that awkward moment when...

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we're going to go on a killing rampage i think i'm going to snitch all right oh my god kill it no no no you got it i asked it for everything don't you fight i got both of us that was sick come one come all to the myths [ __ ] you what is up guys it's spykuno here [Music] all right let's go do our tasks abe are you looking for a kill or something ah genius don't fix it ape don't fix it okay oh no toast toast wait just bro you just oh my god this is horrible oh wait we gotta leave but don't wait i'm sorry oh god oh god abe hey please don't look oh god who reported they're just guarding these bodies oh she got the report off oh who reported and i was just following sid and this just happened okay you're electric okay stacuno what about you what's going on um i was chilling in electrical um doing my tasks nice that's where the kills are i think it was yeah what they are what i'm nowhere near like in electrical tina what you saw at the very end of the round where i'm probably gonna die but at all look guys i did not deserve to live that long so i saw john oh man good old toast guys he's too nice sometimes guys i swear i didn't see anybody's i was in the back of it because he has zero alibi what he just hasn't said anything i hope he hasn't said anything productive like guys i was too busy laughing i'm sorry he just voted for himself and said it's not him yeah i thought you guys were gonna i think i was too busy laughing guys how was i supposed to defend myself how was i supposed to defend myself when i was busy laughing thanks toast that was so funny i tried to close the door before toast got in here he just runs up he sees the body he runs back down and looks at me sydney let me just say uh toast shout out to toast for being a good good uh good pal he's good old toast guys i'm walking just like kunos running out apes jumping into a vent oh my god i tried to close the door so he couldn't get in but he got in and he just came back and looked at me oh interesting combo i'm gonna go stand on the lava pit like an evil super villain aha this is my home now i'm the imposter the imposter kills here the imposter kills on the evil pit i skipped keys train saw me we have to kill him train was the only one who saw me leave late what am i doing oh now train knows now train knows but here's the thing we just got to kill him before he gets to the meeting button right here there's a camera there how many cameras are in this place guys we have to kill train he saw me skip the keys um you know what guys if he's not calling it out maybe we'll just let it go he probably knows it's me he's a pretty smart guy if he's letting me live guys i want to let him survive to the end oh hello hello a lot of ways it's scary abe where did you go i saw him in specimen height not looking good for you buddy we're not looking good okay yeah so yeah that's what's looking good for you [Music] i may as well get disabled and i went back but i saw the report option so i went back up if five up gets caught then it's over right not disabled don't mean [ __ ] cause you just still see the body no let me let me tell you what happened i went through d contam went to admin then went to towards vitals i see five up run past the body see me run back and remove the body no so i was going to fix comms and i got the report option uh so when i went up i didn't see the box gets caught it's over the camera like even moreover options that's why i went back i want to ask a question if possible sure so in the beginning of the game at spawn all of us did the tasks that we have seikuna only did the rocket thing he decided i'll do the keys later oh i saw that no one was there and after rey killed me at the entrance i was afraid of uh getting picked off at the spawn again i just don't like being there why do the left one and not the right the right one's quicker the left one takes like three seconds right now i do things left to right like reading a book okay cool that's good enough for me he knows too much but i'll say five up looks way more suspicious than me so i'm okay you forgot me because when i went down into before i saw you abe come out i went in and the thing was blowing air on me and i saw five up at the door yeah yeah and so i thought he was following me no that's when i went up to try to skip before someone died oh man guys we have to kill him oh i'm so sorry i trolled i didn't vote i'm so sorry guys this game's over they know it's five up and they know it's me i don't know how we both survived that because five up just got caught i skipped the keys we both just got caught first round um we just got it we just got to go on a killing spree hey train i'm not gonna kill him guys he didn't go hard on that accusation i should kill him if i want to win my chances will go up if i kill him but we're not going to do it guys all right can we just vote me off what wait you why yeah because i i said i mean are you sure yeah i feel like that was such an innocent thing [Music] again uh because i had the map open and then i was going to go back said that it's going to get caught why didn't you feel the water jug in the office uh because i filled on the previous round oh you gotta answer for everything don't you fight up maybe just me wait wait five up here's here's the issue that i have with your story yes oh man if five up dies we're done though walked over the body to go fix it i mean skipped keys or not no we're okay so no thomps got disabled i turned around but i got the report option before i turned around that's when i went back in and that's where i found the body okay honestly on top of the man oh yeah because i was because i wanted to see where it was because i didn't get it the first time so i wanted to like make sure i saw it don't let him talk yeah just don't let him talk his way out of this i believe it you know if ray believes it i believe it yeah i don't believe it i don't believe it at all like the way the path [Music] but we have it's it's it's so no oh no it's over it's over guys it's not actually me very much we could do to survive this one um what i can say is i'm not gonna kill train guys let's just get this speed run over with we're gonna go on a killing rampage and hope that we win we're not going to but let's just see who we can kill hey myth oh you got a scan do you all right all right yep all right um hello friends hello come one come all to the myths body emporium [ __ ] you not yet not yet thank you for passing by though but you're not welcome uh the next viewing will be open in five seconds five seconds for the next viewing next viewings in five seconds sydney would you like to come here thank you for coming to myth's emporium all right arya we got a emporium's closed emporium is closed arya we have to go out would you like to do this reactor arya all right the myths body viewing emporium is closed uh it also has sydney there aria do you need to go back in there yes you do of course you do aria don't you need to go back in there you don't need to go back in there well then you're not going back in there that's what you get you don't go to my emporium you don't get anything oh well we tried i mean ho oh what do you know five up was innocent wait no guys there must be two imposters left if there's this wait how many kills was that guys three oh man that's a lotta what were you doing in o2 valkyrie right there i was doing my test is this what are you doing no i would have just camped on top of you and maybe i was wrong about five yeah it's all your phone and definitely not mine okay out of principle what i think would kill you here no it no no guys it could i i it wasn't me okay it was me oh my god he confirmed then then it's easy then the other one has to be abe no no guys there isn't another one all right so he defended the game it was five of us was it i just went on a show no just hell i just went on a killing oh man look guys we got caught we got caught but we went on a crazy killing speed that was a good run all right well i think i used up all my stat points last round guys um this is gonna go terribly wrong i haven't had this duo in a while though alright we could have killed sydney there but that'd be dirty guys we don't do that best team i wish guys but my brain is frazzled from that killing spree we had last round um i did not expect that to work so well so it just happened um oh man guys i'm too nervous i don't want to throw for toast so i'm thinking first thing we should do is always close the doors to reduce the uh task speed it slows them down a little bit you know toast isn't calling sabotage though like he usually a lot of people here i'm gonna go check the cameras wow there's three people here i don't know what to do they're all grouping quite well we gotta find someone who's like apart okay um ludwig's gonna remember that out there oh man guys everyone's just grouped up all right we gotta find some people who are far apart there's a body in there isn't there all right oh my god i just found two bodies there's one in the decontamination oh where's the other it was right up to the bottom at the admin admin double kill two the there was two of them yeah so it had been a double died a while ago abe died within the past five seconds wait which body are just fine within the past five seconds then that means ray campbell no both of them were there i found both of them one wasn't decontamination and one was right above it so one's like on an advent panel right yep yes i mentioned that it couldn't have or sorry abe was within five seconds that's a good cover yeah hold on give me a sec here cause hold on give me i'm so sorry to be rude i actually oh yeah go ahead see if we can get away with it um i i did see abe and i'm in specimen and see if we can get away with it guys he decided to stay above where the decontamination was so that's why i would be cess whoever saw him the last few seconds but if you're in dcom right now you should have seen miss body i'm in specimen i can go from the bottom or the top huh i enter from the top and abe was there abe was actually uh he didn't enter with me um maybe he obsessed with me i'm not sure okay i'm really i'm really suspicious of two people right now but i'm gonna ask locations first valkyrie where are you right now um left just left communications solid kill okay and i'm pretty sure five up was yeah i am oh yeah we were locked in there all right yes i'm standing at the entrance to office right now so yeah he couldn't have done okay nate where are you she was behind me i don't think it's her yeah we just walked down cessna we have 20 seconds i'm sassafaria i think the killers must have walked into specimens since we didn't see them just died three seconds ago abe just died they must have just run into specimen i think okay ariel oh man they got some suss on us guys that was as clean as it could get trying to say it was a double kill probably the best move we could have done okay so this makes sense for me to go here because i was headed here earlier so they'll think oh i was just on the way anyway unfortunately we're not doing oh wait we should do what five up does let's just fake some tasks in here anyway yup and then we fake this one then we fake this one oh hey five up sorry about that all right good luck finding it guys at this point they probably think it's me so we gotta start killing and you know what that means guys five up emporiums oh ray would you wait ray would you like to come see the body ray ray would you like to come see the body is that a no all right well you know what happens when people can't see the oh goodness um well look she's going to catch me anyway aria toast okay we got to call another one all that close that all right toast two more kills and we win you ready no no we can win we can win how many kills do we have oh oh poop nuggets i shouldn't have opened that door well that was awkward huh yeah why did he skip the thing the emergency toast why did he run in here kind of weird i did open the door yeah but it would have been i i didn't think they were saying huh uh what sakura i just walked in on you oh man and toast the door wouldn't have saved it there was still a lot of time on the cooldown yeah i think toast is like his story his story next guys it was a good try [Music] all right let's start with toast no don't vote do not vote no yeah but i want to ask him what does he say i think he's just ready to start thinking all right you think i'm gonna snitch huh ain't no snitch what don't make the [ __ ] lava pit saying nothing don't do it guys don't do it i'm gonna i got it too it's psycho don't do it if you're gonna if you're gonna do it do me first at least i'm not doing second i'm gonna vote for myself i'll have to ah you almost gotta be we were so close so close i can't believe he skipped the meeting to go to the right i thought he wouldn't run to the right because he saw me run out of there so it was a good double back guys it was that close where'd train go is he trying to get killed well it's over guys i don't know what to do we tried okay yes oh man sydney how could you kill them oh jeez i'm so sorry i couldn't will you ever oh man that ludwig double back got us guys i regret it so much it was a horrible thing to do i can't believe i killed him my only regret that his toast got killed before i did it's over guys i voted nate tyria oh i mean yeah okay okay you scared we were close toast we were close we were close i think your cooldown was about four seconds it was like five seconds right before he got damn you looked like i didn't think you would check during the emergency i was just like let's just walk out to the emergency and finish it but he came in and checked it out but you guys walked in with me we were so close it was that close it was that close [Music] you
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 2,462,454
Rating: 4.9703479 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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