Sunday Morning Live (1st Service) - March 6, 2022

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you are watching a live broadcast coming to you from the power of faith ministries lot 13 portmore town center st catherine jamaica west indies [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my hallelujah [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you are awesome in this place [Music] this morning yes yes yes come on lift your hands and say yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] from the bottom of my heart [Music] completely completely completely yes [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] hallelujah jesus [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] this morning [Music] [Music] [Music] i really do this morning i really [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] is so much come on think about the words this morning to thank him oh so much jesus preaching for this morning [Music] come [Music] morning with on this [Music] [Applause] [Music] has brought morning fraud [Music] oh he has been so good hallelujah [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] so much [Applause] so much [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] me from [Music] so much to thank him for hallelujah hallelujah we worship and adore him this morning hallelujah jesus we bless your holy name hallelujah [Music] at this time we'll be looking for redemption number 350 when israel out of bondage hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i see [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] and when i reached the [Music] is [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] do you love him this morning do you love him this morning he's worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah from the horizon of the sauna to the going down of the very same our god is a strong tower hallelujah hallelujah we bless his holy name hallelujah hallelujah went forward still it's jehovah's will hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah jesus we bless your holy name at this time we'll do prior frame spirit of the living god as we engage in the prayer hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we oh you this morning hallelujah great is thy faithfulness hallelujah oh god my father there is no shadow of turning with thee thou changes not thy compassion they fail as thou has been thou forever will be hallelujah [Music] most righteous god and our father we want to thank you for this new day hallelujah i want to thank you for your presence god hallelujah i want to thank you for your peace hallelujah god i want to thank you that indeed you are in this place hallelujah mighty god of daniel stand by us this morning the god god this morning god we come with our cups turned up father to receive from you i pray this morning that god you'll fill us up hallelujah i pray this morning holy spirit that god will dwell within us father i pray this morning that god our hearts and our minds will be at the place to receive from you i pray this morning oh god that you'll move upon us god like you have never moved before oh god father this morning we are found wanting of your goodness of your love of your mercy and so this morning god as we make our presentations of our hearts i pray holy spirit that god your father with your spirit this morning god is not by might have not by spirit but it's by your by it's not by my by power but it's by your spirit oh god and so this morning god as we come to engage you in the atmosphere of worship i pray holy spirit of god that this morning oh god that god will induct us in a special way god we know not what tomorrow bring but today is a day of salvation god and so god today is the day we have god today god is when we will make our petitions known i pray this morning god that our expectations will be met hallelujah father god we may not know our neighbor's struggle this morning god we may not know our neighbors challenge this morning huh but you who sit high and look low know all things uh and this morning god we're at the right place at the right time to receive from you i believe that god that none will have to leave the way they came but i believe that god if we empty ourselves and god you can fill us up in a special way oh god this morning god i pray that god will move upon your people god remember god the statement of this house god i pray that god his word god will bless him in a special way i pray that god will move up on him in a special way i pray that the holy spirit of god will take him to another level and dimension god i pray god that this morning god has he come to feed your people god that oh god father their hearts and minds will be receptive recognizing that it's a word from almighty god and so this morning god as we stand in your presence i pray that god will not weep no more her because the word of god declares that weeping only endures for a night but our joy will come in the morning and i know that god her spirit of god i know that god indeed your presence is here god and you're promising your word never to leave us nor to forsake us and so this morning god i know that benny may be broken but they're in the house of the potter hallelujah god we are merely clay and so this morning god will give ourselves to you so that god will be able to mold us and to fashion us this morning father god as we continue to look to you who's the author and finisher of our faith god hallelujah god we'll run through every truth god and we leap over our walls god i pray this morning god that you'll show up and show off god i pray that the spirit of god will lift the standard against the plans of the enemy god as we give ourselves to you god move like you have never moved before god and let the people of god look to you god in all thy ways as the word declare and that god will continue to direct our path this morning god we thank you for all that you have already done and continue to do in our midst god as we give you the glory as we give you all the honor and as we give you all the praise in the name of the father in the name of the son and in the name of the holy spirit who taught us when we pray to say our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thine kingdom come thine will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day god our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us god not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever amen hallelujah hallelujah won't they give the lord a clap offering in his house this morning won't you lift up his holy name this morning won't you bless him this morning because god is worthy to be praised i don't know about you but he woke me up this morning in my right mind hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we bless his holy name hallelujah god is a good god god is a good god hallelujah we worship him this morning hallelujah i'll invite you at this time to take your bibles with me hallelujah as we look to saint john 17 we'll be reading from verses 1 through to 18. hallelujah if you are founded let me hear you say resounding amen hallelujah so i'll begin at this time so these words spake jesus and lifted up his eyes to heaven and said father the hour is come glorify thy son that thy son also may glorify thee as thou has given power over all flesh that he should give eternal life to as many as thou has given him and this is life eternal that they might know thee the only true god and jesus christ whom thou has sent i have glorified thee on the earth i have finished the work which thou gave us me to do and now o father glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which i had with thee before the world was i have manifested thy name unto men which thou gavest me out of the world thine they were and thou gave us them me and they have kept thy word now they have known that all things whatsoever though has given me are of thee for i have given unto them the words which thou gavest me and they have received them and have known surely that i came from thee and they have relieved thou they sent me i pray for them i pray not for the world but for them which thou has given me for they are thine and all are and all mine are thine and thine are mine and i am glorified in them and now i am no more in the world but these are the word and i came to the holy father keep through thine own name those whom thou has given me that they may be one as we are while i was with them in the world i kept them in thy name those that thou gave as me i have kept and none of them is lost but the son of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled and now come i to thee and these things i speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves i have given them thy word and the word had hated them because they are not of the world even as i am not of the world i pray not that thou should estate them out of the world but thou shall escape them from the evil they are not of the world even as i am not of the world sanctify them through thy truth thy word is truth 18th and final as thou has sent me into the world even so have i also sent them into the world hallelujah can we read 18 and final again as thou has sent me into the world even so have i also sent them into the world hallelujah the lord has spoken let the church say amen hallelujah you may take your seats at this time hallelujah indeed it's a wonderful privilege to be in the house once again to lift up the holy name of jesus at this time we'll be blessed with the pre-recorded ministry of the echoes of faith choir [Music] today even doctors don't know what to do [Music] [Music] [Music] if we were just learn to trust [Music] the challenges [Music] he's still doing great things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] a miracle today even doctors don't know what to do [Music] he's still [Music] if we were just [Music] darkness into [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] crazy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah yes god is still able to transform your life god is indeed still doing great things what a timely reminder can we just bless the lord at this time hallelujah do you love him is he worthy indeed god is worthy to be praised hallelujah the task is mine at this time to do the general welcome and acknowledgement today sunday march 6 2022 to god be the glory indeed great things he had done who sent us his only son hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah to die on the cross for our sins and this morning we are grateful that jesus took the cross on behalf of all of us first chronicles 16 9-12 declares it says sing unto him sing psalms unto him talking all his wondrous works glory he in his holy name let the heart of them rejoice that seek the lord seek the lord and his strength seek his face continually remember his marvelous works that he has done and the judgment of his house hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let me at this time greet our presiding bishop and founder bishop dr delford davis's wife minister dr petrova davis our senior assistant pastor minister isilla nottman to all our credential officers and members i greet you in the mighty and precious name of jesus who is our soon and coming king at this time i'd like to pause to indicate if there are any first time or second time or just a regular visitor here this morning will you indicate by the waving of your hand hallelujah hallelujah bless the name of the lord what better place to be than in the house of almighty god is that amen hallelujah to all our viewers on flow channel 602 and 672 digiplay 20 facebook youtube instagram to those on www.pfm to all and to all our well-wishers today i greet you in one name the only name the name that is above every name and the word of god declares that at the name of jesus every initial bowel and every tongue must confess that he is lord and savior at this time i asked the congregation to put your hands together and make me make welcome or visit us viewers bros and welcome in the name of the holy spirit hallelujah hallelujah do you love the lord this morning hallelujah do you love him this morning come on hallelujah at this time we'll invite the prison worship team to come back to give us seven minutes of praise expression at this time hallelujah glory to god come on let's stand together as we give god some crazy praise this morning hallelujah is god awesome in our midst this morning bless the name of jesus we worship you lord we glorify your holy name bless the name of jesus nobody caught it nobody trim it it is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] it is it is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he is [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] is is [Music] [Music] jesus is my deliverer hallelujah do we have a wave of hand who want to testify that you were delivered by jesus hallelujah hallelujah we worship him hallelujah we bless his holy name psalm 91 declares that he that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under his shadow let us abide this morning under the shadow hallelujah at this time we'll be blessed with the minister of the voice of inspiration choir and immediately after the minister of require the next voice you'll hear is that of our bishop and founder i trust that you make him welcome when he comes it was indeed my pleasure to have served you god bless you [Applause] for help and you're fine to know on a day and the darkness moves in [Music] on each side [Music] just remember that god is always watching in love and in his love in arms you can always hide [Music] the darkness moves in on each side just remember [Applause] god is always [Music] you can always hide and jesus comes in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is he has power to heal and deliver from sin [Music] there is nothing [Music] [Music] why not reach up him to yourself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] there is nothing too hard for the savior to do why not reach out to him [Music] oh [Music] to deliver oh [Music] [Music] he has power to stop all the troubles there is nothing [Music] to him because jesus is [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] he is in [Music] to deliver [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to the pages of the parfait ministries diary for the week beginning sunday march 6 2022 greetings came to our bishop minister davis and the power of a ministry ministries family from the following brethren overseas deaconess negreta penicot deaconess pamela lewis deaconess valerie smith sister winifred walters from the miramar assembly and she sends special greeting to the power department sister jasmine mcdonald sister paulette thompson sister ansel douglas sister irene ratchery and sister glanville who sent special greetings to the voices of inspiration quora all couples of the marriage enrichment ministry please meet with minister michael smith immediately after the first service in the multi-purpose all as we discuss matters relating to retreat 2022. ladies do you have an hour or two to give to the kingdom minister tamika picturkin is enlisting volunteers for the canteen and to assist with the cleaning of the sanctuary please submit your name and contact information to the church's office at 876-988-7638 all prior warriors are asked to be out for your monthly meeting tomorrow monday march 7 at 6 pm sharp in the children's church all brothers are invited to men's meeting which will resume tomorrow monday march 7 at 7 p.m elder jones would like to meet with all deacons on tuesday march 8th at 6 p.m workday continues this saturday march 12 at 6 30 am all brothers are invited out to make this day a success the women of work department will resume their monthly meeting on monday march 14 at 6 pm please here bear this date in mind and stay tuned for further information it's been a long time coming and we are now ready to start again with our let the oil flow service commencing on friday march 25th at 7 pm so come out in your numbers and let's give praise to our kings of kings the bible studies department will be hosting a one of a kind cake sale on friday march 25th please contact any of the superintendents or teachers to place your orders parents and guardians please be advised that due to the pandemic bible studies is being held online if your child is not yet engaged please contact our superintendent minister janet small members who would like to open an account or if you just need more information about the pfm thrift club you are invited to meet the team immediately after the first service in the music institute please note that the trip club is open immediately after the first service up to 11 am to serve you it was indeed my pleasure serving you do enjoy the rest of the service thank you [Applause] [Music] come on lift up holy hands and praise the lord come on praise him he's worthy to be praised thank you jesus it's good to be in the house of the lord this morning to give him glory and honor and praise thank you jesus [Music] a vessel of honor i'm longing to be as clay to the pardon may i be to thee you may have to break down resistance at times [Music] but lord don't stop molding and shaping my [Music] shape me dear father please make me like you mold me completely so i can be true and if you have to break down [Music] resistance at times [Applause] [Music] it would be such [Music] and it seeks its own will it could only be cast out to the old potter's mail [Music] shake me dear father please [Music] completely so i can be true and if [Music] [Music] it would be such a disservice [Music] and it seeks its way [Music] don't cast me out father put me back on me shape me their father please [Music] [Music] me may i understand you're still loving and making my life in your hands shape me their father please make me [Music] [Applause] so i can [Music] may [Music] [Applause] [Music] their father please so i can be true and if you have to break [Music] [Music] me [Music] in your way [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well glory to god hallelujah thank you jesus lift up your hands and give him praise in the house [Applause] [Music] alive in your hand break me and shape me and mold me and make me do what you want to do with me for your glory let us stand please those who are yet seated it's been a while we have not offered [Music] our pastoral prayer as was a part of our custom i pray for you now that the god of heaven will be your everything will be your all i pray for you now that the week that begins today will be an exceptional one for you that it will be filled with the glory and the goodness of god raise your hand with me please if you can father in the name of jesus christ i lift up to you your earthly body the church the assembly of christian believers who have devoted everything to serve you in spirit and in truth oh god i pray now that you will let your holy spirit upon each and every one of us in a supernatural way we often sing the song lord many things about tomorrow we don't seem to understand but we know who holds tomorrow and he holds our hands i commit everyone into your hands no lord for care i commit them for protection i commit them for guidance glory i commit them for the supplying of all of their needs out of your abundant riches in glory by christ jesus i commit them to health above sickness i commit them to wealth above prosperity i commit them to victory above every defeat in the name of jesus christ i commit them to strength above every weakness in the name of jesus christ i commit them to the fullness of joy beyond any sorrow and even those who are sorrowing right now lord i pray that you turn it around for them take their hushes oh god take their filthy garments take their loneliness take their distress take their sorrow take their pain and cause them lord god to walk in the fullness of your grace manifesting your power in the name of jesus so lord god all the days of this week that are yet ahead of us i pray that they will all walk in victory in the name of jesus christ and against them the gates of hell shall not prevail no sickness no disease no ailments no motor vehicle accident no tragedy no nothing dear god nothing that will distress their lives chakra but let the presence of god overshadow your children [Music] pillar of cloud every day be dear with them pillar of fire be there every night angels with flaming sword of fire to god they're going out and they're coming in to guard their families to guard your finances to guard your health in the name of jesus christ and may everyone during the course of this week experience a jacob moment may an angel visit with them personally and may they receive from god a transformation they've never had before let it be a glorious week a week spent entirely in your presence and under the shadow of the almighty i speak it in the name of jesus christ of nazareth and declare that it shall be so and father even that infant in the hospital right now that is afflicted with some types of infant disease pray in the name of jesus christ that you touch that newborn right now holy spirit overshadow that bed rasa holy spirit always shatter that bed in that hospital holy spirit breathe upon that infant now in the name of jesus raise him up raise him up by your mighty power destroy everything against his health right now in the name of jesus we pray amen and amen give god praise come on come on give god praise give god praise give god praise [Music] give him praise hallelujah give him praise give him praise jesus lord i can't even walk without you holding my head do i have a worshipping church here this morning is [Music] [Music] [Applause] not even one [Music] the mountain is too high [Music] is [Music] [Music] is clap your hands and give him praise in the house of god clap your hands and celebrate the king of heaven god bless you be seated in the presence of god with a prayer in your hearts a praise on your lips a song in your soul glory what a joy it is for us to be together in this space and in your personal space wherever you are god's people from all denominations from no denomination people of faith people of no faith believers and non-believers alike we welcome you to what god is doing in this place and we invite you to participate as the holy spirit will continue to minister to his people i welcome the wonderful group of ministers amen my wife dr petrova and all the galaxy of ministers elders yeah give them a hand evangelists decons hushes exhausters missionaries deaconesses all office holders and no office holders i greet everybody well in the name of jesus god is good isn't he [Applause] we're returning to what we consider to be normal operations at snails space but we'll get there amen please be mindful of the adjustments to our services sunday morning seven o'clock to 9 30 a.m and 10 a.m to 12 30. so bear that in mind two services only around this time seven o'clock to 9 30 and 10 a.m to 12 30 at a fasting schedule remains 8 00 a.m to 10 30 a.m and 11 a.m to 1 30 p.m so please bear that in mind sunday nights when there will be men's ministry women's ministry youth ministry family ministry well that's weekday nights 6 30 p.m to 9 00 p.m so please bear those in mind friday nights we continue with seven o'clock to 9 15 and the same thing for wednesday night exalters will be back up and running all of those ministries that i have mentioned so we want you to give your full support amen at the end of sunday morning services sometimes a number of you come by the door to see me to talk with me i'm happy that we have ministers who will be on duty at the door so if you don't have to see me personally ministers will be there to hear your complaints pray with you if you need a prayer and if it is something to be referred to me i guarantee you they will and it will be addressed amen amen all right i think that's about it for us this morning just reminding everybody across the globe that you should also listen to our radio broadcast nationwide sunday mornings at 8 30 a.m gospel j a f m friday evenings at 5 30 p.m love 101 thursday mornings at 9 30 a.m kingdom sound radio internet based out of montego bay several times on that station per week and finally choirs all charistas all the charistas hope to meet with you on saturday the 19th at 5 00 p.m in this space and of course that is to include the new choir that was being trained formed organized we want to see where you have reached minister or nila dave is no longer here to guide you but i know there are number of you another choir was being formed so we want all those persons who were part of that group to be here on the 19th also at 5 00 p.m and finally finally as you turn to saint john chapter 17 av department we will be making our contributions to them amen this month so we want you to brush up on that those who have not yet contributed do so as we bless the men and women of god who have never failed to capture by live and delayed transmission they have been feeding the world amen lord we ask you to lead us by your holy spirit continually as we seek to do your will i pray that you will speak to our hearts as we enter upon your word let the unction of the holy spirit be upon this vessel and upon all the vessels that are here to receive oh god we know that by your spirit the job will get done so holy spirit go before us now bind the powers of hell shake else foundation and give victory to every person we pray in jesus name amen last sunday i spoke two messages from john chapter 17. under the theme jesus did it did it all for us and he challenged my heart to challenge our hearts and ask us let us do it all for him anybody still have that commitment to do it all for jesus set yourself apart this morning we continue in john chapter 17 and we want to look at jesus jesus's prayer for the church this 17th chapter of saint john is accepted generally as jesus's i priestly prayer as he prayed for the church and that prayer that was prayed thousands of years ago is still effective because the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous availeth much and there is none as righteous as jesus christ so his prayers will continue to avail all the time throughout all seasons now this will be a completely different type of presentation from last week last week you ruffled in your seat as we tuned down all kinds of things that you don't want to hear cause you to raise your eyebrows and to twirl in your seat we don't know where we're going today but let's see this 17 chapter like i said before i need not read the verses they were read and they are right before you it speaks to jesus when he knew he had bought a short time to live in the flesh in this earth a short time things were winding up packing up time things were on the verge of being culminated at calvary so when he knew that he had but a short time to live we would have noticed he spent the time concentrating mostly on the inner circle his disciples because he knew how important it was for him to get them fully aboard and to understand what the mission is all about they would be the ones to take this full gospel into all the world it started with them those 12 feeble men whom they called ignorant and unlearned but jesus spent time with them he made deposit in their lives because he knew for sure that after his physical departure from this earth those men would take the gospel to the nations and they were very very conscious of the task that they were being asked to assume they were fully aware so matthew chapter 24 and verse 14 and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness and unto all nations and then shall the end come those twelve men were the catalysts they were the pacesetters millions have come behind them including me in this 21st century including many of us or all of us here because every believer a preacher you may not open your mouth but your life preaches a message somebody says something down there you may never stand behind a pulpit but you walk among people and when you walk among them jesus said your light ought to so shine before men that they may see the gospel through your lifestyle i love that come on yeah that they may see the gospel through your lifestyle they may see the gospel through the way you model christ and you never open the bible and tell them john 10 10 but they look at you and they want to follow in your steps and your life will lead them to jesus christ so let your lower lights be burning send a gleam across the way some poor fainting struggling semen you may rescue you may oh glory to god you may save somebody showed your prayers there feel a preacher coming on me matthew 28 19 or 18 go he therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lord i am with you always even to the end of the age jesus sat them down and gave them that commission and they were the ones who would have to take it to the world hallelujah give him praise mark 16 and verse 20 and they went and preached everywhere everywhere the lord confirming their words with signs and signs and wonders and diverse miracles and gifts of the holy ghost now you see why why there was a need for jesus to spend quality time with those 12 men lift your hand and say lord i want to spend quality time with you and i want you to spend some time with me hallelujah what did jesus said about mary she chose what the better part she sat at his feet to hear his word oh glory somebody praise god with me in this house hallelujah to the lamb so prayer this i please i priestly prayer amen i want to submit to us today as believers that prayer is our first and most rewarding task praying to god is not wasting time prayer is our first and most rewarding task jesus spent many hours in prayer the disciples spent many hours in prayer the prophets who preceded them spent many hours in prayer talking to the heavenly father because when i kneel in prayer and with thee my god hold on when i start a scripture and you know it you must say it along with me when i start a sentence and you know what you must say it with me that's all you connect with the spirit do not just sit there under your mask and do and say nothing breach the mask and say something when i kneel and burn with thee my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] brings us into the very presence of god and when prayer brings us into the presence of god there's a twofold happenings there it brings us the abort to give and to receive somebody praising him how many love to give let me see your hand wave them and say i'm a giver how many love to receive say i love to receive oh yeah all of us love to receive some more than or we love to give but prayer brings us in the presence of god both to give and to receive when we come to him in prayer we come to the lord and we honor him we give unto him glory and honor that's due unto his name we place him in his right perspective as king of kings and lord of lords as conquering lion of the tribe of judah as ruler of this universe as the only supreme being death that exists in the world somebody praise god hallelujah that's why the apostle paul says may not always pray lifting up holy hands without doubting we pray in the streets we pray in the city we pray at home we pray at the workplace and that doesn't mean you have to go down in a kneeling posture you're walking but you're praying you're healing but you're praying my god you're driving what you're praying am i preaching to anybody here you're sitting down like you're doing nothing but you're praying your spirit is connected to your heavenly father whoa glory to god so you give and you receive the apostles amen the apostles in acts chapter 6 and verse 4 when some things were getting out of hand they said hold on we will give ourselves continually to prayer on the word so that the manifestation of the power of god can be seen and felt among his people prayer changes people and people change things [Music] can i say that again prayer changes people and people change things lift your hand and say i want to be a changed agent in this world god want to use you as a change agent to usher in a new day upon this sinful world to usher in a new beginning in your family a new beginning in your community a new beginning at the workplace oh jesus a new beginning in the church when men pray god hears and he han says somebody say something there hallelujah while i was preparing this the holy spirit dropped this in my heart and he says in the very way jesus as ed the leader of the christian church spent time praying for his followers praying for his disciples praying for those who worked along with him he says in the very same way us as on the shepherds need to pray for those that work along with us son the school superintendent must spend time praying for the sunday school prayer warriors leaders must spend time praying for the prayer warriors oh glory to god head of the music department must spend time praying for the music department head of the choirs must spend time praying for the choirs head of the hostile departments must spend time oh you're not getting the message spend time praying for the ushers head of the hell that's consumer spend time on your knees sir praying for the elders and the same thing goes for all of the departments head of the men's ministry must spend time praying for the men's department and the men in general and pastors do spend time on their knees praying for the saints praying for their strength praying for their stability praying for their health praying for their spirituality praying that the god of heaven will be with them and they will not fall prey to the enemy for you i am praying let all the leaders lift your hand wherever you are and say for you i'm praying those who leave some department come on lift your hand and say for you i'm praying all glory to god for you i'm praying i'm praying for you god i feel the holy ghost touching me here we cannot take things for granted not in this day and in this hour if we did so before we cannot do so now because we are living in evil days perilous times treacherous times and the devil is on the loose oh glory well let me go a little further head of the family whoever is the head of the family to spend time on your knees praying for the family somebody say something there jesus took time out and he prayed for them and he prayed with them and that's the reason you and i today are here amen enjoying some semblance of victory it is not of our own doing is because the master interceded on our behalf oh glory somebody say something there he had a wonderful disciple named simon peter who we knew would come come up against some hard times he knew that things would turn against simon and he said to him hey simon simon simon there's a devil out there he has a desire for you some of you acting like oh you don't like you don't know there's a devil out there and he's after you some of you acting as though you don't know that you're on the hit list your name is high and the devil's hitless hey glory to god simon simon satan desire to have you that he might mess you up but i'm gonna tell you one thing oh jesus oh nobody with me i prayed for you that your faith will not fail you i pray for you that you stand up when you need to stand and even if you go down you are going to rise again somebody praise him here with me some of you may be down this morning but in the name of jesus i declare you shall rise again i declare your leave shall become green again and declare that your tree shall blossom and bloom and bear again and decree in the name of jesus that everyone that has fallen shall rise again hey god i feel the power of god upon me somebody wave your hand and praise him you may be down but you are not out the devil thinks you're out but jesus prays for you and somewhere along the line amen if a tree is cut down even at the scent of water it shall spring again some water is being poured today and somebody's about to show signs of recovery signs of recovery signs of coming back to where you belong somebody wave your hand and shout something in this chakra i prayed for you that your faith failure not you're coming back simon i'm preaching to a simon right now who may have hit the lord it's rock bottom and the devil is all over you telling you that you are done for you are finished with i want to shake yourself together in the name of jesus and because you know who has prayed for you rise up in faith oh and begin to fight again fight again [Applause] [Music] i say a prayer for you i say a prayer for you yes sir yes sir yes sir jesus said i pray for them i pray not for the world this is target prayer father i'm not praying for the world i'm praying for these whom that was given to me and i'm praying for those who will come to me through their words so i'm praying for generations of believers oh glory to god somebody give the lord a praise on it hear this there is that which is called iceberg iceberg and there's that which is called a iceberg and there's that which is called volcano volcano and iceberg are not land immediate land surfaced manifestation they are beneath i'm making a point somebody says something here they are beneath the true power black christian powerpuff christian is comparable to volcanoes they are comparable to iceberg they lie beneath still sometimes but i tell you whenever they erupt whenever they erupt whenever they are stored up oh god almighty somebody say something there this is what prayer will produce in the life of a believer you look surface but underneath says somebody say underneath somebody said beneath yeah those private drills that you do that people don't see and know nothing about it's like a volcano underneath preparing for to erupt come on somebody say something there it's like a oh god almighty some of you ain't getting this i want to let you know that you are much more than you think you are in christ [Music] hallelujah when that iceberg hit the titanic oh glory captain even flying the face of god maybe say not even god can stop this this titanic but when it iceberg hit the titanic realize that if not everything that is still and quiet are really passive you just wait until the right time come oh somebody praise god with me there somebody praise god with me i want some of you to lift the circumstances around you know that in the name of jesus you are about to erupt like a volcano your lover is coming together god almighty you are gathering steam nobody knows what's going on under there but in a matter of time lift your hand and say in a matter of time saying the fullness of time [Music] oh god of heaven somebody prays him to my left can somebody praise him to my left do i have any praises to my right do i have any youtube facebook instagram pfm television praises across the globe somebody lift up your hand and say i'm getting ready i'm getting ready i'm almost there i'm almost there i'm going to erupt as a volcano as a iceberg let the devils know that great daisy that is in me that he that he's in let him know that i am more than a conqueror chocobo hey somebody praise god with me yeah yeah more than a conqueror that's who i am because i'm a new creation and i'm a brand new man so jesus the ultimate leader prayed for us he gives us an example that we should follow in his steps all the way my savior leads me what have i to have suicide can i don't disturb the mercy who's through life has been my guide i can't doubt him now heavenly peace divine as comfort here by faith in him to dwell whereas held the world to whittle and no one here befall me jesus is working this purpose out somebody praise god with me jesus is working his purpose out he knows you're going to defy him he knows you're going to the flood he knows that you are being overwhelmed but he's there with you yeah yeah oh my god almighty hallelujah hallelujah following these steps oh somebody praising so what we saw there that jesus individualized and personally prayed for number one was the faith f-a-i-t-h because without faith nobody's saying nothing huh but without sense it is impossible to please god so it was very important that jesus prayed that simon's faith doesn't fail him because if you have everything else and you do not have faith my bible says it is impossible an impossible means it's not possible it can't happen somebody says something so the lord prayed for our faith and that's what's helping many of us today when you look at the text carefully not only did he pray for their faith but he also prayed for their fulfillment in other words he wants for them to be fulfilled in what they do if you're doing something and there's no gratification there's no satisfaction there's no joy it becomes monotonous it becomes boring somebody say something so i prayed for their fulfillment in other words i want you to enjoy the journey i want to enjoy the walk i want you to enjoy the ride even the means of persecution and joy knowing that weeping may endure for a night oh jesus but joy comes in the morning glory to god anybody know what i'm talking about here [Applause] you can't just endure all the time you have to enjoy some stuff life would be miserable and terrible if you have to be enduring everything about your husband enduring everything about your wife enduring everything about your christianity no he said i want you to be fulfilled anybody are satisfied on this journey serving the lord anybody feel like pressing on you've got trials what you feel like pressing on persecution what you feel like traveling on all kind of hell come up against you but you still feel like i feel like traveling on i feel like traveling on my heavenly arms upright and fear [Music] traveling [Applause] i feel like travelling so he prayed for their faith he prayed for their fulfillment he wants you to enjoy the journey for in his presence there is fullness of and i just write and there are forevermore somebody praise god with me there hallelujah [Music] he also prayed for not only their faith and their fulfillments but i think he prayed for their future and i'm using the f-word you could see that already he prayed for their future in other words he wants them to have longevity in service not like a mushroom that comes up today and in the evening it disappears he wants them to have longevity he even said to them with long life will i satisfy you and show you my salvation in the midst of longevity he wants them to have stability not just to live but leave any and any any any chocolate choco he wants him to be stabled to stand fast in the liberty oh hallelujah your future in god is secured don't worry about it oh hallelujah hallelujah say my faith is secured my fulfillment is intact and my future is secure yeah you have a future in christ don't let's see it and tell you anything otherwise somebody praise god with me longevity and stability like some of us who've been going on for many decades now or you're not saying nothing many decades been through all the seasons maybe all the seasons that you can talk about not just the spring summer autumn winter there are many many seasons in christianity talk to me somebody all of the seasons you can think about some of us have been through them and are still going through oh hallelujah about stability a future stability longevity serving god night and day i can hear some folks that been married for 40 years i said jesus christ 40 years that's a whole generation well i've been married for 43 heading for 44 longevity with stability one wife same wife oh you're not saying nothing that's what god wants for us one salvation with the same savior you don't have to run over the place looking for another jesus looking for another faith looking for another church looking for another pastor trying to find a better bishop a better elder a better deacon know when you find jesus and you settle down with him [Music] you got everything jesus for i got everything [Music] i need to make me happy i got jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so he prayed for the faith first and foremost if player pray that they be fulfilled he prayed for their future stability and longevity serve god like enoch 365 years and god took him you will serve god all the days of your life are you not saying nothing lift your hand and say i must serve god as long as i live that's it longevity and stability in the faith not only that but he prayed when you look at the text john 17 he prayed for their faithfulness everybody said faithfulness oh jesus so their faith was secured their fulfillment was intact their future was secured but now they're on the job where it matters most this is not not theoretical this is practical are you not saying nothing this is not bible school with a lecturer telling you some things this is not theoretical you passed that long time you are now in the real world and you're out there as sheep in the midst of wolves and i told you to beware of men because men will rise up against jesus do you remember the beatitudes i gave you in the fifth chapter of saint matthew didn't i tell you many things in which you ought to be blessed and even when men shall refile you are you not preaching with me when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against not let perish falsely shall condemn myself falsely for my name's sake you've got to be faithful to the task you cannot give up on throwing the towel lord god i'm preaching my heart to somebody here today hallelujah you got to be faithful like what about says in chapter 3 and 17 you know i love that verse although the fig tree shall not blossom neither shall fruit be defined the labor of the holy shall fail the flock shall heal no meat the head shall be cut up from the stall yet we lie praise god yet will i serve him yet will i remain faithful somebody praise god in this house with me [Music] he prayed for their faithfulness dr p because if they dropped them all everything would be lost somebody praise him here they got to be faithful not even when james loses his head james apostle james lose his head whenever i took off james's head god i'm preaching and got past the peter and put him in prison the faithful saints still had to be on the job as a pastor for you we are praying pastor for you we are praying pastor peter for you we are praying [Music] that did not become discouraged and we can give up i said there's a god in heaven oh glory to god somebody praise him the bible says it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful students are to be faithful so having prayed for your faith having prayed for their fulfillment having prayed for their future he said i must pray that you'll be faithful because people are going to rise up against you even from among your own selves right here in this church where you have been for years or for whatever period of time some people will rise up against you anybody i've ever had church people rise up against you wherever let me see some church people rise up against okay anybody here have a rise up against church people let me see your hand [Music] you've had people rose up against you and sometimes some of us do the rising up or you don't want both sides of the coin come on somebody so you pray that they remain faithful elder morrison oh glory to god because persecution will come tribulation will come back biting on criticism on all kinds of hell will rise up against you but he that endured to the hand same shall be saved oh glory to god somebody praise amen david was declared to be a faithful man in saul's house faithful all that saul tried to do to destroy him yet david remained a faithful servant hallelujah somebody praise him let me give you two more of these f words and finish so jesus prayed for church he prayed for us he prayed for their faith he prayed for their fulfillment he prayed for their future and then he prayed for their faithfulness to the gospel when you are faithful you know is not just to be full of faith it means also you have commitment and courage and determination and stick-to-weightedness and regardless of what calm rain sunshine you know this comes back to mine i've got to close i can't forget it's comebacks tonight we're pastoring in some some other place rain was hailing we say cats and dogs minister davis maybe remember we're the mission house a little way from the church and in the really healing donor so a boy maybe you heard me said this before some of you maybe about 10 years old coming up underneath his umbrella ring pouring and i was sitting on the veranda the mission house looking out nobody could move it was the june flood of 1970 watts 78 79 whatever where the whole of dawn's the western place were bamboo tree covered with water and the little boy came up when he came to the verdict and he said pastor davis mama said we must bring the tides never seen it like that mama said he must bring the tides in our words mama demonstrated that under any circumstance my ties must get to where it belongs somebody says something i could hardly believe that somebody would have done that and i had to take the young man inside and keep him there until the rain subsided a bit and he went back to mama when i saw mama said mama why you did that it's a pastor i just need to do what i have to do somebody praise god with me faithful faithful and you see the tides business some people are not faithful tithers they pay tithes when they feel like they pay tithes after they spin off all they can spend but learn me friend if you put god first he puts you first some of you really have not yet experienced the joy of sowing on reaper you know was it last week sunday if i just wrote celebrated her birthday was it and i said i'm gonna give you 100 us dollars somebody gave it to me i gave it to you you think it's because i don't need it before i leave here somebody give me 300 u.s the cmd oh you're not saying nothing before i leave here i never knew that was there but the lord just tell me sow that seed give it to her i leave here the same day i wish i have it here to give somebody else so could get 900 after a while somebody give god praise wave your hand and praise him let me close jesus also prayed for not only the faithfulness but he prayed for their fruitfulness fruitfulness jesus you must be fruitful anywhere you go and preach the gospel things must happen people must get saved people must get healed people must get delivered somebody praise god with me lift your hand and say lord i want to be a fruitful christian [Music] every branch in me that beareth fruit he said a purge that it brings forth more fruit oh glory to god and those that bring forth no fruit to take it away why converse thou the ground their fruitfulness that's the reason when they could not heal the boy with the dumb and deaf spirit they come to jesus i said no we can't tell us why we could not cast this devil out jesus said because of your unbelief i pray for a little girl this morning that god will heal her she has not been to school for a long time stand up stand up little baby come and stand here pray for that god with healer she has been having this problem yes they're right there we prayed for in the office this morning that that cough that doctors have tried every god almighty thing to fix this medication that medication all kind of medication when she came in the office morning standing here for the few seconds she would have been just going like this just did you came in here with me not a break and look at her now and declare it in the name of jesus that cough will never trouble you again in the name of jesus you shall go to school you shall be well by the power of jesus [Music] hey somebody praising somebody praising came out of the office and i checked her and i said how is it she says all right somebody praise god go back to your seat my dear god is an awesome god he wants us to be fruitful [Music] fruitful jesus john 15 and verse 8 here in is my father glorified that you bring forth much fruit socially be my disciples hearing is my father glorified that you bring forth much fruit trees begin to bear manga trees horn tree grapefruit tree whatever tree begin to bear according to your kind o glory to god somebody praise him hallelujah matthew 7 and verse 16 oh hallelujah by their fruits you shall know them he prayed for her fruitfulness he wants us to be fruitful and finally finally not only did he pray for their faith their fulfillment their future their faithfulness and their fruitfulness but i guess i know you know where i'm going he prayed for their fellowship fellowship by this shall all men know you are my disciples if if there is no love there can be no fellowship are you not saying nothing no love no fellowship let wife and husband tell you about that no love no fellowship everything shut down are you not saying nothing man turn you no a woman turn you knock everything shut down no love no fellowship no fee no fire come on bishop keep it right it's right no feenova no love no fellowship are you with me so he said i pray that you fellowship one with another and the bible says they would go from host to house fellowshipping breaking bread praying with one another communing with one another supporting one another nobody was lacking of anything because they distributed among themselves where there was a need identified the need was met because love was there and they distributed among themselves fellowship fellow on the same ship share with one another somebody praise god with me here i did say praise god with me here god doesn't want any separated branch from the vine if you're separated as a branch from the vine you are going to without die so if you are in a church if you're in the church and you're just a standoffish person i mean i'll mix up with nobody oh no anybody call me name [Music] my don't let that stay okay let me know anybody call me name somebody just come to church and worship and as soon as a benediction just come through the door that's not too good oh no that's not it that's not it we must learn to communicate with all saints we must love to share with one another fellowship with one another you're surprised to know how much your iron can sharpen somebody else's iron you're surprised to know how your pleasant countenance and your beautiful radiant smile can lift up somebody from down in the dust a little doldrum he prayed did you say i'm preaching thank you for saying so fellowship you know let me say this and i close simon peter was maybe seen as an outcast by the other disciples and i said that based on what jesus had to say because when he sent them to go call his disciples to meet mr gallery you know what he said don't live peter he specifically said to them bring simon because for some of them simon was a cast out simon was a backslider simon mess up things we can't walk in his company anymore jesus said bring him bring him if there is anybody who needs a physician it is a person that is sick so don't cast away a sick person if you see them and you know them pour in some oil pour in some wine bring them to the fountain of water let them drink and be revived so do not be a standout fish believer in a fellowship like this that is not to say you're going to tell people your business you want to know the people's business there's a lot to talk about just talk about the goodness of god [Music] just talk about the goodness of god well this is where i rest my case fellowship for if we walk in the light first john 1 and verse 7 as he is in the light what will happen then we have fellowship one with another if all of us are walking in the light as jesus is in the light he said we will have fellowship one with another and the blood of jesus christ cleanses us from all sins [Music] but a close on a more sober note for all of us ephesians chapter 5 and verse 11. what he says he says fellowship of the fellowship of believers must be in righteousness in godliness and in holiness so we are going bishop he says have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather approve them so fellowship to some extent has to be selective and conditional wherever there is unfruitful works of darkness manifesting the life of anyone fellowship must be restrained and you reprove them tell them that your ways are not pleasing according to the scripture two cannot walk except they agree light and darkness have no communion no fellowship so please remember stand with me please everybody yeah please remember have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness wherever they exist you must reprove them jesus prayed for us that preached the prayer in john chapter 17 and all the things i've enunciated plus all that i have not he prayed for our total existence spirit soul and body he prayed for us we sing the song for you we are praying and we are going to pray for somebody this morning not for yourself not for your hill health not for your financial challenge look for somebody it could be a relative but it don't have to be what about that boy who passed in the street this morning hanging out on the corner as early as the morning was what about those at the workplace who are still lost in sin look for somebody here home abroad for you i'm praying [Music] everybody [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] in the name of jesus [Applause] raise your hand and sing it one more time bring that person that man that woman that boy that girl that co-worker whoever whoever they do not know that right now the holy ghost is searing on them [Applause] [Music] yes jesus [Applause] [Music] everybody pray for that person on your heart right now pray brother this is the only way some people will evangelize pray who is he [Music] [Music] if there's an unsafe on the backside i in my audience walk down to the altar and go born again if there's an unsafe backslider in my audience walked onto the altar while we pray father the saints are praying for various ones all over the place that those who are praying for king folks praying for unsaved husbands praying for unsaved children god they pray for unsaved parents they are praying for unsaved co-workers god they are praying for community members and while they are praying these are coming to be born again in the name of jesus let your holy spirit descend upon all persons those who are giving and those who are receiving oh god touch them let the givers continue to give let the receivers receive as the holy spirit makes a deposit right now save the reclaim the backsliders defeat the adversary let your people walk in victory god we've been praying for some of those people a long time and they seem as though nothing is happening but on this special assignment this morning we pray for them that you will save them these loved ones at the altar we give them to you [Music] wash them in your precious blood sanctify their spirit and make them whole remove sin from their hearts and lives and turn them oh glory turn them around i speak it for you now for if you confess the lord jesus christ in your heart confess him with your mouth believe in your heart you shall be saved save them now we pray loose them and set them free in jesus name for you i am for you i am [Music] [Applause] god bless you you are the altar follow this lady in the black and white dress just go down to the corner there they will further pray with you and instruct you as to your walk with christ anybody god bless you this morning well different kind of morning let's get ready to worship in our giving to the lord this church will give tides an offering seed fate offering special offering every man according to several ability those online you can give online you know how to give those in other spaces you know what to do you're being attended to by elders and ushers and deacons father we ask you to bless tithes and offering gifts and give us it is out of the unknown we give back to you we ask you lord that you'll accept our gifts and accept us and bless both for your glory and for your honor in jesus name amen now we're going to ask you to come orderly please those from the from this wing all of the external away from the main auditorium you come this side and go back the same thing on this side so everybody in the main auditorium remains seated those from the wings you come and give when you're through the main auditorium will come this way and go back through the center aisle god bless you as you do so there be no service on tonight we meet on wednesday 8 00 a.m and 11 a.m wednesday night 7 p.m friday night 7 p.m remember all the announcements that were made concerning work day for this weekend with the brothers ministers on duty at the door for those who wish to speak with the minister you can do so choir meets on the 19th 5 p.m ev av department love gifts make sure you bring them in ok give me a course everybody nobody here to sing okay give me something minister brian yeah what do you have there oh what a glory that will be when the rats are first we'll see [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] me [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] will be [Music] [Applause] [Music] glory to god just go ahead and worship the lord this morning give the lord a note of worship just wave your hands in his presence and bless his name while we continue to give to utilize our time i want persons to just listen very keenly before i go into the main points uh we want to greet you from bishop michael and minister patricia hutchinson out of miramar special greetings to you all crave our sincere prayers also deaconess naomi nelson and her family we bless the lord for them and sister davia bix we continue to remember them in our prayers missionary gibbs long and his her sister sister gibbs bernard they sent their special greetings also praise god at this time i'm going to be asking brianna webber brianna webber to come praise god i want bishop davis to present you with that laptop praise god on your laptop that we were supposed to have given last week it comes from cutie king and it is anita's kids foundation incorporated praise god i'm going to ask bishop davis to make you that presentation as we give god thanks for what the lord is doing in our midst praise god i'm going to be calling some names and i'm going to ask you please to come to me there's a form for you to receive that you need to have filled out so i want to tell this very keenly and come to me after very immediately after we are dismissed exhorter carol matthews evangelist leon edwards exhorta fianni matthews exotic conrod chambers exhauster sherman frit deacon dennis davis worker chanel harriet worker kamian parrish james worker tanisha friginette worker shakira robinson worker lorna crookshan missionary martial hagan missionary patricia hall missionary mavis gregory missionary daphne hilton missionary sylvita martin missionary lorna thor billings missionary hyacinth williams missionary adusa whittle worker dasil graham worker keisha doyle worker janet berford sister tanisha carter sister ann marie coy sister asana dono sister keisha stewart sister marlene roberts brother chenier mcknight brother eaton douglas sister marie frith sister stacy dixon sister karina mclean sister evelyn reeves sinclair sister evan shaw sister denise thomas sister ramsey brother leopold thomas brother richard francis and brother steadman which is the teacher praise god i want you all as soon as dismissal to get yourself a form and i will further instruct you god bless you and thank you very much and just before i go i just want you all to remember minister janet small she grieves at this time the lust of her father so please be mindful of her call her pray with her encourage her because anyone that has a debt in a family you know exactly what it feels like that void also we have lost brother clive blake not elder clive blake we have two clive blakes that relates in this church so i'm not talking about elder clive blake he migrates and he lives overseas with his family i'm talking about brother clyde blake that tall trucking gentleman he has passed he's gone home to be with the lord clive james clive james thank you all right so this one is not blake it's clive james so brother james has departed to be with the lord and just before i turn back to bishop davis all credential holders the photographer is here in the multi-purpose hall at the back remember to go around and take your photographs thank you very much and god bless you [Music] bible word institute had graduation exercises last week and what a wonderful time it was they need a minute or two give them a hand as they come at this time [Music] [Music] so bishop davis and minister davis could please have you right here sir ma'am i'm gonna ask the the graduating class of the bw2021 plea to stand wherever you are i'm around the center please stand for me last week sunday was the graduation for the bwi 2021 class of 2021 and and in the midst of the celebration we decided to do the best the best celebration for last on the grand stage today and i strongly believe it is fitting it is so fitting when i listen to your message to the bishop the graduating class of bw i would want to present both apostle bishop davis with this basket and a certificate from the graduating class of bwi 2021 the certificate reads the bwi bible institute class of 2021 presents a certificate of appreciation to our international leaders apostle bishop dr darfur davis cdjp and minister dr petrova davis in responding to the call of grace which has helped us in our growth and development in our lord christ jesus um the pastor of scripture hears ephesians 4 11-12 and he gave some apostles some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of christ sir mom we just want to take this time out and to appreciate you you have demonstrated exemplary leadership in responding to the call that are assisted many of us not just a 2021 graduating class but many of us you have exemplified all these five offices and attributes and character in helping us in respond to that call of goal in all nations in preaching teaching exhorting the gospel of our lord jesus christ [Applause] [Music] so [Music] thank you [Music] let us stand please thank you by the word institute dean minister sonia palmer administrator commissioner rachel stewart uh student council president exorta apollyon garden and all the others god bless you thank you go forward and be faithful and ensure that you are also fruitful mantra everybody what do we say [Applause] is grace of our lord and savior jesus christ the love of god the father full fellowship and communion of the holy spirit the comforter rest remain and abide with us all now and forevermore and god's people say the lord bless you you are dismissed thank you [Music] thank you for watching this live broadcast please like share and subscribe if you were blessed and inspired remember to visit our website at for more information stay tuned and be blessed
Channel: PFMFamilyTV
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Id: viLWZpa-N5A
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Length: 163min 22sec (9802 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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