The Lifting Power... with Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak

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[Music] and bless him in the spirit the psalmist says bless the lord o my soul [Music] and all that is within me bless his name bless the lord all my soul and forget not his benefits is someone praying they go from strength to strength as many as appear before the lord in zion [Music] father we give you praise father we give you praise [Music] here father we give you praise in the name of jesus the son of the living god lift your hands pray in the spirit worship him in spirit and in truth [Music] yahweh yahweh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] hallelujah father we declare that we love you we declare that we honor you we declare that we need you tonight we have come to learn we have come to grow we have come to encounter your grace your love your power your wisdom your light grant us illumination grant us grace we have come with hearts opened we have come with meek hearts to receive lord we pray that your word will come with such prevailing power let it transform us tonight in the name of jesus and lord we pray that whilst your word comes let the sick be healed let the oppressed be delivered let every yoke and every captivity bow to the name of jesus christ and everything that has impeded your liberty in christ i pray that it will bow to the name of jesus tonight [Applause] in the matchless name of jesus christ hallelujah good evening everybody god bless you please be seated be seated just turn to someone by your left and right and just give them warm greetings from the throne room through your life to their destinies in the name of jesus i want to start tonight by appreciating everyone and then appreciating our global family for the wonderful things that we do week in week out it is on account of this this coordinated efforts that many are able to hear and to receive is one thing to teach truth but then the means to take it to those who need it must be there must be put in place for them to receive and we really want to celebrate our workforce celebrate everyone who is part of this vision thank you in the name of jesus christ hallelujah the second function quickly before we get to the ward um i have to say this this this is the best platform to be able to present this now i have been overwhelmed by and also humbled truly by the amount of people within this country and around the globe who are asking if the ministry is embarking on any project and if there's any account you know to just so um we've not announced any major project as a ministry but it is very humbling how god has steered the hearts of people and i mean consistently people continue to ask how do we send this and so i just thought to respond now as a ministry we are people of integrity and we fear the lord if there is no project on ground that necessitates the body of christ and our global family coming in to stand by us and with us in partnership we are not going to bother anybody at all praise the name of the lord by god's grace soon we will begin um the various ministry projects remember we're just starting so we need some time to stabilize focus on doctrine before we now begin to look out so i'm saying this especially to our international family our international community please just be patient keep your ears open follow our social media platforms by god's grace when we're set with everything there will be a dedicated account for coinonia project i will announce it myself so that the whole world will know that these are the channels for any partnerships that will come from around the world and then i'm also saying this so that we manage the very the war now that we've been fighting for years we have all kinds of scammers who will cash in on the sincerity of people like this and now begin to come up with all kinds of things so i'm saying it right now there is only one joshua salman account and one coin on your account one bank one account number globally that we have released for any seeds any givings at all whether it is a seat to my life or as a seat to the ministry doesn't matter any other person bringing any other account and lying with all kinds of projects whether it's a charitable project a building project and whatever it is please am saying it in the open they are scammers they are fraudsters we are people of integrity and all those asking that you purporting to be joshua salman that you send in some money for prophecy and not me the fact that they have the time to attend to you is a sign that they are liars hallelujah and and i can assure you that our security operatives are working in partnership with uh the media we are in the 21st century and we're intelligent people who are not just spiritual people we will not fail to deploy as god grants us grace all of the security measures to make sure that we continue to defend the integrity of the gospel that we have communicated so far so i think this is a caution please be patient i know that there are many i receive reports how that there are people sometimes who come around and say the lord sent me to sew for coinonia land cornonia building just be patient by the grace of god i can assure you that when it is time we're going to give everybody an opportunity to be part of what god is doing but for now any other seed that god puts in your heart you can always do that the account details are there but please don't fall prey to any any project that is out of what we are doing right now the project we are on now is a project of encounters transformation healing deliverance and changing lives so if someone calls you and says healing is going on believe them transformation is going on believe them fire is falling believe them souls are being saved believe them some charities somewhere they are scammers immediately are we together father continue to protect your name continue to grant us the grace and the wisdom to see that jesus remains lifted and we pray that you touch the heart of some of these people we believe that for many of them intrinsically they are sincere people who may have been frustrated we pray that you bring them to the saving knowledge of jesus in jesus name i pray amen and amen hallelujah are you ready for the word tonight i love the word of god because it transforms it can change it can bring illumination it can empower it can bless it can lift it gives you wisdom in jesus name let me start tonight by sharing two or three thoughts that were burning in my heart while i was preparing the message for this night i was contemplating on a number of things and i just thought because god has granted us the honor and the privilege of having quite significant participation during our services i thought it was a good platform to just share this one or two contemplations and then they lead us into the teaching tonight so please pay attention number one i wrote here that one of the greatest needs in the body of christ today one of the greatest needs in the body of christ today and in society at large is discipleship one of the greatest needs in the body of christ today and by extension in society is the need for discipleship what is discipleship methodical mentorship that leads people to become christ-like and to become responsible discipleship please look up this is very important the lord began to bond in my heart again the need to drum this that one of the major needs in the body of christ today is discipleship you see when new converts or those who just get born again if and when they are not discipled eventually the gaps in their spiritual understanding and the fact that the flesh is so alive will make them easy praise for the devil to come into partnership with their unrenewed minds and cause a lot of trouble first in the body of christ and then by extension in society are we together this is very very important when new converts are not discipled they will eventually become problems first to the church and then to the larger community let me tell you this every national problem please look up every national problem was first a regional problem that was not managed properly every regional problem was once upon a time a family problem that was not managed effectively and every family problem was once an individual problem you see how nations are destroyed so an individual who is not discipled creates trouble in a family that is not discipled creates trouble in a society or a region that is not discipled eventually that individual will constitute a nuisance to not only family not only society but to the nation and even the continent at large most of the people today that trouble civilization trouble the peace and tranquility of territories all of them come from home and they did not just evolve into troublemakers of all kinds individuals when they are saved and their understanding is not so constructed especially for believers they may have given their lives to christ but we know that just giving your life to christ this is entry into the kingdom imagine with me for instance that a woman gives birth to a baby and throws the baby down most often than not that child will most likely be a hooligan or will be a troublemaker eventually why because the opportunity to have proper parenting upbringing is not there you can you can solve the problem of a nation very easily if you understand the dynamics of of how problems are created they first start at an individual level then if left unchecked and not dealt with they graduate into problems in families then from families when those individuals are now sent from those families they become troubles to society communities and to regions and if left unchecked they will rise to become national people who multiply the same problem and these are the kinds of conditions that demon spirits look for they look for individuals with no platform for discipleship they look for families with no courts of conduct no modus operandi anything just happens they look for territories that are lawless they look for nations with no law this is how people are destroyed it is very easy to destroy a nation it is very easy to destroy a family it is very easy to destroy a territory all you need to do is ignore discipleship at an individual level just let people do anything they want to do unchecked for a while it will look like they know what they are doing until you begin to see the damage to the family to territory to society and to the nation are we together so at the heart of transformation is discipleship that is it if we want to change this nation we want to change africa we must obtain grace and wisdom from god to get back into the subject of methodical mentorship discipleship at least for a stat we can start with younger believers this has been a mistake that most people have made respectfully speaking especially those in the mission field we focus so much about soul winning missions and that is wonderful but there is no system to manage these people when they are saved at best we just tell them go to this church and when they get to the church if the church does not have a structure a teaching priest to now begin to help those people they are in trouble because when those people sit there the flesh wants to find expression and because there is no system to keep dealing with it i tell you eventually you are going to see all shades of trouble the headache that the man of god will go through because of people that are saved and they just piled them into the church no growth no development and this is how you keep having all this trouble everywhere are we blessed this is not my summer no this is a burden let me just offload that one then we'll get to the salmon for tonight are we together discipleship therefore is the foundation for true and lasting transformation in individuals families institutions and nations let me repeat myself discipleship therefore by reason of the aforementioned discipleship therefore is the foundation for true and lasting transformation in individuals command families institutions and nations we must restore the system of discipleship my second thought are you ready for the second one to be uninformed i wrote here is bad but to be misinformed is worse to be uninformed is bad ignorance is a terrible thing at any level to be uninformed is bad but to be misinformed is worst please write it and look up this is very true to be uninformed is very bad ignorance is terrible it can cost you a lot including your life but the most serious trouble is to be misinformed when you meet someone who is ignorant the person does not necessarily need renewal the person just needs information that produces transformation is that true but when you meet someone who is ill-informed or misinformed you need renewal first before you now begin the journey of transformation someone who has not begun a journey he does not need to turn back you just need to direct the person to the right place and he fires on but one who has veered off so far he will need to come back to that point before you now point him to the right direction this lead this leads me to this next point we must examine the content the content of our doctrines and the content we use to mentor people because i have spoken now about the need for discipleship but there are many people who are in trouble today because they submitted to discipleship they submitted to discipleship but the content was inaccurate largely on scripture so in as much as we advocate discipleship to help people most people you only train people from from the residue of your own philosophies and your own ideologies and if your ideology is wrong as an individual as a parent as a man of god you will communicate that error to people now let me tell you this sincerity does not necessarily mean truthfulness just because people are sincere does not mean that they are right most of the error and the trouble the imbalances that come they come from sincere people especially the one that comes from we preachers we may be sincere and so most people believe those information in honor to the sincerity of the man of god not the truthfulness of the content i can i can teach a lie i can teach something that is imbalanced or false and just because you perceive me to be a sincere people a sincere person in honor to my sincerity you will now swallow up the arrow that i'm teaching i may be sincere but it does not automatically mean that what i'm saying is right more than sincerity we must obtain grace from god to seek truth what delivers is not sincerity he says ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free many sincere people are destroying the purposes of god many sincere people are destroying god's divine patterns and divine order so in addition to sincerity which is commendable we must press for truth the content of our mentorship must be scriptural it must be balanced it must be communicated with intention and intelligence to be able to raise and build a people of stature otherwise we'll keep having these shades of lopsidedness spiritual lopsidedness so two burdens tonight one is that at the back of every transformation national transformation regional family is the need for mentorship everybody here comes from a family many people here are parents we can start by being intentional don't just allow people do what they want to do allow children do what they do i know that we live in times where you know people just have their ideas but you see this bible is our manual for a life of victory let god be true and all men liars alleluia praise the lord i prepared a powerful salmon i'm waiting for the day god will grant me grace to teach it i look forward to teaching it in a men's meeting or teaching it so let me give you a teaser it's on inheritance what exactly is an inheritance that's the teaser everybody will eventually hear it but there it was designed for fathers husbands leaders men so when the bible says a good man leaves an inheritance what does the bible say to live because many of what we live that we call inheritance is not inheritance show us the ancient past will you lead us along eternal highway we want to follow the ways of jesus we want to enter your rest show us the ancient past will you lead us along eternal highway we want to follow the footsteps of jesus we want to [Music] win so the moment you find out that you are ignorant in an area and you are searching for light your first assignment is not a reception your first assignment is verification what i'm about to open my heart to is it truth indeed it takes a lot of time to submit yourself to knowledge it also takes a lot of time to undo the wrong that you have learned my greatest prayer as a man of god is not just for signs and wonders and miracles and the prophetic is that i do not teach god's people a lie and cause nations and millions of people to believe a lie and then after 10 20 years i now realize it's the truth then i change alone and leave the people to suffer [Music] are we together [Music] so i remain committed by the privilege of god's grace to make sure that the truths that we hear and the truths that come from this altar are truths that are true indeed scriptural life applicable mysteries of the kingdom that will altogether build the believer spiritually and then in every other sense this is why we are here the day we fail in this assignment there is no need for you to come here again because we'll be wasting your time that anytime you come and what you hear are not life applicable truths sound from scripture doctrinally balanced and communicated with intelligence there is no need doing any church again every other thing that is left is religion the greatest honor to your time and your sacrifice while you sit here people come right from you know whatever time the greatest honor is to make sure that we as ministers of the gospel do our best within the the boundary of the grace that has been given to us we ourselves are students in the school of the spirit but you see the this is where the mystery of the body of christ comes so that the dimension you do not see clearly if you sustain the humility of heart there is another angle to it that can help you to find balance hallelujah praise the lord now for the war tonight please pray in one minute lord grant me grace open my eyes to the mystery that will come from heaven [Music] my life is about to change in the name of jesus my destiny is about to be transformed truth is coming to me it says right prosperously because of truth hallelujah tonight i bring you a mystery that will transform your life in no small way i bring you a kingdom truth that has been responsible for the enviable rising and excelling of many in the kingdom remember the lord gave an instruction and for those of you who are just connecting today who are teaching truths that relates to the graces that are at work in this house to the end that we become partakers of this grace through light through knowledge more than just impartation of anointing the knowledge that sponsors the coming and the staying and even the multiplication of those graces is what we've been dispensing are we together now so impartation is almost useless when there is no knowledge base to receive that that power when you just lay hands on people or just transfer anointings it's like pouring water in a cup that has a hole or pouring water on the ground it may not stay knowledge spiritual illumination becomes a container that receives that impartation that way it will stay and it will not only stay it will multiply are we together press or no this is one of the secrets that god taught me i have watched it in the life of great people i have seen it in the bible i have watched those who violated this principle pay for it i have watched people who honor this principle rise and it is my prayer and my sincere desire tonight that god will find somebody in this place who will place value on this mystery and that you will rise in a way that will surprise you in the name of jesus christ the lifting power of true humility write it down please the lifting power of true humility i want to share with you a very deep mystery tonight please pay attention don't allow anyone distract you our global family avoid any destruction and just settle down with jesus and let us learn the ways of the kingdom let's access the keys and the mysteries that are responsible for extraordinary supernatural growth supernatural increase in this kingdom hallelujah the lifting power of true humility the goal of this discussion tonight is to connect believers to and with the grace for lifting by exposing the danger of pride and revealing to you from scripture the character and the excellency of a life of true humility praise the name of the lord three scriptures and will be gone we'll begin our discussion tonight james chapter four and verse six james chapter four and verse six the bible says but he giveth more grace everyone say more grace he give it more grace the first information here is that whatever god gives you he can give you more of it that whatever god gives you is not the last level that he intends to give everything god gives is a seed that can be multiplied everything god gives there is more of it when god gives you wisdom there can be more wisdom when god gives you power there can be more power when god lifts you there can be more lifting so the first information he gives more he give it more more membership more revelation more financial resources more wisdom more of his ability to keep you long we call it longevity whatever comes from god that is given to you is not the last of it that he can give he given more grace he give it more grace this is a powerful information that means anything that i need more of in my life the bible gives me a consolation that i can find more of it there is a possibility for having more of everything that you currently have there is a possibility for transiting beyond the current realm that you now occupy spiritually financially physically in leadership in influence etcetera are we together he give it more grace wherefore he say it who is the he talking the one who gives them more grace whatever the owner of anything is saying you pay attention to it if you really want it so the giver of this more grace says god resisted the proud but he gives grace so first information he gives more grace second information he tells you the candidate he gives that more grace to are we together now he give it more grace wherefore he said god resisted the proud but he give it more grace in any case both the proud and the humble have something that comes from god to them are you seeing it now proud people have some they have something that comes to them from god the bible says resistance god can bring resistance to a man's life and then the bible says for the humble he brings more grace second scripture philippians chapter 2 and verse 3 philippians 2 and verse 3 let me read very quickly let nothing be done it says through strife of vain glory very interesting expression let nothing be done through strife or vainglory but in loneliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves let me repeat it one more time let nothing be done through strife or vain glory but in loneliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves very self-explanatory very clear that nothing be done in strife or vainglory but in loneliness it tells you that anything is truly profitable when it is done in loneliness of mine last scripture first peter chapter 5 and verse 6 the apostle is teaching now first peter chapter 5 and verse 6. here's what he says humble yourself therefore on that the mighty hand of god humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of god why that he may exalt you someone say exaltation one more time say exaltation it says humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of god that he may exalt you in due time humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of god that he may exalt you in due time let's begin our discussion i want to start with a concept that i call the the deceitfulness of pride let's examine the subject of pride exactly is pride and why is it such a serious issue in my life and in your life why do we have to battle and wrestle with this concept this idea of pride where did it come from why is pride you know negative habits but this bright thing it seems to have a bulldog strength that holds on to the like us to deal with the subject of pride 12 dimension and then the second the psychological dimension because when it has to do with pride demon spirits come to fortify a belief system so that they cause you to remain in that state you see there for that spirit to be fruitful in the life of its victim as with the manifestation of all other spirits the lord at all is condition dependent including the holy spirit no spirit can veto into man and just begin to carry out activities of that spirit pride is one of them if you're together say amen hallelujah the bible talks about the idea of pride and how deadly and how dangerous it is fruit talks about pride it always connects it with destruction it always connects it with fully it always connects it with all kinds of things there is no mention of pride and lifting together there is no mention of pride and increase together from genesis to revelation every time the bible mentions pride either directly in scripture or through the simplitude of a story or in parable the ones who are victims of that pride if there is no repentance and there is no brokenness and compassion they will always end up worse than the story started with them pride a killer a destroyer of many destinies today many destinies have not only remained at that level but gone down shamefully so for many because of this danger of pride are we together now i want to just delve a bit into a concept of the human nature let's discuss a bit on psychology and then i'll get back to my teaching this is very important you cannot truly truly understand pride until you understand the human nature please pay attention we're here to learn the church of god is an institution of learning scriptural context but we borrow fields of study and intelligence to help give credence to what we are discussing are we together now many believers think that all it takes to being free from some of these things is just knowing that god delivers and god sets free you have to understand pride from a psychological dimension what why do people fall victim of this thing that the bible calls pride you must understand the reality of the human nature please follow me very carefully as we open up ourselves to ourselves to understand what is the motivation behind the activities that we do hallelujah i studied these years ago and it changed my life and i had the honor of looking through it again whilst preparing for this note now every human being the bible tells us that man is tripartite in expression man is a spirit the bible says and that spirit lives in a body and connecting that spirit and body is a faculty that we call the mind is that true that the spirit in partnership with the mind is what you call a soul are we together now yes and that the mind of of man has three compartments psychologists tell us and even the bible attests to that the will emotions and intellect and that all of these faculties of expression help to they help man to to interact with this duality of realms that even though man is in the physical he can interact with the realm of the spirit or any realm above the three-dimensional realm by the means of these faculties if the mind were to be taken away from the man there will be a disconnect between the body and the spirit and we know that the body is merely an instrument of execution is that true the body does not have a will on its own religion agrees with that science agrees to that the body in itself [Music] does not have any power to execute that is the reason why when a spirit leaves a body that body lies lifeless and begins to deteriorate and begins to decompose because it has no life and power on its own the body is merely a biological instrument that executes realities that have been agreed upon the spirit through the faculties of the mind this is very important you have to understand that men are not just spirits please listen men are not just spirits they interact with this realm through the mind that means there is a psychological composition to every man born of a woman there is a psychological composition to every man born of a woman now across several colleges universities there have been all kinds of psychologists who have done all kinds of research work on man this entity called man they have approached it from a sociological standpoint they have approached it from a religious standpoint they have approached it from a biological standpoint and attempts to unravel this entity called man to be able to study what it is that is responsible for some of the ills that happen to men and so different people have written all kinds of dissertations in an attempt to contribute to this knowledge and one of them would be would take for reference just one of them a behavioral psychologist a professor called abraham maslow abraham harold maslow and he was a behavioral psychologist he was a professor of psychology and he lived from 1908 to 1917 he postulated a theory called the theory of motivation that eventually brought what we have known in the psychology world today as the hierarchy of needs abraham maslow he brought the hierarchy of neet it was an attempt to describe human behavior he wanted to describe the motivation behind the activities of men on earth so that he would now be able to help us make sense of why men do what they do why men act the way they act why men go where they go are we together now this was a very very successful work because it helped to frame intelligence businesses today run on these principles their understanding of human psychology has helped them to build products help them to build all kinds of platforms based on this so we're going to look at it very briefly he postulated a theory of the theory of um needs the hierarchy of needs i meant to say this is very important the theory of motivation and from it came the hierarchy of needs i wouldn't dwell so much i just want to give us um a basic understanding now there are all kinds of intelligent people here intellectuals and um i'm not speaking as a professor or authority i was just a good student who studied some of this in an attempt to prepare a message and preach i have to put that disclaimer we live in a world that is very civilized now so please understand that i'm not teaching as any authority with any qualification around psychology while interacting with the whole world i am merely a student who has an attempt in an attempt to make sure that i help my people understand the gospel and this dimension i delved into that understanding to bring forth something is that true that will help you relate to it so this is very important thank you hallelujah but then you can trust what i'm saying because they are not my ideas this is well researched by god's grace we are serious people who are very serious people in the name of jesus christ now please media help me i gave the media an assignment if you can project this a little this is a pyramid that was a representation of maslow's maslow's hierarchy of needs it was an attempt to show the motivation behind human behavior from the greatest to the least that means that all men are driven by these factors right there at the base of the pyramid we have the greatest need of man he calls it psychological needs another word for it is basic needs so at the base of the pyramid the largest part of the pyramid for those of you who i hope that you are seeing it is wide and clear enough but just to touch on them he says that all men the urgency that men express in their lives is primarily to be able to achieve their psychological or basic needs first that means in order of priority a dying man is not looking for real estate a dying man is looking for air to breathe when he complete air then he needs water when he finds water he can now find food is that true when he can now find food he now realizes he's naked and he wants clothes and you see now in that order of priority if he has clothes he now realizes that he needs shelter so he's saying that in order of priority the man who is looking for a house if you strip that man naked the issue of house becomes a non-issue he tries to cover his nakedness are we together now if that man who is naked is so thirsty to the point of death he will not mind nakedness again because the test becomes a priority is that true and the man who is hungry and thirsty if something happens and he's going to be starved of air he does not mind hunger he first wants to leave so abraham maslow was saying that there is a motivation behind human needs all men their first need is the basic need or the psychological need i will show you how this connects to pride psychological needs our basic needs include the biological requirements for human survival that is the first most important need in the flesh now of every man the need for air the need for water the need for food the need for shelter the need for sleep the need for clothing all of these things come under the basic needs by basic there it means they are foundational and any other thing can fail but these men will kill to make sure they have this men will fight one another to make sure they have this are we together quickly let's go to the second part of the pyramid in ascending order the second you see it from there is called safety needs that means when your basic needs are met and you don't have a problem with food again you don't have a problem with shelter you don't have a problem with um sleep or clothing your needs your motivation now increases your next need becomes your safety needs security and safety now becomes your priority people now want to experience control predictability and order in their lives so you now start thinking of employment you now start thinking of your health you now start thinking of personal security there are people today who are not thinking of employment they are thinking survival there are people today who are not thinking health it's amazing how that as we grow once upon a time in my life i would never think about health to stay healthy avoid this food i mean the issue is to make sure that you eat well and you are happy but there is a level you get to where that is solved now you have to need a gym now you have to need a gym instructor to help you manage your health why because those needs are right is that true they now tell you avoid this avoid that avoid that for the sake of your health so the next need is your safety need you want control and predictive nobody just comes to waste your life now if you have this in place the third part of the pyramid please let's hurry up the third is called esteem okay um okay this one says belongingness and love needs i call it love and acceptance needs isn't it amazing it starts with basic needs you don't want to die once you solve that then you now move to security needs once security needs are in place the next is now the need for love and acceptance we call them social needs generally the need to feel loved they need to feel accepted so now you begin to pay attention to relationships friendships family and you now want to connect to groups all kinds of groups and clubs and societies because you want that sense of belonging you want that sense of acceptance notice the ascension that the basic and most desperate of your need is to eat sleep once that is soft the needs increase the need for security and safety once that is solved the next need is the need for love and acceptance through relationships and all kinds of platforms the moment that is solved then now please look up this is where trouble begins in your life this is a very powerful representation most of the first second and third doesn't create so much trouble in your life real trouble starts from the fourth part of the the pyramid is called esteem needs the fourth part of the pyramid is called esteem needs what does that mean the need for the esteem for oneself and the need to find respect from others what you call reputation reputation is a description of people's perception of you at this point now you are not looking for your basic needs again your security needs have been met your social needs have also been met the next thing that is left is your ego and your reputation before yourself and before men this is where trouble starts you need to understand this so that as you are training people in leadership in your company in ministry understand that they are growing a time will come if you do not know how to manage this you are going to be in trouble because a time will come the people you are raising will not be need food again the people in your company the staff may have started as maybe even a security person somewhere opening and closing the gate but eventually as they begin to rise you see that their needs and their priorities shift many parents do not understand the transitions in the behavior of their children now if you understand this you see the way your child behaves if he's receiving school fees from you it's not the same way your child behaves now if he's earning a scholarship of hundreds of thousands of naira or dollars you see that the priorities change maslow helped us to put this thing in perspective let's look very quickly as team needs at this point people begin to want independence and they begin to pay attention to achievement what gives you fulfillment at this level is not eating well it's not driving a car you want to achieve goals and then you want a sense of independence you do not want to be under the hold of anybody or anything are we still together shout amen i assume your silence is that you are really understanding the thing and you're allowing it to absorb into your spirit esteem needs at this point you begin to be sensitive to everything titles sensitive to recognition sensitive to who says what remember the five-year-old version of you before that time the ten-year-old version of you before that time has no peace there are people here today they are concerned is simply to come and hear the gospel press into christ it doesn't matter whether they are wearing an oversized cloth or not it doesn't matter whether what they are wearing is done or not because according to mass law the need for survival they are at the basic level now let the world keep coming the world keeps translating you as you are getting results what happens eventually you will leave the first pass of the pyramid you will now rise to safety needs i'm tired of staying in a house with five or six or ten people i think i need my own place now security and safety is that true yes esteem needs the need for independence the need for status the need for prestige this is why people join all kinds of clubs and societies this is why people begin to come up with all kinds of things that help to concretize their relevance relevance and status and prestige and reputation are the key words at this level and then the fifth is called self-actualization needs self-actualization needs the need for fulfillment and the need for legacy for instance when you see someone who is at age 80 or 90 notice how everything reverses at age 80 or 90 the gentleman does not care again or the man the old man does not care whether his hair is combed he does not care whether he zips his trouser he does not care whether the buttons are in place he sits with you and says young man let me teach you something 45 years ago this is what happened and while you are looking at him he will be foolish of you as a young man to look at the person and say sorry you're putting this shoe is supposed to be this way and he says so that is what your focus is on because at that level it is legacy his pride is not what he does with himself or to himself again his pride is the people that he is able to raise that become instruments of continuity notice how this transition happens in your life if you flog your child male or female your teenage child especially in the presence of anyone that is a huge embarrassment you would have touched something but you see an adult who fall down the road and stand up and dust himself like nothing happened because he's looking for a job he has three children and he needs to sort things out that shame that he used to have as a little boy has gone because of other needs and other serious priorities abraham martial final recap and we'll get back to the teaching arranged in order of priority ascending order psychological or basic needs and then safety needs love and acceptance needs esteem needs self-actualization needs praise the name of the lord please write this down thank you write this down i appreciate thank you thank you let's get to work thank you praise the name of the lord hallelujah thank you i appreciate you now write this down the highest psychological need we teach this in our school of ministry the highest psychological need of all men please write it as tie it in the name of jesus may you never forget this is the golden rule that governs us the highest psychological need of all men is the need to be loved accepted celebrated and appreciated please write it down the highest psychological need of all men beloved the need to be accepted the need to be celebrated [Music] and they need to be appreciated hallelujah praise the name of the lord are we together now now listen to me sir everyone let her come i don't know her but please come and then you my friend the white man please come let him come to come sir please if you can don't be embarrassed please come come nothing to embarrass you at all please come let's keep celebrating them just take it easy [Music] [Applause] i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't know that you would need this thank you ma god bless you please come sir please come thank you god bless you thank you thank you please stand keep clapping till i ask you to stop keep clapping don't stop keep clapping now watch this watch this watch this you don't you may not know them and you don't even know what they have done but your club has fulfilled this law the need whatever it is that you have done what they receive from your club is that i am loved am i righteous am i right man i am accepted is that true i am appreciated and celebrated hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on just listen listen listen we're learning something now you come and talk to this woman and tell her you don't like me and see what she will do to you [Music] are we together now yes because we have given her a perception that we love you we honor you sir and ma and we ask them to come to this altar and we ask everyone to stand and then to applaud them are we together now chances are that this our mother here and this our uncle here may not hate me easily are you saying that now why because the memory of my honor fulfilling that psychological condition will not give them the room [Music] [Applause] [Music] now imagine let's reverse it imagine that as our mother and our uncle were coming up here we asked them to come out and i started shouting at them respectfully speaking i said i don't know who you are but do you know i'm a man of god hurry up and don't waste my time come and stand here before i curse you now they may keep quiet watch this and then i tell the man you come stand stand and i push them and push and nobody helps her up and she stands here and when i'm done with my example i say you can go and i just push them like i'm pushing animals can i tell you this it is possible that next week you would never see them here again now you understand what i say the highest psychological need of any man including the one looking at me is the need to feel loved the need to feel appreciated the need to feel celebrated and the need to feel what's the last one accepted people join or call groups because they want acceptance people fight and belong to groups why do people get angry when you don't invite them for festivities because they receive a perception through your non-invitation that you don't place value on them are we together now please let's celebrate our mother thank you sir thank you ma please help them down keep clapping till they go down you'll start to finish it well thank you thank you thank you god bless you thank you are we together foreign please sit down let's continue now the psychological buildup of men [Music] so the highest psychological need of all men is the need to feel loved or beloved accepted celebrated and appreciated is that true write this down we begin our teaching on pride now before i define pride let me tell you this a very important information pride is rooted in deep insecurity fear powerlessness and unworthiness pride is rooted in the feeling you can add the feeling pride intrinsically pride from a psychological angle is rooted in the feeling of deep insecurity fear a sense of powerlessness and unworthiness 95 percent of all manifestations of pride are a cover-up for these conditions you have to understand this pride is rooted in a deep sense or a deep feeling of insecurity fear powerlessness and unworthiness that means if i feel insecure intrinsically if i live in fear if i feel i am powerless and not in control of people or circumstances if i feel unworthy i will have to devise a psychological way of covering that condition the name of that cover-up his pride are we together now yes so that intrinsically largely so may not be always the case but almost always anywhere you truly find pride behind the scenes is an expression of insecurity an expression of fear an expression of powerlessness or lack of control and an expression of unworthiness so people create that psychological cover they try to assume an attitude of boldness intimidate or bully others but behind the scenes ask those who are legal practitioners ask those who operate are security people all around they will tell you when you catch some of these people who are involved in all kinds of societal violence once you sit with them down after dealing with them punishing them when they are sure that destruction is imminent they would break down and start crying and you now tell them but why do you do this and then they will begin to tell you nobody loves me i came from a background where they so most of that thing is a cover-up [Music] an attempt to wrongly manage insecurity and attempt to wrongly manage fear and attempt to wrongly manage a sense of powerlessness and an attempt to manage unworthiness are we together now yes we're dealing with the deceitfulness of pride four or five scriptures and then i will tell you or let me just define pride and then we'll look at these scriptures please write this down three definitions we're looking at pride do not forget our topic tonight the lifting power of true humility the first definition of pride is a lost for the praises of men what is a lost what is lost on ungodly inordinate affinity a lost for the praises of men pride [Music] number two the second definition a high or inordinate opinion [Music] of one's own dignity importance merit or superiority don't worry i'll take it again a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity command importance comma merit or superiority whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in conduct i'll take it one last time pride a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity importance merit or superiority whether cherished in the mind or displayed in conduct please write it and look up you can see that there are two expressions to this definition on one hand it can be a perception that is cherished in the mind it never finds physical visibility and then the second you can it can be vocally expressed in conduct when pride is expressed we call it boastfulness but just because whether pride is expressed or not pride is pride are we together so a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity importance marriage or superiority whether as cherished in the mind or displayed in conduct let me give you my own definition now the third definition what is pride a feeling of being better than others on the strength of one's perception or obvious achievements a feeling of being better than others on the strength of one's perception that means just something that is walked up in your mind or in the presence of obvious achievements a feeling that you are better than others on the strength of your obvious achievement or just something that exists in the realm of your mind so pride the lust for the praises of men number two inordinate opinion of oneself number three the feeling of being better than others the following scriptures number one proverbs chapter 18 and verse 12 very instructive scriptures please let's pay attention the lord is teaching us can we read together as a family of faith if you can see it projected we read one two three before destruction the heart of man is haughty that's another word for pride and before or no is humility wow that means every time you see pride pride is only a john the baptist to something that is coming that before pride before destruction the heart of man is haughty is that true and it says before honor is humility very powerful scripture that anytime you see pride it did not come alone there is something it is dragging with it and what it is dragging is destruction so the end of all who are and remain in pride is destruction scripture number two proverbs chapter 16 verse 18 proverbs chapter 16 and verse 18. the bible again here says pride goes before destruction and a hearty spirit before a fall can you see that now in the mouth of two or three witnesses the bible says the mata is established so pride goes before destruction it means that when satan wants to destroy a man once who destroy a people the first thing that happens is that he introduces pride to their lives and in that state of pride destruction is beginning to form over their lives and their destinies the third scripture proverbs 29 and verse 23. [Music] proverbs 29 and verse 23. i like us to read together if you do not mind ready please read a man's pride shall bring him law but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit one more time please a man's pride shall bring him low but honor shall uphold the humble in spirit this is very powerful many people today i tell you the truth have destroyed enviable destinies because of this danger and this demon and this cancer of pride it has brought down kings it has brought down nobles it has brought down men of god as it has such potent power to destroy a man's future [Music] pride [Music] hallelujah when the devil wants to do that the highest psychological need of all men is a need to be loved to be valued to be celebrated but there are there is men the bible tells us that that state is a state that only leads to destruction let me say this sincerely we live in a celebrity world today we live in a world of superstars nothing wrong with excellent get there it does not matter they just want to get to a position where the whole world can celebrate them in ministry in business in career whatever it is and so people continue to make all kinds of compromises it does not matter what is done or not done the most important thing is this fame i must have it in ministry i found out that when you can prophesy when you can preach well they may say people respect you so it doesn't matter how and where i must make sure that i get to that position most times when people watch a successful person there is this there is this sense of admiration they look at everything they look at your designers if you're wearing one they look at your personal the car they look at everything and most times people just sit and create a world of of of ambition and lost from what they are seeing and they come up with all kinds of false vows and say i must be like this i must do this i must do that and it becomes a negative motivation negative motivation [Music] inordinate affection for the praise of men whether they are lying whether they are flattering you you just want to hear it [Music] this was what destroyed lucifer lucifer the sun of the morning we're going to look at examples of pride from scripture but this is what destroyed that one's sherlock that covert when the lord began to teach me about pride every day till today until tomorrow can i tell you this let me challenge you there are issues that when we are discussing you can easily say ah no no no no no when you talk of character moral excellence can say oh no that's that's me or that that does not concern me when we talk of witchcraft and manipulation oh that does not concern me when we talk about money and other things oh that does not concern me but the subject of pride and humility there is no body these are the kind of teachings that there is no tell them it's a kind of teaching that when they are done from the preacher himself to everybody you cry and roll before god and say lord help me because pride is a killer it has such penetrating power the most fortified heart it can creep into that heart until it destroys you can i tell you this for the sake of this lecture tonight i separated my angles of discussion pride in two number one spiritual pride number two the pride of life let me talk about this they are the two aspects of pride that i see that have almost damaged the lives of people why am i teaching this out of love because this is the condition to access exaltation you want to be exalted in this kingdom there is a mystery that controls it let's look at spiritual pride spiritual pride in the book of revelation the bible when john was caught up in the isle of patmos please look up there were seven churches now theologically speaking those which there were real churches like that scattered across asia minor and there were warnings that were given to those churches but prophetically speaking it was a message to the entire church is that true and one of the churches please turn with me to revelation chapter 3 from verse 14. one of the churches is called the laudacian church the laudacian church received an instruction that is applicable for our lives today and for everyone who wants to remain relevant in the program of god relevant in influence relevant and to consistently be exalted it says anon to the angel of the church of the laodiceans right these things say at the amen the faithful and true witness the beginning of the creation of god he says i know thy works so he's cautioning them now that thou art neither cold nor hot i would that downward cold or hot so then because thou art lukewarm and are neither cold nor hot i will spew thee out of my mouth seventeen because thou say yes what made you cold this is the basis thousands i am rich and increased with goods i have need of nothing i know is not that thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked this year you see is about the most painful rebuke of all the seven churches for the rest you will first commend them you have done this except this just work on this but when it came to the laudacian church there was no commendation it was the road immediately thou sayest i am rich i am increased with goods who does this look like in the bible who made such a statement lucifer himself the laudacian syndrome is a luciferian syndrome i am rich it says increase with goods and have need of nothing and no it's not that thou art wretched miserable poor blind and naked next verse we're reading to 19. i counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mightest be rich and white raymond that down my test be cloth and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear and anoint thy eyes with eyes out that thou may see 19 as many as i love wow can you see that there is a special love he had for the laudacian church that was why he didn't even have time to comment anything he just went straight to rebuke them and at the end he said i'm doing this because i love you as many as i love i rebuke and chasten it says be zealous therefore and repent [Music] luke chapter 18 from verse 11 jesus taught us a very powerful lesson to describe humility and pride three or four verses full of truth from the lips of the master himself ready please look up the pharisees stood and prayed to us jesus is giving um a parable now to explain something and he spoke about two men one a pharisee one an ordinary person the pharisees stood and prayed to us with himself god i thank thee he said that i am not as the other men are this is a man pray now extortionist unjust adulteress or even as this publican he's praying next verse i fast twice in a week everybody says spiritual pride i give tights of all that i possess and the publican standing afar off would not lift up so much as his eyes onto heaven but smote upon his breasts saying god be merciful to me a sinner 14 i tell you this man went down to his house justified rather than the other for everyone that exalted himself shall be abased and he that humbled himself shall be exalted jesus is teaching spiritual pride can i tell you this i can tell you by experience and i can tell you from scripture if god does not help you spiritual growth and spiritual excellence can turn and tilt you to the other side of the pendulum and bring your destruction when you begin to access revelation and insight when god begins to prosper your spiritual work on us i tell you pride if if god does not help you to create a system where you cry before him daily has destroyed many men of god respectfully speaking this has destroyed many great leaders this has destroyed many great business spiritual progress and many times you can grow in revelation grow in power to the point that you are no longer with us step by step and he's still helping us today spiritual pride the moment you feel you are the only one god is using apostle joshua salman it is only in koinonia god is blessing people apostle joshua salman you know while i was preparing this message i had to put my head and rest and think i have said this to you and i say it out of every sense of responsibility truly without exaggeration now it's even more i manage an average of say 800 plus text messages in a day and many of them like this apostle of the most high god i have searched men of god are you if you actually believe that thing like i'm talking to myself now if i actually believe that thing i'm not only stupid but i'm under an attack [Music] [Applause] as as funny and childish as what i'm saying is there are some of you who will believe it absolutely and go out of your way to create systems that reinforce those kinds of things many of us have gathered psychophants in our lives today because they have mastered us that this is what we want to hear even if you are entering the pit you want people who gather around you once they can massage your ego they have access to your life access to your inner circle until you they destroy you and they would turn back and show people that this is where he died listen to me you've heard me say this you know you are being transformed by the holy ghost when there is humility connected to your growth the moment you begin to treat humility for revelation you are in trouble now this i say this with every sense of love and respect this is one of the greatest fear for my generation of ministers you see it in africa one of the biggest mistakes especially with the apostolic and the prophetic ministry in africa generally and world over is that the little that god has done and is doing with our lives is so garnished with a lot of pride it even damages the beautiful thing that is there that is not even much relative to what god wants to do [Music] are we together chances are that because of what god is doing in a ministry like this and how god continues to glorify himself we can go back and begin to destroy ourselves with that sense of pride how do you know you are walking in pride when you believe listen to me when you believe that there are certain things you are the only one who can do and the only one who can bring is the mistake of elijah elijah came to god and said god every other person has deserted you every other person does not like you i am the only one that's a nonsense what are you saying there are seven thousand others how many preachers today we preachers i don't say them we us how many of us preachers today actually sit down and believe that without us god's purposes will fail look at that level of pride there are people who stand and speak as if every other person has backslidden every other person does not love the lord [Music] we must be careful there is destruction that we are programming the one who built the church is still alive and his jealousy will make sure he defends his walk to the end can i tell you this as a man of god i've had the honor and the privilege of meeting people and god many times opens my eyes and i'm able to see these people they themselves do not know how mighty they are in the spirit i shared with you a story one time that i was preaching at a pfm crusade in cano and i was calling people out by word of knowledge ministering to people you know people were watching with wonder the anointing and all kinds of things and then i called this woman out and when the woman came out she was an intercessor and then she told me that every 15 days she finishes her bible a house a bible 15 days without fail and yet they are not on air yet they are not the joshua sermons who sit in front and yet we can have the audacity to believe that we are the only ones god is using not so my brothers god has a mighty army some of them mighty and greater than the joshua sermons you celebrate nobody knows them yet some of them are hiding in the school of the spirit god is using our own life to teach them lessons and train them we must have the maturity the wisdom and the spirituality to know this are you learning something tonight yes [Music] spiritual pride people bully one another across the body of christ today with rhema revelation many people this is what led them into divination and some of these things now pray from prayer groups you go to different campuses now you see things that make you afraid everybody is trying to search for anything once there is greek hebrew and latin and you can join then the spiritual pride that comes from account of prayer prowess once i can pray two hours three hours four hours you can bully others to make it look you are not spiritual then crowd once you have crowd inside and outside we are the only ones god is using brothers and sisters it is not true it is an attack from the pit of hell there is such a thing as spiritual pride the more you see the glory of god can i tell you this the more you are exposed to god i'm telling you the more you see your inadequacy before him and the need to remain humble many times when i enter and i come to sit and i watch people looking at me in my mind i'm just saying oh god [Music] someone was at a pastor's conference it's a story that i heard years ago they were at a pastor's conference ministers were praying and our father and the lord baba devoe was there and when it was time to pray mass prayer everybody was praying and then the man had the opportunity to lie down not too far as he said from baba de boy and pastors were praying lord the grace on this ministry must come upon my life i'm tired of 300 members i'm tired of power and when he came close for more than one hour or so he said all that baba devil was saying is mercy oh god mercy oh god mercy oh god that's how you know people who have grown others who just came lord fire lord bring partners now why do i have this quality of sheep bring people who can help me and and change this and stop this work from being hard someone else is crying and say lord mercy keep me to the end mercy the humility it takes to finish can i tell you this it is a caution that god gave me and i continue to obtain grace from god to stand in partnership with the holy spirit that as he opens new graces and new vistas of spiritual reality that we are patient with people today many people come who are just starting ministry and they come apostle and sometimes they almost want to worship you can i tell you this spiritual pride works in two angles there is the one you create the people who praise you by yourself you praise yourself but there are others you would not create it but when you see it you will sub that you will enjoy it like squeezing an orange until there is nothing is still pride there are times that you have to go out of your way to thank them and say thank you for this but please be careful there are things people want to do in my life today if i'm to allow people do everything they want to do in my life it will almost become another religion people will now almost worship joshua salman ah may i not live to see that deal in the name of jesus christ [Music] looking at me now and following online many of you the devil is already programming this spiritual pride that's what has driven many people to go on 40 days dry 10 days dry you ask them why they tell you no we started ministry with these guys to i can't remain like this and you think it's a very nice motivation no i can't be some of you are listening to me some of you that's what even brought you here and god is looking at the corruption in your heart there's nothing wrong with praying fasting don't get me wrong but that that motif is already dead it's already gone spiritual pride why do you think people go to dabble into all sorts of demonic things it is because people are looking for a name [Music] spiritual pride take it down for me let me think that's in that song the more i know you the more i want to know you jesus more of you [Music] the more i know you the more i want to know you jesus more of you the more i see you the more i want to see you jesus more of you listen historically speaking do you know and i say this with every sense of respect one of god's generals i may not mention his name because i'm speaking to a global audience but one of these generals that was one of the things that brought him down he was a mighty general of god used of god powerfully but he got to a point where people told him you are one of these prophets elijah specifically [Music] and when they said that for a while he said no no no our glory be to god i don't mean the spirit of elijah elijah incarnate you are that elijah that revelation say would come again can i tell you this in the state of pride there is nothing you would not believe that's why it's good to ask god for mercy [Music] i want more of you i want more of you jesus the more i know you the more i want to know you jesus more of you listen and eventually they now made him believe that he was elijah and after a while he started believing it and he went and saw the regalia at that time there was no social media so you would not really know what god was doing at the other side of the world it was at that time that the woman that we call maria woodward eater god now lifted her and when that man heard that god was using someone outside of him he persecuted that woman seriously number one that she was a woman number two who are you for god to use you i'm the only one that god is using here and thank god he served god but he did not finish well the things that are written are full time they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture some of these people have allowed their scars to be seen not to condemn them we honor them in life and even in death for the contribution that they brought but there are lessons for us to learn there is nobody destroyed who starts with the potential of destruction keep going as god is lifting you spiritually apostle joshua salman you know sometimes i watch with shock and wonder it's almost it's even embarrassing as i'm saying it now please forgive me but i mean [Music] people can give you this god like i know it's a sincere way to honor you there's nothing wrong with that except that sometimes people can give you all these descriptions and all this spiritual paraphernalia and if you are not careful you will fall into it with joy joshua salmon i can stand now and begin to pray and the power of god moves in this place and people are blessed [Music] spiritual pride on account of the progress you are making in the spirit on account of the fact that god it has so pleased him by his sheer mercy and grace to lift you to a position where you now represent the voice of god to a generation i warn myself every day god can do without you god can do without you mr man you are a man you are only of god [Music] lord if you're lifting someone in this city don't do it without me don't do it without me lord if you're healing someone in this city please don't do it without me don't do it without me lord if you're changing someone in this city don't do it without me i submit to you by god there are many men of god there are many people who need a retreat fast to go back and break down before god and say my maker and my king everything i ever have it came from you and thank god for the spirit of revelation thank god for the ability to minister healing thank god for the nations who are hearing what we are doing but lord i pray the pride that comes based on spiritual achievements may never never never [Music] while you are saying it you will look like a fool but you are already signing your relevance for the next move of god see this is why you see a lot of people used by god and then a time comes you see another move of god they are still alive and yet you see this is not backsliding it just looks like god says no no no i can't make you do with this again [Music] some of you here are leaders over small prayer groups you are already copying all kinds of nonsense it doesn't matter even if it's from me [Music] we have to be careful the things we're learning pride that destroys people it is at a result of this pride that this honor has crept into the body everybody is correcting everybody someone who has not even started ministry standing at the back of the tree and calling fathers and insulting everybody spiritual pride till today when i have the honor and the privilege of meeting any of our fathers in the faith or anyone who has gone ahead it does not matter what they are saying i sit down quietly as if i do not know anything in ministry i submit to you brothers and sisters and people of god the man talking to you is not stupid by the grace of god forgive me if i sound arrogant i have seen honor i have seen the grace of god i have seen jesus i have stood before kings i know what it means to have spiritual progress god has helped me but the way up is to remain on your knees many of you are simple you are not humble simplicity is not humility [Music] humility is not refusing to acknowledge what god has done in your life no no i remember one time years ago when i finished that preaching someone sent me a text and said i've been calling you and you did not pick i said look they said i'm humble not stupid do you know my activities don't don't let people blackmail you emotionally just because you said you are humble no but can i tell you the truth my brothers and my sisters please listen to me pride based on spiritual achievement god forbid but if i die today i sleep and i do not wake up it will not change what god is doing on earth the church is matching on the church is matching up the gates of air shall not prevent never get to a point in your life where you believe god cannot do without you and he says really no it is a beyond imagination to be part of god's program it is a privilege to help build and bless people it is a privilege to be granted the gift of influence and access it is it is a privilege there are many things today that i know from this scripture i did not study it is the spirit of revelation that brought it i cannot take credit for it there are things have i told you i have seen people who are faster than prayed more than me years ago a gentleman most times when people are fasting sometimes i join them and round it up with them there was a gentleman who fasted for 400 days six to six i rounded up the 400th day with him and yet that person did not carry any power more than the spiritual activities we are doing believe me it is the mercy of god [Music] i know people who have studied more books about church growth than me i know people who have gone to different theological seminaries i know people who have had the opportunity they have so the little and the beats that god does in and through our lives as we accent this mountain spiritually may we ever remain humble and i'm saying this to those who are also leaders in this ministry or leaders all around we have to learn this men can clap for you that is important but you must get to a point where you say this is enough my life is to see jesus glorified because you see there's something the anointing and the glory of god does upon a man it makes it look like you are not human again and when people stand in awe of that glory that majesty the wisdom that comes from god many times they begin to look for sincere ways of expressing honor and appreciation to you you are the one who needs to be wise to know when it has gone beyond honor into something else and to lovingly draw that line and keep that line drawn [Music] are we together everybody says spiritual pride please shout it say spiritual pride god is speaking to us right now there are people who have not been patient with younger ministers as they rise because of pride i've told you this when you are mentoring and raising people part of the responsibility of fatherhood is that you must be able to take a lot of nonsense from people as they are growing you must know and be patient with people the same way god was patient with us [Music] spiritual pride revelation rhema healing prophecy africa i speak to you by the voice of the spirit men and women of god across this nation and across this continent may we obtain grace from god to be humble some of these godlike things we continue to do we need to pray that god will have mercy on us otherwise we'll keep falling like rain one by one at the instance of pride pride based on revelation pride based on oratory pride based on prophetic prowess pride based on the miraculous pride based on wisdom pride based on all of these things anything spiritual except the lord beauty house the labor in vain that build it except the lord watches over a city the watchmen watch it but in vain it is vain to wake up early and to sleep late in the night only to eat the bread of sorrow so you want to keep growing spiritually you want to keep accessing supernatural levels of power let every lifting that god brings in your life culminate to a greater level of humility lord i am so honored that you have granted me this access sometimes when i'm sitting before the lord in the night and some of these revelations come tears just come out of my eyes and i say lord thank you thank you thank you you have been merciful to me and i'm grateful jesus you love me too too much so too much oh excess love oh [Music] jesus you love me too much [Music] spiritual pride the second area of pride is god helping us [Music] tonight's message is hard bar just receive it with love it is it is the way we make the maker is making men [Music] the second aspect of pride is called the pride of life please write it down first john chapter 2 and verse 16 what is the pride of life the pride of life is the self-exaltation [Music] you see that that on that inordinate feeling of importance that that that not confidence self-exaltation based on obvious achievements the pride of life is for people who have achieved something tangible if you have not achieved anything you can have pride but not the pride of life the pride of life is the self-glorification that is derived in the presence of obvious achievements you have results to show for it first john 2 16 for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the world the pride of life jeremiah chapter 9 from verse 23 to 24 the prophet speaking by the spirit admonishes us though saith the lord let not the wise man glory in his wisdom it does not mean to not celebrate your wisdom you know what pride is the refusal to acknowledge god as the basis for your success the refusal the ashamedness the moment you are embarrassed to let people see jesus as the basis for your victory you want to so enjoy that spotlight you don't want god to interrupt this spotlight lord i've waited all my life to shine and now that the spotlight is on me jesus get out of the way let me not have any interruption let me enjoy and suffer the moment [Music] let not the wise man glory in his wisdom neither the mighty man glory in his might let not the rich man uh-huh glory in his riches what is the pride of the believer 24 but let him that glorious glory in this that he understand understanded and knowed me that i am the lord which exercised loving kindness judgment righteousness in the earth for in these things i delight sayed the lord everyone say the pride of life this is where all other groups now come in politicians successful people businessmen god intends to lift us but we must be careful our world has a very superior architecture they can design a house where you will die when you rise they will consciously we may not know i've arrived we call it i don't know what i've arrived that's the one i know are we together count you know what made the rich man foolish read the bible it was not his money the problem was not the rich the problem was the fool you know what made him foolish he built his bands and stored and god said today your soul is required of you [Music] my father used to tell us many years ago that no matter who you are no matter where you go to make sure you fight pride i think is one of the most most outspoken virtue that he pounded in our heads growing pride [Music] may god bless him for this in the name of jesus christ [Music] pride my power and my might i am this i made this happen you hear people make all kinds of statements i've taught you that everything comes from god through men pride is when men want to become the source of everything i can lift you i can do this i can frustrate you we have to be careful there is a god that sits in heaven the monarch of the universe [Music] so whilst you achieve all that you achieve using these keys that we keep sharing as god lifts you as god blesses you at god as god honors you make sure that you unashamedly stand before god and before men and tell them the lord is the doer of these things you hear the testimonies week in week out all of the mighty and marvelous things if god has done anything good in and through this life and in and through this ministry and in and through any life here he deserves the glory so when men clap for you appreciate them but be sure to point them to the one who is the doer of every good thing and god says you had a chance to stand and suffer this moment and you are directing people to me you are ready for the next level let's go and he will lift you fearfully help those under the anointing their place fearfully to another level this is one of the secrets and one of the graces that i prayed for and i continue to pray for deuteronomy chapter eight from verse eleven deuteronomy chapter eight remember he gave them a warning is the lord speaking to you tonight he gave a warning beware that thou forget not the lord thy god in not keeping his commandments and his judgments and his status which i commanded this day next verse lest when thou has eaten and are full you see something happens to people when they are not hungry again hunger is not the best but he has a way of making you to remember your maker is that true when you are trekking it's easy to pray in tongues while you are trekking when you don't have a job you have something to wake up in the night and pray for in the name of jesus this spirit you fought my father my love me you can pray till morning when you are trusting god for some breakthrough but when this happens there is something about men being fooled remember the five times the five loaves and two fish they were hungry and they listened what happened when they were full they threw everything and went away there's no record in the bible of them telling jesus thank you they left he said no problem leave them gather my crumbs for me 12 baskets the same people who were once hungry lest when thou has eaten are not full one level and has built houses and dwell daring next verse and when your herds and flocks multiply and thy silver and gold is multiplied you see the keyword there multiplied multiplied and all that thou has is multiplied then thy heart shall be lifted up that's the bible's definition of pride when your heart is lifted up no longer your hands again it used to be your hands lifted up but when you become proud your heart is lifted up and thou forget the lord thy god which brought thee forth out of the land of egypt from the house of bondage uh-huh who led thee through that great and terrible wilderness wearing were fiery serpents and scorpions and drought and where there was no water who brought the fourth water out of the rock of flint 16 who fed thee in the wilderness with manna which thy fathers knew not that he may humble thee that he might prove thee to do the good at thy latter end 17 and thou say in thy heart the classic definition of pride the pride of life my power and the might of my hand has gotten me this world my connection is what gave me this electoral victory my business connection i am such an astute businessman you will tell yourself i am such a great preacher [Music] let it not be that when this has happened and men continue to clap for you you say my power and my might pride therefore is the refusal to acknowledge god before men as the doer of every good thing in your life either directly or indirectly usual passion an unusual passion for the attention of men an unusual passion for self-glorification a desire for men to keep singing your sing your praises or to sing it to yourself is pride that there is such a craving for attention once the spotlight is not on you there is trouble is unusual craving for the spotlight to be the person there it doesn't matter what else let the light the darkness be on everybody but once it is on me that's it [Music] maybe i just described someone here maybe you are outside following online from whatever nation and the lord is saying this is you don't fight what he's saying the goal of god's word is to purify the washing of the water by the word the craving there are people who go out of their way to make sure that they ring bells to make sure everybody knows what is they are doing you buy a new shoe the whole world must know you bought a new shoe is that true you bought a new bible they must first see how the old one was very old then they see the new one to show you are spiritual some of these things are unnecessary please hear me say heart teaching tonight but is the holy ghost speaking to you symptoms of pride what is the symptom of pride embarrassment listen the moment you begin to become embarrassed to acknowledge god publicly is a symptom of pride before god lifted you you could kneel down and lie down and roll on the floor but right now you are you make sure you are calculated i i can't let this my this my expensive cloth on the ground even god knows that it's not cheap the ones that i bought it the amount that i know he saw me roll on the ground with that one and god says this is for me the 24 elders take up their golden crown not not rubber crown not metallic crown golden crown they drop it on the ground and they say holy holy holy that's what keeps them as elder so the day they stop doing that they are no longer elders that's what keeps them as elders holy to him who sits on the throne they don't worship everybody in heaven the one to be worshipped is clear to him who sits on the throne [Music] the pride of life nothing wrong with getting all the good things can you stand in front of your mansion and roll on the ground before god and say lord you are the doer of this let men devils and angels know that if it had not been the lord by my side now may israel say god is increasing your ministry and you stand before men i'm not talking of shake faking and carrying a form of pride whereas if humility and your heart is proud know that you can sincerely you see people can discern the purity of what you are doing you can stand here and be saying oh god you are the door and people know that it's just talk in your heart you are saying i'm the doer there is absolutely nothing that you see happening in this house by the grace of god that would not happen if i'm not here it's a privilege to receive and to spearhead what god is doing it's a revelation we must have some of us money has brought a lot of pride there's nothing wrong with having money but many times pride money i have millions i have estates thank god congratulations we appreciate and respect you for paying that price to have this but can i tell you 10 minutes without breathing and all that thing it is wicked people who fight to fight while you are gone [Music] realize the brevity of life outside of the help of god it is it is when you wake up in the morning you can think of doing real estate it is when you wake up in the morning you can think of preaching if he did not wake me this morning there will be no rhema there will be no revelation there will be no coinolonia so you can say thank you jesus before men and they say why are you following our hand we know that you're an intelligent person you're a professor for excellence and you say the fact that my brain is working i don't make the brain walk i only read through a brain that is working the one who made the brain walk is the one who deserves the glory can i tell you this many of us i'm sharing with you a secret that's why you found out that you stopped rising a long time ago go back to that place where you started with god roll on the floor and say jesus you are the one who i repent forgive me for the foolishness of forgetting about you i started thinking about my titles every time i see anything good whether it's a text whether whatever it is that people do i just stand before him and i say lord you know you see my heart i never had plans for anything if you never bless me if you never gave me ministry i am still grateful but that you have done this i returned back i'm telling you sincerely and i'm only saying this because i'm teaching on this i return back every time from the miracle service or from any service once i'm done and all things are done i get down on my knees and i say father you have done it again thank you thank you thank you thank you while i'm saying it text messages are coming from all over the world mighty man of god i said lord that is dedicated to you they are just trying to say you are great what they are trying to say is galatians 1 24 and they glorified god in me but lord i'm like a host as that glory is passing may no devil trap it and kill me down there let it pass and go to him who is due all the glory all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you oh god all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to you please help us all the glory belongs [Music] all the glory belongs to you all god one more time all the glory belongs all the glory belongs to you hear me no matter who you are and no matter what god gives you if you are flying a private jet you are not the wind that is holding the jet you only had money to buy it from a man who manufactured it i'm not being sarcastic i'm only challenging you if you win an election as you sit down on that seat while people are clapping just tell them thank you excuse them out lock the door of your office and roll on the ground say lord i knew that i would have lost this election you are the doer and god says because you have done this i vow that you will remain here and anybody that tries to fight you i will scatter them into pieces god helps you as a man of god every sunday you come if you see one member that comes to share what god has to say give god thank you [Music] if i come here and i find 10 people i will preach with the same fire and the same passion i stand before the god who called me and i'm telling you this it's not about the crowd no it is an honor to talk to one person about jesus to make an altar call and to be in partnership with the holy ghost to save lives listen to me the car you have in your house came by his mercy the house you have came back is mercy i have houses in europe i have houses in america congratulations there are people who have houses but they are mad today their brains are not coordinated again to even travel there as the houses they have everywhere their prayers for survivor lord let me leave [Music] i tell you this the most dangerous thing about pride is not that you will be fought the most dangerous thing about pride is who will fight you the bible says god resisted if men fight you you can go to god and say my father my maker men are disturbing me if demons fight you you can go to god and say these three once again you can use his name if god finds you will you use his name to cast him the name of the lord is the highest and if the one the owner of the name is fighting you every other altar will join him to fight you too can i tell you this let me tell you how you know god is fighting a man everything fights him too you when everything is fighting you i care for me the hand of god is there resisting you everything favor will fight you good things will fight you prophecy will fight you it is dangerous for god to be against a man [Music] lord you gave me this beauty i'm a beautiful woman beautiful lady and god says nonsense if you die your beauty will not resurrect you you acknowledge him lord i am a great man is because i'm intelligent that's why companies are calling on me and god says nonsense it is not of him that we let no of him that run it but of the lord that showed mercy i share with you a secret he's one of the graces that walk in this house sometimes we see people say apostle you are humble you are sinful and i say my humility it didn't come from my background just like that it's a revelation i am aware that god can fight a man it is dangerous to be at the other side of that battle [Music] rewards of humility we're about to pray please sit down and write this down [Music] rewards of humility proverbs chapter 22 and verse 4 please never forget this scripture [Music] can we read it together proverbs 22 and verse 4. are you ready one to read by humility and the fear of the lord are riches and honor and life one more time by humility and the fear of the lord are riches and unknown are you saying that riches is not the same as honor you can have riches and not have honor you can have riches and honor and not have life there is a relationship between untimely death and pride there is a relationship between humility and longevity [Music] james chapter 4 from verse 6 then we go to verse 10 james 4 but he giveth more grace one of the blessings there wherefore he said god resisted the proud but given grace unto the humble please go to verse 10. humble yourselves in the sight of the lord koinonia and he shall lift you up that's where the secret is koinonia humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he shall lift you up apostle joshua sermon humble yourself in the sight of the lord and he shall lift you up man of god businessman politician whoever and wherever humble yourself in the sight of the lord and there is a reward for it he will lift you so when you see a people who you never see their end they have mastered this ladder this lift called humility what is humility it is not denying what god has done in your life vocally publicly intentionally continually as the basis that when it's all said and done more than your intellect more than your business the doer of every good thing that's humility so you can stand before your estates you can stand before all of your credentials and all of that you can stand before the prosperity the bank accounts carrying the billions world over wonderful they are only profitable when you stand and say lord it is not unto these things but unto you i lift my hands and i lift my voice and i will let the world know that it is because of you that these things are before me we are not ashamed to tell the world today world over that jesus is the reason for what we call koinonia today joshua salman is nothing without him koinonia is nothing without him it's one thing to have the ability to preach and teach and heal and minister but it's another thing for god to draw people from world over to come and listen and to submit to the grace of god committed to you man of god never get to a point in your life where you become too big to acknowledge jesus thank god for all of these little things here and there the security that help for i tell you i have a confession you ask the protocol department and the security people this is my fight with them they are doing their job professionally but if it's up to me i went to this place you would not know if i have a way of just entering there to carry my bible once it's time i just appear here and preach and disappear i will do it with joy it's just that there are some levels in life no matter what happens there's nothing you can do about it i know that while some of you watch all these things some of you are admiring it and that's what drives you be careful god is warning you now god is warning you now god is warning you now you are laughing but god is serious god is warning you now read yourself from all of these lusts you will be celebrated for sure nations will call you blessed for sure but let them be the one to clap while you punch them to jesus forever jesus will remain glorified in my life glorified in this ministry and glorified in your life also that when men look at you and say from whence comment this lifting others are saying there is a casting down what is happening to your business that you are rising in lips and bounds i just hear you open the new office you don't just laugh and say well say it again no don't say they know tell them you are the doer jesus i acknowledge you and they say please leave those spiritual things what did you do i tell them no no no i will not leave it this is how it happened i don't know how it happened for others what is the secret to this your peace your children are well behaved everybody is respectful god says because they know me go and ask them how disciplined their father and their mother [Music] am i wasting your time can i tell you this you've heard me say it when i had this encounter with the lord where he taught me the lifting power of humility this was what the lord told me son if you will let men see me there is nothing i will not give you this is what god told me [Music] ah for men to see you that's that's fine john chapter 3 and verse 30 must be the lesson that everybody takes home today as far as humility is concerned he must increase but i must decrease decrease does not mean diminished decrees does not mean go back no that you exalt him how do you know you are humble when men look at you they remember jesus not you when men look at you they know they see all the miracles they see the signs and the wonders they see god lifting you and all they can say is lord you are a wonder when men look at you and it's only your praises they sing something is wrong with your approach [Music] for everything god has done in this life for everything god has done in this ministry truly to him be the glory to him be the glory to him be the honor no man on earth should give glory to himself all the glory [Music] listen let me show you what humility does you stand here lord you are the lifter of my heart i give you all the praise and god says you have done this at this level you don't have a car you don't have a bike you are not doing anything and you are acknowledging me let's go higher you don't know that the ultimate goal is to take you there once you are here people say my god you are already at this level and the holy spirit you say remember what you did when you were here do it again he's giving and pride you said i'm comfortable i mean now you can see me and some people remain here forever till they find out they're already down here again [Music] but some other people stand here and while people are looking at you you are even you are distracted you are not distracted by what they are doing they call you all kinds of names daddy apostle whatever thank god for those things but your attention is with jesus are you ready for this he lifts you to the next level you became a governor you became a senator you became a man of god now he trusted you one branch two branch two branches three branches he now helped you and you say lord even at this point may the nation see you through my life and men look at you as it be honest jerry enjoy this thing enjoy this moment and sometimes you can be distracted and then he calls you back i have other people who need to rise if you want to make this space vacant i will fight you to make it vacant and lift others and you say no no i remember how you brought me and he will still find you in the night rolling [Music] and since you are ready he will move you to another one when he moves you you will not be alone you'll find other people that he moved there too they will now start distracting you let's focus on laughing at those who are down and you tell them i don't know how you got here but me i know how god brought me here and i will not be distracted many times when you are up here it looks like there are other people below you less gossip less mock let's push them let's fight anybody who wants to calm down there are people who remain here for 30 years until they start going down by the time they are 50 they are back here you say i thought i used to know you here they say condition is a lie the part of the just is as a shining light when your tomorrow becomes greater becomes worse than your yesterday it is pride a man's tomorrow should not be like this no you know people who are walking in humility because you'll never see them at the last level you saw them you are right here at this point people are already calling you things papa if you're in ministry you are mentoring people everybody they are just blessing you inviting you around the whole world you are in hotels you are having all kinds of cars jeeps you are enjoying everything zero and then one night if god wants to help you he will call you and say my son i'm still waiting for you where we used to meet before don't distract me oh god the spotlight is on me this was what i looked for growing up this was what i wanted people said i would not make it now that i've made it let me stand so that i can sever the moment and it says my son we still have other heights to climb don't stop here but there are others may you be part of them tonight in my life be glorified be glorified in my life be glorified be glorified you got the glory you got the praise you'll take the honor i just wanna say thank you you got the glory you get the prayers you take the honor i just wanna say thank you while you are busy singing this song and living this song with your life man will open your eyes and find you here you are standing with kings and nations and they say we used to know him humility has a lifting power it will shift your background shift your gender shift what men said they can say while you rise they can talk while you are leaving i tell you this the end of a man who is truly humble cannot be predicted by any mortal man on edge there is no prophet there is no apostle whose eye can see as far as a man with humility can go only god can tell the end of a humble man just when you think he has attained that god now lifts him again to another season hear me we're about to pray the lord brought you to church tonight to show you that there is a secret men do not just rise god is the lifter of men are you ready to pray let me give you one key you have to write this down one key what is the key to humility the key to humility is found in deuteronomy chapter 8 and verse 18. please our global family the body of christ as many who will follow this do not forget [Music] there are eight words that i want you to remember for the rest of your life as the key to humility the a part thou shalt remember the lord thy god but thou shalt remember not just the lord thy god hear me one of the greatest keys to humility is remembrance remember where god took you from and remember who took you if you can remember where god took you from and you can remember who took you you have mastered the key to beating life at his game believe me [Music] when david stood before goliath goliath said am i a dog that you are coming to me with this thing he said god who delivered me i remember success has a way of eroding your memory that's why there are certain pains and certain things that around you is looking for favor and you can never hear people who tell you the truth again times will come you will have to be your own counselor let yesterday be your counselor remember how god lifted you man of god remember once upon a time you had no church no reputation politician remember once upon a time you tracked without shoes every time men forget [Music] they stop moving forward remember remember remember this is what i do all the time let me speak to someone here keep the memory of your pain now you will need it tomorrow don't waste your pain your pain is a miracle the scar listen the injury on your hand today is what will keep you when you sit on the throne till today jesus still has the scar the scar reminds him of his love for man again every time you see that scar you remember [Music] every time god did one dress things to the nation of israel listen to me he gave them instructions he says find the way of archiving this if your children ask you and say why are you doing this tell them oh israel you forgot too soon that for 430 years you were in the land of slavery now you've begun to build idols one of the ways that god brings men to humility when they forget him is to lift his hand and you will see what the devil does in your life every time people were proud he gave them over to their enemies it's in your bible africa could just be while we are going through what we are going through nigeria could this be what we are going through if my people who are called by my name was the first thing they do not pray not pray we have been praying we have been praying humble themselves [Music] it is not because the arm of the lord is too short man of god it does not take god anything to expand your ministry it does not take anything for the anointing you desire if it's prosperity i dare to tell you there are enough destiny helpers enough ideas enough systems and structures for god to lift you read your bible and see the lifting power of god when you become at the center stage of your life forget about the hand of god i remember remember your goodness i remember remember your love i remember remember your faithfulness i remember remember your grace [Music] i remember a time in my life when i was going to preach no bike no nothing it was raining i remember trekking in the rain while the rain was pouring on me i was praying in tongues and going for the meeting and look what he's done today and then you forget keep that memory that's what god will use to remind you oh billionaire remember that one time you were soaking gary and you drink and say to die [Music] to the lord be all the glory but today you have chains of restaurants around the world oh let it never enter your heart oh god anything you give me let it stay outside me sit in your position alone jealously guarded by my passion for you don't think i wasted your time tonight i gave you the key to the next level some of you as a company you need to do this go back to god tomorrow when you go to work tell the people to excuse you a bit lock that door and kneel down and say father you may even need to pray your local dialect maybe it will give you room to express it more and say god of heaven you are the one who has shown me mercy forgive me if for any reason i joined an association of unwise people and i started forgetting you in the name of celebrating success be careful with some of these groups and associations they may not be wrong but we must be careful because some of them mislead us into feeling embarrassed that is the lord [Music] once upon a time you could not afford a good shoe but now you can even buy the whole boutique oh please do not forget thou shalt remember remember yesterday and remember the lord remember yesterday and remember the lord take this message and give anybody you know and you love sincerely use it to train your children if god has blessed you and you're a blessed man with substance sit your children down don't just show them the money tell them the stories tell them young boys you have the privilege to eat anything you eat today and travel around the world but it was not always like that i came from a family where we had to use well to use well to draw water out god began to help me if the only thing i give you people is money i've destroyed you [Music] this is the mistake and i say finally before we pray most leaders in africa and nigeria making this mistake we are not giving those who look up to us the stories we are only giving them the rewards so a young man now does not know that ministry needs stamina and endurance and pain why because he just came and received impartation received maybe three or five cars and had his mentor spiritual father come and stand as a leverage to speak for him an increase is coming and he can look and be laughing at people and say shame on you five years no membership because of that leverage pain is a gift make sure you give those you really love don't inflict pain on them the testimony of your pain i mean share it with them let them know that once upon a time you fasted and prayed that this anointing did not just drop because you read your bible and tell them the privilege you now enjoy do not abuse it carelessness comes when process is not known when people ignore process the result is carelessness i'm going to give us two three minutes i don't know how you are going to cry before god i will do my own here the next two three minutes you are just going to say lord if ever my heart is lifted forgive me show me mercy tonight and grant me grace pray you don't have to kneel down or lie down just cry before your makeup please no movement around this is a serious moment go ahead and pray [Music] majesty [Music] your grace has found me just as i am empty-handed but alive in your hands your mind you see my forever i'm changed by your lover [Music] just remember in one minute remember where his majesty took you from dear man of god their apostle and their prophet their pastor and their evangelist their politician their academician their millionaire their billionaire their elder statesman their father their parents remember where he took you from dear students their great man thank you jesus oh thank you jesus thank you jesus for your mercy for your goodness thank him if you have to cry cry if you have to sing sing just a minute or two and we are done let him know that i am still your boy oh god [Music] i'm still the one you lifted i'm still the one you helped still the one you blessed [Music] i'm here to say how much i love you [Music] i'm here to say how much i adore you lord i'm not here to complain about my many struggles by your spirit and your grace i'm confident you'll solve them but i'm here to say it i love you i'm here to say i adore you i'm here to say [Applause] [Music] lord as men look at our lives may they see you as men look at our lives oh may they see you it is easy to see the glamour it is easy to see the anointing it is easy to see the spirituality and the results it is easy to see the achievements [Music] but lord tonight we declare [Music] that we love you we're wrapping up [Music] and we need our hands lifted up we will worship our king and we need our hands lifted up we come before you rejoice with our hands lifted up to the sky and the world wonders why we just tell them we loving our king oh we just [Music] now i can pray for you you don't have to kneel please just stand now i can pray for this grace that brings exaltation i have seen it i know it works believe me there is a grace that lifts there is a grace that grants you access to kings to systems to structures there is a grace that enthrones beyond your wildest imagination many of us here have been lifted we have tested of honor and glory we have seen the help of god but i submit to you that at any level there is still more there is still more there is still more lord may we never forget may the nation see that you are the lifter the blesser the anointer the one who prospers may the mundane things in this life never get into us to turn our hearts and our minds away from you may we be ever conscious and now i pray for everyone here under the sound of my voice i pray for our global family i pray for you who is a man of god who has been trusting god for lifting i pray for you who is a businessman who is at a defining moment you've been praying for lifting i pray for politicians members of parliament those in government those in ministry those trusting god to lift even financially there is grace i have seen this grace walk i have seen it work wonders and therefore in the name of jesus christ as instructed by god i stretch my hands over everyone here the grace that lifts the grace that exalts even through humility may that grace rest upon you now may that grace rest upon you now [Applause] hear me for some of you this is the beginning of the fulfillment of prophecy all the things you saw in your dreams god was waiting for you to hear this sermon before the angels are activated because where god is taking you you need this message to remain therefore i declare now that you have heard it i call upon my god and your god father in a fearful way begin to lift people from tonight spiritually things financial liftings intellectual liftings ministerial liftings in the name of jesus christ access to systems access to the hearts of kings may that grace come upon you now never will you call for help and be left alone again in the name of jesus christ hear me anyone who is due for promotion of all sorts and has been kept by reason of any capacity in the name that is above all lanes may this grace come upon you and lift you to a sign only wonder [Applause] those in ministry call laborers in the gospel i stand in agreement with you that in the name of jesus everything that has stunted the growth of your churches your ministries your ministerial platforms by the power that raise christ from the dead receive this grace and rise [Applause] some of us have been at the same level for a long time you have not gone down but you've not gone up either i pray for you by this grace ye have encompassed this mountain long enough rise up now in the name of jesus [Applause] hear me any spirit that has taken advantage of pride in your life to keep you down have that gentleman any spirit that has cooperated with your ignorance in this area some of you may have been arrogant based on this psychological thing it's just your passion to prove a point your passion to be known and to be celebrated any spirit that has taken advantage of you by the blood of the eternal covenant i cast those spirits out of your life out of your destiny out of your destiny in the name of jesus christ [Applause] therefore i declare over your life no more stagnation age long doors that have refused to open in the name of jesus we swing them open now [Applause] hear me whatever has stunted your office your business the works of your hands every manifestation of pride that has come through you directly or indirectly all has come from your children and even those who are raising spiritually or otherwise i pray may the mercy of god speak for you grace to walk in true humility receive that grace grace to acknowledge jesus as the source and the only source of your rising may that grace be released upon you hear me any association in your life that seeks to distract you from acknowledging jesus and anything that is planted in your heart that makes you ashamed of letting the nations know that he is a lifter i command it out of your heart now but thou shalt remember the lord thy god but thou shalt remember the lord thy god but thou shalt remember the one who lifted the one who blessed that grace comes upon you now [Applause] hear me some of you it will not reach the next one week you will return back with strange testimonies of gospel i say this to you by the god of heaven some of you before next sunday you will stand here to share share some testimonies of the living power of humility by this grace those that were once open and are now closed may they be reopened again [Applause] in the name of jesus please wave your hands and give him praise thank you father let the name of the lord be glorified wave your hands give him praise in the name of jesus christ just a moment let me make the altar call please keep standing everyone let's honor those who are coming now you are in this place the greatest proof of pride is to refuse to acknowledge god alongside that refusal to pray is pride because it's proof that you do not need the assistance of heaven refusal to study the world wherever you are you are in this auditorium around the balcony or outside i want you to run right now and come and stand before me we have just one minute for you god bless you as you come run leave your seat and come don't let the devil deceive you and say i don't want people to see me come to jesus christ are you celebrating salvation [Music] don't let anybody stop you where you are leave them and come come to jesus [Music] come to jesus come come young and old are like god those who are following online following from whatever tv station following from any nation i'd like you to be prepared right now open your heart before jesus christ and pray this prayer as we leave these people our family here in prayer make sure you connect pray and those who will be watching this later on when you get to this part of the video the recording make sure you join to pray please come join them we have one more minute apostle i'm not sure if i'm saved or not run and join them so you can be short tonight i love the things of god but i'm not sure if i'm safe join them join them please if you're coming rush quickly quickly we're out of time come come as you are the maker is about to make you the lifter is about to leave you coinonia can you celebrate them [Music] hallelujah please you are joining them come very quickly now look at me i salute sincerely every one of you who has come here you have come before jesus himself the mediator of the new covenant some of you are crying don't be ashamed of your tears he's able to give you a new beginning this is a family that loves you passionately and no man condemns you he's able to give you a new beginning lift your right hand hi to the heavens allow the tears to come don't be ashamed young and old i honor you for the courage to come the business of jesus is a personal thing it's not just a corporate thing it first starts as a personal decision just help those under the anointing help them please i want you to say this after me but i want you to mean it jesus is here and he's ready to receive you and to give you a new beginning every one of us had to make this decision and i'm telling you that the bible says whosoever will come to him he will in no wise cast away save time and let it be loud and clear from your heart you are saying it before jesus christ your maker lord jesus tonight i have heard your word i humble myself before you i ask you for mercy for cleansing i believe that you are the son of god i believe that you died for me you rose again for my justification tonight i receive eternal life into my spirit i receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness and i declare that i reign in life the power of sin satan hell and the grave is broken over my life from today i am born again i am a child of god i walk in victory amen keep your hands lifted father thank you thank you we remain ever grateful for the work of salvation just help us under the anointing father we present to you these ones that jesus has brought to himself it's an honor to stand to midwife this eternal process lord i pray according to the authority of scripture that their sins are forgiven and that they begin a new journey with jesus i decree and declare by the power of the holy spirit that you rise from glory to glory i commend you to the ministry of the word and the ministry of the holy spirit in the name of jesus christ i decree and declare let it be a new beginning to for you from today you go forward ever and backward never the door of yesterday is closed forever and you begin to make progress no guilt in life and no fear in death jesus is your victory be blessed and be lifted in jesus name i pray amen and amen congratulations now there is a counselor please look at me all of you thank you i celebrate you there's a counselor waving his hands please all of you just follow them in concert just a minute or two they'll just have your details and i praise you and you'll be back to your seat let's honor them as they go please celebrate them celebrate them be careful as you walk with the crimes [Music] [Applause] are you celebrating this harvest going on here [Music] all takes me home here in the love of christ i'll stand [Music] i pray for everyone here in the name of jesus may the lord honor you [Music] and the lord bless you in the mighty and muchless name of jesus christ to announce to all that friday we'll be having the miracle service in zaria so our zarya family i'll be coming there we'll be having a miracle service and sunday will be a miracle service here for the month of august praise the name of the lord listen believe me sunday here will be an extraordinary experience you are going to be receiving things from heaven that will change your life in proportions that you have not seen invite everyone you know and love come on time if there is no space if you have to climb the roof sit down there but just make sure that you encounter the power of god to heal to save to deliver to give you direction and to bring you comfort and peace but for now may the lord bless you in the name of jesus may the hand of the lord rest upon you this week beginning is a week of victory for you you go from glory to glory you're excelling in your spiritual life in the name of jesus christ the lord multiplies your honor multiplies your influence he keeps you away from anything that will destroy your destiny and i pray that you keep going from glory to glory in the name of jesus christ now after the grace if you can hug one another greet someone by your left and right after the grace and then you tell them but thou shalt remember the lord thy god that is your take home tonight god bless you let's share the grace the grace of our lord jesus christ the love of god the sweet fellowship of the holy spirit let it rest and abide with us now forevermore amen god bless you and see you on sunday [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all the glory belongs to you all the glory belongs to [Music] all the glory belongs to you [Music] god oh [Music] say me [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] yes [Music] you have yeah me [Music] [Music] hey is [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 3,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: 4lyitFfGDBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 175min 18sec (10518 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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