This Gun Breaks Reality Itself

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we need to send this gun across the entire universe and we're going to do that by shooting it the further we shoot it the more money we make the more money we make the more upgrades we're gonna get which also lead us to better and better and better guns our first gun without any upgrades comes with three bullets so we can fire it three times before we're out of momentum which earns us about 60 dollars per run but we went to kind of Firepower that makes the universe tremble for shot power up five percent so now we're going places I don't really know the best angle to launches at so we're going to experiment 66 dollars over 14 of the way to our next gun 128 dollars later we're gonna add an extra bullet provided I don't do anything stupid this should be a new record that was a good angle and we still have a bullet I just need the gun to flip the gun's doing its own thing right now we're just gonna have to wait for it to relax though I do still have one more bullet in there so we're gonna launch it a little bit further 110 dollars five percent more bullet power prepare to be amazed at my lack of shooting skills starting to get the hang of it and it's going we are at the point now where we make a hundred dollars per round this is definitely a new record and we missed an ammo box above we're one third of the way to our next gun saved up a few dollars so we get one extra bullet with extra power now there's nothing that can stop us we're getting some serious height on this one but that's not a bad strategy either we're way past our record sixty percent of the weight is something new 260 dollars we're just gonna keep adding bullets because that's a huge boost to us another new record later 345. that means we're gonna get more bullet count and power again plus first shot power and I got the rhythm of this down that was a really bad start but we're gonna make up for it with our extra power and shot and plus we got whatever that thing does that seems to have launched us oh we're going places this time look how fast we're going we got new gun and then some 1250 meters for 1250 which means we buy the outlaw 10 dollar power plus we have eight bullets to our name so we'll see how fast we can get this one going so far it's not quite the same as the last number we didn't hit our bonus thing yet but we'll get there even on a very mediocre run we got 600 meters we're gonna make money fast because I got 1900 to spend so first shot power bullet Powerball account times two and then more first shot power again ammo boxes are probably overrated I shot myself almost vertical this time but we're going for height apparently that's where all the good things are anyway I did manage to hit one of the crates along the way almost two of them but you get the idea we're going to get thousand meters per hour John run and we went so high you can't even see us plus we unlocked a new gun and we made it to purple land so you know things are getting serious now is the alien gun which is basic but that's suitable because I'm a basic person we get 10 bullets out of this one so we'll see how far we can make it go we're firing lasers we managed an ammo crater too along the way so we got a really big boost if we hit the ground just right we get another boost upwards well over a thousand meters and then some going to new record territory plus we just hit that thing where it is bouncing along turns out it's a very bouncy alien gun I feel like they're just giving upgrades away at this point first shot power is actually pretty important but so with the rest of them we really need to be able to fire a lot of bullets to keep ourselves going at this point I'm gonna upgrade ammo boxes they clearly are pretty helpful the few times we can manage to touch them they absolutely send us flying this was a failure of a run and we still got 1200 meters imagine how many people were killing with uh inadvertent buyer because we're just firing this bullet this gun in all directions there's probably people everywhere around us and we're just firing everywhere at least I hope that's the case okay we hit some ammo crates there we got a really good bounce we went back into orbit we unlocked a new gun and we're out of the purple Zone we're all the way into the desert 2600 meters already we got sand everywhere and I don't care I accidentally just hit the double money button and never felt so compelled to buy something in my life but instead of doing that we're gonna upgrade our bullet count our bullet power twice our first shot power a few times in more ammo boxes then for shot power again that brings us to the water gun which is basic but it gives us 15 extra bullets let's see this masterpiece in action all right we're gonna start heading up and we'll start getting head over at a nice angle we're way above the crate so maybe not so we're gonna see if we can sneak a few of those along the way so far so good we're firing drops of water I definitely had a few bad shots there but we're still going places we didn't get the best bounce but look at all the money we get every single run I don't know why but the sound of this is putting me to sleep and I've had a lot of coffee I don't know why because and we're gonna get a good bounce we're moving at light speed through lower orbit we're taking our hot air balloons up there turns out it's a really bouncy gun which is really good for us we're gonna add some first shot power because the Sheep ammo boxes for the same reason they're more bullet power bullet count combine all those amazing upgrades with what I used to use to hunt ducks in my childhood if you don't understand that reference don't despair you it's not old like you this one buyers lasers that are probably a little more dangerous than the ones I used to shoot though picking up some pretty good speed already so wow that was a triple quaduple oh we're going so quick now this might launch us straight into the next gun anyway that was such a lucky bounce I should just get more crates they're gonna carry us the Super Nintendo gun was so overpowered we only needed to power it once Legends will speak for many years at the ultimate time I'm actually annoyed by how quickly the upgrades are coming normally this is a lot more painful process arm is strong it's got two different perks it's Especial and I'm especially excited to test it out our first shot power still needs some I wanted to feel like it was fired out of a cannon made of nuclear bombs I kind of screwed this up so I gotta catch myself get some height again yeah we're still good we're just moving quickly at this point there we go exactly as planned completely we really got to stay in this zone right here this is where all the crates are we'll fly to them I don't remember this being so easy so we're just flying on through this 4 000 meters we're probably gonna hit the next gun already the sequence all in the coffee the more you drink the better you do things there's a new record in everything and I'm just bouncing my way along as soon as you buy again you don't get to test it so you got to do the upgrades first more bullet power more first shot power more ammo boxes these things are carrying me because trust me it's not skill doing it Corsair it's a blunderbuss it's got power and an extra bullet I know this one's gonna be good I saw it in fortnite once and it's super strong picking up speed quickly we're right in the good Zone there's a couple crates and gonna try and keep us right here gotta get a bit higher come on give me those crates give me those crates we want to one tap the Blunderbuss good we're going so quickly wow we were phasing through everything if we get a lucky bounce we might make it to the next gun we might not but I knew the Blunderbuss would be overpowering we're actually really really close well the gun's gonna lie right there I don't think we could have picked this up we just like generate a new gun out of the air we're littering okay starting to pick up some speed I got a really good double bounce I missed my shot there that kind of hurts but we're right in the good zone now come on crates we're missing them so far and I dropped too low again oh gotta keep myself up I would consider this a failure but we're still gonna make like four grand for more upgrades so even when we're losing it's very satisfying the upgrades they're getting hard to pick but when in doubt more bullets this one's really more like the Heartbreak gun it keeps getting so close to the next one and Falls flat it's not bouncy enough we need Titan come pack so it spins and bounces better I decided to try a new strategy I have one bullet left in the tank that way if we do fall short I can hopefully relaunch myself just a little bit but of course the game is going to get me to the new gun now because I had a plan my plan has failed successfully though we made it 6 000 meters and we were so high up I think I tickled the moon but we can still launch ourselves another 10 feet so that counts for something plus we're getting like six grand so I'm just gonna start buying the cheapest upgrade available not because they're cheap that's just gonna involve the less thinking for me the less thinking we do the more successful we are a special Uzi we now have 16 bullets to Fire and I think this one is actually gonna spin quicker because it's so small and compact it also has the downside though of not being able to catch uh boxes as easily although we don't seem to be having a problem with that yet we're going at warp speed okay okay we're out of bullets but we're wow we're going so fast I think the uzi is going to be one of those one hit wonders again and then some we're still in orbit and we're going way past the next gun like way past I'm gonna miss the uzi this was unbelievably good the we're back in pinkland we've circled Globe officially I think we're crossing the universe at this point we definitely unlocked a new gun plus all the upgrades I already screwed up the plan I was planning to do but that's okay because we get the e-special Halo gun we are really flying through the upgrades oh I like this it actually feels really powerful and it's nice and small and compact it's like a happy medium you just gotta stay in this sweet Zone once you hit like one or two crates it kind of gets easy we're already halfway there and then it depends on the bounce if we could just have guns made out of rubber or like bouncy balls we'd probably crush this first try every single time even this one is a really bad start and we got 80 of the way there well I did make it into fairly high speed orbit I went bullet left or we're not going nearly fast enough to make it and that's my one extra bullet happens to save me but it's gonna be really hard to know oh actually we might be okay okay we're gonna keep ourselves up get a good bounce oh we're actually gonna do it basically I'm just really good at predicting what's happening upgrades are definitely getting expensive this one went from six thousand to nine thousand which brings us to the bolt gun which is the last of the E special guns it is rather uzi-like as well so I think I can make it spin quickly it's going gonna be hard to catch the crates on the way by but when you're going this quick anyway it's all religious luck based starting to pick up some pretty good speed if I can hit a few more crates at this point come on oops didn't mean to bounce so early we might be okay here I do still have three four full bullets that I can fire to get is going again if maybe I'm not sure when we're coming back down oh apparently now I predict we're gonna be okay unless we get a really bad bounce or I do something stupid luckily the game didn't didn't give me a chance to do something stupid so we made it to the next gun in order to celebrate that we're going to give it extra bullet power and first shot power that's gonna be our first rare gun this Soaker it comes with three purposes and you can see why it is looks intimidating so we're going to stick to our strategy of going really low and really fast that way it's pretty much luck based but as soon as we start hitting those good things happen this gun should be made out of plastic so hopefully it's extra bouncy it should also be extra light because it's not made of metal like a real gun I absolutely shot that backwards I still got six grand to do that though which lets me put one extra bullet in this bad boy we managed to get this thing going absolutely light speed but I don't know if we did it early enough nope because we did get high enough then again we actually might have I didn't realize just this thing bounces so high it's like a hot air balloon once it gets up there it doesn't come back down and we made it to the uh golden whatever which means we get more upgrades and if video games have taught me anything it's the golden guns are ridiculously overpowered three bonuses this one's big enough that it should actually catch a lot of the crates on the way by because it's enormous and it sounds good too so I just kind of hover in this Zone just like this waiting to touch some crates on the way by keep touching them keep touching them we're not really playing like a shooter game anymore I'm a crate toucher this game's all about the touching I feel like we bounced up really really hard there so we might actually make it on the first try which is a shame because I like the sound of this gun we absolutely made it to the new gun already we are flying through this I still have two bullets I didn't realize but we're still in orbit I'm pretty sure my gun melded into the Sun at this point no wait there it is so this is going to be where to be upgrades in itself so as soon as it wants to come back down we'll get it to where it's going oh nice to see you again there's your two bullets and crash in the dirt never to be seen again the one time use Golden Gun uh some kid I'll pick that up at some point more bullet power more bullet count which takes us to the MIB gun the Men in Black Gun I think I'm gonna like this one too it fires blue lasers but it's also just that right size to be quick for its spin but also big enough that they can catch some crates on the way by and we are catching some crates did not mean to do that but at least every one of my guns gets a chance to enjoy space at this point and we got the unluckiest bounce in the world so we're gonna try and pick our momentum up again and I miss the crate okay I finally got this gun going absolutely light speed so as soon as we get a good bounce which might have been that one we're off plus I got three bullets but I'm not sure they're gonna be necessary because we are still going quick and that gun might still be going upwards at this point that was a really good bounce and oh we're so close now we're gonna get in though because I got three bullets since it's gonna make me use the three bullets we might as well just try and get it through any crates we can and touchdown 14 000 meters why yes I would like some more upgrades that brings us into the purple tier of guns the hell gun this one comes with bonuses to every stat and it's rather Uzi like in itself so yeah I'm gonna like this gun I can already tell based on the sound and the way it's touching crates already we got a good trajectory going we're touching crates we got a little bit High there speed is not a problem okay we might have touched down a little earlier than I meant to that's definitely impressive though because even on a very failed Runners who got 75 of the way to the next one we're gonna add some more shot power because they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day I assume what they're talking about is the first time you fire your gun in a series of shots that are going to launch it into the air I feel like I really only need a few shots though and then the rest of them are just kind of maintaining or saving me from my other stupid shots big we set a new speed record for ourselves wow that's yeah look at even the percents going by now this was a new speed record for us for sure I don't know how we bounced there but it clearly didn't hurt our speed because there's a hundred percent of the way to end we're still going at light speed plus I still have a bullet left so we're not done yet we broke a new record by a large large margin as we do here and that seems so very easy to you but that might have taken many hours to accomplish but you'll never know well that was worth eighteen thousand dollars otherwise known as a single upgrade at this point but ammo boxes are gonna help us everybody loves a shotgun and it's nice and long that means it's gonna catch the crates with its large area so moving forward I think these are the guns I'm gonna enjoy the most the big long ones like this because look at that that was two or three in a row which means we get to go very very quickly I don't know if aerodynamics are a thing so like the dragon the guns but either way we're going quick this is probably going to be one of those one-time guns because those things are warping by not quite as fast as the last gun based on the percents that we are going further so the percenter further apart but I think we did get higher we're out of bullets so the gun is left to its own devices wherever it goes it's on its own we are 98 oh this might not actually make it and oh we did get it first try with the shotgun I knew I was gonna like it it's not surprising I would do the best with the gun you don't need to aim I think bullet power is going to be more important here bullet power and ammo boxes are going to be my friend at least until they give up on me this solo gun I think that's a Star Wars reference this one's going to be a little bit short so I'm not sure I'm gonna love it it does fire cool lasers though which distracted me enough to make me take a bad shot not to worry though we're just gonna keep on blasting up and eventually we'll touch a single crane we actually get go really fast without crates at this point again so powerful I did a backward shot even got a nice bouncing Orbit on this one we're still actually moving really really quick I didn't realize how fast we were going I don't actually know if it's going to be enough it didn't feel like enough but this one's actually this gun's made of air it floats around 21 000 so we're gonna get more ammo boxes and it's time for our first legendary the gear is gone this one comes with five bonuses I'm gonna be honest with you I didn't realize there was five categories I don't know what the fifth category is now that I think about it because I'm pretty sure there's only ever four categories available to buy I'm making this look really bad it's a legendary gun and I'm not doing it justice uh you know what the editor should just make this look like when 100 000 meters this time I gotta get a little bit quicker and from here it's really easy to sort of maintain its speed and keep it right in that sweet Zone because the gun moves very slow in relation to the speed we're going which is very quick uh what just happened what is happening did the gun go up uh I guess it bounced up and the game just broke because we're going there's a hundred percent already this got going so quick it's a joke I like the it is broke I don't know where everything went I feel like the gun exceeded its own speed like it went off the screen then touched the ground then went into orbit and it was never seen again like by the time you're watching this video in two weeks this gun is still up there somewhere it's it's still going it's it's still still going 30 39 000 we're coming up on 40 and it's it's still up there somewhere at this point I kind of just wanted to come back down because I don't have all day to do this well I guess I can come back in a few days and see it but we'll see when it ever comes down we're coming up on 69 000 meters I'm gonna go grab a coffee and come back I don't really know where it went pretty sure at this point the gun just isn't coming back down it's locked up there at orbit like a satellite so I'm probably the first person in the history of mankind to turn a gun into a satellite where does it let this keep going to see how big the number gets before everything just implodes it turns out that somewhere near 278 those in the game slows down a lot probably because you're not really supposed to go this far the only way out of that little Adventure was to refresh and when I did that I lost everything but what happens next is we buy the most legendary gun of all the rainbow unicorn gun unofficially known as The Eighth Wonder of the world to launch it further than anything ever before because it's more powerful than anything before it although you can make a pretty good case for the last one considering we broke the game with it managed to get the Unicorn again going pretty quick just gotta get a good bounce and we didn't break the game but we didn't get a good balance so a pretty good launch got us 20 000 meters where our broken run went well over 10 times that weighs almost 300 000. at this point it really is just a bit of luck whether or not you hit the thing hard enough oh wait maybe we can break the game yeah if you just keep getting yourself so quickly that you push yourself off the screen the game doesn't know how to register things anymore and it breaks I broke the game using both guns now while we now passed 100 000 meters with two different guns so I feel like my work here is done [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 310,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v19R5qRiG0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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