lord jesus almighty god when you water our soul we'll always almighty god be filled up oh lord jesus we will never tears lord jesus let us taste of that water lord every single one of us oh lord jesus so we do not worry our freight lord because we know that you never fail us yet lord jesus we go to our trials lord yes lord some sickness some affliction some almighty god poverty some depression some mental issues automatically physical issues emotional issues but we are stronger with your lord jesus yes lord we are better every day because we're learning to trust you more and more almighty god and sweeter and sweeter almighty god your holy spirit is leading us and guiding us so we can fall in love and old and unto your unchanging and oh lord jesus we speak lord because we know that we speak almighty god nothing not of ourselves lord but we speak of the things almighty god that are good almighty god honest josh almighty god pure lovely lord sweet to the ears people will know almighty god that the light of christ almighty god shine it bright and brighter every single day oh lord god so we do not worry about tomorrow because we know our light is going to be brighter tomorrow we don't worry about the other day because our light is shining brighter every day lord all our steps in your word lord jesus yes lord and when we are done cause lord jesus yes lord send a word lord jesus and we know when you send the word lord entrance of your word oh lord give us this light lord yes lord and give us this understanding lord almighty god is simple almighty god yes lord will be enlightened lord and people will wonder what is happening all over the place and we can give this testimony that jesus light is shining almighty god and we are not converted into almighty god but the world will know almighty god that jesus is the best thing almighty god that we can have lord jesus so father almighty god we thank you for today lord jesus we celebrate this day and not just because that's just a normal day but the day that we said almighty god you went on your journey lord jesus yes lord tempted and try lord but you overcame lord jesus and so almighty god when we walk through the valley of the shadow of death almighty god we know we fear no evil lord jesus because we know you are with us oh lord jesus your brother your staff lord jesus sweet sweet run and stuff will comfort us oh lord jesus almighty god you will give us even food to eat around our enemies lord jesus oh lord god will be nourished almighty god all over the place we do not worry lord because we know literally as much when god is in it lord so almighty god why worry when you can pray jesus will always be there to stay oh lord god we thank you for your saving grace lord we thank you for being our stay lord our rock almighty god our fortress our high place our i told our lord jesus yes lord in a weary land almighty god we can see almighty god is praying almighty god of living waters flowing lord jesus and we know almighty god that your presence is with us oh lord jesus we pray for coverage for our leaders lord jesus yes lord they need encouragement lord jesus oh yes lord is iron shark meta and almighty god so does a countenance almighty god of one build up another lord jesus so lord jesus but we know almighty god that as we encourage each other almighty god he said two is better than one almighty god but a threefold god almighty god cannot be easily broken let your holy spirit come in our midst lord be that third god almighty god yes lord and build us stronger and stronger lord so that when we stand almighty god we stand almighty god as a lion as a representative almighty god of the tribe of judah almighty god bold almighty god with all the boldness almighty god to speak almighty god of the things concerning jesus christ almighty god that live forever almighty god the king of kings and the lord of lord the concurrent lion of the tribe of judah almighty god the one that gave us the power to run to our troops almighty god and leap of all walls oh almighty god the word almighty god that teach us to love almighty god without everlasting love lord jesus the one that showed us almighty god to give compassion almighty god to the least among us almighty god oh yes lord and to be fair with everyone lord jesus the one that shows us almighty god that to no good couldn't do it not is sin almighty god yes lord so we do good at all times almighty god even to the all soul of faith lord jesus the one that shows almighty god that almighty god evil is evil almighty god and as we fear you we hate evil lord jesus almighty god so we curse every root of evil around us lord jesus we curse every night man action every spirit that try to kill every spirit that tried to destroy almighty god every spirit that still tried to steal because we know those are the spirit of the evil one the enemy lord jesus and almighty god will knock on almighty god we open up your gate lord jesus and we let the king of glory come in oh lord god and who is the king of glory the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle oh lift up the gate of jesus almighty god let us destroy all the works of the enemy lord jesus and in the end lord we just give you all praise all glory all honor because it is well it is well lord because you are your side lord jesus it is well with our soul almighty god our eyes our lord jesus our spiritual eyes so that we can see almighty god that we have almighty god a multitude of warring angels around us almighty god backing us up from left right and center lord jesus let us not look into the natural lord jesus oh lord jesus carnal mind it is spiritually dead yes lord let us seek almighty god is spiritual to see almighty god that we are almighty god yes lord more than conquer us yes lord we are the head not the tale oh lord jesus oh we give you praise lord jesus we are royal priests with lord jesus come on spirit man come on spirit people yes lord royalty royalties our lord jesus more than conquerors almighty god come on walk to your troop lord yes lord lead us lord and let us follow lord jesus yes lord where you go lord we will go when you call we'll answer lord yes lord more than more than more than everybody more than we are more than we are more done yes lord we are more done we are more than we are more than yes lord yes lord thank you all the schools thank you holy spirit yes lord we thank you we give you all praise we give you all glory we give you all honor jesus jesus reigns forever hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we bless the name of jesus come on church come on come on come on come on we bless the name of jesus christ of nazareth come on come on jesus saves jesus saves to the utmost we give you praise we give you praise hallelujah bless the name of jesus glory to god may invite you to stand with me please hallelujah glory to god hallelujah in the rock i'll hide glory in the shadow i will abide for me [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] together [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is hallelujah glory to god we're hiding the rock and the rock is jesus glory to god you can be seated and remain powerful as i call upon our next intercessor minister nicholas peterkin you'll be coming to pray glory be to god hallelujah thank you jesus pray with him believe us pray with him hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you jesus thank you lord hallelujah bless your name jesus hallelujah we honor your name lord we glorify you we exalt you oh lord you're worthy come on is there a reason to worship him today is there a reason to thank him oh lord is there a reason to exalt him and to lift him up hallelujah hallelujah is there a cause to worship is there a cause to thank you lord is there a cause to lift up your name is there a cause to bless you yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord you woke us up this morning oh god we thank you we thank you lord for waking us up it wasn't the alarm clock god but it was you we thank you lord we thank you for bringing us to your house of worship we thank you for joining mercies oh god we thank you for like almighty god we thank you that you're alive today we thank you that we are well we thank you turn out to the hospital right now we thank you god that we can shout forth your praises we thank you lord we can sing forth your praises we thank you that we can lift up our hands in adoration we thank you again lift up our hands in total praise and adoration to you we thank you mighty god because you have been good we thank you lord for never leaving us not forsaking us we thank you for being with us every step of the journey we thank you lord you are good you are faithful you're a wonderful god and we just want to exalt you right now god we thank you lord because you've been so good we thank you for taking us through the mountain we thank you for taking us through the valley lobby thank you for ever leaving us we thank you god for being with us every step of the way what a god what almighty god we thank you we thank you we thank you oh god there's so much to thank you for there's so much to exalt you for there's so much to lift you up for you so much to bless your name for lord god we will bless your name at all times your prayers shall never leave our mouths your prayers will always be in our hearts because you're wonderful you're great you're mighty and we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you we thank you oh god we cannot stop thanking you because you've been so good you are so good you continue to be good oh lord your mercies are true oh god your mercy then do it forever we thank you god for your mercies towards us we thank you for your loving kindness your tender mercies we thank you for your grace we thank you for taking care of us we thank you mighty god for keeping us in your arms oh god i may thank you for sheltering us from the time of storm we thank you mighty god for keeping us safe oh god almighty jesus oh lord we just worship you god almighty no stone going to praise us for you today no rock is going to take my praise lord no tree or no birth is going to take my praise lord because i'm alive to lift up and glorify your holy name oh god almighty it's a privilege of being a host today oh god as we celebrate hallelujah as you look too as we come in god almighty this season lord oh god almighty why why why why why why why why lord why because lord you are tested oh god you are victorious no matter what the enemy threw at your lord you were victorious because you used the word oh god almighty you stood the devil feast of fears you declared a word and you were victorious so we were reminded today that because you were victorious we too also can be victorious oh god thank you for reminding us today that we can stand completely new thank you for reminding us lord that we should not slacken our riding we should not be distracted because the devil is still a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour oh god is seeking to devour us but lord you are victorious so because you are victorious love we too can be victorious as long as we keep our eyes focused on you as we keep our hearts and minds focused on you oh god is is is the enemy's tricks are they see him oh god he's not different he come the sword is god among the brethren he wants to lose focus from you but lord god almighty we're reminded today that we can stand in you our victoria is your victories with you and we are victorious because you has already won the battle so lord we just want to worship you we just want to thank you we just want to give you praise because you're awesome you're wonderful let us not leave here today god without touching you oh god you're here you're already here you've been here for morning and ah we need to just reach out and touch you oh mighty god let us purpose in our hearts today like a lady oh girl was sick and she decided if i could but touch the hem of his garment if i could just touch a part of his clothes oh god i might reach out to you today i will touch you because we know if we touch you lord our situations and circumstances will change oh god if we can touch you lord you will come through for us oh god almighty help us right now to not be to be like the blind bar team your suicide to cry out to your god let no one silence our praise because we want you to hear us we want to hear a shout in your praise he wanted to hear us lifting up your name wanted to hear us magnifying your name we want you to hear us blessing your name lord jesus oh god it must be like oh god almighty oh god zacchaeus will climb up into that tree oh god almighty because we want a glimpse of you oh god we won't let nothing today no situation no circumstances oh god almighty yes we know there are problems in our lives we know there are situations and circumstances coming against us but allah will not allow that today to be our focus our focus today is on you our focus today lord is on you on you and you and you let us not be distracted by our neighbors even though don't be distracted by anything around us well let our focus be on you today because we keep our focus on our eyes on you we can walk upon those situations we can walk upon the storms of life oh god almighty and get the victory oh god because when you're in the best lord we can smile at the storm oh god almighty people think we are crazy because the storm is reaching but we are smiling the psalmist and the tempest is reaching but we are laughing oh god i might because you're in our ship you're in our boat lord and once you're in the boat it will not sink oh god almighty you will take us on the other side safely agave thank you we thank you for the victory that we have already won we thank you for the victories that are coming our way to even later on we thank you for the victories that will be coming away tomorrow we thank you for the victories that have been coming away for this week because we are walking in the victory which you have given to us we are proclaiming the victory which you have won for us already got them that you have fought the fight that you have won the victory for us we just need to be faithful and to just walk in the victory which you've already ordained for us we thank you today we give you all the glory we give you the honor we give other praise and we thank you in jesus name amen [Music] with me please hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus claude carter for the conquering save europe shall break every chain and give [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shall [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shall break every chain [Music] [Applause] [Music] save you shall break every chain [Applause] and keep us [Applause] shall break every chain [Applause] and [Music] [Applause] let me hear you praise the lord glory be to god hallelujah bless the name of jesus just keep standing for one more minute onward christian soldiers marching as to war looking on to jesus who is gone before christ the royal master leads against the foe forward into battle see its banners go after the name of jesus satan's daughter fleeing all then christian soldiers onto victory held the foundations the quiver at the shout of praise brothers cystism lift your voiceism load your anthem's razor like a mighty army moves the church of god brothers sisters we are trading them we're the saints of trodum we are not divided all one body one in hope and doctrine one in charity onward christian soldiers marching as to war looking on to jesus who is gone before glory to god just lift your hands and salute your commanding chief just lift your hands and salute him glory to god christian soldiers hallelujah bless the name of jesus it was my pleasure serving you this morning into this afternoon coming to us at this time is our own missionary biggs she'll be doing a number for us and when she's through i'm gonna ask you to stand up put your hands together and make our apostle welcome when he comes god bless you all put your hands together for missionary isabeys praise god let's worship the lord come on lift up holy hands and exalt the name of jesus glory to god blessed be his great name today i worship him with all of my heart glory to god i give him all the praise i give him all the glory and i give him all the hannah indeed he's worthy praise god when you reach out for help and you find no one there and the darkness moves in on each side [Music] just remember that god he's always watching in love and in his love in arms you can always hide when you reach out for help and you find a no one there and the darkness [Music] just remember that god he's always watching in love [Music] and in his loving arms you can always hide and jesus comes in the midst of the storm [Music] gets so rough he will say that's enough when he comes in the middle [Applause] [Music] he has power to heal and deliver from sin oh he has power to stop all the troubles there is nothing too hard for the savior to do why not reach out to him because he's reaching out to you and jesus comes in [Music] to deliver his children from [Applause] [Music] he will say that's enough when [Music] he has power to heal and deliver from sin oh he has power to stop all the there is nothing too hard for the savior to do why not reach out reach up to him because he's reaching out he's reaching out to you and jesus comes [Music] [Music] his children [Applause] [Music] he will say [Music] [Applause] [Music] to deliver [Applause] of the wind the master of the wind he will say when he comes in [Applause] when the storm gets so rough the master of the wind will step in hallelujah and he [Music] you're a stone [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's who jesus is glory to god we will come in that means thank you jesus thank you jesus standing there at the red sea god's children began to complain you see pharaoh and his mighty army is gonna take us but stand still and see the salvation of the lord moses [Music] they said [Music] stand still and i see the salvation of the lord mostly that's when [Music] he parted [Music] oh my god [Music] i can't [Music] you see when it seems like all [Music] has to be [Music] [Music] children proclaiming and so the king he gave the command to throw them into the place [Music] what i can see [Music] oh my god [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] children from clay and so the king he gave the command to throw them throw them into the plane [Music] [Applause] [Music] again [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my god [Music] my god [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my god he delivers again [Music] hey oh lord jesus he delivers [Music] he is our deliverance hey when it seems hopeless [Music] lord have mercy he delivers [Applause] he delivered he delivered [Applause] but i worship you again [Music] he surely will deliver glory to god worship jesus thank you lord thank you thank you thank you well glory to god give him praise give him praise give him praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] just when things look hopeless [Music] that's the time he stepped in showed himself my tip oh my god delivers again yes yes my god you leave us again you see when it seems that the lord [Music] is [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] god delivers again it's teaching time saves nine [Music] when things looked hopeless when the lion lions were waiting hungry waiting [Music] [Applause] when the fire was heated seven times autumn jesus [Music] when the egyptians were on their eels at the red sea [Music] with their their heels of the jordan my god delivers again and again and again [Music] praise the lord remain standing please we did it earlier this morning let's do it again well do it again let's do it with you a prayer for the people there in ukraine brothers and sisters children infants everybody is under the guns of russia guns and tanks and soldiers let's say a prayer for the people in eastern europe right now ukraine in particular what if you were there a saint said to minister davis the other morning if we were there or if it was a jamaican situation hai could leave she could leave our daughter could leave our grandchildren could leave but our two sons and son-in-law would have to remain and fight they would have to remain and fight let's pray for them father in the name of jesus once again we lift up to you our brothers and sisters there in ukraine we lift up to you the entire peninsula around eastern europe and we also lift up to you russia from which the aggression came god we ask you to stretch out your hand in a very special way speak peace to the heart of mr putin speak peace war is in his hearts death is in his heart mayhem and chaos it's going through him right now god there's no empathy within him there's no human feeling oh god his humanity seemed to escape him and an evil spirit seemed to be reigning solely this morning lord god you dealt with nebuchadnezzar you're dealt with belshazzar oh god you're dealt with herod you're dealt with pharaoh you can do it again in the name of jesus christ let the ukrainian people oh be delivered lord god almighty from this war let there be a cessation right now we speak peace in the name of jesus christ speak o god almighty and ask that your holy spirit will do what needs to be done let no more lives be lost on both sides no russian soldiers no ukraine soldiers are civilian oh god almighty spare them we pray we look to you for them also pray for our sisters in the hospital preparing to give birth oh god i pray that you stand by her preparing to give birth to our first child in the name of jesus christ stand by take charge of the process entire procedure attending physicians and instruments and medication and our own body let it be conditioned for normal natural birth in the name of jesus we pray amen amen clap your hands give him praise [Applause] you may be seated please well another session to celebrate god the lord and we have been doing so through the leadership of evangelist marcia foster and the full participation of all persons in this space or musicians or av department ministers and the saints of god gathered from queer heaven and those who are gathering in their private spaces at home and abroad through whatever device we give god thanks for everybody we give god thanks that he has allowed us to see this day one we have never seen before and we'll never see it again so we said this is the day that the lord hath made let us rejoice and be glad in it and although we are still masked up or masked down and still physically distance away from each other this space we are spiritually connected there's no distance in the spirit doesn't matter where you are and where the others are by one spirit we are all connected to the same body the lord jesus christ amen uh we have some sessions that have been set aside for or and you all fast things could change but you could jot this seasons down april 19 to 21 june 13 to 15 august 8 through 10. november 14 through 16 all three days for the entire year those are scheduled special fast and by the help of god we hope to attend upon them and if needs be do all that is required amen there's a wonderful church member who's looking for a temporary stay at someone's place if you have a place that you can temporarily accommodate a wonderful church member please let me know or the office know and that would be wonderful because i was a stranger and you did not take me in all right that is for those to whom it belongs choir members all choirs we hope to meet with you on the 19th of this month 19th of march 5 p.m pm saturday afternoon i want to be talking choir business we had a wonderful meeting with the directors here on yesterday so we want to continue our discussion no with all of the foresters i do remember the ministers meeting on this saturday at 5 pm it's important that all ministers attend try to make yourself available okay the lord is good is he all right we're getting ready to get back into the word word of god where do rough time here this morning roof sailing i'm glad you weren't here and some of you enjoyed a rough rough ride so you stay okay let's see what will happen this time around seat belts must be fastened as the holy ghost will shake and jerk us a little god is good let's see what we can get in within the little time that is left do i have anyone in any other space well thank you for being in this main space and if so you are also heartedly welcomed and recognized in your other space let us pray god we thank you for who you are for what you've done for what you continue to do for us and now your servant enter upon a second phase of this word i pray that you will be with me and be with all of us be with our thought processes beautiful mind mental faculty be with our spirits oh god and grant that we'll absorb the word as it ought to be absorbed so that it can minister the spiritual nourishment and nutrients that we need to stand in this hour when others fail to stand anoint this lump of clay we pray in jesus name everybody say amen saint john chapter 17 jesus prayed in all of these 26 verses he prayed for his disciples and for all those who would at one point hear and receive the gospel that includes you and i i'll just read the from verse 12 like i did earlier it says while i was with them in the world i kept them in thy name those whom thou gave us to me i have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled and now come i to thee and these things i speak in the world that they might know that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves i have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world even as i am not of the world i pray not for though i pray not that thou should take them out of the world but that thou should keep them from the evil they are not of the world even as i am not of the world set them apart through thy truth thy word is truth as thou has sent me into the world even so i've i also sent them into the world and because of them and for their sakes i set myself apart that they also might be set apart through the truth oh praise god wonderful text for the second time and this morning we announced a theme that resonates strongly with many persons persons jesus did it all for us let's do it all for him and i suppose that many of you would have listened in already those who listening on some of the first service let me see your hand all right a number of you so i may not need to say many things that i said earlier good to see you minister mirage you're hold preaching this morning so what you're doing here now you're taking me now okay it's good those who let out must take in amen let us do it all for him because he did it all for us the wonderful him jesus paid it all all to him i hope sin had left a crimson stain but he washed it white as snow jesus indeed paid it all and because he paid it all for us we also owe it all to him i think there's a song that says that too i owe it all to jesus amen somebody lift your hand and say i owe it all to jesus [Music] yeah owe it all to him have entered up on the highest celebration of the christian church this period leads to the greatest condescension the greatest sacrifice the greatest price that has ever been paid in this entire universe because it was not paid for a country a region a particular ethnicity or group of people it was paid for the whole wide world and there is hardly any human being since time immemorial who can lay claim to have made a particular sacrifice that benefits the entire human race some have been named national heroes and heroine and declared all kinds of outstanding titles for their philanthropical deeds and all of that but no one like jesus no one he affected the then world he affected the no world and there's a world to come he will affect that world also and nothing changes that no one on earth can ever stand and declare all power is given unto me in heaven and in earth i don't care how mighty the superpowers of the worlds are today the russians and the china and the united states of america and the japan and the north and the south korea and all of them i don't care how powerful they are in military might and prowess and leadership not one of them can declare that they have all power conferred upon them from heaven and in earth but fear is a man fear he is a man oh god i feel i'm a preacher lately here today fear he's a man whose name is jesus he was from everlasting to everlasting he caused the beginning to begin he caused the beginning to have begun in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory as of the only begotten of the father full when i start a scripture you must finish it don't just sit down here look on me if i start you you must finish it with me we saw his glory full of grace and truth hallelujah so here he was in his final moment almost of his earthly sojourn praying to his father on behalf of the human race but more specifically on behalf of the chosen ones lift your hand and say i am i am among the chosen ones say i am a chosen one okay so jesus said father i'm going to leave them i'm coming back to you they are in the world they are not of the world the world hate them because it hated me so i pray for them and because the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much it is effective even until today is prior worked then it's working now oh some of you are not getting this it worked then and it is working now and no hell not demon or devil can't stop the effect of his prayer that was prayed on my behalf i don't know what you say but i say on my behalf and he says i did all of this for them and we pick up air in the 19th verse of saint john chapter 17 where he says and for their sex because of them i set myself apart that they also might be set apart through your truth which is your word somebody praise them here or let me just continue into part two right now don't even say anything more of part one so jesus stated clearly i have obeyed [Music] for their sakes i have submitted for their sakes i have consecrated myself for their sins i have conformed father to all your requirements for their sakes and today he has challenged me to tell all of us because he has done it all for us he says we should also do it for him lift your hand and say lord help me to do it for you say it again somebody lord help me to do it for you jesus would have said i conformed myself in the strictest way giving them an example to follow i did not tell them that the road would be easy they tell them that i told them that in the world they will have tribulation they will have persecution they'll be like sheep among wolves i told them that i told them that they will be hated by men for my namesake i told them that some of them would be trapped before magistrates and we've seen it in the scripture hallelujah i told them not even among themselves there will be deceivers i told them that father just like judas did to me there will be judases to do the very same in their day and time just as demons did to paul there will be demons to do the very same just like simon peter vehemently denied me three times there will be those who will deny me but just as i prayed for simon peter i pray to you that his faith will not fail him even when he was in the halls of denial i pray that his faith will not fail him and i said to him when you have recovered yourself when you come to yourself when you recognize who you really are oh glory to god when you move away from being just an ordinary simon peter but when you get the experience of pentecost when dynamo reside inside of you when dunamis live inside of you whoa glory to god when exhaustion dwell within you when dunatan is in your soul when she is in you [Music] all those are greek words for the word power oh god almighty somebody showed a praise here when it is in you get up and go strengthen your brethren because i did it because of you somebody lift your hand and praise god with me i did say praise him with me jesus said my 40 days and 40 nights in the wilderness wrestling with demons eternal hell and according to another of the apostles not only satan demons and hell but he was with the wild beasts wild beasts i don't know what the wild beasts were trying to do to him but i know what satan tried he tried to abort the plan of god through the human temptations that he leveled at jesus jesus said i had to resist him and i resist him giving you an example that you can do the very same because the same way the father has sent me into the world same way have i sent you and i set myself apart that you too can be set apart so it says when the tempter comes don't play with him he's not a santa claus when the tempter comes don't mess around with him give no place to the devil god cannot preach to anybody who wants to get this today when he comes do nothing he comes to make friendship with you oh no many throws you a cookie behind the cookie there's a hook that the fisherman who goes out and put that bait on the hook and throws it into the sea and what the fish sea is debate not knowing there's a hook so when he comes what you must do resist no no no no hold on let's get it right let's go oh yeah let's get it right when he comes according to james chapter 4 and verse 7 what you must ensure that you do is first of all submit to god you cannot successfully resist the devil except you are fully submitted to god except you're under god's control god's leadership god's direction god's guidance submit yourself therefore to god and resist the devil and when you resist him he has no option but to [Music] when you resist him he has no option but to flee from you and then you draw night of god and god will drawn i unto you the text in matthew chapter 4 tells us some place clear that after the temptations were hindered angels came and minutes oh god almighty i love it somebody lift up your hand and say something say lord i need a ministering angel right now say lord send me a ministering angel oh some of you are going through manifold temptation some of you have been hit amen left right and centered by the enemy some of you have been ruled over by the enemy some of you have been trotted upon by the enemy some of you have been walked upon by the enemy some of you have been afflicted in so many ways by the enemy but you are still in the battle you are still in the fight you are still rolling along you're still shaking your muscles you're still standing on your feet saying a winner never quit and a quitter never win i'm in this to win i'm not in this to lose and i'm fighting on god where are the fighting sage in the house of god why don't you praise him like you're in church why don't you praise him like you know jesus has done it for you you're fighting on charcoal dear god from victory unto victory his army shall he lead can ever fall his finger on christ is lord indeed god of heaven somebody say something here i don't know what you're gonna say but say something you gotta say something so jesus said i resisted him in the power of the holy ghost i resisted him because i know my mission i resisted them because i just could not afford to abort the plan of salvation for your sake i did it by saying when your tempter comes upon you remember you should pay me back resist him pay me back resist him show me that you love me resist him show me that you recognize that i have a plan for your life there is all glory somebody praise god in this house resist him resist him it doesn't matter what channels he come through resist him it doesn't matter who he comes to resist him it doesn't matter where he comes from resist him resisting resist him that word resist is a strong words and carries some very powerful definitions resist the devil it means among other things refuse to comply refuse to comply be defiant where is orders instructions suggestions are concerned be defiant refuse to comply lift your writing and say in the name of jesus i will not comply to the devil's suggestion to the devil's orders to whatever he tries i will resist him refuse to comply it means to withstand stand up until you stand up brace yourself against him oh you're not saying nothing strive against him oppose him to the chief oppose him put up resistance resist resist there are many persons in the scriptures who have had to do that and we see the results there are others who failed to resist him and we see the results yielding to the devil was man's humanity's first downfall when she saw the fruit pleasant to the eyes desired by her to make one wise she yielded to the so yielding to the devil we call it disobedience was man's first sin yes refusing to resist the devil in the same vein was man's first sin you got to resist him are you with me you got to resist him and he will flee from you on the draw night to god and god will draw an eye unto you jesus said it is for your sake that i did what i did jesus did it all for us and he's saying today please in return do it for me put up a little resistance you you're not a water type christian that takes your shape on your surround from your surrounding pour you in on whatever bottle you pour your hand you look like the bottle you take the shape of the bottle you take the color of the bottle come on somebody you're not a downstream believer who has no spiritual stamina and backbone to go upstream lift your hand and say i am an upstream believer it's all right moat split cross will make for say anything anything so bishop where are you going it's one thing to verbalize it it's another thing to practicalize it actualize it do it when the test comes oh jesus are you with me evangelist brown i know you're with me this is your second dose okay do it when the test comes ashadrak a misha can a bed they didn't just talk they stood up firm fire was heated seven times after there's a throws in there not true what's in there we're not bowing we're going to resist it in the spirit and if god delivered us so he may if he doesn't deliver us that's all right same thing for daniel hallelujah don't talk about joseph with his brethren and with this mrs spotifer on all the things he went through there are so many things about that joseph's life aiming that if he was a vindictive person dear god he would have exact judgment upon his brethren are you not following me he would not pay retribution to them he would have don't watch some jamaicans do when they get a chance on the hands of their enemies they give it to them but joseph say you meant it for evil oh god how many of us would reach that point somebody say something in this house so i set myself apart i sanctified myself i to make them holy to make them set apart to make them sacred to make them consecrated to purify them to free them from sin to make them productive or conducive to spiritual blessings in other words i want them to be the conduits through which my grace flows i want them to be the conduit anywhere they go people must look on them and say but these are different that's why they were called christians are you not saying nothing they are in this sinful world but they do not pattern the things of the world they go to the same supermarket riding the same taxi jutc drive the same street go to the same school do the same here and there but they are friends oh can i get close to anybody here today they recognize that any man be in christ is a new creature they know that all things are passed away and all things become new they are not just dockers they're not just talkers they are prepared to suffer for my name's sake they are prepared to be reproached from my name's sake they are prepared to be ostracized for my name's sake they are prepared to be seen as deceivers although they are true for my name they're hanging in there do i have any such person in my audience today come on give god praise give god praise give oh glory give him praise wave your hand and give him praise conduits productive persons releasing spiritual blessings and let me share a few scripture in romans chapter 15 glory to god hallelujah amen verse 15 and 16 what do we find in romans chapter 15 glory somebody give him a praise amen 15 and 16 romans 15 nevertheless brethren i have written the more boldly unto you in some sort as putting you in mind because of the grace that is given to me of god that i should be the minister of jesus christ to the gentiles ministering the gospel of god that the differing or the offering up of the gentiles might be acceptable being sanctified by the holy ghost paul said i know my calling i know my position and i have applied myself lift your hand and say lord help me to apply myself romans first corinthians chapter 1 26 through 30 first corinthians chapter 1 26 for you see your calling brethren oh that not many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but god has chosen the foolish things of the world foolish things of the world to confound the wise and god has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things that are mighty and the best things of the world and the things which are despised of god chosen yea and things which are not to bring to nought things that are that no flesh should glory in his presence but of him are we in christ jesus who of god is made unto us jesus because of god's gift is made unto us number one wisdom if jeremy said i have received wisdom number two righteousness i have received righteousness number three sanctification and number four reset redemption that as it is written if any man is going to glory remember says not you who have gotten those things because you merited them it is a gift of god wisdom sanctification and all that we have received are the gifts of god through jesus christ he said i did it all for you when the time comes for you to pay me back when satan comes to deceive you and to trick you because he can't hurt me he tries to hurt you show him who you are in me i did it for you in other words i've put on a cloak of righteousness for you and i transfer it to you don't take it off i put a helmet on you oh god don't take it off i put breastplate around you do not take it off i shot your feet to the preparation of the gospel peace i took away your filthy dirty garment and i give you the garment of praise as i remove the spirit of heaviness don't take it off [Music] god am i preaching to anybody here do not take it off it is for your safety it is for your protection it is for your preservation we have your hannah say not take it off [Music] do not take it off line is girded with truth don't put it off because the devil wants to undress you from all that i have dressed you with and when he undressed you he's going to leave you naked and after a while he's going to redress you and put on the world's apparel on you then the manifestation of the works of the flesh galatians 5 begins because you're undressed no you're not going to stay naked for long the devil go and dress you up because he wants you to be used in his army oh no i'm preaching to anybody here [Music] in the very way that i clothed you in my righteousness in the very way that i give you the gifts of the spirit is the very same way if you ever become undressed and unclothed the devil is going to dress you up in the works of the flesh and then right in the church you become a notorious liar you don't want me to preach right in the church you become a liar you become a thief you become a hobby worker a backbiter an adulterer a fornicator a malice keeper when you're stealing at the church and because you knew what it was to shake you still share why did you i tell you it's gonna be rough didn't i tell you that right in the church right in the church you sit there as a homosexual as a lesbian as a pedophile right in the church you sit there because you were on clothes i know you're hurry clothes and you still speak in tongues still speak in tongues still shake your shirt still shake your cheek still take the lord's supper still watch the same speeds bishop i think you could do better than that today shut your mouth and let me speak the mind of god to a church that is going astray from god a nation that is wind up in idolatry witchcraft for murder you sit right in the church and you become a murderer you have never held an m16 a mark number 45 or 22 never held one but you become a murderer and many hold here today died killed because of the weapon in your mouth [Music] [Applause] weapon in your mouth set on the fire of hell kill choir members kill preachers kill prayer warriors kill everybody you get to kill because you're clawed in the armor of satan sinful righteous unrighteousness resist him resist him resist him resist him i would to god some of you over here would say something resist him resist him everybody do like this resist him resist him resist him and he will flee from you for your sakes i had to resist him for your sake i drunk the bitter for your sake i took the spear in my side for your sex i allowed soldiers to slap me in the face and spot upon me and mock me and do you not think that i did not have the power to repeal all of those yes i could but if i did you would not have what you have today you will not be who you are today you will not be where you are today [Music] jesus did it all for us let us do it for him let us do it for him let us do it for him let us do it for him let's give you a couple more scriptures my god almighty got so much to say well let me leave out some of all of this and try and get to what would be my second and my third point okay lift your hand and say jesus did it for me i will do it for him glory those who dare to stand up like that there are some spiritual designations that are given to us and maybe i got eight of them that i want to give you and i hope we could get through these so you are no longer just an ordinary person walking around in three piece suits or shirts and pants and just skirt and dress no no no no no not because you look like other people in your dress in your car in it no you are different from them those who took such stand number one they are called chosen chosen all right you're gonna get married and you go down to downtown or uptown and you go through all the jewelry stores looking on rings and rings and you do do you just going to pick up a ring like this and nobody's not saying nothing you're going to buy a dress i can't go to minister davis a shop you know i tell the truth i can't when i do i just sit down in the vehicle and say half the own way lord i just make up my mind to know that i've got a couple hours just so even if it's one item she's going to purchase because she has to go to this one and look at that one a little different from me you're different from me maybe not a careful shopper so i'm going for a pair of shoes just go in and pick up one look on it pick it up try it i'm gone i'm not going to the other stores to match the price under this under that oh you're not saying nothing sorry sister but normally you do not just go in and just pick up a ring like that pick up you are going to be looking turning over turning over you are very choosy so god says those who take the stand they are chosen and they say hear me is not you who have made a choice hire me the choice am i preaching to anybody here you have not chosen me but i have chosen you i chose you when nobody else would have chosen you because i didn't choose you when you were nice and fine and refined and ready for the ring for the finger on the neck i didn't choose you in your pretty wonderful state say something over here say something over here i choose you when you are refused i choose you when you are in the dirt in the mess and the might in the morning pull you out and i do like jeremiah i took you to the potter's house and i said i'm gonna work on you i'm gonna fix you up i'm gonna trim you down i'm gonna wash you i'm gonna shape you i'm gonna mall you i'm gonna make you and when i get through with you everybody want you know all who never want you before do i have a church over this side oh loo never want you before i will never see you all will never recognize you i will never check for you [Music] all of a sudden i want you god am i preaching in this house am i preaching to anybody overseas am i preaching to anybody here somebody lift your hand and shout something in this house if you don't know what to say show it hallelujah [Applause] everybody want you know because you're no longer gold in the rough you are no gold refined you are no gold purified you are no gold ready for the market so he says first peter 2 chapter first peter chapter 2 9-12 write it down he says you're a chosen generation your royal priesthood your holy nation your peculiar people please show forth my praises because i am the one who has called you out of darkness into this marvelous light so don't put this candle under a bushel don't hide your lights wherever you're on to some people who are viewing right now i said don't hide the light don't hide the light don't hide the light [Music] somebody go to the embassy applying for a visa you hide your light so what you mean bishop if you don't know you hide the light when you go to the embassy tell all kind of lies you hide your light they admit you new york and whatever here field the reception here new york miami chicago you go there you hide your lights you tell lie again it's all right jesus jesus bishop asari come here today he's already glad you come stop put your candle under a bushel under all circumstance shine your light let your light so shine before everybody you get it in jesus name or you don't get it in jesus name everything is right this wonderful lady minister davis know of this preacher died many years ago we were pastoring another church someplace and he stood before the pulpit so brethren i went to the embassy and when they asked me a certain question the holy ghost told me to tell them a lie there should be a weakness i trembled i said what's hold on is he losing his mind he got the visa yes he did went to the states within a short time he died and was buried in the sand of new jersey never seen your victor again i wept over him i grieved over him wonderful person the holy ghost told me to tell them a lie i said jesus christ never returned to jamaica never never don't hide your lights oh all right let's move on oh lord jesus if we stop no jesus but you're called chosen not only that you're called chosen secondly you're called brethren that means you're part of a kingship you're part of what relation relationship you are brethren oh hallelujah you're part of a family you're not some orphaned or invalid out there you have a sense of belonging brethren acts chapter 20 and verse 32 jot it down not only that but you are called saints saints first corinthians chapter 1 and verse 2. in first corinthians 6 9 to 11 i wish i could read all of those but you drop them down and read them my time is gone children speak to submission speaks to obedience speaks of humility brethren speaks of being part of a family the family of god saints speaks of being of a are you a calling are you calling sainthood oh somebody praise god i did say praise him there hallelujah jesus myth of god he says you are chosen not only that he said you are declared righteous job chapter 36 and verse 7 righteous job went through a whole lot but god did not change his character it did not change his response to god you remain righteous he said i hold to my integrity i will not let it go for nothing even when his wife told him it's time to let go it's time to let go my husband you can't continue this god's business is not serving you very well at this time he said you speak as one of those foolish women should a man receive good from the hand of god at all times and not a little evil come on brethren though you slay me yet will i trust him all my appointed time wait till my change come we are sitting on our wait god could have made the world in one day but he didn't make it in one day come on somebody giving us an example wait your time he has called you and called me according to this wonderful designation not only that he says you are now hears h-e-i-r-s or h-e-i-r you're an heir to all that he has all that he has and if you don't get summers yet just keep trusting just keep trusting romans chapter 8 and verse 17 galatians chapter 3 and verse 29 i know some of you want these scriptures supporting substantiating these points titus chapter 3 and verse 7. hebrew chapter 1 13-14 and hebrews chapter 6 and verse 17 i'm about there not only that but it says you are sons of god not just god's creation are sons of god by creation some of you leaving me don't leave me come back come back come on come on i know he's after two but come back he's holiday and cool and curfew not on all right you come down write some peace now burn you leave it on the fire come on come on don't come on we're winding down come back here's on joint ears with christ jesus you are on the will on the will and the testator has already died it means that the will is has been probated so it's draw down time you can draw down the time oh no you're not getting this message jesus christ the testator has already died and your name is on the will it has been prohibited you can draw not any time hey any time his hatred which is the holy ghost ready to give you a portion of what is yours nobody can stop it nobody can stop it jesus and you see people fight over all kind of deadlift in this earth but this is one deadlift you cannot fight over because there's a holy ghost who distributes according to the will of god somebody praise him let me close it is the holy ghost who distributes according to will of god and when he finds neil talk and say hey your name is on the will for this and that nobody stops it when he finds vinnie peters your name is on the roll nobody stops it when he finds you [Music] any wish brought you there [Music] you could be down in a place called low debar you could be lame in your feet like me people jesus jesus jesus nobody here with me you could be abundant in lord abort you could be lame in your faith like my people said you can't even are good but when the will is read and the king say your name know that you have an ordinary dance legacy is there anybody else that is left is there anybody else that is left lift your hand and say i am here i am waiting i am here jump up on your feet and do something say something say i am here i am waiting i am here i am waiting a sun for him send for him send for him send for him bring him come kings don't call him king those want him god almighty king's house is calling [Music] hey [Music] may people said my people should make people shut you have been forgotten for a long time but we checked the record we checked the wheel and we found your name lord god almighty where's the church we've checked the record we have examined the will and we found your name and we have sent for you [Music] jesus jesus jesus jesus and when may peopleship arrive at king's house [Music] king david said from today somebody lift your hand and say from today say i mean today i mean right now i mean ash wednesday 2022 from today [Music] my faith is no longer lame i'm no longer confined to poverty i'm no longer confined to distress i no longer live in shame everything that belongs to me king david said restore to him every god almighty thing give him servant give him camel give him hearts give him land give him money give him everything on from today from today [Music] from today from today you will no longer hit from the dark pen you'll no longer scavenge around from today you shall eat bread god somebody help me close it here you shall eat bread at king's house you shall eat bread around the king's table let them say what they want to say i know your feet is still lame i know you're still limping but you're gonna eat bread [Music] at my table who is that in king's house may people who is that singing in the choir may people who is that preaching behind the pulpit people who is that driving a nice vehicle [Music] dear god you're not saying anything all right [Music] but central never busy always on the line you can hear from heaven [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] telephone telephone telephone [Applause] telephone [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] when you get in trouble [Music] [Applause] [Music] iran's standing let me stop jesus jesus i said jesus [Music] my god [Applause] remain standing i'll stop but i'll start by reading you one scripture that i need to read jesus did it all for us and he says please do it for me let us do it for him hebrews chapter 5 and verse 5. this is just to read and close jesus so also christ glorified not himself to be made and i priest but he that said unto him thought my son today have i begotten thee as he saith also in another place the water priest forever after the order of melchizedek oh in the days of his flesh don't you miss this verse seven in the days of his what while he walked this earth preparing for calvary not spirit in the flesh you have you and i oh in the days of his flesh when he had offered the prayers and supplication supplications with strong crying and tears unto god that was able to save him from death and he was heard in that he feared though he were a son yet learned e-obedience by the things which he suffered and being made perfect he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him calls of god and i priest after the order of melchizedek oh in the days of his flesh offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears unto god picture the garden of gethsemane put your bible down and close by your head close your eyes we're closing right here picture the garden of gethsemane father oh my father oh can you find another way strong prayers supplications with tears in the days of his flesh oh my father i can't take this please why don't you try gabrielle or michael can you find a substitute for me are things possible with you can you let this pass from me please he organized he cried he made supplications but not before long he says you know what you know what you know what for their sex i set myself apart for this hour that whenever they arrive at veer hawa they will follow my example please father for this purpose came into the world to this end was i born i'll drink the cup i'll drink it i'll drink it i'll set myself apart so that they also can be made holy closing time [Music] jesus paid it all [Music] [Applause] [Music] is raise your hand and sing it again everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i did it in the first session i'll do it in this session also yeah conforming to all the spirit led everybody who can kneel on your knees if you can't kneel that's okay but if you can kneel on your knees it's only for three minutes make your own confession to the almighty he offered prayers with much tears and supplication jesus prior time everybody that's why you're on your knees i hope seen has left the crimson state he washed straight white as snow jesus [Music] buried it all oh jesus jesus to him i hope sin had left the crimson stain he washed [Music] everybody talk to god [Music] jesus the peace has been set everything is in motion you are now being led into the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights to be tempted by the devil and to be attacked by wild beasts in the days of your flesh you entered upon all of those we see oh you cried strong prayers and tears and supplication you cry to god who was able to save you yeah you did but before you could respond oh god you settled it it says not my will do your thing here are your servants on bending knees some with tear-stained eyes oh god you've told me to tell your people you did it all for us and we should do it all for you set ourselves apart so we can become productive spiritual warriors in the nation lord touch your people minister to your people sanctify your people through the power of the holy spirit bring your people into another dimension another realm of anointing especially as we are preparing for the rebuilding of spiritual lives because god many of us have lost out yeah we have been robbed we'll allow ourselves to be robbed by the ravages of covet and all the other attending evils many of us are not where we used to be god we can't hide it we're honest to you like a tire that is losing here and some are totally deflated god almighty that we apply ourselves to rebuilding process holy spirit help us to be fully engaged today as never you did it all for us and you say will you do it for me when you get to your severe temptation trial and test will you remember what i did for you and said lord i'll in return i will show you that i love you hear our prayers grant these requests and bending knees i ask you to heal those who are sick they knelt down sick pain distress but may they be raised up with health healing as the holy spirit pour the oil and the wine upon them they'll be raised up strong and healthy it is my prayer for everybody here and now whenever and wherever oman the broad jesus show yourself strong in the mighty name of jesus amen and amen stand with the praise in your hearts from your lips stand with your praise come on stand with the praise stand with the praise stand with the praise stand with the praise stand with a praise oh yes oh yes will you cover me under the blood lord cover me under [Music] get ready to worship and giving everybody reach for your seat faith offering reach for your special gift [Applause] [Music] [Applause] jesus [Applause] everybody [Applause] [Music] [Applause] those online give online come on [Applause] a good seed [Applause] king jesus [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Applause] kill jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me see thy [Music] [Applause] can jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] let me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] holy father [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] kill jesus [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well glory anybody god bless here today lord of mercy wow what will this do to us for us in us what will it bring out of us father we thank you for your blessing today we thank you for the word richly spoken we thank you for the reception and response of your people we thank you for gifts given by one and all we pray that you bless gifts and give us and we're asking o lord to breathe up on every person individually the items that may be there with them olive oil we pray that you breathe upon each bottle consecrate them now for holy use and there be any other item of faith oh god i breathe upon them by faith in the name of jesus and as aeron's broad broad-bodied i pray that it will burn and bloom and bless someone beer for them and bring forth fruits of righteousness so we bless one and we bless all in jesus name amen well give him another praise don't they now before you go please bear in mind that starting well started last sunday continuing there will only be two morning worship services seven o'clock and ten o'clock note the little time change seven o'clock and ten o'clock are you with me so we're getting back into our regular announcements and we're getting back into the regular flow at what of what the usual things were so seven o'clock to ten o'clock a.m and ten o'clock to 12 30 a.m bear those in mind don't stay away come to god's house there's no way you could feel the kindness energy that you feel in your so today if you was watching phone and watching tv where if you wanna say no no no no no you couldn't feel this number one you wouldn't see me real like you see me you wouldn't see your neighbors real like you see them stand with me your benediction grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit do what rest remain abide with us all when now and forevermore god's people say amen you got a word my dear sister all right say your word now praise god we love the lord this afternoon just wave your hands in his presence again we adore him we honor him we exalt him we magnify him he's suffering he's supreme he's everlasting he's eternal we give him praise god bless you just a reminder that this sunday morning in both morning services the photographer will be in the back at the multi-purpose hall all credential holders the renewal of your um credential the the ids please so please make sure you do so we'll be doing so for the next three weeks after which will be completed and also this is one of the most blessed church god has really favored our faith give yourselves a big hand never cease to give never cease to reach out i just went on the outside immediately after the first session was finished and i was greeted with one of our wonderful member and she said to me minister i have a care package and when i looked in the care package i said oh my god you know so i care packages here for somebody you must have at least one or two children all right the way she has packaged it i see goodies in there for children so if you are here you are single mother especially and you have at least two children you can come to me and receive a care package from one of your wonderful member give her a big hand thank you sis i see her over there looking at me god bless you god bless you have yourself a wonderful rest of the afternoon go buy the canteen please and refresh yourself if you need to decant thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at for more information stay tuned and be blessed you
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 12,458
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UgmVER-wcTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 44sec (11024 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 02 2022
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