cleanest impostor play i've ever done in among us

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all right takuno's here [Music] um what's up guys it's sai kingdom oh god i even know they're patch freight oh my god guys uh hey hey tyler hi um you prefer tyler right in those notes yes you guys are on the first name faces wow you guys oh what that's friends guys who knows my boyfriend you guys didn't know wait what oh [Music] what you didn't tell him i told you to text him before we got in here um so we got that room code um [Music] so tycoon we're doing the strat right we're doing the strat the strap with that oh uh that was me and toast thing i know i'm kidding i'm kidding but you know i would do the strat if you wanted to why are we still here just to suffer what is up guys it's ikuno here ray why are you following me reactor meltdown [Music] what i didn't want to kill lily ray just did it anyway guys guys what are you guys doing guys um okay i'm gonna go hit the meeting button all right guys guys i was the only one that reacted with like three seconds left that was manca [Music] i think i might know who it is i was waiting at reactor for okay i was just worried because there's like three seconds no one was showing up i was like whoo that was plus cypher where did you go what did you do give me the first 10 seconds of your of the game please go i went all the way to the right turning on seven i went to that room and i did like the little wi-fi thing and there's like a little spaceship i have to follow the lines okay and i i said out loud i'm like my screen's flashing red but i'ma let the pros take care of it um [Music] so wait so your first task was what you said you did i forgot what the first one was but i know that the the last one i did was the spaceship like where you have to kind of drag the mouse right right right okay so why were you why were you standing still next to wires then when i left you there alone i did the wires too i did the wires too oh so you did the wires you forgot about that when i asked you what you did yes oh okay tyler's going in he's going for the wrong people ninja's gonna blame me i was like he's totally going to blame me running that way got detective tyler on the case i'm just saying i'm gassing him up i'm guessing him i was i was actually i [ __ ] was i was not around no city i never blamed you i was going i was grilling lastly that whole time okay listen so we're okay so it's either cindy cipher no we don't know honestly i don't know where lily's body was it could have been an admin for like oh this is an emergency button yeah because we had three seconds left on the thing all right we just got a free kill like i said sydney was running up north away from the reactor ten seconds after it was called is what it felt like and then reminded about guys we got detective ninja on the case detective tyler also the reason i call that meeting was to cover up lily's body and they had no idea who it was add the perfect cover see i just say something like oh guys how come no one showed up for reactor and then lily's body will never be found um more lies we didn't even have to lie for that one all right let's just pretend we're doing this one so they're probably not gonna find that body for a minute i hope and then we're just gonna try and kill a few more if we can um there's three there so we can't double kill that's not good ray all we need is a double kill i'm gonna find rey initiate the double kill and then it's over let's see who else is up there oh the body is body is outside of nav tell me there's only two dead oh there's oh so we needed more than a double good thing we didn't go forward good thing we didn't go for it because we uh um i saw cypher arrive at the o2 i feel like a little okay on the right side but there was also two more people there who are on the right side and me psycho though oh wait mate i think it was me not tina oh it wasn't tina okay so who would like pop oxygen i did o2 it was a number like three one nine that was on a sticky note oh which one uh you did oxygen you're at the top one or the bottom one i'm not sure what you're asking like it's right i mean it's right or left um you two were on it and then he came from there i think that again this is the second time i'm throwing sauce at sniper he killed he killed someone on the task that he was faking the first round i think he could have been faking the first round but he's so good at every calling what the tasks are yeah because now he's smart because he's intelligent cybersmart okay all right well i think we don't vote on seven right that's the rule we don't have fun right right we don't have facts i don't know all games you got a lot of people with toes right i was with toast at the bottom wait you were with tina and leslie thanks peanut leslie i thought it was oh you mean the other part of the game right you thinking what i'm thinking ray's thinking exactly what i'm thinking okay hold on what i think it is i think it is oh my god someone's [ __ ] dying that fast why'd out if you get if you're a crewmate and you vote me out we're going to lose 100. i just finished the whole reactor where where were you my door closed my door closed on the way to reactor and i'm thinking to myself i'm like who who would close the door someone in cafeteria what's your cafeteria the [ __ ] meeting buzzer thing ninja wait you think it's ninja i'm trying this oh excitement i trust ninja i trust ninja i'm voting cipher i'm voting i trust tyler i know a hundred percent tyler is not the imposter i voted cypher oh man it's a hundred percent tyler's not the impossible if there's oh my god you're not the imposter tyler yeah but it doesn't change anything oh [ __ ] oh man that was such a good round oh man i trusted tyler a hundred percent new player i'm gonna do such stuff but it doesn't mean [Laughter] oh man that was good that was that that's a two verb right there that was a good video nobody went in here um there's nobody here how do we kill someone if no one's here security camera just for your water bills yes the emergency is that there's no one dead which is awesome and the second thing i'd like to say is um i like sakura's voice is that tina could have killed me when we were alone doing uh asteroids together when the lights were off which i also thought was sauce i thought she was going to what was that really bad or i could clear her oh thanks tyler yeah i like this meeting at the beginning we're talking about someone else wait can i can i can i say things no no no no we should withhold information those who are we talking about i think cindy knows too what yeah what information are we with the holdings i thought there were no keys i checked ah well that's the last we'll ever see of lily that's the last we'll ever see of lily guys oh oh this is amazing i can clear two people on this kill okay um 100 1 trillion bajillion percent this kill this kill was not tina or leslie and that does not clear them from imposter but they clear something leslie leslie's clear from imposter oh yeah she is uh wait how do you how do you how do you know she's clean uh where's sydney okay she's with me she did not do this can somebody tell me where the body is oh i'm sorry the body is literally outside the oh man everyone said right outside the decontamination room so i think it happened early in the round someone went south of the start so we went south of the start does anyone know i went right tina was there i mean i mean i'm not gonna look we were taking every single task along the way oh my god i mean whoa is this true tina were you faking them they will be sitting you ninja okay i mean you don't need a babysitter what do you mean for a big chunk of time yeah but i mean you could have came you know um and when when when when when like again just kill like i guarantee this kill was right up the rip someone south sliced outside and then went up and then it wasn't seen or less okay so it has to be toastside for a psycho then what wait i was with psy for a huge chunk if you guys are all together then yeah that's the case yeah so tell us where the big sus is i mean yeah she really is turning going in on tina there but uh okay i think we have to kill either am i muted okay thank god i'm muted i think we have to kill either jody or uh leslie next lights with goatee okay who's with someone right now i'm gonna [Music] i left security like five seconds i see what toast is trying to do he thought i was with the group yeah i saw three people running at the reactor to point out that what uh three people going to reactor and like i think we just got killed for nothing too i think his big brain plan backfired why is he doing that i saw three people walk by safety wise but she's dead i don't get why she's doing that guys we just almost got killed for nothing again um i'm concerned i think toast expected to me expected me to be with the group um he probably thought i was with the group which is why he probably thought i was with the group and he was trying to make me look innocent there what he didn't realize was since i wasn't with the group he just made me look like i was guilty oh all right we had to do it guys they won't see toast okay where's the wait what the hell they already thought it was us but hang on ray where's the body oh ray you just walked up on the body i can't believe you've done this look they already knew it was me i stood there on purpose so they wouldn't walk past and see toast like crudo is literally like you know when people jump in puddles when it's in stuff guys we don't vote on seven right we don't vote on seven we don't vote on seven guys we don't vote on seven other killers is responsible for all three of these the other one okay hasn't killed a single person yet how do you know that how do you know that because me were no god yeah toast doesn't know i i didn't kill any of them guys you caught on the third one that's how i know rage just simple no no i didn't kill any for three okay so the reason i did that was i didn't want them to walk past and find toast like someone [ __ ] died oh never mind we both love that you know yeah ray's gonna say to kill me you're so she can i'm just i just wanna know how you're so confident saikuno did all three of those kills because first kill all right you guys all accounted for each other on the right side the only people unaccounted for with me see if he can talk his way out of this my perspective a cypher right second kill i called the button sayakuno and cypher were the only one by themselves from my perspective is cypher or seikuno right and the third one yes toast it's because sakuno started making those sakuno noises you had the report and obviously you came up on saikuno obviously that's not obvious how do you report the body if you're not at psycho's location ray please stop third and posturing right now okay we got right exactly so right now you not believing toes are voting tonight like those productions are solid i'm not clearing toast right now either let's just [ __ ] skip and do our damn tasks we're almost done all right let's skip yeah i will okay double kill so technically anyone that you've been grouped up with could also be the second impossible yeah correct correct i'm okay and that's how i cleared leslie and i'm gonna try oh my gosh i could out no i don't trust rags ninja gonna get cezard oh decontamination it's ninja and toast it has to keep the [ __ ] out of here so let me have it in camzy entire time i'm actually inclined to believe you i also think it's toast i thought it was toast since the button okay said okay rey all right listen good reads toast man hold on [ __ ] all right i like your amazing spicy that's a little aggressive okay talk to my boy man i love you okay i'm on the light right now i actually didn't need no you're not no you're not you're not gonna see the camera no you're not like a weird thing you're not online that's not [ __ ] possible because i am at the light so there's no one there and i'm literally in the middle you're on camera what is it this is 45 seconds i don't see a single goddamn soul i'm like there's no [ __ ] shot no one's dead right now if you're on the camera i believe i leave i see the light i feel like oh my god i'm on my way there the door is still locked in the middle of unlocking okay [Music] oh god oh man um gamer and rainbow thanks for the sub well this is going some kind of way um if toast wins this game i'm gonna be amazed there's no way he wins this game but i'm shocked he made it this far all right i went down but even even ignoring that there was no way other side of the wall you know how there's a door between um the bottom left o2 and the hallway okay it closed right as i was gonna get there i saw ninja on the other side i [ __ ] broke it back up top and leave to the right okay let me tell you guys let me tell you guys what actually happened okay okay jaden ray i literally was sitting on on on the electricity i fixed lights immediately and friendly thanks for the support passing me both together right holding hands and electrical right because you guys okay and then the doors closed toast is on the other side of electrical he didn't come from cams he was on the south side trapped where the [ __ ] auction is and all that [ __ ] seriously just taking my story but you have to leave your friends you're this guy right you have to leave me please don't let him 100 please i'm serious please ray please right please jade ray please thank you oh wow well yeah holy [ __ ] man gg let's go [ __ ] all right it was a good try guys i think we have a pretty fun group i will say the group's a little louder than our usual group but that's not bad it sounds like everyone's having fun so not sure who it is i do think it's one of those three most likely um at least one of them and then the second killer i'm not actually sure all right oh toast what he's gonna kill me every time i say something like it's my buddy toast i get killed why is she paused strangely i don't like this i don't like this i don't like this guys i don't like this i don't know what's happening but every time someone pauses strangely i usually die right after right and then it gets clipped and there's a clip of me saying oh what is she doing and then i die it happens every time i don't know if it's her but i'm not going to risk it because i'm it was her it was her oh my god i knew it i knew it i tried to run i tried to run guys i tried to run i knew it every time someone pauses strangely like that they always kill me right after oh god i even tried to run that time but i couldn't get away i couldn't get away i tried to get oh no it's gonna get quick oh no i knew it guys i was like this is a cliff i'm gonna get clipped for dying so i ran and then she caught me anyway okay wait they won leslie you're insane um oh oh no not this again oh fright when i get in here tina who did we see leslie and sid how recent was his body i i did i did pass you guys didn't see anything they think it's sydney it came up from uh office yeah i don't think it's sydney um yes i [Music] top left um i did file transfer outside of lights i did the wires right behind security um and i did the little maze thing right uh right outside of columbia yeah i also don't think that leslie would put herself where the body is because it's kind of hang on hang on who knows okay so pokey and saicuno are the only ones who can say that that they were top right in the body stuff and i watched them run in there hang on tina where did you watch them run away tina where are you right now i'm like we're basically holding him i'm gonna vote to skip before something crazy happens because i don't want anyone to die randomly and pokey and tina [ __ ] how the hell you guys how are you guys all there and no one found the body someone's going to die there can't only be what thank goodness thank god oh my god no one's dead okay nice okay um i have some major susses it's gonna sound crazy it's 100 off of movement so okay ninja and i are you know that sounds nice and crazy um at the same time yeah chasing me and ninja around i'm gonna [ __ ] die i know it i'm just ninja's so smart he runs to the button okay i'm just saying ray and leslie acting superstars well you think that we were chasing you i was sticking with you for an alibi okay okay so leslie hang on and ray sees us and then all of a sudden the lights go out and she's hovering outside of the light room because i'm also hovering outside the lightroom because i thought that ray was going to try and kill ninja yeah i mean i did the lights immediately leslie also did the lights yeah i did lights miller you think that i would hang out with the four of you just right every time you always say that you always say if i was the killer i wouldn't do x y zed and you're doing x y oh oh you just got called out oh okay i want to know why sydney and tyler i think tyler actually did it i'm not sure about leslie i didn't faked gas first and then you didn't commit to the other guys okay thanks for the stuff the lights i am obsessed with leslie but i'm also successful i'm suspicious of she's a killer okay back to the specimen room i'm just saying tina's a killer when she was on my team she didn't touch a hair on anyone's head she didn't kill anyone we both got voted off and then the literal next round she's the killer she snaps my neck and hops an event without a second thought on the left side i know this one oh all right where's the body wait what was it a stack killer who's on the scanner i'm on this tanner it's going to make me look so sauce wait wait wait wait wait think about this why would i do the kill how did they get away with that suspicious there were so many people [Music] there what was your target on the telescope uh the planet uh the one with the right it's the no no it's the yellow orange blue one let me throw something out there we can kill sydney and leslie and we'll be happy wait that'll be that's six that leaves no no no no no no with one employee right we're good can i tell you really quickly i'm gonna tell you right now that you don't even have to vote me okay so i get on i get on tina's uh scanning right okay it says waiting for tina i get on ray scanning says waiting for rey right okay oh and then as rey i think is in the middle of her scan i'm like 80. nine percent positive i saw leslie killer yeah i think so so it's tina all right so it's leslie if we vote off leslie we need a vote officers yeah i think sydney's telling the truth guys because tina was scanning here again sydney who can you clear again well ray but she's dead and tina tina 100 clear yeah i saw tina scanning tear okay so let's so it's leslie is the killer and then i think that i think that we have themselves on everyone else you're only clearing cindy though based off nobody stopped and checked her yeah on it okay remember that i'm 100 cleared kidney and i did our time i'm pretty sure it's not sydney it's there's no way i'm voting off sydney i i don't like it sir oh no no no it's fine because they're gonna kill oh [ __ ] oh pokey's dead okay um it wasn't city it was a city it wasn't sydney yeah yeah it wasn't sydney though so that we don't have to because i use the button so you guys don't need to vote me we can vote someone else though or we could just wait where was everybody i just finished my water cooler task and then i'm i'm done who did the lights the light pokey did mike no i didn't fix the lights i went to go spin the uh the wheel well i'm guessing pokey did the lights yeah so it's like you know man um i hate to do this man but like i got i got some big sauce on you bro it's it's not me it's a hundred percent not me you know okay all right i trust guys i trust that good mm-hmm um uh no not me because it's not me [Music] or is it weapons it can't be tyler impossible i thought we were supposed to vote um i [Music] it's definitely not me i've got one task and i just flipped the switch so i think it's safe to just stick with the group for now um because we just flip a switch there's still a bar and a bit almost two bars left and all we have to do is flip a switch so wait if i die i don't want to die up here oh it's jody okay um we're dead no sean's dead green's dead oh no i'm on vitals if only tyler didn't leave us it's jody the lights are off so like it was like last second like i was on violence i saw him die i started heading up towards her so i probably left finals as you were that lilly's merch yep you checked it out you ran towards the meeting to call it right so you didn't see his lights wrong we didn't see each other i didn't see you there um [Music] no sacrifice you there because if you die then i just know it's jody scam thanks for the sub scam we can get spicy here and vote because we haven't done it were you guys together the entire time tina can you account for jody the entire time okay guys jade it's not sydney it's ninja well where were you going that way there's two imposters right it's not sydney to hear me out i'm gonna do a little 180 here guys i think cipher i think cypher [ __ ] sliced my boyfriend up right around the area of the emergency button and then i think he [ __ ] camping vitals of where she is um i feel like uh i feel like ninja had it um and then for some reason a cypher just threw that out pains oh god oh god all right let me tell you why let me tell you why it wasn't [ __ ] sydney okay the reason was in sydney is because [ __ ] sydney and valkyrie and leslie were all hunting sydney and i okay at [ __ ] gas storage they were watching [ __ ] do it legally okay okay i'm going back because it's [ __ ] me all right now listen let me finish my let me finish my [ __ ] thank you guys [ __ ] voted the one who put the [ __ ] big sauce on sydney and cindy and i literally did gas we filled that [ __ ] up oh no he thinks it's cypher now okay and the only two people who are following us around like hawks or valparaiso together tycoono died you said you were gonna be following him around all of a sudden you lost him for a second you're trying to break too hard oh no jody is loving this guys oh my god oh my god first of all he's acting crazy second of all oh my god oh jody played that off as an accident jody was like oh no i accidentally voted um whoops um i i can't believe jody just i um why are you [ __ ] shushing me i thought you were talking sorry i thought you were talking i am talking i am there's no [ __ ] talking we're going to win this so just kill prevail yourself china jody oh my god oh god [Music] oh man jody good job good job jody you really debated tina wow wow tina you really got used by jody there we go wow for one second yeah yeah i have no idea look jody really just lose her there tina should have said they were apart for a bit when the lights turned off but she just let it go i accused you right i'm like saying i'm throwing this um bro and then you actually vote for me on forbes honestly that was really funny you
Channel: undefined
Views: 2,775,036
Rating: 4.9651518 out of 5
Keywords: sykkuno,, offlinetv, lilypichu, lily, valkyrae, otv, pokimane, sykkuno valkyrae, disguised toast, toast, among us, among us sykkuno, among us offline tv, sykkuno offlinetv, among us impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us funny moments, among us gameplay, disguised toast among us, among us vent, among us vent kill, among us toast, pewdiepie among us, jacksepticeye among us, among us ludwig, among us xqc, among us pokimane, among us trick, among us ninja
Id: d4WtoqGr6CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 22 2020
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