this stealth kill method never failed me as impostor

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okay guys so the plan today is we're playing among us with the boys is what i heard i don't know exactly who's in the group they just told me we're playing among us with the boys yo what's up guys nope hey everyone yo-yo all right playing with the boys i'm here for the girls session right oh 10 p.m um no leslie you can be awkward you can join us if you want um no no i don't feel included here cool oh oh you're too cool for us now no no i mean it's just this is i'm the only girl is it because we're not girls oh i see yeah starts at eight because we're guys no i'm i'm busy until eight but you have fun guys you're not welcome here you're busy oh i'm leaving what is up guys it's spykuno here abe scara we can't do it to him we can't do it to him guys um i don't think this works when you have i need to get a clean kill somewhere okay um oh edison's finally moving i can't find anybody to kill i'm trying to sweep around here where is everyone in the cafeteria [Music] this is i'm just gonna pop out and kill someone pop back in okay um all right all right i'm back in the vent oh my god oh oh my god we're done we're done holy [ __ ] um i left him i just want to say i would never kill ludwig first this is a double kill it ha yes this is a double kill happened in cafeteria wait so who who's how do you know that man wait you saw two bodies or as i was running out of cafeteria they were running in okay yeah okay we're running interior and then as i was running out i like you know i tried to coordinate those people uh what you said for sure it can't be myth and peter then toast okay were you doing it in cafeteria how did you know i was in cafeteria john because i left them both in cafeteria and i remember third person i don't remember the color but i don't remember you came you running in and i'm leaving i'm saying you're gonna do you can check scanning beyond safe i don't know okay so do we vote off toast now or next round my question is why did you do the watering cans for so long you did it i don't know what they click just click the water in canada okay everyone stay in cafeteria at the start of the round i could just go check logs oh oh you know what i'm down for that i trust mexico jet lag sure okay no one else can lead cafeteria if you leave cafeteria that means you're trying to mess up the logs by uh tripping over the sensors i only vented from the reactor i just say i'm in reactor i'm not gonna appear on the logs everything's fine there's nothing to worry about absolutely nothing to worry about because you don't pass the sensors if you go to reactor you never walk to reactor yeah but there's no sensors there so they won't know uh boy boy you know he's a i don't know if he's if he's about to get incriminated that's on him but okay um [Music] oh reactor meltdown oh my god there's so many people here where are they um okay okay um oh i know i'll just say i stayed in the cafeteria wait he's not at logs i thought he'd be on logs um okay who was it let me say what i seen here on as i went to the cat oh he ran a cafeteria so ludwig edison yoshi scarra were the initial people to enter southwest when i left you know in my opinion when they entered but i have to ask toast what were you doing before cafeteria toast nothing i was in the cafeteria from the very beginning i went right there i hid in the watering can room from the beginning the only other people in there that came into there from the scanner were scarra and then toast obviously was in there as well yeah i also left did you see my skin leaving pardon i left cafeteria if did you see me leave because i went in and out he checked the logs but i knew i was clear on the cafeteria oh my last one is leaving oh yeah yeah i see your seniors leave as well though so it's like kuno's boy skara sup dude and toast i was in the reactor room by myself most of the time wait i was literally with everybody oh no i thought we were talking about the first round right yeah i spent 20 seconds trying to figure out like a watering can 20 seconds who reported i walked out of closet and it was right outside the closet wait tell us why we're here why are we just standing what are we doing what are we wait wait miss who was that what am i just standing in the water room who are the people who are the people myth you know how many times peter first killed me on this map and no one says anything fantastic are you keeping that event warm for a rap all right guys time to be a gopher gary i'm gonna be a go for gary as as john calls it okay um can't pick him what what's up what's up look man i just don't believe scar story that took him 30 seconds to find a water in canada i've literally never done that task before in my life to be fair it is it took me 20 seconds to do it my first time like that take me a long time i don't know i don't know man what's more suspicious me doing that are you hiding in the corner and then finding the body i don't see anything for 20 seconds what if we just killed both toast and scarra under that logic scar if you're saying i killed the person outside the closet then on your way in you would have found it false no i'm saying because the uh takes 20 seconds of my screen i can't see anything else the entire time and you knew he was in there you could have killed him you could have killed and then reported it oh he's you think he's trying to frame him i'm very simple concept that i was in the room first because he doesn't understand that part oh my god was in the room first i walked in i saw him in the corner okay oh it's getting spicy in here who knows that round the first round i was wondering a gift morning in the y for a bit after i did uh oh sorry it's like when you're just standing there what if it's both left first oh they're big brains you know we gotta keep toast alive keep toasting scar alive they're going at it i don't know why john though all right john is really ruining the vibe here i'm enjoying watching toast and scar turn on each other john here he's really going for me i'm gonna go to the spawn that way i can go for gary it up you see john knows exactly what i'm doing knows exactly what i'm doing so the problem is that we gotta go for gary him where is he where is he where is he right here we're not killing scara is that john dang it there's so many of them um how are we gonna kill him with a gopher gary if he's not alone dang it i thought he was in the reactor i should have sabotaged lightsaber he didn't see me so he didn't see me scarra voyboy who else came up and do uh boys i was in the lab i'm watching void doing the fossils to see if he was faking it wait i was doing the fossils he was doing the fossils fossils that i left i passed toast on the way down oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait that's a slip why would you say you were doing it when we're talking about what's happening at the end of the round why'd you say you were doing fossils wait yes because scarra slipped you said scars you were not this again what the heck i was in the admin area in the northern part i think i didn't see anyone else no you were not i was up there like were you saying are you there at the end of the round oh no i was there most of the round though i thought but where were you at the end of the round i was walking down no i would have passed you then what did you come through decontamination with us or was that yoshi that that must have been someone else yeah that's me i'm not in dkm though i'm watching boy do the fossils right now through the window the one-way glass i didn't think you're the only one there i'm pretty sure i just caught sycamore on a lie no peter i didn't see you i swear i don't know what happened i literally was it toad i really didn't see them percent past them i found a vote what all right okay guys we've got one option here and it's called kill peter look look we're about to get caught anyway right so here's the plan i'm pretty sure john and peter both kind of know so what we're gonna do is this not kill scar and not kill scarra where's peter at where's peter at um uh wait wait what wait wait no boy boy come back come back we'll just double kill the people who come in oh no he doesn't know he doesn't know he doesn't know the plan we just got to double kill the people that come in here oh man i don't think he knows okay he vented kill before it opens we got him let's go nice job oh that was a clean double did you guys both okay it's into cafetera to kill someone no no all right this is such a bad idea do you think they're gonna know it's me because i don't know how to read logs this is a very risky bait right here because i don't know how to read logs so there's a decent chance they'll be like it's cycuno he doesn't know how to read logs um now back to being a gopher so the reason this is a good cover is because they saw me whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can i start can i start please okay yeah so who's starting who saw toast this round who saw toast trajectory or was with him at all i saw him for a second right before his meeting was called where was it i was chilling on the um the logs i was trying to learn how to read though okay who sucked who saw where toast went early anyone nope i wasn't going out all right can you explain why you were standing on the vent at the very top in the greenhouse what a few seconds before the reactor was called i'm changing up my hiding spot all right that is because i saw peter leave the top right of the map not at all and it was myth's body specifically okay so i think it could make sense that toast originally went to his hiding spot uh and then vented out of it and then you know true what they're there that kill myth at my normal hiding spot which is the watering can room not the balcony room well he could have came in there or something or he could have seen him this is just possibilities but i also i'm curious like who know where did you end i was just chilling i was trying to learn how to read those log thingies i was just chilling there but toaster said he was out comms i never saw it's a little weird i walked into a i don't know i'm gonna skip because i don't know what's happening for toast oh no toast i think i'm sorry how did we just uh get away with that did we just unintentionally incriminate toast i i'm gonna go try and learn to read the logs i'm just i'm just a new player learning to read the logs yup actually i'm not because my kill doesn't go on cooldown dude just going to contamination where is he where is he wait he's not here what the heck oh what where is he what's he doing in there is he just trapped oh poor boy you want to explain why you were standing there instead of anywhere because i didn't want to rent the lights alone so i was waiting for someone to cross me so i could go together so we'd have us we'd know if someone tried to kill us is [Music] well to be fair lights were off i'm not gonna i'm not gonna hard clear edison um but like he probably could have killed me because i don't i didn't see anyone in the lights room with us and he could he probably killed me invented before lights got fixed what do you think about tycoon i haven't done anything i went back to the locks hold on hold on so why did you call the media oh yeah wait is someone else i was in cafeteria and i was just spamming it on lights because i thought it was like a very easy place to die so was anyone with someone else this whole round i was in the contamination room on yeah i saw peter pass by on the i can only comment boy at the end but i i have to say voya was suspiciously standing in the right history no i get it i get it i think the two murders are edison and boy boy because i think scar and peter are clear to my mind and i don't think cycuno's lying about being unfortunate i was on cons i saw peter walk by that's interesting to me that you hit the emergency button without you know finding the body did anyone see john like does anyone have an idea where he is maybe or no probably nobody saw him at all i'm pretty sure it's edison and boy boy here wait wait that's so random accusation i thought like i feel like he's unnecessarily like oh that was are we about to win this okay and we're just gonna spam it we just need one more kill and we know exactly who we're gonna oh oh i was so close you were right except you killed the wrong person first yeah hey toast i'm sorry about round round yeah i i can't believe toast got framed from that i did a vent kill right when toast got caught on the vent so he just got blamed for it yeah the timing worked out perfectly green gang stick together green gang stick together never mind don't stick together don't stick together i'm a killer don't stick together oh no why are they all in the keys we don't have keys right we have wiring and boarding pass what well that was so strange like three people faked the keys look at how innocent i look extremely innocent i'm so innocent because no killer ever goes in here i found the body in med bay because i saw it on vitals and i remember seeing myth there oh wait there's two reds yeah there's no words for me the one without a name of me yeah the other the no name is yeah that's yeah so who did electric me edison and one other person [Music] who's late who's late oh we got that together yeah we entered this okay so me and boy and ludwig are at vitals right now and edison toast and scarra were at lights where were john [Music] i just came out of the bottom of the specimen i just came out before the thing he was called oh wait church i could have did go into the specimen room yep i did my one task out at the bottom the body was in med bay so whoever is in that giant group what was boy boy doing oh he's on vitals all right thank you john for coming out john john what was yours what i did the mets again yeah i didn't john and scara said they both scanned each other we stood still for the entirety of the office wait you both hear that you both got off and checked yeah that's what they said okay which one's the fake one boarding pass that doesn't look suspicious right that doesn't look suspicious at all i everyone has to check that so you know toast once said you have to pretend you're a crewmate if you want to seem innocent so let me go look for my tasks here uh let me do some of these i can't see my tasks i can't see my task but i'm still doing some of these here i'm just i'm still doing some of these yup yup um i'm bored i'm bored okay look guys there's one strategy that never fails me the gopher gary um okay i thought i'd see someone anyway um oh sorry toast but uh i'm gonna go back to doing my task they found it that fast abe reported it um so when the lights were off and i was okay i saw the record button oh god i'm about to get killed by abe reporting it abe edison you're so suss what was that movement where wait what do you mean when we wait what when scar and i were on type of weapons edison path onto skara edison or edison or abe did it look like you guys are going for a double kill like that oh it was so sus wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i i literally started on purpose wait i literally have no idea what you're talking about john john i went there to do download tasks okay okay um they think it's aben edison which is kind of funny because i've been doing more killing here's the thing though we got a split up scar on pete oh scar and john i mean and it looks like it's not quite gonna work you know what guys i think it's time to be a gopher gary actually let's just do that first why not why not guys what's gonna happen well it's going to happen you know they're going to kill me i mean what okay they didn't find the body they just after lights went out i want to check vitals to see if anyone died edison's done edison was dead yes okay i actually checked vitals right after the lights were fixed and no one was dead yet who why are they camping vitals three people camping vitals it's over how long ago it's over guys why are there three people's camping vitals i just i didn't think there would be three people camping the vitals yeah yeah i get that i thought it just happened what do we do guys what do we do guys we have five seconds it can't be me i'm gonna yolo vote here yo what no no it's not eight it's not sucking up he said i'm going for john i'm going for john oh god please please [ __ ] don't beat that oh it's over wait why did they go for me legit nobody suspected me until the last two seconds well i i don't know what happened it sound like they were all going for abe they randomly yolo voted look guys why'd they go for me i legit have no clue but look guys i think we had five seconds everyone just panic voted and they just went for me so it happens guys this game works in weird ways is there anything that we should be successful ate before because i'm telling you guys it's not me i had like i i think abe is clear too it's not 100 what peter's saying could make sense but i think it's more science pointing to peter do we have anything to point to or no hey but who did you vote for last time oh uh i wonder for peter because it's i think it's peter and second peter and sakura the only one solo and everyone else is grouped it just doesn't make sense how it can't be pure insecure oh my god exactly and they have nothing to clear themselves they never group i think they're just what they're saying unless but it's it's and i think it's beautiful um after i die though i'm a hundred percent sure today okay good luck honestly guys abe's probably gonna get caught right after but after that i say abe wins anyway just because of that you know i i just don't know what to say um i i don't know what to say guys i feel like abe won after that one he's probably gonna lose the game but um yep um i'm pretty sure they're gonna win but let's be honest guys the real winner here is abe for playing voy boy like a fiddle is that what they call it a fiddle i'm just saying i'm just saying guys you know i'm pretty sure they got abe at this point but do they really do they really okay oh there's two coming it's over oh wait it's not over they haven't hit the button yet though oh okay saikuno this is gonna be uh i mean sorry john it's gonna be a little bit tricky but what he's just caught in front john i know you think that it's me but the boy boy literally just firefighted at this game no no shot you and you and you and uh scott should have never split up no yeah it's kind of okay with me left side no no no no no but the thing is what are you leaning towards and what what can you ask to like to like yeah like he literally killed him in front of me um i don't really know i might have it to like prove it right now i'm trying to think though all the info i have given from you guys is void cleared abe and then a boy he was clear but we should have won if he was actually clear and i told you guys i saw i said he might be five-heading this and then he ended up he was five-heading it he like why would you say that he could literally say that to try to clear yourself but that what do you mean i literally just watched him kill that's that's nothing that means exactly what info what info are you looking for who are you with and boy who are you who are you grouped with at the end i was with you and scarra and oh man are you scared of going no no no john remember when that one killed remember when that one kill happened right oh man i'm telling you two people said that they were looking at vitals there's no way it could have been me that killed john whoever died it's it's 100 abe just trust me he gained my trust and we would have won earlier but i would we were just wrong oh my come on you got it both of your info sucks ass examples it's over it they took too long i cannot believe abe abe you're a monster so hard you're a monster i can't believe what the [ __ ] did i die for you oh [ __ ] yeah okay um got that taken care of um oh we actually got it that rarely ever happens well the bars are going up super fast and the killers are not killing oh did i say the killers aren't killing i mean dang it they've killed me again what the heck they killed three people already i take it back they're killing nobody found anything i'm gonna go do my tasks in the bottom left this will put like a lot of pressure on the killers i think because the tasks are almost done they're gonna know that they have to start killing now oh i got interesting [ __ ] together i really want to just smith is doing that thing um okay so peter i'll start with you first yes you you guys top specimen he went all the way through toward medbay side correct yes okay okay and then that's that's it that's where he was last seen from your perspective right yes because i was still doing tasks in the med bay area he left i go over i walk over to the left i see wendy come in and the door is closed shut behind her i open the doors and that's where i see you okay so for me i so remember reactor went off so i did the left one and then after after i did the left reactor i checked to see who was on the right um and then afterwards downwards and i saw saikuna walking past me to uh through the entrance of like the lab side that's why that's where we crossed paths but i came in from left side it was like brain farting you were running from medside into like lab hallways no no this is before you came in so sakuno wasn't ever in specimen then if that's the case i don't know if i don't know because i wasn't there at all how is this proof he wasn't we were in specimen okay um i think myth is a little confused so wendy story just isn't adding up though smith is clearly a little bit confused here left i wasn't in there watcher thanks for the sub but you were inside a laboratory med bay area still when i crossed by you i wasn't there before you like don't know myth is having some difficulty it's like a laboratory okay it's like going to the laboratory wendy wendy let's see last time you seen cycuno that he entered laboratory and he just ran away um i'm very confused here i don't know this is [ __ ] i mean obviously we know that uh oh god ray just said myth about to be third imposter again honestly a little bit true but um i think it's because i don't think he has all the facts and he's trying to come to a conclusion because i think myth actually has really good logic the problem is he doesn't have all the facts so i don't think he's gonna quite figure it out correctly but um you know that's part of the game guys part of the game did i just see someone hop an event oh no that's broden this game is almost over just from tasks oh there were two i think i saw i think i saw lily and edison on the top note and then i went lily lilly lily you're running ahead of me so there's no way it was me no no i know it's not you [Music] oh i saw you guys doing the top note and then i went down i didn't even go in there do you think it might be a cell phone i'm gonna all right and to send people say a name i think it's one i think it's wendy wendy i think it's wendy right i heard missouri thanks for the hundred bucks [Music] and we all have to be on the same page at this point um okay i i think people said it was wendy and nedison right edison and went oh he's he's joking guys he's ju it's a game we're all having fun together peter loves this game guys peter loves playing this game so i'm going to make things interesting okay kill toast what we just won by task i guess or unless you want to spice things up spice things up they have five people i mean i'm pretty sure they really could do it with five people who has tasks left i'm done i'm done well i will say this i'm 100 innocent but if you guys want to vote me off so i can do my task and keep it interesting for the final i'm okay with that oh toast is doing that thing where he doesn't do any of this right okay uh yeah he does that it's part of a strategy he has it's like true all right cool i say we voted alex thanks for the subs toast is doing that thing where he doesn't do his tasks till the bitter end um are they actually voting toast oh my god they just killed broden okay um why did he even vote for himself when he knew he was innocent i have no clue but oh let's uh let's see what happens yeah peter's just like what just happened okay well they have to know oh you [ __ ] you got toasted and you might have killed me you should have killed me i got two big brains here to figure it out [ __ ] like this oh myth is getting placed as the third imposter possibly oh boy all right so which one of you guys are opening the door who'd you vote for about edison i know you're 100 legit uh-huh okay yeah i'm not [Music] oh my god myth is about to get stressed out okay the only thing i'm going to go off right is that i've seen i seen toast's body jiggle right after that oh okay no way that's that is literally the only information that i have on this situation if you want to convince me otherwise peter's gonna head i'm with you a long time nowhere at the bottom no said it could be edison there's no way he does it again right which is a little risky to say because wendy was the bad guy there's no way myth doesn't get so that's why i said edison you should have killed me um or missed because if you killed myth i would have to do so actually now that toast is [Music] back you're a god myth i have never in my life seen smith you're amazing man you're me you're a content god content god back to back champion myth i've he's he's too good he's too good guys he's too good oh man edison doesn't even get a youtube video out of it [Music] that was good no no what a god what a god dude i'm not faking the keys look guys i really don't want to die this round so i'm going to do my secret strategy that works every time so i just wait up here until the first kill happens then there's no way i'll die because who comes up here to kill people you can't even see my name half the time if i die right now i'm gonna toast you better not you better not toast you better not who is that um okay oh and before anyone says anything don't say anything don't say anything don't say anything i think it's toast wait what the [ __ ] what oh okay wait wait okay we're still still before still before okay guys i have a thought on who it is but he's right yeah it took me a while to find the right fake key no no no no no guys wait wait wait oh i'm sorry i'm pretty sure i saw a void boy run straight up to where toast was before he died are you [ __ ] serious right now i actually think thank you even though he threw stuff on me because okay um like simp posture whenever what it's toast like i don't know for sure if it's toast i'm just saying i passed by toast and then i ran down thinking he was going to kill me void boy ran up toasted where toast was uh i ran two lights i don't know for sure i don't know for sure yes lily that's not me promise i promise is it you believe is it like if it's me you guys can kick me in the nuts like when i lose you guys is this legal there's no there's no way there's no i'm going to tell my editor hold on guys i have to message my editor on for youtube about this um toast says kick him in the oh my god i just died for that let's go follow lily around guys um let's check the admin room to see where everyone is okay someone's in the office oh two is probably abe i was kind of swapping okay actually there was five people in uh the like near the o2 room right like maybe 15 seconds before the button is called to be honest i was going to say something but i can't be sure at all huh i thought saikuno came out of nowhere from what the tree room but i can i was doing an upload there or the download there and how did you pass after you were with the five six with the force account i'm just wondering uh that was my last task so i was chilling on admin okay because you got to have him really quick you got to have it really quick um if you call the two that were outside of electrical that run is this dude trolling i just walked there lily and sakuno you're sure is a go for gary do you think they believe me they believe me right i feel like they believe me probably the old self-clear guys i call that the self clear okay who are we following i'm thinking we follow lily around no but toast said she might be a killer so so maybe it's let's just follow toast around oh lily's doing the lasers the bar went up right when she left so maybe it really isn't me or lily and toaster's wrong unless that was a coincidence could be a coincidence i don't know but sure seemed very convenient all right there's an easy way to test if she's the killer i'm gonna hide in this corner on top of a vent if she's the killer she's just gonna kill me and then jump in the vent um okay well maybe she's stalling ah the lights are off now she's really gonna kill me and jump in the vent okay maybe she's not to kill like if she was the killer and she's wasting time like this when there's one bar left like there's no way she's the killer at this point right there's zero chance she's the killer because this bar is almost full and she's just chilling here in a corner i um i'm i'm starting to think toast was just wrong so said it's either me or her i don't think it's either of us there's no way she's the killer lee freaking molly okay listen two people are sitting in freaking storage said it's either me or lily and i was like if lily's the killer she's to kill me and hop in this event she never like the point is all right look it's peter and brody it's peter and broder vote for peter first peter first right only psychology and probably literally are dumb enough to do something like i think this plan worked for the better because we know it's not either of us right so this plan works we're genius we're genius right lily we're genius it worked no no no because i went to vitals and as soon as i got there abe ran to the button first of all i didn't run to a button i ran outside because button couldn't be called and i like so luckily here let me tell you why abe's not the killer if he knew two of us were chilling in the in the storage not leaving why would he report anything he would have just killed another person all right broden first broden first guys excellent unless abe is galaxy brain he wouldn't report it he would just be like these dudes are afk i'm just going to kill one more person dude i was so confused because i saw the anden console i saw two people wait lily our plan worked we're geniuses lily we're geniuses we're geniuses i what do you mean your plan i i can't believe it worked i i thought we were trolling but i i guess we're geniuses well it's pretty much over i guess me and lily just we were too smart no i won't be there for the end but just to just take this time that your guys's plan was so stupid it was not stupid it worked it was not stupid it worked i was literally standing out like are these [ __ ] just never gonna come fix the lights oh my god i can't believe i'm telling [Music] we're geniuses [Music] we're just too and take credit for it you see what happened was toast said it's either me or lily right and i was like i'm going to find out if it's lily by running into the corner and then peter can't believe god you should have seen it from my perspective i was so [ __ ] confused i checked admin because i came out of specimen room i said oh my god chilling in freaking storms oh man all the lights are off and i can't believe we foiled their plan by being afk third imposters like four times and then me and lily win the game by afking in a corner what a what a day of a month what can i say guys we're just too big brain the afk strategy just works [Music] you
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 2,173,781
Rating: 4.9573178 out of 5
Keywords: sykkuno,, michael reeves, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, fedmyster, lilypichu, lily, valkyrae, valkyrae sykkuno, otv, pokimane, sykkuno valkyrae, disguised toast, toast, among us, among us sykkuno, among us offline tv, sykkuno offlinetv, jae day6, among us impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us funny moments, among us gameplay, disguised toast among us, among us vent, among us vent kill, among us toast, pewdiepie among us, jacksepticeye among us
Id: 0-JyQ2R3GLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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