This REAL rollercoaster has a 99.99% death rate...

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hello fellow engineers and welcome to planet coaster look this is me i'm wearing a hat i don't know why my beard looks a bit gray it's definitely not grey oh hello i just waved anyway i want to tell you a story since the dawn of time architects have intentionally tormented and ruined the otherwise peaceful lives of engineers from complaining that their physics-defying drawing of a house is impossible to build to wearing turtlenecks and using the word quirky us engineers we've had enough and today i'm going to use the power of engineering to bring an unusual concept to life well at least in planet coaster now you've probably ridden a roller coaster before great fun designed to make you feel like you're going to die but engineered to be perfectly safe however in 2010 a man named julianis abonus came up with a roller coaster literally designed to kill you this is what it looked like and it was called the euthanasia coaster and so i've made myself an aptly named level where we'll be recreating this so i've made sure this level is tall enough because the euthanasia coaster is pretty tall so first off we need to find a suitable roller coaster oh man they've added a lot of coasters since i last played this right what do you want to go with i think something standard the looping coaster the american arrow we're gonna plonk it here now the original one could hold 12 people so each of these can hold four so four eight twelve there we go so that's the perfect length next up we need a chain lift and of course that's going to go straight up and now the height of this coaster was 510 meters so we're gonna try and get the exact same height oh wow 510 meters is really really high we've actually capped out at 495 which means we need to edit the terrain so we can go lower but we're gonna make a nice hole like that then we're gonna do flatten then we're literally gonna eat up the entire level so it's all a lot lower right that's much better then back to building this hopefully we get 510 meters this time yes so there is 510 meters that is so damn cool for context the tallest roller coaster in the world right now is 139 meters tall it's it's like down there somewhere so you can sort of see why this was intended for people to die but yeah next up we we lose the chain and we aim straight down now i sort of want to make this the same angle as we came up in so we want this to be 60 degrees close enough and then we just build all of these straight down to ground level all right and then we have a series of loops now the idea of these loops were to keep a constant 10 g force on the user now the trouble is i'm not sure if i can see the g until we start testing and also that's as large as we can make a loop so that's probably going to be too much but we'll see i mean the other way of doing this is i could just do these manually but i think let's just make these smaller as they go on so there's seven in a row and each loop gets smaller anyway we can start the test so we can see what the g forces go up to just to see if these loops are big enough because they do look very small compared to the the incredible height of the drop at the start all right so the coaster is away the operator looks like they know what they're doing you've just sent loads of crash dummies to their death how do you feel it's like oh did i did i anyway there they are coming up the hill the brave brave soldiers i mean we can even ride this i wonder how high is oh god it looks quite high already how are you feeling mate yeah i'm not sure about this either now on the real hypothetical coaster it took two minutes to get from the bottom to the top up the hill lift uh looking at the dates on here it looks like it's going to take two months for us to get to the top of this one i'm fast forwarding at full speed and we're only about halfway anyway we're finally here we're gonna be dropping down i can't even see the bottom it's so far down okay we are away i have no idea how this is gonna compare stats wise we're meant to hit terminal velocity pretty much oh it looks fairly smooth to be there so there's four of the loops done and then obviously we crashed because we didn't finish right and as the sun sets we're doing it again but i've got the heat map turned on so we can literally see what the g's are like oh my goodness wow okay so this one might be a little bit too dangerous we've got to reduce this down to 10. we actually hit 44 g's down here the speed was pretty much spot on apparently the real one went 220 miles an hour this goes 216 and perhaps if we smooth this bottom out to be a bit more realistic it might be okay okay let's carry on editing so we're going to build this first loop manually because it's gonna have to be big to try and stay at 10 g's oh wow so we've got the results from my previous run we still get down to 17 and 20 g's so the loop really has to be huge oh there you go i think that's a much better line the one i did up there in purple all right we've got some results we've got some results we're on nine g eight g oh we go down to six we might need to go a little bit tight now roller coaster design is hard it's not just trial and error i tell you that much there is engineering going on to make sure that's a constant 10g alright we are definitely in the right ballpark they're all like around 10 11 ish all right there we go the numbers are in i would say average that's about 10. that's pretty good matt good job and from here it's sort of looking like the real one did like height ways so i don't know if that's a testament to this game being like super realistic but uh fairly alright so i think i'm pretty much done as people enter the park they'll come up this ramp and they'll get to here and they will see this the last roller coaster they'll ever see in their lives so all we're going to do now is do a little path i'm just going to go from here over to there where the entrance is right so we have a pathway down there a very very efficient pathway we have an entrance there an exit there we then have our q path so people can come past this very trustworthy bloke to buy a ticket no oh apparently we can't he's saying he's saying no he can't he's literally advertising people not to come on this ride but anyway the park is open our first couple of guests are in and they've decided to go home free pocket three awesome there isn't much more i want to do in this park hmm right we've attracted a couple and a child hopefully they will want to take their own lives on a roller coaster today they look keen they are in and they've decided against it as well oh i've just worked out why i've worked out why he's saying no to everyone why everyone doesn't want to go on the ride because it's not open yet so the euthanasia coaster is now open you can see excitement rating 2.29 the fear rating is 20 and the nausea rating is 15. well that is because the seven loops keep us above 10 g the entire time so as you rush around there the blood will leave your brain and essentially that's how this ride kills you and actually there's quite a few guests coming to check it out i wonder if anyone actually gets on the ride and i wonder how they'll cope i mean 10g although it's like more than a rocket taking off even more than an f1 car going around the corner there will be some people that will be able to survive this ride anyway i reckon we'll take a first-person ride we're the only person on this anyway after reaching the top the real one actually stops it has a button because it's taken so long to get up here you might have changed your mind that you want to commit suicide right so anyway we're coming down the 500 meter hill now we're over the first of seven loops 10 g's as the blood rushes from our brain into our feet and i imagine our eyesight will start to go black as we start to disappear from reality and then we make it round the final few loops and only the very very hardcore will survive it oh god and if they do survive there's a bit of a brutal corner at the end but then this bit if you have made it and your brain hasn't imploded then this is actually a really smooth little end although apart from this corner here this could hurt and then that is the end of the ride now sadly it seems all my guests they didn't even get to the ride before they turned around and as you can see here most people they think it's way too scary well it is sort of meant to be scary i mean literally look at this thing it it's brutal 500 meters you see the max speed is 215 miles an hour ticket price maybe it's a ticket price let's let's lower that way down it's now free there you go guys the things i do for my guests all right well that's disappointing pretty much everyone is leaving or like there's an engineer we've attracted an engineer look look oh i know it's just i thought she was wearing a yellow hard hat anyway despite the incredible view of the roller coaster people are too scared to use it so we're going to have to try and euthanase people in a slightly different way first off i think i do actually want to attract some guests so i'm going to make some rides that they can actually use so we got one of those there another one there then we got this right here so that looks very attractive to me i think the guests are gonna come flying in so we'll get that all open yes you can see it's working the guests are coming flying in now next up i'm gonna build another coaster i think we're going to be using this the dive coaster now the reason i like this coaster is it's a vertical drop on it's got this the dive drop holding section which allows people to sort of hold on the end looking straight down to their doom granted i imagine no one's actually going to go on this coaster but it should help with some things right so we're going to go up a lift and we'll just build for quite a bit and as you can see sort of we're actually higher than why can't i see we're actually higher than the euthanasia coaster so this should be pretty damn good so we're going to take a left you got to make sure that this line here is lined up with that so make that a little bit bigger and i think that's good and we're just going to keep going forwards a little bit as you can see blue we're not actually in the right place so we'll go right a little bit and back left to straighten up and then we've got the drop hold section where people will just be held there looking straight down before this bit where that looks pretty good so our guests seem to be enjoying our blue balls we've got quite some cues forming so let's give this a test and we'll give it a little ride as well let's let's see what it's all about oh god it's so high that that up there is where we end up looking straight down and imagine this actually broke down and you had to use those stairs guess think blue ball has a long q sign well don't worry i'll be putting them out of their misery in just a short while we don't look down it's too far it's literally too far to even look down a pretty nice view up here late alright anyway we made it to the top my my legs are dangling up i'm actually feeling quite nervous now remember we're not actually expecting people to ride this the euthanasia occurs at the bottom although if anyone does ride this i imagine they probably won't make it either i mean honestly just being suspended this high up for this long it takes so long it's probably enough for some people anyway about 10 minutes later being pushed along by tires we're finally at the end and uh thankfully there's there's a nice safety barrier here just in oh god we're going straight over oh goodness we're being suspended oh i don't like this do you oh god we're off right oh there's no one there there was no one there oh dear anyway a vertical drop what speed did we actually hit only 210 i thought we'd go a bit faster than that anyway the plan was to take out a few people but that didn't really work but if i've eyed this in correctly i think this is why roller coasters are so safe like i've spent nearly four years trying to get a roller coaster that will kill people i know we still haven't quite managed it although i'm sort of hoping that this one will so we'll just stay looking here ready no oh we did we got two we got two of them oh no they're getting up they're guessing oh they're okay they're okay they're actually happy about it wait are you happy or are you lost i think they're lost like i can't see the path i don't know where we are all right what's your name anyway joel the architect quite a weird name what about your name little boy or girl oh wow your name is literally dots and your information was hit by a coaster car anyway don't worry guys i've got you i've got you i'll put you somewhere safe this is kind of creepy i'm like moving my mouse up and down like that you can see the shadow is getting longer yeah this game's a little bit weird a little bit weird anyway let's place them up here because that definitely looks safer if it is i'm not gonna lie like when i saw this thing like in documentaries and things i had no idea it was this big it's absolutely insane 500 meters is so tall but not only that to get loops that do 10 g's rather than like 60 or something i just really wasn't expecting loops to be that big and actually this sort of reminds me i played this like five six years ago like when it first came out i'm pretty sure i built a roller coaster designed to kill you as well so if i come into the options and i load one of my old parks could it possibly be purse park oh no that's when i tried to make shrek yeah i remember that one look at that perhaps it was country oh no this was the one where i made the japanese flag from above perhaps it's the aptly named death park yes this is the one that i remember this is this was definitely one of mine so a proper euthanasia coaster this is one where your legs dangle it's an inverted coaster and as you can see you start off with a nice bit of flame in front of you so the ground drops away and we are off we go through the flames ah it's quite warm isn't it mate anyway after we head round this corner we're on to the steep hill incline it gives you sort of a little look at what's coming later on but for now we'll just enjoy our slow ride upwards while we contemplate where life went wrong perhaps we'll think about all those architects that tried to run us or maybe we were the architect and that's why we've ended up on this ride anyway it's night time we finally reached the top and a new morning dawns and thankfully for us we're at the end of the hill lift we get to go down with the help of gravity so how does this work again oh yes that's it we go down a death spiral that's very very jagged we're building up speed like anything and then out out left right left right left right and then a nice little burn into the station and there we go we're done oh no it's going round again no excuse me excuse me anyway guys that was planet coaster that was the euthanasia coaster the real one versus my one which was better in case you weren't doing what was at the bottom of my one as well we had these very sharp turns no banked corners here followed by just more flame so i recommend you vote for me in the comments but feel free to vote for the real one i will say peace love and very efficient looking mountains bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 602,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: planet coaster, rce, euthanasia coaster
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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