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so i'm glad you came in today ms mcarthur saves me a trip out to the ranch well i have at last made a complete inventory of your estate and it's not so good i'm sorry to say the land is worth say seven thousand so you see the estate really owes ten thousand dollars more than it can pay but you haven't given any value to the grandfather of buildings i know that forty thousand dollars thrown away the people in the valley are already calling it make arthur's folly what can't be that bad daddy was a sane hard-headed businessman yes he was but not when he started that water project my child the estate is bankrupt my advice to you is get a court order and sell to the highest bidder you've advised that before but i don't intend to do it not until my brother gets here what has your brother to do with it your father cut him out of his will and rightly so why he hasn't even visited the police in 12 or 15 years far as i'm concerned half of the rank is allen and i don't intend to sell without his consent but my dear girl you can't keep your creditors waiting forever you don't even know where your brother is yes i do he dropped me a car to my birthday he's working on the circle a ranch the circle a wrench yes that was the online and i've written a letter to come home and until he gets here there will be no cell of the ranch at any figure good day a good day henry something's happened what's wrong looks to me like the facts in the fire ruth macarthur is sent for her brother fellow i thought it was something serious i don't think it's something serious if he gets here we might put this deal over on a girl but i'm not a full grown man it's too raw scared well it's time to be we stand to lose 50 000 and get five years in jail do you know where this brother is yes there later come here this fella never wants me unless i got aces wire back to back do you know where los alamos is a couple of hundred mile the other side of the range why there's a fellow over there working on a circle named alan mccarthy in a few days he's going to be headed this way i want you to ride over there and see that you don't get here how am i supposed to do that use your own judgment but stop him and don't forget the name it's macarthur alan mcgrath [Music] foreign he went that way [Music] [Applause] well i guess we lost him do you know who he is no i'm strange in this district so am i all i know is he's riding a big buck skin you suppose you hit him no the name do i just threw a slug into his gunstock spoil his aim i'd sure like to know what that guy's got against me don't you know no idea this is the second time he's tried in the last three days first time was in the moonlight if it had been daytime it'd probably be all over with me but now you think it's just a case of plain robbery yeah i haven't got anything worth stealing except my hat i'm just a drifter over from circle a ranch i'm broke and i'm looking for a job my name's alan mcarthur and i sure owe you plenty mine's tim hamlin you don't owe me anything i'm expecting a letter when we get over guntown and if there's any money in it i'll buy the dinner that's fair enough well i guess we don't need i didn't get any money well i got a letter from my kid sister don't be surprised what i'm going to tell you but your friend on the buckskin horse got the town ahead of it take a look over there that's my bullet in his gun stop say this is getting more mysterious all the time that brand from solano basin where i was raised is that any enemies over there well how could i have i haven't seen the valley for over 14 years okay i'm gonna camp right here lot owner comes out and find out what this is all about never hunt for trouble you can find plenty without looking for it now the smart thing is to dig up the sheriff and let him handle it nobody in make yourself go home be back in a few minutes all right we will okay we've got to keep an eye on that buckskin in case the owner tries to leave town you mind watching along a minute while i read this letter from seth or certainly follow me around coltville circle a ranch now guntown [Applause] this doesn't happen to be friday the 13th why is that news yeah my kid's sister wants me to come home my dad just died a couple of months ago that's too bad thanks i've been aiming to go back and make up with him ever since i left i guess it's too late now this says they're having trouble setting up their steak you don't suppose that would have anything to do with that fellow trailing me do you where are you going back to the man who shot my friend i don't think we'll have to look very far to find the man that's on the shoot you're letting him get away i'm pretty well satisfied with the prisoner i've got while your gun's still hot of course it's hot i threw a shot at him zuran a couple of you boys look outside i think i'll have to put you on ice until you cool off a little slim see if that fella's bad hit this full is done for sure the man that shot him was riding a buckskin horse branded with an x-bar he's tied over the front of the pole top there's a rifle in the boot that's got a bullet mark on the top how do you know so much about that that's the fellow that tried to drag out it was morning all right get in there i'll go over and take a look there wasn't any killer out there then you let him get away anything on the body to tell who he is nothing on him at all no papers no nothing who is this father don't ask me i only met him today well i guess it's about time all honest folks was in bed anything i can do for you before i close up shop for the night yes you've just listened to my theory no i'm not interested in theory only thing that concerns me is fact i hope you're innocent if you are you'll get a chance to prove it later in the court anything else yes i might take out this supper tray i'll have room enough to lie down sure sure keep your hands like where they are cheryl why how'd you get out of that cell that's just another one of my theories you're only interested in the fact that i'm here now sit down and listen to some more of my theories sit down the man who was killed today came from solano basin his father died a couple of months back and left quite an estate these facts clear to you yes in a way someone's trying to beat his sister out of it they were afraid the boy might come home and ruin the deal so they sent a man out to stop him well how do you know so much are you the gunman they sent no but i was able to prevent the killing on the road this morning killer got away when we rode into town we found his horse came over to tell you and you know the rest well how do you know he came from solano based because his heart wore a bran from that country what are you telling all this to me for because i want to ride out of gun town a free man for two weeks the end of that time i'll come back with the killer or come back alone to stand trial is that a bargain oh i haven't got much choice in the matter have i you are now it's up to you to put me back in that cell for something i didn't do or give me leave to go after the killer oh god that you've got no right to put me in a spot like this why didn't you run when you had a chance because i can't do what i have to the law on my you well how do i know you'll be back in two weeks you don't you can only take my word for it esther i have an idea that your word is worth more than most men's bonds i'll expect you back in two weeks and i hope you bring a prisoner with you i'll be here hey wait a minute maybe you better bind and lock me up it'll be easier to explain why they come back and find your going sure here take these sheriff i'm gonna take your horse i'll leave mine in this place i don't care where you're going you heard anything from slater yet no well we can't wait any longer we've got to take a chance and start our action right now i'll come well the water people are figuring on sending someone down to inspect the dam well a dam will stand inspection waters certainly but we don't own it yet and we never will if that inspector gets to that girl and spills everything mm-hmm you go get the papers we need i think we can scare that kid into selling out how do you mean scare i'll explain on the way out we came out to have a talk with you miss get in your little weasel now we've been trying for three months to get this little runt to pay what you always he won't do it and we want to know why tell them it's not my fault miss ruth you know why is shut up she can do our own talking who are these men mr gillis they're part of the crew that built your father's dam yes and there's 50 more of us he owns two months wages and we're tired of being stalled you know with ruth i told him we couldn't do it without selling the ranch and you wouldn't let me do that is that the truth well i haven't exactly refused but i did want to wait a while until my brother gets here oh you did huh well let me tell you something young lady let me tell you something don't you come out here making threats and please i think if we all calm down we'll get along much better if we do have to sell to pay what we owe i'm willing but i wanted to wait until my brother got him well we're not interested in your brother you owe us money and we want it but of course dale won't pay more than half what we owe excuse me miss ruth that's the reason i came along with gillis the estate owes me more than it does anyone else if you will sign a quit claim deed to it as a stand i'll assume all debts and give you all say twenty five hundred dollars for yourself by all means take it miss ruth this is more serious than you realize the whole gang is in town drinking a lot from getting pretty ugly unless they get the money that's owing them they're liable to do most anything well if they come out here they'll get more than they expect would you give me a minute to take it over alrighty i guess there's nothing else to do make out a quick green deed and i'll sign it very good i happen to have one right here with me you can sign it right now so you had one made out in advance did you see you little equipment you you can just put it away because you won't get it signed why not i'd like to know you might pull the wool over that poor girl's eyes but not mine making her think the damn her father built was worthless calling it macarthur's folly but not me do you know what i think we don't care to hear what you think well you're going to hear that damn is valuable you know it and i know it you think you and this miserable little shrimp here you won't be quiet until you finish our offenders you gonna get out and stay out you can carry that just as far as you want to who invited you to put into this i don't need an invitation when i see anyone acting as you were as a matter of fact i have business with ruth mclaughlin i'm ruth macarthur i guess as much i'd like to have a little talk with you driver certainly i've ridden more than 100 miles to see you but now that i'm here i i don't know how to start it yeah maybe this letter will serve to explain a bit i got that over in gun town well that's my letter then then you're alan well now just a minute that oh aunt sarah this is alan gentlemen this is my brother he'll handle these dates from now on uh my name is gillis i'm an attorney of law i am the administrator of the safe are you a friend of his yes no that is i he came along to make your sister an offer for the ranch well i'll talk it over with her and see you tomorrow in town good day good day good afternoon gentlemen he said good afternoon gentlemen yes you sure picked a fine gunman to stop her brother i'll ring his neck have a good apple to us now now stop in the beginning and tell me all about yourself what you've been doing in everything well i now we have time for that later go fix him up a room so he can clean up a little never knows he needs it no out here i haven't seen him since now never mind run along and do as i say did annie boss you around the way she does me when you lived here alan why yes i i guess so more or less you know you better 15 something to eat while i go but don't worry i'll take care of him now out with that young man just what is your game my game yes why did you tell ruth that you were her brother i didn't i only came here to tell her that her brother he's dead then yes and i'm accused of killing him you know who did all i know is that he came from solano that's why i came here i thought i might get a job on the ranch and work under an assumed name that's my founding when she mistook me to her brother i thought oh well i'd let it go with that huh you're a pretty quick thinker yes but not as quick as you are will you explain everything to her i certainly won't if there ever was a girl that needed a big brother to look after her affairs it's ruth macarthur what i've seen of you you'll do first rate as a brother yes but suppose someone guessed the truth just as you did oh nonsense why there ain't a dozen men in solano that know there ever was such a fella as alan macarthur now as i was saying this man gillis is a crook and the long is worse there after this ranch on account of the dam that your father was building well what about this damn you know i'm kind of in the dark about all this you ought to remember your father's pet scheme to put that damn across mesquite creek up at the narrows oh and miss keep quick of course so he finally built that damn eh well he started it'll take another month to finish and addie thinks he had a deal on with a big water company to buy it when it's completed think so nothing i know it if he didn't why was that the name of the company on all the blueprints why was it built according to their specifications and why did they send an inspector down here one time to look it over what was the company oh you know i i never paid enough attention at the time to notice but the name was on all of them blueprints well let's get the prints and look them over you know that little bull weevil of a gillis he took them and everything else they can get his hands on the time he was made administrator of the estate i ain't seen one of them since have you any men on the ranch here that you can trust you can trust all of them they won't even leave even though we can't pay them well i'd like to borrow one of those men tomorrow and pay a call on our little friend gillis i have here a complete file of the entire state mr mccartney all correspondents and counts etc etc complete inventory and appraisal in fact the summaries date i don't think it'll be necessary to look that over we want to look at it before putting the ranks on the market but i don't intend putting the rights on the market oh my dear mr macarthur i i've already told your sister i know she told me what you told her but i'm still not going to sell the ranch i don't think i'd uh find what i want there anyway have you the blueprints to the damn the what the blueprints you know blueprint plans and so forth oh yes and the blueprints hmm i believe i do remember something about some blueprints i hope for your sake you haven't lost them oh i couldn't have done that i might possibly have mislead them but i wouldn't lose this you don't think by any chance you could have uh loaned them to your friend along do you delong now that i think haven't i i believe i did let him take them well suppose we go over and get them right back over and get them back you mean over to the lungs yes of course yes henry could we see you in your office a few minutes it's your thing it's a pleasure come with me surely as mr macarthur decided to accept my offer for the ranch well not exactly henry gillis tells me you had the blueprints of the damn my father was building i what business would i have with blueprints of the dam none that's why i came here to get them i haven't gotten i haven't even seen them and i don't suppose you'd mind if i took a look around myself certainly i didn't mind i don't want any stranger pouring around my papers i'm sorry because that's exactly what i intend doing and keep away from that shoulder holster i've seen drawers like that before so is bob then if i don't find them i owe you an apology to long i didn't tell him henry i didn't tell him he told me sierra water company santa fe well it looked as though i don't owe you that apology after all too long well i will use plenty and it's going to be lots of fun paying you all look me up after i come back from santa fe i think you two better go to the door ahead of me you might find my back too much of a temptation yeah give these fellas a drink they look as though they need it what i couldn't do to slater for letting the ombre get past him you know anything about that father that just rolled in freddie one of the longest gunners oh things are beginning to piece together yeah so you're back are you yeah listen boys you youtubers are listening what's the idea of letting macarthur get past you i never let them get past and as always coming in i see no i don't care what you're saying come here do you know the name of that man over there by that dark horse i don't know what his name is well his name is alan mcarthur helen macarthur but that can't be mccarthy boss because maybe it can't be but it is now listen he's on his way to santa fe and i don't want him to get there do you understand none of you would only listen to water don't stand there yammering or you'll get out of town ahead of you now get going so i don't much like the looks of that for me either you'd be waiting behind a rock for you and uh personally i wouldn't mind mixing with them but you can't do that too much depends on you getting through in one piece i know it [Applause] he'd be expecting you to go buy a horse bike won't he yeah why why don't you take the stage i never thought of that oh i can't do that either why not how long would have a flock on men on that stage before it was five miles out of town well what are you going to do i don't know yes i do too you're going to take the stage what for what can i do after i get never mind i have time to explain you'll miss the stage you get a bird and toss them up so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] of all the old women i ever had working police later you're the champ how was i don't know he's going by on the stage joe village to find out you bungled every job i'd give you yeah i didn't bunker that macarthur job what do you mean you didn't you sent me over to los alamos to stop him well i stopped him what sure over in guntown a week ago are you sure sure i'm sure then who was the fellow that left on the stagecoach i don't know what his name is but he's the fella they think killed macarthur who thinks he killed michael the sheriff in gun town he had him locked up in jail he made a getaway somehow i heard about it the day after well for the love of mike why'd you tell me that this afternoon i've been trying to tell you but you wouldn't listen to me why that simplifies everything we let them all get rid of this fuller for us i'll write to the sheriff of gunned down to come after him that's a good idea gonna be busy for a couple of weeks slim not especially why [Applause] raise your right hand i deputize you acting sheriff of this county for a couple of weeks hey you can't do this to me i don't want to be a sheriff it's too late now you're deputized hey where are you going and why i got a little unfinished business to take care of at silent basin now as i understand it this letter amounts to a promise to buy the dam for 75 000 60 days after it's completed is that right exactly it confirms our deal with mr macarthur and will stand in court as a contractor now uh what about an advance to complete the work i took that matter up with our directors after you left yesterday sorry to say they said no but if you're going to buy the damn anyway our legal department advises against any investment until we are sure you can give a clear title through escrow well that makes it a little awkward i well we'll manage somehow thank you for everything mr wells and good day goodbye and good luck [Applause] he's back just got in on the stage headed straight for gillispee straighten company he did yeah ain't that the outfit for old macarthur got only supplies for the dam yes it is [Applause] what's going on charlie huh what is it what are you doing hey what do you want to thank you what are you doing what are you thinking i want to excuse me that fella's hired half the town loading the wagon train now for the dam how can he hire man he's got no money i don't know but he's sure doing it you better find a way to stop it until the sheriff gets here from gun so town up all the boys before we start for the damn i want everything understood so there'll be no complaints afterwards i haven't any money and can't pay your cent until the job's finished that time everybody will get his wages and the 50 bonus that satisfactory everyone yeah all right and let's get on the wagons and be on our way come on half let's get going the first fella that climbs aboard that wagon is going to get shot off of it what's the idea well this demo is as far as money and we're going to get it before you do any more work on it the only way you'll get your money is let us finish the dam just the same the first fellow that gets a board is going to get it why don't you declare your war on me instead of a lot of unarmed workmen all right if you'd rather have it that way the first man that gets aboard that wagon lets you in for the fireworks you fellas want to get aboard i'll take my chances he's mighty fast don't let that stop you if any of you fellas touch that wagon you'll be looking for a new boss hold it you fellas you all better get off the street before someone else gets hurt i guess it's all right for you fellas to climb aboard the wagons and start for the dam you'd better get a horse and beat it for the ranch get what punches you've got and convoy the wagon you'll meet up with those gunmen again sounds like a good idea thanks [Applause] it that that wagon train doesn't reach the dam if it does don't bother to come back why don't you call it all off henry and let the sheriff's into it when he gets here you keep your suggestions to yourself nobody can make a fool out of me like he's done and get away with it now get going ruth our troubles will soon be over i just got into santa fe and look here's a contract from the water company going to buy the dam and gillespie is going to give us credit for supplies what's the matter what is your reason for doing all this well i did it for you of course somebody had to do it and i was handiest i mean what your real reason i don't think i understand how much of the profits do you expect for yourself why none well then why did you come here and pose as my brother who told you that the man came from in town told me confidentially he told me a lot of other things too some of the things he told you are true i'm not your brother my name is tim hanlon it does hurt a little to think that you might believe anything else you said well i suppose you can see the work through to the finish now i might as well be going but you can't leave without a word of explanation you fell toward me as i do about you no explanation would be necessary but i've got a right to you send a wagon right not to damn yes why again it belongs men hitting the cross-country and it looks like they're aiming to meet up with it you get the boys together i'm going on ahead of you [Applause] foreign come on man let's go so [Applause] powders in the lead wagon [Music] you can't go in there there's a load of wounded men coming here where's aunt sarah the sheriff's inside waiting for you tim sure yes from gun town oh did he tell you what i'm accused of yes but i know you didn't do it and sarah told me all about it well you didn't start soon enough young fella our bargain isn't up until tonight well a few hours more or less don't make much difference it does in this case have you found out who did the killing in gun town yes and the men behind it are the same men who were back at that attack on the wagon train what attack on what wagon train has somebody else been murdered no but only by a miracle the men will be in the hospital for a week and you know who was back of it yes but i can't prove it that's why i'm holding you to your bargain give me time to square account for them well i couldn't do that son sure if these workmen trusted me the law can't reach the men that attacked them therefore it's my job i'm not so sure of that you don't know why i'm down here your friend gillis sent me that looks like mr gillis wrote more in that letter than he figured on don't it i've been hoping for something like this ever since i came here i just about given up good evening are you uh eric gillis yes sir erin jealous attorney law uh what can i do for it well you've done a lot for me already mr gillis you see you have i'm sure of nolan then you must have got my living oh yes i sure did that's why i'm here it might be thoughtful of you mr gillis nothing at all just as an attendee i thought it was my duty you're right i wonder if you'd mind doing a little clerical work for me i have a warrant here i want filled out you see i'm not such a good penman well it's all it's a pleasure i assure you it was this below and what is the real name of the accused well just make it a john doe ward i'll fill in the name when i get it and you might sign your own name as complaining witness here well uh i couldn't do that legally sir well why not well you see i haven't any firsthand information relative to this affair oh i see someone told you yes so that's it a uh hey mr belong well and i reckon you'd better introduce me to him if you don't mind well of course he's probably over any space of business the fellas shall we step over there he may be back in his office after you it's long this is the sheriff known from guntown good night sure i had no use sir get up there and give the gentleman your chair thank you the chair is over here to see us regarding the letter we wrote about young macarthur oh yeah now eric here seems to think you wouldn't mind signing this warrant as complaining witness so everything will be according to hoyle when i make the arrest who is certainly always glad to do my little bit for the law to hit so eric was saying now how do i get to the macarthur ranch well he got the main street about four or five months there he is now sheriff hi there must be some mistake that man's a deputy of mine deputy what positively well deputy or no deputy he's a man that's wanted for the killing of macarthur need that rights lettuce sure is well i reckon i'd better look into this there's something fishy about this later well how did it work out they walked right into it gillis wouldn't sign but the long distance john doe warranted put anyone's name on that while i'm about it i'll just put down the other two for good measure well if i'll get on back to my office yeah well i guess you won't you'll stay here until we find out what's up yes henry general don't let that man get away don't worry i'm not going anywhere all right now a few votes will just keep an eye on these tables i'll attempt to serve this one [Music] this man is my deputy all you men keep your hands up so we can see them just to avoid accidents so long i'm arresting you and gillis and slater for complicity in the murder of alan mcardle joke of it is you signed your own war that's a frame-up you've got no evidence against any of us you wrote a letter to sheriff nolan didn't you about the man that killed alan mcgartha walk it back in there how did either of you know the murdered man was alan mcarthur there's nothing on the body to identify with the sheriff not a thing the only one who knew who he was was the man who killed him moves along i guess that's evil you can either put your hands in the air or go for your shoulder holster anytime you're ready later step aside so long make up your mind all right i made up my mind oh you shouldn't have come here tonight things like this is awful oh i had to i was afraid afraid you might ride on without coming back to the ranch just what i'm going to do i'm going back into the mountains and stay there until i can forget tonight when i come back i'd like you to call me him [Music] foreign
Views: 22,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: music, billie eilish, david dobrik, joe rogan, james charles, snl, wwe, lofi, minecraft, shane dawson, fox news, msnbc, t series, songs, jake paul, lazarbeam, eminem, taylor swift, trump, game of thrones, espn, andrew yang, drake, trump media, tik tok, tom mix, tim mccoy, western movies, frontier justice, horse, saddles, law, las vegas, texas, arizona, black jack, nfl, nba, baseball, movies, television, abc, cbs, cnn, nbc, gold mine, bbc, rugby, money, politics, washington dc, gaming, table, TIM MCCOY
Id: Lp4ZnFA4vy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 16sec (3556 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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