TikTok's terrifying vegan teacher responded and I'm disturbed

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What are we about to do right now? I'm going to go ahead and squash the beef with that vegan teacher. So are making this video because she actually responded to my video about her from last week. And upon watching it I've come to the conclusion that she is far, far worse than they made her seem in my first video. So basically I'm here to fix that. But before I do that, of course, I'd like to do my comment shout out from that video. As a vegan, we don't claim her, she's awful and we're sorry. Don't worry, none of the criticisms I have in this apply to vegans because this woman is not even really a vegan. So if you haven't seen my first video, I do recommend checking it out just so you can know what she was responding to. But basically it's about that vegan teacher on TikTok or Kadie. She has over 1.6 million followers. Now this year I've been creating most of my content over on Twitch Live. Her response was so bad, that I couldn't finish reacting to it while I was live. So instead I went ahead and recorded and edited this video myself, because I need to dismantle her points a little more precisely. Welcome to the vegan teacher show, we have a new student in our class. His name is D'Angelo. D'Angelo. Congratulations, D'Angelo you did exactly that. Maybe one or two of your 1 million followers will come over here and maybe they will see what I'm all about. And they will learn to become vegan. It always amuses me in some way, when people start their responses off like that. I know you basically criticize me for 10 minutes and pointed out that what I'm doing is awful, but I appreciate the shout out, bro. I'm not mad. It gives me the energy of that one meme. This is very much the energy that she has created in the studio today. I think you forgot to talk about the egg industry, D'Angelo. I don't think that you talked about the dairy industry. Did you talk about the wool industry, silk, fur, or honey at all? No, I don't think so. This is the weirdest response video I've ever received. Instead of addressing even one of the points I made in a 10 minute video, and I had quite a few, she instead, decides to criticize me for not talking about veganism. Which is a ridiculous criticism, because I'm not vegan. For people who are going to be doing presentations about That Vegan Teacher's videos, or just to show your audience that you have seen videos about me, just whatever reason you're doing it, to get more followers, whatever. You will be getting extra points if you show yourself eating healthy vegan foods. And of course losing points, if you're showing yourself eating animals. Me being vegan or not being vegan has absolutely nothing to do with a single point in that video. Family time is going to a protest with signs. Yeah, signs like this. Signs that make people think a little bit about where did COVID come from? It didn't come from tofu, I'll tell you that. I think trying to argue in any way, shape or form that COVID-19 is upon us because there's not enough vegans is insane. Where did COVID come from? It certainly wasn't tofu is not only a ridiculous point, but has undertones that I'm really not a fan of. Animal cruelty and the link to other forms of oppression, such as sexism, racism, ableism, and ageism, did you talk about that? I actually did. I literally did talk about that in my video. I said, "There is no link." I made that point in my video, the first one, but perhaps it wasn't clear enough. It is racist, sexist, homophobic, insert bigotry, to compare these issues to animals in any way, shape, or form. Those who claim to be oppressed should not stand on the windpipes of animals and expect sympathy while they themselves are the oppressors. Well, those of you who didn't catch it. That was a George Floyd reference, okay? George Floyd, the black man who was unfortunately murdered by police in the street in broad daylight. That whole windpipe situation is what she's comparing that to, because he infamously died from asphyxiation. That's important that you let people know that we need to teach this to all of these minority groups who claim that they are victims. Are they victims? Yes. Are they oppressors? Yes. I don't know who told you that you could put my name on your video, on your channel, and then start lecturing what we need to teach all of these minority groups who claim to be oppressed. But you really do have the wrong one. Take care of D'Angelo. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Oh, I'm going to take care. While I was on her channel, watching that, I saw a couple of other videos that really drove home the point that I completely missed the first time. Which is, that this person is an unhinged racist. She released this song called I can't breathe. And as you can see in the description, it says all lives matter to those who live them. Composed on May 25th, 2020 with new lyrics added June 19th. After the sudden death of vegan animal rights, activists, Regan Russell. George Floyd was murdered in the street. So for some reason, she saw that news and she was like, "Oh, this is the perfect time to tie this into animal rights somehow." The day, the day that he passed away, she's taking terrible situations of animal cruelty that do exist and are real, I'll give her that, and she's mixing them in with George Floyd's final words, being that he couldn't breathe. (singing) This is unhinged. (singing) Now this is extreme. If you don't know, she's referring to Regan Russell, an animal rights activists was tragically killed by a truck. But comparing this to Auschwitz, comparing this to the Holocaust is insane. (singing) There you have it folks all lives matter, please be vegan. As for her little Holocaust comparison there, that's not the only time she's done this. She has this back and forth beef. Well, it was very one-sided actually, with Gordon Ramsey, where she would constantly call him out and release all these sick talks about him. It was an obvious bid to get his attention and wonder of all wonders, he actually responded. (singing) Classic Gordon Ramsey. But this is how Katie responded to this (singing) TikTok was like, "Okay, maybe she's kind of a problem." She posted one saying "My poem, an ode to Gordon Ramsey was censored on TikTok. The meat, dairy, and egg industries want to hide the truth from you. Even poetry scares them." Does she honestly think that her video was taken down because people hate vegans? You literally accused a celebrity of laughing at a Holocaust. And this is after your whole, she got hit with an Auschwitz truck. Comparing truckloads, full of Jewish people that were being driven off to die, to trucks full of pigs so that people can have bacon for breakfast in the morning is obscene. But this whole lack of respect for basic human life is a thread, it's a thing that she does. This is her responding to someone commenting saying my friend literally died from malnutrition because of your posts. I tried to get him to eat meat, but he was committed and died because of you. Oh my God. Your friend died trying to be vegan? Oh, I feel terrible. Oh my God, what did he eat? What did he eat that killed him? Was it a banana, a carrot? This is such a bizarre response. And you tried really, really hard to make him eat meat, yeah? But did you try hard enough? Words cannot describe. So I'm not going to use them. Can always speak out on behalf of the animals. If you see somebody hurting an animal, you can say something. Okay, I'm saying something, give your dog some meat, please. Just an update about Bella, who's been vegan since August, 2017. So as for my final thoughts on all of this, according to Kadie herself, veganism is a moral baseline for being a kind human. So according to Kadie herself, she's not even really a vegan. I was for me. I don't go back and forth with racists on the internet because there's nothing to debate. Any further response she has to this video, is just going to be her talking to herself. The lesson here is clear, if I make two videos about you, it can only be for one of two reasons. Either that first video got something wrong and I'm sorry, or that first video led you to believe that I was here to play around. And in that case, I'm very sorry. Anyway, I'll be here all week folks at 2:00 PM central time. If it's Monday, Wednesday, Friday, that means I'm uploading a new video here. If it's Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, that means I'm going live over on Twitch. So basically what I'm trying to say is I'll see you tomorrow. Unless of course tomorrow is Sunday. In which case, just watch this video again. Okay, bye.
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 1,216,285
Rating: 4.9699597 out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace
Id: FFPRhok7dzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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