Tik Tok is Vine 2.0

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I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I don't need to hang my stocking

There upon the fireplace

Santa Claus won't make me happy

With a toy on Christmas day

I just want the video

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All i want for Christmas

Is Petscop 2ο»Ώ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 134 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Admirak πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

where the fuck is it pyro

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 53 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DJ_Tachanka πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Make petscop 2 you fat retart

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 51 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mikhailai πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Stop making these TIkTok videos

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sirosquishie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

if you want money release petscop 2

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iadfugh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

pyro hates making these, he gets no money for them, and his fans hate them. WHy does he keep on making these? Noone wants these. Pyro has become exacty what he used to make fun of

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nolar2015 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

cunt, stop asking for subs at the beginning of the video. you trashtalked to other youtubers who do that. now you do it yourself. brainlet!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Freakin_Magic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought these were not being made anymore due to UMG claiming everything.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 16 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BN_797 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Easy dislike. I don't even care for Petscop 2, I just expect better from you.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LeadPlooty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Petscop 2 please Every single one has been claimed. [No surprise there] [And, oh, Did you know that your behaviour matches ***THE REPTILIAN ARMY*** IDIOTS FROM LEAFY'S CHANNEL?!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?!!] [Look at this clip! How in the name of Jesus Christ is this "hilarious" by any means?! Perhaps "irony" is the answer to you?!] >context [Look at this clip! How in the name of Jesus Christ is this "hilarious" by any means?! Perhaps "irony" is the answer to you?!] >buildup >context [Look at this clip! How in the name of Jesus Christ is this "hilarious" by any means?! Perhaps "irony" is the answer to you?!] >payoff >buildup >context >pandering [Rant over, Sorry. Back to usual.] So, today, I'm gonna play a game with you guys. It's called : [r/pyrocynical translation] "The 'I bully my not-so-favorite content creator for the lulz and ignore the fact that 200k meme and the Petscop 2 meme is dead, and because I have no life & I don't have enough attention to "ironically" play Fortnite: Save the World' game." British lez makes magic words appear for the 7 year olds because I know for a fact UMG is those underpaid workers, micro-analyzing this video right now, for one single Hit-or-Miss, or... [TikTok error 404: meme not found] I'd- I didn't-- That's all I know. [Three times in a row. Some people never change...] *intrusive-as-hell self-advertisement* *intrusive-as-hell self-advertisement* >"epic" "epic" "epic" "epic" "epic" *intrusive-as-hell self-advertisement* Guys, I'm really excited, like... I, I don't know much about TikTok, hehe. "Why'd somebody not know how to flush a toliet?" "After they've had the their s*%t?" Pyro: This is so sad. "After they've had the their s*%t?" "Wasn't, me..." "Well, It was f&%@ing one of yas!" "Disgusting." Pyro: DiSgUsTiNg. "Disgusting." Pyro: So if you guys don't know, that's from, uhh, a funny meme with a Scottish mother shouting at her kids. Mother: Why'd somebody not know how to flush a toliet? That's from, uhh, a funny meme with the Scottish mother shouting a, uhh... Mother: Why'd somebody not know how to flush a toliet? ...I don't want to look at that. After they've had the their s*%t? ...I don't want to look at that. *laughs* Pyro: OK. 'Out of epic? That was pretty epic-- --who the fu-- did it- did it just... Wha-- on my Discord? There are two things I hate : Super Smash Brothers, *insert "cursed_bowser.jpeg" here* Super Smash Brothers, and HITTING WOMEN. [Pyro copies pewdiepie] I'm only joking. *mildly laughs* [WSJ: British Youtuber promotes violence against women, following Pewdiepie's lead] I do love TikTok, though. It's a great app. And I- And what I really like as well, Is when people make creative videos and get no views, But when they make a TikTok video, they get 15 million views. I love... I LOVE THIS WEBSITE! [Susan, please. Karen took the kids and left me with nothing. This is all I have.] *Reads the screen* *laughs* *laughs harder* OK, that's a good one. I like that one. That's a good one. He's only human, guys, Logan Paul is only human. Leave him alone! Give him his YouTube Red series back, it's fine! We all- We all film a corpse. I-It's just a slip-up. "Hey, did you know that hamsters..." "...are a lot like cigarettes?" Pyro: How? "They're both basically harmless," "until you put one in your mouth and light it on fire." *awkward silence* I mean, at least it's not a TikTok predator, so... I give him a pass. "Uhh, Hi. This is my voice," "one day, living in Boston." "Hey, uhh, this is my voice," "four weeks, living in Boston" "Hey, what's f$#@ing up, you f&%$ing a$$holes," "It's my voice, Two months, living in Boston" Pyro: HeY, dOn'T tAlK tO mE lIkE ThAt, MaN! "It's my voice, Two months, living in Boston" Pyro: HeY, dOn'T tAlK tO mE lIkE ThAt, MaN! "This is my voice, Two years living in Boston." Pyro: TwO fUcKiN' yEaRs iN bOsToN! "...so f%$# you, f%$# 'yo mother, f%@# father," "f#%& 'yo baby, 'cuz I'm f&%$ing at 'ya, have a little pocky-gon habit at 'ya, go su--" "A-puac-da-cooah" "Da Cooajohnny" Like, Fallout 4 set in Boston; Protagonist gets out, he's like "wHy dA faCc- yO, wHeRe'S mY wiFe??? aNd mY sOn????" What's the kid's name? Father. It was Father, yeah. (Subtitler's Note: It's Shaun) fAtHeR, i fOuNd yOu. *claps* Okay, a girl gamer... ...I respect it. I like it! [Pyro has 2016 Pewdiepie flashbacks] Why did you laugh at that? You're sick! "This is my voice one day of anime." Pyro: Oh my God, same! Pyro: Oh my God, same! "This is my voice two weeks of anime." "This is my voice two weeks of anime." Pyro: LITERALLY SAME! "This is my voice three weeks of anime." Pyro: SAME!!!! *weeb shit, idk* Pyro: Oh my God, SAME! Guys, you wanna hear my funny anime voice? >no Guys, you wanna hear my funny anime voice? Yes, yes, yes, oh my God! See that's--that's the funny--that's the Jonathan man. Honestly, guys, if Jonathan Joestar isn't your favorite Joestar, you are fake bitch! Now th--this is... ...peak humour. This is actually one of the funniest TikToks I've ever seen. Is he point to the sk--WOW! That was--that was--that was a good one! I like that one. I didn't see that one coming. It was--that's a good one. (In unpleasant tone) β™ͺ Hit or Miss? β™ͺ β™ͺ I guess they never miss, huah? β™ͺ β™ͺ You got a boyfriend, I bet he doesn't kiss ya. BLEH! β™ͺ β™ͺ He gon' find another girl and he won't miss ya. β™ͺ [Pyro laughing] β™ͺ He gon' find another girl and he won't miss ya. β™ͺ β™ͺ He gon' find another girl and he won't miss ya. β™ͺ β™ͺ He gon' skrrt and hit the dab like Wiz Khalifa! β™ͺ Your brain is on airplane mode, why would you do that? BUT HEY, YOU KNOW WHAT, MAN? Thanks! I--I--I can just hear in my ear--I can just hear UMG talking right now. UMG: I--I mean he said it, but he didn't play the song. Can we still copyright him? Pleassseeeee?Pleassssseeeeee? Pyro: It's kinda mean, give him his food back. Give him his cap back! OHHHHHHHH! It's gonna kick off now! Wait what-- Was that? Bro? Was that magic? No way did that happen in real life. Alright, I don't get it, is it like? What's the punch line? Oh! Okay! I LIKE that one. That--that got a big haha from me. I like it, I mess with it. TikTok is a great app. *Best music ever* I like it, yes. *Music still playing* A, A start for art, I love it. *Music still playing* I love it *Music still playing* oh my god. *Music still playing* That's horrible, that loo-- That looks like one of them Jinmen! You know that- You know that manga "Jinmen?" The animals that have the human faces? It's a spinoff from, uhh, Jojo... ...Yu-Gi-Oh!. Some Chinese Cartoon, I don't know. [Laughter] ...OK. I like him! I like him! I actually wish I had short-term memory loss. So I could forget reacting to TikTok's. Guys, I am gonna make better projects, alright? I've just gotta' hold myself up for December revenue. I promise, 2019, we are gonna have amazing content! >its day 3 of 2019, the content has got worse I promise, 2019, we are gonna have amazing content! I like it, it's just-- ...boy just eating cereal. *laughs* I-- I like it! I like it! Why, why you-- *laughs* I do respect it. "If you're white, if you're black," "if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're lesbian," Pyro: Equality. "if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're lesbian," "if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're lesbian," Pyro: Equality. "if you're trans, if you're gay, if you're lesbian," "it's OK!" "Because everybody has something in common..." Pyro: Yes! "...And what we have in common..." Pyro: Love! "...is that we don't think Lele Pons is funny." "She's not fu&$#ng funny." Pyro: YES! YES! "She's not fu&$#ng funny." Pyro: YES! YES! That's the best one! That's the best one! >mfw cancerbase That's the best one! That's the B E S T O N E. I do-I do like her though. Lele, you, uh, you are a nice person. *cocks gun* Lele, you, uh, you are a nice person. What am I looking at? [A long pp] That a leg, an arm and a finger? *Awkward silence* *Laughs internally* Ri--right lemme try, lemme try. With my ripped muscle! HUUUURRRRGGGGHHHHHHH! [β™ͺ Wii Sports resort music β™ͺ] Ok. --NO-NO-NO!!! For god sake, I'm trying to keep monetisation! Please, don't eat it! Oh no, she can eat it, that's... *chuckle* ...That's fine, y'know? She can eat it. *Japanese samurai music plays* You may feed someone the pod, but you don't eat it yourself... ...that's how you circumvent TOS. (Terms Of Service.) [β™ͺ Lavender Town Music β™ͺ] Okay, T-posing... ...Some-- Some poor asian woman... ...Looking absolutely terrified. *Laughs* Go on! Oh my god... I think the scariest thing about some of the fursuits, is that they have the eyes that always track you... ...YOU'RE NEVER SAFE! They will always be watching! "I have walked across the surface of the sun." [β™ͺ Minecraft Overworld Theme β™ͺ] Ok. Midgets. I like it. OK That's epic... Wait how'd they... ...WOW! You travelled to another realm and you lost weight at the same time. That's epic. I don't know how you did that it's clearly the same person! Alright... ...You-- you gotta wet your hands before you jack eachother off, I respect that. *Laughs* YES! Racial equality! The best kinds of TikTok! "Hi, My name's Emily. Here's my resumΓ©." [She says something but I don't f&%@ing nothing] Isn't she the girl who did the glitch TikTok? "For the monologue, I've decided to go with a scene from one of my favourite films..." Pyro: K... "...Thank You!" "What are you DOING? Step Bro?" Pyro: oH WHaT aRe YOu dOinG sTEp BRo? What's wrong with my hair today? Dude it's like Bogdanoff. Looks like I've gotten toothpaste and just stuck in on my head. [β™ͺ Minecraft Overworld Theme β™ͺ] Ok, he-- he looks a bit like Memeulous (you should sub to him btw) I mean... bit too tall. *reads the caption* [made by 7 year old memelord general] I like it! I like it! Shoutouts to... oatmeals...oatmeals... *claps* Shoutout to @Oatmealzzzz, he the real homie. ALL OF YOU NEED TO TRY HARDER LIKE THIS GUY! {Apologies Papa Pyro :( } "Hey boys?" "Guys, what are you doing?" "uhhhhh" Is this TikTok or a vine? Is this a funny vine? Instagram Comedian "I'll get it" "NO NO NO" "YOU WANT A SAUSAGE PIZZA? [bass stops and music stops]-" Pyro: STOOOPPP! Ok, alright... I-- I *laughter* was really worried it was gonna be his fat ding-dong. Th-- that's just as bad, but at least I'd keep the ad revenue. "Number thirteen..." "...wearing Heelies in the hall is bad." "If I catch you wearing Heelies one more time in this hallway," "I'll have no choice but to result to giving you lashing." Pyro (talking like best trends): Number fifteeen... ...sOuNdiNg liKE tHiS. i hAvE tHiS vOiCe, bEcAuSe i wAs fEd fOoT fUnGuS. lady: I'm proud to say that I'm a granddaughter of a world war two vet as well as the niece of a correctional officer. however people on this after pretending to be like whatever military branch or Special Forces or FBI or (that's epic, repeatedly by Pyro) whatever, have to knock it off. (Bass boosted dabs) Pyro: Yes, knock it off. Not funny. Her family members served in the army. and *Minecraft Overworld music* *karate_noise.wma* THIS. This is the most relatable TikTok I have ever seen in my life! It's great. You order a pizza from Dominos, and it takes them about... 5 years to make the dough, 5 years to make a dough, 3 years to raise it, 5 years to make a dough, 3 years to raise it, 55 years to cultivate the toppings to put on top of the pizza, and then 75 DECADES for them to quality-check it... ...which is where they just sniff the pizza 'n probably sit on it. Sup yo. It's my first week living in the hood Pyro: I relate Ayyy. We been in this bitch for bout a month now F@%# you mean bitch, we been in this bitch for two months now Sup , bitch Pyro: *laughs because he can relate to being a furry Pyro: You live in the hood for too long; you become a furry Pyro: You live in the hood for too long; you become a furry *instagram thud sound #2.mp3* Karen, please I want to see my kids They're my kids too, Karen All I have going for me is subtitling dying Youtube channels Please Karen. Have a heart So even if you actively try to avoid it you'll still get ads for it anyway It's a beautiful platform Rambling about how this video is probably gonna get demonetised and his channel is dying.
Channel: Pyrocynical
Views: 3,044,940
Rating: 4.9261351 out of 5
Keywords: tiko tok, ironic, cringe, dank, tracer, fortnite, pewdiepie, pyrocynical, tiktok cringe, cringey tik toks, musically memes, funny tik tok fails, tiktok meme compilation, tik tok meme compilation, best memes, funny tik tok duets, muffin time
Id: UqHiornO1uU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 4sec (724 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 23 2018
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