This ZERO IQ decision won me Ninja's left nut...

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his iq got so big he hit an overflow error and went back to zero

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/ironore123 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

I died when Toast bet it the day after but was hesitant to bet it cuz Ninjas left nut is his favorite nut lmao. If someone has the clip to that, would love to watch that again haha

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Mathemblem 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] vitals the whole time he's got a bottle time because i just found the body and weapons i literally just finished my mask that i wanted to do in specimen but i was [ __ ] scared that was going to slice me up when you were alone okay hang on ninja why do you think it's me ninja what do you think it's at you because i me saw you go from the left to the right away from weapons and i was also in admin and i saw there was someone in the weapon so i'm like you know what there's only one person who weapons there were four people in oxygen who was in o2 so the person the bodies and weapons right ninja weapons because you killed them and then ran away the person you see on your admin is the dead body if i was there you would see two people no no no no no i never entered asteroids i am willing to bet my left nut i'm also willing to it's my favorite nut as well i'm also going through um i should have voted toast okay no no you shouldn't have okay seen standing over the body he was the only one in the top right people on the bottom left could not have made that kill there are two killers left watch vitals two killers left i'm so confused what is happening oh my god what did you know ninja you didn't know [ __ ] [Music] go fedex chop it up send it over to me i'm gonna freeze that [ __ ] on my wall this guy's toasty so okay we got one kill i need an alibi right now all right it cannot be me yeah where's the body um wait morg and ray where's the body where were you guys on the left hold on a second hold on hold on let him what where were you guys doing low left more why were you running up because i just ran back up to see because i saw there were two people by cams i ran up and i saw the door shut i thought that the killer uh shut them to kill somebody so i ran back up checked saw you were running back down ran back down with you saw rey still there doing the trash shoot i was going to do the um the thing above the very bottom left and i guess i didn't even see a body sounds funny the body was like up in the open right that's where you ran i saw i saw you both run down that hallway the body was sitting in the o2 room wait who who was um are literally under you guys under med because i saw all three of you run i went to do my little temperature [ __ ] and secundum was doing the lava we're all on the right side morgan who's with us the third person the bodies they're together why are you something because you guys were you guys around is this the oxygen room i don't it's tree room i don't know is there anyone on security because the vents right there from left to reactor all the way there and i'm so confused why you think it's or i okay no you guys went down before me you guys wait i thought ninja you said pokey was with you no no abs yeah yeah pokey's on the right me and meth okie and myth we're talking oh i mixed up their voices what was the degrees that you were doing mixed up the voices huh oh wait the degrees out like negative 31 okay i was negative 23 so i that way right there was just me making sure that they aren't the same for everyone that has the same task [Music] i think me and pokey are going to set a double kill here sorry ninja i'm gonna try and find pokey whoo so no one wanted to come fix it anymore okay classy is 100 percent thousand percent one of the killers oh my gosh are you good wait ray why fixing lights because i was last pokey were you you saw you were with me in classy and morgue right and vitals was that yeah so the lights went out i ran off to the left and then i decided to double back and so i checked vitals and i saw that there was two kills and so i opened the door and morgan's dead body is right outside the door so i think classy paid to drive by no no that's great and all as soon as the lights went out i went right side range straight to lights and i'm the one who fixed him at the end of the round thank you very much nobody else i didn't see it how would i see it you would have you would have seen the body no idea wait you went to life that can't be i was near the center i didn't see classy at all i did not see classy not an imposter you actually threw the game stop voting ever okay you know what [ __ ] i hope you guys lose i voted myself i'm not mad i just well if it's not you then you actually through the game because i ran out right side and i'm the one who fixed lights right i'm the one audi is right outside the door they did it after i'm the first one who ran out the door though it was only them in the room right it was you pokey and him classy morgue okay i'm just chilling with pokey no pokey no no no no no no no no no that's totally too early pokey no it's fine it's fine it's mine's fine fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's not a fake deal it's not a big deal poke just okay okay pokey watch me kill watch me kill go go go poke no go left pokey go left go left go left q q q q q [Music] he didn't kill me which is always very appreciated also i'm doing this thing where i speed run my task gets me killed yeah but makes the game a little more tense i like to say i'm surprised they didn't do a seismic sabotage last game it's easier to double kill on the seismic sabotage yvonne is manning cameras that is dog is just shifting back and forth and back and forth and back and forth all right wendy's the killer she saw me go up and she'll be coming to kill me guess i'm not dead sweet all right someone's watching the cameras here they will witness my death oh i will witness their death what the heck is dog doing bro then when you were just in that room that was a long round okay definitely unclear because he did the med thingy and it said waiting for him oh sometimes we don't want to reveal this too early oh really yeah because then you make yourself a target because the killers want to kill the innocent people i yeah well they know who's innocent well now they do all right me hafu and wendy are all from here wait when did they wait you can clear wendy i was waiting for you too i wanted to do it after you hafu but then cycuno got on the scan and then i went to check it was all three of us are good okay okay i was in security most of the game i really didn't see much like abe was checking vitals people were walking that's it i saw i saw where tina went tina went bottom left ah you saw because you were there to kill her no why would i say that did brodin other than me wendy and hof you know so basically i went to vitals i saw orange was dead and i was just opening doors like crazy okay so i don't think abe was on vitals it was on vitals early did you i like multiple times that round but um i literally just sped on my test i'm done with it are you clearing wendy a hundred percent wendy and hafu are definitely all three of us are naughty because because wendy had the scan thing right is that what you're saying yeah all three of us strangely lined up for the scan then it's probably broden all right nani i was leaning towards broden british accent i called brickhacks listen to me random okay i'll be honest it's only because i saw broden in the southwest why didn't he kill why didn't he kill wendy though i guess maybe he saw me coming that means we won't have an idea all right toast it's time to kill another person randomly it's got to be a mass why i have no clue but she seemed to be set generally in the area there's been one corpse yeah let's skip okay oh wait hey but what are you talking about yeah everybody's doing nothing you just wanted to kill people randomly oh no i'm down for that what okay okay who are we going for i am not happy or i am down well i mean we know it's not okay we have to stick together i do know that i was the fourth guy with you guys right which is why i think it's a mass then okay okay we're just skipping right oh wait i thought we were randomly killing a mom oh no are we skipping oh i do love random guys randomly kill amaz because he found the first body yup yup so i think i think it's toast now since i kind of jumped onto the bandwagon oh you lived this time mamas you survived this round a month but next round i'm going to find you in an alley and three people wendy we all stick together we got broden out for us right oh my goodness i am gonna slap what task were you doing in in that room i wasn't doing any uh tests there oh oh you just you just went to that room to hang out huh so they're always closing so wait wait wait wait wait wait by that logic toast i have the same question for you what were you doing in that room which room the middle the middle one though room with the big computer oh i was doing the the upload that was a quick ass upload no i didn't finish it because that's how you were about to kill me i was so special of toast and abe because they were traveling together and i was in the same room as dogs so i thought we're going to get double killed so i left out themselves like that though amaz went to the room with dog and he was staring at him like a piece of staring at him just looked inside what was so friends what tasks have you done so far i did the med baby right in front of you guys and how could you guys how did it doesn't show anymore yeah it doesn't show yeah but then you guys were saying you're waiting for each other i was literally there oh he ran onto it after us is that true hafu you were there i don't remember but i mean it might have if the kingdom remembers i was afraid he didn't i don't i don't know for sure if he did it he like ran into this okay because he was confused and then toast jumped on the bandwagon so i think it's toast guys don't let him no no no no no people who skip are secretly guilty even if you're innocent [Music] so please skip no we gotta kill amaz let's kill him innocent people you gotta kill him why don't we just kill both of them okay oh it's gonna vote this is a lawless land please oh god of oz i'm sorry i i think it's toast all right guys if we're doing this we're doing this i'm glad you're gone i'm glad you called the meetings i'm sorry look i'm sorry boss you would not stay staring again like a steak okay everyone used to wait okay we have 100 seconds okay i assume between broden and hamas we got one i'm pretty sure brodian was okay i think amaz was um innocent but you know who has been calling these meetings getting me and seikuna to kill people okay it was abe he was the puppet master pulling the strings behind the scene yeah cause you want me killed now that you've used me used me like used condom thrown away on the side of the street oh god i die right guys it's abe it's abe get him get him now we can avenge him oz we can't the whole time what who did he vote for i voted for abe what wait really i mean yeah it was a yeah are we yellowing it [Music] oh my god you're manipulating way stop here abe you're the only smart person i will never be used by you again someone slapped the meeting it is it oh [ __ ] so [Music] [Music] [Music] i accept my death and you know i deserve it guys it doesn't sound like it's toast i think it's too late before that voted for me it's got to be done voted for me yeah i i deserve this what toast um we gotta stick with it to the end gets toast wait wait who was the last one to do medscan was it sakuno uh no it was meat the sakura how do you guys know wendy i checked for wendy i know it's not wonderful look we have a one chance to get the right person what could possibly go wrong i went for a dog no oh i agree i i i agree with you and i think it's dark like it doesn't matter because four of you voted for me i think it's dog but by process of elimination there's psychology and then we'll get yeah yeah make sure you come out the meeting right after whatever it is remember me [Music] so i have to say goodbye remember me don't let it make you [Music] oh no oh no it's got to be dog and yvonne it's dog and yvonne it's wait wait it's not me i was wondering where everyone was it's dumb it's dog dog pile on dog guys it's gotta be it wasn't the meeting area i know you saw him for a little bit and then i didn't see you anymore i was thinking about this literally because i am 98 sure it's dog where was the body the body was at lights oh i wasn't there oh wait a minute i'm still at the meeting area i think yvonne was they both said they're at the meeting area yeah but i didn't see him after i didn't you've gone there oh no they both said they're at the meeting area um who did i see there i'm trying to press the button where you're at the meeting area i was i didn't see dog i saw a vaughn for a bit but i did okay then it's dog it's dog right david how many people are we gonna lose this because we voted out like 20 people look i i vote for dog pile on dog wait where are we all like oh this is inc if it says waiting for x that means they're clear right yeah so sukuno is 100 clear you and me are both 100 clear we're deciding between yvonne and i don't know i feel like thank you more people than the imposter lives around yeah so well it doesn't matter if we get it right this time so i'm voting for dog well i already voted i think it's dog i think it's dog it has to be dog david are you are you good are you evil it was definitely dog because yvonne would be maniacally laughing by now if it was her look i told you guys it was dog and you guys didn't listen voted for dog we mean we also i knew it was him because yvonne would have maniacally laughed at the end of that after the vote went through no i wouldn't she probably would have she probably that's just a textbook town win [Music] you
Channel: Disguised Toast
Views: 3,595,845
Rating: 4.9476519 out of 5
Keywords: among us, among us imposter, among us gameplay, disguised toast, disguised toast among us, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay no commentary, among us gameplay pc, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us vent, ninja, valkyrae
Id: cnzj9zH0Kgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 54sec (1434 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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