I Caught This $1,000,000,000 Fish At The Very Bottom

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we've still got a ton of rare and valuable fish to find and that includes these very rare yellow glowing salmon things I've seen these very frequently but it's actually very hard to get your lure in front of them because they're rarer than you think with an unblinking gaze he emerges on the surface Yellow Carp get in the boat 320 000 that's easy money and then we get to decide and figure out how and where to catch the rest of these idiots luckily I do at least have an unlimited budget so I can keep spending money on bombs and mega hooks today is legitimately gonna cost me fifty thousand dollars to cast going down deep we're gonna scare away the Bonefish times too probably also that guy because I wanted to make my way in and I caught a new fish already I remember they swam down there somewhere and then it's just gonna take the 40 hours it takes to reel these idiots back to the surface and just like that two of the fish have been caught Senti worth fifty thousand since we already scared some of the fish away here we're gonna take a look back in this cave to see if there's anything else we need pretty sure there's some fish somewhere down in here that I'm gonna need there's all sorts of fish that are going around in his knees so I'm actually gonna I don't want this one I'm gonna scare that one because I've caught that one I also found some of this smaller uh fire fish if I could get one of those that would work that's a new fish I need to remember this cave is full of things I need don't eat that I need this fish more than you do thank you okay I've gotta go side to side either this oh this fish will literally eat my fish and then I won't have it anymore uh same with that fish same with probably also those fish every fish here is a problem Thermo 40 Grand get in the boat then I think it actually makes more sense to enter the cave from that side because I'm closer to the fish I need and I can scare the idiots out of the way with bombs on the way in already there's something coming at me pretty quick so we're gonna scare it away there's a light bulb fish there's that big idiot I think those are both Ember fishes so I don't really need them this fish I need why didn't that bite he bit it and ran away I needed that okay here he is again come on bite do I have you now okay I think I got him this time I'm just targeting what I think are going to be the easiest fish to catch because some of these are going to be an absolute nightmare this is the maze fitting me because he was wandering around the maze 400 Grand get in the boat the swordfish I saw down there I'm pretty sure I'm gonna need to take another fish and this The Flash is gonna have to Ram into it but he's hard to even see down there let alone get him to run into another fish the cuddle cat however is an extinct fish that lives under the Deep caves under the coral reef luckily I'm very familiar with that area I've spent many hours there the cattle cans are hiding in this cave and they're just that easy to find or are they cryptically they're definitely not easy 220 000 get in the boat I wander down into an area I guess I've never really been and these fish are actually lower than where I'm supposed to be able to go uh that's definitely a fish I need he's wearing a hat uh that's also that really hard to catch fish that's basically impossible otherwise so if you want to go ahead and bite my hook that would be fine maybe we can just kind of force it in your mouth okay we also are maybe gonna catch that I don't want you I'm pretty sure I've caught you before rejection is never easy when you bite my thing neither of these want to bite it's nice to know the height there's fossils on the ground is that what they're here for do I need bombs to wake up the apostles there does seem to be like an area inside of that uh down there so I'm pretty sure I can get in there one way or another I did also run into that it's a very rare fish uh it's not necessarily a new fish but it is very rare so I'll take you after finally revealing him up from the depths germ 220 get in the boat uh my next mission is definitely going to be a hard one because I need to take this fish known as a rare fruit and take it on a little journey because we are in the far right of the map so far and I just got eaten by this fish instead so let's try that again this time I think we're gonna stick to medium depth Waters to hopefully avoid more of the idiots down deep that are very annoying the downside to doing it this way is I don't really know where I am anymore so I'm kind of guessing and if I keep moving to the left or right this guy can't actually get me I am in the right area I just can't really do anything about him either so he's probably gonna eat the light and we're just gonna have to get over that but what we're trying to do is get down close to the fish wearing a hat with this fruit fish thing on the bait and he's supposed to like this he sure did he did it let's get him to the surface hopefully in one piece you have fish wearing a hat how about that Zeb get in the boat next I'm gonna see if I can bait the kingfish all the way up to my boat I think there's probably a different way of doing this but I'm lazy I just want to see if I can kite him all the way there because I think this will somehow actually be faster provided no other idiot gets in the way but at this point oh never mind we uh can I still catch you actually yeah okay I can catch him I think the other fish are probably gonna release him though yep his friend already came in let him go so do that same strategy I just gotta bomb a few more idiots first you know right a lot of his friends are gone I'm gonna cut him for as far as I can and if I have to I will just straight up catch him he just better make this worth my while because it's going to be really annoying to do I accidentally put it in his mouth and oh uh okay then he's still got quite a posse we're gonna have to kite him all the way up I don't know where to find those okay apparently they all want a piece of me I'm hoping I can catch one of the more interesting fish first nope never mind they're all Gonna Leave Me but I'm pretty sure this is how you catch the redfish or something I'm not really sure okay no they're all showing up what wants to do uh okay I guess we're having this fish I might have found the winning strategy to do this because if I can just get the kingfish right near the surface his friend won't have a time to break his line before I reel him into the boat it's just gonna take some very careful and lucky timing probably this is really really annoying to do I was trying to avoid one of the other fish and then that fish bit and then this guy bit I don't know if I got that on recording but we ended up with Regina 700 Grand get in the boat happy accident but now that Regina is out of the way they should make catching a kingfish a lot a lot easier so far nobody else is giving Chase so this should mean a free shot basically to the surface I'm gonna wait till he's pretty much their don't come and then pull him in do you think he's getting annoyed at the chase yet again got him ancient Kingfish one million dollars get in the boat and stay there but since I've become a master of kiting fish I think I need to to borrow one of these gentle morons this is also really annoying to do but we're gonna do it anyway so I need you to follow me down like a good dummy not too far because they don't get kited very well and scare them there and then he's gonna break the rocks and then you're dismissed you can just go and die wherever you see that I send them off into the abyss and now we're in this little Caverns full of all sorts of new creatures they also want to eat my glowy fish I am going to try very hard not to let that happen I have no idea what this even is but I hope that Cavern is sold a lot to the fish I need because they're getting really hard and hard to catch that was nice and pain-free lumos 140 Grand get in the boat now we can take a look in this little area and there's definitely a few different things in here uh the orange fish is interesting oh yeah that was easy I'll take you oh there's also that thing too that's also another fish I need I'm wait a sec this is just another fish with a mohawk you can't fool me this lovable is called A Primitive get in the boat actually I think there's only two large fish that I still need to catch there's probably be some secret ones but I'm pretty sure he's the one down there I just saw and then this guy's also right below me so let's see if he's willing to just straight up bite and it looks like he is that was surprisingly easy I don't know the rest of his Cavern goes but let's get him out of here before I get too carried away that's also new there's so many new Visions Caverns it's hard to know where to start the hardest part of this is the amount of time it takes to cast all the way down to here in the rail of the fish all the way out we are so far in the water Paladin 160 Grand get in the boat and then we miss Cooper this guy there's also some fish right along the bottom that's actually below the maximum depth those are probably also new for now we're gonna settle for the albino mustache fish this mysterious guy is a minute maybe a minute feel like he might have some kind of strange significance just by the look of him he looked very important pretty sure that's also new there's so many fish down here I think most of them are new but I'm not actually entirely sure I think this one has feathers or something but we'll find out shortly what exactly it is our Vivid friend is a Chrono 240 Grand get in the boat our boat's actually getting full and it's worth almost three million dollars this small elegant fish is drawn to anomalies in a space-time Continuum the other one was called a minute so there's probably something about that Cavern where we can do something special this Swisher is the other one that's sitting down there his tail looks a little bit like a heart but we're running out of fish suddenly there's a few out there but I know where this one is I know where this one is bull beater is super annoying smarty I know where it is but I don't really know how to catch them I was underway the power fin is actually because we've technically caught that once you twice and it annoyed me earlier and we have a thunderstorm blowing in so it might actually get some different weird fish maybe even down in that uh Cavern it seems to be full of strange and rare fish so far the cavern Remains the Same but in the next Cavern there's a new fish we definitely need one of these there's also something down on the bottom I think I see I think that's a hat cast on dirt to find delicious worms okay I think we'll stick to our Explorer for now but we'll probably put that on later oh okay we worked our way down to the very bottom where we're gonna take one of these back to the surface for our profit and enjoyment mostly profit I don't particularly enjoy these fish I would wager through some kind of Secret inside one of the fish because when lightning flashes you can see their skeleton this swoosher 82 000 dead in the boat I'm also keeping an eye on this redfish because if I can manage to uh get it separated from its baby I think I can catch it individually they're always just very very close together so it's hard to find that opening to separate them but I'll get there I've got Oodles of time now I just need to try and get one of these and pull it to the surface without anything else eating it and then these cabins are at least complete and I can stop diving way down here this fish is already see-through we don't need the lightning to look through it also I realized that I don't think I've actually caught this fish before despite the fact that I've gone past him a million in one time so we might as well bring him up with us we're gonna lose our light bulb shortly never mind that IDI gave up I'm just gonna pull them up to the left that will hopefully avoid anything stealing our light in we'll be at this cell station by the time this guy's up in air this Dijon twelve thousand get in the boat the boat is now full sixteen thousand dollars plus this guy actually what we can do there is use the troller net and scoop him up if he wants to play below the boat like that then he'll be part of the boat too or he can just follow me around for a little while too that's probably fine also okay we're back at the sales station so we got three million dollars worth of vision board if we sell that here we're gonna get 4.7 because of all those bonuses 4.7 million dollars for a single boatload of fish and we're back down by my big purple idiot who uh does strange things but we want to catch this gold idiot who's roaming around in a super annoying pattern hello don't you want me on tasty bait in a nice big hook and he's second now they all swim back toward us but they're wow they wander a long ways oh this is a silo I'm above I never realized that before I didn't realize it looked like that on the map and got the power of into the surface get in the boat now we're gonna try something a little bit strange and that does not include the whale party we're suddenly having for some reason basically I understood then if you disable the UI put large bait on and a mega hook which I think I already forgot and cast your line down there hopefully past the whales that didn't work we'll use a whale for bait sometimes these things just take a minute can you be bait are you big enough to be bait nope you're too big what I'm trying to accomplish is casting a 250 000 fish into the water to turn him in debate attaching Omega hook to that turning the UI off and letting this sink hopefully past all the other fish so far so good we just had this go down and down and down to where the glowing dims are which should be about as far as my line can normally sink I do have my extra hat on I know you guys can't see anything just trust me see there's one of the Tims there's a few around uh I should be able to catch the fish I'm looking for somewhere here actually I can see him on the map yeah I don't know if you guys can see it's probably too dark but there's a giant fish right in front of me who's so far ignoring my lure I might be sinking too far for him to take notice nope I caught him I just had to let my line rest at the bottom there he is one of the very rarest fish maybe the rarest fish in the game oh I see he uses Tim as a light on the front of him this also might be the biggest fish in existence because look at the size of them he's absolutely enormous so UI back on mask fish one million dollars just shy of getting the boat we don't want to lose that one okay now we got a tip in our face this might also be used for something else this game is full of secrets look how big he is he's huge well since we're in the mood we're obnoxiously rare Secrets I've got another one I want to try that I'm not really sure will work or not I'm worried I'm gonna lose him somehow like the game's gonna crash so I'm gonna go ahead and sell that there's another couple million dollars The Mask fish lives in symbiosis with the Tims Above The Silo light bulbs or sonar where startled him away so anytime you have that stuff going he uh I think if he just turned sonar off that would be enough you don't have to turn the UI off maybe whatever the case he doesn't show up until you catch him for this one apparently we need to go down into the caverns below the coral reef to the left of the dragon all the way down probably don't eat the bombs anymore he's scared one light fish away already so hopefully that doesn't have any adverse effect and we need to try and get lower than this now apparently if we go over here and get snaked on the Rock not too hard there should be some way to get ourselves even lower but I don't know how yet okay I think I get it you've got to go like that and then turn the boat to the left a little bit more uh so that the line tilts a little bit because as you do that uh The Lure actually is gonna get a little bit deeper uh there's probably a better way of doing this but you're just trying to make the line essentially longer so you can get under the map I know you once again can't see anything but I did manage to get my lure way down below the bottom as you can tell by the real speed and we did it there's a fish on there this fish was somehow found lurking under the map yes it sure was but we're gonna go ahead and settle these for a second 450 000 it's fifty thousand dollars a cast and we're still up to 12.5 million well they still be still a few fish in and around the Maze We need to get so we're gonna go mess with those annoying morons and they're still that enormous guy out Beyond the Edge where we can go even with this super boat I never realized before though there's a small fish out there with them that might be the Roadie that I need that's been on my quest forever I think the hardest part of this now is going to be trying to remember what we've already caught or not we definitely still need the swordfish but we need something to be able to uh get this artificial speared by we don't want any of those the swordfish would have been nice but we're not set up for that pretty sure this is it I've definitely hooked this a few times I think I probably always lose it or feed it to something else because I assume it's boring it's not the most exciting fish in its size but in its color it's doing all right fiend eighty thousand dollars get in the boat I just realized we also haven't caught a bowl beater despite the fact that constantly steal our lights at the bottom and are the most annoying fish in existence so in order to catch one you need to first okay Tim and then beat the Tim to The Bulb Fish and we know it's only a matter of time before a Bulb Fish comes for a visit because they're constantly coming to steal my stuff when I'm this deep especially there's also fish curiously at the bottom of the map here okay here comes uh yep uh okay and he wants the light also but whatever the case we now have a ball leader I never realized the entire time that we hadn't caught one yet because I'm so used to seeing them every time you cast down to the depths they comes charging straight towards you and eat your light bulb now we got one get in the boat there's a big fish coming straight down are you the one I want you ignored me entirely you're all ignoring me and for some reason that came swooping in from way out in the middle of nowhere uh we turned into bait somehow I don't know what just happened actually I bet if I had large bait the purple fish would finally bite so I just need to turn you into bait and cast you back down okay is my new strategy going to work or does this just let's just not want to bite I've messed with it before and it's a buggy mess and it might still be the same or I might be doing something wrong I think I found the great customer I was hanging out down near the bottom and he showed up and doesn't want to eat but I did find him not sure how to catch him also a light still might think maybe they're a blind fish because now that my light went out this guy was actually interested and he wasn't interested before nobody look at this one it doesn't have eyes I don't entirely know what I'm catching maybe this is the one I wanted after all old Casper get in the boat the Greek Casper is unusually attracted to strong electromagnetic waves I don't know what it was apparently if I just hang out here yeah the whales will start to come up from the surface and you can see the great custard down below so we're gonna see if they can feed by large bait and they cook directly into them I don't know he might just not bite if you're far enough down whatever the case we got him now a very very big fish get in the boat he's so big he basically is the boat I'm just gonna take a little look around looking for some of the fish that are missing that I still don't really know where to find don't fish in particular I'm looking for should be with a bunch of its siblings or something anyway so it should be easy to see on the radar and I'm not really seeing anything that would fit the bill if it's immediately obvious so I'll settle for catching one Kingfish and then we're gonna sell the whole boatload for another million dollars we're at almost 13 million one of the fish I definitely do know is whereabouts is that redfish that I actually just scared away with that bomb because it's a very scared fish luckily it's not the only interesting fish in the area I can always catch one of these ideas need to be a little bit patient and catered to the surface yeah I think I can just kind of go like this to us near the surface because they lose a lot of speed when they turn and then I'll just let it bite when it gets close and then I get to keep it that's it stupid whoop then got it to the five grand not very expensive for annoying that is to catch no I actually need to remove my hat because I need to put on dig the one we found way down deep in the cave and now we look just adorable and this is good what you got to do is cast backwards onto the ground and then you'll pick up a worm and then we need to go all the way to the very far side of the map and this takes a minute by this point because the map is actually really big but once there we gear ourselves up with a light bulb and a mega hook don't forget the rocket and then we gotta cast out as far as we could possibly go and try and find the big fish that lurks out here somewhere I don't really know his pattern I just know he kind of wanders around somewhere within the Border sometimes sometimes a little further out but if I was a big stupid fish I'd want to bite this thing oh wait he is down there he just made an appearance by me so let's see if we can get out to him so far every time I cast he just leaves right away I'm not sure what his problem is but we're gonna wait patiently I did just manage to get a cast like out Beyond so I pushed the map to the right to see if he's out here somewhere he is okay so you just gotta push the map up with a Super Rocket cast I don't really know if it's actually possible to catch him with him his own to the map and even now he still wandered out further somehow further wait there he is oh he's so close come on you know you want it can we just yeah there we go we can flick right into him bite it got him all right we're reeling him in the fish at the end of the huge fishes at least I think so there might be some secret ones Beyond but for now we got him he wasn't as far out as the far Bearer but he was still pretty hard to catch problematicus one million dollars get in the boat for another easy million dollars thank you [Music]
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 195,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XoTp5v9wBO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 28sec (1168 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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