This Rare NEW Fish Is A Massive Secret

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guess what just got an enormous new update and that includes an absolute boatload of new fish and secrets some of which are going to be enormous and very valuable so the first thing we need to do is go through the painstaking process of binding them all and that gets difficult because the map is huge and the deeper you go the more your radar blurs out well I already found these at the bottom of the ocean these are new 500 get in the boat and it aligns and points to deposits a valuable metal so I've gone ahead and installed the light bulb and a massive hook and we're gonna go see what they were pointing at there's a cave down below them so we're just gonna keep on dropping until we find something I found what's essentially the bottom of the map we can't thick ourselves lower but I'm starting to think there's nothing down here or you can find a golden fish hidden way down here I deflect myself way down here to get it it's literally a shining goldfish this is gonna be worth a fortune we'll just try and get it to the top without being devoured by another fish and it's a goldfish 450 000 get in the boat that's a medium exotic and it moves around and there's also a new spot to selfish way out here in the ocean and I'm glad there is because I was clearly running out of money imagine really going to take myself as far out as I possibly can attach a mega hook and a rocket and a light bulb then we're gonna see what's way far out here so far it's just a bunch of annoying fish I am wearing a hat that makes aggressive fish less aggressive so that'll help me out but only so far because I am quite stupid still pretty sure I want the purple fish though so if you could go ahead and bite my hook that would be lovely I have to get really close for them to bite right now not a new fish but I did recognize a million dollar fish get in the boat there is literally so many fish over here it's hard to pick which one I want so I'm going to settle for the one that looks like a grape get in the boat then I'm gonna go sell really quickly because I want another one million one hundred thousand okay there's a few fish of note there one of which swooped in and grabbed my lure real quick but that's okay all this real just uses fish all the way from the dips and then try it again and it's gone it left me in the dark I do have a huge hook on so I can probably actually just catch whatever this thing is that's also fun I'm accidentally catching new fish now Akuma maybe that wasn't new 130 000 get in the boat I don't know I'm just gonna fish everything while I was just exploring out near The Silo I caught a glowing fish named Tim which is believed to have some sort of symbiosis with a much larger fish so in order to find the phase that we're looking for we need to do a little spelunking sometimes it can be found right here apparently that's a bug you need to go down into the cave somewhere here I got my first sighting of the phase very much at the bottom of nowhere and I'm following it duh till they do that okay perfect I just gotta not scare it away I gotta get rid of my bombs that I can actually catch it come on come together so close because they're not uh there we go I couldn't begin to tell you how many hours that took to find but no at least I know where it is officially because there's a lot of people that'll tell you the wrong places basically drop down here where everyone else says it is but keep going all the way to the bottom way down there you probably need to wear this hat fifty thousand dollar face get in the boat speaking of boat we're gonna sell the fish and buy the tech boat five million dollars it's big and purple and also penetrates sonar Jammers so I'm pretty sure I should have the radar all the way down to the bottom and it's basically a speedboat but normally by the time you get to the right side of the map the water is all grainy down there you can actually see anything but I sure can now and look at all those fish plus we can go further out than ever before so we can find all sorts of new things like whatever those are light big hook let's go find out we'll start with whatever that guy is a very happy small whale who was about to be eaten by a larger Happy Whale I've never seen a whale so happy to suffocate young Kasper alive on my boat because I have millions of dollars I'm just gonna buy a lot of Mega hooks I'm pretty sure that way I can just directly hook pretty much anything down there there's no need to work my way up the bait pile when I can just straight up grab whatever I want this fish should be happy because he now gets to join their son on the boat slowly suffocating to death blue Casper twelve thousand dollars get on my boat there's so many things down there it's overwhelming I hardly know where to start that looks new pretty sure you're new I feel like you're just a pink reskin of that just about but I'll still take you Finn get on my boat I feel like there's something suspicious about those fish no creature holds that still and has good intentions I feel like they're making that too easy I will go ahead and catch you put me in your mouth and come on my boat is the kind of fish that looks like the other fish but also just gets in a lot of bar fights Elder mustard fish well get on my boat and these are all just like surface level fish look at the size of that thing Rockets are engaged by giant Hook is on the dragon is out here I want the big fish that was squirting around at the very least we're gonna find out what's inspired as you could possibly go with the new secret boat we're starting to find the ground again and the extra Radar really helps because it looks those really annoying fish will charge it and eat your light bulb but there's definitely a cave that kind of swoops in behind and that's the area to the map okay we got some Mohawk fish very nice what else do we have in this wow that's got to be a rare fish down there we can't even go down there under normal circumstances like I could have flicked myself down there okay we're gonna catch you I think we got the right hook oh maybe I didn't bring the right hook there's also magma oh you're probably a magma fish there's also this evil looking fish too we just need to be sure to bring the right hook down with us why is the big fish now surrounded by other fish dad's gonna get super annoying I gotta get this directly into the big fish's mouth without the others getting in the way like I'm a professional at just these things and he broke the line somehow the magma is a superheated fish that will melt my line as it did cooling it with heavy ice may be possible and that all this sounds like a lot of work so for now we're going to catch some of these other fish to see what they are these fish are very annoying so I would like to start getting rid of them this is a pleasure it's only worth a thousand dollars so I'm straight up going to use it as bait because it's annoying and I want it to be eaten twice then I want to feed it to this other fish that's shooting at me there's things like shooting another fish toward me so got it gonna be happy to remove this Martin from the gene pool wow that's actually 450 000 Rogue chef and then there's whatever these are a giant puffer fish pretty sure that's gonna have a use to catch another fish somewhere by the way it puffs up after you catch it it's called a boom puff which makes me think it explodes volatile fish is filled with explosive chemicals that can detonate with the slightest provocation same but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need to use an explosion somewhere I noticed in just the left of the exploding morons there was a whole bunch of different types of fish all of which I'd never seen like whatever that thing is that ran away right away but then there's also this big red one I would love to catch so not these not these anyone but these these are the most annoying fish in the world they gave up never mind they're back and they stole my light bulb okay this is also a new fish technically so I will take this never mind it somehow broke the line pretty sure that was a Cuda this annoying fish grinds aligned with its teeth snapping if you take too long it was on for like half a second when in doubt just bring some bombs with you and they will solve all your problems because then you can see those fish coming thanks to the radar and then I can get right into the mouth of this perfect no idea what this is but it's really big and really slow to reel upwards I love it when this Zone everything is incredibly deep so the anticipation of Wheeling into the surface gets better with each and every fish but this is called the masi masi get in the boat the fish I really want to get my hands on is this big red one that's slightly to my left and missed it come on we can do it I don't know what it wants to eat if I could just straight up hook it or not I might not be able to but it's not gonna stop me from trying because I'm just too stupid to quit doesn't look like it all right well I'll take your baby then and it took its baby back that's okay I'm going back backward but I'm going to take its entire family I also found a fish that bites away the meat but doesn't actually get hooked and I cut the grindy thing too he's probably gonna break the line because they can't I think you need to lure him for this surface before hooking him as for the moldy thing I have no idea yet I've come back to the sell point because they're burning through money super quick that's gonna add another 828 000. also because I wanted to try something really really stupid this is a glacier fish I'm pretty sure this is a glacier fish we're gonna take it for a little walk while trying very very hard to keep it away from all the other fish that might take a bite out of it so if we manage to navigate past all the annoying fish that are trying to eat my light bulb or not well we can still oh no we just lost it we were right there okay this time I'm straight up gonna do it in the dark if I can we're gonna have to oh if I flick down it releases the fish oh it actually bites back again that's weird maybe this isn't of this work I've got the glacier fish like right above the other fish oh wait did that work oh I had it for a second and then something broke the line okay I brought the glacier finish back once again I think if I just hold this near the other fish you'll start to hear that hissing sound and eventually the light of the bigger fish will go out and I'll be able to catch him because we're cooling him down with ice yeah okay so we're cooling him down I don't know if I can let him bite this yet or not did that work that might have actually worked okay I think we got to make my fish finally and then finally we can actually see it because we finally brought it to the surface when Magmar yes we know how to catch it six hundred thousand dollar fish from that same Cavern I just caught one of these there it is hanging on the bottom being stupid so I stupidly caught one 125 000 wandering back into the caverns I wanted to see if I could get him but he doesn't seem like he's in a mood to play with me uh okay once you caught one of those other fish we definitely got his interest so now we've got him we're having a little Rainbow Party getting him out of the cave is actually not going to be that easy because I'm actually gonna go the other way each and every one of these fish is a giant Mission just to find and catch four hours later got into the surface Prime will turgen 40 000 get on the boat perfect revving a storm coming in so we should see even more rare new fish so far I'm only catching like this super easy to find ones I can't even imagine where the rare ones are or how hard they are to get I did find the peculiar little cave with a single fish sitting in it so that's probably good for us what are you you want to come with me to the surface yeah you do I also just wanted to see what was sitting here those are also knew I'm coming back for those okay that was a big he stole my fish everyone steals my fish pretty sure that might have been Duncan he's worth a million dollars and he's actually one of my quest fish our little rainbow fish will return right to where it's supposed to be I'm gonna swing a little more to the right first before going up that way hopefully Duncan doesn't come along and steal our fish again and he's coming we're just gonna let go and I don't know what we're supposed to do about that for now we're going to let you go and we're gonna settle for trying to catch this because I'm pretty sure this one is new at least I accidentally reeled him into this fish and this fish proceeded to eat that fish so now we got this one again it's painful being this dumb but we got another Elder mustard fish now in order to catch this big guy you need to scare him to the right using bongs and that's the kind of thing I can do because I enjoy using bombs a lot the hardest part is finding him again and again he keeps moving to the right then you gotta find him amongst all the other idiots but I think I scared him there there we go got him moving again and he's just down to the right I'm trying to time this so I can get both the ones and his armor is gone but uh seemingly so is he I knocked his armor off and then I accidentally hooked him without having the big hook on so that might have actually scared him away so for now I will settled by This brilliant looking fish we'll just go ahead and um get the hook in there and up we go this big beautiful idiot is called two head hundred thousand get in the boat but since I did Scare Away Big Boy we should be able to get this fish happily to the surface with no problem at all this is a nuke 420 000 and I just realized the buffalo fish should a hanging out down in the cave are startled by explosions and will charge frantically so I take no responsibility whatsoever for what's about to happen next because I did notice earlier that there's these weird spots in the walls that I think are probably breakable so maybe if I blow that up they charge straight that way do I need to continually do that that seems to just disrupt them if I could lure them the right way and scare them up here I'm going simply by radar at this point okay I actually made him run into that on the radar it was hard to see we just entered a whole bunch of fish and in the Cave of Wonders it's very hard to see but I'm just gonna take whatever that is and extremely slowly yard it up to the surface great Carver 300 Grand get in the boat and then we're gonna go back into our cave but this time we're going to bring a light so we can see what we're doing okay there's a kingfish who we're gonna go ahead and not get because he's got a guard all of his guards have been taken care of you're coming with me uh never mind his friend just came up and released him once again out of the blue so I'm wondering if I can actually yeah swap them out if I uh jerk my line I will release the kingfish and catch whatever this thing is the big gray is a shook one hundred thousand dollars and his friends are already starting to respawn to be fair I hadn't caught that one yet a bishop worth 60 000 and looks like that means we have to remove the potato fish one more time so maybe now the Royal idiot will finally come to this surface without any further issues nope nope nope there's a lot of there's a whole bunch of fish coming in I have no idea how to deal with all of those I did manage to detonate the potato fish to the left so I'm hoping if I bring the kingfish up to the left uh okay we also got to deal with whatever that one is and also this one can you buy this one too so we can get you both I don't even know what kind of fish this is that's a different one entirely so I'm gonna follow those two to the surface that's a caval I want to go see if I can get that one and get him out of the way right away divide my time a little bit I'm about to sell 1.9 million dollars in fish plus the bonus and we get 2.3 million dollars decided to do a little bit of exploring and found this beautiful more on this kind of hanging out on the bottom this is a Karm 35 Grand there's also this elusive fish that doesn't seem to want to bite I have no idea what he wants but he just goes back and forth there's also these aggressive little fish way at the bottom so let's finally see what this actually is I think it's actually part of the kingfish's Posse because it looks like they're made of crowns on them this is a few modes actually worth 35 Grand that's a lot for such a little fish gotta be very careful there's not gonna oh he doesn't he goes back the other way okay well can I have your friend instead thank you giving up on my dreams for a moment of the kingfish I'm gonna take the paintball fish that's actually an orwellian worth 70 grand at least all of the fish this far out are worth a lot of money I pulled up this little rascal from the Cave's mud back they're just the ones that sit on the floor I think I got the redfish all separated yep so I could at least get a little one for now I accidentally scared the big one away so I'll take the baby for now but we can hold it hostage for the big one to come get this is a lab worth 50 000 and we gotta be taking a decent bite out of all the fish we have left but there's definitely still a few hiding out there okay there's actually a lot we just haven't even seen most of these uh this guy also just showed up again we unfortunately got his friend but I would love to catch that and let's have a little talk with our big boar on here see how many times he can bomb him and blow his armor off finally I think I have the answer to catch this big idiot this get right into his face and we just gotta blow his armor up then he'll bite the hook and bait and then we got him look at the size of him he's so big this took a long time to do this really wasn't that easy and all the way to the surface Duncan one million dollars get in the boat and stay there I like how he's like the size of the boat I also noticed he's glowing salmon-like things down here I would like to grab one of them if I can before they swim back out of Zone uh they really don't hang up one area for very long the summit didn't come back so I wandered into the cave and then I ended up just catching another one of these and I'm okay with that also managed to scoop this out of that big crowd of idiots pretty sure we haven't got one of these yet it looks like a strawberry a strawberry that's held together with red shoelaces uh it's actually called the rare fruit so I wasn't that far off then I got back so we're just gonna sell for 1.2 million dollars pretty sure I haven't caught one of these before these just wander back and forth and they're actually a little bit hard to find cabal we have caught one of those earlier I completely forgot because there's just been so many idiots I want to take him back for a sec to sell my fish but also get a new Quest I need one roadie that gives me some direction this Carefree juvenile fish enjoys the protection of its caring parent which is going to be annoying it swims happily with its sibling uh I think I filmed the skeleton fish again which only comes out and storms the ghost which is very rare there might be something more you can do with this I'm going to go ahead and throw it in the boat I realize too that these guys have been swimming up and down basically on the border of the new area so I decided to catch one of them turns out it's a bramble worth 50 Grand which literally only just pays for the hook I used to catch it I managed to scare these fish into the corner where they can apparently be caught at that point normally these just run as soon as you see them and apparently they just tuck themselves in where you can go hook them I definitely don't think this is the Roadie I'm looking for but we're all looking for our own Rodeo knife this is a voltine worth 140 000. the name of that makes me think it might be used somewhere else as well this might be close to what I need I don't know if this is a roadie but I just found it randomly in a cave so it's coming with me I'm gonna sell you for profit I really don't care what happens to you after this this is a Remy worth 52 Grand divide education board with another 400 Grand plus bonus next I'm going to try something really really really really really dumb and really really really hard to do step number one get my line in the water step number two hook one of these they always Point toward rare metal then I need to steer this into a goldfish somewhere out here and it's not going to be super easy to find amongst the mess it's definitely not that one it's not that one I have no idea where it is I know it's out here somewhere and it's definitely not that one that's who I need to bite this fish get the gold one come on Golden bite it there we go that's really stupidly hard to do but we got it take the first fish to convince to the power fin the power fin is going to take us on a little journey way down past the end of the map I like this part because I don't have to do anything it was so stressful once I finally saw this and got them to bite each other because yeah that wasn't fun that was just stressful and there we go that's who we're after we're gonna do a big old Circle couple big circles I'm not in control at this point the game is just playing itself we're drawing Doodles in the uh oh I can't actually draw this a little bit am I supposed to be doing something I hope not because I'm not actually trying to do anything oh maybe I can can you bite that please sir ah it's only a matter of time probably this is still really stressful because I don't know if I'm supposed to be doing something or not but we're so close to the ultra make a secret rare fish that's beyond the end of the world where chasing it back towards the boat I assume that's supposed to happen because maybe we'll hook it there and then we'll reel it in nice and close that would be great I think what happens is this fish just goes straight towards the robot fish like a magnet so it just won't stop I'm not really sure if I'm supposed to be doing something there it seems like maybe maybe not I'm confused I'm starting to think that what I need to do is actually ditch the Goldfish so I can catch the four Bearer directly I'm just nervous that that's also not gonna work because this is really hard to do this situation is very hard to set up it would be a giant shame to give it up and then loses all over a stupid decision but that's also kind of just what I do okay I decided to do that and actually let the other fish go so we're gonna see if we can make it up to the forebearer it looks like we probably can I just need to careful how I maneuver this and bite it please spider please can you buy yeah we got him the ultra make a rare fish that's so rare it's not actually even on the map and doesn't even have a catalog entry until you catch it also it's not even a fish it looks like an oven or a nuclear reactor or something also tended to be a world record reel in the forbearer it's only worth thirty two thousand well getting the boat almost seems like a shame to sell and there's no information about it whatsoever foreign [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 496,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lq4eE3VB2fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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