I clutched this impostor game for us!

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oh i i think my tip would be uh kill earlier because once people finish their tasks they all group up like crazy because everyone was grouped up every time everywhere they're like more people it's because if you want a good youtube video you can't die first so you gotta you just you kind of have to group you know what is up guys it's icuno here all right guys see you when i'm of a pee never mind i'll see you guys right now because i'm the imposter oh my goodness that was okay well scarra and i were walking together ahead i didn't see who it was well i did but it could have been toast i want to say it was toast why do you think it's me brother and after i crossed over the report button turned on i i'm skipping i don't think it's i'm sure it would be really expensive luckily i didn't double because i saw hafu behind us so i think um toast thought it was the last two but there was three so he killed one i he got away with it pretty clean so that's good anyone in here nope okay i lost my baby here again no wait is someone dead oh tina died oh i got separated from toast it was very scary okay well i thought he was gonna kill me what i kind of where are you right now i was in the bottom right by the shields i ran back to the top right to finish my thing because someone died so fast last round i i believe you're the only person who's suicidal enough to do that what like everyone scar look here's my theory they won't kill me first because they're going to try and use me later as an impostor they never kill me first they know i'm a good actor sorry about that john i'm gonna leave now let's call this that way nobody will find the body they're all going to run to the left side oh no the reactor they said oh no we got to turn off the reactor they said oh that was fast not yet not yet tux not yet i know he wants to go for a double not yet i'm just chilling with scar he's my buddy he's my buddy now okay scar is my pal we stick together i should have killed him there but i thought broden might double back i think i got one of them oh i'm pretty sure it's toasty brodin do you trust tofu is this is this true i trust hafu much more than toast right now where's the body because i'm waiting he found it on navigation why didn't you vote oh we could have tied uh we had that i can't believe it scara could have won us that game not that he should have done that because then he would have lost but ah okay it's sekuno what i went to go fix the lights ming and tsukuno and wendy were right who was at the lights with me who was that the lights with me were you at lights i was on the way there i was almost there i just saw you how could you be you could have gotten there so fast i just ran it down when the lights turned off i went to do my last task in navigation i i think i was the only one at lights so i i know i think she self-reported it guys yeah i turned around and then i went back as soon as the lights are fixed and then and you found the body there while i was at the lights i don't think you're at least can anyone confirm you that lights i was the only one there i'm pretty sure it was dark finished lights by myself and did you see him i did not i also think you're an imposter so i'm just trying to figure out how to do this guys guys let's just vote for hafu and we're just dead right if i were imposter that i would get my own imposter out when i would just try this guys if if we let her kill toast and get away with it i'm just gonna feel bad think about it it's four of us so we definitely got one of the imposters out right and that was the first time i'm trying to think about this i'm voting for food i think she self-reported it all right i was with you like 99 of that round you know what i'm done i should have muted myself when i said dang it [Music] oops well oh why did i say dang it that was an accident i didn't mean to say that all right look guys we gotta we gotta kill someone else all right someone's gonna come to top oxygen oh hey killer killer killer why am i so slow okay okay okay thank god thank god broden i'm coming to help you oh let me do it for you oh unfortunately we have to go guys go to the top one let's try and lead them down so they're slower oh no we are gonna make it in time oh no guys oh no oh man i can't believe it oh man cool brodin thanks for that that was oh man brodin don't kill anyone there's too many people i'm gonna get incriminated interested and it's scarra all right okay broden oh thank you why did you walk up thank god it's not me where the oxygen area was and now uh i didn't see a body when i was there uh i will say that me david and tina were in nav and when i finished my download tina was gone i'm sorry to play football at you again oh no you could have right when the body was well i was still i was still in nev i never wait they didn't see me there just came in wait did i see tina walk past when i all right i don't remember if i saw tina walk past when i entered figures of me i'm not pointing fingers no i'm just saying i don't remember i don't think wendy saw me because of the vision so if somebody's in here oh what about it it's crazy self-reporting wait how food just left the admin i just saw hafu with broden where john the body's literally right next to you wait i just saw john walk me down i just saw john walked down from admin no hafu left admin bro dog watch or dog was in admin with me i was doing a card next to him hawfu walks out you are already lying oh broden saw a dog but dog didn't see broden also broden's been at two scene in the crimes i think broden's gonna die he's two people the last person i saw with hafu was broden and broden does have triple our vision true i think what's possibly over i explained what i saw i walked past the body to find you two went back to report i you think about me running in the room after hafu when ha when we saw hopkins after we're doing cards together and you spotted dog when dog hasn't spotted you because they have triple or vision in halloween it's over no this is kind of weird dog was cleared by hafu and now waffle is dead i think we're about to lose there's no way we can one be like seven guys um or whatever it is it's it's not 1v6 this is too high traffic of an area oh could you come up with me tina yeah yeah all the way up here perfect perfect all right see you later perfect that was perfect she ran all the way up where nobody will find the body i hope all right that was that was great i love the cooperation i love the cooperation all right let's chill on cameras see if we can find someone else to kill there john's an admin um hello hello two dead bodies wait no one we um okay so where was the body okay the body is at the top left of the cafeteria ah it's over it's over i ran left and up and i saw sakura on the cameras so saikuna have you seen anybody go towards or from cafeteria from cafeteria i think i saw john pass by once um it was a while ago though so i don't know if how recent do you think the kill was it definitely wasn't done dog and i just cleared each other okay um well i don't know how recent this kill is it's it's just ape right after very obviously oh it's not me i couldn't it's like in the test for me too i didn't see him running the cat i don't literally think i saw him running the camera i literally was not in cafeteria since the beginning of the round i don't think but i'll be honest my memory is really bad guys i don't know if you should trust i then if the kill was very recent um i'm not sure i don't know how recent it is but it has to happen this round so i'm just kind of scared is way up there ah dang it i didn't make it in time i wanted to vent over kill someone and then vent away and it would look like it's abe the lights were off right pretty sure was abe what okay what you saw him you saw him kill wait i was on the camera with don running to electrical guys what are we doing we have five seconds right it's gotta be abe's dog said he saw him dog said he saw him on the cameras right guys we might lose the game still but um i think that was worth it that was worth it all right i'm surprised we survived though all right we don't want to kill dog uh mister thanks for the sub oh toast i i know we haven't gotten your location for the past two meetings by the way okay wait hold on hold on i have a question for a dog oh you said you were on the security camera right wait they're all turning on each other where so was the body like just in the same envelope it was like on me when i when i clicked escape to get out of the camera view okay okay one final range is okay tell us what is your location we haven't gotten it okay i was an admin the whole time i saw two people in med k yep that was me and john okay i'd leave cycuno wait i wasn't i was in security until i left if it wasn't security then he might have killed the guy the thing is if toe saws people's med bay in random med bay he could have easily ran there invented no i didn't run for five seconds what are we doing are we killing someone randomly kudos thank you guys oh god all right there goes that this vote doesn't kill guys there was no way we were going to win this it was i was hoping to get abe voted off but um you know what can you do i [Music] it was i intentionally tried to time it to make it look suspicious all right what oh no toast in his youtube videos i think it was wendy i ran out i ran out in front of you oh so you think it was wendy it's not me guys do you think abe would accuse wendy wait he didn't accuse me i don't think he had cute he said he thought it was winning that means it was me wendy tina dog all for each other right think it's safe you survived this round eight but they'll all see next round they'll see you next round abe i'm trying to sound crazy like like yvonne when she asked about the string i learned that trick i feel like i'm just picking up random like picking up like random habits from my room or from my friends you know in general so like yvonne does this thing where she's like she's like were you hiding some string so like i just i just copy that from her oh it's dogger two three four five six all right doctor we're sticking together i don't think the killer's dogger i feel like faking that task like he def it's not him because people actually just keep doing that because it's so annoying to do i want to go back in i'm gonna go back in i think abe just killed someone abe just killed someone and left the body there where's the body chris where's the body it's on the left side of the map coming up from like the trash oh okay it wasn't eight this time big question where did you go um i'll be honest dabe i thought you killed someone and ran away from it so i ran back to check unfortunately it was not abe this time sad to report um what i was just about to say is that i just checked vitals like really close to when chris called so she must have just died did you not see anyone running out chris that's not true at all because i checked i checked it before reactor went off and she was dead she was done you were playing on the left side of the map earlier sounds like it's sydney twisty thanks for the subscribers i checked the vitals i didn't see her like green's been dead for a long time i guess who did i pass in vitals i just passed someone in vitals hmm i can't remember what it was but somebody well sydney you're sounding awfully suspicious okay i understand i understand i'm sounding awfully suspicious and you are welcome to follow me after this round ah i won't be following you okay because if i do i'll also be dead get her guys get her [Laughter] i'm just kidding don't actually don't actually wait wait guys guys i was joking oh my god all right guys i didn't think you'd go for it i actually just got her killed for no reason oh my god we just killed her for no reason oh my god it was dave oh my god oh my god it was abe okay honestly we we deserve that i i'm so sorry sydney i didn't think they would actually do it i deserve that i deserved abe killing me there guys i i i can't believe they actually it was my fault abe then if anything it's not me it's not me it's god wendy oh man guys this is so complicated i panicked they got him one imposter they got him i want to think that we did they got him i'm sweating buckets we're directionless sweating [ __ ] bro i told you you wouldn't get away i called it was ape from the first round i knew he wouldn't get away with it he knew it was saved since the first round when he voted for me come on okay you know i'm gonna run up all the way over here someone goes for some psychopath sneak kill here every single round if i want to be able to play this game i called it i called it they go for psychopath sneakers oh no all right tina who was it i didn't see anybody but i'm just gonna go on a whim here and say toe self-reported wait really all right [Music] even toast said he would support tina's first call out so you could about yourself one person here's the thing i'm in the gas room on the far right because i'm hiding from the imposter i think rey had the exact same idea okay but an imposter saw her go in so they killed her there but allowed me to report it so who who was it would you see well the lights were out i couldn't see [ __ ] but there is only one person that kills ray first every single game tycoon are you guys kidding me i'll tell you exactly where i was i ran to the top right seismic because i didn't want to die first and i figured no one would find me there yeah you're right i get another kill no no no it's something i will say wait wait wait i think tina was on to something saying he's self-reporting no no no it's like just wanted to use tina as a reason to get a free kill because we agreed we would kill someone toast you're crazy this is not evidence what about that i'm going with what tina said toast self-reported it i wasn't i was i i don't know if it's toast but the fact that he's trying to kill me that's weird what would ray want guys i ran to the top right seismic because i was afraid of dying i think toast is trying to get a pickup toast is trying to get a free kill guys vote go for toast guys holy jesus wait who voted it's natrium what the heck they thought it was me just because i killed ray first of all i don't kill rey first i kill rey in a sad act of desperation when i i know they found me and i somehow survived one more round i don't kill her first i kill her after i know they found me and then i go for one more yolo kill and i take her out too i don't kill her first guys look you guys made a mistake and that's okay because you know life is all about making mistakes but the most important thing is that we fix these mistakes we make in life and that we improve and we come together in love and harmony all right look guys the only reason who knows you are insane trying to get an extra kill wait wait naturey how logical does it sound ray died so it's cycuno that's the only quote-unquote evidence you used to kill me for three weeks right i have never at one time seen saikuno hide in a corner because i do that [ __ ] all the time yeah what never done that is singing i do that you're crazy he's trying to get a free kill for sure there is no way toast would do this guys i think it's toast there is no way if toast isn't the killer trying to get a free kill he's lost his rock he's off his rocker or something he's off his rocket guys he's trying to get a free kill i swear i think i don't know what he's doing you know hide in random places oh i i see yeah i think toast is trying to get a freak i think toast is trying to get a free kill i say we kill him back first like i i don't know what toast this is he's got to be trying to get a free kill there's if toast isn't the imposter if toast isn't the imposter then he's gone mad he's just got your opinion only smart one here what yep that's how you know it's toast you know it's toast you know it's toast there's no way there's no way he would say that there's no way you know it's it's gotta be how is he still alive all right oh it's tina she knows i'm safe now we're chilling together how did you get there what do you mean i walked in from where the left side confidence tina confident tina there's no vents in the specimen room what are you trying to what are you trying to achieve yeah there's no vents oh my god she just tried to accuse me of venting into the specimen toe stop trying to get me killed tina there's no vents in the specimen room all right so your body i went to go do like why is everyone trying to kill me okay well i didn't do anything guys toast tried to get a free kill on me two meetings he just ran five laps we all know he hates cardio [Laughter] it's gotta be toast he's trying to get a free kill i swear i swear he's stuck don't listen to this because i was in the specimen room with tina oh my god [Music] box what is this game guys [Music] oh man oh oh god i have no idea what's happening this game but let me guess chris is also laughing like crazy nature didn't follow oh my god it's chris wait wait was it toast and crisp wait guys was this toasting crisp it's gotta be toasted crisp his face turn red probably because i was laughing so hard i it wasn't toast it had to be toast it's not toast there is no way it's not there's no way it's not toast seasons what what where um yeah why is chris laughing why are you lying guys i i think the [ __ ] cardio what the heck toast was actually one of them toast wasn't one of them about it i and he and toast had no solid evidence to say [Music] honestly this is some kind of round guys there's some kind of round i have no idea what's happening how is it not toast why was he trying to kill me the cardio joke was they i actually don't know if toast just doesn't like cardio i actually don't know ever seen him do it before though he does work out toast has actually been dieting and working out he's gonna be buff toast soon he's gonna be boast is that that's a word right boast i don't know any oh my god he just [Music] did you really think it was me killers well did you really think it was me no i thought you were trying to do some crazy strategy to get a free kill other than that i had nothing i i thought you were doing a crazy strategy and making tina kill for you what so we both do one and you jumped on board right away so we both thought we both were doing crazy strategies and i guess me and toast both like five-headed each other too hard and then we just killed each other you
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 2,915,501
Rating: 4.9654851 out of 5
Keywords: sykkuno, twitch.tv/sykkuno, michael reeves, michael reeves lilypichu, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, fedmyster, michael reeves sykkuno, lilypichu, lily, lily sykkuno, valkyrae, valkyrae sykkuno, otv, pokimane, sykkuno valkyrae, disguised toast, toast, best of sykkuno, among us, among us sykkuno, among us offline tv, sykkuno offlinetv, jae day6, among us impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us funny moments, among us gameplay, disguised toast among us, among us big braind
Id: iXE71FHPCgg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 10 2020
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