this INSANE self-sabotaging play broke ALL suspicion...

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guys i'll be honest i don't know how to be imposter anymore i don't know if i ever did how do you impost these days i'm just trying to walk around oh you want to you want to defend yourself who wendy oh wendy what were you doing what were you doing just now i'm in storage during wires so you didn't just come from the admin room no she didn't i i was with her oh you did i thought we were an electrical oh so it's wendy and cycuno then what we just outed the other one no i thought i just saw her in electrical and then what is up guys it's guy kuno here i did walk by yeah yeah i walked by let me just say toa's body was in admin i saw one person coming out it was wendy wait i didn't see her there's a got in um wait was it toast died in the admin room i just left him there okay after you killed him wait was there someone else in there wendy oh no i don't know guys where exactly was the body ride like right oh god she got no way she could have i don't know like there's no way she could have passed their event there like wasn't that bad i don't know is there an event in there [Music] outer hallway what what wow wendy is i think it was a really swift kill okay how did wendy certainly are noting what would an innocent crew member i know what they would do an innocent crew member would do the med scan well i mean the tasks aren't even close to being done so we have time but wendy i can't peter i just can't anymore what happened what's happening wait there is only following me and not doing any tasks and i'm just i'm having ptsd because he always kills me first and i'm no okay i did one task when you stopped to do a task what task do you have in the security room no i did i did a task in the security room i did the power diaper okay no no no wait hold on remember when you when you lost me or i lost you after the lights went out i went to electrical and did the first part of the test that's the first totally peter it's peter i wasn't there the whole time but in the time i was there i only saw i think wendy right i'm like your permanent house why aren't you trying to throw sauce on me yeah no you haven't done a single task and you're marinating me or you want to kill me slowly i have one question for this meeting i have one question ryan what what were you doing in advance oh you came out you passed from bottom [Music] i actually kind of believe them i mean i even if i was i don't think that'd be enough to kill it but well i don't know what's happening but they definitely don't think it's me um well probably because i haven't gotten any kills yet but ray wants me to follow her oh no ray don't don't trust me oh no don't trust me ray don't don't do it well she wants me to follow her unfortunately get leslie was on camp where did you go i ran to the lights uh you went to the lights are you at the lights i just stood by john right now is the only person i saw what's up who's all in lights i'm with uh john and lights as well okay who fixed them i didn't think i didn't fix them either i just saw johnny on the way before the test i fixed them well that explains why i just saw john leaving so was peter uh did wait where's the kill it's in uh security cams okay um so if he killed in reactor he could have vented to bottom uh um engine but he came in from the hallway also two people have died yeah i was gonna ask has anyone seen leslie wait so you guys reported leslie's body or um the only person i saw was i think wendy at first i don't know where she went but then i saw ryan after i saw you by o2 like between o2 and weapons i think i thought i thought we thought it was wendy right what i thought oh no okay i was just asking if you guys want to spice it up i don't know i just thought no no no no no okay okay i just just you know just all part of my big brain plan i knew that they wouldn't go for that i knew they would think i'm too bloodthirsty too crazy so now they'll think me and wendy aren't a pair anymore galaxy brain guys they're not gonna think me and wendy are on the same team now because i just randomly turned on her and everyone else defended her so you guys you guys think i'm throwing i knew they wouldn't go for it i knew they wouldn't go for it and they didn't which is exactly why i did this to make it sound like now we're not a pair they're probably still gonna catch one of us but they won't catch both of us at the same time as what i'm hoping for what up guys i'm dead i'm dead all right okay okay pause okay everybody locations go uh electric camera right below electric wendy you're on camera yeah i just got off but i was on camera camera i just got john did you see the camera on i didn't see any cams on peter you're on cams right now i'm about to get caught i am not on camera what the [ __ ] are you talking about no you're doing electrical where which is it in vision of chems asking if you if you can oh i don't know oh i didn't remember seeing a camera on no oh god okay i was in cam room and i did go on it for like now we turn on wendy for real where are you i was in the top right of the side of the cafeteria the only one that lines up here is like your shields so the bent and shield goes to navi um bottom side navi ray what tasks did you do he thinks it's me i did they're gonna know three of the electrical tests between ray peters i mean peter people wait wait pokey wait we should wonder we should go for wendy first right yeah yeah remember when he poked you remember when i think they know it's me because i would be able to figure out it's me i feel like so i'm trying to get myself killed it's either ray or saikuno that is right i'm in electrical how can i wait what what so maybe it's peter we're we're too good at this game guys we're just we're just too good wendy look at me look at me in the eye wendy because i only have one eye all right oh wendy go get your one kill oh my god ah i can't believe round one ryan said it i did it carefully round one wendy went along with the live the lights weren't even off how could it be an event kill sure hope i don't die this round because that would kind of suck so here's the strategy and i know exactly what toast is thinking this is our last game of the night so we don't want to die first in our last game of the night which means we're going to stack so we don't die first for last game of the night and the other thing about me and toe sticking together is that people can't kill just one of us because if they kill just one of us it's it's pretty much over because they'll know that i wouldn't kill toast first holy [ __ ] all right we're fine okay okay let me explain so me and five up are doing uh download and communications can admin crew roll call real quick oh here i can tell you admin crew what does that happen on admin table i can tell you there is five people in the lab that is true who are they me and saikuno arya and ray aria ray abe are you also there we're the fifth this is just four i think he's wrong about his count i'm voting i really wanna i went to check vitals directly okay all right toast let's do the thing again or we can do tasks either way i think as long as we stick together we'll be okay what's your strategy toast okay this is a strategy hey ludwig and abe um all right let's turn this down while we're here what are we doing ray just walks in ray just walks in and looks at us and leaves oh god okay um okay i guess we're just we're just doing the strategy oh we're leaving now all right ready to go specimen room we know this oh okay we know something yeah we know what do we know this has to be toast is the body in med bay yeah contamination we all enter decontamination together ray and i went down you and ludwig went up wait oh okay that's true but why why did no no he went down with you guys and on top of that why did you guys not come to lights okay so i couldn't wear you right now um i was with toast the whole round yeah they're doing the the weird strat no no no no no no we were just together the whole round no no no we were just doing tastic yeah doing tasks yeah hey man i saw you chasing ludwig oh even in the darkness you were chasing him wait then that means that did this happen that means that he was alive when toast saw wait wait that's that's weird no no guys it's that it cannot be toast like well it's not me thank you i'll go with charlie i'll go with charlie's assessment um you think ray you were with me you said where are you running right yeah but i also wanted to stephen that's not me all done with my tasks yeah but where are you okay i'm not sure who it is because i know charlie said it was him but i just saw a huge pack of people guys and i have no clue who killed who so i'm thinking the tasks are almost done me and toast have done like none of our tech it's sydney yeah it's david save where you're supposed to double kill there or something it was ape who else was there you said are you supposed to double that no i said was he supposed to double just saw that i don't know why he just did that kill might be the missed clip nearby it's um oh man outside of um off like okay in office and the vitals yes in that doorway he literally sliced ray in half right now if you were on vitals you would have seen her running there yeah but it also means it could have been you abe i think this one's it's so suspicious three rounds in a row seriously failed double kill who else was there i mean no i said it i skipped last round like three rounds in a row got it's just too many hill or did he miss click or what because i was right next to him there's literally no need to skip i watched him kill ray in front of him no i'm telling you and he's been stuck he's been sussed for what three rounds yeah i know but yeah the problem is in a row so my issue is this all of you guys want to skip on on eight and nine when he's sussed but on seven you guys want to vote guaranteed it's weird to me i think seven's the one we vote in eight and nine we should vote him off i'm willing to go first you guys can vote me but you guys have to call emergency i'm willing to go for oh i think it's risky but i think you know too many rounds too many rounds of too many rounds of suspicious save guys i mean it could be wrong but like it's just a few too many rounds of suspicious save you know but i feel like third round guys of everybody saying it's abe i mean at that point either we're all wrong or we're all right so we are way behind on our task because me and toast tried so hard to survive wait they just called reactor any second and we're done hey toast do i know it's not toast i'm pretty sure it's not toast i don't think it's sydney because she either stabbed her partner in the back or um yeah i mean she either stabbed her partner in the back or she i just yeah i don't think it's sydney and they're just calling that reactor a lot um oh [Music] i don't know i just saw it where is it um by cameras like a little to the right i'm just trying to solo so it depends on if arya killed and suffered but i don't think she would here's the thing reactor goes off before she reported her body i saw nathalie running down from that area and trying to open the door and go into office yeah hey um i ran into you where are you coming from i don't even know um i think lights area like i'm done with my task i'm just kind of following everybody around but we were all stacked and the only people that were unaccounted for were toast and trained so i was running to find you guys and then i just passed utreen going into office yeah but you're coming from lights and the bodies and lights i mean there were like a lot of us it was me toast sakuno aria and grease or maybe actually not toast we were all standing like outside of storage we watched cycling do his gas task so it's coming from that area you said you were looking for me in toast yeah that's why i left the group because there was a bunch of people together so i left the group because i was the you were the only two unaccounted for in the group that we were in so you try to come and find me and i could be a killer and just kill you in a secluded place and call reactor and i don't know it's either toast like who knows or it's nature i don't know what do you guys want to do training are you guys on youtube we're not making a youtube video we're not we're not i'm here like that i feel like i have ptsd from these youtube videos things you guys are talking about oh god um okay well i gotta go back to the tree room um but it could it's either train or uh not sydney sydney's probably innocent i know it's not toast it's either trainer aria like it could be sydney if she sold out her partner but i just feel like she wouldn't do oh it's not trained oh [ __ ] oh mr you just keep finding bodies yeah aria you keep finding these guys i don't know how i was headed towards lights and then i see his body to the left of it that's all i'm going to say i know it's not toast i know it's not saikuno yeah so that leaves sydney and arya okay here's my defense um i sold out who who is the other who was the other imposter abe i saw abe i sold him out it was it's like confirmed now that abe was the right kill so it's not me it's arya yeah but people have done that before we needed yeah yeah yeah yeah i tried to pull a page out of my book yeah people have done i would not even dream of trying that because i don't think i could pull it off yeah if you two are together uh it's not me was the deciding vote on yeah okay yeah but that's true pushed it really you both that is also true both of you betrayed him so one of you guys stabbed him in the back but if i saw if i saw if i was the imposter i would have killed cycuno who was behind me and i didn't i instead i called the freaking body i could have easily we could have easily double killed there if i was in which one of you have zero loyal okay to sell out your partner like that poor abe [Music] burning in hell right now it's arya and she just voted wrong it happens i've been there before girl i get it but it's her is that true arya did you know it's true arya no i didn't vote wrong because i actually thought it was abe at that point oh man arya so you're saying you trade them on purpose is what you're saying she thought he was she betrayed him on purpose unless it's not ours in which case i'm going to be very worried but it's arya right yeah you guys talk point bodies sorry and she really took the self report far there i didn't have any other studs you
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 2,245,509
Rating: 4.971303 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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