Fluffy's Hollywood Debut | Gabriel Iglesias

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after I performed in the Middle East I had one of the longest flights of my life coming home it's probably about 26 hour trip okay we left out of Kuwait and we had about four stops it was long when I got home I was so tired I turned on my phone to check my messages and I had a voicemail message from a guy by the name of Channing Tatum and now for those of you not worrying let me explain who that is Channing Tatum is the new Hollywood hot guy he's the guy that comes out on all these movies really good-looking rip you know he's making a lot of films and there's a voicemail on there from him gabriel iglesias this is Channing Tatum please call me at your earliest convenience but I'm a bla bla bla bla you know and I'm like oh okay so I called him up hello I go hi this is Gabriel Iglesias I'm calling for mr. Channing Tatum he yells fluffy hello-o dude man I'm a huge fan a listen bro really quick I only had like a minute look bro I'm doing a new movie and I want to see if you're interested in reading and auditioning for one of the parts I go I go sure brah I'd be happy to audition for a you know for your movie what's what's it call it was the movies called Magic Mike I was like okay Magic Mike so you need a magician you need an assistant you want to saw me in half what's gonna happen actually bro the movie has nothing to do with magic it's actually a movie about male strippers I said male strippers he goes yeah male strippers I said you do know that this is Gabriel Iglesias right because you're funny bro listen we've already got the dancers but we need somebody to play the DJ at the club will you audition for the part I said you know what bro I'll be there okay and just to let you guys know cuz some people have asked me in the past how come you're not in more movies because you have to audition and I don't like auditions because they treat you like crap auditions are very cold and very just they make you feel like hey seriously though you work really hard to memorize all your lines and you show up and you try to do your thing and they cut you off really quick you're in there and you're like okay so who am i right hold on how's it going don't talk to him all right no problem you ready yes I'm ready I'm quick question how much energy do you want you don't know that's why I'm asking and when you're done you try to ask a more questions like is this okay would you like me to go again thank you they I've had my fingers this so many times and it hurts thank you thank you thank you and you're sitting in your car on your crime it's a terrible feeling so I don't like putting myself through that but since I got a phone call from the guy I'm like all right I hope it's a little bit different so I show up to the audition I'm sitting in the lobby it's funny because anytime there's an audition everybody at the audition usually they're looking for a specific type and so everybody that's sitting there with me looks just like me everybody in there's big everybody sitting there everybody's all happy and jolly and stuff we're all looking at each other trying to outdo each other like no I look more like me than you do you don't look like me no this is what they don't know this is what they want you know so the receptionist looks at me she goes mr. Iglesias they'll see you now and I'm like okay cool here we go let's see how this goes so I start mentally preparing myself for the you know the problems that happen in there I walk in I don't say anything to anyone I walk in there's three people in the room I close the door and I just look over at the casting person who's sitting on her desk and hello and her the camera person and the person I'm reading with all jumped up and yelled and they ran over to me and they started hugging me and pulling out camera phones now I'm taking pictures with them next thing I know they call a receptionist Judy get in here and girl comes in now I'm taking pictures with four women we're going back and forth I'm like this is different and I go why that you know this is very refreshing thank you I says Who am I reading my part with and the casting person says this is a formality they've always wanted you for the part and they said if you show it up it's yours so basically we've already called your agents since you showed up really yeah this is great so I I get to my car my agent is blowing up my phone right you can answer the phone ago hello he's a dude you nailed that audition what did you do I'll say dude it took pictures way to take those pictures bro next thing I know I'm on the set of the movie Magic Mike the movie is directed by a director named Steven Soderbergh who's an amazing amazing directors done a lot of great films and of course Channing Tatum's in the movie in addition to him there's an actor by the name of Matthew McConaughey who's attached for the movie I'm a huge fan of Matthew McConaughey okay when I found out I was gonna work with him I was so excited you know people say really you get excited you get starstruck hell yeah I'm a comedian not an actor so I show up and immediately they send me to the makeup trailer that's parked outside so I go inside the makeup trailer I sit down they start working on my hair they start putting makeup on me and in comes Matthew McConaughey and he sits down in the chair next to me and I start freaking out and now I decided to introduce myself before I did or said something stupid right so I look over at him and I say excuse me mr. McConaughey how you doing my name is Gabriel Iglesias I'm gonna be playing the part of Tobias the club DJ and I just wanted to say hello and it's an honor to work with you and in my head I'm like I hope he's the same guy I hope he's the same person from the movies I hope his voice is the same I hope his accents the same and he looks at me and he says all right how you doing there big man you don't good I'm doing good and I'm spazzing up they pull my ass out of the trailer and they take me under the set and the majority of the shots in the movie Magic Mike are shot inside of a strip club okay it's on a stage and I'm very comfortable up here but the cool part for me is I'm on the side of the stage inside of a DJ booth so I don't have any worries the director comes up to me he says listen Gabe you got all your speaking roles in the film but in addition to that you are the key background in every shot when it comes to the dancers he goes the guy on stage is the eye candy but you're the guy that provides the ear candy and you need to express yourself and give me energy can you do that yes sir let's do this next thing I know everybody here we go and quiet on the shin hey hey [ __ ] all of a sudden the dancing dancer comes out camera starts panning just like that one right and all of a sudden on my DJ booth and I start DJing it up [Applause] the director comes out from behind the camera crosses a stage and gets in my face that's what I'm talking about give me more okay action and I take off [Applause] the movie comes out I attend the screening of the film with my girlfriend at Warner Brothers Studios we're sitting there and we're waiting for that part to come up and I tell her it's coming coming watch sure enough the camera starts panning and you see the dancer you can't even see his head all you see is his body all freaking ripped and moving and in the background in the DJ booth you cannot see any of the DJ equipment because it's all below the line of the camera all you see in the background is some chubby pervert in a box having the time of his life and my girlfriend's like oh you're gay I guess so and that was my Hollywood debut right there and in addition to that there was a couple of other things that happen in this movie that I got to share cuz you're never gonna hear about him and a DVD bonus feature one of the characters in the movie his name in the movie is big dick Ritchie I'll leave it at that he's played by an actor named Joe Joe Joe's a cool guy cool guy I met him at you know we became buddies after the movie and nice guy he's big he's ripped okay and his whole thing is he comes out on stage and he's dancing behind a silhouette so all you see is the shadow of him dancing for three minutes and after the third minute he grabs his g-string and this is how he finishes his performance he tears it off exposing a shadow of you know [Music] now in real life Joe does not possess [Music] it's more like you know Rao don't laugh too hard that's most of us okay now because they needed to make this scene happen and we're shooting it in Hollywood they made a phone call to an adult film company that was up the street and they got a hold of their props Department and they said basically you know what we need is about 45 impressive male rubber parts to be brought down to the set of the movie Magic Mike so we can attach one of them to an actor for a scene it took maybe thirty minutes for some one guy to show up with a big trunk on the set and you could just tell he did not be lying and Channing Tatum saw him and he goes are you the guy and the guy and he brought him inside the house and he got all the actors around the kitchen table and he told the guy says listen bro dump it out right here all of it and the guy opens up the trunk and he dumps out all of these big freaking you know it made a mouth and all the actors were just standing there just staring yeah all of a sudden the 12 year old came out of all of us cuz we all grabbed one and started playing Star Wars [Applause] [Applause] and that's something you're not gonna hear about and e true Hollywood story or it's not my hand another thing I gotta share about this experience doing the movie Magic Mike is that uh we shot it in two locations we shot it in Hollywood and we shot it in Orlando Orlando Tampa Florida and one of the scenes was shot on a sandbar which most of you know already is a little tiny island with nothing on it looked real small and people go there and they party and so we get to this little island and this guy with the headphones his title is PA personal assistants the director and he comes over and he tells us listen guys we're gonna be here for a couple of hours if you need to use the facilities these are your options there's no plumbing here you can either go in the water or you can go to those bushes over there it's up to you and I'm like I'm fine I already went two hours no problem four hours later [Music] [Music] [Applause] what do you need listen bro you guys said we were only gonna be here for like two hours it's going on five my stomach is killing me what's the story we're gonna be here for like another three the director has some more shots oh you have your options Thanks so the first thing I look at is the water okay and to put it into perspective for you guys the waters like right there okay and all the actors are like like like right there okay so it's like are you kidding me I'm not gonna go pop a squat in the water in front of all those actors just so somebody can walk by and go Fluffy's killing fishes so I take a stroll out to the bushes right so I start walking out to the bushes my stomach is killing me and fortunately by the time I got there my stomach had settled so I no longer had to go number two but since I was there yeah gonna make it rain you know some in the bushes and I'm doing my thing and all of a sudden I start hearing noises and you know how you could just feel when somebody's standing like right next to you and I couldn't turn around cuz you know I was doing my thing all of a sudden I see a shadow a long shadow and it's coming in my direction and I see that and I'm like ha funny Joe that's funny all of a sudden that shadow started to pee I was like oh my god it's real now curiosity has me I gotta find out who the hell the owner so really quick I'm just like you know [Laughter] [Applause]
Channel: Gabriel Iglesias
Views: 3,913,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gabriel iglesias, gabriel fluffy iglesias, stand up comedy, fluffy, comedy, jokes, funny, social media day, gabriel iglesias indian robber, gabriel iglesias full show, gabriel iglesias magic mike scene, mr iglesias, aloha fluffy, one show fits all, the fluffy movie
Id: MaA83SkkcQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 30 2020
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