they thought the game was over but...

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who's toast you don't know toast i'm shocked post is a good friend of mine i think all right good enough as my good friend would say and uh he's really good at this game oh my god oh my god what is up guys it's spykuno here all right if you guys say what well at least i can leave chat open guys i don't know how to tell you this i'm pretty bad at imposter did this dude just hit the lights just like that he's a maniac yo batter up sorry toast you're too good he's too good guys we have to oh my god they didn't even find him the lights came on and i saw myth and classy running up but before that and i know it's gonna look bad and i know he's gonna get mad classy i saw you turn around in the dark because you're black so i what i'm assuming is one vented out because sukuno does anyone see sukuno right now at all i was heading towards decontamination but i didn't make it inside yet wait who are we voting for what's happening guys i'm skipping what's happening i'm gonna it sounds like we don't have very much time okay this group is different this group is different guys um this group's a little different than my other group i feel a little bad for killing toast but look it was it was a kill we had oh man this is kind of scary um oh um oh well what's happening okay so who did the right side reactor after it went on um i think classy did i did i was just waiting for someone to come up yeah i know it's you i know you're the killer um and so let me explain why i went you know he's the killer because he did the reactor and i think that supernova is the second one because he keeps trying to like discredit everything that i'm saying wait what i've done i'm just confused i'm just confused i know i just slaughtered in the dark i said what is this logic i'm confused so when the lights i want to repeat at the end of that round i was [ __ ] alone as well yeah because we were running all together in the beginning yeah but you were not with me classy you said you were with me your alibi you kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] because i was running with you i saw you yes i was in the beginning of the round i was next to you myth i said at the end i didn't say it then holy poop i don't think she's cheating i think she's just kind of guessing and getting it right okay guys guys let me explain to you if we vote the wrong person off right oh i should have skipped the wrong person off they're just going to double kill him you could have voted and saved your teammates okay i think they know it's us look there's only one thing we can do ray just said you could have voted and saved your teammate which means she knows it's us which means there's one thing we could do guys there's one thing we could do look guys there's only one person i'm comfortable killing and we all know who it is wait she's not coming here um ah poop we can't i saw a depth walk right past the body it's got to be her it's gotta be her you're i'm a genius if she that's good enough for me i believe guys he sounds very certain about this i don't know right now how the heck did that just happen there's only one pillar left and it was not me remember i can't believe that just happened i legit was just trolling i thought it was over i thought it was over and then i was like you know what it's over i'm gonna take rey out with me all right so here's the plan we're going to kill jody and run to the right hello there oh smith walked right past the body what a mistake where was it it was right outside of light why was i the only one at light deactivated the lights why would it be me and then i found the body and then you also took out a depth myth you're being loud and that's suspect but i think it's the cuno dude i don't know dude where was the body myth where's the body it was right outside of the lightroom oh and he was in the admin room he's saying is that close yes that's right so you think it's me so you think it's misakuno i mean well either that or miss self-reported it is what it sounds like what is it i say we should vote and we win the game all right it makes sense i think i think uh myth i think one of us just won the game how did we win that that was insane i i can't believe i just won that game all right imposter all right looks like we're not imposter again see you guys later why did he look like he was running on that vent i swear john just tries to look suspicious sometimes on purpose i swear he's trying to look suspicious he's doing this on purpose maybe we should change the music well at least i can read chat again where'd she even come from just pop out of the vent or something who was it it was a depth it was a depth i guess you could say she's an adept killer uh-huh because adept means like you're good at something and she's she killed i yeah never mind several bad puns later oh my god she's calling the reactor so she can walk together with them to find the body okay toast oh my god they're gonna kill toast wait they didn't even report my boss someone just killed as we're walking in i know i don't know you what i don't know what the [ __ ] was that what is happening in this game you know that was reactor not lights and that was so bold wait they caught her i think they caught her people that's not me are you kidding me who's in the reactor right now yes they caught her we're on our way i will bet the game on this um i can't even hear the music that went some kind of way i guess she got caught so much for being an adept killer okay that was a bad joke the first time anyway i found the other body oh it was like he was at the top of contamination but they just said that they just seen a depth do it so why would you instantly assume that it is i was at the top of the reactor i saw cyclone's bodies up there why not yeah because i wanted to go in because it was at the in the contamination door you were alone are you throwing it on me yes well um so i see i see why toast thought that but what the only thing he didn't know was the body was old and adept got the kill so that was the only problem there but he had the right train of thought i think he just didn't know that it was an old body oh no they can't kill toast they're knocking one minute 37 seconds later oh my god they killed him i am a god what i don't know what that means but um she just said i am a god la mao okay okay do my taste you might i have done like almost no task uh toast you're a fart i just got four kills if you think about it that's true uh okay over here i mean toast had the right idea it's just that he didn't know the body was old which was the only problem so what could you do good logic but the you know the beginning facts were uh what do they call it incorrect assumption good logic but incorrect assumption believe is the term um is just an old body so all right we're finishing up our tasks here um it's jody it's probably jody i feel like because everybody keeps spamming it ty i've never seen someone kill that fast neither have i i straight up got killed at the start all right i'm calling this meeting as a quick one ray jody remember when lights went out and we're all in uh reactor yeah that's why i went back so i thought chica would be dead and classy's also alive so i'm very confused i didn't see classy in there at all when he came out reactor yeah yeah he came back i waited for like three of you to go in some kind of way okay wait are you smoking bro did he just ask him if a toast i i escaped i skipped i think it's jody let's see what she's up to stop oh it's jody perfect call on the reactor she might be able to get two kills here now i'm thinking she just kills and runs up she could just kill again jody just go kill rey i guess just kill her just kill her no one's gonna check this room anymore wait jody's doing it do my tasks oh oh wait [Music] or i could let jody win i have to do it guys i have to do it um jody that was really really good that was really good joey look guys i really thought about it but it was the last task i feel bad if i'm like if i hold it back so kills the sound if i die first this round so help me get i don't trust uh you know i trust john he wouldn't kill me right right john you wouldn't kill me pull this thing down fixing the lights what oh no caesar's was it wait john somebody just passed us adept so that you write down that hallway so if you get it you could have easily killed it was on the vent saikuno could clear me i think it's one of you too so between security all right john because we are both doing leaves i'm not 100 sure it's her but if she's trying to accuse us we gotta get her back i will say i'm not sure if it's her but i fear for my life now she's trying to kill me so this is self-defense at this point right probably not but you know i like spicing up the games um okay please don't kill me please don't kill me if some maniac pops out of a vent and kills me i will be slightly sad but like it's just a game so like it's not that sad but anyway i need to find a buddy to chill with it's a gob he seems pretty friendly please don't kill me please don't kill me oh john's back where did choc door go maybe he finished and left probably was just doing the card swipe um 89503 okay well they can't see that why is there such a large mob i don't like this like guys let's all stick together so i'm gonna do this first because if they do some crackpot kill that i don't think they'll go for what's the point of this meeting i'm pretty sure i saw on cameras when the reactor was going off excuse events on the right side well that's a pretty hard that's a hard accusation i can't imagine somebody would call an emergency just if it's a fake honestly yeah that's pretty crazy yeah i especially especially had zero kills i'm going to try to i'm i'm down to skip if you guys no no no no no no i will try to find and [ __ ] back your [ __ ] up you know classy i believe in you after the games we played you seemed like you wouldn't do that if you weren't right about that let's try it out why did you say you think classy why do you because i don't know if you're if you're you want to win he is throwing the game no unless he's i believe or not there's no trade going on here i believe in your class let's try it out train it try it i'm not trading anything i believe in classy it sounds like he wasn't the imposter no he you're done i don't know i don't think classy would make this up but i i just it sounded like he wasn't the apo i i am not sure guys i am actually not sure i don't think classy would make that uh if you can see him on the camera i don't know seems legit enough to me i believe in him guys and i might be wrong to believe in him but look it's pretty easy to convince me you remember the good old days when i used to say good enough to for me at anything i love gas and didn't run back to let's stick with toast okay later [ __ ] okay um ah dang it he knew i would trust him too dang it he knew i would after he trusted you classy one alibi what i'm enough to kill my wife there's no way they think it's classy but i'm gonna go to the bathroom and you guys see what happens a few inches later oh man how close are you find them three more i think all right oh they did not find anybody man toast is getting that youtube video i can see the title now toast carries xqc in among us oh he's gonna try to kill the first person and leave he should just kill this guy and run okay so he's not myth and it's not john unless john vented yeah it's not adept to john myth or jody toast just through they have eyes on you he shouldn't have reported he should have let them find it because i just class when you vote toast and we go next yeah ray figured it out i don't think you you can't shake rey guys you can't shake ray she's crazy in a good way crazy in a good way oh thank goodness it's over we could or we could just end it here they did just end it here um i thought myth was the imposter because he started just going after classy like well good thing we trusted classy right guys i only wasn't sure because it looked like he might have ran up like from the camera that's why i was like wait i thought myth was impossible trying to back up xqc going like classy i don't know good thing i believed in you classy [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,259,621
Rating: 4.9741049 out of 5
Keywords: sykkuno,, michael reeves, michael reeves lilypichu, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, fedmyster, lilypichu, lily, valkyrae, valkyrae sykkuno, otv, pokimane, sykkuno valkyrae, disguised toast, toast, best of sykkuno, among us, among us sykkuno, among us offline tv, sykkuno offlinetv, jae day6, among us impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us funny moments, among us gameplay, disguised toast among us, among us vent, among us toast, among us vote
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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