Building a 1000m high SEWAGE CANAL in Cities Skylines!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to city skylines i don't know why we're so high up in the air let's zoom in to enjotopia yep look at this city we have built over many many episodes what is that oh yeah built a massive skyscraper in the airport i forgot about that so at the end of last episode our massive pukeno which does produce us infinite power thanks to these dams it did it did flood apparently this used to be an airport it's now under several meters of poo water our river over here is it's just poo i don't even know i think i think what happened all this poo water there's so much like it literally goes off the map i think there was so much sewage it actually displaced the actual water yeah look it's raised the water look look at that bridge people used to be able to get under there easily and it's flooded over here this is our very efficient industrial area if you look carefully at the roads they are very very efficient however when you're flooded you can no longer be efficient and i think the trouble is because we built over here like all these new residential areas with their fancy roads like everyone wants to come here everyone just wants to drive this it's basically a tourist attraction at this stage but i think all the people over here sort of it brought in like new takeaways we got thai we've got mexican we got kebabs or kebabs if you're american and i think all that food it's made people poo a lot more maybe i'm talking bollocks because hang on there's the water's not even going down the chute so this is the poo shoot usually there would be a constant flow of who was coming down where he would be able to travel up here do a little tour of where the architects live and then over to this port but you can see this is completely dried up which means there's not actually as much blue water in here as i thought there was so the question is how i was gonna say the question is how is it escaping perhaps it's through there so that's that's the road to architect hill why why is there a hole in it i literally don't know how it leaked if i'm honest but that's like that's a serious amount of poo look at the amount of water coming out from in there that's the that's the airport is it going to drain all right we'll just climb laps from here and we'll see if the water drains from the airport if it all gets clean and stuff right so good news it looks like the pollution has gone the river's nice and clean we've still got some food lakes over here that are sort of semi-drying out and down here the airport it's it's completely dried out i mean granted this was full of poos and it's it's now still filled with logs but um there's a log on the runway man but hopefully that should be back in action soon nice i did also install a few new mods thanks to comments so we're gonna get the automatic bulldoze that will demolish like abandoned buildings now we've also got this the infinite demand mod so if we turn that on that means if we build like an area of residential for example there will be infinite demand for it that the buildings will just get built no more waiting we also got this one the not so unique buildings that allows you to build all the unique buildings more than once they're no longer unique and i think it's time to unlock everything so tick we've unlocked literally everything we've got all the wonders all the landmarks we're gonna build this city exactly how we want it right and now we're back in check this out we we've got a megalopolis we've unlocked all the road tiles we've got all the monuments all the upgrades all the not so unique buildings which means we've completed the game despite all the red warnings okay there's a lot of red warnings what's okay okay okay so over here we're still flooded so i think we'll get rid of that flood water the easiest way i know how i love that these guys are literally they're just built in a flood like what are you doing why are you building a house there it's literally underwater now he's complaining that it's flooding but don't worry guys i've engineered a way to get rid of the flood waters and uh here it is it's a sinkhole goodbye water look at that it works fantastically all the water is being drained in an instant although i think it's full already oh no now the water's flooding back up into the areas oh sorry like you actually see how deep the sinkhole it's not actually as big as i thought it would be i might help them out a bit let's do level terrain we'll select down there and then with intensity up we'll drain that a bit more for them there you go guys there we go that is how you do a sinkhole guys that is my i mean someone's literally just built over the sinkhole oh is it because i think it's because we got the infinite demand on i mean there's still water rushing under your house why are you building look at that shipping container is so precariously balanced there oh and look we've we've got traffic blindly all the ambulances can leave there is a truck holding them up there oh and i think that building it was literally just washed away into the sinkhole oops anyway let's just fix this road you can see it needs replacing all right and then we're good we're back in action people are complaining about lack of lack of water is that and lack of bins all right let's have a look at the water situation okay the sinkhole completely cut the drainage network into two so if i just connect those up like that sort of thing there we go everyone's everyone's got drainage again nice next up we're going to invest some of our infinite income in a waste processing complex oh man this thing is huge why is this why is it so big so we've shoved that there and then i think we'll put like a landfill pretty close to it because then as the landfill picks up all the rubbish from this area the recycling plant should recycle it basically nice right that's one problem fixed on to the next pro oh no what how did this happen again oh this time it's it's leaked down this side this time oh it's leaking it's leaking there oh no our tunnel is completely poo flooded okay it looks like i mean i can't even work out how it's flooding there really is it going out there it's going out that bit i think i think we've just got it we've got to fix this using engineering oh man we've got a bit of a ramped corner here with the but i think actually maybe what we've done i think maybe we've added like too much poo down here like the water level's so high although you're not gonna like that looks like a pretty good job i think no it definitely hasn't stopped oh man i can't believe this is flooded again okay what we're gonna have to do we're gonna have to we have to fix two problems at once one problem we don't have any space so let's buy some tiles unfortunately we're now buying the pollution of the river which means it's now our problem but it also means after a lot of clicking we've bought the entire map time to get to work let's just follow this pollution downstream and see what the situation is interesting so down here the water sort of goes off the end of the map now what what i saw that is before i built my city that was just like flat landscape you could just see sky now we've got a huge phuket which is leaking oh my god look how much of this map is poo at the moment oh no it's even it's even leaked down here though thankfully down here are our atlantis it's still going strong i know atlanta this is underwater as well damn it i do think all of this is caused by excess poo though so let's get building another pk note it's first off we gotta we gotta delete this railway it's in the way we're gonna delete these pylons and over here we've gotta delete a few of these yes please delete them because we're gonna do we're gonna select the landscaping tool we're gonna use the level terrain option and we're gonna select this level here so where the poo leaves currently that is the level of our new poo canal now we got a bit of a flat area so that's looking good what i'm going to do first though i think we're going to do the higher level and then we'll cut out the canal afterwards so we'll right click like that we'll do a big area and we'll grab all of this and we're just going over this way oh we've sort of ran over the railway we've got a hole in our canal we'll come back to that we'll fix that in a bit but this is oddly satisfying we're actually casting a shadow on what we built down there right so over to here where we have some space we're gonna do another phuket right okay that looks good that looks suitable now we come back we select that lower level we reduce the size and hopefully we can just cut our canal through here without the sides leaking it looks a bit dodgy but hopefully it'll be okay if i just keep my mouth still he should be fine i should probably fix that first as well hang on sorry railway you're in the weight and then over into that bit and then hopefully if we press play the push should float along there is it going to yep it's going it is going oh no what's happened there it's like dropped why aren't you using my canal okay game think you can outsmart me how about this how about we literally build a canal all right so now when we hit play it still floods or does it or does it no it definitely still floods it gets to that point and then it just drops through why oh oh we might have done it we might have done it is it good it might just be it might just be clipping through that i think it's in the canal yes all right this is good this is good perhaps you might have somewhere new to travel to because although architect hill is quite a sight to behold now they've oh no they've rebuilt because i installed the mod they rebuilt oh no hey what though something architect hill does need an actual monument of the meteorite that created it ah look and with the fire in the background oh this is perfect architect hill is back so yeah if you haven't been following the entire series of this architect hill is where the architects of engiotopia is where they live because i want them to be surrounded by poo um unfortunately at the moment the engineers are also surrounded by poo but we're fixing that we're we're fixing that but yeah they also they got hit by a meteorite hence this monument here they also do suffer fires quite a bit up here and that's just what draws people in so these are the they're the engineers they come up on their visit you get to tour architect hill and see in all its glory it's a good time of year to come when there's a fire anyway how is our poo canal doing it's doing oh very good so good we're filling up the phuket part two nice so you can see people do poo in waves like there's a little there's a low point there we can sort of see like the timeline of people's poop so i think there's like turtle surges every so often yeah this is good i'm sort of thinking it might be risky but can i like lower these edges i'd love to go for like a minimalist canal i mean i probably can't up here there's a there's a fair bit of poo water coming in right now yeah this is good right okay let's let's get to work on trying to make this look a bit more a bit more engineered so level terrain if we click like just down here i'm quite intrigued to see what will happen if for example we just cut into it okay okay i think who does leak out the side if we do that oh god oh goodness okay we can't go that low we cannot go that low is that good or is that still leaking let's have a look down here i think it stopped leaking sweet okay we'll do we'll do that level yeah but i won't go too far over here because this is where it all gets a bit a bit wonky oh that looks that looks very very smart right and there we go next up we've just gotta we just try and get boats to come along here so will you come along here mr boat all right it will but it won't it won't connect to that it says water required i'm pretty sure if we can get like a tidal surge going or turtle surge in this case i was hoping like a big wave of water will get over that white dry area all right how about we add some more of these there they go there they go yes okay that worked next up ah we probably need to turn those off because we're leaking let's just delete all those that was too much poop we also need to put our like our damn level back in basically i think i just want like whatever level is over there so right click there grab the level put it in as a little cofferdam there wait there's way too much there's way too much coming through we might have to raise the level even more what's going on where's all this poo come from was it taco tuesday did you guys just have taco tuesday is that what's going on oh no oh man this is a disaster i think this was like my posh area this was all posh and now it's all it's all gone oh man all of this what is going on there's so much water there's just so much poo anyway the canal is back on track now that's no longer flooding thankfully so we can probably open this up to boats and stuff so very stop them yeah surprisingly we can't connect those together so we'll delete that we'll build a little plateau all the water physics in this game are so weird sometimes all right so drag from this stop over to this stop yes okay now our boat should come up here we just got to give these guys power and water sorted right now we should get when the next boats come up where where the boats are here's one here is one all right so we're gonna follow this guy imagine you're on a tour like to your left there is atlantis currently under construction very very impressive engineering over there we're currently driving through the cleaning pod things they turn a horrible architect poo into lovely fresh water for engineers to drink next we'll make the climb up the poop chute over to your right you can see the lovely end zootopia currently under three foot of poo water over to your left a new area i don't know what to call that one apparently a mess of highway spaghetti though but then finally at the top we've reached the main attraction of our destination architect hill now over to your left you can see that's literally what architects drink what they breathe in disgusting over over on your right that's where they live i know don't go too close try not to make eye contact if you see any of them and then then we've got a new a new part of our tour we're heading along the brand new sewers canal oh yes not much to look at so it's all quite natural over here over to your left you can get an even better view of atlantis you can actually see down there now look how dry it is look at all those pumps so much engineering went into that and then we're about to get to the end of our trip feel free to jump out and grab a coffee there's a vending machine up there if you want one and then we'll just turn around making sure we don't fall into the new volcano and then we head back along this is i thought myself this is awesome look at that road network down that is a beast if i say so myself the only thing i'm a little bit concerned about are we gonna be able to make it up this hill very easily oh yes mate and this one yes what a boat trip that is that's literally incredible i've outdone myself here right nice and then just back down the poop shoot and that is the tool oh wow that was that was absolutely great fantastic that was it looks like most of the leaks have stopped as well so this should fill up with poo water and hopefully that will prevent oh man it's a disaster down here what have i done i don't even know how i'm meant to get rid of all this like my city is literally half under poo i come to here all the skate parks all the churches oh no is anyone still skating maybe at this end that's it lads don't let the poo get you down you gotta make the most of the situation that guy's like what has this place become he's just looking around like where do i live why did i move it so i guess the question is because yeah annoyingly everyone's everyone's drinking the poo water now this was our fresh water i think that's definitely contaminated so i'm gonna have to use some of my skills i've learned while building atlantis etc to try and fix this so first of all we're gonna come into the water sewage and heating tab we're gonna scroll to the end where we have this the super water pump yes we're using these again three of those along there any more along this edge and i guess we're just gonna fill this edge with these pumps right so that's a lot of problems let's let's hit pause because at the moment they're not pumping anything there's two things we can do to fix that we can we can firstly if we come along here we can select the pipe and if we connect all of these together then when we hit plate they should yes can you see they're starting to suck water out now made sure not to connect any of the pipes to our drinking water we don't want people drinking this any more than they already are oh god oh god sorry guys sorry i forgot there's a boat thing here look at this dude sorry mate i forgot but yeah that's draining some of the poo water out however we can we can up this at the moment you can see they're all complaining they don't have any power so let's just grab a few windmills go down the back and i think that should make them pump even more so can you see here there's like an inverted turtle wave now so hopefully as this all drops all the poo water from in our city should leave yeah these boats they're having a wicked time now yeah just just keep your mouth shut if you're on this ride you don't want who get water getting in your mouth but yeah hopefully we'll start lowering the level of this so let's let's do show you a little time lapse and we'll see what actually happens if we just leave this going for a little bit yeah you can sort of see down the river there's like an inverse tidal wave that's like where we've drained all the water yeah you can sort of see that's making more space for the fresh water that's sort of pushing back the poo now although under our bridges it's still there a little bit the poo water level in the city has dropped what we've we've sort of got down we might have to like we might have to release the water out of the city or we can just wait for it to evaporate i guess but that will leave a lot of turds just lying around we already saw on our runway earlier we don't like the logs just being left everywhere all right so i think things have sort of cleared up pretty nicely we i think we're gonna need to a bit of manual labor here what i'm thinking if we delete some of these pumps now because there's there's fresh water up here so to try and drain all this poo water i'm gonna do like a little a little channel and we're literally just gonna do like a chunk through this hill that's it release all the poo water from the city there it goes there it goes look the skaters are returning so nice the water's leaving there it should join this and then down at this end we actually have some clean water down here i think i think we may have fixed it there appears to be a lot of poo water coming down like what what is going on with all these we could surround this phuket in sewage pumps as well because i do think there's just like this is overflow surely there's too much coming down there so if we start putting these like along this edge next up to there and then yep these are now disposing of sewage into there which hopefully means these ones should work a bit less that's the theory anyway the only trouble now i'm a bit concerned the water level of this river is very very low i mean look at the foundations of the bridge they should not be exposed like that how is our canal up here doing this is looking at what's going on with those boys i think they're showing like what the max water level were looks like flood waters are coming in through here why aren't you not pumping i'll tell you what now we actually own this this tile because that was the that was the limit of where we could build last time we can actually just like move over this right now that's it that's it guys pump it away right just like that i think we've stopped atlantis from being flooded definitely ish i think it would take a little bit for the water to be drained uh yep happy with that we have we have achieved definitely achieved meanwhile you guys why don't you have electricity what's going on here oh it's because i cut the cable through the okay okay there we go we got power again right now this is a thriving community the helicopter tours are back in business because they got power oh man i literally forgot how i forgot how efficient atlantis was i know it's pretty decent down here they do have a bin problem though i might put an incineration plant like up there maybe two of them whilst they're not drowning in water it does look like they're drowning in garbage but yeah pre problem nearly nearly fixed there's still there's still way too much poo coming out of this thing oh look at this place just but it's on fire it's burning my sinkhole did nothing earlier i mean cinco bridge is literally underwater so apart from this area i think we achieved today i think the sewers canal will attract new tourists of course we'll be landing via our underground airport um and yeah i think we'll say peace love and a whole lot of pollution get it pooh lucian i made a joke like 10 times this episode so i hope you got it bye guys [Music]
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 1,206,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities: skylines, cities skylines, citys skylines, skylines, cities skylines how to start a city, cities skylines gameplay, lets play cities skylines, city builder, city skylines, city skylines gameplay, cities skylines suburb, cities sky lines, real engineer plays, real civil engineer, rce, real civil engineer cities skylines, junction visibility splays, junction visibility dmrb, cities skylines road layout, city skyline, airports dlc, airport dlc, atlantis
Id: rgpqA0Sjkt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 01 2022
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