the closest impostor win i've ever had

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how's it going everyone so we're playing with a lot of new people today uh toast is there ray is there um i'm gonna play with pokey i think pokey's in the group too courage will be there too apparently i've never met him before but i'm assuming he's a friendly guy gonna be interesting one of them is ninja i think wait what are we what are we uh oh my god ninja is loud if we should use cameras let's see how late we are oh wait no no don't don't like no no don't listen to them they're they're memeing on you they they planned this from the start nobody canceled an appointment just to be here what no no don't listen home they're memeing on you it's really surprised that favorite streamer ninja was wait that is that's that's not what happened at all guys the game hasn't started you don't have to start lying already the game hasn't started yet [Music] and i am with my puppy right now watching him uh and you can hear him crying right now what's happening you just woke him up screaming i'm not even lying if she calls me or if he like wakes up and starts whining i'm gonna have to if you guys start accusing me as a killer what he just said his wife went to the hospital he's gonna use that excuse for the game ninja can i ask you something really quick everyone calls you by your name i didn't want to say that you just jump by can i do you prefer ninja or tyler call me tyler nice to meet you tyler i think i'm gay [Music] what did he just say what is up guys it's spykuno here [Music] me and xqc are impostors how's this gonna go y'all pretend to be afk tactic why are we moving so fast we're moving really fast i can't kill pokey and toast first they're my friends i could have gone for a slip kill there but the speed's gonna make it difficult because they can just catch the body inst uh [Music] where did that just come from okay i have a very good idea who might be where's the body i was trying to say it the whole time i just oh it's it's the bottom in the cafeteria area okay does that help you wait why do you sound confused it's i thought you would know who does that help your theory oh it doesn't um it was by the southern vents a little bit so it might have been ray were logs i'm stalling on purpose because i'm the killer guys i'm trying to stop coming can i run out of time um how your round is gone i wanna hear everything about your first round sure me and nicole went up lies went down i did a task i double backed lupo and i met up with poopy didn't see that okay wait where'd you meet up with him i just wanted to make sure you saw lupo up top so he didn't yeah yeah he's fine he's fine myth was the first one sounds like we got nothing staff is in teams thanks for the subs but like i fixed 100 of the lights and yeah yeah i went down to being a volunteer what if psycho and i was suffering no no pokey i did not self-report anyone else i really didn't self-report i'm the killer but i didn't self-report it was just a myth for a second because he ran down before lights shut off [Music] um [ __ ] i need to wait until these one person comes and then i did it okay and then i flick them off for right i didn't see anyone that walked by yeah i wouldn't see anyone either because you were there oh he thinks it's me all right i'm gonna follow ninja around the whole game that way he trusts me and then i'll randomly vouch for xqc genius genius you see i've noticed he takes control the conversation instead of killing people i'm just gonna follow him around so he knows it's not me and then he'll say oh it's definitely not me and then they'll think it's the other person i'll randomly vouch for xqc at the end one time they won't expect it okay um [Music] he probably is weirded out by now this is my big brain strategy there's wires and admin enter id code in that common task so i'm gonna go do the wires here okay question i i didn't call the meeting but in round one what if he thinks i'm trying to kill him and now you're standing there again i did not finish it okay he was definitely trying to finish it while i was jiggling and nick was the first person that likes again okay okay also sorry if i weirded you out i was trying to follow you to show you that i wasn't i wasn't i i wasn't the killer for that killer and zuno and tinia only people that went to cafetera oh the events are but crazy feel like self-reported what i i didn't self-report it oh from early wait wait it was it was right by event it must have been event kill then either was event kill or cicuna self-reported and no one else went to the cafeteria i checked the logs i believe you but it was right by events so first event kill i usually go was the first kill like you really used to silverboard otherwise we could just shoot them at i just want to say i'm immense wait i actually hit the track immensely okay i didn't know where you're going either by the way i like this can i i mean i like this movement kind of weird in general but basically as the lights went off right before he went to the lower part of the cafeteria okay and i wanted to wait right outside of there to see if the task bar went out yes he did what he was going to do lights go off he's still holding like the entrance to those doors near the cafeteria table all of a sudden he shows up ahead of me which could entirely have been just you know coincidence okay okay you came up raised on two she's not i didn't do that kill she's she's not onto anything right now like she's i'm gonna go get the water you can i love getting this watering can right here yep getting the old watering can relaxing enjoying life i'm still looking for it oh man where did that watering can go anyone down here no okay here's the plan i call this the clean sweep kill um you just go around like this ninja's there i don't want to kill him he does that thing sometimes where is everyone oh my god they're all grouped up do we go for a crazy kill guys no no no don't do it don't do it play it safe play it safe i could kill him there but i can't it's toast [Music] what thank goodness there's no way he found the body did anybody see where xqc was at the very end of that round before that that happened i have an idea i'm just going to say i was where myth was as well as ray where's the last time you said you saw x you see jack i said i'll give you guys a detail so many questions for me yeah i did identity theft genius plan myth is dead i missed now and i was doing what he was doing i went to the right side uh into if they asked me i'm gonna let them fight each other uh i'm giving you my secrets i hid inside asteroids which is why you can't see me i'm doing that oh the little the little satellite thing yeah i hide there yeah used as an imposter no i went to africa so his story checks out with the logs he was down in cafeteria for a really long time i went to the asteroid listen listen you can hide under the umbrella i just said it yeah it even hides a little bit of your name sometimes i hide there too now if you stand in the corner it hides a little bit of your name too toasty that's how did you find a body no no it's the xqc thing so it's yeah i like hiding there too sometimes what are we doing here i don't know what's happening right you ran up middleweight we need to do we need to get somebody at some point we need blood [Music] did he just say we need blood um he is good at being imposter i'm just saying so this is the hiding spot right here this is a great hiding spot she didn't see me at all see she had no clue i was here unfortunately for her i will have to pick her off if she gets the watering yes she's not at the watering can all right guys time for another slippery vent kill ah mr lupo please come back he's not going for the button look we're dead he saw us so we just gotta he not see us did he he didn't see us what did i just kill him for no reason i think i just killed him for no reason wait what who is up who is up who is up top in um everybody else what pokey and i are so here's what happened here's what happened i was waiting at decontamination doing wires for no reason i got off wires xqc was right in front of my face i thought to myself how did he get how did he get here so i went just happy sensors he passed southwest sensor after uh before i had passed it so i thought that was sketchy so um unless he went and did a task i was on logs and i i'm sure everybody saw me and then i walked with him like cordially and i've been in and reacted the whole time with them i'm not trying to be fancy but me valkyrie whoopee and toaster all in a reactor oh no you haven't said a thing i went back towards you i passed by and there was a dead body wait i could not have killed that but how many people saw me this interim toast who did you vote for who did you vote for excuse me thank god this game is as good as over i think we tied the vote all right kill on cooldown guys kill on cooldown all right wait you know a few seconds hit the old reactor all right oh no you guys know exactly what's happening now where's xqc he's gonna kill on cooldown right i'm assuming he's gonna kill on cooldown there's no way this reactor doesn't go off [Music] oh no wait he didn't kill he still hasn't killed yet dude guys nice job nice job oh man wait wait wait i just want to say i actually didn't self-report that i nev i didn't self-report that so many [Applause] oh god the game started right when i left you're trolling me the one time i go to the bathroom because they were all talking the whole time oh oh oh oh goodness oh okay okay it was a terrible time to start but that's okay guys we didn't die which is what matters okay um oh what's going on subject uh i checked finals i saw someone who's dead wasn't going to call the emergency meeting just for the vitals right away okay but finish the wires on the left uh uh sabotage hadn't happened yet i didn't want the killer's cooldown to reset jordan's like called an emergency yeah i i i'm i'm back now i'm sorry yeah i'm i'm also backstage all right you were afk i thought you moved though and you're like protecting your body putting me also back you were here at the beginning i was yeah you moved i was in the bathroom how did you sound like that's a question wait what are you well i i mean i was in the bathroom bro you know when a meeting gets called when you're 95 done in time so do you move at all where i saw a move at the beginning it could have been a bug sometimes those happen you know i don't think it does i haven't seen that bug i mean i didn't see what happened maybe my character moved when i was in the bathroom i technically didn't see what happened but i'm not going to that's why i get gaslighted so easily you know whatever let's go through specimen and then around up that way oh we got some people going to specimen room [Music] he thought about running wait he might think i'm the killer he thinks i'm the key he totally thinks i'm the killer he thinks i'm the killer guys he avoided me hmm i can't believe he thinks i'm the killer i mean i can't believe it because he seems to think that i wasn't afk at the start but no we got the apparently this isn't a rocket this is a mining drill apparently uh because it says repair drill see i used to think it was a raw god um where's the body okay i just did the drill and then it's right outside the drill room i think it's okay you know what's really [ __ ] personal about it wait wait it wasn't me i don't know why you're so afraid of me i thought we were going to specimen together no hold on hold on guys if all five of you are down there then it's either me toast or ninja i was down there too oh don't even try to spin this on me what dude i literally wait wait no no guys hold on it's it's actually not me guys there's there's got to be something wrong here cicuna what cats were you doing what's up i just did the rocket and then i walked out here i saw a toast walker sure because i just grouped together and i'm just on the other side of the map i'm just thinking it wouldn't be him because why would he self-report a body during a crisis i think someone killed the body first and then called the crisis to have someone else find it secundo where was the body exactly it was right outside of the medical thing i was like okay let me tell you right below the reactor and then i found the body right there oh wait guys you actually voted for me jordan both went for me on the body it was jordan hmm toast and jordan randomly voted for me manka hmm so i'm imagining they won't try to kill me maybe because they're trying to make me look suspicious what they don't realize is they don't have to make me look suspicious i can do that all on my own ray's following me because did i just hear someone ah all right i keep hearing random noises all stream look around for a kill here there's right it's toast oh [Music] all right i was gonna say i saw toast near the body too but it looked like he just walked up on him the whole time because i just found the body in weapons i literally just finished my ass that i wanted to do in specimen but i was [ __ ] scared that you know it was going to slice me up alone but it wasn't me it wasn't me because i literally saw you go from the left to the right away from weapons and i was also in admin and i saw there you know what there's only one person in weapons there were four people in oxygen who was in o2 so filling the tank the bodies and weapons right ninja weapons because you killed them and then ran away towards fighting first then you see on your admin it's the dead body if i was there you would see two people [Music] ray you just came from that direction right who would you say [Music] oh no i mean the last the last body the last body toast was right under me why are you voting for toast i'm voting [Music] nut as well um i should have bought it okay i think it's different oh no you shouldn't have oh it's toast and raised was last seen standing over the body it's got to be toast and rain right it's toasting ray guys it's gotta be toasting it's gotta be toast and rey gotta be toasting ray gotta be toasting rain you see they said the body was at weapons room and who did we see let me reenact the scene if i was ray i killed someone run over here and i saw rey run right up over here from the weapons room which makes me think it might be her was it toast i'm not sure if it was him but it sounded like ninja was pretty certain and i did see him on the body earlier also he tried to get me killed which makes me fear for my oh my god what did you know oh god was i supposed to say he bet his the thing very beginning because i i saw an idea wait so does this quick does that mean i don't know who it was no one's gonna hold him on that bet right so nobody's actually gonna hold him on that bed right i mean i didn't say a [ __ ] thing because i i would i was like if i'm wrong man no i just ray i should have believed you on jordan but he sounded so certain about toast and i and toast made it sound like it was me last round i thought he was trying to kill me give me a hug baby wait you you were trying to kill me last round i don't know if i can i think in this group the secret is just don't say anything when you're imposter if you're imposter and you just don't say anything they all kill each other for some reason that's that's my new plan i'm just not gonna say anything they all kill each other for some reason except for this round i bet you this round they're not gonna kill each other close the door nobody can see me hop into the vent look for someone someone's gonna walk down here i pop out and kill him someone's gonna i got my button ready yup oh it's courage [Music] oh um um oh fix the lights ah jordan will run back up here what pokey yeah wait more so what are you doing there oh wait wait wait wait wait wait jordan you go first uh sorry lupo what'd you say i said marcel's just standing there my mom just turned off my monitors where where was he standing his dog turned off that north little weather thing what is this meeting where you fill up the the gas tank i i jumped on cams and they're just turning on it right my dog turned off my monitors i swear to god uh-huh watch it back after this i mean are you religious can we can anyone confirm here that marcel is religious is that where on my left testicle testicle what's the point of this meeting what is happening what you what you just what are you trying to do there they're just arguing jordan and the to argue okay so we got to keep ninja alive i've learned we need to keep him alive to do the work for us i want everyone to know the last time pokey tried to gain my trust i'm gonna leave pokey alive kill everyone but ninja and pokey um what's happening i'm not sure um they're just random well we can't kill pokey for sure nah race followed me oh no um so what exactly was that meeting i have absolutely no clue ray looks sad it's probably because she hasn't gotten imposter she likes killing the more kills she gets the more she enjoys it that sounds kind of bad but um she just loves killing i swear you guys ever see her stat card she was maxed out on killing it's because she hasn't killed in a while she needs it everyone's at laboratory oh um all right ladies and gentlemen why would someone who okay first off i want to let someone know everyone know the fact that someone killed marcel like the worst [ __ ] possible movie you can make everyone was something everyone was suspected marcel why would whoever they were i mean last i heard marcel bet his entire genitals and to be fair and to be fair i was the only person marcel the only person that i can clear okay right now that's the only one i clear i clear hitch 100 okay and i did asteroids together literally nobody else y'all are [ __ ] need to you need to get over here and turn some lights on i was the only one there i was oh wait how did you know i was in specimen right because i'm on admin oh well [Music] all right toast got me covered kill toast why kill him he just covered me toast just said i'm clear in the top right and one in the bottom right right yeah i was in the bottom anyone [Music] oh no they know it's they know it's him now because they know it's him because he didn't yell at people who do we kill because everyone keeps suspecting each other i don't know who to kill at this point because they're all they're all turning on each other for no reason so like who do you even go for at this point because do we just kill at random at this point because usually you want to kill the non-suspicious people but like everyone's suspicious oh my god he called the meeting before i could double kill absolutely [ __ ] jack i just watched him chop ahead off right in front of me oh i couldn't kill fast enough yeah how did toast call the meeting so fast it was like perfect timing lupo you saw it happen how did you do that happened all three of us were there that's weird because pokey was at the conference room in the south oh what you thought luffa why didn't you report blind because i was spamming the buttons i was [ __ ] are you okay what get the video ready dude i cannot wait for this one are you kidding me what this is you [ __ ] i mean why did you go to the button then oh i thought we were gonna like holy [ __ ] what the heck is happening obviously he left you to go to electrical but you went to button so what's i'm enjoying i'm enjoying this i mean wait you shouldn't even be throwing salsa by the way i'm pretty sure it's great i just want it's raining i don't know my memory's bad guys i i think i i don't know look he called the meeting i i look i i think someone died in front of us but but the meeting was called so fast guys my memory is bad i'm sorry i'm i don't know guys i'm blind i'm sorry ray tell him how blind i am ray tell him how blind i am right right tell him how blind i am how come raising calling me blind she always calls me blind what oh they're all turning on each other perfect we didn't even have to throw courage under the bus [Music] look guys we could have thrown him under the bus but we didn't you know why because we're pals and we stick together and it's my fault for double killing too slowly courage would you like to do a round two of this thank you i redeemed myself now what we do is turn the lights off and camp here if someone tries to find the body we'll just kill them too know what we may as well close that door too i'm the gatekeeper now anyone comes to this door they gotta get through me uh courage they gotta get through me i'm the i'm the the gate guardian like from yugioh um nobody's here um hello oh the admin room i can find someone with that there's two people in laboratory there shouldn't be two people in there they should be dead oh oh courage do we need a double don't kill him kill him courage get back come back we just need like two kills oh if only i killed faster i tried i tried too fast where was the body oh he was too fast where was it i tried he was too fast he was too far away more specifically that was the win but he was too fast you and i were switching each other we were switching on and off to each other except for top right did not go to o2 because i did i did the auction okay do i have your permission to use your face in the youtube video for when i say that you threw this this game that's the second time i'm gonna be completely honest with you i really don't have [ __ ] hard reads on anyone wait guys look who who are the suspects here who are we i think one of them is for sure what i watched jack kill pokey at power two rounds ago saikuno forgot what he saw my ass guys i'm blind you can ask you can ask ray i'm blind i'll race dead first guys guys guys don't kill me first or at all at all perhaps not at all guys don't vote for me at all i'm trying to split the vote i voted for courage we split the vote we did it all right all according to my plan we split the vote just like i thought all right you guys may have thought i'm a fool what they don't realize is they were right but now it's over so here's my big brain plan wait for like 10 seconds call the old laboratory oh no oh no guys i'm coming with mr lupo i'll help you mr lupo help you get out of this game nice job courage i can't believe we won oh man that was so close oh i was so scared when we couldn't get that double when toast called the meeting oh scary yeah like we were trying to double kill and then toast called it in the middle of the double kill it was insane oh man spam the report he i would not lie to you about this oh man that was that was a good one nice job courage talking about youtube i voted for classy because i believed in pokey so i'm going to keep believing in her i'm voting to skip wait what'd you call me yeah what if there's i take my vote back you
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 1,998,056
Rating: 4.9658766 out of 5
Keywords: sykkuno,, michael reeves, michael reeves lilypichu, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, fedmyster, lilypichu, lily, valkyrae, valkyrae sykkuno, otv, pokimane, sykkuno valkyrae, disguised toast, toast, best of sykkuno, among us, among us sykkuno, among us offline tv, sykkuno offlinetv, jae day6, among us impostor, among us impostor gameplay, among us funny moments, among us gameplay, disguised toast among us, ninja, couragejd, courage, drlupo, drlupo among us, xqc
Id: yv-_sfGgoWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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