the CLOSEST vent kill I've ever done in Among Us

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wait ray do you want to try something weird this next round we're gonna leave our mics on the whole time but you can't say who it is but wendy likes hearing people die okay okay in the game in the game we like to hear people die in the game and then when we're dead we're still dead it'd be fun to um jess thanks for yourself we could just try it once you know yeah yeah we can talk to each other while doing tasks and stuff you know we'll just we'll just see how it goes talk about anything else yeah we can't like say like oh this dude just killed me like obviously but what is up guys it's icuno here wait you guys all have me turned up i didn't yeah 200. i have you at 120 right i have you 190. what but i always turn it that high wait you guys have never told me that before well i usually have you turned down because it's so nice to be able to talk to the men to the lights everyone go wait it's leslie she said she's going to the fence she said she's going to venture together it's going to be leslie it's wendy's the other one she skipped she skipped just get them why would you skip one [Laughter] um i guess people are used to being muted so they just like you know how you just say what you're doing [Music] guys what if it wasn't leslie maybe it was we're off to a great start already i think oh why would you say to right leslie to the vents all right this is the real deal uh-huh real round real deal all right oh me and danny okay okay i'm ready all right time to hit him with the old afk at the start strategy i just uh i was pouring a cup of water as they say throwing a cup of water i do feel a little faster he can't finish it that fast [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think he was jealous because because peter said sock wasn't his sock is mine you [ __ ] see there it is there it is it's gotta be i was just meaning edison sock is yours yeah he's very cute soccer's great i think we should skip unless we actually have something right wait edison you saw the vent well no her body was on top of the vent and i was with her intellectual we were the only two in there and i'm doing a task and i look over and she's dead on the vent is anyone else navigation oh not this again not this again not this again yet actually voted secondly what the heck oh i actually skipped skip skip i'm gonna skip before someone randomly dies where was peter um i was on the wax and cryptic thanks you guys crazy i was just joking about the sock thing wait peter actually thinks it's edison ah common mistake okay um swipe card okay got it right and then we leave do you think yvonne would know no no no we can't there are too many people follow me yvonne follow me the fool the complete fool over here check my med scan oh my god danny danny you're insane um okay wait wait danny stay here the kill cooldown resets we just killed the next two people that show up wait stay here stay here danny stay here um just kill the next two people who show up we're galaxy brain we're just galaxy brain he knows he knows the plan he has to know the plan why is he stacking on me he knows the plan he knows the plan and then i'll just say me and danny were doing the thing it's genius even if like to be honest to be fair what the even if to be honest and to be fair like um um is this actually working i um um there's no way this is actually working oh oh they found peter's body okay the last person we saw up there edison was danny right ray came from that direction too but oh that may have been a while ago no no ray did it wasn't rain cameras first yeah i was wait where's the body it's at the top pathway into the cafeteria it's like uh above the med bay area-ish where is cycuno this whole time i don't know he's the only person i haven't seen this whole whole oh i was muted what oh my god what yeah i saw uh when i saw edison wendy pass and then i saw abe smoothie and shifter pass what did you say the body was it is in the pathway above med what uh above med bay and into capital um okay danny and andy were you guys together the whole time i was with abe the whole round we were doing tasks on the right side and we wrote it okay 100 clear and you did i don't think i'm still muted i can 100 clear wendy's yeah i'm 100 clear since i'm obsessed with science i can 100 clear myself i did not all right who are we shooting what's the two out of three guys it's seven it's seven it's seven it's seven yeah you don't hold on seven five i i've been doing the tasks and then the thing that fourth i did the 100 cleared what and then the first round where someone bad on the event i feel like one of them guys it's it's seven let's just skip kind of leading towards go for again i understand i might be a little suspicious but we should skip to play it safe [ __ ] you sakura sake wait guys you're crazy listen you guys are crazy it's seven it's seven they actually skipped it could we are thirty potentially be brave yeah we don't skip guys what if rey is trying to get a free kill we we got to play it safe guys i can't believe they didn't kill me they had so much evidence like 100 it was me everyone else vouched for each other and then they just left i just want to say i did not lie i really didn't kill peter there i'm just saying but here's what i think is going to happen some maniac's going to come hit this button and i got to kill him before they do it so um luckily i hit him with the all don't vote on seven tactic uh my favorite oh someone's in storage oh danny oh lord i i'm pretty sure cycuno is one of the killers oh wait that's danny um and i still don't know where sakura is what i was on the right side i was on the right side everyone except for it's like again guys guys let's just skip like last round all right nothing's happening someone should follow there's someone can follow me someone can follow me someone can follow me i just just follow me i just yeah if you're worried that that i'm not you know just just just follow me and you'll see that i'm not killing people um what was the last hospital what's the last task well i i ran to the right side and then i did i think i did wait what are you yeah i did the right side i ran i ran like later i was late so which task were you doing you guys think i i don't remember my tasks you guys know i don't remember things i guys you guys are you guys are giving you're giving danny bad wait i did a first round i did it first round fives i don't remember guys it's seven we should skip on seven guys you might be right or or you're gonna be in rey's youtube video called third imposter speaking just skip you buffoons yeah yeah let's just skip guys guys just gotta play it safe i played they skipped why did they skip all right look who wants to follow me and someone can follow me i don't want to die if you want to die why aren't they skipping why are they skipping they're supposed to kill me i feel like they know it's me oh no they sent two people to follow me ah i did not plan for this um oh um danny i'm trying to call danny over for a double kill double kill danny um how am i still alive right now um i feel like they should have killed me by um anybody in here oh i was very afraid oh not this is nobody's dead didn't know that i was with abe new mexico guys nobody's dead guys want to talk about math i we're ready to kill cool down yeah oh god oh my god i couldn't all right i went to the left side guys nobody's even dead it was on the left side yeah they saw me like the whole round i did the reactor simple math wait how did ray know i did the reactor i didn't know i'm asking who did the reactor oh oh me and the smoothie and yeah we were all there where is dan i wasn't electrical i didn't bother to do it be honest electrical oh lolly and paul thanks for the sound and saint silver thanks for the 5 000 bits saint that's a whole lot of bits thanks a bunch saying we are almost on the test yeah let's just finish the task guys let's just finish the test the only way we lose this game is if we vote the wrong person off right now yeah this is danny i know it i knows it i'm just saying we're gonna win with tass anyway the only way we lose is if we vote the wrong person off so we may as well how am i live how am i alive guys how am i alive right now i should not be alive right now um i honestly have no clue how i'm alive right now but um um i feel like they know it's me and they're letting me live on purpose all right look danny danny you know what we gotta do danny where'd you go where'd you go danny we're doubling on them we're doubling them man danny um danny where'd he go i lost track of we got to start killing like crazy danny um i have no clue where danny went but oh danny let's get him oh goodness close the doors close the doors close the doors close the doors close the doors close the doors all right danny stay here stay here we just double kill again we just need one more kill wait for the kill cooldown stay by the bodies kill anybody who comes near and we win all we have to do is kill anyone who comes near kill anyone who comes near kill anyone at all oh get him danny danny denny how did we win that how did we win danny danny that was insane how did we do that we're too good at this game i but let's just keep them alive for a little longer yeah we got to play safe on seven you know guys all right uh quack thanks for the subs i'm not a anyway um [Music] [Music] oh thank god it's not simon says all right thank god it's not simon says guys oh it's danny pretty sure it's not peter um laboratory one in o2 interesting could be a dead body there or it could be someone doing download but either way let's go take a look because [Music] i'm guessing okay so it's not uh it's not andy edison abe or me and i cleared abe on the uh mets again okay i'm pretty sure it's not peter okay i'm not gonna be guests ray and danny the last person i saw the last person i saw was ray uh she was passing okay let me just explain my path before ray yells at me i was going through admin into by the the temperature thing the lava pit and then i was going up i saw ray pass under the uh the gas room does that make sense and then what so she was gonna she was coming from the left side no well that's where i saw you so she was passing from the left side under under the gas room up towards right uh right the reactor seismic whatever um i just think it's weird that she's coming from the left side she wouldn't go to left seismic and body was right outside uh the body was right outside the gas room so it might i was gonna go check the vitals and then i saw you come out of there so i was like okay okay i mean it is it is possible that she just didn't see the body i didn't see and if you're if you're going to check vitals that that does check out danny sorry i'm a little noob on this map what's the gas room uh it's you know the there's a little storage room right below the spawn it's where you fill up gas well did you say two gas students what's the first one guest room he's he's neutered okay so it's like there's like a standalone building right below the spawn area and like a [ __ ] room so the body was right outside there uh this wasn't a double kill as far as i can tell who who all was uh at med bay there was like uh that area into uh specimen into specimen where i saw sikuno and i also did see danny passing uh through the opposite direction from admin into specimen okay abe is clear by the way hey i checked them here my initial source is right but she could be telling the truth and didn't see the body and just switching bottles and we were all together there for so long yes we'll find out um not really sure who it is i think it could be danny possibly the reason i think it's danny is because i checked admin and i think there might have been a dead body in oxygen and danny might have come through from there also the other thing is i don't remember seeing him do any tasks and specimen it looked like he just ran through it but you know he's a new player so like he might just be getting lost sometimes like as a new player it happens um walking over here huh huh peter died right now already two seconds ago i i was shocking vitals and i saw him vouch for danny because peter died it has to be ray and danny wait i'm in the weapons room i didn't see you there i don't see you in there um hmm well i'm like like 95 um i think it's danny and ray now because they're both in the weapons room that i'm in and i didn't see them at all i will skip if you tell me where you actually were ray where were you at there's no i was in the weapons room so i missed both of you guys in there i'm not that blind am i are you sure you're wearing weapons because i'm in weapons i was legit doing the lasers i was doing the lasers what that can't what thank you yeah was i not in the weapons room wait edison yeah ray was doing that thank you i'm pretty sure i did not see either of them there i was in there alone i thought andy they're chosen yeah they're sorry right through the numbers i carried over the one wait wait so you're saying edison was also in the room and he didn't say it until now he was there three people said how come he didn't how did i miss three people in the room with me oh my god you guys crazy you guys are supposed to skip on seven there's no way i missed three people in the same room as me i don't know how i'm checking the vaude how there's no way i missed three people in the same room as me initially i thought danny and ray were both the imposter because they were both lying but if three people say it then either there's a third imposter or there's no did i miss three people walking in the room with me i i feel like sometimes i miss things but i feel like i would see three people in there as crazy i just i mean i do miss things sometimes but i just feel like three people walking in the same room as me i feel like i wouldn't miss that um all right download uh it's weird to copy my name but thanks for the bits ah nice it's psychology and imposter indeed thanks for the subs i was walking up from the bottom left they're the only person i didn't see at the reactors that's because i was doing my tasks i figured you guys had it wait babe you cleared edison for sure right what hello i cleared edison wait hello hello what is this are you clearing edison hey what yes okay all right that's right okay what do you mean maybe did you do the scan was it um um i think it's ray and danny i have i i mean i think it's ray and danny because either i missed that that's where i came from oh yeah wait where where where's the body what you know was where i don't even know where the body was specimen 360. we're actually gonna lose 360. backflip off the table i'm voting for rape i'm voting for rey it's gotta be ready i thought they were voting for me i am so lost this game i have no clue what is happening i thought they were trying to kill me and then did they even tell me where the body was i i don't even know what's i'm just gonna do my task i'm just gonna i'm just gonna do the task i have no idea what's happening i think it's it's ray and danny and maybe edison but but they said edison got scanned so oh hey danny i think it's him but what's he gonna do kill me all right i mean he he might have well he didn't kill me i feel like he could have all right so i'm pretty sure rey was one of the killers because she she said she's watching me to spite me and then she's closing all these doors around me to give me a mild house oh no way holy [ __ ] what just happened what the [ __ ] is that did you just kill everyone oh how did you just kill so many [Music] the people [Music] now and then i feel light's fading softly all over me and i remember last year
Channel: Sykkuno
Views: 4,217,665
Rating: 4.9548039 out of 5
Id: 5eG7R-38O9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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