I Spent 44,513,151,321,897,512 Upgrading My Castle

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we're going to start upgrading things today and we are not going to stop basically we have a castle to defend and we've got to do that by any means necessary whether that's our heroes or our archers or the castle itself as we kill idiots we get money we use money to add archers archers shoot idiots and make us more money each of the heroes on the wall has their own ability we can use for all sorts of different things like when you want to shock everyone we just put it right there and shock everyone to death another easy Victory our Castle got stronger it added a ton we can now lick the enemies as we level up we can increase our skills like bonus gold which we probably want a lot of and we're going to add another Archer at the rear we know of five archers so we're ready for battle now we're fighting little zombies that are a little bit quicker we'll slow these guys out to slow down the way we're gonna slow the speed down a little bit so we can kind of see what's happening we're going to launch that right there I'm not actually sure what this guy's ability is yet I do enjoy a game that lets you this replay the same thing again and again so when you want to get really strong that's all you really have to do just keep replaying grinding as you see with the tentacle ability does I haven't even looked at that little guy yet suddenly this wave is a lot stronger than it used to be not sure what that's about but we won I didn't upgraded my knight that summons the troops so I think I'm going to do this thing for the wizard where you summon eight thunderstorms uh if we level them up I'm sure that this Does It Better oh we could buy better versions of them too this is great look at all the cool stuff we're gonna buy so The Archers are doing a workout there I can see it now so we need to send these guys out at the right time so everyone's in range of the archers we leveled up something else as well the idiots aren't making it anywhere close to our tower that was an easy Victory so that's easy experience what I'd really like is the way that I don't really have to do anything on though it kind of just mostly take care of itself that way I could just replay it really quickly and this might just be the one especially when enemies I'll Bunch up like that that makes my job a lot easier because they get melted I very quickly saved up 2200 gold because I wanted to replace the hooded weirdo because if I replace them with the military band I'll get 10 extra gold instead and I level them up so it's now 11.5 extra gold in an individual round that's not a lot but over time that's gonna add up to a lot of extra gold and therefore upgrades which make us much stronger again I'm gonna spend four points on increased damage for everyone across the board that we will just kill them a little quicker and then we're gonna add another few archers and then we're going to go on to the next wave wave five which is probably going to be a lot of the same right now with these basic idiots charging except for that big thing I didn't expect one of those to come at me uh that's a little bit stronger than I thought he has a laser I can also replace my tentacle with the trophy that also gets me 10 extra gold plus it just looks really cool so we keep replaying the same level we have more than enough damage to take it out we need to stack up a bunch of easy upgrades plus if we need that little damage we can start adding archers because these will pay for themselves over time they get expensive quickly but we can also get better upgrades for them and tone Archer attack speed can also go up because we now have a lot of archers back there so instead of using our abilities The Archers will probably do this by themselves at this point yep they sure will even the boss now is getting pretty well melted and we don't actually need to use their abilities currently so we're just gonna get rich using the power of archers their attack speed and damage will go up and the big onion boy will get eviscerated over and over and over again so let's make the Arches a little quicker again because they're gonna carry us we're gonna add another two of them we'll give the castle a few upgrades anyway just because we can that also makes it tougher but I can also add more Heroes up there if I want more fun abilities like extra gold or experience which we probably want I mean can you ever have too much arch your attack speed another Edition I'm gonna add this guy is going to give me a two percent bonus experience then I'm gonna add a cannon on the front which is going to do 100 Splash damage I doubt it's going to attack very often but it's not gonna have to because we're doing a lot of damage elsewhere because we just added two entirely separate Heroes to our ball and he doesn't even make it to our wall now more attack speed maybe also more archers that's even better again they're dying way way way out there super attack speed he did get an attack up last time no he doesn't I think at this point we're ready for the next wave so far so good it's just a bunch of regular morons who are posing very little threat to us I haven't had to use any of my abilities not even close they died way out there so let's keep going with that high speed goblins coming straight towards our wall our Cannon doesn't even have to fire very often so far the archers are more than up to the task of murdering these morons so let's add another damage increase another 2.5 damage overall they're coming in with cattle Cults now the catapults aren't living long enough to hit her well yet we still have a full 250 HP easy I guess we'll take another Archer these are getting expensive but we might have all the Arches we need now uh whatever the case we've got a lot of them they attack very quickly and do a decent amount of damage by this point enough so they would just kind of have like a force field here that stops everything dead this is wave 10 so it might come with a boss fight I sure hope it does we least have some little red morons but they also die okay we're gonna buy he's got quite a bit of HP I'm not going to bother to use my abilities because I don't have to and this might be another spot that is replay and grind up some more golden experience considering we get a lot in I don't have to do a single thing after this wave I very quickly saved up ten thousand gold and two levels so I'm gonna give myself a little bonus experience because that's an easy five percent and then more damage I am curious to see what happens if we add an Archer at this point okay when this gets an upgrade I think we're gonna add Zeus to our castle for 7 500 he's a little bit expensive but he's gonna replace uh our wizard that had lightning bolts and it's only 250 dollars to level them up because I'm pretty sure he Auto attacks yeah I think he just does his thing automatically because I really don't want to have active abilities yep here it is Rains Down lightning every once in a while so that's just going to be easy extra damage for us I found another Auto attack guy he got 7 500 but he's gonna be a bomb so now I get ready to set things play by themselves because the archers are going to do a lot of work because this is going to zap them and every once in a while we're gonna send out the little bomb Runner to do that and he blows everything up we just hit Level 17 after killing the big once again so we're gonna add our your attack speed times 2 and damage a little more and then we're going to continue on to the next wave finally and then make a way towards the next boss because I think we're up to the task of defeating everything at this point everything there seems very strong at this point so we're just gonna keep on going uh wave 12 is probably going to pose very little challenge to us her archers himself are really able to decimate these things uh I'm also going to spend some money getting more gold out of every round because that's gonna actually add up quite a bit over time 10 000 gold spent on getting more gold in the future but we're getting to get 30 gold bonus now which is actually huge wave 17 we got catapults we got light green guys we've got blue slimes coming in nothing so far is able to get close to the wall though they all melt as soon as they get into range of the archers wave 17 they're getting a little bit closer and we even got a bigger slime coming in but I'm pretty sure once he's the focus of everything he's gonna be in trouble gonna spend a little bit of money upgrading the castle because I do realize I can sometimes add extra slots for Heroes yeah we get two extra hero slots now I'm not gonna bother to build them yet I need to see how we're doing against the waves before I know what kind of Heroes to put there basically any of them would help but for now we're just going to decimate this wave a couple times because this is just good money wave 17 the big pink idiots I think are supposed to be tanks but given all the damage we have going out it's no problem at all to absolutely destroy them wave 20 already this one should come with the boss so we'll see if we can just auto play through this and make a bunch of money uh the bus is coming in right at the very end that's actually a good thing we should make lots of experience and gold along the way he's able to touch our Tower but not kill it so we're fine so we're getting a little over 2 000 gold every time we defeat this wave at least until I give myself some extra bonus gold after investing my money into gold earnings again we went from about 2200 per round to 2700 and since he is actually able to get to my wall we're gonna start putting some Archer uh speed back on either Another Hero as succubus for 5000 it's an auto attack so we're gonna use that and another one Dorothy's she summoned skeletons every once in a while and I don't have to do anything so I was already really really strong and we just added two more Heroes to the wall and that's making some of the enemies fight each other that's sending out those little guys to help slow them down that's just gonna make everything a lot better he's the level to get to our wall but that's fine well these calmly move on to the next wave and look for the next bus to grind maybe we need more archers or better archers it is kind of an absolute range of arrows that absolutely decimates the waves of idiots already we're on Wave 24 this isn't a boss way but they're definitely getting stronger quickly we're gonna see if the archers are up to they're getting close to the wall but we do have a lot of area damage too as they get close plus we have the occasional succubus thing turning enemies against each other so so close yet so far uh speaking of which we're going to increase our damage another 2.5 percent then it's on to the next Boss Wave so we'll see how this one goes also down a little bit so we can take a quick look at everyone dying a horrible horrible death we've also saved up fifteen thousand dollars in the background that I hadn't even noticed uh one of the things explosive things is really really strong we're back to the blue onion while the blue onion should send very little chance at this point we've defeated him before he did make it to our wall he's using his laser but he's also extremely dead I think my arches have earned more attack speed and also twelve thousand dollars worth of upgrades which basically means they get a helmet but I assume that also adds a lot of damage and then we're going to move on to wave 26 where the idiot should be even stronger again it's hard to notice at this point though because they all just kind of die pretty well immediately once they start to stack up it's a little better but they get in Ranger by AOE and then they all melt wave 29 their noticeably stronger at this point they still haven't been able to hit my wall even once but they're getting closer so we'll give a little damage increase and then find out how strong the next boss is wave 30. putting it into slow motion really helps to kind of emphasize how strong we are because you can really see things just dying before they get anywhere close to doing damage this wave is very long so it takes a moment for the boss to even make an appearance we've made him fall in love with everyone else for a second and he smacked one of the other idiots there's our boss he's our big green friend again so far we're only able to do a little bit of damage before he makes it to the wall but I'm pretty sure once he starts to get close we'll Whittle him down rather quickly he puts up a pretty good fight so naturally we're gonna add another person that adds skeletons to the fight once in a while and then probably upgrade the archers a few more times although those are getting really expensive but that's just gonna be all the better because we're just gonna decimate made a little bit more Another Hero has a lot of damage entirely plus their ability to summon more of these little guys and that's actually working to keeping the enemies way further back than they were before the boss still makes an appearance but we got little skeletons going to Sipe him and he's dead I realized I could just hit replay endlessly with an auto clicker so I did now we have nine levels and 260 000 so for the nine levels I'm gonna go for Archer attack speed as for the 260 000 well let's buy a lot more archers they're gonna get upgraded to red helmets by this point and the red helmets turn into yellow helmets so they're stronger than ever I guess I'll put a few uh say ten thousand dollars into my castle itself which gets a lot bigger and has more room for More Heroes but just for fun let's Replay that one wave to see what all these upgrades are gonna do for us so far we're absolutely melting the waves of enemies before they get anywhere close to us like a lot and Here Come Those guys those are gonna get melted too the boss will come in at the end of this and hopefully be evaporated himself I think with the upgrades we just did that's going to carry as much further but there's the boss and he's dead wave 31 should be harder but I really feel like we're not going to be challenged for a little while but every wave does get a lot harder so it might only be six waves away when we're back to struggling again whatever the case I'm just gonna keep saving up money we get stuck all we need is a bit of time then we're stronger than ever before these archers are kind of ridiculous at this point though like they're destroying everyone long before they get anywhere close to me wait 34 they were able to get noticeably closer it's still not near enough to hit me but a lot closer they have their own grim reapers now where you still get a murder absolutely everything I don't care what it is nothing's getting close to me and while we're at it let's add a little bit of extra damage 2.5 extra damage each and every one of those arrows and there's a lot of arrows this wave will end with the buzz so we'll see what that boss is and how much of a fight they put up they've got to get through a lot of arrows not to mention all of these Auto skills that it is going off by themselves it's really great having something I don't have to think about or try and manage things are better off without my guidance here comes the boss it's a big blue slime and he's dead long before he got to my wall but I feel like we need more Heroes here's another Auto summoning skeleton archer person I think the only hero I'm gonna buy that has a manual skill is this guy increases Town Archer's attack speed I have a lot of those and yeah I'm pretty sure if I upgrade this they're going to get a bigger attack speed bonus he's so ordinary looking compared to the rest of them but this way I don't know much to think about everyone Auto attacks except him but when I'm feeling like I'm you know getting a little swarmed I just touch him and then we're gonna get even faster firing archers then I'm pretty sure nothing's gonna stand up to that the way 39 ends without any problem at all you can't have problems and you got this much damage and we're going to increase it again this is way 40 so it's going to end with the boss we will be able to see the boss for at least a few seconds but as soon as he appears I'm also going to activate my Arrow power you'll be making an appearance any second now as soon as he dies we're going to evaporate him you're not the boss you're not the boss there he is okay Aero power go and he's dead that's crazy strong and it's still pretty cheap to actually upgrade that further and the more we do this the longer it lasts so we could have like a permanent Aero buff it would just cost a reasonable amount of money already it's gonna last for five seconds give me a 200 attack speed bonus and the next boss already we've got a few bosses coming in that one made it to the well that one also made it to the wall but they didn't even get a hit off I just went ahead and skipped the waves it seems to play the current wave but then throws a bunch of bosses to you at the end and then you get to skip the five I don't really understand it either but I'm not that smart I'm just here to fire arrows at things until they die we got the boss coming and we're gonna use Arrow power to absolutely melt him and him which brings us all the way to wave 51 already and we're still making it look easy our archers it is too strong wow the bosses come at it so quick now okay we're gonna have to use our power just to try and get them down because they're actually killing my tower they almost had it jumping right ahead to wave 60 with our colossal damage it probably looks like night time to all the oncoming enemies it's just a complete shadow of arrows at all times we're absolutely melting through the waves still but the boss is coming in oh they do get quicker all right we're gonna use the adility and destroy him the only thing that told me is we need more damage we're gonna add another five percent damage and then we're gonna upgrade a few more archers these cost twelve thousand dollars each at this point but now they all have gold helmets and they have red armor and I've upgraded my castle one more time and now has a roof I'm hoping we can just replay this wave again and again because there's be good for money and experience but that's all largely going to depend on if we can defeat the boss without me having to be here to activate an ability so far he's there he's hitting my thing yeah he'll die before he said we're good to go and again uh level up my bonus gold a little bit with both of my gold bonus idiots because we're already getting about ten thousand Dollars around just a little bit of grinding later we've got 1.6 million dollars plus the extra 22 level certainly isn't gonna hurt I'm gonna put those largely into damage apparently 20 is Max Level so we've hit max level on a few different things aside from that we want more gold we want a lot more gold and I don't really know what else to do with the money so I'm just going to put 1.6 million dollars just into archer upgrades because I really feel like there are bread and butter for some reason they lost their helmets and gained hair I'm not gonna complain we're just gonna watch them destroy and we're gonna make more gold than ever before we have a leftover thirty thousand dollars just because I didn't feel like spending it I just wanted to see all these super upgraded Archers would do against the boss because I feel like our damage went up quite a lot so he still makes it to the wall the urchins don't really focus on him that much but he did die their dreams make the biggest difference against waves of enemies like this is an advanced wave and we're absolutely decimating them they're not getting anywhere past the row of arrows and I haven't even used my ability yet uh the idiots are starting to get through just a little bit we should have a boss coming in at some point at which point we're going to use the aerial ability there we go and that's gonna help you absolutely destroy both of them wave 71 and the arrows are just flying and flying and flying they're basically Max damage upgrades we can still upgrade individual archers but it feels almost redundant at this point we're absolutely destroying everything I decided I needed to do a little bit bigger for skip provided we can win this wave we're going to jump from 72 to 92. we basically already grinded out what we need for that anyway so as soon as the buses started appearing we can hit the arrow ability oh they're coming in strong they're hitting hard but we hit harder and he's dead I'm also going to spend 190 000 upgrading the bonus gold just because you can never have too much gold both of those and maxed out so we're getting 80 extra gold so this is simply wave 92 we got enemies also coming from over there now apparently I don't feel like they're going to pose as much of a problem because we put a lot of money in the upgrades probably millions of dollars more than we've had to up to at this point but we did just because we can you can just never have too much damage at this point I've got 150 000 I don't even know what to spend it on I guess I could make my idiot stronger like this guy's really cheap though 750 to upgrade him why would I not upgrade him a bunch and Zeus Zeus can also get an upgrade Zeus can get a lot of upgrades and then it's on to the next battle why is there a statue of a dragon in the background is that new I might have just not noticed that before legitimately I mostly stared all the arrows hitting all the idiots because that's the fun thing I should probably actually upgrade one of the valuable Heroes as much as Alex Zeus I'm pretty sure some of the others were a lot more expensive and therefore probably better like this one makes friends 4 monsters for 3.4 seconds if I keep turning that up it at least makes some friends for longer and I think it turns their individual damage up I keep forgetting I can also just upgrade my castle more too so I should do that but I should also eat vegetables it's dark drinking so much coffee but that's not gonna happen we should have a bus at the end of this as it is wave 95. so we'll see if we actually get to see the boss there there it is blue thing coming in we're gonna Pelt it with arrows and all the cannibals done but reducing my cooldowns probably would have been a smart thing to do a while ago too considering everything is just constantly cooldowns but we did upgrade the archers instead that's where all our damage comes from is The Archers the heroes up top I'm sure they do good but it's all about the archers wave 98 earlier I would have been absolutely destroyed by this I was fighting like three zombies in total for a wave now it's a constant stream of morons but we're melting them I don't even know how much money we're making per round at this point we're back up to 90 000 already I'm gonna upgrade one of my uh Mage Summoners it's just doing extra damage per hit for them so they do a little more damage or maybe they do a lot more I'm not really sure I do see the skeletons out there once in a while but they're mostly just sort of a shield to slow down the enemies and range of the arrows there they go now they do go out I'm sure they hit reasonably hard it's just hard to see amongst the rain of arrows it's wave 99 and I'm not at all feeling challenged even in the littlest bit and I put most of my money and upgrades into finding my gold if I speak of upgrades it's upgrade our Castle a few more times I have another room for Heroes and a dragon statue upgrade a dungeon I'm not sure Andrew oh okay we actually have to fight a dragon who who is probably destroying us that's good to know though I should have done this a while ago because we could have been a lot stronger by now there's all sorts of cool things we can still add on well we all know you're not here for making the good or right choices I'm just here to grind up a bunch of damage and see what that does that's pretty much all I ever do I would like to slay a dragon but let's see a wave 100 goes so far she's like 99 we're melting everyone right as soon as they get to the skeleton Zone but we're about to get a bus coming in at some point too and I presume on level 100 it's gonna be something special what do we got it's the guy with the open mouth and he's dead I expected more special but now there's a tower in the background running 75 000 I can do Archer training 30 more Town Archer damage I've got a lot of archery so that's a big upgrade and then I'm gonna put a Thor up front on a horse he's gonna sit in front and auto Thunder things then I'm gonna put a frozen Tower to sell enemies as they come in and then the lightning Tower also because we can freeze them and shock them wait 101 I got Thor out there on his horse absolutely eviscerating everything before they get anywhere close to me I think he's actually really really strong but everything else The Archers are doing 30 more damage too so we're just doing stupid amounts of damage at this point I'm not gonna take 115 000 and just upgrade my castle with that mostly just that I could have more HP because we're gonna fight the dragon again I'm gonna fight the green dragon I assume it's the babiest of the Dragons but I'm pretty sure all of them are still just straight up a dragon we can actually take him down the health is dropping okay maybe he is a bit of a baby dragon I didn't want to offend him too bad the first time around okay you know what he might still beat us he is still a dragon after all we'll see if our flurry or damage can catch up oh it's so close I think he's gonna have this one I think I could make a few small changes to defeat the Dragon for one castle wall defense plus five percent number two hundred thousand dollars and twenty percent more hero damage because I have a lot of Heroes then we'll get upgrade to Castle HP a little bit or maybe a lot then also upgrade the heroes especially the ones that are particularly low level I've also swapped out this slow Tower to a damaging tower that auto attacks so let's see how this goes against the dragon I've learned one of the big things about the dragon is it really depends on what spawns around it because if it spawns a bunch of little idiots to be a meat Shield I can't fight both if it was just a dragon we would absolutely destroy it but as you can see here we got a bad spawn we're probably not gonna beat the dragon actually we might we just barely snuck by we defeated the dragon officially now we're going to attack a treasure chest so we're gonna land some damage and then we got a ring plus two percent damage yes next time we'll fight a bigger batter dragon foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 480,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5rTpr2IkHXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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