These bridges are engineered to PERFECTION in Poly Bridge 3!

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hello fellow engineers and welcome back to poorly Bridge three now if you look in the top right this is my little profile you can see annoyingly I'm in slot one but look we've completed 69 levels of poly Bridge nice and so if we go into the level select we are on to go your own way so for this we have a 43.5 grand budget we've got a load of materials we can use and all we got to do is get these two cars through the checkpoints there and over to that well that seems easy why why is that so hard why are they on a little laddery thing so it looks like they don't go at the same time so I wonder does this van like not fit under there maybe not sure we will boost that with Road and then boost that with road then I imagine I just need to build a bridge like that right so it shouldn't be too difficult we do a wall Breeze there this side we can't do a wall brace so we'll probably have to truss over the top like that sort of thing probably do similar on this side so we'll race down there try thrust over the top and then that is a bridge will it be strong enough no it isn't so it could be worth making this a lot bigger this wool brace and then I may as well add a bit of extra to it so if I trade that oh my goodness okay so that piece is just getting crushed we'll put some steel in there for now is that any better how is that double steel down the bottom almost oh he broke up there did you we can make these trusses a little bit bigger than with the stress on see that it still fails I think the wall brace a bit longer so that this is taking less weight oh but then the roads breaking so we can trust that up to try and make it stronger oh this is not going well that steel just got crushed as well okay that is too much weight then so we go back to that design and then we need a way to sort of support more of this bridge so what I'm thinking if I just do a straight line let's say from there to there we don't have rope or cable to play with but we can just use wood to do that so if we fill that in then look that is the supporting some of the bridge oh and it made it way stronger okay now we're over to that side oh no oh I thought we were going to complete that then yeah so perhaps move that down it may be that we just need to replace that with like Road or maybe steel so you can see from the earth even like that it's quite yellow as that goes over I know that's better that is better okay so now this little Jeep goes absolutely no one driving I think it's a lot lighter oh I've just realized that's why it's a challenge it didn't get the checkpoint you're honestly an idiot oh no I thought I'd completed it for a second okay so what I need I need like I basically need like a little ramp there but I don't want the ramp to be there when this comes I mean or I can just I could just make my bridges go up to the top that would probably be easier no okay yeah let's delete all that then I'm gonna do a bridge going to the top I mean to be honest is it cheaper going down there or is it cheaper just to go like if I just go straight I could probably go to about that point and then just have it drop down maybe so if that's a cheap way to do that side of the bridge this side gonna be a little bit trickier but okay so think I've caught with a design that works at least for the first truck I haven't tried the second one yet you see there's little bits of Steel in places but mostly it's wood I haven't tweaked this at all yet we do the jump at the end yeah so you get to there now we just gotta see whether this little Jeep Works it should do because it should clip that star Now is it going fast enough to make this jump oh okay I'm not even sure if we were to lift this road up whether that would even help ready ready yes no oh okay so remove that bit of Steel we need to add another bit of road so adding a bit of Road did mean we could get rid of the steel and it still works for that guy and presumably we should make it yeah forward roll to finish but we have completed the level oh we're on the top four percent I'll tell you what that is not too shabby at all we're 540th I feel like we can definitely do some shaving how is our friend Tyler oh man he's 146 1500 quid cheaper than me still I feel like we can definitely save this because a lot of it does Stay Green like we really I'm not sure if we do need steel down there obviously it would be a lot shorter if we did that yeah so we may need that instead then we can lower this quite a lot and oh yeah that worked that did work okay so we've saved like three 400 quid you can then shave some some of these this is a bit of a mess I can surely make this better okay so that uses far less pieces and it still works this side how does the stress look oh I'll tell you what this on top this can be way smaller in fact if I bring them closer together like that that's even cheaper um looking at this I don't think I need that piece because I think everything else is sort of a triangle so if I press play yeah that's fine I can then shrink this bit of road as well so if I bring that to the left as long as this Jeep makes it oh easily oh only just actually but we're well under 20 grand which means we smashed Tyler part of our casual daily routine there uh we're 85th not bad top one percent I probably could trim it a bit more but I feel like if I get like too far ahead of Tyler he's just gonna give up because like I mean seeing every one of his scores being annihilated by me like almost first try it must be very disheartening for the poor fella anyway I shaved off a little bit more so we're down to 73rd you see the top people actually save like quite a lot of extra money compared to me in the gala yeah this one's two grand cheaper than mate oh my goodness okay there's not a lot of bridge going on there they did connect that end all the way through though I guess because the the road is actually quite a strong piece so it saves you like bracing it quite heavily underneath yeah it seems like nearly all these cheap solutions connected to the right although this one didn't this one did a jump like I did anyway and my favorite end we got the highest budget what is going on with that oh they did the catch thing they do oh my goodness okay that was really really clever was not expecting that bit to go up in like a drawbridge whoa that was that was epic and then the car falls down like vertically like a lift I mean honestly all I expected was like rce propaganda and a load of those things everywhere so whatever way the Nifty spawn solution what did that say four rce Nifty did a bridge for me oh isn't that nice I'll tell you what we should promote some Nifty the engineers Brew now this one oh look at that cable Stay Bridge that is a bill if ever I've seen one oh and it's got a catch with a flaps now that's hanging down the cable stayed Bridge still gets used but you can see on the right they got a double decker which is pretty fair pudding that's that's quite pasty little truss layout you got going on there anyway sandwich in between more RC propaganda and a swinging elephant's head we've then got the Kiwi who's kiwi wait no promoting yourself promote me only a look as a kiwi it looks like a penguin from don't romantic how random this one we have another catch all right I'm I'm loving the catches fair play oh look at the cable stage on there they are really really long cables I'm quite impressed you even managed to like get that to work now this one shows you the price of steel like all it is is just a pretty standard steel truss bridge but the price is up there and this one the price of Foundations look cheeky Foundation added there anyway this one is really cool for now just look at this catch in the middle it brings that down that's like the hump thing that I said about so the Jeep gets it from underneath oh man and as well as that there's also a tension bridge on the left side which I do quite like then we have what is going on here it's pulling why is it pulling the car behind it why is it got a circle thing that's spinning I so many questions anyway we move on to the next level a big boat now I imagine there's gonna be a big boat on this oh there it is so what have we got we've got is that like a skip blurry oh it's a tow truck apparently so the tow truck we've got to get it over that now it's not towing anything the G wagon has not broken down thankfully but it looks like just gonna do some sort of Arch Bridge yeah and I reckon good and while I build that one oh I'm gonna say to you guys it's engineering time look under the bridge is the good strength and not just looks and charms sometimes ensuring safety I built the bridges with precision and careful Architects decide all right well tried a few different things this seems to be the cheapest way I can do it 18 356 quid now I'm only in the top two percent so there's definitely a way cheaper way of doing it I just can't seem to figure it out so we head into the gallery sort by Lois budget and I was going under man that is a rickety Old Bridge yeah I tried going under but it just didn't seem to work for me this person went over they did have Wall braces though again that's only 16 well just just under 17 grand a lot cheaper than mine um I actually found I don't know if you I don't know if you saw on my one can you see the trusses aren't linked so I've sort of got a trust on this side a trust on that side and they touch in the middle there when I did have a trust like going across I actually made the bridge it made it way worse do you see that that failed there so yeah I found splitter matrosses was the cheapest way of doing it although so some people some people did like an under the Nova even that was cheaper than mine lots of Cheaper ways to do it than I did fair play everyone let's have a quick look at the highest budget what does that say sponsored by the Nifty sponsored solution Nifty building bridges that sponsor their own company because me giving them a shout out isn't giving them enough advertisement they need to advertise their advertisement within my advertisement so therefore you can support Nifty by going to and buying a bulk package of nifty please don't may not actually exist if it does exist it's not my responsibility anyway just looking at looking on this screen we have some absolute bills someone's made the Golden Gate Bridge oh my goodness it's so pretty then Putin's done a massive cable stayed next to it with wooden cables as well as some steel cables to actually hold these pillars up that's so cool yeah check out this one I think the boat's only gonna just fit through the Gap the perfect slot uh this one where where's that road going why are you going so high oh it fell so hard I'm all look out look out CE is back trying to do some Arty trust work uh Alan's back Alan Alan risk yep yeah the actual most expensive solution I don't know why oh okay that's why that would be way um oh look at this the spider web of cable I like that this one we've got we got some RC propaganda and then cherries are they cherries dangling like I I don't know oh look this one it's wood and it goes all the way around the boat but literally all the way around like underneath as well not gonna try pronouncing your name no offense oh look at that there are some beautiful bridges in this level I'm so glad I went straight to the gallery I think there were lots of ways of doing this like look how tall that is so cool yeah I was so excited I didn't even show you guys that we absolutely smashed Tyler's that that's good tonight anyway the next level is level 10 Lonely Island because I bridged in my pants um okay so what have we gotta do we got blue car there we gotta get them up to the flag there is a lonely island in the middle so couple of choices we either just do a bridge like all the way over probably making use of the island by going like low down to it or we actually use the island and we build two Bridges not entirely sure what's gonna be cheaper to be honest I feel like it could be cheaper actually doing all one thing I don't know purely for the boosting let's just let's just get this filled with the road and then we'll come back to trying to make two Bridges afterwards but I'm just thinking like doing like that sort of thing like that could be cheaper than trying to like get it to stay there because there's no anchors on here they have to try and wedge it on do wool braces and stuff uh speaking Rich probably want a wall Breeze over on this side definitely want one over this side as well and then I guess we just see can we do two sort of trusty arches like that and like that so we press play Oh I got the stress on all seems to be working seems to be working nice 22 Grand we did it straight away oh and we're in the top five percent that is not bad I didn't beat Tyler he did 19700 but where actually are we we're 700 not too bad the cheapest way what under eight grand that's gonna be some cheesy old bridge in it generally the cheapest way was like 15 to 16 Grand okay so there's definitely money to be saved here uh because that cars it's a lot lighter than I thought it was going to be in fact what's actually what's in the back of it oh look at that it's got some nuts in the back of there boys oh it's the DeLorean I didn't recognize it because it was in blue yeah but anyway let's just have a go at lowering a lot of this because that's sort of fine this side also fine if we lower that okay I'm thinking do I need all of this down here could I don't know could I raise that up that is cheaper yeah it seemed to work raise that up as well lower some of these raise that to make it cheaper in fact could I get rid of that and add that underneath I reckon so because then I can make this one way smaller I think okay can I do similar over this side because that allows me to make this middle bit of the span way smaller because it's holding up less weight essentially all that went badly yeah just bring all of these down all right and then we're pretty good we're still over 20 grand though so I am sort of wondering if I didn't have that middle part I feel like that's probably how you need to do this isn't it so yeah top tube sent 247th but let's try now doing a bridge on top of that in fact let's make all these bits of Road a little bit longer then we do the same thing on this side so like down to varish fill in with the road then we just try and Bridge on top and hopefully there should be a cheaper way of doing it so we got that will it hold yeah because that is under 20 grand already so we can definitely make this cheaper I just realized as well there we go a bit of a cadunk with that getting up it seems to work late so so I won't get rid of it okay you can see most pieces go pretty red now I can probably I could shave it a bit more but unless there's any bits I don't need which actually I could get rid of that because I feel like the force from here is actually going like down so that might not be needed let's just have a little look so you could donk up there you see that's going red oh there we go we are under 19 Grand that's what I like to see yep then suddenly we're 73rd in the world I need to get down to 18 800 so I need to save like 85 quid right okay there we go 18 801 quid we earned that spot on the leaderboards definitely sorry Mouse cup uh beat Tyler of course bid are beaten by a grand fair play the lowest but budget Solutions oh look a little jump to the middle and then a very very rickety Bridge up there fairly now this is another 16 Grand one again it's just having like super super rickety Bridges you can see this one's sort of got like two spans there so there's one Bridge sort of to that middle point then the angle is such that it can't like Flex downwards which means you can remove a couple of support so that's quite clever fair play Minecraft yeah lots of people realize you can do a jump down to the middle apart from myself I mean a mere engineer got that this one oh cheeky a little bit of a little bit banana Bridge the double banana yeah right for the most expensive no wait what Nifty was that actually there there is a lost penguin I need to go back to my level there is a sauce thank good I didn't even know you were there you are the Nifty sponsored penguin but yeah that is why we fund Nifty because it's not just tea you get you get incredible penguin facts like that um what have we got a thought I think that's the that's the hunter again just loads of like cat heads hanging a little bit scary this one RC propaganda with I don't understand what's what the obsession with upside down faces are oh really this one RC more dangly are they like giant flies I think they're giant flies oh puddin loves the cable Staybridge I can I can see that much the foundation appear looking very very strong there right so for this one there's so much trust it's like Blurry in my eyes what is that I don't know oh I think is it just three pillars yeah I was very confused look they got a sword over there as well right so for this one Paul is going a little bit mental with the camera there this one very strong support love that yeah now we move on to level 11 under over it's called so oh no it's one where there's only there's only certain areas you can build so we can build down there but look as soon as that goes up there it goes red so the game's basically saying no anyway we can do straight across Road and I guess there's not going to be too many different solutions to this right I mean you've almost got to go to that point in an under Arch then you've got to go over the top in this middle bit so that gives us this which is gonna break yeah there as so I could do I don't know whether this would be cheaper but I'm thinking steel over to that point and then just support this first bit of road with a wool brace if that worked okay it didn't work I mean oh with rodent with Rodin it did seem to work that bit has now popped I am just wondering though could I just replace that 846 quid with a bit of Steel it nearly cost double but it should be way stronger yeah I feel like if I just shove that in the other side that will probably be a working Bridge right yeah okay we've completed it 19 700 quid we're in the top seven percent not too bad Tyler did it for 17 600 the cheapest oh 15 16 okay so if we did go back to using wood because I can put a muscle in like that I mean could I swap could I get rid of that piece it's gonna be a bit flexible yeah too flexible so get rid of that one and leave it like that so that's a wooden muscle instead of Steel which is cheaper because that costs 1200 compared to the nearly 1500 so we'll do that we'll return the stress on as well to see do a little bit of Shaving of this in the middle and then I think I do need steel down there but I could maybe put another muscle length if I do that sort of thing how red is that gonna go no that's fine that is fine so copy it to the other side shove it there okay what can we do next because we're sort of running out of things we can get rid of although maybe we don't want to come down there we could delete all of that and try and combine it into like just a big sort of wall breeze so that's usually how we would do a wall brace we have like that down there and then sort of that sort of setup now oh man it gets destroyed but we can replace these with potentially Road and but also steel if needed as well steel is more expensive so I'd rather do it in Road although that last me did get destroyed so maybe that needs to be steel but yeah so what does that cost 3500 quid compared to 3800 it's not that much cheaper to be honest though can we here's one here is one if we get rid of we try and get rid of a middle piece and do that sort of thing we'll probably have to like we may have to put like an art yeah tell you what that could that could be a cheaper way of doing this if we are up like that and fill that in then we try and do what we did before where we just finished like in the middle so we get rid of that piece when I tell you what there's potential here there is potential here that keeps breaking though so if I try and go back to this design this is the clunk that's doing it maybe try and smooth that a little bit as well yeah the trouble is if I smooth this out it means we don't have our Arch if we don't have our Arch then this is failing I think if it was straight let's just swap these with steel for now just to see if the concept works so oh no that does still break that does still break is that because that are not connected together okay game okay I see what you're playing at what if we then what if we keep everything underneath and do something like that everything's underneath I mean it works I think we're more expensively yeah I'm not actually feeling the wall brace if I'm honest I feel like down I mean what I had before is probably better just trying to make that work I mean I had so much movement though if I bring these roads down a bit I think what I had before going back over the top is the way to do this one well maybe rather than that could I maybe that would be stronger no still not strong okay how's that yes yes we get across we get oh no okay too much speed coming down so asymmetrical Bridge oh it's worked it's worked I only saved 200 quid out of all of that okay I need to save a lot more money I have no idea how if I'm honest could I just like try and get away without a muscle can't see that working oh oh I didn't need a muscle okay I don't need a muscle okay let's just copy this to the other side hopefully it works or the the down end as well I just did a little bit of fiddling there and it seemed to work I feel like I'm gonna need on that side surely I will do some tweaking but I can't see it working without a muscle if I'm honest because that okay it worked it worked oh now we're 85th now we're 85th if I make that a wall brace I mean these trusses in the middle don't go red at all but I think if I make these lower it just puts more stress onto the road okay well I think that's what I'm gonna end up with I think I've beaten Tyler which is the main thing oh 30 second what the three how am I 30 seconds suddenly anyway I will take that let's have a look at the lowest how do they get away with that wall brace and they don't have muscles they just have rodent what I'm so confused how that works now this one identical it looks like oh there you go that one's very similar to mine although I don't know what's going on oh are they hanging from the the hanging from the Wall anchor to get that to get their muscle like lower down so it takes more weight I did mine straight from there now that one pretty similar oh very similar price as well look the six and five are different way around to mine otherwise same price a very similar design although no wall brace up there how did they get away with that oh I've just realized as well they've got a single spanner as I've got like sort of two that meet in the middle hence they had to go upwards interesting let's have a look at the highest budget what Eve what am I looking oh I see what I'm looking at okay yep we'll carry that to the to the other side yeah yes RC propaganda from the one and only Nifty this one we're using a little bit of Water Dynamics that really helps stabilize the bridge just getting the very tip in the water really helps to like make these braces stronger you can see that's where the the wall brace the Wall anchor that's where it joins uh very important if you did that in the middle it'd make the bridge weaker but because it's there way stronger oh wow look at this someone did like the mega muscle underneath it's just a simple little truss on top right I think that'll do us for this time we got two more levels till we finish this world then we get to pick from the Serene Kai clades the Desert Springs oh Springs I forgot about Springs in this game or radical meltdown which has custom shapes so yeah for now I'll say peace love and bridges bye guys
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 516,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poly bridge 3, pb3, new poly bridge, bridge building game, rce, real civil engineer, real civil engineer poly bridge 3, professional plays poly bridge 3, engineer poly bridge 3, polybridge3, pro engineer plays poly bridge, real engineer plays, real engineer poly bridge 3, poly bridge 3 number 1, poly bridge 3 #1, poly bridge walkthrough, poly bridge guide, poly bridge 3 guide, poly bridge 3 walkthrough, bridge, poly bridge, pb3 foundation, new material, pb3 new material
Id: -MWedgPLI70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 16sec (1456 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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