I Combined Swords Way Too Much In Minecraft

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I can't wait to find out which one of these swords is actually the strongest and they just look a lot more exciting than the basic swords the most basic sword in existence is the wooden sword it only does 4 damage and therefore it's not that fun for killing pigs with while the best sword is another eight sword which does 8 damage without any enchantments so it kills pigs in two heads but that's definitely not good enough for us today so we've got some crafting to do the first thing we're gonna need is bread and luckily I see a village it's probably willing to share with me hi don't mind me I'm just here for your bread in exchange I'll give you five raw pork chops I guess you also need a crafting bench so I'm gonna borrow some of your house as well now in order to make any of these swords we make it just like we would any other one but we use the new materials so now we can make a bread sword has a chance to restore hunger I actually really like that especially because I use creative mode to make myself cooked salmon but I somehow only gave myself one so I no longer need to eat as long as I'm murdering that restored one hunger so this works great although it only does one damage so it's more of a hunger restoration than actually damaging okay now I know I'm not particularly hungry right now but I've got to see how many hits it takes to kill a pig turns out five so five hits with the bread sword to kill a pig I can live with that but I'm definitely actually gonna keep this sword because if every story is hunger that's just way way easier for me next we're gonna make a certain Cactus so I need to find the desert I'm not really sure what kind of materials I'm gonna need along the way today so anytime I find something interesting I'm gonna kill it if you ever want to kill a turtle a bread sword is not the way to do it now in some desert and I think I found a cactus I don't suppose you'll give me hunger back doesn't really look like it but I can still make the cactus sword it deals high damage with some recoil I'm listening it does say plus three attack damage the bread sword was plus one so this is a clear Improvement I've come up with a more consistent scientific method for testing swords I'm gonna see how many hits it takes to kill a cow which is three now for the Iron Golem we're gonna have to be a little bit more careful because he can hit back but so far he's had for five hits 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 basically it's not strong enough to defeat the Golem I'm hurting myself as I'm hitting him and this is running out of hits that was like 22 hits so A Tire Damage into bread sword but because it hurts me back it's gotta go next annoying me we're gonna need some cobwebs so I'm hoping there's a Cave opening somewhere we can use to find some easy ones a little bit of cheating later and I found a mineshaft full of cobwebs one thing I didn't think about though is the fact that I need shears to mind this because if you hit it with anything else it gives you string so a little bit more cheating later and I've got the shears I need to collect some cobwebs and the beauty of this is we only need two cobwebs to make a sword because they're very easy to build which gives us a cobweb sword traps victims and sticky cobwebs I like how it even properly refers to them as victims finally and they found the one mine shaft in existence that doesn't have any enemies in it the Cobra observe doesn't list its damage but will just give it the cow test anyway it's actually stuck in the web which could be really handy it does break free but it's also really really really weak it does eventually kill the cow but it takes a million hits so it would be kind of Handy against something like the Golem but he can still hit me from a long ways away I can stick him but then I'm in trouble again it would take a million hits to kill him with this the cobwebs are definitely funny but without the damage it's just not the right sword for me I want something that hurts so badly that the enemies basically just evaporate I went there atoms and particles just gone and the sword broke well this is awkward cobweb sword interesting not enough damage next we need to find ice magma or TNT ice we're probably not going to find in the desert but TNT we could I did find some magma though while circling around them I can't deal with them till I get a functional sword and lucky for me I've been murdering Iron Golem so that means we're able to make a bucket one and two given this is made out of magma it's got to be a really good sword hopefully it works this way I don't know how to get Mega Man a single block an estimate magma block of which I passed several of broken portals and because I obviously picked up those blocks along the way potato sword what that's not a that's a magma block that's not a potato at all okay well what happens if I use potatoes then nothing the potatoes don't make a potato sword but magma blocks apparently do okay we have a potato sword now drops a potato with every hit and it's not going to be a lot of damage it's only plus one but I mean what will what we lack in damage we make up for in potatoes as soon as we can manage to catch a single rabbit I mean using this we can start Empire if you want so again something like a cow this might actually be a decent sword because the cows obviously can't really hurt me but they can't drop me potatoes Golems on the other hand certainly can't hurt me so you have to be careful how you deal with them but you can also just smash the potatoes out of them from up on the pole I'm literally feeding the potatoes out of this idiot who knew there were so many vegetables inside this guy the problem I'm having with a lot of these swords is they tend to break before you're even able to kill something that barely did it a few more hits and missing would be broken uh we did however get 64 potatoes though let's rewind for a sec and pretend we actually managed to build the lava sword spuns a fire Trail under the victim unfortunately it doesn't work on Plants but I'm pretty confident we're going to be able to murder a cow so it's now on fire and it's lighting the ground on fire as it runs so technically that dies in one hit which makes this the most powerful sword so far obviously though we gotta give it the Golem test I think we might have actually spawned them in the wall so we might be hurt just by that I can hear him back there I should hit him now while he's on fire so he'll re-light on fire then also move slowly only I did him a few times so far and he suddenly got better things to do with his time and just like that he's forgiven me for letting him on fire we're not letting him off that easy I don't really know what his problem is anymore he doesn't really want to bite me maybe that's because I keep setting him on fire and torturing them I don't really know my damage your sword just does obviously the fire is the fun part so we can sit here and hit him for a minute he did finally die I didn't know what they took 15 hits plus the fire obviously where sword like this is really gonna Thrive is when there's lots of enemies to run around and light things on fire they're beautiful they're like little fireflies but I don't particularly seem to be enjoying me at this point but they're all on fire the problem is the fires do go out and they can also light me on fire with all the fire going on on the ground so you gotta be careful when you walk but that guy died there's one coming down from the top there you go you can have some fire and you can have some fire so you guys can have more fire there we go we're burning them alive so far this is my favorite sword all right well here's what we're gonna do we're gonna let you on fire we're gonna re-light your fire and then we're gonna go find my next material the durability on this sword is also a lot better next I gotta find ice or TNT there's probably not going to be a lot of ice here in the desert while I don't know a lot of things I do know that these happen to have TNT in them and also that you got to be very careful where you drop down in there because you can land on the pressure plate that's it everything off luckily I did not do that so then what is Harvest up all the TNT rewind because we're about to make a TNT sword any good treasure in store today this one did actually have three diamonds so that's always fun I suspect this is going to be my new favorite sword because who doesn't love an explosion spawns an explosion on the victim so now we just need our first victim this actually seems like it's going to be pretty dangerous yeah it's definitely pretty dangerous explosion didn't hurt me but it did hurt the cow and luckily it also lights on fire great this would be good for mining too that did technically take two hits for the cow so I don't know if this is the strongest sword yet but it is the most fun uh I just realized well that was kind of fun this maybe isn't gonna work the same way because he might explode the tower I'm standing on or he'll be placed in a hole never to return how does it feel to be a whole Golem I can just walk him around and fire whoops I'm in the hole with him though while he did die but so did I I think we did that technically in four hits so that's obviously a very strong sword given the amount of explosions we're about to deal with I decided to just put on netherite gear to keep it a little safer but there's really no saving me for myself wow this really launches guys it's a nice house you have here be shame if someone exploded you on it he just goes up in a puff of smoke in the air that's great this sword is definitely the best so far with this word like this you definitely have to embrace the chaos a little bit or Alive either way it's a lot of good old-fashioned fun so if hitting one idiot causes one explosion it sends the reason that hitting multiple things will cause multiple explosions how you guys doing down there nice and cozy all right let's give this a try wow dad had a why what's happening I don't know what those are I don't understand what's happening uh that was a better result than I expected survivors how is there any survivors you guys all exploded worse than I did well the whole got bigger but what happened to that thing did the fire get it all I don't know what's happening anymore we need a bigger uh explosion pit the trick is to do this next to water and have them in a nice tight little cluster that way we get maximum voice blowing up in your face this guy you know he's joining the prey I thought he was sitting there judging me he just Dove right in there he wants to be with his kind well as much as I'm really enjoying this sound I think I'm gonna have to go ahead and give you guys a little Bonk and off I go wow way up into this guy I think we might have his broken the limit are we coming back down now I don't know what's happening yeah I think I straight up he ejected myself out of the game there there's something moving are we coming back down oh we are coming back down we were actually to somehow that high up God aim for the water and come on hit the water you think it'd be a bigger hole for the amount of force that happens naturally that's inspired me to take it one step further hi welcome to the party I don't know what their problem is they're dying as fast as I can spawn them suddenly and the sun's going down so we gotta make this quick there oh I was hoping we launched more like horizontally that kind of pushes up to I think the building limit and now we're probably gonna die can I make it to the water yeah well I can't wait to find out what the next sword does the next sword is made out of slime balls and I'm gonna be honest with you I have no idea where to find slime balls so now I have some one slime sword has incredible knockback that deals low damage interesting luckily I have lots of test subjects a bunch of children the knockback is not as good as I'd hoped for it has a plus one damage so it's equivalent of some of the beginner swords we used and I don't know if these are very weak because they're very small but I'm able to Bonk them away fairly easily oh this is gonna be fun we're gonna have our own little Star Wars Recreation paid all of you once do you bounce more nope well there's a lot of knockback but the damage is kind of lacking yeah you better run while you're congregating I mean it's good for me but it's kind of funny and they all die we haven't given this sword to cow test yet it's not very good against the cows the damage isn't high enough the knockback is good but not good enough our next sword is the ice sword I wasn't sure what kind of ice we're gonna need and I was too lazy to go find it so now we have ice and looks like regular ice is simply I will create the ice sword freezes victims but deals low damage what does it mean by freeze oh it literally freezes them solid that could be fun the bigger the enemy the more ice at least I'm pretty sure I hear that's no it still there's a small little ice tomb get back here can I hit it again while it's in the ice it freezes it for a second but then all it is is just ice it is fun to think about how badly the case has been tortured this way what if we hit an underwater creature it doesn't freeze an underwater creature maybe again look at this guy oh it freezes him though it freezes above water does not underwater what about the Iron Golem does he get a bigger ice prison no I think he gets the same size ice prison it does hurt him though because he like can't fit in there so there's a little extra damage in that sense it's still about a 6 out of 10 overall how does it feel to be killed by a 6 out of 10. you wonderful I have no idea what this is gonna do or what kind of chain reacting this is gonna have but it should be a lot of ice gotta get this a little closer got him oh that's a weird sound I was hoping to be more ice than that it just freezes kind of the local area I also don't really know why you're chaining reactions like that but I'm not gonna ask any questions okay what about if we TNT started all of these because we're only gonna hit a few of them at a time is it gonna make it still made a pretty big explosion oh I don't know if I can make it to the water and dead normally this is hard you have to grow I don't really know how to do that nor do I want to so we're just going to go ahead and um pick it up it's called the Apple sword it drops an apple with every hit you give me an Apple so it's kind of like the potato sword so if you hit multiple you get multiple apples so we could become an Apple farmer by murdering cows there's also a lot of steaks on the ground uh probably because we exploded a lot of cows the multi-hit effect on this isn't quite the same as the explosion or the ice but it's still pretty satisfying to get all these apples the Apple sword also runs out of durability quickly so it's gonna go down in the hole but next we get to make a sword out of Ender Pearls I would imagine that it's got to be pretty strong teleports you in right clicked yeah that's got to be stupidly strong I probably should have made that one from the beginning would have made this whole thing a little quicker yeah this is a sword I could get used to for just fast traveling around you want to go somewhere you can go there and then we go right back to where we were for the cow test it's well it's not the strongest sword that's for sure but it's uh value comes in its teleporting abilities like we can go all the way over to that mountain and then all the way back it's definitely not as exciting as the explosion method to travel but this is quicker and probably a little bit safer I mean we we can really just go anywhere we want in an absolute instant even places I'm probably not really supposed to be you see a tower way in the distance that mountain where you're now there and that was close oh look ice never mind that's not ice that's just the game uh breaking while these swords have been pretty fun they're still a little bit more we can do some of these swords are combinable like if you take the Slime sword the Ender sword that we're currently using and the red sword we can make the Slime bread Ender sword and it just sort of looks good so we can teleport around and murder things so we're gonna go kill some cows it's that easy I think I'd actually like this one a lot I bet its damage is gonna be pretty high because it's a combination of three although never mind it took that cow way too long to die I do love the teleportation though that's got to be my favorite feature so far remember the cactus sword we used a long time ago that it hurts ourselves as much as other things well we can combine that with the magma and Ace sword which gives us the creatively named Cactus ice magma sword recoils freezes and burns all in one so we'll see what the local Village population thinks of that well we made a big ice thing and they're on fire okay that's actually really dangerous it puts them in an icy fiery tomb that's kind of funny because they're just in there burning to death while surrounded by the one thing that could save them and then they get out and run around and light everything on fire so I feel like the more these guys who hit it once the better the effect of this is gonna be we couldn't reach them because they were too short but that's gonna light them all on fire in the way of a fiery pit of death they're all burning to death don't worry a little ISO helped fix that oh that makes such weird sounds it makes me uncomfortable but we're gonna do it again have some more yeah the game's not really loving this either but I sure am and then we have what's known as the golden apple cobweb sword drops golden apples with every hit I mean I'll take golden apples I'll take lots of golden apples they're even Enchanted that makes this actually really really really really really strong look at all the enchantments we can have going all right idiots I'm coming in I need more golden apples it really only does four attack damage which isn't a ton but it's enough when you're getting golden apples and then when I run out I just gotta get a bit of a high ground and then hit the explosion sword then we're good to go oh we're back in the hole again we're so tough thanks to all this enchants at even being on fire and everything like we were I didn't take any damage but that did also give me another idea I thought that maybe if we had the villagers in a little bit more of a focused space it would give me a little bit more of a focused exposure so before they all die on their own accord let's try and hit as many as we can at once got him and we're off no it still works better to just have more in a bigger area although we are still very high up now we're coming back down since I have a sword that does cause damage freezing and fire at the same time I figured the best way to test it would be against the warden pretty sure it's the strongest creature in the game right now but if I can continue this freeze lock it it actually won't stand a chance against us it is making everything very dark but I'm pretty sure we get to sit here and go like this and this actually makes us a very strong sword uh it actually managed to hit me really hard there kind of Bugatti can attack through blocks but uh you know what we're still gonna fight this out to The Bitter End okay we're losing this fight pretty badly kind of forgot to get you through ice blocks but the swords are lots of fun [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 178,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QBWaY0pgY7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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