I Spoke To Dream's Sister AGAIN

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she's back dream's sister joined the call while i was streaming on his server she was on dream's minecraft account which means she could do anything literally anything also most people at first find me annoying so if you don't then please subscribe we're getting so close to 4 million subscribers and the support of the moment genuinely means the world enjoy and we just have some netherrealm ah what the [ __ ] somebody stop it stop it stop it what the hell hello hello oh you ju you massive what's a nice head you massive why would you do it stop it please stop it why do you why you were quiet i don't know speak louder speak louder be stronger in your words [Music] he's an idiot so he can't figure out how to turn it up hey trista is there a knife nearby no okay well we'll add that [Music] yeah give him a little is it better now oh my god [ __ ] hell yes it's but yes you're getting so now should i fork him yeah yeah no no wait i'd say prong i'd say prong oh i actually i had to ask you something whenever i got on like i saw your stream and you were talking about how there's like chocolate on your shirt but i saw your message in discord and it said that you just took a massive poo okay no no no no no he did say that but listen if it was chocolate if it was poo could i do this would it smell like chocolate it smells like chocolate smell it so maybe it smells like you're massive i haven't how do i even get poo on my oh why are you flying how would i even manage to get poo on this bit of my shirt how do you get chocolate on your shirt well because whoa whoa whoa whoa put the lava away lady it's not what the hell what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what's wrong with you hey bro hey i'm gonna i'm gonna be the only real one that says this in show life you got problems you said that last time oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i did yeah look at this i'm good tell dream poop on his shirt i don't know it's not it's clearly not poop coincidence that you just took a massive poop but there's i did just on your shirt it's because the chocolate has been here all day lady why this is really unsettling that you're just flying everywhere wait wait how much can how much gonna what's it called big d hear you over there he's like across the room i don't know okay okay come with me come with me here's what we do type the following i hear you but i can assume what you're saying i'm here okay okay type the following type the following and type it quickly slash op he didn't say he was going to eat a massive chocolate he said he was going to take a massive poo that's true no no no the poo was minutes ago the chocolate was hours ago look okay okay dressed up listen your brother has banished me from the server can you but we're on the server right now i know but have you noticed that i'm alone and if you hold tab everyone's on and we're with no one oh what the hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's insane stop it stop it wait wait this isn't this isn't actually you're actually cutting me off from society i'd really appreciate i actually really liked something low blow low blow hey am i allowed to swear at you yeah low blow prick what would dream do wwdd [Music] why are you just like sorry sorry i had to calculate what you were saying okay well listen come with me come with me well no wait you're not allowed to go over there watch me come with me come with me yeah you don't know but here's the thing just to hit my friend this is where you help me can you just get me uh able to go back to lumber and see all my friends would you be down to do that because we're pals yeah yeah yeah where are we going look look is your brother there yeah well he's there you know that fork that's near you i can't hear you yeah how how easy would it be to what's the yeah you know his eyes how vulnerable are they right now they're out for sure yeah yeah they're definitely there grab the fork now grab the [ __ ] no i don't ah what is wrong with all my i have the forward one keep gaming with the other look to his eyes look at his eyes how can you get them can you get them no he's a little far away okay okay walk over to him say a tree my friend and then get him that's when you get his eyes why are you holding up a fork go now no no now now strike hey i'm gonna give you some life advice and you should get this tattooed across your head all right don't be a [ __ ] all right now is when you get him no i'm not gonna get him but you know information that you would not like to hear yes earlier he was mocking your accent i would never do it whoa whoa whoa yeah yeah well really can i hey can i speak to him for a second hello what is wrong with you i would never do rap bastard did you really no no hey can you tell can you look just a dead in the eyes and say operation fork is a go operation fork is a go stop even funny that's not even funny now she's looking at me weird okay could you put just the background just uh so the thing is i'm banned from going through here is there any way you can get me back what with being his sister you could just walk through it oh then i'll die and i'll and then and it'll just ban me what i can't wait and i don't die can i you reckon i can come in and what will happen what will happen if he comes in i'll kill him well no well you're not controlling it so how are you gonna kill him from you and i will kill him homie it's not sounding good for you just accuse him of do what you did last time that was that works just accuse him of hitting you no no i no that worked last time but they're gonna know they're gonna know that you're lying ask him say can i please come through because i'm exiled and it's terrible he said can i please come through because i'm exiled you're making youtube americans and that you are so effect i am so offended right now i hate both of you and everything you stand for you'll make it believe me you're the only one just make fun of my i'm gonna sprint i'm gonna no no let's move on or else i'm just gonna i'm gonna start breaking the twitch terms of service i've got requests for you go into your creative inventory please okay and then golden apples 64. you might not know what that is 64 golden apples in my inventory i have 63. [Music] press q on them press q press hold over and press q well look at me do i look like someone that does wrong things yes you're a [ __ ] no no fine fine let's just chat hey no no no hey let's just do small talk then what's your favorite color is it gray i bet it's gray green oh yeah of course of course what's your favorite color it's probably red it's not red it's oh thank god i do like red and white no no i just yeah because you're certain what the hell can you just spawn in some obsidian maybe yeah see why are you lagging it it's not me that's lagging the server it's you you're the one who's like how could it be who else would it be everyone agrees oh my god this is just one big hate mob it's just technoblade what's he gonna do okay well oh hey nice trip okay oh can you slash weather clear please do you like it better clear yes should i do it then i feel like i shouldn't slash weather space well he told me that but i don't know if i should do it because it's okay whatever i'll do listen i thought last time we had quite the bond going about you know hurting your brother and now you're just uh oh playing you fork his eyes so i don't really know if that's i i mean that was just an idea do you have any other ideas call him clay yes i don't think you're on a like a first name basis yeah like i reckon i am me and big c c money that's what he's known on the streets you would know oh yeah what the hell yo oh wait uh excuse you excuse you holy [ __ ] man oh wait i'm gonna die why did you just do that yeah i'm gonna be trapped out here okay wait why are you getting logs oh so i can make myself a log tower why are you making another tower because i don't know if you've noticed i've been exiled and i don't have any towers you know i can just get logs oh what is this stop it mad holy [ __ ] why would you do that i would that's a potion that's a potion of harming well i didn't know that okay just don't you know just don't throw it again follow this command slash up no i'm not doing that what did you just do oh you just broke my neck the right boots oh [ __ ] oh thank you i still don't understand why you're building a tower you see any towers around here i think i should have a house but you can live in the guest tent if you'd like well i don't want to live in your guesthouse look at you your shirt has like holes in it my shirt doesn't have poop you seem like the type of person that smells their own poop trista you you literally just smelled your own poop on the streets of your shirt i'm gonna go get the cadburys bar if you do if you're not careful oh wait oh wait oh no no no no no no no that's one of them sort of mexican dreams beheaded friends oh and it was your brother that did that by the way it's so ominous why should we build my tower i'm thinking over here on this on this hill yeah why aren't you pro tower because i'm pro my house okay well you can live in the tower you can share this place [Music] that franchise is not something fully wrote yet it's not me fully wrong number one is am i in the chest and we'll never leave okay yeah it's in progress and the second one burnt to death can you come with me please i'm trying to build you a tower you're so ungrateful you're so ungrateful you're like you like it you're like it's you're a spoiled brat i need you to come and help me no i'm not coming to help you i'm building you a home no that's a lie you're building yourself a tower i'm building a tower and you can adapt it as a home if you if you plea i don't think that's how it works hey we went over this last time i'm an exterior designer i'll help you just alright no stop wait no no no no this takes away every every part of the tower you have made this look you have gone too far [ __ ] are you really far away from the microphone or something no it's like right next to my face scream no i'm not gonna scream i'm not why why i'm not gonna scream you scream you scream together together listen man it's really not a big deal just i get told off when i scream though you don't look at your lame christmas tree the one in the other place is pretty how'd you say that [ __ ] float over what does that even say i can't even read that what do you make [Music] don't say that to hey do you want to come see my iphone bristol i'll give you a tour wait oh oh but i was going to listen to music on this like thing oh oh yeah go ahead sir hey trista have you heard of the disc pig step play them that's what that play that play that play that um what does it sound like oh that doesn't sound good all the other ones sound like yeah like that one's the good one that one's the bop what is this place like why can't we just go back to the other place okay well shall we shall we just go back to the other place well he can't he can't you just want him to die no i don't want him to die i want to go back to the other place you want me to die grass lady no tommy i still have the fork okay we can go to the other place yes his eyes how strong are you drifter i'm pretty strong that's what you do okay that's what you do he's a bit bigger than me so i don't know don't worry if you have a [ __ ] you'll be all right he wait tommy tommy he took the pork chops yeah yeah i do i bet this is very similar to your phone definitely not you're not a big redditor what songs are you then over here is the beach party that no one showed up to why did no one show up i don't know whoa whoa whoa whoa what the hell can you give me that block please it's a press q press key once press q once okay i'll press q once you only get one now you're screaming yes yes yes what are you doing i'm just building stuff what the hell dra that's cool hey why don't you drop me a little bedrock and i'll make one that says tommy not giving you one i'm not gonna be able to get rid of that actually i'm not gonna be able to get rid of that yeah that's the point i really want to go back to the other place i don't know why he's not letting you well let's just go let's just go drizzle let's just go yeah okay hey i say i say [ __ ] dream huh you would never believe what he just said don't tell them say dream is pogba's say dream is pogba's dream is pogba's he's just so come on why did i don't believe that burrito i go dream i just had a big poo he goes stop telling me is that from moses it's not from moe's it's definitely not from chipotle no no no it's a because it has like the little oh i hate americans so much i hate you so much is your iq big like your brothers who says he has a big iq he does over and over and over how do you know he has a big iq because he did we should like make his ego smaller he seems yeah yeah true justin question do you think dream has a big ego so do i though it's okay yeah he grabbed the fork tell me tommy okay listen to me listen to me okay say that was a really low iq play there drister no it wasn't i have a good idea you mind the block in front of you and just immediately fell through it you should get like a pass because i'm here yeah yeah okay you ready you should have like a pass probably go through no yes just today just for like 10 minutes come on fine fine please don't kill him i'm not gonna kill him wait does he know that you got approval uh uh just just kill him just kill him he can't kill me because i'm in creative right yeah yeah kill him now kill him well i don't know if i should kill him okay yolo he's coming oh my god oh my god oh [ __ ] you just destroyed the point you just destroyed the ball you idiot can i drift [Music] i'm indestructible stronger than [Music] why is he not dying i don't know just can't hit him with the axe i am hitting him with the air he's not dying now he's running away from me he's coming back for you tommy run run i hardly doubt watch this boy [ __ ] he's going to stop fighting me now boy [ __ ] okay okay just get off me give him a good mate okay i'm trying but you have to run you can't just stand there go go go cover me up mate okay tell him that you're allowed through no dream says you're allowed to how long am i allowed how long am i allowed temporarily for a very short time i'm sorry i'm just dming my friend what friend i'm about to change joe life are you sure i'm allowed to hear this feels wrong yes you're allowed here hello hello hello thank you what's the opposite of balls dropping tommy no no no [Music] i have some gifts can i just teleport you here this is one of the people that you want to try and be me i don't want to be mean to him if he has this for me i have plenty gifts we didn't order a gram my friend no no no no no no no he was naked why would you slay your man just because he's naked why wouldn't you you're just going around killing naked people put your clothes on no i hate you dream i hit you so much stop stop your voice sounds funny now why do you just keep killing everyone he's naked and he's telling me he hates me so i think that i hate your dreams thank you i think maybe you should go hey guys this is 13 victims how does this always happen with every 13 year old girl you've met that was interesting nice work [Music] did he try to sell drugs to a 13 year old yeah oh yeah yeah what the [ __ ] no no no no is that your muscles that you were talking about oh yeah that's my muscles but the face just so that's from a video that you should never see i did see that video what video you know what video oh i know what video you bastard i haven't been here i'm on the prime path again are you sure am i loud here yes you're allowed here but at any point i could get mugged that's true i mean you're wearing like ripped up clothes with like who on what did i miss look harvey and cadbury's [ __ ] it's not poo it's not poo it is how is this that doesn't mean that that's what you were eating well well you probably could if you really wanted to only you would eat poo did he say that he spilled chocolate on his shirt how can he spill it yeah it's a solid food i don't know all right he doesn't know because he got poo on his shirt his massive poo it was massive and it was awesome i have the receipts my poop ass muscles like i do can i get like a dog yes mom on him what i can't understand you because you're eating poo i'm this is clearly true you're i i did your brain i can like hear you chewing your brains all [ __ ] oh i could just like spawn in a dog for myself tommy look at all my dogs what should we name our dogs oh my oh i've got one what should we name him who's your favorite youtuber no i don't really have a favorite youtuber say it's me then if you only watch my videos you really but we're not naming your daughter really i say we name them all tommy in it after your favorite youtuber me no after your favorite youtuber me can we name them something so am i your favorite you [ __ ] i want to go see my house i haven't been here for ages trista okay like you can like tweet what you should name our dogs you know i'm like the god of twitter i only i get i tweet things i just get so many likes hey look this way i'll post a screening of this then dogs what is wrong with you with all of our dogs okay looking to the camera then okay i'm looking good there you go there you go we named one of the dogs we can name it like tommy's big poo massive what though do you not name one of my oh whoa what is that he's overgrown it's all overgrown hey play pig step play pigstep i'm not playing oh please we're on the bench and everything we're on the bench okay tommy that it's copyrighted by the way it's copyrighted yeah you're not going to get your likes if it can i have that back please no i'll play it again no i don't mind i don't mind i don't know you're just going to go dressed i'm not playing it because you're just going to take it out i'll go bomb i'll go my name is tommy in it and i'm here to well i can't rap though because i haven't got a bass line hey drifter trista this is what other people are thinking the people are going and believe me they're saying this they're going trista she's a [ __ ] that's i i i didn't say it i mean that's just what i've been dm'd by so many uh fellow influencers i don't think so okay this is my home this is what you deserve oh is that what you is that what you wanted to kill our dogs someone replied to your tweet with the video what video i'm going to kill your dog like bruno mars or something we should not we can this is perfect no this is terrible just you can name the dog which one of the dogs is named bruno yeah this one the wet ones your dogs the [ __ ] one no wait that the wet one's not my one is it it probably is oh it's not it's not this one's this one's mine okay that one's name is bruno i'm gonna name i'll name your dogs for you then this one's called brickface this one's called [ __ ] oh this one's called dickwad you can name one of them okay i've named one prick face no you should name it no please but we only have like 50 minutes left okay what do you want to do i'll set a timer for 40 minutes because i'm guessing that's how long we have left you know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna add someone to the call who is a master of disciplinary action and he's gonna take you out and if he doesn't take you out then we we turn on him all right we turn on him okay hello sort her out i'm gonna be honest it was it was pretty bizarre to be listening to the stream and then hear you call me on discord and i'm like oh god he meant me all right what are we doing hey tetherblade be be sexist killed our dog repeal women's suffrage hey lmao who just killed our doctor just to come this way no i'm trying to save her we can't kill that did you slash kill oh my god do that and then okay [Music] who's that why am i seeing that is that guy real because i keep seeing him no he's not no he's not he's right there no he's not i keep seeing him in me dreams and [ __ ] whenever i'm around you know what they say about seeing people in your dreams what i don't know tenner blade can you just take her out can you take her out no it works no no no take her out with yeah yeah death no no no no no i don't know if i can take someone in creative mode it might be time to test my limits why is he twerking did you see that no oh he's oh he's probably pooing hey look at this this is the big hole we went to last time that i built oh hey look if i was to poo i'd throw it down here it seems like you just like rub it on your shirt or something but i don't rub i don't why do you keep saying that can we go see them i thought about having one life earlier i think when i get thrown off a cliff by someone in creative mode getting thrown off a cliff is literally how theseus died who's theseus yeah this is the most canon death i've ever oh my god oh my god oh my oh my god who is this there's you're mixing up two different characters here wait wait this is not fun this is not funny at all no no oh my god why did you just do that hey blake can you just finish her please i'm looking up how to kill people okay all right just get pretty difficult we're gonna want to get her to below y level negative 64. and who is this why is he still standing there i don't know i don't think he's real because i keep seeing him why is that the validation of if someone's real well okay you know tommy would be really mad if you opt me i'm just saying he would be furious no i wouldn't i'd love it that is you're really gonna fall for that can you just okay let's turn on him yeah take him out please all right i need you to uh look straight down and then punch until you find the void and then just keep going down no she she found out the one weakness yeah my strategy you know last time i'm doing all of that so that's all i got i'll give you one piece of bedrock oh thank where is my bedrock yet it is drizzle he just has bedrock yeah yeah well now we know how dreams so rich hey i have bedrock i think i'll keep this piece of bedrock techno doesn't know where it's at he's looking for it in tommy's things tubbo i have the only piece of bedrock uh-oh okay okay i'm coming to where you are i'm here i have a new chest i haven't even have any chest yeah he is here but you get you get spawn prop whenever you first log in i placed it i placed it i placed it log log bro they had a team operation everything to stop me like they were coordinated in vc and everything and they still failed tubbo get out of here double your goal type slash kill space tetherblade he's a wrong and he hates women i have 114 levels he hates women he hates women he said it earlier he says he's a sexist well wait is your stuff still over here i don't know i couldn't find it yeah i think it's over here oh what's this that's really pretty all right well block a shulker [Music] don't let someone get there he was killing you just took it okay we should go back now we should just me and you just me and your dream has spent like months meticulously making sure that no one can go to the end and then drist is just like hey take this shulker button and it's all right how am i supposed to know it's handing out history justin please for the love of god what other stuff like are we not allowed to have here elytras [Music] no no no you can't dream she gave out a shulker box some snitching dream i saw i can't hear you tell dream tommy and it says hello dream nothing say tommy and it says hello dream tommy and it says hello dream puns you wait a shorter box what gekko got a bedarock i did not receive any items myself though this entire server is a cleverly constructed plot of the law and increase and you just came on a bit like here i'll bedrock have children this is insane this is insane just address the drifter solve all your problems slash ban dream i'm not banning myself it's not you you're trista don't you having an identity crisis it's okay puberty does these things to you i thought i was tom cruise for like a whole week just slash ban dream you're so bad at spelling so bad none of those letters were the same at all none of those letters were the same yes good wait did you ban to well uh i guess we won't be playing on the dream letter i am permanently banned from the server yep that is the end of the stream you're banned how do you unban people slash ban space george dream summon up george you had what you said george dreams no no no no no no saying you said like six different people ban yourself dream ban yourself plan yourself myself ban yourself ban yourself you won't have to worry about the server ever again tell me we need a party because you hit your sub goal oh oh yeah i hit my twitch sub goal celebrate good times come on you know what would really make this party good would be the music this pig step the music wouldn't it would i would how did you build that thing no no oh no here's what we do here's what we do i tried building you a big ass tower and you're just going to be with me i like that idea i was doing my own thing tommy and i got going across dementia tommy yeah dream said something he said your time's up you have to go back no i haven't i have 19 minutes tell him tell him you know where the fork is tell him hey hey here's what you do threatening is he's [Music] audience retention i did not mention it [Music] this is her song her name is tenno blade and she is his name is trista i messed up the first but it was okay this looks much i've this is basically the most powerful thing on the server since it means that you get copyrighted i'm going to steal it now i'll let you talk about audience attention all you want to talk about audience retention give it back to him for a shoulder box this is worth it this is worth it i'm not giving you the show no why would he go out that way giving it to tommy no no don't give him the disc they appear to be at an impasse one of us has to buzz what color do you want just pick with cyan sure literally kick puns he literally already has one the greed look at this greed he literally already got the first one trista can we go i'm this guy's just this guy's just annoying this is all of my leverage tommy once in a lifetime opportunity just when you want i'll i'll kick him from the core when you want drister look at me in the eyes do you want me to get rid of tenor blade so we could spend some quality time together before yes okay oh any last words oh just adjust it we appear to be at somewhat of a standstill tenner blade you gotta go i i will totally leave for a shulker box i'm just saying oh my god okay we got him we gotta we gotta go okay yeah what do we got we do we go you're walking very slowly after shouting run run well you weren't running jesus i didn't want to leave you okay well oh wait we're on the price this is my last time on the prime path for a long ass time he's very angry at us by the way we we we should go yeah we can go well why are you running like this he said he threw this just go just go just go let's go i don't think he threw the disc no need to do it let's go let's go bye he's not going to be here for a very long time so very minimum at least not until christmas that's 10 days that's so long it's only 10 days until christmas tell dream in his massive iq to shut up blows everything up there we go oh this is so sad this is so sad let's go let's go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go trista dress dead what is the worst word the absolute worst word you know why it you know i'm a curious man what's the worst word you know no one has done that to me before trust anyone said that to me before they want to stand up to me no no no no no no no no no no you're like moving the fork i'm just put the fork give me the fork no give me the fork give me it stop clenching tommy should i give you yeah here's what you do you give you give the fork to his eyes that's a little much i'd show him his boss oh apparently dream once cut off your hair what you didn't know i didn't know that okay this is very awkward i think that's the wrong sister i think you're mixing it up what happened whoa wait wait wait wait wait hold up wait wait wrong what i said when i was young you probably weren't even born then it was not me no no you already knew that no one knew that yes everyone knew that you told he told you on the call with my mom go watch your back forgot about dreams mom yeah that's so rude she's probably watching this right now and just hi dreams mom want me to teach you swear words she's not watching you want me to teach you oh yeah what's the what's the best swear i don't know you can pick prick bollocks no [Applause] all right well we have to go so you want to say bye yeah i will i will just trista it has been an honor if you don't see me again in this uh you know in this shape i'm sorry yeah in this alive form on this server you might see me a bit you know maybe a bit ghostly i don't know he used to sit on me when i was little i said you're saying bye
Channel: TommyInnit
Views: 15,995,889
Rating: 4.940876 out of 5
Keywords: tommyinnit, minecraft, mine craft, dream, dream minecraft, funny, minecraft funny, minecraft manhunt, minecraft speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft speedrunner, minecraft speedrun, minecraft challenge, challenge, minecraft but, technoblade, badboyhalo, dreams sister, tommyinnit dreams sister, mrbeast, $100000 Dream vs Technoblade Duel!, dream war, dream smp, fun, I Spoke To Dream's Mom, I Spoke To Dream's Sister AGAIN
Id: d0V87udiiKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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