EXPOSING both impostors in 10 seconds... (ft. sykkuno, valkyrae, fuslie and friends)`

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oh pog champ oh my god i actually got it i'm gonna try my best not to end there was a double kill me and broden was ass on ass so we valked for each other i saw peter most of the time so i'm not gonna lie i didn't see you sakuno but i'm also paying half attention sorry we're at the oxygen thing innocent people can vouch for one like each other and whoever is the odd man now because timing wise this is a double kill yeah for me it's like you know me and second order near each other apparently it would it had to be a double kill like toasted where what where were the bots cafeteria oh leslie and i were in the admin room oh at least one day and ray yeah i was like why wendy yeah yeah i was actually um the lights i was doing the uh like the top left um the wires up there and that's why she ran by me well we got our pairs boys all right wait who are all the pairs that's you wendy gramps leslie peter saiku no me bro oh everybody has a pair okay we're all paired up should we just start voting for people it's wendy yo i literally no no no no no no no it's wendy no brodan no no i was [ __ ] broden she killed my partner no all right so i called the paris i got killed by wendy ten seconds when these hairs ray we all vote wendy if it's not her i just don't know oh god all right ray and wendy combined we got it is it guys what if it isn't ray and wendy though okay it's raining it's raining wendy okay so like i did nothing yes broden let me guess you're gonna blame me because all the suspect is on me right where's the body broden why are you reporting why would i kill the only person who was on my side wha okay and wouldn't saikuno or leslie do the same thing right right i also just got wendy killed i wouldn't throw it away just like that we love you ray but you're the you guys first of all you guys had no alibi for me this is blindly voting blindly literally blindly voting it was no it was the pairing off at the beginning i don't know why it ended up that way it's based off timing because the cooldown is 20 second and less than 40 seconds past so it has to be a double kill and if everyone's paired off it's a pair of killers together this is so sad this guy's toast good luck everyone good luck good luck well folks it looks like i'm just a regular crew member this time around i got my share of hey and my share is costume oh my god i'm left alone please don't kill me brown just walked past me i have the asteroid quest so i can oh my god they play with a lot okay okay lots of people hear lots of people here oxygen quest master yoshi's in front of me oh oh oh oh oh oh he he looked around there for a second rey and wendy here god the vision is so tiny all right no one's looking at me doing my quest i guess wendy and rey went this way wendy disappeared okay john's legit one a race over there john's legit i should try and hug john as much as i can john was last seen with rey john the last scene with ray ray still alive so that's good so kuno is in here ray walked by john's still alive that's good not a lot of killing going on it's been a while since i've seen brown about a dead body that is three everywhere oh wow anyone see someone run past the med bay oh me and toast i saw toast it's toast okay oh settle yeah i think like miatos just ran into each other i'm trying to get toast to follow me to the left uh i wouldn't have him follow you um okay ray really seemed to think you didn't see you didn't see jinx's dead body north of the cafeteria north of the cafeteria yeah it's north that more eat shredded wheat northwest of the cafeteria northwest the reactor room nope nope not three no you know the door that connects cafeteria to the med bay i did not see it right ray ray how much coffee did you have today oh i'm drinking some wine i didn't have all the wine okay i didn't see it i have asteroids so all right yeah john's legit john did trash okay so um i barely saw anyone so i got nothing to add yeah i think i was running around alone [Music] i'm always alone i'm alone but i've been like okay all right uh i think we have to skip call the emergency meeting in 30 seconds so we don't lose to a second round of killing cooldowns about 20 seconds yup you're doing asteroids i'll do asteroids i'm going to watch her what's going to happen john had trash john had's truck okay it's done okay yeah it's done i saw it it's probably uh yields was probably the most sus for me uh seven players all alive seven players all life i like the fact that sakura went off by his own but we also can't take any risk right now one two three four five six challenge okay it's um guys i just want to say wendy was right behind me yeah i would wait you guys didn't see it no i could see what 100 percent clear right so we walked over to the actress if sakura's vouching for toast and doesn't that make him kind of sucks if you didn't guys it's not here's the explanation i did the [ __ ] asteroids i can redo it i saved five asteroids for situations like this no we were walking over there for you to do it and then you didn't do it i think it's wendy or ray there's no guys toast did it toast 100 did it okay well let's go back i can redo it this is easily solvable we're wasting our time we're wasting our time guys it's toast our toast is innocent what oh god i think it's yo he hasn't said a word what the [ __ ] is that just skip i'll do it we're gonna do the sabotage he's probably been lurking the bad guy's gonna try and lead you guys away just watch the asteroid just watch the asteroid and movement you actually voted for toast right he didn't get he did the asteroid back to asteroids right he said he didn't finish it said he didn't finish why didn't he go finish i saw him blast it doesn't matter he i saw him do it uh i need to fix it on your face i did see the lasers go off but the lights went off as well yeah right yes that was me there's a lot of people grouping but i think it's clear 100 cleared wait there's two more imposters isn't there there's two i'm pretty sure saikuno's is super that yo zu's the only one that wasn't close to the pack i think by logic we have to vote yozu well i'm only so john cleared toast cleared i'm not cleared what about rey do you have anything right i haven't been doing my task because i've been so suspicious of toast but i have tasks i have a lot of tasks to do you can follow me follow me if we should figure out who to kill we have to we have the 100 vote here uh let's [Music] what did you what's your defense so one when the electric like the the thing like uh like the alarm worked i went down like from cafeteria to the electrical room like i passed from the admin room you i didn't see you any electrical i was about to go there why where i was actually with you guys i think we have to vote i was literally with you guys but i think we have to vote yosu this is probably a mistake oh god what do you mean guess okay ray i'm following you tasks do i'm splitting off by myself but i have speed i just need to make sure we don't lose through oxygen i need to sacrifice my life with this i don't have enough time i can't trust someone else to do it [ __ ] john c no no no we need to know if there's a body there when you know if there's a body there okay thank god that makes me sus off jody it gives me the most suspicion on jody um because if it was real wendy they really could have screwed each other over i think this killer is trying to bite their time it's for sure not john for sure not me we got three possibilities here if it was i mean like if it's jody or ray one of them could have won the game by killing the other person but maybe they didn't know they didn't have the opportunity damn this is hard the oxygen when you do all this stuff the reactor is not as bad though this allows me to do my quests on the left side when you're all going you all go god i'm missing so much task just gonna look for an oxygen i'm sure i don't care if they call an emergency meeting what's up where was the body found um i ran back where uh jody was and i was hitting r and there turned out to be a body wait i'm running down a hall jody and we were the last ones before i went down so it's probably jody wait i just ran past yeah wendy and then ray and then john yeah but then john walked back upwards where was that was it at the top left okay so the only people haven't been clear being windy and wendy and i were the last two in the hallway and then john okay but i was on my way down and i didn't see the body up it was it up there or where was the body when it was walking straight down yeah i was walking down to go to the lake same raid came back so i went kept back up with ray while wendy was still going down are you here [ __ ] john how confident are you trying i don't think i don't think we voted trust me i think we're pretty close to finishing our tasks so i think it's like who's not finished i'm not finished um here's the problem it's the oxygen that scares me the most yeah i'm like listen guys wait john is cleared right like he's john and toes are clear it's a little bit okay uh i still i think i need some time but someone call an emergency meeting if something feels wrong um what let's stain your oxygen let's stay in your oxygen okay if you want to call it meeting i think it's fine too it is getting a little scary uh uh i know i could have done a task when i got so much task i'm sorry make sure uh jesus christ just snap my neck and be done with it all right i saw the slash through the door okay i mean there's a there's only one person there i need yo just stop touching the stuff please so i think yeah yeah you're dead over again because i can't do anything i'm like trying to do stuff but then i think we're on the diff a different page josue i was trying to stop him before okay that's why i had yeah she had chances but after that kill i don't think she had wait really i had chances i think you could that i'm like i think it's like very clear and i was separated under the pressure well jody also separated for like two of these exactly i only separated once i separated once because uh i tried to go for the 5050 on like oxygen tank right yeah i tried but then nobody else followed you yeah that was a that was a close one i think i i saw that three of you headed up so i went down to do the one yeah one and three that is the safest no if the split was bad there's a world where jade would have won but luckily for us like the split we did just ended up working out yeah oh close game though alrighty another lovely day and um oh oh god please don't kill me please don't kill me just i just i just want to live i like living i like living big fan of living i think it was les was it jody ray and psychono that's a dead body they must have like killed and invented all where where there's a body at the top of the electrical room wasn't it in the electrical room wait why do you think they killed and vented out already i mean did you see people do it i don't know there are people there who was on top of me i mean i just came into the room with toast tell us why we were running at me when i was doing my task uh no particular reason i went back to electrical room that's because the lights went off yeah who's the person that was running on the left side of the map me what time are you doing um i don't remember i couldn't see the killer unfortunately i just saw the body on the electrical fix we have enough information guys yeah it doesn't sound like we have too much damn dang dang dang foster crap i couldn't see anything what drinks is impossible she's dead yeah damn that wendy comment how did she know the bad guy vented out already that does not sit right with me she was a little lagging behind me but then if she was the bad guy trying to set me up on the bottom left um okay john was and wendy [Music] yeah i just went to the camp i'm like in cafeteria i would just be jody and ray was doing the ray was in navi for a bit right yeah i i'm in an electrical now seikuna i just did the o2 filter wait what you saw me there yeah i'm just right now running in and you're running out it's probably even kill again ray was wendy did she walk into navigations with you i remember seeing her run by but i don't remember when i didn't walk i was in storage i wasn't after to check if you were there did anyone see storage because the cameras don't show in like this bottom area of the map and they show walking past security room i'm on cameras no one walked past camera room whoever is in the lower part of the map or saw someone in the lower part of the map is most likely the person because the ven in the storage room you have to go up and the camera is like pretty close to that all right all right everyone trying buddy i didn't see anyone okay yep i got nothing um i've got nothing was the only suspicion yo zoo yes well like early on but like i'm just saying like giving out no okay god the bad guys got us by the balls here ray and jody haven't murdered each other yet and they've been pretty buddy buddy ray and jody ended up splitting up jody came a little late when he went to the right with jody and these thing comes i feel like i gotta fix oxygen but i'm too scared dude i'm freaking out guys i'm freaking out i have a question how come when the lights went off jody you like walked up does it mean or did someone die second um what do you mean like right when the lights are off when the lights were off so lights go off i'm watching camera i can still see how come you walked upwards huh like right when the lights are off don't let me talk i can see you i see you by like the admin room and then i see you walk up and separate from toast oh yeah because i'm scared of toast i didn't want to be anywhere near close so i saw toast and as soon as i saw his name i walked up forward so he was out of frame and then i walked back down to lights just because i'm happy i don't have two imposters right don't trust anyone right now it's it's not that like i've seen toast i just don't want to be in near anyone yeah that's in the wires and uploading by yourself yo zu is going alone a lot uh i think jody's seeing a little here and there i think yeah you've seen me a little bit yeah i haven't seen john a lot either so i inherently trusted wendy over toast because wendy didn't kill me which she could have and then toe scared me because he ran towards me i don't think it's rare windy because they're grouped together uh john and yozu can you two buddy up like just stick ass on ass if one of you gets killed we're going to blame the other one asked ass nice let's do lights hmm this is tough there's so much tasks to do but at the same time we want to stay in the group okay so a lot of people are dying and there's not a lot of people left okay so jody and i were together uh john's for sure bad that means it's kristin toaster ring around me in storage um chris is already preemptively defending john because he knows chris is good enough jody and wendy you're the other innocent but why did you ring around me um to avoid double kill situation so i popped up for a second to double back to spot the double kill which ended up happening implying you and john are the bad guys voting for john first voting for john first i agree john okay wait has toast been cleared no doesn't matter we'll find out here john he's gonna do oxygen he's gonna do oxygen there's just oxygen jody it's toast yeah yeah yeah jody just finish him off please no jody toast just killed wendy on o2 jody you want me to make this easy for you jody please all right give me give me give me your signs okay um well i suspected chris because he was the only one available for a double kill i wouldn't call in a bad double kill and then blame the other guy unless i had to i agree with that also john threw suspicion on me and just assumed chris was innocent he didn't consider the possibility that i was innocent because he knows i am for sure innocent chris toast snapped his neck and if you're gonna [Music] jody you have no evidence okay you're just going with your gut and you know what i think that's stupid you gave her my death was avenged i'm sorry i can't close that again we have too many good players up they're so good
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,952,033
Rating: 4.9537582 out of 5
Keywords: disguised toast, among us, offlinetv, sykkuno, lilypichu, valkyrae, sykkuno and valkyrae moments, among us review, offlinetv and friends, sykkuno among us, wendy, lolnatsumiii, natsumi, twitch among us, facebook gaming, quarterjade, jodi, yozu, masayoshi, kris, jinx, fuslie
Id: DsqPvd4bEC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 46sec (1906 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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