A Time of Refreshing (Wednesday's Edition) - February 24, 2021

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i can't take a heart that's broken make it over again [Music] we are asking you lord god for lord give us mighty god of daniella we are out to you almighty god the stretch what you want says money in our oh god we have done the wickedly god we have done wrong mighty god of daniella but we come further up to you to have mercy upon us god according to your loving kindness i'll call you multitude of your tender mercy oh god blocked out our transgression oh god oh god we are sin against you you only have sinned against your god and we have done this even your sight father oh god we acknowledge our sins father and we have prayed mighty god of daniel for mercy oh god to wash this land to wash our people god don't cleanse us from all unrighteousness father so let us lay aside my god the sin and the way that jesus said to us oh god and run the rest of passion looking unto jesus christ the old and the bishop of faith almighty god of daniela include your years and years this morning open your eyes by god and be all the desolation oh god of this nation and the people are called by your neighbor we need to present you with some vocation before you're this morning for righteousness god but for great mercy father lord hear and forgive our lord here and okay now lord he already but not father for your name said father what a city my god other people almighty god are called by your name my god oh god touchdown in jamaica father block with your people this morning oh god black he does father i must walk across your will this morning oh god remember the world is money you know remember the united states of america lord god remember united states this morning you know remember the president god you're fighting lord that we lift him up before your father all the presidents of the world lord god covered with your blood cover the president this morning come by him and your blood mighty god come with those who working with your wife just father we lift him up before your god oh god we pray that you might straighten our ima we're praying that you might keep him and proceeding oh god lord god united states of america a great country holy ghost a great country my god represent them before you responding on the leaders my god as a living sacrifice this morning all you're acceptable to your father let it be conformed by god but she and jeremiah share the thought let us seek you lord god let me realize my god that is a god to glorify you now there is a god to praise our rock of abortion remember you know cause synchro touch the america by god touch the nation father touch the father bring the your god let us seek your lord let that border get jesus let them cry out unto your father for mercy mighty god of daniella oh mighty god of daniela oh god united states of america lord god many of us have family dear father oh that so many are diana thousands of those that are dying because of the corona virus but we lift them up before your father and we send him god hell father hey holy ghost almighty god the goddess of god and the faithful viola from among the children of maine and we are calling out to jesus this morning save this world serve this world father serve your people mighty god of daniella save us from our sinful way my god let us realize that we can come oh we can come to you mighty god you say come on to be here eat a labor and i'll be late then and i will give you rest you say take my yoke about me yeah and learn of me while me can learn in order and you shall find rest of your soul but my yoke is easy and my burn is lighter your calling meant to come come before it's too late we are praying my god that you may touch the country of this world touch them in russia god touch them in italy touch almighty god in russia touch the mighty god in germany touch them in china my god torture me dutch i'm in ukraine mighty god of daniel touch them lord god we are calling out for you god don't touch the countries are the nation of this world almighty god of daniel taylor touchdown and father almighty god pakistan my god oh rock of the mercy in the mighty god of daniella all the country of the world my god represent them before you god remember israel further remember mighty god of daniel south africa south korea remember spain mighty god of daniel the philistine bacon secretary remember praise almighty god of daniel the countries of this world god the 1995 oh god i will place something for you this morning and we ask you almighty god to remember them to remember the people god they are your people father that belongs to you we have no mind you have no power against this great quran and now come upon us lord god bless our eyes open you lord we are looking out to the hands ah probably coming to our head for our help coming from the lord which made you heaven and earth you will not suffer my secorabasia i want foot to be moved this morning lord marcos sia brilliant do you all this morning and i brought corona virus your god breath are you almighty god we're pulling over we're this morning father bring the yoke this morning and deliver your people almighty god of daniella oh jesus remember the premise of jamaica this morning representing before your god oh god represent the leader of the opposition before your father oh god we act almighty god of daniel to breathe upon them this morning prime minister and your oldest mighty god of daniel read upon ima mark gold and breed upon them father come for the parliament god cover them the senator the consular the kia cheeker god as your word together mighty god to bring down this quran almighty god so many people are suffering today god the hospital is full god no room father because of this virus my god but we are crying not forever we are crying out for mercy we are desperate god we are desperate this morning we are desperate for help god we can't help ourselves we don't know what to do but we are calling upon jesus oh marcos secretary mighty michael luxer weapon of war we are called over you god to fight for us this morning fight for us father fight for us god stretch out your hands this morning stretch it over this nation my god as we live from jamaica as we lift up the holy ghost to find 195 countries and the leaders of those countries father lord god they are dinah they are faith in lord god and there is nothing these mighty men can do but we know there is a god who sits in local sacrament in the name it's jesus and he can do all things this morning so lord god have your way father the world is in your hands the nation is in your hands this morning touch the nation father as we lift up our past and be shot before you this morning and we ask your god to breathe upon the man of god we actually say take prayer meanwhile this morning oh god cover him under your blood cover the ministers and your blood cover mr davis and your blood lord that the service is in your hands oh god and we pray your blessing this morning as we give you thanks in jesus name we pray amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah could you please stand hallelujah hallelujah let me praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah let me praise your god let me give you god thanks to say give your god thanks for the healing give your god thanks for the blessing this morning and i give you god sons this morning hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah father hallelujah he's worthy to be praised he's an awesome god he's a wonderful savior and there is none like him this morning and there is none like unto him i'm going to ask the police to take your bible written hallelujah to the lamb of god take your bible with me this morning and turn to the book of matthew 4. we are not part of this fasting hallelujah and so we want to read because jesus who first went and discussed this past and fought a day and fought tonight hello god and we'll hear what the enemy have done when he came out how the enemy tempted him and so let us prepare ourselves to be tempted by the devil we don't know where he's going to come from but people are heart let us be wise let's be vigilant let us stay alert glory to the lamb of god as we go through this part of this fasting for those of us will go through we want to be aware this morning that the enemy is there watching you so keep your guards up this morning and trust your god as you bring us through said matthew 4 and we are going to read together this morning if you find let me hear you say amen let us begin then was jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil and when he had fasted 40 days and 40 nights he was afterward and hungry and when the temple came to him he said if thou be the son of god come on that these stones be made bread but he answered and said it is written man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of god then the devil taken him up into the holy city and settled him on the pinnacle of the temple and he said unto him if thou be the son of god cast thyself down for it is written he shall give his angel charge over thee and in their hands they shall bear them up lest at any time thou dash their foot against the stone jesus said unto him it is written thou shalt not tame the lord like god and again they were taken up into an exceedingly high mountain and shows him all the kingdom of the world and the glory of them and said unto him all these things will i give thee if they will fall down and worship me then say jesus unto him get the end satan for it is written thou shalt not worship thou shall worship the lord thy god and if only thou shalt serve leave and last then the devil leave it him and the whole angel came and minister to him the lord has been spoken let the church say the lord have been spoken let the church say amen amen amen it was my pleasure to serve you please let me welcome evangelist rule in the care of the holy ghost hallelujah let me hear you say hallelujah let me hear your worship the lord let me hear your worship the lord let me hear you worship him let me hear your calling by his name [Music] call him by his name call him until you feel him call him until you feel him he's in the house he's in the house glory to god and when he shows up he show us up to get our work done glory to almighty god we give him praise we give him glory we give him honor is worthy to be praised glory to god whatever you come this morning for glory to god set your heart set your spirit up at the place because you will surely receive hallelujah glory to almighty god thank you jesus glory to god thank you thank you for glory to god thank you jesus guide me hold on [Music] i [Music] oh [Music] [Music] please [Music] oh [Music] bread [Applause] [Music] [Music] was [Music] [Applause] feed me [Music] one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Music] is [Music] hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah bread of heaven bread of heaven feed me tiller i want no more all glory to god that's what we need from emma in these days and weeks of fasting we need a bread of heaven to fill our soul our own glory to almighty god thank you jesus oh we give him all the praise we give him all the glory we give him all the honor that's true unto his name hallelujah glory to god so much things is happening around us all glory to god the spiking of coronavirus crime and violence we need him to hold our hands we need him to feed us with that heavenly bread hallelujah glory to god thank you jesus he's worthy to be praised to be exalted this worthy hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus is worthy glory to god thank you father glory to god [Music] glory to almighty god you know what is happening and we don't know glory to god so be careful hallelujah thank you jesus glory to god thank you jesus without any further jew all those that are sitting can you please stand with me glory to almighty god thank you jesus without any further ado will you please put your hands together and make welcome our bishop our founder our spiritual father oh glory to god oh jesus make him welcome in jesus name glory to god thank you jesus [Music] let's worship the lord today let's give him thanks let's give him praise let's give him the glory that is due unto his name take time out for jesus he took time out for all of us he took the time to die on the cross so all the world would not be lost if you find yourself sleeping in the things you do take time out for jesus [Music] he took time out for you what a wonderful feeling to be a child of god [Music] i'm so glad i'm a part of the i want to sing that song a few times i'm so glad i'm a part of the family of god we have not been doing fellowshipping greetings shaking hands we're limited with all of that but let's sing this fellowship song as we embrace each other in the spirit glory to god it's a blessing i'm so glad i'm a part of the family of god washing his fountain place my blood jointed with jesus as i travelled [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is one more time [Music] jesus [Music] oh praise the name of jesus [Music] you may be seated please it is good to be a part of god's royal family he declares us to be royal priesthood holy nation peculiar people who ought to show forth the praises of him who hath called us out of darkness and into his marvelous light out of darkness a general testimony earlier time in church people would say once i was blind but now i can see the light of the world is jesus what a light indeed he is the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it not what a great light isaiah declared that the people who walked in darkness they saw the great light those who sat in the shadow of death upon them art the light shined i thank the lord that the light is is still shining today was another wall chorus that says come to the light it's shining for thee sweet little light that shines upon thee once i was blind but now i can see the light of the world is jesus and people who gave those testimonies using those words were not physically blind they have sights well-sighted people but from the heart there was a blindness the heart was blind because of the darkness of sin that covers the heart but when the lord removes it the glorious light shines within and we now do not now we do not only see from the eyes but we see from the heart the heart perceives and takes actions that are in keeping with god's word isn't that wonderful so we welcome all of you today to this wonderful expression of fasting and prayer each and every wednesday we gather in this house uh under normal circumstances and conditions and on the abnormal that's the one we are under right now abnormal circumstances and condition look how far you are seated from your brothers and sisters how distant you are o mask up you are what you had to go through to enter the sanctuary temperature check sanitizing of hands washing of hands earlier time it was not so these are extraordinary times but in good times or in bad times we will praise his name i didn't hear anything for that down there yes and good times are in bad times we will praise his name and paul says we should we shall not allow anything at all to separate us from the love of christ regardless of how distressing they are distressing they are tribulation distress farming nakedness peril sword height depth men not angel not no other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus oh lord getting into the word in another five minutes as i welcome everybody once again our prayer leaders our prayer leader minister evangelist jennifer rowe she has taken leadership of the prayer department succeeding evangelist monica borel and we look forward to working along with her working along with evangelist foster working along with missionary parish they are not there to do their thing they are there to do the lord's thing and that's what all of us are about doing the lord's thing oh you're not saying anything okay that's why all of us are here that's why minister scott is hearing the music yeah is that why you're here sir to do the lord's thing wonderful that's why hillary level is here on the keyboard doing the lord's thing lift your hand and say that's the reason why i am here yeah glory to god some people have problems with personality persons individuals but hear me do not have any problem with personalities and individual if they're there doing god's work support them whether they have one hand or one feet or one foot even one high work with them are you not saying anything so we're happy for the new partial new leadership of the prayer department and we'll give them our fullest support the fasting continues throughout this period up until resurrection mourn and on next week the lord towers i'm going to mandate all of us all of our faith i know some of you would have selected your special days during this fall 40 days but i'm going to mandate all of us next wednesday thursday and friday for three solid days we're going to dig in real deep three solid days for everybody and i'm not let me qualify that if you if physically you're not able to do all three solid days then do the best you can break if you have to but i'm calling for three solid days of esther fast within this 40 days fast amen a special special call wednesday thursday and friday of next week are you with me down there and i hope you are with me wherever you are across jamaica the world your office your workplace your home the street wherever we find you and we'll continue because we are believing god for great things see if we are believing god for great things we must attempt great things for god and then we expect great things from god amen so it continues those three days will be in the house yeah we will be in the house in the house seeking the lord together now those of you preparing for baptism on saturday morning this weekend 6 30 a.m by the sea you should reach to the church from your home from wherever you live you reach the church about 6 30 the latest from here we will provide you transportation to the ocean if you do not have your own transportation we also ask that you bring your change of clothes and that which you are going to baptize in all right is that what we did the last time all right bring your change of clothes and that which you're going to baptize in covet condition necessitates these kinds of adjustments so be here for 6 30 the latest on saturday morning get dressed change yourself here if you have to we take you to the ocean we'll baptize you you change your own clothes and and we go back home and look forward to sunday mornings fellowship are you still with me there all right i think that's about it finally i've announced this product woocon you corn whatever corn it is 40 micronutrients that assist the immune system and if you want to help boost your moon's immune system then you could try this product it is in the water store a water shop it's a little expensive i might tell you but we have reduced the price down remember we don't determine all of that but from our point of view we have reduced it down i told minister palmer to reduce it as she sees best and she gave a great reduction so you could participate in this product i'm announcing it because i know it works yeah i know it works that's the reason i'm doing so so now our way or whenever you can get it from the water store is exalted harriet in the house where is he when somebody get him for me please he needs to be in this house on a wednesday this is where you belong on a wednesday during fasting hours and no place else exalter john harriet i know you're hearing me from where you are or your up top there you're working from up there today all right that's understood but give me a minute down here whenever you can please all right this is wednesday's edition time of refreshing and we come to you mondays tuesdays thursdays and fridays from the studio on wednesdays we come to you from this sanctuary where all these wonderful ministers and elders and prayer warriors and sanctified saints come together to seek the lord in fasting and in prayer so emanating from this house is a mighty presence and a mighty power of the holy spirit so wherever you are in your look your location the lord can minister to you and will minister to you you ministered here last week wednesday i suppose did you all right and there's a viewer who is in ocala florida right now viewing i'm sure well almost sure one of my long time convert from 10 days a leaver nameless and even if i call the name maybe just a few of you might know that name always connected to pfm on my worldwide pro meeting and on these services sunday morning services she sent some money for you sir and i want to give it to you publicly so she sees and knows that you receive it now she sends it in my name so i had to go to moneyground spend time there stand in the line collecting money for you not many bishop would do that let me say that again not many bishop would do that go into moneygram stood in the line fill out the form collect money and bring for you not many pastors would do that and i say that without any hesitation all right so you're a blessed man having ministered here i won't tell anybody how much in here that's not your business but it's a quite a good sum of money yeah quite a good sum give god praise bless you you're leaving here a happy a man today who say money doesn't make you happy [Applause] lord have mercy somebody give the lord praise here dear god in heaven what a church my god only power fade those things happen we are a blessed people glory to god bless people lift your hand and say i am blessed say i am blessed [Applause] hallelujah i am blessed i am blessed every day of my life i am blessed give me the right key hello when i wake up till i lay my head to rest i am thank god i am blessed can i hear you say i am blessed bless bless i am i am [Applause] put your hands together church i am blessed every day of my life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] singing again i am this thank god i am praise the lord every day [Applause] sing it again i am blessed thank you lord i am blessed blessed every day i am [Music] glory to god [Music] hallelujah be seated please thank you lord glory to the name of jesus wake up in the morning lay my head to rest i count my blessings because i am blessed let's acknowledge minister miz good to see you here today god bless you and all the ministers and everybody minister on ella davey stand up please put the camera on her for me she's a wonderful lady a great worker of this church yeah pull her in pull her in pull her in [Applause] all right viewers this is a wonderful servant of god's church so i want some of you my viewers to send some money for her okay send send some money for her yeah i mean that i'm in your corner okay you'll get it you're gonna get it oh yeah i guarantee you're going to get it lord have mercy the book of saint luke the 19th chapter the first 10 verses well-known familiar story with an unfamiliar message and jesus entered and passed through jericho and beyond there was a man named zacchaeus which was chief among the publicans and he was rich and he sought to see jesus who he was and he could not for the press because he was little in statue and he run before and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him for he was to pass that way and when jesus came to the place he looked up and saw him and said unto him zacchaeus make east and come down for today i must abide at thy house and he made haste and came down and received him joyfully and when they saw it they all murmured saying that he was gone to be guests with a man that is a sinner and zacchaeus stood and said unto the lord behold lord the off of my goods i give to the poor and if i have taken anything from any man by false accusation i restore him fourfold and jesus said unto him this day is salvation come to this house for as much as he also is a son of abraham for the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost lord you always hear us when we attend upon your presence asking you to guide us to lead us to anoint us and to bless us for the delivery of your word i pray that it will be no difference today that the anointing of god will penetrate this audience penetrate audiences around the world by various means anoint this lump of clay make it a vessel of honor standing in your presence and in the presence of the world viewing audience anoint me and use this word for your glory and for your honor we pray in jesus name somebody shout amen glory to god i want you to engage me a little in the word of god concerning this text it's only a pitch we don't have so many in the church all women know we want to be looking at this text from a kind of funny theme your best guest ever your best guest ever your best guest and i want to ask us to invite him to your house your best guest ever there's no question if all of us know what it is to have guests whether official guests are unofficial guests persons that attend upon your presence and guests do not necessarily have to come to your house visit your house to be called a guest someone can attend upon your presence wherever you are and they became your guests and you accommodate them in particular ways as you see best but most times whenever persons come to the place where we reside your own where you domicile that's where you live having been invited by you especially you treat them in a particular way and there are times when persons will come uninvited have we not said time and time again as it relates to uninvited guests but sometimes those uninvited guests turns out to be among the best guests that ever attend upon your own because they would have come on a mission that will assist you in one way or another because they were sent guests sent by the holy spirit are you not with me somebody could do well with a sent guest today not one you that that you have extended an invitation to but someone who knows the circumstances of your life who knows the circumstances of your home and family who knows the circumstances of your health and sees the need although not invited but to invite himself invite himself to your house that is a guest i'm talking about today jesus christ your best guest ever lift your hand and say lord come to me come to my house now say like you mean it lord come to me or come to my house glory to god so we want this guest today to to show up either for you where you are right now or to show up at your house and i guarantee you if he shows up where you are this minute or if he shows up at your house at any given time things will not remain the same things are going to change for the better oh lord come to my house oh lord come to me glory to god i feel the holy ghost is going to speak to somebody in a real and personal way today because he stands by waiting not only waiting but he's watching another at an opportune time he's going to let you know that his eyes have been on you he's been watching you although you don't see those eyes penetrating you although you do not might not hear his voice speaking to you although you may not hear footsteps walking beside you but he is there jehovah's shaman they have a present one glory to god i feel my anointing coming on me and somebody needs to give him a praise in this house somebody need to praise him again in this house but naturally speaking the hosts and the guests are usually persons known to each other and not dead strangers it is not often that you have a dead stranger shop at your house or a dead stranger attending upon your presence it is that often most times the hosts are usually visited by a guest that is known to them acquainted to them no dead stranger to them o glory to god and here we are today my brothers and sisters saying to all of us in this gathering and wherever you are that there is a guest that is waiting to pay your visits you might not be well acquainted with him but he's well acquainted with you you might not know many things or anything about him but he knows everything about you oh glory to god hallelujah and not just that he knows everything about you he can be touched with all of the feelings of your infirmities and in this season of length that we have now entered upon he was the one that desired the clear to be bruised for our iniquities and the chastisement of what peace was upon him and with his tribes what happened with his tribes what happened with his tribes what the stripes provide what the stripes does what the stripe gives oh praise the name of jesus somebody lift your hand and say healing glory to god somebody said again healing somebody said from the depths of your bowels one more time healing god almighty i love you jesus healing for one healing for all wounded for our transgressions bruce for our iniquities chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his tribes oh glory to god with his tribes i am healed from the crown of my head to the souls of my feet do you believe that today do you claim that today will you rejoice in that today will you celebrate that today hallelujah don't celebrate the sickness don't celebrate the disease don't celebrate the setback don't celebrate the dark days and the darkness celebrate the light that is shining that brings everything that is good everything that is godly everything that is righteous celebrate the things that are honest and lovely and just and praiseworthy and virtuous that's what this guest brings to you today glory to god for he was wounded for my transgressions he was bruised for my iniquity surely he had won my sorrows [Music] now hold on you singers are wonderful singers okay but when i'm preaching and erase my song nobody don't fool around me okay when i'm preaching and raise my song let me sing it the way i want to sing it you're wonderful singers but i sing it differently when i'm preaching somebody say something here so you wonderful singers keep your mouth shut when i raised my preaching song somebody showed something down here i did say show something down here hallelujah so normally there's an acquaintance with hosts and visiting guests unusually a stranger would show up for you to be host to them this guest we're talking about today he is no stranger i repeat if you are not acquainted with him he is well acquainted with you if you know nothing about him he knows everything about you if you don't want him to come to your house he still wants to come to your house because he has a purpose in coming to your house he wants to make things better oh glory to god hallelujah give him praise and glory coming together as hosts and guests usually entails some kinds of fellowship i'm getting to this message and i'm taking my time as the holy spirit gave it to me it entails some type of fellowship sometimes of reciprocities a big word give and receive take and give give and receive one thing from me to you something from you to me it is not a one-way street are you not saying nothing guests and horse do not just sit there aiming in space looking on each other all the time you are going to be engaged in one way or another lift your hand and say lord i want to be engaged say engage me holy spirit dear jesus my god that's the reason why we come to the house of the lord we do not just sit there look around we express ourselves in different ways we lift our hands we clap our hands we shout our praises we give a dance we give something to let him know we recognize that we are in his presence we give him praise and glory and honor in as much as we don't physically see him we know he is there hallelujah to the lamb somebody praise god on the corporate mask like you mean it glory to the name of jesus so those engagements could be casual engagement just talk about some stuff that happened or things that might happen casual engagement those engagement could be social engagement you make a cup of tea you make a sandwich you offer a meal you watch something on pfm family tv together social engagement some of those meetings could be spiritual engagement you break your bible you begin to share a word that minister to you you talk about the scriptures am i coming through to anybody all types of engagement with hosts and guests sometimes it will be family engagement you have not talked about family matters for a long time you begin to talk about family issues but you engage one way or another for other persons it could be intimate engagement they came together as friends lovers and it could be intimate engagement but one thing i know austin guests always have some type of engagements and the holy spirit wants to engage all of us today lift your hands engage me holy ghost engage me take me into a conversation take me somewhere with you tell me something i need to hear do something for me that needs to be done my god i feel holy ghost you have come to me for a particular purpose and i will not let you leave my presence without doing something for me like a jacob i will not release this guest until get what i want i did say like a jacob minister scott i will not release this guest until oh glory to god he does something for me because he's here on purpose i did not invite him i never knew he was coming but he came right on time he's an on-time guard yes he is he's an on-time god yes he is he may not come when you want him you may not even come when you invited him because when mary and marty told him to come he delayed is going oh glory to god but he was right and time are some of you are feeding from this my god i could feel the pull like a fisherman with his line out there i feel your bite in the bait somebody praise god in this house with me [Music] hallelujah so even if you invite him and he delays is coming don't worry about it he's going to be right on time and he's going to do what needs to be done in your situation all you need to do as the host is to welcome him welcome his presence dear god your visits with some people and the moment you reach you feel you want to turn turn away immediately because you do not feel like a welcome guest don't act as though you don't know what i'm talking about you seek to engage some people in a conversation and the moment you start you want to stop readily because they are not welcoming they are not accommodating they are not reciprocating but oh jesus [Music] what a friend we have in him what a wonderful guest he is all you need to do is to accommodate him welcome him let him know that you appreciate him attending upon your presence attending upon your home do your thing lord you are in charge sometimes we think that we are in charge god is in charge somebody praise god and let me continue my message hallelujah so jesus was going down jericho when we went to israel we passed by jericho and i told you a little thing about the jerichonens there they're very tricky people sorry jericho if you're hearing me that's the truth they gave you a six for a nine they sell you inferior goods purporting it to be superior goods and my brethren on the trip spend most of their money there in jericho and when they go to israel and saw the beautiful things and the wonderful prices money done jericho people rob us i'm sorry we spend all money there so jesus was going down jericho as a matter of fact the tree that they said zacchaeus climbed the sycamore tree it is still there i looked on the tree huge in statue they say that's what zacchaeus climbed many years ago i don't know still there on the road of jericho somebody say something here or you're not saying anything walking down jericho zacchaeus earth jesus was coming down and wanted to see zacchaeus wanted to see him but he had a height problem maybe a little shorter than i am if it was my height you would see jesus shorter than i am maybe like my late mother's eyes so he devised a plan i want to see jesus and i must see jesus anybody want to see jesus here today oh i want to see him look up on his face there to sing forever of his saving grace on the streets of glory let me lift my voice here's our past oh my glass ever to rejoice i want to see him somebody give him praise come on give him praise luke chapter 19 look at verse 5. by his own volition zacchaeus did not invite jesus to his house but jesus took the initiative what did he say and jesus came to the place and looked up and saw him and said unto him zacchaeus make east and come down for today i must abide at your house jesus made his own invites he invited himself to zacchaeus's house i want to be your guests and i want you to accommodate me those are my words i am coming to your house and i must come there today so lord why don't you come tomorrow don't you talk about it tomorrow be all now is the accepted time be all now is the day of salvation don't put it off today if you hear my voice today if my spirit convicts you today if the holy spirit burden your heart do not put it off and say until some more convenient time on their call today i must come to your house lift your hand and say lord come to me or come to my house you know why you know i think the holy ghost gives it to me that way lord come to me or come to my house is that god knows that the holy spirit if he comes to some people's house there'll be no accommodation for him like the dove you would not find a place of rest oh no jesus you can't not find a place of rest [Music] gun joy smoking there gambling is going on there alcohol is think of the place adult you're going in there fornication life in there expletives language or whatever you call it are being said in there and if he comes there he would not find rest charcoal my sunday oh glory but i'm glad for the god we serve oh hallelujah he can meet you right where you are and bless you right where you are and in the midst of a home a horse that is in turmoil with all kinds of sin you can stand in there like a lot as a righteous man as a righteous woman oh somebody give him praise and glory say what you want to say don't tell me that's not the situation many christians have found themselves in some of you have a husband who drink and smokes like the devil if he does he curses it expletive like the fishermen they gamble they swear they do all kinds of things right in the house where you are a christian a lie may a tale but there you are trying to let your lower lights keep burning trying to send the gleam across the wave knowing that some poor fainting struggling semen you may rescue you may save so if he can't come to your house and find rest accommodation acceptance he will come to you where you are lift your hand and say lord come to me are come to my house say it again lord come to me or come to my house you think i'm playing with this teaching today oh i am not this is a rhema word from heaven so jesus invited himself because he knew the need that existed there in zacchaeus's house and he wants to send a message to the hypocrites in the community i want to send a message to the neighbors who fought against zacchaeus and cursed him our sacho fifi his unjust tax collector he was not just a tax collector he was chief he was a chief tax collector he heads the department he hedges their fears he makes the rules he gives the order he was top of everybody else and they knew that he was not too much of honest man for sure and as a result of that he was the talk of the community they cursed him out jesus knows how to confound the hypocrites who tried to set you down [Applause] why would god you'd follow this in also to confound hypocrites he knows what it is to say to those men yes stone the woman killers toner to death every any one of you but for you to stoner you must be sinless he that is among you without a sin oh i feel the holy ghost on me he that is among you without a sin let him cast the first stone and he bowed down and he began to right underground common sense and spiritual inspiration tells us the things he wrote down there he wrote the sins of all those who were standing by and when they looked and saw their sin pronounced in caps on the ground they said oh no i'm not qualified to stone her the other man say i'm not qualified to stone her and from the greatest to the least among them they walked away and leave the woman sitting there don't tell me that jesus don't know how to do it don't tell me that jesus don't know to fix it don't tell me that when you attend upon his presence or he comes to your house or he comes to you don't tell me he don't know to fix it right for you lift your hand and say jesus come to me or come to my house [Music] my god almighty somebody give him praise again over here oh god praise him for me minister david give him a praise over here lord have mercy so not just that he wanted to do something for zacchaeus but he wanted to send a message to the hypocrite a message to the community a message to the criticizers and backbiters and haters a message to those who do not see the beam that is in their eyes but try to pluck out the little moth that is in their brother's eye oh bishop you're preaching well i'm teaching [Music] glory to god [Music] so he invited himself to this tax collector's house giving praise and of course that was not the normal conventional and conventional way of attending upon a person's house no the normal conventional way is that you wait for an invitation why some of you have visited my house as yet because you don't get the invitation all right well some of your visits incognito bishop were you saying you visited in the dark in your dark tinted glass vehicle you featured this at night and you passed by i said yes a bishop level okay i see some of your vehicles from time to time come on you slow down but i'm giving you an open invitation today visit me anytime you want to you think i'm there call me yeah you want to visit visit with me wow what a day to be in church yeah visit me anytime you want to if you don't know where it is asking us a scout for the direction it's been there several times and others hear many others here are you with me everybody what's the point bishop jesus is jesus appearing to zacchaeus's house was not the normal conventional convention of where visiting somebody you wait to be invited so that's why i invite all of you here today anytime yeah i mean that jesus knew like i said some things needed to be set straight not only zacchaeus needed that visit but the community needed to see that visitor and to hear from that visitor somebody wave your hand and praise him [Music] jesus hallelujah to invite yourself is okay sometimes we say jesus being lord of all jesus being lord over all he needs no special invitation to show up whenever he choose to do so he comes anywhere anytime to anybody he was there all the time give him praise down there he's short to do his thing and that's what you want him to do for you or for your house lift your hand and say me and my house don't act as though some of us don't need a lot of things to fix right in our house you leave your house coming to church sometime you leave it like a war zone not that you are the warrior but you're leaving like a war zone and you're going back home some of you would to god church would keep 24 hours a day excuse me please to avoid that environment call your home i called your community so jesus needs to visit house he need to visit for the community's benefit also and everybody benefited when jesus comes to a house or comes to a community oh god if somebody would give him a praise here hallelujah hallelujah he shows up and he does his own thing the way he chooses but some people don't want his visit in revelation chapter 3 and verse 20 he went to a certain place and he said i'm out here knocking i'm out here knocking anyone in there hear my voice if you hear my voice open to me i want to come in and fellowship with you and you to fellowship with me glory to god hear the guest standing at the door standing at the door of the gate of the community standing at the door against somebody's house knocking ringing the doorbell and say look am standing here i am knocking anyone in there hear my voice if you hear my voice please shandoku ramashithiyana if you hear my voice please open unto me i will come in not to hurt you but to heal you i commit not to put you down but to lift you up i'll come him not to curse you but to bless you i'll come in on fellowship with you and you with me oh glory to god lift your hand and say lord me are my house to me and my house we need your visits god of heaven [Music] oh lord god let me hate snow but i feel my heart bubbling with this glory to god me or my house lord me or my family me or my relatives me or my community we need a visit from you even if we don't invite you but today we are inviting you we're inviting you to come along so we can have a glorious time somebody praise him over here you are to relax over this side wave your hand and praise him over here you are to relax over this side here god almighty shakoma oh jesus i worship you i praise you i adore you time of refreshing that comes from the presence of god glory glory glory glory my god i feel a holy ghost touching down here somebody give him a shout of the praise [Applause] [Music] manda corraba satan [Music] come on jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] god of heaven hear me church of the living god zacchaeus by his own confession he was no saint it's all saints based on his own confession and based on the confession of the community they did not see him as a saint idol where luke chapter 19. let's look at verse 7 and 8 what we find there and when they saw it when the people saw jesus showing up there they all murmured saying that he was gone to be guest with a man that is a sinner sinner hold on bishop davis around bark road back road at 11 o'clock p.m one night and you're passing by you may see my vehicle or you may see my person what would immediately come to your mind don't don't even think what would come to your mind well maybe some questions will be raised so where bishop of the wrong about kore this all at night but even if he's coming to witness to somebody why him come this home i him come to this place do we does he not know the reputation of back road and wee hours of the night i'm doing around here essentially that's what they were saying that jesus is going to this man's house this man is a how would you write sinner you're going to his house some years ago i said this before i say it again some years ago you won't remember this for sure some years ago i had an appointment to meet with a particular lady at a hotel hotel in kingston me an appointment to meet with her at a hotel in kingston and i spent the better part of two hours with her at the hotel yeah now my wife knew i was going to that hotel to meet this woman she knew what the mission was all about now if somebody else were to pass by and see bishop david stay with this woman at the hotel first thing we think about hotel hotel hotel are you still with me somebody and not knowing what the purpose of the visit was what the mission we're trying to accomplish was all about are you still with me there glory to god hallelujah this man's wife knew that i was there at the hotel with his wife also gave consent to it because we're trying to help a situation here jesus showed up on the people saying you have no right to go to that house because this house is full of sinner people sinner people jesus you know the most important thing is to know but look at jesus's response if you are with me in luke chapter 19. look at his response in verse 10 what your bible says you're telling me that this man is a sinner outright sinner outcast let me tell you what i'm about the son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost it's all right we are within our holy temple holy place i think the time has come for us to re-strategize where evangelism is concerned we need some teams of anointed saints of god to hang out by the club to hang out by the bar to hang out at back road you're not saying anything down here because if those at the bar and the club on the back road and all kind of road are not coming to the house of god and not listening to christian television not listening to christian radar oh are we going to reach them be all i sent to you lift up your eyes look on the fields [Applause] what kind of feels sharma somebody praise god let me try and bring this down how come they're here without a preacher how can we preach except we be sent to whom are we sent to where are we sent to the saved to the holy to the righteous to the heaven-bound i dare you not are sent to the hellbound lost those who are close as hell where do we find those who are closest to hell in the church no we find them at those places god of heaven oh no jesus i want to god you were getting this like oh i am giving it i would to god you're getting it like oh i am giving it jesus said give me a break give me a break i came not to call the righteous i'm here about sinners by the way minister davis the holy spirit just bring this to me i have a nice buckle of whiskey in the office bring it for a minute please yeah yeah my just come to wine what she says not whiskey's wine so i don't even know the difference of whiskey from wine a wonderful gentleman who i can't say i know very well maybe he's here today i don't know he was among the first person to give me a gift from my birthday and he brought it right to the altar here in this in this bag so you know i took it from him because i usually appreciate anyone who gives me a drink a gift so this is a yellow teal yellow tail heavy alcohol because have it checked out and said what is this and i'm seeing this every yellow tail i have it in the office and some of you may come in here and see that said well i bishop take a sip before i come out here that's why i'm having there something else i want to say what i won't say it relates to what another company of saints what i said to minister davis and i a little humor i said i'm not going to give this away because i can't give this to anybody i don't drink alcohol okay i don't i do not consume alcohol i do not consume hardcore so sir if you're here please or if you're watching by television listening by any means i thank you for your gift but please don't tell anybody that you give pastor a buckler yellow tear and pasta took the yellow tail and i knew him and drink the yellow tail no i not i said i'll keep it i'll keep it at my house and when some deacons visit me and want a drink [Applause] so there are some deacons who brush them little things from time so decant if you visit with me and you feel for a little thing you can ask me oh no that's off the record somebody give him praise here come on give god praise give him praise hallelujah so it's important to know what the mission is all about so jesus responded don't come to call righteous people sinners to repentance lift your hand again and say lord come to me or come to my house said again lord come to me i come to my house so today we have given him a special invitation zacchaeus did not give him an invitation but he invited himself and he ministered to zacchaeus if he did that on his own initiative what about when we invite him into my chamber be free holy spirit speak to me gentle as i close the door heavenly lover let thy presence over shall kind of unending is all i long for somebody praise him let me begin to close this down zacchaeus was chief tax collector but he was a descendant of abraham he was shortened statue but he was tall in faith because when he saw that obstacle was in his way he said i got to find a way to see jesus i got to devise a plan and a method to see jesus and he ran ahead of the crowd and he saw the sycamore tree and he climbed in the tree and all the omnipotent god the omniscient one who knows everything who sees everything he saw zacchaeus even before he jesus reached the spot of the sycamore tree so when he went there without any hesitation he looked up and he said zacchaeus don't just come down but make haste come down quick an opportunity is coming your way today if you miss it god almighty zacchaeus an opportunity is coming your way today mickey has come down i come into your house [Music] lift your hand and say lord come to me and come to my house say lord come to me and come to my house yes if he cannot come to both he will come to you he will minister to you and when you are changed by him you will become an agent of change a catalyst of change you'll begin to shine your light you'll begin to spread the good news and there will be a domino effect just like oh he found a woman sitting at a well and he stopped by he knew she was there and he said to his disciples i must go through samaria master the jews and the samaritans have no dealing they're doing everything to kill you and you're gonna go into that south town of samaria don't you go there i must needs go into samaria you went and you found that woman at the well now now think with me so much revelation flowing in this place the character of the woman comparable to some i say some some backroad women many men in her life at that time she had maybe four when jesus took the chance to sit with a woman of such dubious character almighty yes he knew his mission and when the disciples came you know the all they could ask master you're not hungry you know want some food to eat and nobody asked him what the mission was all about with this woman that's what the bible says are you with me so what's the story bishop how it ends i'm saying when you are changed by the power of god you will become an agent of change when you are changed by the power of god you become a catalyst for change you will go spread the message you will say like the woman said come see amman marcoshita i'm going to marry a couple here next wednesday next wednesday yeah the woman gave her heart to the lord maybe she's in this church right now you don't have to identify yourself she gave her heart to the lord she want to be baptized in the baptism and saturday coming up talk with me and say oh it's wonderful of you but bishop i'm not married and i live with my child's father i say well i tell you the truth i don't want to baptize you in that situation you're going to go back in to live with your child's father you're not married you could be living like angels in there we out here see you living as man and woman and community people are going to give you ill and give me hell oh the davis saying just baptize the people i'm not gonna do them leaving so i say okay long story short go home and talk with your child's father talk with him and tell him i want to meet with him to speak with him i want to discuss this matter with him not with you exclusively because you are tied in this relationship many years children involved in all of that along the short story of it is and monday morning who was present in my office the man and the woman one of the things i said to the gentleman i said i thank you so much for coming because you didn't have to come i have no jurisdiction over you neither your girlfriend nor jurisdiction i have no authority to invite you to come and you come like my members who respect my leadership and my authority so i thanked him for coming and when we get through the long and short of everything they both will be getting married on wednesday so she will get baptized on saturday so god works these things out somebody gave him praise and glory hallelujah so bishop what's going to cost us to get married cause you're nothing nothing at all so bishop what can you do to assist us in getting my tell me what you want me to do and i'll do it and i did what i could oh god somebody help me praise him here did what i could and bishop don't you worry no don't you hurry i said i'm not worrying bishop that's a man speaking i'll soon be making my surrender to the lord to my bishop soon give him praise all right i'm preaching too long it's only one hour i need another hour but it's time of refreshing let's finish it here and some of you are dying for me to stop those of you were not feasting you will army don well if you think i don't me don't make just a calm somebody help me give god a praise here [Applause] hallelujah let's close it out chief of tax collectors a descendant of abraham zacchaeus shortened statue but strong in faith big in faith zacchaeus his actions reveal that his repentance in verse 8 and his confession were genuine he was genuine what he says in verse 8 of luke chapter 19 and zacchaeus stood and said unto the lord lord the half of my goods i give to the poor and if i have taken anything from any man by false accusation i restore him for a fall his action revealed that his repentance and his confession was genuine jesus accepted it my question as i close [Music] are there any one thing that needs fixing in your life are there anything that need fixing in your home that needs a visit from the master uninvited as though it might be would you love for him to just show up for you now show up in your home show up in your family and fix what needs to be fixed that's what he did for zacchaeus today salvation has come to your house because you're a seed of abraham your seed of abraham and i promised abraham that i will bless him i will bless his seed so zacchaeus you've been on there for a long time but your rope was coming in little by little i was pulling you in little by little and this is the opportune time for us to make the final onslaught against those things that had you bound today salvation is come to your house while your heads with me please time of refreshing wherever you are around the world we spoke from luke chapter 19 the first 10 verses and we made the request of the lord lord come to him come to me or come to my house but we need him and i did say if he cannot come to your house because there's no accommodation there for him there's a room in my house for jesus song the gospel artist if there's no room no place and he can't come there he will come to you right where you are he will change you and make you a catalyst of change so you will go spread the light like the woman in john 4. father we thank you for hearing us today we thank you for the word delivered to people everywhere grant oh lord that at our invitation you will show up but even without an invite from us lord because you know what we need and because you love us with an everlasting love we ask you to show up and do your thing like you did for zacchaeus we thank you in jesus name amen stand with me everybody lift up your hands and give god some praise in the house come on the hero the mask praise go up [Music] the mask praise can't be as they used to be [Music] jesus but he was there all the time minister brian given that key missionary parish raised that song he was there all the time a singing voice is gone yeah he was there all the time [Music] waiting patiently in line [Music] he was there all the time he was there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] child of god he was [Music] he was there [Applause] all the time waiting [Music] raise your hand on seal again he he was there all the time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] can't we do it again everybody [Music] he was there the time lord show up for me or showboat my house lord some of us need both because there are things that need to be fixed where we are concerned and we are the dwellers at the house are concerned i want you to those of you who can make a few steps down here as a sign of responding in the affirmative to what god has said where you are concerned where you your host is concerned i know many many persons would want to be responding physically but you can respond spiritually right where you are i'm going to pray i'm going to invite my wife to pray after a minute or two those of you in the front line come right to the front please you're right to the front here on the front line yeah and keep your distance doing well so far wonderful [Music] why should he show up bless you my dear why should he show up for you now meditating be conscious about it [Music] why should he show up for you why should he show up for your house why should he [Music] why should the lord show up for you today why should he make a visit to your house uninvited [Music] is there a need there he was there why should he [Music] why should he visit with you in the office right now [Music] why should he visit with you in brooklyn new york bronx canada united kingdom all over the caribbean 14 parishes of jamaica right where you are why should he visit with you a visit with your family if you do not know he knows let's invite him [Music] my god almighty [Music] sing it one more time and we all are going to pray the woman of god will lead the cry but everybody gonna pray to god [Applause] thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] everybody begin to preach to the almighty god right now [Music] all our sins and griefs to bear what a privilege to carry everything to god in prayer [Music] oh what peace we often forfeit oh what needless pains we bear all because we do not carry everything to god in prayer our god our father hallelujah our savior our deliverer our way maker we come to you again to the lord with penitent heart with contrite spirit god is an a broken and a contrite heart you will not despise and so lord here we are broken before you today again lord we are weak but you are mighty hold us with your powerful hand glory to god lord has we come one more time we have heard your word your word your spirit and life in them and and oh god this afternoon as we come one more time divine god we ask of you now god to extend the borders of your mantle over us again the light our dearest kings man hallelujah our god almighty as zacchaeus climb the sycamore tree glory to god hallelujah as success climb the sycamore tree lord glory to god almighty and god because he heard that you were passing and jesus christ hallelujah before he knew it lord you identify him and you call him forth zacchaeus come down for today salvation abide at thy house oh god this afternoon and god he came down and lord when he was brought to the full knowledge he was willing god almighty to return back to rick for god restore all that he had taken this afternoon god they are requirements they are criterias yes lord god that we have to meet before we can experience the manifest power of your holy spirit in our lives oh god you said a broken and a contrite heart we lift up our hearts to you right now you know us individually god you know us collectively you know our pricing you know our downsetting you know the way that we take you know everything about us to my god all things are naked and open to your eyes nothing is hidden from you god hallelujah it make no sense god we mask ourselves because god almighty you are the one who searched the heart and you try our reigns and you know the thoughts are far off and so right now holy ghost of god meet us where we are we need oh god almighty an encounter mighty god mighty we can't continue business and huge role god almighty we need an encounter we need a we need a change god almighty some are tired of the condition that exists around them and god almighty this afternoon you have the answer god you have the solution you are the way the truth and the life yes almighty god and so right now holy father stretch out your hands again your hands are not short your ears are not heavy lord jesus somewhere in the valley of despair lord jesus some are afflicted in their bodies with different physical conditions oh god almighty some are financially embarrassed but this afternoon god you know every need you know every individual reach out your hands again lord you can turn it around in the name of jesus christ i pray for a mighty deliverance i pray for a mighty breakthrough i pray god almighty lift somebody from out of the debt lift up somebody out of the despair lift up somebody out of discouragement leave up somebody out of hopelessness let them know today that there is hope in you lord let them know today you can change things you can turn things around for them in the name of jesus christ son of the living god past my power fear here we are today god almighty shout for somebody lose somebody break something break some chains hallelujah hallelujah only the house of god lose somebody bring out somebody god ah jesus they are crying out to their god their blood for the goddess and jesus from among the children of men hey blood stay stand up from your sanctuary say hi oh god i'm gonna [Music] [Music] [Music] yes loves holy ghost loves holy ghost prayerful holy ghost prison bars in the name of jesus yes lord set the law for kept yes in the name of jesus lose god our jesus jesus jesus christ hey jesus jesus your breaking anointing yes lord god in the name of jesus yes lord give somebody a testimony give somebody yes lord a mighty deliverance saying the lord will kept it free oh glory to god all glory to god hallelujah hallelujah glory to god deliverance deliverance yes god almighty ah jesus jesus jesus break every yoke break every yoke break every yoke lose everybody oh glory to god yes lord hallelujah let somebody walk in their deliverance in their freedom today because whom the sun set free is free indeed ah jesus jesus jesus i believe you're i know god it is done it is done we stand on your promises we stand on your word we claim deliverance god almighty right now jesus precious lord precious lord precious lord ah jesus [Music] yes holy ghost of god we look to your jesus we look to your jesus from whence coming to our help our help comment from you god who may be heaven on the earth we look to you jesus as our back locks today we look to you jesus as our iron pillar today we look to you jesus i was a shield and booklet stand up for our help again jesus oh hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you jesus jesus his presence is here his anointing is here just leave your hands where you are enter in his presence right now worship him out of your soul and lay hold on your deliverance lay hold and your breakthrough it is right here and now hallelujah my god my god revolution jesus jesus yes lord yes lord hallelujah hallelujah jesus god almighty hallelujah you want his indwelling presence not just a visitation a visitation can be for short moments you need hallelujah his presence glory to god jesus jesus yes lord yes lord yes lord glory to god thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus we place you in the highest place for you you are the great i pray what do you say we bless you [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] what do we say jesus we bless you [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] one more time what do we say we place you in the highest pay jesus i am [Applause] good clap your hands in victory [Music] pop your hands in victory clap your hands in victory [Music] give a victory praise give a victory shout give a victory praise give a victory shout as we bow to you and we're ship at your fears god bless you thank you for sharing return to your seats thanks to everybody for taking time out to share with us home and abroad time of refreshing wednesday's edition comes to you from miracle cathedral this wonderful place of worship nestled here in port more saint catherine beautiful island of jamaica west indies beaming the gospels of peoples all across the world we thank you facebook youtube instagram pfmfamily.org local cable television channels flow 602 and 672 digital play channel 20. we come to you on these mediums and we thank the lord for your presence your participation please make sure you join us next time and ensure that you like subscribe share the link we meet on sunday mornings 7 a.m and 9 45 a.m please tell everybody about what god is doing here at power faith ministry and join us whenever you can please remember remember also you meet with me on wednesday nights and on friday nights worldwide pre-meeting facebook and youtube hundreds are there with me i look forward to meeting with you 9pm through 10 30 p.m until we meet again the lord bless everybody everywhere every time put your hands together and celebrate everybody glory [Music] [Music] over again but i [Music] i can't take
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
Views: 8,006
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: n-wiHZ_4yC4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 129min 45sec (7785 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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