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hi everybody today i'm going to teach you a new song that i composed and it goes with the bell when the bell rings why the [ __ ] aren't you vegan yet when the bell rings i can breathe out you don't like vegan food i don't give a rat's ass if you don't like vegan food this isn't about but i don't give a [ __ ] if you don't like being just eat the [ __ ] food and shut up [Music] thank you everybody yes yes don't worry i'm doing the reaction now yes i know what she said don't worry about that all right everything's in place okay i'm gonna watch it now linda just worry about your vacation okay and don't tell anyone i gave you that vacation because it makes me look bad okay look i gotta go i've got some business to take care of bye bye oh i didn't see you there how's it going going around again made a big cup of tea for this one how's it going dazzlers welcome back to dad's games and another dad's watches or rather um daz responds haven't had to do that much on this channel over the years it's quite rare when the people i react to respond but here we are a few days ago i made a daz watches uh where i reacted to a tick tock star by the name of that vegan teacher or the vegan teacher i pointed out in my video that my problems were not with being vegan and it was that just seemed to be the way that she dealt with people and by talking down to them she has responded and that is the video we are going to uh respond to today and then i am done with this topic it's not gonna be another sorcerer incident the video is called nothing dazzling about daz games i took offence to this because we are that's what we do we dazzle okay let's watch the video guess what somebody that i don't know named daz something me me did a video about me and there's 5.5 million viewers 5.7 no just saying that he has or fans so 1.4 million people just now heard him talking about veganism yeah and of course of course he said he hates me and he hates me i hate you i say hate ukulele i don't hate anyone i said why does every uh activist always play a ukulele i said why are they a ukulele wanker it's true it doesn't matter what they're doing one of them you look anywhere you look at the the pro-trump supporters there was someone there with a ukulele okay i saw i could find it they always have a ukulele i don't know what it is and um he doesn't like the way i paint my shirts i did say that i did say that i just i thought you could pick a better font that's all i said see what other what other things did he say about me um well basically nothing nice at all no i didn't i didn't i didn't say anything nice but there was nothing nice to find okay if you ever ever see um daz watches before you know that i i do point out the good in people and i'm sure there's good in you somewhere and i'm sure that you're now gonna go on to say that people are attacking you because you're vegan people don't like you because you're vegan listen okay it has nothing to do with the fact that you're vegan people don't like how talk down to people that if people have a different opinion you're just mean oh yeah i'm pushy and you are is this not you don't like vegan food i don't give a rat's ass if you don't like vegan food this isn't about but i don't give a [ __ ] if you don't like vegan food just eat the [ __ ] food and shut up that's not you that's not pushy that's not mean hmm i mean you know all the regular stuff nothing original but one and a half million people so far anyway saw that video and so they heard him talking about veganism so hopefully what that means is all the other vegan animal rights activists will jump in and take over and be all wonderful they didn't love on this video alone you have 19 000 dislikes this is meant to be your channel where people support you you have 15 000 subscribers and all your comments are pretty much the same as what were on my channel i had animal rights activists vegans all coming to my channel saying i'm vegan i support animal rights but i don't like this woman you're you're brainwashed love you think that everyone's coming at you because of you what you want to put in your mouth is what comes out of your mouth that we don't like get the point because you know apparently all you have to do is be nice to people to talk about veganism and then we'll be vegan again roll the clip isn't about but i don't give a [ __ ] if you don't like vegan food just eat the [ __ ] food and shut up and there are other clips as well um just like that i cannot be bothered to go find them are you we've all seen them by now there's so many compilations out there have a look for yourself huh like mocking people's religions because apparently they don't support veganism apparently jesus was vegan i swear to god he made it did not make it rain fish did he not give like 40 000 fish or something did he not give his friends goats they weren't pets were they most religions they cut open sheep cults that's probably a cult does so since i'm considered to be the main one and all the others are just floating around they can just come in and be nice the whole world will become vegan right yeah because everybody's at their heart a nice person right no i'm sure you're you're a nice person miss teacher but um we're not seeing that we're not seeing that a lot it's condescending it's your condescending tone the way you talk about people that have a different opinion from you and you just go on the attack and these are usually young people you're not educating anyone not so sure anyway let's look at the comment section from this guy daz okay yeah look at the comment section from dads yeah don't don't have a debate with me uh as an adult go into the comment section and have a go at the fans first first of all there's a good thing guess what he has on his head i think i was wearing a different hat in that video says tea party isn't that great tea is that's right tea is vegan the milk i put in it isn't and also you might want to look into the tea trade in some points of the world because they use live cattle and donkeys a lot so as an animal rights activist you might want to look into that so you know good job daz tea seating vegan so we're already off to a good start and you know everybody likes a good party so i'm all for that you know what you know what karen we should we should have a party i'll invite you we can sit there and have a delightful conversation all right so let's have a look at the comment section and see how you know how bright and enlightened his audience is they're the same as yours apparently oh she's acting like animals don't eat each other no i'm not i've said it over and over some animals eat other animals but buffalo who are among the strongest yeah animals do eat other animals you know it and it's it's kind of you gotta point out as well that uh she brings up dogs a lot let's talk about your dog shall we shall we you give your dog a vegan diet she gives a dog a vegan diet okay there are various videos online about this so this is in reply to you avery butterfield you think that it would be a lot healthier if i fed my dog non-vegan food and i fed her some animals instead so my question to you is how healthy would it be for the other animals so basically she recognizes that bella her dog would be healthier if it ate animal product but she's being so selfish and worried about the other animals that she's willing to take away all the healthy essentials that bella needs hi beautiful bella you ready to walk now are you on strike again we've been sitting here for 15 minutes i want to go that's odd bella doesn't want to go with you and you said strike again so she's done this before notice how bella just wants to sit there and chill in the grass and she's trying to get bella to go home now everything's up for speculation at this point but dogs need a balanced diet not just for their coats etc and they are animals they have canines that are designed to chew meat denying your dog meat and may and forcing them to have a vegan diet when they are not choosing to i think is abuse i think it's taking away choice from an animal that would much rather hunt a rabbit um than eat lettuce your dog needs a balanced diet it's an animal animals do eat animals you ever seen a vegan lion huh you got africa do you think david attenborough's out there narrating these vegan lions here on the plains of the serengeti these male lions are licking a cucumber no no they're not they're eating zebra ass eating it it's a circle of life okay and to deny your dog a full diet and put in your vegan mindset it's not it's not goods i've said it over and over some animals eat other animals but buffalo who are among the strongest animals and elephants do you ever wonder how they get to be so big they don't eat other animals how do giraffes get so tall all they do is eat leaves i don't know if you ever seen jurassic park okay they go in depth all right about a thing called genetics okay rabbits don't eat meat yet they're not the size of a building okay you're telling me that they are big because they're vegan you're telling me a giraffe's neck it's all the way up there because purely because they eat leaves and if they ate meat they would not be as big i i don't i i can't i didn't sleep well last night i i i don't have the energy to muster to to to nail why that sentence is so stupid all the haters themselves their own image in the mirror because everybody knows it's not okay to hurt animals who don't want to be hurt okay let's talk about this all right yes okay animals are slaughtered we eat them um they are impregnated to expand the breeding product we we know the story in and out and there are some places that do it as humanely as possible via the places that i go to and there are just some places that are awful and animals suffer a lot before they die normally let's take a chicken for example they are hung upside down um which you can actually carry a chicken upside down and they have uh two metal rods that they put either side of the head and boom they they're sparked out um they they feel no pain they're completely out and then they are killed and then there are some horrific places where they're literally just chucked into grinders and i completely disagree with that type of treatment it depends where you go i think people need to they do need to invest the time into the knowledge of where they're buying their food she then goes on with just everything that we already know um about house animals are like fed and some of it is you know here or there now this guy daz is so misinformed he says oh i buy from a local farm so i don't hurt the animals you know i make sure that they live out their lives like f you do i know the guy like i go to the butchers like i know where it comes from i i have i've know i know how they kill their animals i know i know the farm i literally do they're down the road we have no right to steal their eggs their eggs belong to them go and google there's also a lot that humans do um which ruins the planet that we could probably be focusing on but it is a source of food it's a source of food for other animals and if you think about it um then this is this is where um vegans have to realize yes we are at the top of the food chain there is always a top of the food chain but we are at the very top there's not many things in this world there are things that can kill us but there is not a predator above us that is um keeping our numbers at bay hence why we overpopulate the planet but regardless of that regardless of our humanity our level of consciousness we are another species on this planet we are no we are no more different than being uh from another form of lizard or a form of ape or a form of lion like these are we are just another species of animal on this planet we ourselves are just an animal we take eggs snakes take eggs like we're just eating okay we're just eating and a lot of these eggs chickens and hens are gonna lay eggs all day long anyway all right we literally we literally just take them unfertilized crack them open and eat them like so get over yourself know why you won't be vegan because you're too you're too weak you don't take it takes a stronger person to be vegan because you just got to basically shut your mouth [Laughter] listen listen i've already said i eat a lot of um you could say vegan foods i like a bit of meat in my diet every now and again i like a bit of chicken breast i like a bit of beef i like a roast dinner that's that's my choice okay i shouldn't have to be quiet i shouldn't have to not exist because i've made a choice i'm not saying you should leave the planet your followers do that for me but because i have a different opinion from you you're not adult and mature enough to say okay that's your choice i believe it's wrong i'm gonna go and play my ukulele somewhere yeah you know when you want to go and get that thing you have to just shut your mouth and walk in the other direction and get something else ever wonder why most vegans are women why is that do you think i don't know enlighten me are they stronger than men in some ways yes i don't know there's so much i want to say that i can't say but let me say this please say it please please i you know we're all here we're all adults here you know say it every minority group and you know who you are you should all be vegan don't don't don't go down this road don't do it you've been discriminated against and then you stand there with all your picket signs and then streets oh you know people are picking on us and we need our rights and meanwhile you are stabbing and eating animals it's not the same thing it's not the same thing it's [ __ ] you cannot do that so we can't have black lives matter gay prides nothing we can only have animal rights um parades you're absolutely fine with those ones basic human rights that we fight for it's not important because we eat chicken that's what you're saying people have died for fight world war ii was to stop evil to stop a a a minority the jewish people were being slaughtered people have fought and died for human rights and it matters okay you can't compare that to being vegan you know whether it's the gay pride black lives matter anybody feminists oh [ __ ] you got you gone done it now you got that i'm gonna leave that one there for you to handle guys i get involved in that [ __ ] that's so wrong oh [ __ ] we want our rights and meanwhile you guys are exploiting all these other females what happened in world war ii oh [ __ ] i have not watched this video i swear to god here we go who did they put in these concentration camps and yet these very same people put animals in concentration camps farms and they didn't gas them yeah and they didn't um starve them and make them work so they dropped dead and then eat them murder them make them suffer why why does nobody have any moral consistency we all have moral consistency okay unfortunately killing is part of the world and i agree i agree that the standards need to be better i would even push as much to say as the animals should be able to live a lot longer before they are slaughtered like i see like real vegans points because you ain't a real vegan love right now you're getting a lot of attention you're welcome enjoy it lap it up make some more shirts i'll buy one more you talk down to people and the more you forget what species you are the more people are not going to follow your ideals we don't want to discriminate against gay people we don't want to discriminate against black people we don't want to discriminate against women we don't want to discriminate against the jewish people but all of these groups should all be vegan i think the jews in the concentration camp would eat anything if you were that hungry you're you're so wrong in what you're saying it's it's it's bordering on delusion you guys don't want to be discriminated against then don't discriminate stop being speciesist so what when sarfa what cesist okay it's a new word i'll add that to the [ __ ] book of imagination that's it that way and by the way if you don't know what vegan phobia is vegan phobia is when you abuse and you wrote oh don't give me vegan phobia don't don't give me homophobia all right you can't be scared of gay people okay just because bill and ted down the road are having sex doesn't mean you could be scared of them you're not scared of gay people you're just a wanker all right i'm not scared of vegan people vegans aren't scared of me we just get on with our [ __ ] we believe what we believe next door to me two wonderful old people i love them so much i let them use my bins everything christian as heck no i'm not christian as hell that doesn't make sense but i'm not going to go knocking on their door and telling them what to do they believe what they want to believe that's fine if you're not hurting anyone fine do what you want do you i have reacted to so many different groups specialties religions cults i've seen it all on this platform and as i've always said if you're not hurting people if you're not causing distress do you want to go to a furry convention i'll probably go because it looks like fun but i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i'm not gonna show up with a picket board and a ukulele and shove it up their ass cure and you purposely try to hurt vegan animal rights activists don't be vegan phobic be vegan fantastic there's another idea for a shirt for your love get out your sharpie or paintbrush or whatever you use you tell people to [ __ ] off and you you're in people's faces you're abusive hate on people's religions and their belief systems you bring people down and talk to young people like [ __ ] and then after you finish playing outside your your your mcdonald's restaurants you eat there [Music] apparently i'll leave it there shall i i'll leave it there anyway so this guy does can i say not a surprise not to going vegan will not go vegan no matter what some people like that you know the type they just have no control no self-control just all they care about is themselves um selfish yep that's you that's yours i'm very selfish yeah if you knew half the [ __ ] i did for people i don't even know your fuzzy little head would explode selfish you are self-absorbed self-centered and your type will never be vegan because you're just not strong enough you're not brave enough you can't go against the grain all you want to do is just get views for the sake of views and not because you actually care about anything that's important now what about somebody like tommy that guy tommy in it is he any different he's a kind of a sensitive [Laughter] listen okay listen i'm a content creator okay i've done it now for six years since vine and i know what getting views means she's just said that i make content uh because i don't care about anything that all the content i've made up until now this is why she you can tell she's not watched my channel that i don't care and i'm just in it for views i've often complained about creators that like make videos using like their dogs dying and stuff for you there are people on this platform that you can say that about that make i could make views out of so much if i wanted to i i'm sitting on millions and millions of views i can talk about my relationships i can talk about my breakups and the horrendous [ __ ] that i've been through i don't do it because it's my private life i separate so much of myself from social media because and i could get millions of views out of it but i choose not to i always speak up for what i believe in i always speak my mind sometimes i've been wrong sometimes i've been right and you say all that and then you jump onto another creator you've had beef with funny that no pun intended i want to spark that rivalry up again i don't think i'm going to get through to this woman she likes music she plays the ukulele i think i know what i have to do but i don't know if i have the strength to do it shouldn't film that she calls him a life saver [Music] death star [ __ ] oh sonic bring the [Music] it from the top feet a five primary school teachers about to get drugs never seen an old vegan spreading pubic hatred daily instead of you putting your ass i should use your ukulele i fought many vowels in my past i'm gonna scorch ya you're not the first speaker that i roasted ask sasha of course you're gonna send the eating animals is a cry but if you try to come at that [ __ ] this time i spit lines you could never deny and you try to decline but that wouldn't be why we could only grasp [Music] you never gonna see just misuse your voice i'll just say if you are just a preacher all the troubles perfect day while it's creeping between the bread [Music] woman who's actually saying he said jesus was vegan while it was fishy made rain sit back from an attack but you can't and all that i sit back but you lack if you can take it back you scream out your message you want people to adore you we don't hate you because you're vegan vegans just ignore you i bore you that's cool i guess i'll just leave and have my next video sponsored kfc i don't need to approve well i'm reckless and brutal you came with me that was your [ __ ] funeral now you probably think it should be animal please but even animals [Music] you just miss huge advice in between [Music] you
Channel: Daz Games
Views: 4,987,323
Rating: 4.9829574 out of 5
Keywords: Daz, games, daz, watches, daz watches, daz games, vegan, comedy, funny, laugh, vader, response
Id: A4wQLlRgm1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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