That Vegan Teacher Responded To Me

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let's get on with this this guy's named i nabber now kenji i'm not quite a rich famous minecraft youtuber but i feel like we're being stalked right now what are your thoughts on this please stop talking to me human i do not enjoy you all right mate just take the banana jesus christ ah that was so painful now that wasn't really in relation to that vegan teacher responding to me that was just me um feeling a little bit sad today i'm not sure why but uh hopefully this video cheers me up how are you doing welcome back to another video my beautiful dumplings i feel like this video is the avengers end game of all of my videos on this channel but i've probably said that around six times at this point but alas welcome back yes that vegan teacher has responded to my last video with a 32 minute response i i think she has too much free time but yeah now let's get on with this this guy's named i nabbed yes that is indeed my name my name is einaber i'm not too sure why but it is and uh welcome to the channel that vegan teacher now if you don't really understand what is going on in this situation basically i made a video two days ago about a youtuber tick tocker called that vegan teacher who has 1.6 million followers on tick tock basically i said you know she was making a few creepy tick tocks here and there about your famous boy on the internet tommy in it i'm at college and surrounded by women don't be scared tommy just follow that meat teacher miss tofu she'll help you find a nice vegan girl who will teach you what to do i don't know i think that's a bit dodgy mate now personally me and a few others found this to be a little bit creepy i felt like it was a bit too much mid-summer and little too less veganism i felt like there was some real coldish things going on here with come on tommy we'll find you a nice old vegan girlfriend stay away from those dirty meat eaters we're gonna get you a nice old a nice old vegan girl i've got a vegan girlfriend and to be honest she's bloody lovely so maybe that vegan teacher is on to something but in this video um she actually insults my girlfriend multiple times i don't know how we've gotten to this but we have basically that vegan teacher's whole shtick is she will call you insane and evil and an [ __ ] unless she put down the chicken nuggies and now she did respond to me as i've said about four times at this point and it really did just result in me losing my mind on a live stream this is like and kind of like an animal print right you could think it's nice what what so yes i i lost my mind i i think we can all agree to that at this point and if you came along to the live stream thank you so much and if you want me to do more live streams just comment below yes and i will do more in the future maybe we can do weekly ones on topics but yeah this 32 minute video it's it's pretty uh insane and there's a lot to cover here and i'm not going to go through absolutely every single point because i feel like me and you probably have some better things to be doing but it's not that it's just i struggle to listen to this woman for 32 minutes straight so i'm just going to go through all the worst ones which does include her saying my girlfriend is uh the f word she's extremely disappointed in you right now she thinks you're a loser but before i go into this video i would once again like to ask you to subscribe to my youtube channel because it is my birthday on the 29th of january and i am going to leach that as much as possible this person seems to be very upset that i am mocking her veganism not even that just mocking her terrible takes about veganism because i actually really like vegans their normal human beings shock horror just like me and you they just don't like to eat meaty chicken nuggies they just have corn chicken nuggies so if you want to subscribe and join the gang and join this wonderful community that would be absolutely wonderful i want to hit 700 000 subs by my birthday so if you want to sub that would be bloody beautiful come join the gang and kind of have fun oh god that that sounded a little bit creepy look i'm i'm i'm not tony lopez uh let's get into this first thing he says i was vegan once but i ate chicken nuggets that's why he became non-vegan cause he ate chicken nuggets you are not vegan if you go back to eating animals you were just doing some weird fad diet you totally did not get it being vegan is about the animals it's an ethical baseline there are moral principles involved it's not about you losing weight it's not about you at all well for one i was a vegan i chose not to consume animal products and wear animal products and use animal based products like i don't know shampoo i chose not to do that but then i thought to myself hmm i really like chicken nuggies and i'm locked inside my flat for a year i feel like i'm just gonna order some comfort food because i just wanted some chicken nuggies man and i feel like that's perfectly fine if i wanted to do that and it's perfectly fine if you want to do that and it's perfectly fine if anyone wants to do that if you want to be vegan if you want to be a meat eater that is completely your choice it's nobody else's decision to make the great thing about being human is that we can choose our diets unless it's uh breaking the law then please don't do that but i do just have to ask you that vegan teacher can you stop pretending that you are better than absolutely everybody on this planet can you stop pretending that you are this ascended moral goddess ever being this this goddess who is just above everybody and is going to save humanity it's not that deep it is not that deep get a brew have a little have a little sip and then have a little chat with me and maybe respond again to give me some views that will be bloody wonderful just chill out it's really not that deep if a 16 year old called tommy and it was taking 42 on the internet wants to eat chicken nuggies allow them to if tommy in it wants to mock vegans allow him to i personally don't even enjoy vegan jokes that much i feel like they're very easy targets i feel like they're very easy to make jokes about and it just gets a little bit boring but if people want to make jokes about it they can and also to say it's not about you is also very concerning it's not about you at all throughout this whole video i seem to get this vibe that she is actually prioritizing pigs and cows and chickens over herself over humanity it genuinely seems like she is telling everybody that you need to prioritize chickens over humans and i might sound crazy and evil when i say this but uh i feel like i am more important than uh mcdonald's chicken nuggies again if you want to be a vegan that's absolutely fine in fact let's all go to the comment section and unite him vegans vegetarians meat eaters let's all unite over corn chicken nuggets and normal chicken not normal meat baked chicken nuggets go to the comment section and just type i love nuggies nuggies chicken nuggies anything like that because i want to see some support i want to get 5 000 comments on this video and i just want to prove to this woman that her beliefs only damage veganism most vegans i believe really just think she's pretty much just a joke somebody who is a grifter somebody that does this for reactions and they are completely right in believing that number two she's been stalking tommy in it well as i've said before in many videos and you don't seem to be looking at them or doing your homework there's nothing wrong with talking to somebody this guy puts himself on tick tock i'm on tick tock somebody says go have a look at his account i do not go over there and he's making some silly statement he's joking around about being at college and he's surrounded by women and so i go with it you know he made a joke i go with the joke because i'm all about talking about the animals every single moment that i can that's my job in life because i was a complete [ __ ] i ate animals for a long time and i don't want to be that person and i want to try to undo the damage and i want to prevent people from eating animals and paying into these horrific cycles of i feel like it's very ignorant to instantaneously believe that everyone should immediately switch to veganism because i will get onto this in the future of this video but there are a lot of factors that she is clearly not taking in here and i will get on to that but also you calling everybody [ __ ] because you know they like to eat chicken nuggets and just meat in general and animal-based products that is not going to help your cause that is only going to damage veganism and it's amazing how much she actually damages veganism in this entire video and also with the tommy in it thing i literally said in my last video it's not that deep just follow that meat teacher miss tofu she'll help you find a nice vegan girl who will teach you what to do it's not nothing deep but it's just a little bit odd and i can see why a few people will be like hey uh maybe don't that is literally all i said about that i said it's a little bit weird to go hey wanna join my vegan cult where we can get you a nice old vegan girl to a 16 year old is a little bit strange because i feel like it is like mid-summer like that that is all i'm saying it is just a little bit odd you can do it but i'm going to laugh at you and that is that that is the end of the story you can print the book sell the book make money off the book but that is the end of story on that topic but then she just continues to misconstrue my points from my last video she has had arguments with tommy no i haven't i made two videos about him in my last video i am basically agreeing with what you are saying here i said it is hilarious to me because you are one way arguing and i said usually in an argument it's two way but in this situation you are literally making tick tocks on this guy making videos on this guy responding to videos about this guy and i said that's pretty funny because it's like you're arguing with somebody who doesn't even know who you are and this is why i believe it's kind of becoming borderline stalking at this point because usually with an argument or beef it would be kind of one not one way people will be saying things on both sides this is becoming a very heavy trend in this video she just keeps taking my points of misconstrued i think it's because she's very angry i feel like she's taking like a personal attack to my video but it really was just meant to be a little bit of a joke like oh funny super vegan she's superman but a vegan and uh you know i uploaded the video and i didn't think it would actually get you this upset just relax maybe also order some chicken nuggies if you really want to it might it might chill you out but yeah she gets extremely angry in this video and the overall perception of that vegan teacher is uh she's a little bit you know a little bit unhinged a little bit erratic one could say but ironically enough she actually has the balls to cause somebody else crazy and not me another vegan another teacher called miss tofu okay that meat teacher missed tofu that's another account and she's a bit crazy that woman you know she smokes carrots and dips them into hummus allow me to do one thing which i don't usually do and that is be straight for one second you're saying she gets carrot sticks dips them into hummus and then smokes them what is she [ __ ] vegan snoop dogg did you get the those characters go oh yeah this is nice i don't know what i'm doing but what are you saying she's vegan snoop dogg i i just i i don't know who this woman is i i've now it's like there's vegan warfare going on here but it just gets weirder and weirder because i guess she starts to imagine that tommy in it is actually her students besides he's going to college and to me colleges you're 18. okay i didn't know that this guy was 16. but whatever even still i'm a teacher what are you gonna tell me not to talk to my students if you go into a classroom and you're surrounded by six-year-olds you're gonna talk to them 6 7 12 14 18 102 okay that's fine that's completely fine if they're your students if you are teaching somebody in a classroom you do the register and they are on your right that's that's fine if you are teaching the topic about veganism but you are literally arguing on the internet with 14 year old stan accounts titled tommy and it was taken 64. that is what you are doing you are not teaching anybody you are a random 56 year old woman on the internet arguing with kids and that is what i find hilarious like you're entitled to do it but it's it's just funny she just has this really weird insistence on debating children on the internet and i i guess that really just does summarize her intelligence levels why are you debating 14 year olds on the internet i'm debating anybody if you're old enough to be on the internet hopefully your parents are watching what you're doing they don't want their kid to talk to me ban your kid bad my account don't talk to me if your kid is there telling me oh vegans suck i'm gonna say something back to that kid hey vegan teacher this is literally what i'm saying this is what i find funny you can't even allow a 14 year old to go on the internet you know oh i'm going on twitter i'm going on room escape i'm having a lot of fun i'm playing habbo hotel and then boom super vegan saying you're evil you're a soulless little murderer timmy timmy age13 what's that what's that in your pet lunchbox is that is that darylly duncan's with us got dairy products and you [ __ ] bastard do you not think it's bizarre that you are literally just chasing kids on the internet you are literally just going after them for no go after an adult i mean thankfully in this situation you actually are but you've been going after kids and saying to yourself oh i wonder why these kids are so reactionary it's almost like they're kids number six you are a bit weird you know what you know what's weird paying people to kill animals you know what's weird a grown man saying he was vegan and now he isn't that's weird you know how much it hurts the animals and you don't give a [ __ ] your taste buds are more important yes yes they are did you even bother to watch the video that i recommended did you watch did you watch no no no i didn't because it's very funny and entertaining watching you get this upset about it just gradually going through this video she gets more and more aggressive she starts swearing more and clearly getting upset that i'm a really funny gorgeous beautiful hunk of a human being i'm a greek god but she seems to be getting ready i'm sorry i i can't even attempt to pretend to be vain but she just seems to get upset at me for being really funny i don't know why shame on you to come on here and try to convince everybody that it's okay to not be vegan it's not okay to not be vegan everyone must not just be vegan but be a vegan animal rights activist it is the only way moving forward in this society to protect our planet from these incredible greenhouse gases that happen with these agriculture industries that that terrorize these animals from the moment they are born till the moment that they die it is absolutely heartbreaking and there is no exception now i'm actually going to be serious for a second and say if you're a vegan that is absolutely great commends to you for being stronger world than i ever was but also if you eat meat if you enjoy a nice old beef burger that is absolutely fine don't be gaslit by this woman into thinking that you are this awful human being because you consumed mcdonald's or burger king at one time actually if you consumed burger king maybe you are awful and maybe that was a waste of a good old moon cow but yeah what i'm trying to say here is it's completely fine to be either of them but also if you are a vegan and you want to educate people maybe just wait for somebody to uh bring it up to you and then start saying it or maybe just tweet about it that's absolutely fine make forums about it that's cool because then people can go over there and find it but don't target people who aren't vegans that's just strange and i think most vegans agree with that and also we have to speak about the circumstances that i referenced earlier for example a lot of kids just can't simply go vegan there are a lot of circumstances that clearly haven't been mentioned by that vegan teacher from an ignorant perspective of hers because i don't know her life experience is but she's clearly not acknowledging that some people may be in dangerous households some people may in households with a lower income some people may just be with strict parents who aren't willing to let their kids go vegan now in your perspective these kids who aren't allowed to go vegan are still [ __ ] because i was a complete [ __ ] i ate animals is that what you're saying here because based on what you are saying that is what you are saying and also we are in such a depressing point of history right now if people want to have comfort food let them do it who cares if you don't want to do that brilliant continue with it do what you want to do but don't call people [ __ ] don't you say people need to do this otherwise they're bad people don't do that if you do that you're a bell end i also find it hilarious that she is trying to play it off like she's this moral goddess that doesn't contribute in some way to some form of suffering i'm sorry but you have probably contributed to the clothing industry with clothes in the past that have most likely been made in a factory by extremely low paid workers on stupidly long hours which is probably damaging their mental and physical health you have probably negatively contributed to society in the past and you probably in some way right now are still doing that actually you are because you are basically bullying people into going vegan that is not good for people that will make people feel bad and possibly affect their mental health by you saying this to 14 year old impressionable kids you may upset them by doing this but also she i guess kind of tried to bully my girlfriend when she she attacked her number seven it's okay to be vegan and date a non-vegan your girlfriend is apparently vegan well here's what i think either i don't know how long you've been seeing her for either she is truly a vegan meaning she cares about the animals and and if that's the case she's extremely disappointed in you right now she thinks you're a loser what what she think oh god oh it's getting personal it's getting personal ah she just gets worse though she's not really vegan because if she thinks it's okay for her boyfriend who she's gonna kiss to put his saliva with dead animals into her body if she thinks it's okay for her boyfriend to pay money into industries to kill baby animals who never did one single thing wrong to them ever then she's [ __ ] you are you are you are so unhinged why are you this angry i mean oh my god relax chill how do you get this angry about people that live about 5 000 miles away from you and the glorious thing is i don't actually consume animal-based products when i'm with my girlfriend and now you may still say oh well you're not a vegan still yes i i i'm not but i do it because my girlfriend gets sick at the smell of cooking me and she doesn't really like the smell of eggs and she doesn't ask me to do that but out of my own will i choose to not eat those animal products so even then you know she isn't getting any form of saliva from meats she's not because i don't eat me around her because i'm a bloody wonderful bloke but also why are you getting so angry at my girlfriend it seems like you've actually insulted my girlfriend in this video more times than you've insulted me it's not okay it's not normal so let's assume that she's a true vegan and which means that she's an animal rights activist not just vegan for her own selfish reasons that's selfish that's doing it because you care about yourself that's not being vegan see it has been a little bit strange up until this point but i believe this is where it's actually getting quite dangerous because it seems that she believes that humanity should prioritize animals like chickens over humanity i think that is a dangerous belief to have and it's not just dangerous for other people but it's dangerous for yourself and then it just gets even worse and we're only 10 minutes in um you are saying i've decided to go on a vegeta uh i've decided to go on a vegetarian diet and it starts off with roast kenji okay this is you to try to make a joke and you're saying you're going out vegetarian that wasn't i don't know that was supposed to be funny making fun of eating your dog do you know how many videos i've seen of people who actually take dogs and put them and shove them into cages in in these in asian countries they shove them into cages so ty just literally take them and shove them in uh kenji i think we're gonna have to put that kenji pie on hold for now because uh this woman clearly doesn't understand jokes are you still asleep you're cute hello you've got your little feets who's good little feets ooh little feet so i can't get close to you because my camera's plugged in i love you ah you watching okay back to the video please stop doing this please stop misconstruing absolutely everything i say it was a joke it was a little harmless what is wrong with you you need to be vegan from now on seriously [ __ ] your diet okay it's not about you eat healthy foods and you will be fine and you will lose weight if you just take a little bit of responsibility i know i don't actually care about this but she's bringing my weight into this why are you telling me how i can lose weight that only i'm allowed to tell myself that because if anyone else does i'm gonna get upset i'm not i don't really care that much but i i do just find it like it's getting a little bit personal i feel like i'm getting actual digs right now i am speedrunning this right now and i promise i didn't cheat this speed run but then she says that i i guess threatened her she just completely outright lies and then you said i will kick your ass if we box each other no i didn't i did not say that i said this seriously get your priorities straight they are like mainly like 15 years old they have star accounts called tommy and it was taken 2.4069 like these are the people you're you're you're beefing why is this such an issue to you maybe we need to if you want to fight somebody fight me maybe me and that vegan teacher need to have a boxing match actually yeah go to the comments section right now if you want me to have a charity boxing match with that vegan teacher and comment below beans you said i will kick your ass if we box each other why would you lie about that that is such a strange lie to make i was clearly making a joke about youtube charity boxing matches i don't know why you have basically made it out to sound like i'm threatening you but i guess it's because you're trying to i guess misconstrue my arguments or my jokes to your fan base to upset them in regards to me i think this is a genuine really nasty thing you've done out of all the things we've said about each other it's just weird that you would lie about that you make it sound like i'm trying to threaten you but you saying that you're gonna kick my ass a man wants to fight a woman that's just normal right hey there are a lot of women out there that could probably beat me up in a boxing match and that includes my five-year-old niece i feel like most people could beat me in a boxing match but yeah let's go for gender roles in case she genuinely believes that it was a threat i am joking about us having a charity boxing match and if we ever to have one the funds could go to a vegan animal shelter anything like that i'm we're not going to have one it was literally a joke about charity boxing matches about logan paul ksi jake paul all of them guys and i think you know that it was literally a joke i'm gonna say i was gonna beat your ass i why would i say that it's a joke and i'm genuinely annoyed now this is when it starts to get just rude and she also makes some horrific arguments after this and i am going to get into it she basically just tries to make a complete misrepresentation of my character but despite everything she said about me in this video the worst thing i apparently did in my original video was saying this if people want to eat chicken nuggets let them do it who cares yeah that is just the worst thing you could have done shame on you for doing that you know if you are an influencer and you influence people to pay for cycles of murder i love that a lot of influencers actually get exposed for committing serious crimes but me i am just the chicken nugget king that is what i am guilty for i am the problem chicken nuggy king and you know what i am going to wear that title proudly i keep asking for comments but just go to the comment section and please comment we love the nuggie king please okay now before we go any further i would like to put out a trigger warning to do of the subject of death if that's gonna upset you please skip towards the end of the video because it is in regards to a rather strange and disappointing point that she makes now i have glossed over a few of her points here and missed a few because they are just her repeating herself we are going to get onto her worst possible point in the entire video of where she basically tries to weaponize people taking their own lives vegan phobia is funny maybe there's some you you think vegan phobia is funny and you you think there's a something you're missing i'll tell you what you're missing is that children have committed suicide because of vegan phobia they are at school they are vegan and they are deeply caring human beings and when they see these dead animals around them and they start crying or they they they the kids tease them by waving bacon into their faces or as somebody who has been affected by this specific topic in my life i really find it disgusting that you are trying to weaponize something like this i really think that is just a vile way of you trying to bolster veganism and i know for a fact every vegan other than you would agree with me that is quite disgusting what you are doing there and if there really is a case of people you know taking their own lives because of being bullied about being a vegan that is absolutely horrific that is disgusting and i condemn anyone that bully somebody to that point but my point is that you are basically saying that people who aren't vegan are the ones pushing vegan phobia which leads to terrible things like what you just said and i think that it's awful that you would even suggest that people just make jokes and that is absolutely fine i think that's completely fun i don't really find vegan jokes funny anymore maybe in the past but now but even then what you are trying to do there weaponizing such a serious topic i really think that's disgusting to me it just feels like she is taking real issues affecting human beings and making a mockery out of them to try and bolster her ideology of supreme veganism like what are you doing here look i i'm sure that there possibly is cases to do with this and that is horrible but you can't weaponize that that is terrible that you would even attempt that now to conclude this video i believe that vegan teacher is just a complete and utter grifter i don't think she cares about anything she says here and it's just simply to get a reaction maybe i'm wrong saying that but i do just believe she does all of this for reactions and yes i'm giving her attention but at the end of the day it is funny and she has made a whole video on me so what am i just not going to respond she's responded completely in her right to and she's completely in her right to respond again do it again i would bloody love the views but that is the ending of this video this response video is absolutely shocking please do not send her any hate whatsoever just give your thoughts in my comment section that it's completely fine to do so but also please go follow my social medias this is the ending of the video i don't know if this was cut abruptly but please give a photo inaba 69 on twitter i never on instagram and also can we set a light goal of around 45 000 likes if we get 45 000 likes i may do a part three to this video that would be wonderful please subscribe as well i am trying to hit 700 000 subs by my birthday but that is the ending of this video please that vegan teacher just chill out relax maybe stop going at 14 year olds for not being vegan because that is just a little bit odd but that is the end of the video peace out people have a bloody wonderful day and i apologize if this video was too long bye [Music] [Music] do [Music] no more sing cuz words guys it's inappropriate and violent
Channel: iNabber
Views: 1,056,656
Rating: 4.9668527 out of 5
Id: r0rdXIl9Mt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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