Throwback Thursday: Racist Or Funny? | Gabriel Iglesias

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Really funny. "Man, I love all that shit." LOL!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Squrlz4Ever 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

Gabriel is one of my favorite comedians......he can be funny without being vulgar or rude. Most of his comedy is based off of stories from his real life.

I hope and wish that in the up coming future we can still tell jokes about all races and colors and still laugh at them. Everyone is so sensitive about everything these days, it has made comedy not that fun anymore. We all have things about us that are funny, there is no reason to get mad about it, embrace it as yours and have fun with it. This was a damn funny story about race and food, everyone laughed, no one was hurt. I wish we could use comedy to help heal the racial divide in our country today.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rukittenme4 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Racist or funny"

Can't it be both?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Gerry1of1 📅︎︎ Jul 12 2019 🗫︎ replies

"Nobody smells chicken and thinks of racism" LOL

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/meowiemom19 📅︎︎ Jul 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
i thought it would be great if i could tell an old story that was from years ago that never made it to a one-hour special and uh the cool part about this story is that it it now has a different ending the story is called the gift basket some of you know it some of you don't know it but after this you're never gonna forget it all you have to know about this story is that all the people involved have always been and will continue to be friends that being said martin and i all the good ones start like that martin and i are scheduled to perform in northern california usually we fly but this particular day i was having a problem with southwest airlines they wanted me to pay for an extra seat for someone who wasn't traveling with me take your time you'll figure it out anyway i tell martin i'm not paying for an extra seat let's just drive at six hours so we headed north three hours into the drive we're passing through a city called fresno and as we're passing hey fresno five five nine get us away anyway as we're passing through fresno we start seeing billboards off the side of the freeway that said performing this weekend at the radisson hotel directly from bet's comic view and showtime at the apollo comedian g riley and i look at martina go oh shoot she's in town and martin goes yeah i haven't seen g in years so we're like let's stop by the hotel and say hi so we pull into the parking lot [Music] we walk in i tell martin he doesn't know we're here i'm gonna crank call his room because what are you gonna say i said i'm gonna tell him that i'm the front desk and that he just received a gift basket what's so funny about a gift basket i said i'm gonna describe it over the phone and i'm gonna make all the items that are in this imaginary basket become items that stereotypically a black person might like because you're crazy i said i'll tell you what we got two hours to kill how about this how about we go to the supermarket and we make an actual racist gift basket and we'll have it delivered and we'll wait outside to see what happens i said are you down we go to a store and we start to design the sickest practical joke ever i get a shopping cart and i'm like all right we need a basket so i find one i take out the grass the plastic eggs and the chocolate rabbits and we start hitting the aisles first item i grab is a fried chicken about that big okay see how quick that laugh was there's a few black people in here like mother this better be funny it's hysterical let me just finish the story and then you could judge me in the parking lot so anyway then martin hands me a miniature watermelon and i put it next to the fried chicken here's where it gets interesting employees of the store find out what we're doing and they start volunteering to help us finish the basket half of the employees were black which made it so much more accurate aisle after aisle one guy was stalking a shelf he was an older white guy and we're like sir can you help us what do you need my buddy martin and i are trying to make this messed up racist gift basket for our black friend as a practical joke can you think of something we can put in there without even blinking an eye the guy was like ah you gotta have kool-aid it's at the end of the aisle on the right malt liquors in excel over in the back of the store in the freezer section it's on sale two for one by the time we get to the register all these different employees plus us came up with the basket that had fried chicken watermelon kool-aid grape soda bbq potato chips sunflower seeds an ebony magazine a chris rock dvd called bigger and blacker magnum condoms newport cigarettes a rack of ribs the recipe for cornbread it was getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger icing on the cake we find a greeting card that's on clearance from halloween and it has a picture of three ghosts on the cover wearing sheets i tear off the half that says happy halloween and on the back of the card i write welcome to fresno love the chamber of commerce and we stick it to the basket we made it all nice and pretty and we haul ass to the hotel [Music] we pull up we walk in the basket is hot as hell so i'm racing in i get inside and i put it on the counter as fast as i can bro it's too perfect there's a black girl behind the front desk as soon as i put the basket down i hear is that chicken ooh let me say hold on what is it let me explain my name is gabriel this is martin we're a couple of comedians and we're about to play a really crazy practical joke on a friend of ours who's staying here tonight by the name of g riley who's also a comedian oh the one that sounded signs on a free what yeah the one that's on the signs on the freeway so as a practical joke we went to the store and we made this messed up racist gift basket that's that's why you can smell fried chicken and she was like you need jesus that's a true name kiki girl you better hang up that phone you ain't gonna believe what i'm looking at over here girl listen we think it would be hysterical if we could have you deliver the basket for us she lost it oh the hell you didn't i know you didn't just ask me to take that to a black man you are out your damn mind oh lord love give me the strength to not kill this big ass mexican over here lord okay look here nacho libre i don't care who you are i am not doing it hell no i'll give you 50 bucks where that [ __ ] we follow her to the hotel room she knocks on the door and i hide by the elevator on the floor she knocks she opens the door sees a beautiful black woman standing there with a gift basket this is for you baby he says thank you closes the door she walks away and she sees us on the ground hiding right and she's like y'all still going to hell we get up and we walk over to the door and we put our ear listen this is what we hear inside chicken kool-aid he's getting excited over every single item he's pulling out of the basket he gets to the greeting card what can the fresno love the chamber of commerce hell yeah then we feel him flipping the card over because his voice changed he's like oh yeah man this is what the [ __ ] outside the door we heard racist bastards when we heard racist bastards we lost it housekeeping is freaking out we're laughing we're crying we got boogers coming out we can't take it anymore we knock on the door he yells who is it too easy chamber of commerce he rushes the door i put my finger on the peephole so he can't see who it is right the knob starts to jiggle then the door explodes open and he's like what and he sees us and he's like what's up g man y'all give a brother heart attack did you like your basket man that was messed up did you like it man i love all that [ __ ] [Applause] and now ladies and gentlemen a story that has been seven years in the making i would like for you to now hear for the first time ever the other side of that story ladies and gentlemen i flew him here to hawaii so that he can share this with you give it up for my friend mr g riley [Applause] i got to be honest i didn't know it was racist i thought it was lunch [Applause] i thought it was lunch i didn't know it rained until i got back to my neighborhood and brothers in my neighborhood looked at me they say man i don't believe you let that mexican guy do that to you man that was messed up i know you got him back i said well buy him lunch i can't afford to buy that man lunch if i if i buy him lunch he'll be getting me again but you got to understand it was the perfect set of circumstances when it happened because i'm laying across the bed in the hotel i've never been to fresno before and i wanted something to eat and i didn't know where to go eat so i'm laying across the bed and i'm saying to myself where could i go eat i wish i had some food and all of a sudden magically there's a knock on the door and a black girl shows up with a gift basket and i took the gift basket and i said they know how to treat their comedians up here fresno and i'm walking to the bed and i can feel the heat and i can smell the chicken from the gift basket and i'm like oh this is cool because nobody smells chicken and thinks of racism right right there i see the watermelon i'm like oh this is cool they know how to treat a comedian up in here i get to the card and i look at the card and i go what the is going on i said oh my god i'm working for the ku klux klan and i really i really started to panic because in my head i'm saying to myself is this for real because there were billboards all over the city with my picture and i started thinking they were trying to scare me out of town so now i don't know what to do right and i start trying to call a promoter and the promoter's not answering the phone and it's festering in my head and i'm nervous and i'm pacing in the room and all of a sudden there's a knock on the door right and i go oh my god they come to get me so i so i ease over to the door right and i look through the people all right and all i see is a brown dot right and i go i hear somebody out there because i hear them breathing right out here so this was about 60 pounds ago right [Applause] so i got to look down up under the door right but i said oh my god it got to be about five or six of them out there oh my god so i figure like this i figure okay you know what if it's gonna happen it's gonna happen you know if it's gonna happen i'm gonna go there and swing it right so i'm putting my best black face on you know i i tried to look mean you know i look i look like this guy right here i look like that guy right there right and i go who is it and they go chamber of commerce let me oh my god the chamber of commerce is the ku klux klan and i'm panicking so i get to the door right and i pull her open the door open and when the door opens up these guys are falling all over the hall laughing at me they're rolling all into the cleaning ladies caught the cleaning lady didn't know what was going on right she scared the dust because she sees a black dude with no shirt like this so she grabs the lemon pledge like his pepper spray right she's ready so everything now that i realize it's a practical joke everything calms down because i remember now i remember how hungry i was i'm like okay cool practical joke right so i go in the bathroom to wash my hands while i'm in the bathroom washing my hands i hear a commotion in the other room right i go back in the other room they're going through the gift basket the maid is leaving with the watermelon martini is drinking my 40 and this bastard is eating my chicken [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you got your hawaiian shirt fresh fluff it up
Channel: Gabriel Iglesias
Views: 8,626,862
Rating: 4.9168282 out of 5
Keywords: Gabriel Iglesias, Fluffy, Gabriel Fluffy Iglesias, Comedy, Stand Up Comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2019
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