400 Days FULL MOVIE | Stardew Valley Expanded

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yes that's right and today's feature length movie long video you will see me play through 100 200 300 and 400 Days of stardew Valley expanded back to back to back to back stardew Valley expanded as a fan made mod for the base game which adds things like more NPCs new locations new fish to catch and a whole hip bore before the video starts if you do end up enjoying what you see make sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel That way more people get to see my videos and these do take me ages to put together so your support is much appreciated so without further Ado sit back relax get your snacks ready to go and let's get into 400 Days of stardew Valley expanded foreign [Music] I arrived at my new and improved looking farm and really just took in the scenery with stardew Valley expanded comes a whole new farm called grandpa's farm which I'm sure I'll acquaint myself with as I get further down the road but for now I planted my parsnip seeds into the ground and got to chopping down trees to make myself a chest I then ventured into town where I met some familiar and unfamiliar faces Victor and Olivia were two new characters who both lived in what I can only describe as a very very big house I mean come on they have a library a TV room and a sitting room my farmhouse only has one room I then continued venturing around the valley where I came across Sofia at Blue Moon Vineyard I tried heading further east but got stuck on an invisible wall so I may have to come back later over at Pierre's I bought myself an extra 27 parsnip seeds before heading back to the farm but I got stuck behind some rocks without my pickaxe so one detour later and I was back at the farm plantering and watering the rest of my parsnips to finish the day off I cleared some debris from around my crops and headed to bed I emerged on day two to another lovely day in the valley so I watered all of my parsnips grabbed enough wood to make myself a chest and headed on down to the beach an old looking Marina named Willie offered me his old fishing rod so I decided to take it and took it up to the mountain lake to do some fishing for the day I popped my chest down and got comfy I then spend the rest of the day catching fish as to be honest there isn't too much to do when you first start in stardew Valley instead I just enjoyed the sound of the nature around me that was until that night I passed out at 2AM day three was a guaranteed rainy day which meant I didn't have to worry about watering any crops today so with that extra energy I popped down to the river to try and catch me some catfish but I ended up failing to catch any so I sulked my way up to the mountain lake where I kept on fishing my goal here was to stockpile all of my fish and to get to level 5 fishing where I could choose the Fisher perk this increases the price of fish you sell by 25 that way I can sell them all for a whole lot more so I continued to fish until I passed out that night at 2AM the rain had eased on day four so it was back to watering my parsnips and fishing of course I fished all the way to about 8 PM afterwards I made a few trips back and forth to The Farmhouse to bring back as much stuff as I could I had my fingers crossed that I had caught enough fish to get myself to level 5 fishing and as I passed out at 2 am again I had managed to get to level 5 fishing so I chose the Fisher perk day 5 started out with dumping all of my fish into the shipping bin and reading the mail I had received my third letter about someone saving me after passing out and I was starting to worry about my image around town but who cares about that when you have parsnips to harvest I shipped most of them off but kept a few for a bit of energy because today we were going on an expedition that's right today the mines open up and I'm gonna go cave diving of course being in the expanded mod the mines have moved from where they usually are I made an old looking Miner who offered me his old rusty sword I popped down my chest and I dove into the mines I wasn't too worried about getting as far down as I could I was mainly hoping to get as much copper as I could specifically enough for a furnace and five copper bars I did end up getting down to level 10 and I think I had just enough copper for what I wanted just before bed I popped some valuables I had found for my Expedition into the shipping bin just for a little bit of extra cash and I called it in for the night Clint paid me the morning of day six to give me a blueprint for a furnace what a nice guy I then smelted five copper bars and headed into town I met up with mayor Lewis who showed me around the old Community Center it was going well until I started seeing this cheeky yet adorably cute little guy who made me look a bit crazy not a good start in the valley considering I've needed help three times after passing out at 2AM already anyway the reason I wanted five copper bars was for the simple fact that I wanted a pickaxe upgrade so over at Clint's I did exactly that I'll just have to wait a couple of days until it's ready though I paid a visit to Piers afterwards where I splashed the rest of my gold on 135 potato seeds Pierre didn't know what had hit him and neither did my wallet then for the rest of the day I spent it setting up an area for all of my potatoes until bedtime day seven I was up at the crack of dawn watering all of my potatoes and let me tell you there are a lot of potatoes I made my way over to the old looking wizard who offered me a taste of his weird potion one potion up the nostril later and I was able to read the ancient language of junamo a bit unorthodox if you ask me but hey here we are and then it was back to fishing up at the mountain lake for the day with my pickaxe out of action for another day I thought it would be best to stock up on fish for energy before I hit the mines again and yeah I ended up fishing for the rest of the day but just before bed I did take all of my mining resources up to my chest in the mines so I wouldn't have to worry about doing it later it was day eight and I was back to watering potatoes someone remind me next time not to buy so many damn potatoes before heading to the Mayans for the day I passed by Clint to pick up my newly upgraded copper pickaxe oh so shiny and then I hit the mines for the day my aim was to get to level 40 before the 13th so that I could make myself some sprinklers that way when I get my hands on some strawberry seeds from the egg Festival I won't have to worry about watering them all I continue down and hold on is that a no it can't be oh my God it is it's an ancient seed now for those who haven't played a lot of stardew Valley before the ancient seed is an artifact passing it on to Gunther in the museum in return he'll give you a plantable ancient seed back to you now these plants take 28 days to grow but they grow in All Seasons except winter and you get a fruit every seven days once the plant is fully grown then if you put the fruit into a keg and wait six days you'll get ancient fruit wine which is probably one of the most profitable items in the whole game so long story short I was very excited to round the day out I managed to get all the way down to level 25 before returning home to bid day 9 started out with some more watering I swear to Christ if it doesn't rain and I have to painstakingly water all of these potatoes I'm gonna be so mad and then it was back to the mines for the rest of the day I gained another 10 levels putting me on level 35 by the end of the day just before bed I decided to use up the rest of my energy clearing some more area around my crops just in case Marnie visited me the morning of day 10 with the goodest looking boy I've ever seen of course I said yes to adopting him and named him my new best friend Samson as cute as he was though it's too bad he can't water crops because I'm getting sick of this then just like yesterday I returned back to the mines for the day I did have a riveting chat with Marlon though I made my way down to level 45 collecting iron and other materials as I went before calling it in for the night day 11 and yeah you already know what I'm doing first having spent the last three days down in the mines I was after a change of scenery so I took my spring forageables off to the community center and completed my first bundle afterwards I kind of just explored around the expanded Valley I hadn't taken much time to really look around the different areas back up at The Adventurous Guild I found a Hidden Grave by a waterfall I passed Sophia at balloon move Vineyard and found Vincent and Jazz playing around by the sewer which is definitely not hygienic at all I paid a visit to Andy's farm and found out he's a Georgia Fanboy and also a bit of a slob down in the cinderset forest I found my way into a huge clearing where I stumbled across Aurora Vineyard from The Rundown fields in decrepit house I think I can safely say no one has been here in a while I did find a strange doll some old newspaper in what I assume as a bankruptcy notice but I'm sure at some point I'll be able to bring this Old Vineyard back to its former glory but right now I don't think I'm doing Squad about it except getting lost in the woods that's right I spent a solid three minutes running around trying to get out of this damn Forest but I did manage to find my way out and I went back home to sleep my potatoes were ready to harvest on day 12 and I couldn't be more happier to not have to water them I shoved them all into the shipping bin I kept tin for some extra energy though and I spent most of the day carrying everything from my chest and the minds and back to the farm and when I say most of the day I mean it after three trips there and back it was already 3 P.M and what did I do for the rest of the day you ask ice melted oars yep that's about it but overnight I did get myself level 5 farming where I chose the tiller perk which makes crops worth 10 more day 13 was the egg Festival day and I spent the morning doing some big brain calculations mainly I was just working out how many strawberry seeds I could afford and how many sprinklers I would need for them but math is hard so I got my tools out and started clearing out some more debris for a bit over in town at the egg Festival I stopped by Pierre's store to buy myself Eddie strawberry seeds and then decided to have a chat with every single villager I then started up the egg hunt and I won't lie I didn't know expanded changed the location of the eggs so I was a bit thrown off but of course being a highly talented stardew Valley player I adapted on the Fly and still bit everybody getting myself a beautiful straw hat for my efforts I went to bed that night and I dreamed about how awesome I am day 14 I started my day waiting for Piers to open but it's okay as you all know I'm a very patient person I did get to meet a new villager called clear and meeting her went very well I definitely did not Bonk her on the head finally Iris led into piers and I bought myself a parsnip seed potato seed green bean seed and a cauliflower seed as these were needed to to complete the spring crops bundle back over in the mines I spent the rest of day 14 resetting level 40 and 20 to farm for copper and iron as I still needed quite a lot for my sprinklers and by the night time I had more than enough to make enough sprinklers day 15 I just spent smelting my oars into bars yep that's not a joke I was smelting oars until the late afternoon but with my sprinklers ready to go I started my setup I hadn't used normal sprinklers in a while so it took me a while to nail down the pattern but I got too late so the morning of day 16 I finished off placing all of my sprinklers planted my strawberries and spring crops and it was looking pretty good I'll never have to water another crop again and I am so happy I paid Gunther a visit at the Museum and dropped off a couple of artifacts including my ancient seed which I took back home and planted next to my spring crops for the rest of today I just cleared out some more area around the farm and steered longingly across my field of strawberries admiring my beautiful handiwork I assume and then I headed off to bid day 17 I was passing through town and found Morris outside of Piers waving around some JoJo pamphlets not cool Morris knuckle I was however on my way down to Willy's so that I could get myself the fiberglass rod for today I was fishing for Community Center fish from the ocean I got a sardine over in the river I fished myself up a sunfish and up at the mountain lake I caught a largemouth bass chub carp and a bullhead I still needed to catch a bream but since they were not catchable until a bit later on I filled my time by foraging for salmonberries around the farm it finally got late enough for me to catch one and then I dropped off all of my catches to the community center after which I went to bed after A Hard Day's fishing day 18 I continued with my salmon berry picking around the valley I did pop by Andy's to say hi I really gotta stop doing that I found Lewis up by the mountains having a grump about Georgia Mark being responsible for the rock 4 blocking the pathway up to the railway he did mention another villager called Susan who resides up there who is unfortunately stuck there at the moment but I couldn't do much about it so sorry Susan it was back to Salmon very picking for the rest of the day I used up my energy clearing more debris out from my farm before getting some sleep Andy paid me a visit the morning of day 19 to warn me about crows but I've taken precautionary measures to make sure my crops don't get eaten so thanks but no thanks I took a stroll through town and over to the museum where I had to wait and oh boy do I love waiting and I dropped off another artifact to Gunther up at Robbins I returned her lost ax I found yesterday while berry picking and then I hit up the mines I was doing so well I had made it down to level 53 and then while trying to eat a salmonberry I accidentally backed up to the ladder and left the mines I decided it was getting too late to go back down and try again so back on the farm I used my remaining energy to clear some more debris until bed day 20 despite my unfortunate early exit from the mines yesterday night I was back there today determined to dive down even further I spent the whole day in the mines I even managed to swap out my wooden club with a crystal dagger a major and much needed upgraded Weapon by the end of the day I had reached level 67 and I headed back home just before it got too late day 21 the rain was pouring down which meant I had some more Community Center fish to catch I ventured down to the river where I caught myself a catfish and a shed I popped by Gunther again and handed over another Dwarven scroll where I was rewarded with some cauliflower seeds a bit too late to plant them now but hey thanks anyway Gunther up at the community center I handed over the catfish and the shed to go towards the river fish bundle but I wasn't finished just yet I had one more fish to catch which was the eel you can only catch it in the rain and after 4 pm it's always been a while on the pier waiting to hook it after a while I finally managed to catch one and I pass by the Community Center to hand it in before heading home and eventually to bid Demetrius popped by the farm the morning of day 22 offering to do something with maid cave my farm Cave of course gets your heads out of the gutter so I said I wanted fruit bats meaning my cave would fill up with free Fruit I mainly chose this option over the mushrooms to help with the community center bundles but anyway it was back to the mines today and I was putting my crystal dagger to good use I managed to get all the way down to level 80 and I upgraded my dagger once again to a bone sword which I think I enjoy using a lot more anyway but with having reached level 80 where gold oil spawns and some are just around the corner I farm for gold for the rest of the day this is because I want to make quality sprinklers heading into summer which requires gold bars to make normal sprinklers are fine but I don't want to look poor you know I return home with my haul of goodies put them away in my chest and I headed to bed overnight I managed to get to level 5 mining so I opted to go with the minor perk which adds one ore per vein I mind which is very handy to have in the early game day 23 the rain was once again pouring down so to avoid getting my beautiful hair whip I headed back to the mines where you guessed it I farm for more gold and also how did this frog get down here running back home felt quite Moody with all of this fog and with a bit of time left in the day I decided to take some materials over to the community center and complete the construction bundle which opened up the boiler room and the Vault and just before bedtime I cleared out some more of the farm day 24 my first strawberry Harvest was ready to go so I picked them all and dumped them straight into the shipping bin afterwards I gathered up everything I needed to complete every bundle in the boiler room and headed into town but before I could do that Leia showed me the community garden which I think is very wholesome I dropped off all of my goodies to The Boiler Room plug which completed it meaning that starting from tomorrow I will have the Minecarts to help me get around a lot easier I even got a couple of goodies back for completing all three bundles and since I was in the mood for some more Community Center completion I took a few more things from my chest to hand in and then it was back to the Mind grind where I spent the rest of the day resetting level 80 and farming for more gold overnight the junior most performed a sick-ass dance number which unlocked the Minecarts for me it was day 25 and from my mini trips down in the mines I had gathered up quite a horde of geodes so over at Clint's I had him break them all open for me after which I donated a bunch of new undiscovered minerals to Gunther at the Museum I repeated the process once again since I ran out of inventory space the first time then back on the farm I remembered my mining chest was full of stuff I could donate so I hauled them back to Gunther who was honestly probably having a field day watching all of these donations roll in I gathered up my rewards and I headed back to the farm to drop them off down at the beach I used some spear wood to repair the bridge over to the tide pools and did some foraging back on the farm I spent the rest of the night smelting oars and clearing some more debris off the farm mayor Lewis popped by the morning of Day 26 just to check up on me and I think that's lovely all I did today was clear out more of the farm and smelt oars into bars for those quality sprinklers I wanted to have for summer and uh yeah that's about it really day 27 provided with a bit more excitement because I was back in the mines this time I was resetting level 20 looking for copper as I was running a bit short by the afternoon I had gotten quite a lot of copper so I headed down to the museum once again where I donated a rusty spur up at Robbins I bought myself a whole heap of pathway crafting recipes because I wanted to spice up my farm a little bit which is what I spend the rest of the night doing you know usually I go for stone walkways and if you've seen my other how far can I get a 100 day series then you'll know fully while that I love my stone walkways so I decided to challenge myself and I went with the wooden walkways just to change it up a wee bit and honestly I was pretty happy with the final results this walkway will head up to my Hub area and this is where I'll put my chests and my furnaces I'm a big fan of the stone pathways in between the wooden paths though man I'm so good at decorating day 28 was the final day of spring my spring crops had grown just in time talk about cutting it close so I took them over to the community center where I completed the spring crops bundle back on the farm it was the second and final strawberry Harvest so I went along and picked my berries being the impatient person that I am I took them straight to Piers so I could have my gold now because I want it now also Morris came into the store and gave everyone more Jojo coupons which was a real kick in the teeth to Pierre considering he's outside every morning waving them around anyway what a duck anyway I spent the rest of of the day building my Hub area and moving everything over where I got to reorganize all of my chests you know I don't think there's anything more satisfying I added some torches around for light and I hit it to bed ready for summer day 29 I walked outside smelled the Sweet Summer here and got to work I went about removing my sprinklers and upgraded to some quality sprinklers I popped by peers to get myself 16 melon seeds with 16 fertilizer 96 blueberry seeds and the final backpack upgrade it did then occur to me I had forgotten to purchase my summer crop bundle seeds so one walk of shame backed appears again and I had everything I needed back on the farm I got to watering and planting my seeds the melons and fertilizer I need for the quality crops bundle the summer crops are obviously for the summer crops bundle and the blueberries are going to be my main source of income for the summer after A Hard Day's Work setting up my crop area I went to bed and dreamed about how awesome I am day 30 I woke up and checked to make sure I had set everything upright and it was looking pretty good I visited my fruit cave for the first time and cleared out a bunch of fruit before heading on over to Piers to get a poppy and a sunflower seed as their two flowers I'll need for Community Center bundles back on the farm I started to lay out plans for a big old tree farm now it wouldn't be a stardew playthrough with toxial if I didn't have a tree farm now would it I plan to fill up this first area with all oak trees and tap them with tappers for a whole bunch of Oak risen this is because I'm gonna need a lot of it for kig making when I eventually fill my farm with more ancient fruit and then I kind of just ran around the valley for a while don't ask me why I did I just did I did try very hard to hop on the swing but unfortunately I don't think that's possible before bed I added some more acorns to the tree farm and headed to sleep it was day 31 and I was woken up to a loud explosion before I could go investigate though Susan paid me a visit now she was the one stuck behind the rock fall which is now cleared I'll go and pay her a visit soon I think I managed to find the cause of said explosion last night and yeah it's a big old meteor but it's across the river so I'll deal with that later I then spent an hour waiting outside clints which is my favorite thing to do as you all know once inside I put my ex in for a copper upgrade and then I ventured up to the railway to visit Susan on Emerald Farm now don't get me wrong Susan I love kids too but that is the the most inefficient way to lay them out I mean you can't even reach the ones in the back she's obviously not a pro farmer like I am I moved on from Emerald farm and explored a little bit further north and came across a graveyard with a couple of goodies they're probably cursed but hey what's the Worst That Could Happen back in town I found Pierre and Morris having a lover's quarrel let's be real we ship them though and then I dropped off my summer forageables to the community center completing another bundle for the rest of the day I head up the mines collecting copper and any other materials I could get my hands on I passed by The Adventurous Guild to see what was up and then I headed to bid day 32 I spent back at the mines collecting iron resources and slaying monsters and uh yeah but that's about it day 33 I brave the rain and headed on over to the museum to drop off another dwarf scroll I had found before picking up my shiny new copper Ax from Clint's wasting no time at all I put my freshly upgraded ax to work cutting down trees in the cinder sat Forest which with the expanded mod adds a whole buttload more trees super handy for when I'm trying to make 400 kegs later on back on the farm I added a few more acorns to my tree farm and ventured down to the traveling cart where I bought myself a rear seat this is someone fall I can grow it and get myself a star drop which I totally remembered to do by the way that is something I definitely remembered to do but I thought it would be better to get it now in preparation and then I headed off to bed day 34 I turned to whole heap of bug meat and to bait loaded it up onto my fishing rod and headed out for a bit of fishing at the mountain lake I caught a sturgeon and down on the pier I caught a bunch of fish most importantly a tuna a tilapia and a puffer fish I dropped off my catches to the community center by evening time I respected chopping down trees for more wood and I made a start on decorating more of the farm by adding some grass and pine tree seeds I said goodnight to Samson and I headed to bid myself overnight I reached level 5 foraging so I went with the Forester perk which drops 25 percent more wood when chopping down trees and with all the trees with the expanded mud brings I'll have no excuse for not having enough wood it was day 35 and on this beautiful summer's day I decided to expand my tree farm a bit I thought this side of it could house Maple and pine trees with tappers on them for pine tar and maple syrup so I chipped away at it and by the afternoon I was pretty happy with the layout so I added in my tree seeds I then popped by Piers to get some more grass starter which I placed around my Hub area the rest of the night however I spent it down in the mines slaying monsters and collecting resource I found an infested floor on level 21 so I kept resetting it for slime kills which is an extra fun bonus fact for you if you find an infested floor and reset it then it'll always be an infested floor but just for that day day 36 I was contemplating the loneliness of being a farmer and dreamed of having some friends so I cleared out one of these massive fenced areas where I planned to have some animal friends join me on my farm of course it wouldn't be a farm without a space for machine so I made this little spot for them and fenced it off which I think looks really nice I know jokes meant all day on this but it was worth it because I don't want to be so lonely anymore to say that you're fine when you're not really fine but you just can't get into it because they would never I spend the morning of day 37 contemplating what to do for the day but then I decided a good use of my time could be spent collecting gold and resources so that is exactly what I did by the late afternoon I was bored of the mine so I spent the rest of my energy chopping down trees for wood before calling it an early night day 38 my poppy and sunflower were all growing up so I picked them and headed on over to the community center to drop them off down in the mines is where I spent most of the day though collecting resources and slaying monsters it wasn't until later on that night I was lucky enough to receive a second ancient seed [Laughter] I continued grinding away in the mines until late and I hit her back home to sort my inventory and plant my second ancient seed day 39 I started out my day by finding a chicken statue artifact and today was the valley luau but seeing as there was a whole nother area to the west of the valley I decided to see if I could catch any cool fish I hadn't caught yet from this bridge I did catch a minnow which is a tiny little fish I mean look how cute it is but it was time for the luau so I grabbed a gold Quality Spice Berry and headed on down to the beach I chucked it into the potluck soup and hoped the mayor liked it where's the lamb sauce no I'm just kidding he liked it when I left though it was already 10 p.m meaning I had been on the beach for a whole 10 hours what could I have possibly been doing for 10 hours you know what let's just move on day 40 on my way into town that morning I came across another good looking boy called Dusty of course I gave him some pets over at the Museum I handed my chicken statue over to Gunther and headed on down to the beach to do some foraging I did manage to dig up a starfish so I went back to Gunther's to donate it I set myself up on the pier and decided to do some fishing for the day I then fished up an anchor so back to Gump as I went to donate it I then managed to fish up an ornamental fans uh back to Gunther's I went to donate it I did fish up another type of starfish who I will admit looks very cute but it was getting late so back on the farm I organized my stuff back into my chest dumped my fish into the shipping bin put some iron into my furnaces and called it a night day 41 my melons were ready for Harvest I went along and picked them all I dumped them into the shipping bin and I kept five for the bundle I headed into town where I dropped off the melons to the community center and got enough melons to replant back on the farm just for some extra cash I popped by Robins to purchase myself a coop which I placed in my new animal area and I was that much closer to having some friends on my lonely lonely Farm but there was no time to wallow and despair so I dived into the mines to slay monsters and collect more resources I spent the rest of the day there and just before I got too late I headed home to drop off my spoils and go to bed it was day 42 and my blueberries were finally ready to harvest so I went along and picked them all and my summer crops are ready to be harvested too so I picked them as well I journeyed into town where I found Demetrius by the fountain then he decided to give me a quick history lesson about the valley I agreed but make this quick man I got to do after that invigorating talk I completed the summer crops bundle in the community center sold my blueberries to Pierre and put my ax in for an iron upgrade at Clint's down on the beach I did a bit of foraging before hitting up the mines again for gold resources and slaying monsters which is exactly what I did until bedtime day 43 I was straight back to the my lines and resetting level 40 for more iron and stuff which is pretty much where I spent the whole day day 44 my very first ancient fruit was ready to be picked look at it in all its Glory my ex was also ready to be collected so I stopped by Clint's to pick it up I put it to good use by opening up the secret Woods which can only be accessed with an iron X and my goodness me this area has been vastly expanded which is fantastic for collecting hardwood I managed to find some new forageables including a poison mushroom a four-leaf clover and some red Bain Berry I found the old Master cannoli statue that's been way too long trying to get to him through this like little maze thing I honestly didn't even make it to him I just gave up defeated I slowly made my way back to the farm from the secret Woods good to know I can easily access it from the farm though I did some reorganizing of chests before heading to bed early was I embarrassed by today's events yes do I want to talk about it no I started off day 45 by getting myself a barn from Robbins which I placed next to my coop I then cleared out the trees from the backwoods as I was trying to make up for all the wood I had just spent on the barn I then continued my tree chopping Rampage down into the cindersapp forest and ended up chopping trees for the rest of the day day 46 was another round of blueberries ready for Harvest so I got to picking I headed straight to Pierre's but of course I had to wait outside I sold all my blueberries to him where I made a pretty penny off of them all and using some of my newfound wealth I put my pickaxe in for a steel upgrade I then went for a walk around the valley where I stumbled into Sofia Blue Moon Vineyard again who kindly gave me a quality sprinkler I fished down at the river for a bit before getting bored and heading up to the mountain lake for a change of scenery although Abigail was there for a while and kind of just stared into the distance for ages you know I wonder what she was looking at oh back on the farm I dropped my fish into the shipping bin and decided to head to bed day 47 I popped by marnies to get myself some chicken friends for the farm I called one Doug and the other June I love them and they will be my friends forever I did lose them for a bit though because they're tiny so I had to follow the moving grass to find them I then made a few tappers to put on some of my trees that had grown over in the tree farm and headed on down to the traveling cart to see what was for purchase nothing good as usual so uh thanks for nothing but the rest of the day I swung my ex around chopping trees in the cinder sat forest for wood which took me all the way to sleep time the morning of day 48 started out with some peaceful foraging on the beach I even found a sand dollar and I got my new and improved steel pickaxe from Clint's and then it was time to hit the mines again but this time I was heading for the bottom on floor 90 I got myself the obsidian edge sword and by the end of the day I had made it all the way down to level 100 where I discovered my first star drop star drops increase your overall energy and there are seven to collect so one down six to go day 14 know and I started my day breaking rocks and saying hello to my new friends June and Doug with my barn now complete I paid Mania visit and bought myself another friend Fergie the cow she was a little shy at first but I'm sure she'll warm up to me over at Clint's I popped my Hoenn for a copper upgrade and headed back to the farm where yes this is controversial but I tore the wooden paths down I know I know I know I said I always use Stone paths but there's a reason for that and I was not warming to the wooden paths one bit so for the rest of the day I worked on the exterior remodel I didn't have enough time yesterday to finish it so I continued to work on day 50 to finish it off and after painstakingly putting all of my chest back in place after moving them I was much happier with how it looked I took a quick pause at my creative stride to harvest some blueberries and then I was right back to it I won't lie I had some real trouble working out a furnace area I had literally changed it about five times so if you see it change just know at some point it'll all work out but after two days of work this is what I had come up with and I am much happier with how this looks you see stone walkways never let me down day 51 another ancient fruit had grown so I picked it and put it away for safekeeping I popped by a cleanse and I got my copperhoe and swapped it out for a watering can upgrade I pop by Robins to get myself a barn upgrade but I forgot it was Tuesday so I swear every time I walk into Robin's something into Tuesday the one day she doesn't work because she goes to Pilates feeling sad and stupid I headed into the forest to commit heinous acts of deforestation by chopping down all the trees for wood but they go back so it's okay back on the farm that evening I wanted to see what stone pathways around the tree farm would look like and uh yeah I quickly got rid of them and I just headed to bed day 52 I waited very patiently for Robins to open and I finally got my barn upgrade afterwards I headed up to the mines where I spent the rest of the day around level 20 farming for copper as I was running low and I needed lots of tappers for my tree farm day 53 I said hello to Fergie June and Doug and pop by clints to pick up my watering can afterwards it was back to the mines and back to the Grind this time I was mining around level 40. this was so I could collect iron for kids and slay dust Sprites for coal not to mention dust break kills to get the burglars ring now the burglars ring is a ring that increases mob drop rates and it is a super useful ring to have but you need 500 dust bright kills so it'll take a bit of time I ended up spending the whole day in the mines I ended up with 176 iron ore so hey it's not a bad effort if you ask me the rain was once again pouring down on day 54 but my blueberries and melons were we're ready to harvest so I didn't mind I did make some lightning rods because there was Thunder in the air and I hope it would strike a few of them to get me some batteries in the meantime I popped by Gunther at the Museum and donated the last dwarf scroll which gave me the dwarves translation guide meaning I could Now understand the dwarf and the mines not that I've really spoken to him before anyway so I took a quick detour down to the beach and did some foraging before fishing for a red snapper which I caught first go it was the last ocean fish I needed so I took it up to the community center and completed another bundle I once again changed up my furnace area by adding in more I swear it's like poxtu make up your damn mind already and I was one short too so what did I do I changed it of course no it's not quite right okay that's a little better day 55 I think I was getting closer to the perfect furnace area so I worked on that for a bit by late morning I had this and I was digging this a lot more than the other one clearly I was in a decorative mood today because I took some tree seeds and planted them around to spice up my hubby area a bit I then paid Mani a visit and got Fergie a new friend Bumbo the goat I popped my peers to give myself some grass starter and back on the farm I laid it all down for the rest of the night I kind of just potted around the farm smelting quartz until bedtime day 56 was the final day of summer I started my day off with a quick trip up to Robin's where I purchased myself a coop upgrade then I gathered some exotic foraging items and completed another bundle over at the community center that afternoon I extended my farm area with another eight sprinklers as I was gearing up for the full season and to pass some time I chopped trees down for wood around the cindercept forest I stayed up way past my bedtime to attend seeing the Moonlight jellies but when you have a banger track like this how can you say no [Music] [Music] welcome to fall it's now day 57 and as you would expect on the first day of a new season I got to sorting out my crops I prepped the crop area by getting rid of old plants hoeing the ground and watering it I popped by peers to get 16 corn seeds and then win all out on pumpkin seeds as I plan to put them into kegs to make some more cash in the long run usually I'd go for cranberries but our budget doesn't allow for that just yet I did also get 16 fertilizers so that I can guarantee five gold quality corn for the quality crops bundle back on the farm I got to planting and got some chores done before heading down to the cinder snap Forest to chop some wood for the rest of the day day 58 another ancient fruit was ready for Harvest so I picked it and stored it away seeing as I had some animal friends now I thought it would be nice to have a path through the top of my animal area so I spent a bit of time working on that speaking of animals since Robin had finished my coop upgrade I paid Mani another visit to purchase myself Roger the duck and I got some Haywire while I was there but then back on the farm Marnie decided to come and visit me where she told me animals won't actually wander out of the fenced areas anyway too little too late money too little too late over in town I found Robert and Lewis putting up the special quiz board and I can't wait to get into work on some of those soon it then dawned on me I hadn't bought my full crops yet so I quickly ran to Piers before he closed to get them and back on the farm I planted them around my sprinkler I wasn't done there though as I managed to find a hazelnut so off I went to the community center where I completed the full foraging bundle and for good measure I completed the Crab Pot bundle too which rewarded me with a few crab pots so down at the beach I set up my crab pots and did some foraging and then I finally went to bid day 59 I went around saying hello to all of my animal friends before spending the day committing heinous acts of deforestation once again but it's okay because they grow back and I was collecting wood for Robin's special quest which I think I picked up yesterday while I was there I picked up a mushroom colony and then I went back to chopping trees which I did for the rest of the day okay day 60 I woke up to a letter from Robin congratulating me on obtaining 1 000 wood and I had blueprints for a stone chest a few more trees had grown in my tree farm so I put some of that wood I gathered yesterday to good use by tapping more trees which did use up quite a lot of my copper and since I was running low I hit up the mines for the rest of the day to replenish some of it I even got my hands on another ancient seed artifact which I can turn into a plantable ancient seed and save for later I started day 61 doing some chores around the farm saying hello to animals smelting oars and making some machines for animal products I then ventured into the secret Woods to gather up some more hardwood and forageables but I was up to danger and what better way to get that than down in the mines I had my sights set on the bottom again and that's where I started to hid by the end of the day I had managed to reach level 110 where I picked up some snazzy purple boots I continued my journey to the Bono the mines on day 62 and by the early afternoon I had cruised my way down to level 120 where I received the key in the shape of a skull I'm sure I'll find out what that's for later on back on the farm I did some organizing of chests and kind of just ran around aimlessly so I decided to call it in early for the night and get some sleep Loop day 63 it was raining and I had the intention of catching some more fish for the community center I perched up by the river and fished until I had both a tiger trout and a walleye it took a while but by the late afternoon I had both so I ran them up to the community center where I handed them in to complete the night fishing bundle and river fish bundle which just left the specialty fish bundle to complete the fish tank back on the farm I shipped away my other catches and again wandered around the farm aimlessly now look I like to think I'm being productive and planning stuff out of my head but I honestly cannot remember so I'm just gonna go over there day 64 I was on a mission to complete the animal bundle but I needed a large cow's milk and goat's milk so off to marnies I went to get the milk pale but for some reason she wasn't in today I even checked her little shed and nope still not there ah never mind I found her she's just down there oh well I guess I'll just have to come back another time I passed by the special Quest board to pick up Clint's cave Patrol quest which tasked me to slay 50 bets and then tucked the minecart up to the mines I then spent the rest of day 64 all the way to day 68 down in the mines around level 40. that is no joke and if you're wondering why I was down there for so long I'll elaborate I had a few things I wanted to achieve I wanted to complete Clint's special Quest I wanted to slave 500 dust Sprites for the burglars ring and I needed to get a ton of coal the only other note were the things that happened were on day 66 a witch came along and gave me a void egg which I put into incubation and on day 67 I made my first lot of gigs which I placed down below my crops but it all paid off because on the afternoon of day 68 I emerged from the mines after four days in a row Victorious not only had I managed to slay 500 dust Sprites but I had slain 50 bets and completed Clint's special Quest also I had slain 200 bets completing another monster Slayer goal not to mention all the resources I had gathered I walked into the adventurous Guild I took my rewards and I headed home that afternoon I stopped by the traveling card who was once again selling nothing of Interest then for the rest of the night I chopped trees in the pouring rain which I won't lie was a nice change of pace from four straight days in the mines it was funny number day and I finally remembered to buy The Milk Pail and shares from Mani which I took back to the farm and I used on my animals in between putting the cow's milk and goat milk into my cheese press I was chopping down trees in the cindercept forest and when both cheese was ready I took them along with some fruit to the community center where I finally completed the Artisan bundle with not much else to do for the rest of the night I just headed back to bed Day 70 was my first pumpkin harvest so I gathered them all up shoved what I could into my kids and made a fancy new stone chest to put the remaining pumpkins into I popped my peers to buy some more pumpkin seeds but I ran out of money so I headed back to the farm I picked up my gold quality pumpkins to sell to pee here and use the money to buy the rest of the seeds I needed and back on the farm I planted them more now you may be thinking poxil don't you need five gold quality pumpkins for the quality crops bundle and to that I say yes yes I do I am dumb but not to worry though I'll just have to save five gold pumpkins for the next Harvest for the rest of the night I just chopped down trees for wood I did find Abigail lurking about who asked me if she should dye her hair I tried what I thought was the nice answer and uh I got some sass back and you know after what happened in the last 100 day series I think it's best that we stay friends Abigail overnight I managed to get to level 10 farming and I chose the Artisan perk so that my pumpkin juice would sell for a lot more gold day 71 my corn was ready for Harvest not only that but with my four crops grown too I now had everything to complete the bundle so off I went to the community center to complete it all I needed for the greenhouse now was the quality cops bundle of course it was the quality College bundle why would I I was rewarded with a bee house though so I placed it down next to my lightning rods which by the way haven't produced a single battery I I have had zero thunderstorms and it's getting ridiculous all I can hope is that I get a thunderstorm soon and I can stock up on batteries then that afternoon I started work on a pathway which leads in from the northern entrance of my farm in between my tree farms I went with a stone walkway with grass in the middle which I do quite like I put some grass around the tree farm which honestly looks way better than stone pathways and that night I moved my lightning rods to be hidden behind the coupon barn out of sight out of mine since they're bloody useless at the moment it was the stardew Valley Fair on Day 72 I gathered up some items out of my limited range of stuff I had collected so far and headed into town I set up my beautiful Grange display and started to get working on some star tokens I played both the target game and fishing game before spending way too long trying to gamble in on the spinning wheel but in no time at all I had enough tokens to buy my second star drop and a rare Crow from the shop Lewis then judged our displays and I ended up getting sick in place not too shabby for my first fear and with that it was time to hit home and to bid day 73 my animals had given me everything I needed to complete the animal bundle over at the community center so that's exactly where I headed and I was rewarded with another cheese press which I placed next to my other one I then crafted and used some fertilizer on the last of my baby trees because I was so close to having a full tree farm over in town I stopped by the special Quest board and picked up Robin's Project Quest which tasked me to collect 80 hardwood and since the secret Forest had been expanded I have a feeling this is going to be a piece of cake so that's where I headed to chop some hardwood I did also find a new forageable called Rafflesia at least I think that's how it's pronounced I don't know it was getting dark so I headed back to the farm and straight to sleep day 74 a bunch of Oak prison was ready to be collected so I made some more tappers collected my Oak resin and tapped the untapped trees I did this at the same time so they'd all be ready again at the same time it's just more satisfying that way using the old reason I made a bunch more Kegs and collected up my first batch of pumpkin juice which I dropped into the shipping bin having been through my copper reserves making all of those kegs own decided to hit up to the mines where I spent the rest of the day farming for copper and resources day 75 my corn was ready for another Harvest although I don't need them for anything a little bit of extra cash never hurt nobody my void chicken had finally hatched and I called her June look how cute and little she looks isn't she just so cute I just want to give her a little hug being a Friday the traveling car was also here and since Zeus was taking a vacation and giving me no lightning I have no choice but to hope the traveling card has some batteries for me which it did not I mean why would it I then made a seed maker and decided to turn all of my ancient fruit I had collected into seeds that afternoon I head up the mines to farm for coal from dust brights with my burglars ring but then halfway through I suddenly remembered Robin's special quest to eat Eddie hardwood and did a quick 180 and headed on back over to the secret Woods to chops and stunts afterwards I dumped everything into my chest and called it a night overnight I did hurt level 10 Mining and chose the prospect to perk which doubles your chance of finding coal good for the early game but I'll probably change this later on it was day 76 and I started my day saying hello to all of my animals before heading back into the secret Forest to collect the last of the hardwood I needed for Robin's Quest back on the farm I went about clearing the debris in front of this bridge and I added a nice stone walkway from the bridge onto the farm then for the rest of the day I dove down into the mines collecting copper and resources day 77 I had somehow forgotten about Robin's special Quest yet again until today so on the final day to complete it I patiently waited outside before heading inside and dropping off the hardwood to her back on the farm I added four chests to the hub area which finished it off I'm sure I'll find a use for these at some point although it's not very visible I did add a small path from the main path to the fruit cave and then continued to work on my paths around the farm I removed some paths from the furnace area extended the pathway just above it and added this long pathway from the tree farm all the way down to the southernmost Farm entrance and after a long day of path laying I headed to bed day 78 another batch of pumpkin juice was ready for me to collect so I collected it all up then I went back and re-kicked them with more pumpkins I collected some maple syrup from my tree farm before paying Pierre a visit to get some instant profit from my pumpkin juice oh yeah look at all that gold with my newfound wealth I took off to the community center where in a baller move I purchased every Vault bundle which will unlock the bus overnight one of the rewards was a crystallerium which replicates any mineral you put in it so I decided to put in a diamond that afternoon I headed on over to the secret Woods to collect more hardwood truth be told I was wanting to get a stable but unfortunately I didn't have enough hardwood I even found a morale which if you've seen my first 100 day series you know is the bane of my existence but not this run back on the farm I was experimenting with different materials to spice up the main Pathways and I was loving how the stone pathway was working with the stone walkway so I kept it also Samson and I had a cute moment together I did some more pathway Renovations around the tree farm and took away these parts which makes it look way nicer before bed I made the path to the fruit cave a bit bigger it's hard to say but trust me me I did and then I called it in for the night and overnight just as expected the junior most performed a wonderful show number which magically repaired the bus meaning I could now visit the desert I spent day 79 on a mission to complete the last fish tank bundle the specialty fish bundle over in the mines I caught a ghost fish over in the desert I did some exploration since this area has also changed from the expanded mod does this just keep on going like is this endless or is oh no okay it does stop I met a woman named Sandy who seems very lonely and I caught myself a sand fish back in the valley I popped by the secret Woods to catch the last fish I needed a wood Skip and pop by the community center where I completed the last fish tank bundle and then with not much left to do I kind of just headed to bid day 80 I started out with visiting Clint to open some geodes I had been hoarding I opened them all and I popped by Gunther to donate what I could to the museum where I got myself another rare Crow as a reward I was still after hardwood for my stable though so I headed off to the secret Woods for a bit where I chopped down some stumps to get some while I was there I dug up an ancient fernseed now I have no idea what this is but I will definitely be planting that in summer up by the mountain lake the glittering Rock had been removed and Willie gave me a copper pan to go panning you know I'm sure this will come in handy for something but I can't quite put my finger on it over at Robin's I walked in on an argument about Robin's new hardwood bed so of course I took Robin's side take that Demetrius and then I finally got myself a stable which will be ready in two days I even picked up two more Morels on the way back home so now I have no excuse not to have one for the rest of the day I kind of just ran around the farm planning things out of my head you know as I do the rain was pouring down on day 81 was there late thing though no of course not I got rid of my ancient fruit plants as they wouldn't Sprout any more fruit before dying in the winter and I extended the pathway all the way to the main path I then emptied my Tapas of its Oak resin and decided to go and collect wood I plan on making a lot of Kegs and I want to make sure I have sufficient wood after hours of wood chopping I'd came back home made my kegs placed them down by the others and headed to bed day 82 another batch of pumpkin juice was ready so I collected it all up and tossed in the last remaining pumpkins also Robin had finished my stable and I called my new friend Sally to welcome her onto the farm I gave her a lovely straw hat and doesn't she look beautiful I did have a small patch of land in front of my house so I added a pine tree with some grass you know just add a bit of pizzazz Sally and I rode down to the traveling cart which was selling nothing good as usual before heading to the mines to farm for iron and resources for the rest of the day day 83 started out with my second and final pumpkin harvest I put away my pumpkins into the pumpkin chest and yes I remembered to save five gold ones but on my way to the community center I forgot the spirit seed Festival was being set up so I couldn't even get in so instead I headed up to Robin's where I splashed down and got myself a big Coop upgrade to fill in time before the festival that night I dove down into the mines to farm for more iron and resources but after a while it was finally time to head to the spirits e Festival I said hello to the Pumpkin King bought myself a rare Crow from the stall and then dove into the maze which by the way is different to the normal one so it actually took me a while to figure out which was super fun I won't lie I grabbed my golden pumpkin I ran out of the Maze and I headed home to bed day 84 was the final day of fall and I found an owl statue in my animal area so I put it up on the hill overlooking my farm hopefully it won't give me any bad juju with access to the community center now free with no events I dropped off my five gold quality pumpkins and finally completed the pantry which will give me access to the greenhouse from Tomorrow onwards I rode Sally down to Marty's round tray stocked up on Hay for the incoming winter season and got two heaters so my animals won't be cold I then decided I wasn't a fan of the grass between my Pathways as I was the stone paths so I swapped it out and honestly I'm pretty glad I did I think it looks way better and for the final time I reorganized my furnace area to look a little better I popped my peers to grab some grass starter which I placed around my farm like my furnace area by the fruit cave and outside my animal area and it was looking pretty good I took away the extra layer of path around the furnace area and it was perfect that is the definition of trust the process we got there eventually but the rest of the night I rode Sally around the farm somewhat planning out the final days of these 100 days in my head and overnight the greenhouse was restored all ready for me to use [Music] it was day 85 in the first day of winter I made sure all my animals were looked after before handing out into the valley in town I passed by the special Quest board and picked up the Curious substance quest which tasked me to find ectoplasm in a slain ghost I then visited the beach where I dug up a few snow yams and found a single crocus flower in the cindercept forest but I had at least one of each winter forageable so off I went to the community center where I completed the last crafts room bundle I found krobus wandering around so of course I followed him up to the playground where I spooked him and in return he gave me a magnifying glass foreign meaning I could Now find secret notes back on the farm I planted my winter seeds as they're the only seeds you can plant outside in Winter just before bed while heading to the secret Forest I found another crocus flower and inside the woods I kept digging up beer berries I'm not too sure what they're for but they look delicious back on the farm I made 10 more winter seeds planted them and decided to light up my tree farm with some torches overnight the junamos danced their little hearts out actually I don't know if they have hearts but the bridge was fixed and I now had access to the Quarry day 86 another batch of pumpkin juice was ready to be collected and after re-kicking some more pumpkins I headed to Piers for some instant profits while I was there I got myself an apple tree sapling in an apricot tree sapling up at Robbins I moved the greenhouse closer onto the farm for convenience reasons and got myself a big barn upgrade back on the farm I checked out my new greenhouse and planted my apple and apricot trees I then suddenly remembered about the Wizard's special Quest I picked up yesterday so off I went to the mines [Music] oh well that went a lot better than I thought it would with some time left in the night I headed on over to the wizard and handed over the ectoplasm I headed back home and called it in for the night day 87 I received a mini Obelisk crafting blueprint in the mail from The Wizard for my efforts yesterday which was very nice of him over in town I found Morris waving coupons around probably because he knows he's going out of business soon if he took a look in the community center and then it was off to the desert for my first skull Cavern run I was sure to be very careful as I descended through the caverns as I didn't have the best of gear but I did manage to survive I managed to walk away with a few iridium ore and even a rabbit's foot which is something I need for the community center after a successful run in the cabins I went to bed and I dreamed about how awesome I am it was day 88 and another batch of Oak resin was ready to be collected I only had the bulletin board lifter completed in the community center so I gathered everything I had and headed on over there I handed in everything I had completed the field research bundle and I only had a few more things left to get to finish the community back on the farm I made a start planting my ancient fruit with some speed grow since I've had zero lightning over the course of the last 88 days I can't make any iridium sprinklers over which I need six to fill up the greenhouse with ancient fruit so I'd have to go back to watering them every day until I managed to find the materials to make the sprinklers like a peasant oh and I also planted my rear seed because I forgot to do that whoopsies I then pop by robins and got myself a silo I love my animals but I'm sick of feeding them every day because I'm lazy and a silo with a deluxe Coupe and a deluxe Barn lets you auto feed your animals that night I didn't achieve all too much so I just headed to bed early Evelyn paid me a visit the morning of day 89 Brave to be out on the cold but hey she look happy anyway she gave me a garden pot and a blueprint to make more Sam hey thanks Evelyn to start the day I awarded my ancient fruit before heading on over to Pierre's where I bought the remaining fruit trees and back home I planted them in my Greenhouse I then popped by marnies where I bought two new friends Fred the sheep and Sir George the rabbit right after that I finished tapping every tree in my tree farm and it was all done and finished for the rest of the day I cleared out debris from my other fenced area and ended up finding a hidden path that comes up beside the traveling car very handy day 90 I was back to watering my ancient fruit collecting pumpkin juice re-kicking more pumpkins and collecting corporate resources from the mines which about sums up my day honestly Pierre showed up at my door the morning of day 91 leading me no about a stock for next year which sounds pretty promising with gold coming out of my ears now from all that pumpkin juice I paid Mania visit to stock up on Hay and get a new friend Ron the pig in my humble opinion Ron is a fantastic Pig name and then it was back to the grind and the mind's collecting anything and everything I could get my grubby little hands on which pretty much took up the whole day oh I did pop by The Adventurous Guild where I met Alicia and picked up the hard hat for completing a monster Slayer goal and slaying 30 total Dougies which I gave to Sally because you can never be too careful day 92 my winter seeds were ready to be picked and I promptly turned them back into even more seeds which I then planted again stonks am I right and I also warded my ancient fruit I'm not going to include that in my daily recap anymore because it's tedious so just assume I'm doing it but today was the Ice Festival and more importantly the ice fishing competition I bought another rare Crow from the trembling cart lady and then it was time for the competition which and I don't want to brag here I freaking smashed everyone I received my winnings and I hid it home day 93 I gave Sally in my sailor head I had one yesterday because why not she looks amazing my morning started with a few chores around the farm before heading to the museum and dropping off an artifact I had found a few days ago while in the mines over by the special Quest board I picked up the Prismatic jelly quest which tasked me to find and slay The elusive Prismatic slime for its Prismatic jelly now this Quest has given me trouble before and that is certainly not going to change this time from Days 93 to 95 I scoured the mines looking for this damn slime do you think I could find it absolutely not the only other things that happened during this time was on Day 94 I got myself a pond from Robin and I got another batch of pumpkin juice aside from that I was down on the mines going from floor to floor hoping to see that color changing slime but then on day 96 I to you not their very first floor I picked there it was and there was only one thing left to do foreign I rode Sally down to the wizard where I accidentally stumbled upon his basement library and then I handed him the Prismatic jelly afterwards I did a little bit of snooping which I probably shouldn't have and back home I tried to place my other Prismatic jelly on the table but it wouldn't let me I then worked on some parthing around my new Pond and made plans for where the next two were gonna go I don't know what it is about these wooden planks around the ponds but I don't know it just looks so good I kind of just mooched around the farm for the rest of the night so I went a bit early day 97 I received the monster musk recipe for my work on completing the Prismatic jelly Quest yesterday which is going to come in very handy when completing monster Slayer goals up at Robbins I took over some supplies and asked her to upgrade my house and of course she said yes I then no drug chopped down trees for the rest of the day day 98 had collected up my final batch of pumpkin juice which I then dumped into the shipping bin and headed on down to the beach I popped into Willy's to buy myself the Iridium fishing rod and put it to use fishing out on the pier I spent most of the day out here fishing but just before bed I stopped by the traveling cart it's no surprise has disappointed me once again day 19 9 my winter seeds were ready to be picked again so I went along and collected them turned them all back into seeds and filled up my crop area with them I did stop by Robins but she wasn't there I wanted to buy a couple of things but I may have to come back another day I passed by the special Quest board in town and picked up the juicy bug quest which tasked me with you guessed it killing bugs Sally and I then waited patiently for the first night of the Night Market to open and believe it or not the traveling cart was selling batteries and five of them it's like a miracle I took the submarine down to do some deep sea fishing and tried so hard to catch a blobfish but it wasn't meant to be unfortunately I did catch quite a few midnight squid and spook fish though back home I placed down two candy canes I had bought because you know why not I think they look great but it was getting late so I headed to bid and finally day 100. I did some chores around the farm and found Clint lurking about this Boulder but he was adamant he could move it and invited me back to his shop to figure it out but maybe I'll save that for the next 200 nice but as is a tradition in all of my 100 Days videos on the final day I soaked in the spa and relaxed I did pull myself to the night market once again to check the vendors but they weren't selling anything good and with that I hit it home and finished up the final day in this 100 day series [Music] I emerged on day 101 to the frosty air of winter back on the farm once again I took a deep breath and I got to work in my Greenhouse I got to watering my ancient fruit as I still don't have any iridium sprinklers for them just yet and of course I went and said hello to my beautiful animal friends Sally and I rode down to Sophia on Blue Moon Vineyard as you all told me in the comments from the first 100 days that you could buy sprinklers from her although she doesn't sell iridium ones this would have been great to know last time but that age Blue Moon wine gives you plus seven Lux so I may be back for that one at some point soon another thing you mentioned to me in the comments from the last video was to befriend the wizard so I took a void Essence down to him where I accidentally completed a quest instead of gifting it to him I quickly pop by Robins to get myself a calendar which will make keeping a track of birthdays a whole lot easier I rode Sally back to the cinder sap forest and handed rasmodius another void Essence turns out it was his birthday today so that's even better outside I found him working some of his magic where he was fortifying the boundaries around the valley to protect us all from monsters so uh hey thanks for that that night Sally and I headed down to the final night of the Night Market where I took the submarine down to the ocean floor and finally caught myself a blobfish I headed back to the farm where I set up three stone chests in the kitchen to hold all of my fish that I end up catching because expanded adds in so much more content I'm gonna turn into quite the hoarder over the next 200 days I finally went to sleep in my first day back on the farm was over it was day 102 and it was time to complete Willie's juicy bugs wanted special Quest I collected up a batch of Oak resin and took the mine carts up to the mines I popped on some of that new Calvin Klein monster musk smell and got to work lucky for me flawed 21 was an infested floor and with monster musk increasing monster spawn rate this quiz was gonna be a Breeze by the early morning I had gathered enough bug meat so down to the beach I went where I shoved it all into a bin after doing some foraging on the beach and sorting my full inventory back into my chests I spent the rest of the day fishing on the pier I dumped the fish I had caught into my chest that night and I headed to bed day 103 was Marlon's birthday I whipped up a fresh brew of Life Elixir and I headed up to the adventurers Guild I found Marlon standing on a small Pier watching the snowfall and I handed him the alive Alexa and then he told me Pierre had shown him the pumpkin juice I had sold to him now that's a cool piece of dialogue over at the Museum I paid our old mate Gunther a visit and donated a rusty spoon before heading down to the wizard and handing him another gift I mean hey you guys told me to befriend the Wizards and that's exactly what I'm gonna do I rode Sally to the secret Woods where I chopped some stumps down for hardwood and back on the farm I started clearing the way up to this old looking shed however my steel pickaxe just isn't quite strong enough to break this media in the way so it looks like I'll have to come back with a stronger pickaxe for the rest of the night I kind of just stared eerily out across my farm before calling it a night I started day 104 handing Evelyn a beautiful diamond for her birthday today because she deserves it I mean I can't even imagine having to put up with George so yeah she really deserves this while I was in town I popped by clints where he asked me to collect 20 iridium ore and 20 coal to make that bomb he mentioned at the end of the first 100 days as he wanted to clear away to the summit I put my pickaxe in for a gold upgrade while I was there and headed past Robbins where I commissioned a second Pond to be built on my farm back home I was looking at what I still needed to collect to complete the community center so I quickly went over to peers to get some cooking stuff and back in my kitchen I whipped up a fried egg and a marquee roll down at Marty's I bought myself some hay tin I'll keep for the community center and the rest I'll shove into my Silo I then visited the community center and handed over my items before fishing in the river for a while after such a hectic morning this is nice so nice in fact I stayed there until it got late day 105 I started my day riding Sally down to the traveling cart I was on the lookout for more batteries since my lightning rods had proven themselves useless in the last 100 days but unfortunately she wasn't selling any today disappointed I headed back home where I fixed up some paths and kind of aimlessly rode Sally around the farm that afternoon though things got a lot more exciting when I found Marlin on his little pier who said he wanted to show me something we headed into town where he unlocked the sewers and we headed on down this is when I met a shy looking shadow person named crobus and I swore not to tell another living soul in the the valley about him afterwards Marlon handed me a key to the Sewer so hey that's a bonus so of course I went to see what rare Goods Krogers had for sale I purchased myself a recipe for void salmon sushi and another star drop it was also at this point that I remembered krobes salsa iridium sprinklers albeit It Was Won every Friday but hey there was still way better than what I had now which was nothing so as I left I swore to crowbase I'd be back next Friday back on the farm I put some iridium or I head into my furnaces and headed up to the mountain lake where I fished away the rest of the day before bed that night though I caught myself a sturgeon which I then chucked into one of my fishing ponds this is because their row when put into preserved jars produces caviar and look I even made a little sign for them day 106 my winter seeds had once again produced a full field of forageables I went along Gathering them all up turned them back into seeds planted what I could and shipped the excess off for some extra cash with my three iridium bars melted I had just enough materials to craft three iridium sprinklers which I placed in the greenhouse Sally and I then rode through town and on over to Clint's where I picked up my gold pickaxe and swapped it out for a gold X upgrade heading back home I passed by the special Quest board again where I accepted Gus's famous omelette quest which tasked me to collect and hand over two dozen eggs with my new and improved gold pickaxe I got to Breaking that meteor and once I did I hit it inside I won't lie it's looking a bit worse for wear at the moment but I'm sure I'll have it back to working standards in no time at all I then decided to head up the mines and I headed down to level 100 as I wanted to catch myself a lava eel and okay I'll level with it this is only because I wanted to breed them in my second Pond back in the farmers they turned the water red and it looks cool but do you think I could catch one no of course I couldn't I honestly just ended up filling my pockets full of trash so much so that I gave up and I just decided to head back home I did manage to put down one more iridium sprinkler into my Greenhouse though so it wasn't all too bad I guess and since it was getting late I decided to head to bid overnight I hit Level 10 foraging and opted to go with the Lumberjack perk which gives you a chance to to get hardwood when chopping down regular trees it was day 107 and Leah's birthday but before I could go and see her I wanted to get my third and final Pond for the farm so I waited outside in the freezing cold I love waiting for shops to open I got inside and suddenly realized it was a Tuesday meaning Robin wouldn't be working today but if you pull a fast one you can still purchase things as she walks past the counter so I caught her just in time and commissioned the final Pond back on the farm I gathered up some maple syrup and artisanal items before heading out once again to The Saloon and this was to get a salad for Leah's birthday I went back to collecting trash on floor 100 and the mines trying once again to catch a damn lava eel but I managed to catch one and I could not be more relieved with some time still left in the day I passed by the saloon again to hand Leah her birthday gift and back on the farm I dropped my lava eel into the second Pond I even made a little sign for them day 108 the snow was coming down and it was the perfect day to hand the wizard another gift over in town I was back at Clint's picking up my newly upgraded gold ax and upgrading my hoe to Steel I then took the minecart over to the Quarry for the first time where I ventured through the Quarry mine fighting through hordes of slimes and flying skulls I finally made it to the statue in one piece where I acquired the golden Scythe for the rest of the day I put my shiny new X to use chopping trees and collecting wood before bed day 109 was Christmas stay I mean Feast of the winter star but before that I had received a letter from The Wizard who proposed he'd teach me some basic magic visit me in my Chambers at your earliest convenience he says no not like that get your heads out of the gutter thank you my sturgeon was feeling a little materialistic as he asked for a diamond so I obliged just before heading off to the feast I grabbed some goat cheese as my person this year was Robin over in town I joined the festivities handed Robin her gift and found out my Gift Giver was George who gave me a blackberry cobbler okay I'll be honest that's not the worst gift I've ever received and before I knew it it was already late so after bit I went Robin visited me the morning of day 110 since she had noticed the abandoned on my farm I followed her to the shed where she did an analysis on its structural Integrity sounds fancy she told me to visit her shop so we could go over the details being a Friday and just like I promised I paid grobis a visit in the sewer to purchase an iridium sprinkler before heading on over to Clint's I picked up my steel hole and handed him a gold bar since it was his birthday today happy birthday to you happy I'm just kidding I'm not gonna do that I passed by Robin's shop who laid out the plans for restoring the shed and okay look 600 Stone no worries 150 pieces of hardwood that's doable 50 iron bars piece of cake but 20 batteries are you kidding me I'll just have to hope that my second year in the valley treats me a little better with lightning storms ironically though down at the traveling cart she was selling five more batteries so maybe I spoke a bit too soon I was however on my way to hand the wizard another gift however before that could happen I was made to drink another Elixir which actually tasted quite nice this time I was taught the ancient ways of changing one's appearance which naturally I mastered on the first go I handed rasmodius his gift and headed on back to the farm that afternoon I spent decorating the greenhouse mooching around the farm with Sally and saying hello to my animal friends before bed I started day 111 with a trip to Blue Moon Vineyard where I handed Sophia a big old pumpkin for her birthday back on the farm I cleared the remaining debris from around the shed dropped 600 Stone into the chest and decided to clear some more debris from where the greenhouse used to be I shoved some iron into my furnaces before heading to the secret Woods to collect hardwood apart from the batteries I was pretty close to having enough hardwood and iron to fix the shed and that night I dropped 50 iron into the chest and headed to bed day 112 was the final day of winter I did some chores around the farm smelting oars pitting my animals and handing my lava eel 3 fire courts then I was back to the secret Woods for more hardwood afterwards I rode Sally into town and bought some more grass data from Pierre's before paying a visit to my old friend the wizard two you guessed I'd hand him another gift I did pass by The Traveling cart who to no surprise was selling nothing good and then I dropped off my void Essence to the wizard for the rest of the evening I worked on my pathway up to the farm totem after which adding some paths and grass was looking quite nice I headed to bed ready to commence my souvenir in the valley foreign it was day 113 and the first day of my second year in the valley a new guy named Kent popped by to introduced himself and after that brief conversation I got to sighting down my now dead plant I started to do some big brain calculations while standing in the middle of my Fields figuring out what I wanted to grow this season and then I took off into town I found mayor Lewis packing a sad about this old patch of land with nothing to do with it so of course I offered to make good use of it at some point in the near future over at Piers I bought a whole bunch of seeds and headed back to the farm now you may be thinking Paxil why do you have so many different seeds well I'll tell you over the coming Seasons I'm going to be using my crop fields to grow as many different crops as I can some will be great for gifting some will be great for cooking recipes all of them I'll need for the shipping collection and because I'm not too sure what else the expanded mod adds I'm just going to cover my bases just in case after planting all of my seeds I was thrilled to see my rear seat and finally growing so I took it straight to the secret Woods made it through the maze this time and and handed it over to the old Master cannoli statue who in return gave me another star drop for the rest of the day I kind of just bummed around the farm and gave the wizard another gift before bed I took a late night ride to the special Quest board and picked up the biome balance quest which tasked me to catch 20 Lake fish and then I headed to bed the rain was pouring down on day 114 and despite the lack of Thunder I was excited to see my first harvest of ancient fruit was ready to be picked I spent a few hours putting them all through seed makers and filled up more of the greenhouse once they were done Sally and I rode down to the wizard once again who rejected my void Essence because I had given him too many gifts to be fair he probably has a whole pile of void Essences by now so maybe it's a good thing and then I headed to the Quarry where I spent a while clearing it out after a hard night's work clearing rocks I went to bed and dreamed about how awesome I am day 115 Sally and I rode into town we passed Morris still giving out coupons I see and headed on over to Gus's however I forgot he doesn't open till 12. so at the meantime I thought it would be the perfect time to make some kids the reason I cleared out the Quarry yesterday was for the simple fact that it was going to be where my gigs are since I worked so well in the last 100 day series I thought why not do it again I collected up my kids on the farm and started placing them in the Quarry after a while I had a good start on my kig area back over at the saloon Gus had finally opened the door so I placed two dozen eggs in his fridge completing the famous omelette special Quest sticking in town I headed over to the small farmable patch Lewis had showed me a few days ago and decided to clear it out I'm not too sure what I'll grow here but I'm sure I'll find a use for it at some point and I didn't do too much that night so on to day 116 where the rain was pouring and I was once again crossing my fingers hoping Zeus would bless me with some lightning my apple tree had finally sprouted three glorious apples so I picked them collected some Oak risen and maple syrup and headed straight to the community center where I dropped off my three apples being a good luck day I thought a good use of my time would be spent in the skull Caverns hunting for iridium and any other goodies I could get my hands on so that's exactly where I went after a day in the caverns I headed home dumped what I had collected back into my chests and suddenly remembered it was Ken's birthday today I hurriedly rushed over to his house hoping he was still up and thank goodness he was so I gave him a rabbit's foot and headed home to bed day 117 I started my day picking my parsnips and garlic I then dumped them into a chest I had prepared earlier Sally and I rode into town where we stopped by Piers to get some more seeds to replace the ones I had just harvested and over at the Museum I donated a couple of Bones I had found yesterday while Scavenging the caverns back on the farm I planted my new seeds and decided now's a bit of time than any to finish that Bion balance special Quest I had picked up a few days ago so I got cozy on the mountain lake and cast out my line for the afternoon it wasn't until later that night I had fished up 20 Lake fish so I headed home dumped my catches into my fish hoarding chests and worked on Pathways around the crop area until bid day 118 I wasn't ready to part ways with my unfinished Pathways so I worked on that for a little bit once it was done I took off to Robin's and commissioned myself a slime Hutch which I ended up placing where my Greenhouse used to be I didn't in for that area to be for my obelisks when I eventually get them but I was running out of room on the farm for a big structure so I think I made the right decision that afternoon Sally and I rode on over to the West Bridge to do some fishing and I caught myself a couple of new fish including the Butter Fish and the puppy fish it did start getting dark though so I hid it home and I called it an early night it was day 119 and I had a field of crops waiting for me so I picked my tulips Scythe to kale and harvested the potatoes before dumping them into my spring crops chest Ron had finally produced a truffle for me too which was another item I could take off for the community center I rode Sally into town where I gave Lewis a lovely daffodil for his birthday handed in my truffle to the community center which completed the chef's bundle and popped into Piers to buy some more seeds back on the farm I planted my seeds and decided to spend the rest of the day chopping trees for wood so that's exactly what I did Marlon braved the rain and paid me a visit the morning of day 120 since my slime lime Hut should finally finished construction Balin gave me a green slime egg to help me get started what a nice guy and with a new week comes a fresh pair of special quests so I headed over to the board and picked up Linus's community cleanup quest which tasked me to collect 20 pieces of trash while fishing but I put that on hold for now and decided to spend the day diving through the mines collecting resources since I was running a little low on copper and stone back on the farm that night though I had noticed it had been thundering today and I had two charged lightning rods not great but you know it's better than nothing day 121 my sturgeons were once again asking for my support more specifically to maple syrup so I happily obliged and handed them what they wanted a week prior I had put out a single ancient fruit into a kig to make some wine for the community center and it was finally done speaking of ancient fruit my second harvest was waiting for me in the greenhouse Sally and I rode into town where I dropped off the wine and completed the enchanters bundle before dumping my ancient fruit into my kegs off at the Quarry you know I could have turned them into more seeds but my wallet was looking a bit sad and I wanted some gold damn it I then spent my afternoon filling my pockets with trash purposefully this time down in the mines for Linus's special Quest and that evening I dumped it all into the bin which completed the quest and I headed to bid for the third day in a row the rain was pouring down again on day 122. I collected up some batteries from my lightning rods and praised Zeus because it was another thunderstorm so you know what I'm not too meditating again today was also Vincent's birthday so I bought him a delicious pink cake down at the beach I found Willy fishing with that bug meat I had caught and I don't mean to be rude but what the is that thanks Willie I'm never gonna get that image out of my head after foraging on the beach I set up shop on the pier and just fish the day away day one two three the Sun was shining again and my lightning rods had finally proved themselves useful look at all of those batteries now that I finally had all the hardwood and batteries I headed on over to the shed and put them in the chest meaning Robin now had everything to fix the up up at the mountain lake I found Linus getting all natural in the lake and I popped into Robbins where I purchased myself a couple more crafting recipes down in the cindercept forest I found Willy coming back from a fishing trip who showed me a king seven head court maybe I'll have to try and catch one for myself I was however on my way to give the wizard another void Essence and to add to his ever-growing collection which I'm sure he appreciates right I then wandered into the forest east of the Wizards Tower and found myself venturing up a hidden pathway at the end it was a single maple syrup and a cave so instinctively I headed into the secret Woods where I found a beer absolutely gushing over my maple syrup who then said to come and visit him at his cave now I have a bad feeling I stole this Beer's maple syrup and then gave it back to him um am I a bad person however back at the cave I found the bear who was selling some pretty cool stuff and a couple of new cooking recipes however being a bit low on funds I thought I'd come back another time and after a long day I hid it home and I went to sleep Robin paid a visit to the farm the morning of day 124 to let me know the shed will be refurbished by tomorrow which is very exciting hey you like jazz cause my blue Jazz flowers were ready to be picked [Music] I gathered them up and dumped a few into my crop chest up at Robbins I bought my first out of four barns I planned to have in my second animal area as I'm gonna fill it with pigs and start a truffle oil Empire back on the farm I planted a mahogany tree by the greenhouse and surrounded it with grass you know just for a bit of pizzazz that evening I passed by crobus in the sewer to get my weekly iridium sprinkler which I placed down in my Greenhouse for the rest of the day I theft around collecting hardwood and riding Sally around the farm before heading to bed day 125 was the egg Festival I picked a whole bunch of crops that were ready for Harvest did some quick calculations about how many strawberries I could afford and headed into town I stopped by Pierre's stall and got my seeds then started up the egg hunt I made today the second year in a row smashing everybody at the egg hunt yet again take that Abigail it was day 126 and I started my day heading straight to the shed to see Robin's work and my my my this is looking very nice I headed upstairs and found a whole patch of tillable land meaning that I could expand my ancient fruit collection up to the at some point down by the Wizard's Tower resmodius decided to let out some emotions and come clean about his toxic ex and also mention Caroline is that why Abigail has purple here anyway today is also Haley's birthday so I found her by the fountain and gave her a coconut back on the farm I worked on some Pathways up to the shed since it was now restored and entered some fences and torches for a little bit of detail with not much else to do I just headed to bed early day 127 I spent the day fulfilling some quests in my journal that I had kinda neglected better late than never and later in the afternoon I handed Olivia a pink cake for her birthday that evening my ancient fruit wine was ready in the Quarry so I went along and collected it up and since I had my up and running now I had a change of heart and decided my main kig area will be in the shed since the bottom floor was perfect for it so I gathered up my kids and headed back to the farm my lover eels were requesting another item and this should be pretty easy hold on you want a dwarf scroll man you really are picky they hit it a bit and decided I'd sort my kids tomorrow day 128 I started my day picking my ancient fruit pitting my animal friends and laying out my kegs nah that doesn't look quite right okay that's much better it wasn't entirely filled up but it was looking pretty good for now so I dumped my ancient fruit into the Kegs and found Robin on my doorstep now that the shed was refurbished Robin was offering to build a bridge over to it for only 900 stone man these things aren't cheap with last night's injection of gold from my ancient fruit wine I headed to Clint's to splash some cash and get myself a steel watering can upgrade that evening I was in and out of the shed figuring out how many kigs I would need to fill up the bottom floor and smelting oars which honestly took me all the way till bedtime I started day 129 with some Farm chores before adding 30 more gigs to the shed Sally and I rode into town where I picked up Emily's Rock Rejuvenation quest which tasked me to get Emily a jade Ruby topaz Emerald amethyst and Diamond so I did exactly that handed Emily everything and then realized is to Amethyst just completed a separate Quest okay not a lot of things pissed me off in stardew Valley but this is one of them so once I had returned and handed Emily her second amethyst I headed on over to the wizard to give him you guessed it avoid Essence but I was feeling sad for the wizard he seems like a lonely fella so in solidarity I used the shrine of Illusions and I turned my hair purple which doesn't look too bad in my humble opinion I raced up to Robin's before it got too late and commissioned my second Barn which I placed in my pig area with not much left to do I called it in for an early night day 130 was Pam's birthday I collected up some Oak risen and waited patiently in the pouring rain to hand her a parsnip I then spent a while diving through the mines collecting resources and stone mainly for that small bridge but I got bored and decided to head back home I picked some green beans that had grown cite the way at some grass to get some hay and I headed to bed my cauliflower was ready to be picked on day 131 so I picked them all and dumped them into my crop chest after doing some chores and visiting the traveling cart who by the way was selling garbage I rode Sally on over to Clint's where I picked up my still watering can and I opened some geodes I had been holding on to I passed by Gunther to donate any new minerals I had found and repeated the process since I ran out of inventory space that afternoon I did some foraging on the beach and passed by a blue moon Vineyard where I found Sophia being consoled by her friend Scott who was visiting from town I was heading on over to the cindercept forest where I was trying my hardest to catch a king salmon but I'll be honest I wasn't too sure if I was fishing in the right spot I may not have caught a king salmon today but I did haul up a dino Egg and I you know I wasn't too mad about that unsuccessful though I headed back home and I put my Dino egg in my incubator and I called it a night day 132 was a good luck day so I decided what a perfect day to hit the skull Caverns again and get some iridium I blew most of my money on bombs and headed to the desert I spent the whole day carpet bombing level after level collecting as much iridium as I could and near the end of my run I managed to get a whole Prismatic Shard I then passed out at 2AM with 68 iridium ore and I was pretty happy with my efforts I started day 133 picking my strawberries definitely a lot less action-packed than yesterday but that is what makes stardew so fun you know my sturgeons were after some Omni geodes so I chucked in three and they seemed to like that I took the bus back out to the desert however this time I ran my Prismatic shot add down to the bottom of the map and I stood in the middle of these three obelisks with my Prismatic Shard high above my head my screen went all sparkly and I was granted the Galaxy sword one of the best weapons in the game back in the valley I found rasmodius tending to his crops and I handed him another gift I'll be honest not too much happened for the rest of the day but I did find my duck Roger swimming in the river and I think that's adorable day 134 was a nothing day spent on the farm doing chores smelting oars and I finally filled the up with the remaining Kegs and uh yeah that's about it honestly oh I did stay up to collect my ancient fruit wine which I dumped into my shipping bin before heading to bed it was a Tuesday on day 135 so naturally I had another ancient Fruit Harvest waiting for me in my Greenhouse so I passed by the and dumped my ancient fruit into kiggs before heading off to Fairhaven farm for you see it was Andy's birthday today and I heard through the gate Vine definitely not through the wiki then he was a big fan of blackberry cobbler I'm sure George won't mind right for the rest of the day I dove down into the mines resetting level 20 to farm for copper Stone and any other goodies I could get my hands on overnight though Ron the pig gave birth not sure how that works since Ron is a single parent but anyway I decided to name the baby Don because of course I did day 136 was the day of the flower dance so i ventured down into the cinder South Forest and headed to the dance I then pop my peers stall and got myself a rare Crow and the tub of flowers crafting recipe I wasn't too sure how many hearts I had with people so I asked Hayley and well I don't know why I bother really fine but you just can't get into it because they would on to day 137 in my last strawberry Harvest was ready for me so I went along picking them all collected some green beans put some of my crop chest and ship the rest off I paid Robin a visit and asked her to commission a third barn in my pig area before heading up the mines once again to farm for resources I also managed to complete the Slime Monster Slayer goal so later that night I popped by The Adventurous Guild where Marlon saw my Galaxy sword and offered to sell me other Galaxy weapons and I picked up the Slime charma ring from Gill on the way home I passed by the special Quest board and picked up Pam's quest to kick a few potatoes and make potato juice which sounds disgusting by the way but oh who knows maybe that's just me so before bed I dropped a few potatoes into my Kegs and called in a night day 138 I finally had my hands on 900 stone so I rode Sally up to Robbins and put it into her chest just as she requested I dropped off another void Essence to the wizard and while riding through town I found Andy having a screaming match with himself really I felt a little bad for Lewis I won't lie I continued my gift giving up to Marlon by handing him a green slime egg which he actually liked I checked up on Andy just like I promised mayor Lewis I do and he kind of gave me the cold shoulder later that night I completely forgotten about Pierre's birthday so I ran over a rabbit's foot where I waited for him and gave it to him just in time exhausted from all of today's social interactions I decided to get some sleep Robin came out to the farm in the morning of day 139 despite the rain she told me she'd received the stone and that the bridge would be up by tomorrow now isn't that just great news Sally and I wrote down to Mani so I could buy some Auto Grabbers trust me I love my animal friends but I'm sick of collecting their products every single day after placing down my auto Grabbers I headed on over to Piers where I bought a whole bunch of parsnip seeds these are so when it rolls over into summer I won't have to worry about hoeing and watering my crop area yeah I'm pretty smart like that anyway I was heading to give a birthday gift to Emily and found a rock Rejuvenation class going on so I thought I'd wait and then I waited ever so patiently to hand Emily a ruby for her birthday back on the farm I planted all the parsnips before heading up the secret Woods for some hardwood seeing it was getting late though I decided to hit the hay the sun was beaming down on day 140 the final day of spring the traveling cart disappointed me once again so I headed back to the farm to check out my new bridge and it was looking very nice I then spent a while in the mines looking for resources but I think I must have had a bad luck day because it wasn't looking too good so I bailed early and decided to hand the wizard his 400th void Essence who was almost at Full Hearts by the way so it seems to be working as the sun set on the final day of spring I was looking forward to what lay ahead but I don't think I was quite prepared for how insane this was gonna get day 141 was the first day of summer and I got right to sighting down my now dead crops riding into town I saw a bird go headfirst into a window but luckily Emily was there to take care of it over at Pierre's I bought a whole bunch of seats to take back and plant which is exactly what I did also to note I could finally plant wheat and read cabbage seeds which were the last two crops I needed to complete the community center so it's safe to say I was pretty excited for the rest of the day I slept on some of that intoxicating monster musk smell and headed back into the mines this was so I could knock off some more void Spirits towards the monster Slayer goal before bed I popped by the shed and gathered up my ancient fruit wine and potato juice shipped away the wine with some other Artisan goods and headed to sleep my ancient fruit patch was looking quite healthy the morning of day 142 so I got to picking and because I like having money instead of turning them into seeds and filling up the rest of the greenhouse like a normal person I shoved them all into kicks like the impatient man I am over in town I passed by Pam's trailer where I put the potato juice in into her fridge completing the special Quest and speaking of special quests I picked up another one from Olivia who planned on hosting a prestigious reception in the Town Square this tasked me to provide 10 star fruit wine 10 cheese and 10 goat cheese so back on the farm I gathered 10 of each cheese and headed back to Olivia's house and down to her basement which is actually a bar see I told you they were fancy and that just left me to get 10 star fruit wine by the end of the season wasting no time at all I rode the bus out to the desert where I acquired 64 star fruit seeds and headed on back to the valley I gathered up what I needed and headed on over to the patch of Farmland in the town and spent the rest of the day setting up and planting my star fruit day 143 I was right back out to my star fruit to add some paths and make it look pretty right now that's done let's hope I don't forget about it that afternoon I blessed the wizard with another void Essence which puts him at max heart and then I found him on a summoning Circle surrounded by junamos seeming quite flustered he asked me to send them back to their home and just like that they were gone I promised to keep his little secret just between us after dealing with that I raced up to Robin's just before she closed to build my fourth and final bun for my pig area and then I have to upgrade every Barn twice oh man this is gonna take some time isn't it I moved around the farm for a while before calling it in for the night it was Jazz's birthday on day 144 so I cooked up a plum pudding and went out to find her it did take me a lot longer than I'd like to admit but I finally found her watching animals on the ranch I made my way over to my patch of star fruit to admire it I guess epoxyl what the hell are you doing I then decided to fish the rest of the day away day 145 my sturgeons were being a little bit more reasonable and asked for a nautilus shell which I happily handed on over to them I still can't find that damn dwarf skull 3 though I then popped into town to see Gunther and donated an amphibian fossil to the museum before heading back home and collecting my wheat after dropping tin off to the community center and completing the photo bundle I only had one thing left and that was of course that damn red cabbage I stuck around and waited for Gus to open the saloon so I could stock up on salads as I hadn't really had any real source of energy and they're good to have just in case I planted some replacement wheat back on the farm and decided to spend the rest of the day chopping trees and stocking up on wood my patch of hot peppers were ready for Harvest the morning of day 146. so I picked them and dubbed them into my summer crops chest today was Martin's birthday and so I parked my horse up sneakily got myself an ice cream and caught Martin on his way to work to hand him a birthday gift I then no joke spent the whole day Gathering wood hey man I need a lot of it so it was worth it trust me on day 147 my radishes were ready for Harvest so I picked them all and dumped them into my crops chest for safe keeping Sally and I visited the traveling cart and although I was tempted by this iridium bar I decided against it because it was 4 000 gold oh my God inflation am I right I did a quick ride by my star fruit to make sure nothing bad had happened to them and I paid visit to Pierre to buy some replacement seats back on the farm I planted down some poppy seeds and for the rest of the night I swugged my ex around again committing more acts of deforestation before heading to sleep day 148 I saw I had quite the egg collection so I thought it would be useful to make a couple more Mayo machines which I placed down in my machine area over in town I waited very patiently for the saloon to open so I could surprise Gus with a birthday gift but I found him walking back from Piers so that works too I guess while I was there I picked up another special Quest from Susan who wants me to make some homemade fertilizer not store-bought though oh no no no I had to make it myself before I could get started on that though I paid Robin a visit and commissioned a to be built this is where I planned to put my Jade crystalleriums and oil makers in at some point I'm too poor to achieve that at the moment anyway back on the farm I had to dig into my fish reserves because Susan wanted 50 fertilizer which is 50 fish luckily for me though I had been hoarding fish anyway so I managed it pretty easy naturally I rode Sally up to Emerald farm and drop the fertilizer into Susan's chest which completed the quest of course being a Monday night my ancient fruit wine was ready to be collected so I gathered it all up and dumped it into the shipping bin before bed however I prepared my Greenhouse for more ancient fruit seeds and crafted a whole bunch of deluxe speed growth so I could speed up the ancient fruit growing day 149 started with chopping wheat and lots of ancient fruit I placed down my Deluxe speed grow turned the ancient fruit into seeds and finally finished filling the greenhouse the remaining fruit I put into kegs just for some extra cash Sally and I then rode to Piers where I purchased some blueberry plants which I then planted back on the farm I didn't accomplish much for the rest of the day I kind of just theft around the farm before heading to bed that night although a crop fairy did come overnight so that was that was cool it was day 150 and it was a good day today because my red cabbages were finally ready for Harvest [Music] without delay I rode Sally as fast as I could over to the community center where I handed in the red cabbage completing the diet bundle and finally the community center it was safe to say I was very happy today was also Mario's birthday so I gave her one of her favorites a strawberry afterwards I thought I'd better see the inside of Joe Jamal at least once before it gets demolished I did find Pam giving poor Martin a hard time on the cash register and then I bought some more summer crop seeds since Pierre was closed today I spent the rest of the day diving through the musty mines looking for gold stone and anything else I could get my hands on really overnight I had reached level 10 combat and opted to go with the brute perk which lets you deal 15 more damage day 151 was the summer luau but before I could be on my way Gus came over to visit me he came all this way over to hand me a mini jukebox and a crafting recipe to make another one which is lovely thank you Gus I placed it down in front of my house to show it off I rode Sally into town and came across a community celebration for the restored Community Center I joined the festivities inside United Maya Lewis presented me with the stardew hero trophy Morris then came marching and demanding everyone go back to Georgia so I told Pierre to finish things the old-fashioned way and uh okay remind me never to get on Pia's bad Zone anyway from one festivity to the next I headed on down to the beach where I put a truffle into the potluck soup and wowed the governor for the second year in a row day 152 I woke up to a mailbox full of cooking recipes and after sorting through them I headed on down to Willie's shop amongst all the recipes Willy had asked me to come and visit so that's exactly what I did upon entering the back room Willie showed me an old boat that needed a bit of love so he asked me to provide the necessary materials and he'll get to fixing it Sally and I then headed up to Robin's where I commissioned a big upgrade before fighting the wizard up by the railroad in a bit of a huff he lectured me again about his ex-wife saying he'd lost his Magic ink in her hut somewhere and that of course it was up to me to retrieve said Magic ink to move this thing in the way though I need a Talisman The Wizard suggested crobus would know so I guess I'll hit it in but first Susan wanted to show me her Big Melons hey yeah yeah the ones made with the fertilizer I gave her thank you very much I made my way down to the sewers where krobus opened up the mutant bug layer saying the Talisman wasn't there one Adventure through the Leah later and I had my hands on the Talisman so back up at the railroad I moved the statue and hid it into the swamp what's this a goblin in my way no worries I have some void mirror for you I got my hands on the Magic ink and teleported straight back to the Wizards Tower where I handed it over he rewarded me with the book of summoning now this is where I can purchase things like junamo huts obelisks and the golden clock however I'll come back for them another time because I don't quite have the funds for them at the moment as if this day wasn't action-packed enough though I was intrigued to find a warp symbol on the ground to the south of the cinder sat Forest what did I do I stepped in it of course and suddenly I was transported to a secret area of the woods I found a plaque which read follow the mushrooms and then I realized there were mushrooms that littered the paths offering hidden paths around the forest after hours of exploring the night was coming and I was losing time fast but finally I found my way down to a dunamo-filled village who sell incredible things like artifacts legendary fish tiny crops minerals and lots more I quickly grabbed a dwarf scroll 3 before passing out and vowed to come back another day day 153 started with an eerie shot of Aurora Vineyard and I have a feeling my presence will will be needed there but before I could hit there I finally satisfied my lava eels with the dwarf scroll before heading on over to One River Road Evelyn taught me how to make some cookies which was very nice and I handed Alex a birthday gift since it was his birthday today over at the Museum I found Martin getting flustered over some books he was looking at turns out Martin was looking through old family trees from the valley because he didn't actually know his own parents which is really sad I was there however to donate an Elvis jewelry which I had found yesterday in the woods back on the farm my melons had grown so I picked them and put them in my summer crops chest I popped my peers and found all the farmers having a kiwi moment together before purchasing some spangle seeds which I planted back on the farm that afternoon I did some decorating by the greenhouse and fluffed around the farm for a while since today was a thunderstorm I used a rain totem to ensure tomorrow was the same which as you'll see I do for the next couple of days Gunther stopped by the farm the morning of day 154 to let me know that all the donations I had made to the museum meant that we were going to get a large donut nation and that I would be getting a portion of said donation hey I mean it sounds pretty good to me down at Willy's shop I had everything I needed to repair the boat to Ginger Island so I handed it over now I just need to wait until tomorrow when it's fixed back on the farm I spend the rest of the day mooching around doing some chores like petting animals replanting crops that had grown and watching my lightning rods charge up riveting stuff I know but overnight Willie and Robin used the materials I had given them and they fixed the boat so on day 155 that is exactly where I headed I waited patiently for Willie to open his shop paid for a ticket and set sail to the fern Islands once on the island I didn't have time to soak on the sights because I had work to do I met a boy named Leo who seemed quite shy but if I wanted to speak his language I'd have to go hunting for Golden walnuts but before I could even start this happened hold on wait for it any second now right there that's the moment I realized I got the living hat now for those who haven't played a lot of stardew before or don't know the big deal behind this hat it has a 0.001 chance of dropping when chopping weeds and if I'm not mistaken that's a 1 in 100 000 chance I rest my case I was very excited anyway after that crazy luck I got to collecting walnuts [Music] and after a day's work collecting walnuts and opening up other parts of the island I headed back to the valley where I collected my wine shipped it off and headed to bed day 156 was another Tuesday which meant my ancient fruit was awaiting Harvest so to my Greenhouse I went where I picked my ancient fruit and shoved them into kegs over at the shed I then picked some crops that were ready to harvest before riding Sally into town also Sally has been put in charge of the living hat and I think she looks great I passed by my small farm patch in town where I collected up my now ready to harvest star fruit as they had finished growing and back home I put tin into kiggs for Olivia's special Quest I decided to keep the rest just in case I needed them and as you'll see later on I'm pretty glad I did I popped by the desolate Georgia map building to find a plaque for the missing bundle I'll need a few in-game items to complete it so I'll keep an eye out for them on my Adventures for now though I took a trip down to Cinder sap forest and found a scared looking Jazz lost in the woods so I took it back to Manis I was here because I wanted to finally visit Aurora Vineyard and see what was up all I found in the old abandoned house was a single Juno mode plot unfortunately for me though I couldn't understand the writing so I took off to see the wizard after confronting Magnus about the scroll he still couldn't quite decipher it so he asked for help and another witch came to our Aid her name was Camilla she deciphered the scroll saying there was a young junomo who inhabits the basement and asks for 200 starfruit I left thinking dang that's a lot of star fruit it was however getting too late to visit the Desert and by the star fruit seeds I need so I thought I'd map out the top of the shed which would make for a perfect place to grow 200 star fruit I pop six iridium sprinklers down and I headed to bid day 157 started out with a bus ride to the desert I paid Sandia visit at the Oasis shop and purchased my 200 starfruit seeds arriving back in the valley I headed back to Grandpa's shed where I got to planting since I can only plant 144 crops at a time I'll have to do this in two batches and after working on my staff fruit for so long the day had just kind of rolled on by I handed Sam a birthday present said hello to my animal friends and called it in for the night it was back to Ginger Island on day 158 I spent a bit of time collecting more golden walnuts and running through the volcano dungeon I spent the majority of the day in the dungeon collecting Cinder shards slaying magma Sprites and collecting more golden walnuts and since I was too far Deep by the time Knight rolled around I ended up passing out there at 2AM day 159 I woke up on the island but I headed straight back to the valley where I sorted my inventory back into my chests and got ready for another day Sally and I rode up to Robin's where I handed demetrius's favorite a strawberry over to him for his birthday and then I caught a ride on Willy's boat ride back to Ginger Island over on the island Farm I set up a normal sprinkler and planted a melon wheat and a garlic as I need to grow these for the Gorman frog look he's a very particular frog I headed north where I opened up the dig site and bombed this cave to let Professor Snail out he looks after the island Museum so I'm sure I'll be stopping later him again I then cleared out the dig site collected some more golden walnuts and dropped off some bones to our new friend Professor snail and then it was time for your favorite segment of all time and season two of panning worth park seal if you're new to painting with poxious the game is very simple I'm after a certain ring called the lucky ring which can be panned up from the digsite river and while wearing the ring the player will be granted with plus one luck so I spent a while patiently waiting and pinning until the unthinkable happened holy I just like to thank my family the academy those who supported me through the hard times when I could never get the ring I genuinely cannot believe it I finally got the ring day 160 the rain was pouring down but I was far from a bad mood after yesterday's incredible events after finishing some chores around the farm I rode Sally over to the museum where I donated a few artifacts I had found yesterday while clearing out the dig site and then I respect the volcano dungeon where I spent a good portion of the day fighting my way through levels of Danger trying my hardest to reach the top of the volcano and after hours of dodging fireballs and slaying Magnus Sprites I emerged at the forge waiting for me at the top was an adventurer named Lance who was very impressed with my efforts having the forge unlocked is very important as they get into the late game as the forge allows me to combine rings and chant tools and upgrade weapons I hopped on the boat back home and made my way back to the farm where I headed to bed for a well-deserved rest Lance paid me a visit the morning of day 161 who handed me his schedule so if I ever needed to contact him I'd know exactly where to go and then Lewis showed up soon after letting me know that there will be a community day on the 22nd of every season this is where everyone in town hangs out in the community center for the day and I definitely won't forget about this I started my day harvesting some summer Spangles petting the animals and checking on my star fruit up in the shed up at Robbins I commissioned an upgrade on one of my soon-to-be Pig Barns and headed on over to Clint's he needed some help Gathering 30 gold bars for a project mayor Lewis one's done so I headed back home I gathered up 30 gold bars and headed back I dumped the gold bars and while I was there I dropped off 20 coal and 20 iridium or he needed to craft that bomb he asked for all that time ago that afternoon I passed by the witch's swamp where I caught a few void salmon and ticked off another item I needed for the missing bundle I then passed by krobus in the sewers where I purchased a couple of crafting recipes and a cooking recipe I started day 106 62 harvesting crops and gifting the dwarf and Amethyst since it was his birthday today I then slept on some monster musk and ran through the mind-slane void Spirits for the rest of the day before heading home though I did check into the adventurer's guild to see my progress and it was coming along quite nicely back on the farm I collected up my ancient fruit and star fruit wine from the shed and dumped the ancient fruit wine into the shipping bin before heading to sleep day 163 started off with some exciting news rasmodius came by to let me know the ferngill Republic Ministry of magic has expressed their interest in developing my Arcane potential and to visit him at my earliest convenience to learn about warp Magic I'll be sure to pop by but for now I still had work to do more specifically picking my ancient fruit shoving them into Kegs and gifting Victor a duck feather for his birthday while I was there I put the 10 star fruit wine into Olivia's basement bar which completed her special Quest and I was rewarded with 80 000 gold now that is a worthwhile special Quest up at the railway Clint had obviously bombed through the boulder in the way of the summit so of course I'm gonna go up and Snoop around there wasn't too much up there except for some new forageable flowers Golden rods and thistles I won't lie though it didn't feel a bit weird being up there so I quickly left and headed on down to the wizard excited by the prospect of learning warp magic I started my learning by doubting another Elixir which offered me the ability to open warp gates Magnus and IO then went through a training montage and I quickly learned to put my abilities into actions now that I had mastered the art of opening warp gates it was time to secure my Nexus I headed over to the Backwoods where I met up with the wizard once again and he showed me exactly where my Nexus would be stationed once inside we used our magic to secure Sid Nexus and I created my first warp gate which led me straight to the Wizard's Tower back in the Enchanted Grove I was left to my own vices and it was going to be up to me to find and film my Nexus full of other warp gates too many places around the expanded Valley and I was very excited I also found a new forageable called the jewjock berry which had grown in the Enchanted Grove I had a bit of fun warping back and forth between the Wizards Tara and my Nexus before finishing up the day and hitting back on the farm to do some chores day 164 was Willy's birthday so I started my day riding Sally into town accepting Gunther's fragments of the past special Quest and gifting Willy a sea cucumber Sally and I headed north up to Robins where I commissioned another barn upgrade before slapping on another batch of monster musk and hitting the mines Gunther's Quest asked me to collect 100 bone fragments so with some monster musk and the burglars ring this was gonna be a piece of cake by the evening time not only had I collected all 100 bone fragment but I also had ticked off the skeleton monster Slayer goal that night up at The Adventurous Guild I created my second warp gate and upon entering the gate I created an area in my Nexus that I could use to return to The Adventurous guild at any time back on the farm I then created my third warp gate from my farm totem which was great because I thought I'd have to walk to the Backwoods every time but now I can do it from the comfort of my own home so before bed I spruced it up with some fences and torches it was day 165 a good luck day and I thought what better way to spend a good luck day than down in the skull Caverns I popped by the dwarf to buy some bombs down at Sophia's I purchased a bottle of aged Blue Moon wine which will grant me with plus 7 luck and I took off to the caverns with luck on my side today I made my way down the caverns collecting as much as I possibly could on floor 100 I found the elusive Mr key waiting for me who congratulated me on my efforts and praised me for not using letters I received and drank a bottle of viridium snake milk which will boost my overall HP by 25 and then I passed out on floor 103 happy with today's efforts I checked my haul as soon as I woke up on day 166 which included 150 iridium two Prismatic shards three iridium bars and a whole bunch of other goodies I quickly sorted it back into my chests gave Sally a cowboy hat I had found yesterday and donated a couple of things to the museum I then harvested some crops before spending a good portion of the day knocking down my crop Fields as sad as it was to see them go I now had the resources to make some upgrades so it was time to make that happen I spent the rest of the night planning out the area but it got too late so I think I'll have to finish it tomorrow day 167 I walked down onto the farm looked at what I had so far and I got back to work I placed down my iridium sprinklers added some lamp posts for light bought two junimo Huts from the Wizard's book of summoning align the area with fences and torches and I finally had the perfect crop area which I was honestly very happy with that afternoon I was riding through town and found Olivia hosting her banquet and with my I provided cheeses and wine it was looking like a real hit I was however on my way to Ginger Island moments before the banquet I had just crafted an iridium band meaning I now have the four rings I wish to combine together to make the ultimate combination so up at the forge I combined my iridium band with the lucky ring and my slime charmer ring with the burglars ring it was safe to say that I was now a happy man back in the valley I spent the rest of the night constructing the interior of my slime Hutch this design is pretty standard for me I do it all the time but once I'm finished I can see why I do it every time it's simple it's classy and I love it day 168 was the final day of summer I moved some slime eggs I had collected over to the Slime Hutch and put a couple into incubation before heading up to Robins where I commissioned another barn upgrade that afternoon I popped by Piers where I purchased a load of grass data and worked on a path to the Slime Hutch for the rest of the afternoon and it was looking pretty nice I stayed up past my bedtime and headed down to the beach where I watched the Moonlight jellies come up to the pier and I enjoyed this absolute Banger of a trek once again [Music] funny number day plus 100 was the first day of fall sticking to the theme of each season I spent the whole day hoeing dirt watering the ground and planting as many different types of fall crops as I could which is pretty much how I spent the whole day before bed though I collected all of my ancient fruit wine from the shed sheltered into the shipping bin and hit it to bid after a long day of planting crops the rain was pouring down on day 170. I started my day with some chores around the farm before heading into town with Sally to find Penny I found her by the museum and gifted her a melon because it was her birthday today I passed by the special Quest board and picked up a Quest from Sophia which tossed me to gather materials for a fairy garden which I totally do I definitely do not completely forget about this and then never do it back on the farm my Stafford had finally grown in the shed so I picked it all and replanted the final batch so I could finally make some progress with Aurora Vineyard I then picked my ancient fruit in my Greenhouse which was a beautiful sightseeing every single plant ready for Harvest and and I dumped them all onto my kegs before heading back to the junamo Village that's right I finally remembered to go back I conjured up another warp gate while I was there I stepped through the walk gate which took me back to my Nexus and I had my fourth warp point up and running back in the village I decided to Splash my cash on a whole bunch of different artifacts I hadn't donated to the museum yet and then I headed back home day 171 I started my day with some chores before riding Sally into town I popped by the museum and donated all the artifacts I had bought yesterday and then I headed up to Robin's where I commissioned another big barn upgrade afterwards I took a boat trip across the ocean to Ginger Island as I'm pretty sure my three crops would have grown ah there they are I showed all three to the Gorman Frog who played a handsome sum of five golden walnuts per crop which I used to rebuild the island resort with the debris cleared I collected some more golden walnuts by the Pirates Cove before spending the evening clearing my Island Farm of the debris I spotted birdie fishing as she usually is and told me about her late husband's loss keepsake like so she gave me a warmer Minto she had found and hoped that I could retrieve said pendant I headed back to the valley where I emptied my inventory into my chest and went to sleep most of day 172 I spent completing Birdie's Quest I handed the war momento to Kint who gave me some Gourmet tomato soup I took the soup to Gus who traded that with the stage of Valley Rose I paid Sandia visit in the desert who loved the flower so much she returned the favor with an advanced TV remote I took the remote to George who handed me an Arctic Shard iPad rasmodius a visit who traded the Arctic charred for a worm and down at the beach I handed Willie the worm who finally gave me the Pirates locket which I handed back to Birdie on Ginger Island I was rewarded with the crafting recipe for fairy dust and some more golden walnuts to finish the day off I was back at the dig site for another episode of panning with Park seal hey don't think just because I got it once I'm canceling the remaining episodes I want to get as many as I can now unfortunately today though I wasn't able to add another lucky ring to my collection that night I passed by the Pirate's Cove which was full of life I had played some darts and bit this guy three times in a row pretty embarrassing for you buddy boy who gave me some golden walnuts for my skills I then headed back to the valley and finally to bed day 173 I woke up to my junamos working hard collecting crops the joys of having Junior bow huts on your farm is that you don't have to pick crops they do it for you I pop my peers and bought some replacement cranberry seeds which I planted back on the farm today was also Elliot's birthday so I Wrote Sally down to the beach where I found him on the pier and I gifted him a duck feather back on the farm I did some exterior decorating by planting trees and filling this bare spot with some grass as for the rest of the day I kind of just fluffed around the farm not really achieving all too much I started day 174 admiring my crop area it's so colorful I paid the sew as a visit not to visit crobus this time however I was here to reset my foraging skills since wood wasn't going to be too hard to buy now with all the gold I have I decided I'll finally change my foraging skills with which will happen overnight for now though I was back to Ginger Island where I was making my way through the volcano dungeon collecting golden walnuts Gathering Cinder shards and collecting anything else I could get my hands on back in the valley I headed to bed where I then changed my foraging skills together and botanist meaning anything I forage will automatically be iridium quality and I have a chance to pick up two items from one forage it was day 175 and I thought I should add some preserved jars closer to my ponds since they were producing quite a lot of row now I then decided to space around my farmhouse looked a bit beer so I added a pathway with some fences torches and grass which took up most of the day but I didn't mind because I really like it oh I see Samson loves it day 176 I was passing by the special Quest board and picked up the mysterious Venture Quest from Marlon which would only be revealed if I accepted so of course I did and it turns out he needs a lot of bombs but I think I'll finish that another day as today I was back to the volcano dungeon on Ginger Island again I was looking for more Cinder shards golden walnuts and dragon teeth I did spend the whole day running through the dungeon it wasn't until later on that night that I traveled back to the valley collected up my Asian fruit wine dumped it all into the shipping bin and headed to sleep tell them to bring me my money day 177 was another Tuesday so I spent the morning picking ancient fruit and filling my kegs for more wine and more money I also finally had everything I needed to complete the missing bundle so I rode Sally over to the rundown jojima and handed in all the items to the final plaque the junior Mo said his last goodbye and vanished in a flurry of stars while in town I consoled Victor about losing a Dear Adam or friend of his before heading up Piers to buy some more fall crop seeds which I then planted back on the farm worth not too much to do I decided to call it in for an early night however overnight the dunamos dance for one final time in the jojima will now be replaced with a movie theater day 178 started with a morning ride to clints where I put in my hoe for a gold upgrade and then I passed by Romans where I commissioned a second Farmhouse upgrade this would add in a nursery and the option to add in two extra rooms if I so wished I quickly popped by The Summit just in case there were some different forageables for the full season however they were not and then I spent the rest of the afternoon shipping one of everything I had for the shipping collection that evening Lewis popped by the farm and offered me a farm extension at the low low price of 250 000 gold oh my God bro man land does not come cheap I said I would and that I'd have to talk to Louis again to confirm my option but I don't think there's any time limit so that's something I'll do later on but I can definitely afford it overnight I somehow got level 10 fishing I'm a little confused because I looked over the footage again and I didn't go fishing today but I mean hey that was the last max player skill I needed so uh I'm I'm not complaining it was day 179 and I started my day by making bombs gifting Jody a diamond for her birthday and stashing said bombs into Marlon's chest which completed his special Quest I wonder why he needed so many bombs and then I was back to Ginger Island I found a gym bird and put its gym on the Eastern pedestal before heading to the dig site for another episode of Henning with Oxo unfortunately I couldn't add another lucky ring to the collection today but I'm certainly determined to get more day 180 my Ponder void salmon had requested 10 bat wings so I gave into their demands and handed them over I quickly popped on over to the museum where I donated a dino egg my little Dino friend had produced and up at The Adventurous Guild I found out what all those bombs were for so is out of place far away called Castle Village was in need of them and they were taken away in a blink of an eye Marlin rewarded me for my efforts with an order Ledger which lets me buy some cool decorations from The adventurer's Guild I waited around for the guild to open and I had a look through the Ledger and it was filled with some pretty cool stuff I'll have to come back and buy some decorations later that afternoon I worked on a path that let off the Slime Hutch path into the secret woods and you know the drill by now I have placed paths fences torches grass and by the evening I had a pretty cool looking path which I made sure to keep horse friendly just for Sally and then I decided to head to bed early I suddenly awoke on day 181 to a much bigger house did that happen while I was sleeping or was you know what never mind today was Abigail's birthday so I waited patiently for Piers to open and handed her an amethyst after purchasing some more full crop seeds from Pierre they passed by Robbins where I commissioned the final house upgrade and then I circled back into town to pick up my gold hoe and swapped it out for a gold watering can upgrade back on the farm I finally planted down my seeds replacing all the crops my junior most had picked and I'll be honest I didn't achieve much for the rest of the day so on to day 182 I was back at Piers to buy more seeds but not before helping Abigail smoke the first level of Journey of the prairie king back on the farm I planted down my seeds and decided today would be the perfect day for another episode of Penning with Park seal today's episode came with more excitement as yes that's right I added a second lucky ring to my collection Jody decided to pay me a visit the morning of day 183 to invite me to dinner they did request I bring a largemouth best though but lucky for me I had one already in my chest ready to go which meant I could spend the morning doing things like chores around the farm collecting my gold watering can and giving Sandy a birthday gift that afternoon I checked up on my star fruit in my and they were all ready for Harvest so I collected up all 200 of my starfruit and raced on over to Aurora Vineyard foreign [Music] the old abandoned house I went straight to the park and handed over my 200 starfruit I waited a couple of seconds but I think I'll have to wait for something to happen overnight I headed over to Jody's place and spent the night having a lovely dinner full of fried bass before heading home to collect my wine and ship it off before bed I decided to make a whole bunch of deluxe speed grow which I placed over my soil in the shed since I'm Gonna Fill this area with ancient fruit tomorrow and that is exactly what I did the morning of day 184. actually today was the Valley Fair but I think I had more important things to do so I think I can afford to miss it just this once I picked my ancient fruit spend the morning turning them back into seeds planted 144 ancient fruit down and put the remaining fruit into kegs a job well done I think I passed by the special Quest sport in town and picked up where these tropical fish Quest before heading back to the farm and to bid day 185 I noticed the junamos had been hard at work paid by the kindness of my heart and not minimum wage so I purchased some cranberry receipts which I planted back on the farm I rode Sally over to Aurora Vineyards where something magical had happened and I was introduced to this adorable looking guy whose name was apples so cute he thanked me for the star fruit and headed back to his village for the day although nothing much had changed on the farm I had made a new friend maybe the real treasure is the friends we make along the way anyway I spent the afternoon painting my farmhouse stable Coop and barn I was there for a while but I was pretty happy with the final colors before I left I did commission the first Deluxe upgrade on one of my barns with some time left in the day I ran a rabbit's foot over to the delivery truck driver who in return handed me a special charm which permanently increases my daily luck foreign I hit it into the movie theater where I found Claire and Martin working at the till so despite the removal of Jojo Martin I was happy to see them up at the bath house I followed another secret note and fished up a lost necklace which belongs to Caroline now you can hand it to Abigail and get more friendship points but after what happened last series I gave it to Caroline just out of spite after which I headed home and finally to sleep it was day 186 and it was Marty's birthday so Sally and I rode down to the ranch where I gave her a diamond I then paid a visit to my slime Hutch which was now very full of slimes before popping by Aurora Vineyard again apples was nowhere to be found though so back I went to the farm where I spent a while trying to fix the grass clipping through the stable in the house four fences look kind of weird so I did some problem solving got a decoration from The Ledger and placed it down now you can barely see it and no grass will grow there meaning no more clipping grass and with that success I decided to go to bed overnight however Fred the Sheep gave birth and I called the baby Ted very own brand I know I started day 187 with a trip to Aurora Vineyard and apples was finally back from his trip to the judoma village with Apple's back I could now open a warp gate to the basement and once I walk through I solidified another warped location in my Nexus back in the forest a hidden pathway had opened and I followed it to this magical looking spring I got to talking with these creatures I couldn't quite see but soon I found out there were Forest Sprites and I was standing in front of sprite spring they allowed me to cross the spring where I set up a warp gate I hurried back to my Nexus took the warp gate back to the spring and was met with a small Field of forageable Flowers the Sprites mentioned rare forageables sometimes pop up so I'll have to make coming here a habit for the rest of the day Sally and I ventured around the valley foraging before calling it in for a nearly night day 188 I started my day foraging down at the beach before taking the ferry across the ginger Island I thought what better time to try and catch some tropical fish and complete Willy's Quest well it turns out the answer so that was five days ago because I had a horrible whole time trying to catch anything in the river I then tried out in the ocean and I'll be honest I got some really cool new fish but it just wasn't happening it was getting close to evening when I called it quits and I said to myself I'll try again another time however back at the farm Camilla came knocking on my door now she was the one who helped me with the dunamo riding all that time ago telling me there was some important business to attend to she teleported us once again and we were now standing upon a tall tower she mentioned we were now in the continent of gladora and below us lay the magical Wasteland called the Crimson Badlands Camilla allowed me to place a warp gate here so I could return and try my luck scarring the Badlands at any time she teleported us back to the farm and left once again I headed to bed excited to return to gladora and uncover What secrets lay hidden beneath the Badlands it was Robin's birthday on day 189 so before embarking on an adventure I gifted her some goat cheese I then entered my Nexus and took the warp gate back to gladora before heading out I met with Alicia and a guy named Isaac I don't know about Isaac he seems a bit Shady that one anyway he showed me a map of the Badlands which I had to memorize since I don't have my own map and then I entered into the hellscape I ventured across the Badlands picking up void souls and fighting my way through hordes of powerful enemies after a while of total nothing I found my way up to a castle however magical protection on the outside meant I couldn't get through so I fought My Way South where I came across an iridium-filled Canyon I grabbed as much as I could but I quickly found out that these enemies are endless so I hurried out of there before things got desperate it was getting late and I was constantly being swarmed by enemies so I tried one more attempt to open the castle with anything I had found on my adventure but it was no use so I rushed back to the entrance of the Badlands through the warp gate and all the way back home just in the neck of time day 119 my curiosity got the better of me I was determined to make it through the castle and reach safety so back out I went to the Badlands once again from my Adventures yesterday I figured the graveyard full of Bones May may have something there that will help me open the gate and then I saw it avoid serpent five times the size of my own body was now chasing me down the damage he dealt was ruthless and I didn't stand a chance I was dead in seconds Camilla thankfully intervened and keep me alive but I had no health or energy left so I vowed to come back another day and finish the job in a strange turn of extremes I decided to join everyone in the community center for Community day after almost dying I think I needed it that night I collected up my ancient fruit wine shipped it off and headed to bed day 191 was another Tuesday so I fell back to routine and picked my ancient fruit before kicking them up at the shed I then swung by Robbins who I caught just before she headed out to her workout group and that was for another Deluxe Barn upgrade back on the farm I had a bit of fun playing around with my slime since my slime charmer ring keeps me safe from their damage and then I made my way back through my own Nexus to get to The Adventurous Guild where I handed Marlon a gift down in the saloon I stocked up on some more salads since I was running low before heading to bed early it was day 190 to and I figured I would go visit the Sprite spring so through my Nexus I went and I put some beautiful flowers while I was there today was also George's birthday so I handed him one of his favorites a leek on my way home I popped my peers to buy some seeds and back home I filled up an empty section with more amaranth my void salmon were feeling a little bougie today because they asked for a diamond but I had saved up lots from my crystallerium so I didn't mind that afternoon I decided to visit the secret Woods where I got some more hard wood and did a bit of foraging with not much to do I just headed home into sleep early again the rain was pouring down on day 193 and I started my day down at marnie's where I got some ornamental hay bales I circled around to Piers where I bought some grass and back on the farm I placed down my hay bales and filled the field back up with grass Ah that's much better I was clearly in a decorative mood today as I continued to decorate around the path by the bridge I added some grass in the back some stone pathways to add some texture and finally these cool lamps I picked up from the guilds Ledger book I'm sure I'll add some more stuff later but for now was pretty happy with how it looked day 194 was a skull Kevin kind of day I spent the whole day diving through the caverns ending up with a whopping 216 iridium or five Prismatic shards and a whole bunch of other goodies before passing out at 2AM I spent day 195 commissioning another barn upgrade from Robin doing chores on the farm and giving apples a star fruit for a gift however I did stay up late tonight as it was the spirits Eve festival and because this has expanded the maze is different once again from last year's now I would like to play this out in real time but we'd be here for another 10 minutes so here's me getting the golden pumpkin so yeah just just pretend this took like two minutes and then we'll be fine day 196 was the final day of The Fall season and also Susan's birthday so Sally and I rode up to Emerald Farm where I made good use of that golden pumpkin I got last night and I gifted it to her I passed by my friend Gunther in the museum to donate another artifact before heading on over to Ginger Island I had bought a whole bunch of Pathways with me and that was so I could map out where I wanted my iridium sprinklers to go I plan on filling out this farm full of ancient fruit but maybe I'll save that for the next 300 Days by the evening time I had finished up seeding the borders within my Island farm and decided to head back home and finally to bed [Music] day 197 was the first day of winter I got to planting some winter seeds since there aren't a lot of winter crop options once the seeds were down and the farm chores were done I headed straight back to Ginger Island it's too cold in the valley when I arrived back at the island Farm however it was Full Of Weeds again you know not much pisses me off in this game but this certainly does I placed down my iridium Sprinklers and left without looking back back in the valley I headed on down to the sewers where I gave crobus a big old pumpkin for his birthday before cracking open some golden coconuts over at Clint's back home that evening I collected my ancient fruit wine as usual and shipped it all off before heading to Hay Day 198 I was following routine once again picking my ancient fruit and shoving them into kegs but I didn't mind because my wallet was feeling pretty heavy because it was full of gold get it anyway up at Robbins I commissioned the final Deluxe by an upgrade for my pigs I would like to formally apologize for not getting the pigs in this 200 days however they will be bored in the next 300 days and I will still be naming them after some of you watching right now from the first 100 days that I can promise but for now I did some foraging down at the beach before tuning in at 3pm yep I think you can tell I'm ready for Day 200. Day 199 was Linus's birthday so I took a trip out to the desert where I collected some cactus fruit and coconuts before giving Linus a coconut back in the valley after which I headed to sleep again at 12 p.m and finally day 200. as is tradition in all of my 100 Days videos on the final day I take some time to soak in the bath house Spa where I reflect on the past 100 days and just relax and after everything that had happened I was definitely in need of a spa day [Music] I was back on the farm day 201 the snow was falling and I got to reacquainting myself with the farm I said hello to my animal friends who I hadn't seen in a while passed by Grandpa's shed which was now full to the broom of ancient fruit and shoved some iridium into my furnaces ah it's good to be back I hitched a ride into town with Sally and made my way over to Clint's however I picked the one day that he wasn't there so you know it's a great start instead I packed a slingshot and took a boat ride over to Ginger Island where I shot down this golden Walnut which was stuck in a tree on the west side of the island I walked over to Mr Key's Walnut door I'm hoping to unlock the door soon and with only eight walnuts left to get before he would let me in it was looking pretty promising back in the valley I tended to my slime Hutch before turning in for the night with my first day back on the farm over with it was on to day 202. today I wasn't gonna miss my opportunity at Clint's so I filled my boots with snow as I waited for him to open which I love by the way once inside I put my accent for an iridium upgrade before riding with Sally up to the mines I slept on some of that new Gucci monster musk alone and got to work you see one of the monster Slayer goals I Need Is void spirits and with monster musk increasing the amount of monsters that spawn on each level it was the perfect way to achieve their goal so I spent the rest of the day doing just that as it was getting late I knocked off the last one and finished the monster Slayer goal on my way back home Linus and I got up to some interesting things in his tent oh okay it was just showing me how to craft a wild bait you know I really thought something else was going on there anyway I made it back home dump my inventory into my chest and finally headed to bed day 203 started with a trip through my Nexus to Sprite spring I had some comments from the 200 days video that there was a secret area behind the waterfall and would you look at that I didn't even know you could swim in the spring let alone find a secret area so thank you to those who let me know I did try fishing to see if there were any secrets but all I got was trash I traveled back through the ancient Grove and continued on into town where I handed Carolina summer spangle since it was her birthday today she also showed me the power of green tea which went about as you'd expect trying to get as far away from that as I could I decided to head to Ginger Island where I planted a whole bunch of Taro by the river mainly for the golden walnuts you get for farming unfortunately you can't get them from regrowable crops like my ancient fruit and I'd need Taro for the shipping collection anyway so really it was two birds with one stone back on the farm that evening I didn't achieve all too much so on to day 204 it was the Festival of ice today however before I could go and join my winter seeds had produced their forageables so after picking them all and turning them back into seeds and replanting them all I headed on down to the festival as an expert fisherman now I demolished everyone at the fishing game I mean come on Willy you really call yourself an experienced Fisher my friend you should be embarrassed back on the farm that night before bed I collected up my ancient fruit wine from the shed and shipped it off for lots of that wonderful gold I started day 205 with some ancient fruit picking however this time it wasn't just my Greenhouse full of fruit the ancient fruit of my shed had grown too so I went along and collected them all up afterwards I shoved them all into my kegs as for the excess ancient fruit I shipped them off for some extra cash I do plan to expand my ancient fruit wine Empire at some point just not today for now though I found myself back at Clint's picking up my iridium ax and swapping it out for an iridium pickaxe upgrade that afternoon Sally and I rode up to The Adventurous Guild where I gifted Marlon a slime egg before heading to the movie theater I jumped onto the crane game and played until I had junamo plushies coming out of my ears I took my eight toys in one movie poster home where I left them and signed for safekeeping and then I spent the rest of the night's melting Awards day 206 started with a trip back to the movie theater this time to hand Claire a sunflower and then it was off to Piers to purchase his catalog and Robbins to get her Furniture catalog along with a bunch of wood while I was there I painted my shed since it was looking a bit boring compared to my other buildings and back on the farm I put the wood to good use by making a whole lot of kegs I had decided the shed would be much more useful as another keg shed to make more wine and I'd find another space for the Jade stone crystalleriums and oil makers at another time in town I passed by the special Quest board where I picked up Caroline's Island ingredients quest which I definitely don't forget about I quickly popped over to Ginger Island to hand Sebastian avoid egg for his birthday before returning to the valley I then spent the rest of day 206 to halfway through day 208 interior decorating the only other important thing that happened was on day 207 I swapped out my iridium pickaxe for an iridium hoe upgrade but apart from that I spent these days slowly but surely decorating my farmhouse and by day 208 I was stoked with how it was coming along all I had left was one room I wasn't too sure what I wanted to do with it that afternoon on day two 208 I paid Lewis a visit where I closed my eyes and spent 250 000 gold on the farm extension I had agreed to do at the end of the last 200 days watching all of that gold slip away like that bought a tear to my eye but I had a feeling it would be worth it that evening I passed the time chopping up stumps for hardwood tinting to my slime Hutch and gifting Marlin another slime egg before calling it in for the night mayor Lewis popped by the morning of day 209 to let me know that my farm expansion application had been approved and will be cleared by tomorrow very exciting stuff down at Willy's I paid for a ticket and traveled on over to Ginger Island I found another gym bird on the north side of the island so I took the gym and placed it on its pedestal just outside the Pirates cover mermaid sat atop a rock waiting for someone to play her some beautiful music and what better person to do that than me I tuned the flute blocks I played her Melody and I was rewarded with some golden walnuts with two gems already placed on the pedestals from the gym Birds I quickly circled back to the valley picked up a bunch of gyms and headed back to the island where I played a guessing game of what Jim goes where luckily I got a first try and got my hands on five more golden walnuts I moved my way through the rain and on over to Mr Keys Walnut Room who finally let me in in this room I can check my perfection status except difficult challenges and spin key gyms I get from completing said challenges on in-game items but I think I'll come back another day for now though I walked back to the valley where I got some much needed rest my farm had gotten a little bigger on day 210 did they do that overnight when I was sleeping no yeah no you know what never mind I was very excited to have some extra space on the farm though Sally and I ventured into town where I stopped by clints to swap out my iridium hover in iridium watering can upgrade and I quickly paid Harvey's Clinic a visit to hand him a truffle oil as it was his birthday today then back on the farm I spent the rest of the day making use of my new Farm extend I added a pathway to the new Farm entrance and made an area for where my four obelisks will go since I placed my slime Hutch where I was originally gonna put them this was probably the next best spot day 211 started with picking my winter seeds turning them back into seeds and replanting them all which now filled up my entire crop area and since I didn't have my watering can a few were gonna grow a day later which totally doesn't annoy me whatsoever I love when things grow the exact same time they'd look really dumb when they were different stages of being read anyway I spent some time finishing off my Obelisk area by adding some brick and stone braziers and it's looking very nice later that evening the night market had arrived down at the beach so I took a quick look around before heading in to watch the mermaid show I may have gotten a pearl from a secret note but I'll never get that show out of my head anytime soon it was a Monday night so of course before bed I stayed up collecting my ancient fruit wine and shipped it off which of course meant I started day 212 picking my ancient fruit and shoving them into kegs I even got to make use of my new kitchen I quickly popped over to Ginger Island where I used some walnuts to unlock the island Trader before heading back to the valley and I spent the rest of the day cleaning out my slime Hutch gifting Marlin another slime egg and collecting up some Oak prism before heading to sleep day 213 I headed over to clints where I waited ever so patiently in the freezing cold to collect my iridium watering can which now takes off one of my goals I then popped by Robbins where I commissioned my first of two sheds to be placed just below my obelisks remember how I said I'd find space for all of my jade stone and oil makers well I found it down in this intercept Forest I found krobus Milling about the entry of the junamo forest where he seemed to be enjoying some company I found him back in the sewer where he explained to me that he can sneak there from the southern sewer pipe and that the Juno most from the village love him which is actually quite lovely that afternoon I got myself comfy just outside of Andy's farm and tried fishing for one of the five legendary fish this one only spawns in Winter and in no time at all I had caught myself the glacier fish back home I put it into a big fish tank I had prepared earlier but it was looking a little empty so I went back down into the sewers where I cast my rod into the green sewer water and fished up the mutant carp my second legendary fish I added it to the fish tank along with some seaweed stone and a couple of sea urchins and it was really coming together day 214 was a Max luck day and when I have a Max luck day I like to hit the skull cabins for resources so I gathered up some bombs from the dwarf and waited patiently outside Pam's trailer to hurry her up okay it's past 8 30. Pam you can come out now Pam oh my God you've got to be kidding me oh God this is so stupid I have a Max like they work on him just come out well since there's no way of getting to the desert today I decided the next best thing would be to use that like in the volcano dungeon I did manage to dig up another golden Walnut and an ostrich egg so hey that's cool while I was making my way through the dungeon I was on the lookout for more golden walnuts Cinder shards and dragon teeth you see I need 15 Dragon Teeth 10 to go towards the island Obelisk and five to buy a banana sapling from the island Trader of which I need 10 for the island Obelisk as well I spent all day making my way through the dungeon and made it back to the island house just in time for bed I started day 215 picking my Taro in the pouring rain which to be honest was quite a nice change of pace from the fiery Inferno of the volcano dungeon back in the valley I rode Sally up to Robin's Ray commission the second shed to be built under my Obelisk area continuing on from there I found Marlon watching the snowfall where I handed him another slime egg which put him in max heart I've been giving marlin so many gifts recently because he has this boat I can't access without his permission and I won on it to finish the day off I chopped some stumps down in the center set forest for hardwood before heading to sleep it was day 216 and Evelyn's birthday so I headed on over to her house to give her a fairy rose flower down at the beach I did some foraging before taking a boat right over to Ginger Island I then spent the rest of day 216 and day 217 scarring the volcano dungeon for any goodies I could get my hands on the only other important thing to note is that on day 217 I commissioned a big shed upgrade from Robbins which leads us on to day 218 checking the TV again I saw it was another Max luck day so I gathered my bombs took off to Sofia's to buy an age bottle of Blue Moon wine for plus 7 luck and waited outside for Pam to show up she she's not coming out is she as I was riding back through town I realized it was Community day today so I guess that's bad timing on my part to be fair since my plans for the skull Kevin run had been shattered yet again I decided a good use of my time would be spent over on the island Farm since I was going to turn all of my ancient food into seeds I thought I might as well make it look good so that's exactly what I did I added wooden planks around the outside wooden paths to the little Bridges and used my new and improved hoe to prepare the ground for tomorrow by the time it was getting late I quickly made a whole bunch of deluxe speed grow with coral and Oak risen I had stored away and a lot of grass starter with my fiber just before bed I collected my ancient fruit wine and shipped it off before passing out right in front of my house [Music] I'm surprised I didn't get hypothermia to be there day 219 was a big day full of picking ancient fruit and replanting them on Ginger Island luckily when I got there it was raining meaning in a soil I needed to hoe would be wooded for me I then got to seed making in between batches of seeds being ready I would go and fill a section of land with the deluxe speed grow and come back to collect the seeds which I kept on repeating until I had enough seeds to fill up the island Farm by 8 PM I had finally filled the island farm full of ancient fruit and my ancient fruit wine Empire was that much closer to being complete to finish the day off I headed back to the valley where I managed to catch Leah hanging out in the saloon and I gave her a goat's cheese as it was her birthday today she then paid me a visit the next morning on day 220 to hand me a sculpture she had made just for me oh isn't that just wonderful I spent a good part of the morning picking all of my winter forageables turning them back into seeds and replanting them back into my crop area now I know they'll die as spring rolls around but I won't have to worry about hoeing and watering a whole bunch of land when the seasons change so hey that's fine by me I then did some chores around the farm before taking Willy's boat over to Ginger Island again over on the island Farm I finished up laying a whole bunch of grass and so I want to minimize the chance of weeds growing and ruining my fields of ancient fruit and then returning to the chill of the valley I rode Sally up to Robbins to commission the second big Shen upgrade before heading home to do some chores on the farm day 221 was Christmas I mean Feast of the winter star you know one of these days I'll get it right I joined the festivities in town where I handed Willie a rabbit's foot as I was a secret Gift Giver Clint was My Gift Giver this year and he gave me okay that's definitely one of the better gifts I've gotten so hey I'm not complaining speaking of Clint day 222 was his birthday so I repaid the favor by giving him a ruby Sally and I passed by the beach to do some foraging before venturing all the way to the summit where I picked some Thistle and winter star roses I continued my foraging Adventure through my Nexus to Sprite Spring Way pick some more flowers and headed through the waterfall to forage in the hidden cave back on the farm that evening I didn't achieve too much so I just called it an early night day 223 started off with a trip to Blue Moon Vineyard where I handed Sophia a fairy Rose for her birthday and then my skull Kevin wishes came true it was a good luck day and Pam was back to driving the bus so I gathered my bombs in Age Blue Moon wine and headed to the desert before entering the caverns I down the wine for my luck boost and hidden inside I spent all day diving through the cabins and ended up with 189 iridium or two Prismatic shards and a whole lot of other goodies before passing out at 2AM day 224 was the final day of winter and the last day of year two I took the mine carts over to Clint's where I purchased a ton of coals since I was running low and they found Sophia and the Town Square looking a bit down so I offered to Pat Dusty with her and she seemed to enjoy that Sally and I quickly rode up to Robin's where I painted my two sheds the first I painted green as this one will have the Jade stone crystalleriums and the second one I painted yellow since it'll house all of my oil makers back on the farm I spend the rest of the day smelting iron and copper into bars and that's because I'm gonna need quite a lot to meet the ancient fruit quota I now have on my Island farm and just before bed I added 83 kegs to the shin which completely filled it out overnight Grandpa came and visited me and my son and told me he was very proud of the work I'd done to the farm and you bet I was ready to kick into year three [Music] welcome back to spring it was day 225 and my crop Fields were full of dead plants however I won't Scythe them away until the egg Festival when I Splash out on a whole bunch of strawberry seeds since I did all of my crop growing last year behind the waterfall grandpa had left me with a special surprise in the form of a statue of perfection these give me between two and eight iridium daily so I decided to put it inside where I walked past it every day afterwards I did some chores around the farm before continuing work on The Farmhouse interior I decided I want this corner room to be a gaming room I'll fill it with more movie posters and arcade machines at some point but I was excited at the prospect of it in between my animal areas I continued my decorating by adding some benches and decorative Pines to the lamps and it was looking very nice I then rode Sally into town and passed the special quiz board where I picked up Willy's tropical fish Quest if that sounds familiar then you'd be correct in the 200 days I was a little unsuccessful in completing this Quest I thought what better time to try and catch some tropical fish in complete Willy's Quest well it turns out the answer to that was five days ago because I had a horrible time trying to catch anything in the river and I'm hoping this time will be different Sally and I headed north to the summit where I picked a new flower called the ferngill Primrose before heading back to the farm and calling it in for the night day 226 was another Tuesday so I spent the morning picking all of my ancient fruit and shoving them into kegs I then quickly popped by clints to get some more coal since I used up most of it smelting oars a couple of days ago that afternoon I took the boat across the ginger Island and I got stuck in trying to complete Willie's special Quest now before you ask yes the grass looks like it's still in winter but it does fix itself I promise for the rest of the day I stood in the rain fishing I managed to hook five blue discus from the river and five lionfish from the ocean I even managed to catch two new fish a sea sponge and a lunalu and on day 227 I started my day over in the Pirates Cove finishing off Willy's Quest by catching five Stingray you know without all the Pirates here it's actually kind of creepy anyway I was fishing for quite a while and when I finally made it back to the valley that afternoon Magnus was waiting at my door he was here to let me know that he was taking in a new student does that mean we'll have another friend in the valley we'll just have to wait and see to finish up the day I spent my evening doing some chores around the farm day 228 I rode down to the Wizards Tower to see if his new student had arrived and upon it in trying I met a new friend called Morgan he seems fun although Magnus told him off for using magic so I didn't see him for too long so I left before I got Morgan into more trouble today was also Ken's birthday so I quickly popped on over to Ginger Island to give him a bowl of roasted hazelnuts back home I decided to add some more Pizzazz to my two new sheds by adding a pathway some wooden walkways fences and torches and my farm expansion was starting to prove its value day 229 I spent in the volcano dungeon looking for more resources I managed to get four teeth today though so hey that was pretty good but uh yeah it's it's about all I did today overnight though Don gave birth to a baby pig who I called John because of course I did day 230 I started my day with a trip into the road tunnel I snuck a battery into the lock box and started the Curious Mr key questline but instead of continuing the a quest like a normal person I spent the rest of the day foraging chopping up stumps for hardwood and doing chores on the farm man they get so easily distracted in this game I took a trip to the junamo Village the morning of day 231 so that I could purchase some Deluxe retaining soil and you'll see why I bought it very soon but for now Sally and I rode into town to celebrate our very own mayor Lewis's birthday by giving him a hot pepper and then I hopped on over to Ginger Island on the farm I replaced an iridium sprinkler and finally planted my ancient fern seeds and shrub seeds yeah remember when I got them ages ago during the 200 days well I finally remembered to plant them [Applause] and then I put my tin Deluxe retaining soil down where I planted 10 pineapple seeds afterwards I filled up the island with more grass so that the chance of weeds growing was close to none also having Deluxe retaining soil means I won't ever have to water those pineapples again which is great back in the valley I continued on with the Curious Mr key Quest by throwing a Rainbow Shell up into the box at the railway I received the next part of the quest which was to put 10 beets in mayor Lewis's fridge so I took off on a bus ride to the desert where I bought some beet seeds from Sandy but with no space to plant them I'll have to wait until my ancient fern seeds and shrub seeds are done growing to plant them so the Quest for now was put on hold day 232 the rain was pouring down and it was also thundering so in order to get a heap of batteries I used a rain totem to ensure it would Thunder again tomorrow then you know what I I do this quite a few times actually so it'll be raining for the next few days I then traveled through my Nexus to galdora yes gal Dora not glador like I said last time I got it wrong I was here in galdora to give Lance a birthday gift good thing I kept a hold of a schedule so I could find him back in the valley I was passing through town and found Sophia looking a bit down but she ran off before I could say anything I was however on my way to catch a legend the legend I may add since it was raining I had the perfect chance to catch my third legendary fish so I got comfy up at the mountain lake and started casting it took me a few tries but I managed to hook one and I battled back and forth with it for a while but after the struggle I had caught it on my first attempt not too shabby concerning in my last series it took me like five attempts and back home I put my fish into my fish tank with the other two I'll put the railway I found Marlon paying his respects to his Fallen Guild members in the rain and he invited me to join his meetings that he and Magnus have to which I said I'd love to join before bed I was back on the farm collecting up all of my ancient fruit wine and dumping it all into the shipping bin Marlon paid me a visit the morning of day 233 who wanted to discuss something with me after the guild sounds interesting however before I go it was of course another Tuesday so after picking all of my ancient fruit and shoving them back into kegs I took the minecart up to the guild obviously I had jumped the gun because I was waiting in the pouring rain but once I was littered Marlon told me about an outpost Lance has in the highlands he was willing to let me use his boat to get there however I needed to do something for him in return what was that you may ask well it's a whole lot of monster loot 100 void Essence 80 solar Essence 5 slime 40 bat wings and 30 bugged me luckily for me though I'm quite the hoarder so I already had everything in my chest I gathered up all the stuff I needed and hauled it back to the guild where I handed it all over to Marlon for the rest of the night I kind of just fluffed around the farm not doing too much to be honest Marlon was back the morning of day 234 letting me know that the boat was ready to set sail I quickly passed by town where I handed Vincent a bunch of grapes for his birthday and full of excitement I headed up to the dock Marlon and I set sail on his boat venturing through Kenyans and past beautiful waterfalls and we finally docked just outside the Outpost we found Lance outside who ushered us inside to discuss some important matters he explained to me that beyond the confinements of The Outpost were monsters who hold peculiar seeds with abnormal Arcane properties my goal was to obtain four different seed types grow them and return them to lands so my adventure began over the days 234 and 235 I explored the vast Highlands area I started out by finding a path that led up to a winding mountain and after making my way through hordes of never-ending monsters I found my way to the top where I encountered a boss battle this pepper X definitely didn't go down easy and the endless swarm of monsters certainly wasn't helping but after a hard and long-fought battle the Rex was slain and Iris rewarded with a treasure and a golden key while climbing down the mountain I had noticed a huge cave entrance so that's exactly where I headed next the further I had ventured through the Cave the greater the enemy's numbers grew I was pretty much running through blind but I managed to find a narrow path that led up to a dwarf who had been locked away in a cage turns out the key I had obtained from the pepper X had been for this very cage and I was able to set the door free I explored the cave a little bit more but with the amount of enemies I ran for the exit and made it out of one piece once out in the fresh air again I stumbled across a large area surrounding a lake and took my sword to slay the monsters that surrounded the area by the end of the day I had also managed to obtain all four seed types which I'll have to plan sometime soon so I think it's safe to say I had completed another goal looking for a change of pace on day 236 I reserved today for your favorite segment of all time yes that's right it's time for panning with Park seal penny with poxious a game where I pan for The elusive lucky ring currently I have obtained to this series and I want to keep adding to my collection so I spend the day here but unfortunately I wasn't able to add another to the telly day 237 was the Festival of eggs so I finally siphed down my dead plants and headed into town I went straight to Pure stall and got myself 999 strawberry seeds hey you can never have too many strawberry seeds and then I started up the egg hunt this year went pretty well they managed to get a eggs which is pretty good right let's see who won [Music] I really don't want to talk about it day 238 was pig day that's right I finally bought all 48 pigs today from all of your comments from the first 100 days I managed to pick out 48 random names and they are as follows coron Megan Shannon mystery Mo cat Grace white wolf 957 Amber Sparks EJ Kim thirsty boy Nala Julia pumpkin boyo Sarah R balamu theni bobini Jacob Alpert pigpen Grace chickadee Marco Diaz Nate Adam llama Queen zinzin Spartan 0086 that black Wing four muffin tears rainbow skid dog Alden drink Levi Owens EJ Alan Carlo Janko Gemini Dragon ham family Olivia Parr kind Khana MJ Blue Blood winter Moon Man KitKat Katie Sammy 23 Michaela akalum Booth 76 Zappo Terra 13 she wonders and sprox that's a lot of pegs some names were too long so I had to shorten them but there you have it another goal done Sally and I rode into town to hand Haley a sunflower for her birthday before adding a first lot of oil makers to my shed I spent the rest of the day completing odd jobs doing chores and I made the hard decision to sell Ron Don and John since I had a whole pin of pigs now you will be missed day 239 I headed on over to the volcano dungeon for the day while I was there I managed to complete the magma Sprite monster Slayer goal and get my hands on three more dragon teeth that afternoon I returned to the island with a chocolate cake to hand to Olivia since it was her birthday today before heading home to collect and ship away my ancient fruit wine continuing routine on day 240. I was getting ready to pick all of my ancient fruit however all of my Ginger Island crop had finished growing so I started there then back in the valley I finished packing all of my fruit before shoving them into my kegs the time had honestly flown by today so I Wrote Sally mindlessly around the farm thinking about how I could use the rest of my Farmland I concluded that I'll get another kig since I had so much excess fruit left over from the Harvest today I started day 241 with some chores around the farm and saying hello to all of my pigs who were smartly staying inside out of the rain I took a boat ride over to Ginger Island where I popped by the island Trader to trade in some dragon teeth and mussels to get a mango and banana tree sapling back in the valley I circled around to Robbins and commissioned that second kitchen I had talked about yesterday and back on the farm I planted down my two new trees in the greenhouse as I got late I rode Sally around collecting any forage I could find before heading to sleep if you hadn't noticed yet it's still raining and thundering on day 242. those rain totems are working a treat and my battery collection was looking way better for it today was Pam's birthday so I found her walking through town where I handed her a cactus fruit and then I popped over to Ginger Island where I spent the rest of the day back in the sweltering depths of the volcano dungeon this time leaving with three more Dragon Teeth day 243 the sun was out and Shining once again I collated another batch of batteries and said hello to my 48 pigs then Sally and I paid a visit to Robin I splashed some cash on a few stacks of wood and stoned and commissioned a big upgrade back on the farm I put some of that stone to use by crafting 18 crystalleriums I placed them in my shed and filled them all with Jade stone if you are sitting there wondering why Jade stone it's because the desert Trader trades One Jade stone for one staircase on a Sunday and stick cases make some of the later game challenges a lot easier trust me I highly recommend having your own Jade stone I then spent the rest of day 243 and 244 smelting odds a new keg shed requires 138 gigs which is 138 bars of copper and iron so it was safe to say I took a while to smelt it all two whole days in fact I also gave Shane a hot pepper for his birthday even The Grouchy alcoholic deserves a birthday gift day 245 I woke up to the wonderful sound of junomo's picking my strawberries for me I said good morning to my Piggies chopped down some hardwood in the secret woods and did some foraging at Sprite spring and up at the summer on the way back through I popped into Robin's to paint my keg shed the same colors as my other one and bought four stacks of wood I bet you can see where this is going back on the farm I gathered up my Oak risen bars of copper and iron and I made 138 gigs after making the front of the shed the same as the other two I got to placing down my kegs Now isn't that just the most satisfying thing you've ever seen as the evening went on I placed some Pathways down to the shed and added some grass and headed to sleep day 246 I was back to decorating well specifically the last section of my farm expansion I didn't have much use for the rest of the land so around the pond I added some Stone paths trees seats a campfire and grass and I'm loving it I'm sure when the trees are growing it'll look even better that afternoon I took Marlon's boat back over to the highlands where I found the dwarf I had saved he had made a cozy shop carved into the mountain and sold some cool decorative items much like the guild Ledger I said goodbye and return to the valley where I potted around the farm until my ancient fruit wine was ready to collect I shipped it off along with my strawberries and put my head down for a good night's sleep it was another Tuesday on day 247 I made a Pro Gamer move by parking Sally up by the farm warp and used a beach totem to get to the boat quicker I picked my ancient fruit ancient Fern and shrub seeds and pineapple before warping back home where Sally was waiting right there for me man I should be a speedrunner I had this route optimized after picking the rest of my crop and dumping it into all three of my king sheds Sally and I rode down to Fair Haven Farm I found Andy inside who had made big strides in his hygiene you know when I think back to it I paid a visit to Andy's farm and found out he's a Georgia Fanboy and also a bit of a slob I'm very glad he did I was visiting because it was Andy's birthday today and he loves butterfish so that's exactly what I gave him back on the farm that evening I didn't achieve all too much to be honest so on today 248 upon checking my mailbox Andy had sent me 50 JoJo Cola so uh thanks all of my Piggies were now fully grown and digging up truffles which means I'll be adding truffle collection to my daily to-do list however today was the flower dance so I headed down to the woods where I decided to ask Leah for a dance who happily accepted unlike Haley last year and then it was time to Boogie although I had my music off so it made it kind of weird watching them dance in like total silence day 249 started with a morning boat ride over to Ginger Island on the island Farm I planted the monster seeds around my spare sprinkler and left a couple of shrub plants there because you know why not all I had to do now was wait for them to grow and then it was time for everyone's favorite segment panning with Park seal I spent a while panning but today's episode came with a lot of excitement as yes that's right I added a third lucky ring to my collection [Applause] that night I went to bed and I dreamed about how awesome I am it was day 250 and I spent the better half of the morning mooching around the farm completing menial chores Sally and I then took off down to the beach where I caught Pia just in time to hand him a rabbit's foot for his birthday that afternoon I concluded I'd need a whole bunch of hardwood in order to fill my shed full of oil makers so I took out all of my mahogany tree seeds and used this stretch of land I hadn't quite filled in yet to punt and fertilize some which will honestly be way quicker than going to the secret woods every day and then I Stood Still for a very long time day 251 I respected Ginger Island however this time I beelined it to the forge once I got there I infused three rubies into my Galaxy sword which adds 10 percent damage per level meaning it just does more damage and I added the combat perk Crusader which deals 50 more damage to mummies ghosts skeletons and void spirits and it also prevents mummies from Reviving which you'll see comes in very handy I was tossing up between Crusader and vampiric which has a chance to heal you after slaying a monster but I had enough money for food anyway so Crusader it was afterwards I took a quick bus ride over to the desert where I foraged for some coconuts and cactus fruit before finding Emily back on Ginger Island for you see it was her birthday today and I handed her some wool back on the farm I collected up all of my Truffles and decided to call it in early night day 252 was the final day of spring and I started my day doing chores around the farm just before midday I headed up to the playground and waited until the Clock Struck exactly 12 o'clock and received a giant junamo plushie I wonder if apples would like seeing a massive size Plush Version of himself anyway as the afternoon came and went by I found myself running around the farm collecting ingredients and cooking in the kitchen I thought it'd be worthwhile making a start on the cooking collection that night I kind of fluffed around the farm with Sally making sure everything was all in order for summer the smell of Summer was in the air on day 253 and I got to work so I think down my dead strawberry plants Sally and I popped into Piers where I bought a whole bunch of blueberry seeds and back on the farm I filled up my crop Fields with them after finishing up some chores around the farm I waited patiently for my wine to be ready and when it was I collected it all up shipped it off and went to bed after a very successful first day of summer it was day 254 and while warping to the beach to make my way to Ginger Island I found Willy on the pier he showed me a legendary Crimson Fish Head Court which honestly reminded me I needed to go catch one so hey thanks for that Willie I continued my day picking my ancient fruit and shoving them all into my kegs before taking a trip down to the Wizards Tower here I bought three of the four obelisks yeah that's right I've been waiting for this day for a long time now I can finally walk to the desert without relying on Bloody Pam ah today is a good day unfortunately though I'll have to wait for my banana tree to be ready before I get the island Obelisk and for those who have never seen an obelisk before they basically they allow you to warp to different spots around the valley they're essentially the vanilla version of what my Nexus is in the expanded mod that night I collected up my Truffles and put them into my oil makers as I have been doing every day now and I headed to sleep day 255 was a very good luck day and now that I had a novelist to the desert that's right it's skull Kevin time baby I was there get up with bombs by 7 40. isn't this just so wonderful I spent the whole day making my way down the Kevin's putting my new sword enchant to work this is gonna make the mummy monster Slayer goal so much easier after a day's work diving through the caverns I had made it all the way down to level 101 with 274 iridium or four Prismatic shards and a bunch of other goodies and then I passed out I traded Sally to a new hat the morning of day 256. it seems that every time I get a new one Sally must wear it she is the official keeper of hats we took off down to Manis to stock up on more hay you see to combat All 48 of my pigs eating food every day I keep a whole bunch of eye on me so that I can refresh The Silo every second day or so I'm I mean it works though so I'm just gonna keep doing it down at the beach Alex and I tried playing catch but we found out very quickly I'm just as good at sports as I am getting lucky rings I then circled back to Manny's Ranch to give Jazz a fairy rose flower for her birthday before returning to the beach to catch the Crimson fish it took me a couple of attempts but I finally hooked one after hours of fishing in-game hours that is not real life hours on my way back home I passed by the special Quest board and once again picked up Sophia's fairy Rose Garden quest which I'm determined to not forget about this time a boat trip to Ginger island is how I started day 257. I made my way over to Mr Key's Walnut Room and had a look at what challenges were up this week and I accepted the four precious Stone's quest which tasked me to drop off four Prismatic shards of which I had plenty back at home so after a return trip back home I picked up the four Prismatic shards and dropped them back off to Mr key and I was now 40K James Richard I took a look at what I could buy and after a lot of thought I bought the key to the town meaning I could enter any house at whatever time I wanted which honestly makes gift giving much easier later on I had a quick chat with Leo before picking up a lone golden Walnut that I had completely missed back in the valley and before bed I got to chopping down some mahogany trees that had grown I used the hardwood to make a few more oil makers and place them down in my shed day 258 was Martin's birthday so Sally and I rode on over to the movie theater where I handed him a rabbit's foot while I was there I stuck around to play the crane game where I went after another movie poster I did fumble it the first time but I got it on my last try and you may be wondering poxil didn't you miss the movie poster from Spring and to that I say yes yes I did stop reminding me I then decided to spend the rest of the day back in the highlands to double check I'd explored everything but I got infatuated trying to get this Treasure Chest but for the life of me I just couldn't figure out how to get it so I gave up and went fishing I thought maybe I'd catch some cool fish from the Highland River but unfortunately I did not so I hit it home disappointed I started day 259 by adding some more oil makers to my shed and saying good morning to all of my Piggies I then went along replanting all of the mahogany trees I chopped down before taking a trip to the skull Caverns for those wondering I was here to slay some serpents which is exactly what I did I spent the rest of the day here and managed to knock off the serpent slay a goal before it got too late first thing on day 260 I headed out to my fruit bat cave which I had obviously not cleared out in a while so after cleaning that out I paid for a ticket and Willy took me over to Ginger Island once again I wandered over to Key's Walnut Room where I picked up the skull Kevin Invasion Quest this Quest turns the skull cabin into hard mode but with a few staircases I'm sure I'll have no trouble back in the valley I rode Sally into town where I passed by the special Quest board and picked up Caroline's Island ingredient quest which tossed me to gather 100 Ginger so I guess I'll add Ginger collecting to one of my many daily chores now of course I then headed back to the island to gather up as much ginger as I could before returning to the valley once again to give Gus a birthday present as it was as big birthday today back on the farm that night I mooched around the farm finishing up some chores smelting oars collecting my ancient fruit wine and shipping it off before heading to bed for the night day 261 was another Tuesday so my morning was taken up with picking my ancient fruit and shoving them into kegs and as monotonous as it may seem my wallet keeps looking healthier weekend week out so you know what I don't mind after all of that was done I returned to Ginger Island to collect up my Daily Harvest of Ginger and then I just did some chores around the farm before heading to sleep day 262 was mari's birthday so Sally and I rode up to Robin's where I gave Maru a strawberry back at home I started to make some progress on Sophia's fairy garden the first thing I did was make 10 fairy dust with some fairy roses and diamonds secondly I ventured back through by Nexus to the junamo Village as I vaguely remember them selling Fairy Stone and lucky for me they do so I grabbed three out of the five that I needed and headed back home I quickly popped by cleanse to get some more gold or since I was running a bit low and spend the rest of the night finishing up some chores and smell melting oars it was the day of the luau on day 263 with countless iridium quality truffles at my disposal i dub one of them into the potluck soup and call me bloody Gordon Ramsay because I was a Master Chef for the making with how good that soup was day 264 started off with another visit to the junamo village where I purchased the final two Fairy Stone I needed for Sophia's fairy garden then it was back to Ginger Island for my daily Ginger Harvest slowly but surely I was getting there you don't realize 100 Ginger is a lot of Ginger until you have to get 100 Ginger back home I put all the gold I had been smelting to good use by crafting another 12 crystalleriums and adding them to my jade stone shed and then for a good solid two hours Sally and I just kind of stared out across my field of blueberries don't ask what's happening because I honestly have no clue but I finally got moving again where I finished the day collecting the day's truffles putting them into my oil makers and heading to bed for sleepy times day 265 was another birthday Alex's birthday in fact hey I may not be able to catch a football but I give out good gifts I then spent the day riding around in the rain with Sally foraging far and wide throughout the valley which included down at the beach Sprite spring the secret Woods centerset Forest and the railroad which honestly took up most of my days so on today 266. I started my day warping over to the desert and visiting the desert Trader where I traded in 200 Jade stone I'd been saving for 200 staircases and then I popped into the skull Cavern I still had to make it to level 100 in the hard mode Kevin so I thought hey why not now so I put my staircases to good use and started making my way down some would call this cheating I call this being efficient as I made my way down I stopped off at floor 10 to Slayer some mummies and ended up completing another monster Slayer goal which only left me with one more Monster slay a goal lift to complete a short while later I made it all the way down to level 100 I collected my 40 key gyms and headed back home I quickly made my way over to Mr Key's Walnut Room where I purchased myself Pierre's missing stock list now you may be asking why this over more fun items well one item I needed for Sophia's fairy garden was fairy seeds which Pierre only sells in full however with Pia's missing stock list he sells all seeds all year round meaning I'd be able to purchase them now so back in the valley I headed straight to him and handed over his missing stock list I bought the 50 fairy seeds I needed and I now had everything for Sophia's fairy garden Sally and I quickly popped by Blue Moon Vineyard to put all the items in Sofia's chest and the quest was complete and hey 35 000 gold ain't too bad either and after a very productive day I decided to head to sleep day 267 Sally and I headed back to Blue Moon Vineyard to see if Sophia had done anything with the supplies we'd gotten her I then headed back on over to Ginger Island together some more Ginger and I accepted another Quest since it was the start of a new week a fresh pair of challenges were awaiting my acceptance and funnily enough the skull Cavern Invasion challenge was back again and for 40 key gems it's an easy decision one trip over to the desert later and I was back to diving down the cabin as I staircase my way down to level 100 I made sure to stop off on any levels that had radioactive ore this is a special ore that can only be found in the hard mode versions of the skull Cavern and the mind challenges it sells for quite a lot and I need some for the shipping collection anyway but after a bit of time I finally made my way down to level 100 collected my key gems and headed back to the valley that night on the farm I collected up my ancient fruit wine and chipped it off before heading to bed day 268 of course started with the weekly ancient fruit picking and kicking and once that was all finished I collected up my blueberries that my hard-working junamos had picked for me to ship off for a bit of extra cash over on Ginger Island I collected up my daily Ginger I'm getting close to 100 I swear before paying a visit to Mr Key's Walnut Room since I had a few key gems to spend I splashed out and got the Horse flute now I love the Horse flute and what it does is summon your horse no matter where you are meaning Sally can join me in places outside of the valley back on the farm that evening I finished up some chores and headed to sleep early to be honest funny number day plus 200 was Sam's special day so I surprised him with one of his favorites a cactus fruit I won't lie today was kind of a nothing day I did do some foraging up at the summit I chopped out my mahogany trees and did some chores around the farm but honestly nothing so exciting happened today however I woke up on day 270 with a special surprise Mr key had sent me a golden piggy bank for earning 10 million gold and I put it right next to my bed so every morning I wake up after dreaming about how awesome I am I can be remembered about how awesome I am I traveled over to Ginger Island where I collected the last Ginger I needed for Caroline's special ingredients Quest ship them off back in the valley and the quiz was finally complete oh my God that took a while afterwards I hit it out for revenge in my 200 days I faced off against a void serpent five times the size of me and I was humiliated but not today for you see today was gonna be different for today I'd slay that serpent today I'd [Music] Camilla we really have to stop meeting like this with my tail between my legs I returned home and I cried myself to sleep day 271 I was ready for a new day and it started with a new crafting recipe in the mail I'd gotten a solar panel recipe which allows me to get batteries from sunny days meaning I wouldn't have to rely on Zeus for lightning which will be nice also my banana tree had grown and I was now collecting Tim bananas for the island warp totem too bad it only grows one a day but hey Beggars can't be choosers up at Robbins I found Maru needing help with some math questions so I obliged and had a go the first equation I took an educated guess and I actually got it right the second question I took a random stab in the dark because I actually had no idea and I accidentally got it right genuinely I was shocked I was here to give Demetrius a birthday gift though so that's exactly what I did and for the rest of the day I honestly didn't achieve all too much so we're on today 272. I took my Prismatic shards and send a shards up to the forge where I Enchanted my pickaxe with the powerful enchant and my ax with the Shaving enchant now the powerful enchant gives my pickaxe an extra power level meaning it takes one less hit to break through oars and the Shaving enchant on my ax gives me three extra pieces of wood when chopping down trees and the chance for more hardwood when chomping down stumps You could argue other achievements are better but you know I like these ones and then it was time for another installment of panning whoa unfortunately though I wasn't able to add another ring to the collection today day 273 started with a trip to the desert where I traded more Jade stone for staircases after my last few Expeditions I had used up quite a lot so I thought it'd be a good idea to get some more down at marnie's I stocked up on more hay before visiting geldora at least here was there selling some potions and if I was going to take down that big waste of a space called a void serpent I was going to need some extra Firepower one day soon I'll take down that serpent but for now I pop by cleanse to buy a heap of gold as I'm gonna need quite a lot to fill my oil maker and crystallarium shins back on the farm in between smelting the gold into bars I spent my time in the kitchen whipping up some meals and slowly adding to my cooking collection which honestly took out the rest of the day it was day 274 in the dwarf's birthday so I wrote to the minecart so the mines and handed him an amethyst I then took the boat over to Ginger Island where I passed by Mr Key's Walnut Room and accepted his hungry challenge quest now this task made to reach level 100 in the normal skull Caverns without eating anything but hey good thing I've got those staircases eh over at the island Farm though my monster crops had finally grown so I picked them all in rushed to find Lance his schedule said that he'd be at The galdorian Outpost and that's exactly where I found him so I handed him all of the crops and waited but nothing happened so I I guess I'll just have to wait for something to happen tomorrow maybe while I was in galdora I bought some more potions from Camilla and preparations for round two with stinky face before heading back home it was a Monday night though so I collected all of my wine from my sheds and shipped it off before bed I managed to make another 18 oil makers which I placed in my shed and finally went to bed day 275 the rain was pouring down as I collected my ancient fruit this morning which to be quite Frank was very lovely after kicking all of my fruit I headed over to Victor's place where I gave him a duck feather for his birthday one boat ride later and I was back on the sunny shores of Ginger Island I popped over to the island Farm where I planted my beet seeds finally back in the valley I collected up my Truffles and the day had just flown by so I called it in for the night Lance paid the farm a visit the morning of day 276 to thank me for the monster crops and he said he'd left me a prison in his Outpost but today was our old mate Willie's birthday so Sally and I headed down to the beach where I handed him a pumpkin back on the farm I laid out and fertilized more mahogany trees before Gathering up my staircases and heading to the desert I entered the caverns and got to staircasing down I got quite lucky and stopped off on a couple of prehistoric levels to slay some pepperixes but in no time at all I had made it all the way down to level 100 so I collected my key gems and headed home [Music] to free up some chess Space in My Hub area I ended up moving any clothing items I head to the dresser in my bedroom and then I added 10 more crystallariums to the shed slowly but surely I was gonna fill it up I woke up on day 277 prepared and are ready for Revenge I got all of my potions traveled through my Nexus to galdora and set out into the Crimson Badlands after fighting off hordes of enemies I found my Nemesis stalking the Boneyard and I was gonna make sure he would be the next attraction and said Boneyard I downed all the potions I could and suddenly I was zipping around the Badlands like it was nothing I doubt blow after blow to the serpent retreating if I came close to death to re-energize and then I got the serpent in a choke hold he was stuck and I was swinging my sword so he couldn't turn on me and as my speed potion ran out I dealt the final blow and he was slain the rewards for my effort was avoid Shard so back through the Badlands I traveled it looked like it had some type of mystical power and I'm sure Marlon will want to see this so that's exactly where I headed up at the guild I was met with concern rather than praise it turns out that the corruption was spreading faster than we thought so we took The Shard to the wizard who did some Arcane analysis on The Shard but it broke bro I spent so long trying to get that and you just break it really Magnus decided her best to take his findings to the ministry but he said that I'd be rewarded for my efforts and luck I'm a humble guy so anything is fine as long as it's nothing short of a huge gold statue of me while I was around the guild I decided to pass by the Highland post where lion said left me a diamond wand I tried out a few times and I won't lie it's pretty fun it like teleports the enemies away from you but I don't see it being too useful but hey you never know and after a long but very successful day I headed home and finally to bed day 278 had a very different vibe to yesterday that's for sure over at the Wizards Tower I purchased the island Obelisk as I now had everything to purchase it and I ticked off another goal I use the Obelisk to warp to Ginger Island where I handed Leo a gift as it was his birthday today I passed by Mr Key's Walnut Room where I use my key gems to purchase a pair of judamo chests they do work like into chests in Minecraft basically whatever you put into it you can retrieve from the other chest so I place one on the island farm and one on the Valley Farm that way if I needed my tools for either Farm they'd be right there that afternoon I paid a long overdue visit to crobus where I purchased myself the return scepter for an eye-watering two million gold oh it's a lot of damage but look it teleports me home and between this the four obelisks my Nexus and Sally I could literally get anywhere in the valley in a heartbeat for the rest of the night though I kind of just stood in the rain probably contemplating the meaning of life day 279 I was passing through town that morning and found Victor outside the movie theater he told me he's finding it hard to be in the house with Olivia breathing down his neck about getting a job and the fact he doesn't want to work himself to death and the city makes it hard to reason with her so I told him that working at JoJo was awful and I guess he can take what he wants from there I was in town however to purchase some coal from Clint so that's exactly what I did I then spent majority of the day foraging around the valley sprinkling moments of smelting oars and putting truffle and oil makers and you've pretty much got the rest of my day it was day 280 and I started the final day of summer with another trip to the desert Trader where I got myself a bunch more staircases I then popped by the movie theater to hand clear a sunflower was it her birthday no I was just being nice and then I spent rest of the day back on the farm working hard in the kitchen cooking up some Michelin style dishes slowly but surely adding more meals to my cooking collection and as the sun set I headed down to the beach whereas I'm sure you know by now we watch the Moonlight jellies roll into Shore and of course had an absolute Rave to this absolute banger [Music] day 281 I Walked Out Of The Farmhouse took in the beautiful colors of my favorite season and said to myself God I love this game in typical first of the month fashion I got to cycling down I now did blueberry plants after popping by peers to buy a mountain of cranberry seeds I headed back to the farm where I got to planting them all down afterwards I took off to Ginger Island where I passed by Mr Key's Walnut Room and accepted another Prismatic Shard Quest and I harvested my bait since they had finally grown I raced back to the valley where Sally and I rode on over to Lewis's house and planted them in his fridge while I was there I passed by the special Quest board and picked up a Quest from Andy who was asking for some help to build a Cellar and before I could hit off I found Sophia ecstatic over her new fairy garden and honestly I couldn't help but be happy for her and then I was back to the quest over in the desert I placed a solar Essence into the dragon's mouth and was told my reward was located in the log pile by my house because of course it was so I warped home where I received my exclusive Club card I'll go visit sometime soon for now though I spent the rest of the evening making truffle oil collecting up my weekly lot of ancient fruit and shipping it off for that sweet sweet gold Sophia paid a visit to the farm on day 282 to let me know she was very happy with the fairy garden and she repaid me with an updated Ledger meaning I could now purchase iridium Sprinklers and nozzles as cool as that is I think it's a little too late but hey the thought was there and that's what matters today was also Penny's birthday so after town I went where I gave her a lovely poppy over in the desert I put my brand new club card to use by kicking this bouncer out of the way and entering the casino I didn't hang around for too long though because silly me had forgotten it was a Tuesday and I quickly ran around collecting all of my ancient fruit before shoving them all into my kegs that evening I finished up a few chores and decided to call it in for the night I wanted to knock off another goal on day 283 so I took my stack of staircases to the desert threw on some monster musk and started my dive down into the caverns after a while I stumbled onto floor 76 and got to slaying as many pepper exes as I could and a short while later I knocked out my final Rex and completed my final monster Slayer goal back on the farm I found this very satisfying and I popped by The Adventurous Guild just to double check all the goals were actually complete and I collected My Rewards from Gill and seeing as I had required a new hat I of course gave it to Sally The Almighty keeper of heads I reserved a 284 for another episode of your favorite segment panning with epoxy all with special guest Sally you feel unlucky today Sally my thoughts exactly well unfortunately today was another unsuccessful session so no fourth lucky ring today day 285 was Elliot's birthday so I started my day with a trip down to the beach to hand him a duck feather back on the farm I decided to chop down my mahogany trees since most of them had grown and got to work collecting everything Andy would need for a seller which included 500 wood 75 hardwood 500 Stone and 15 iron bars and once I had everything Sally and I rode down to Fair Haven Farm where I dumped them into Andy's chest speaking of I found Andy shortly after walking around trying to find some forage we talked overlooking the river and he said that he was proud of me that afternoon I added eight more oil makers to my shed and did a few chores before calling it in for an early night I started off day 286 looking at my shipping collection and shipping off a few things I haven't shipped yet afterwards Sally and I ventured around the valley foraging everything I could find for a while and I'm gonna be honest I didn't do anything too interesting for the rest of the day so we're on to day 287. it was our new friend Morgan birthday and I heard he likes void eggs so that's exactly what I gave him over at the movie theater I handed Claire another sunflower and played the claw game where I picked up another movie poster to add to my collection and back in The Farmhouse I added it to the wall of posters if only I didn't forget the spring one down at Marty's I bought some heaters and circled into town to buy some parsnip seeds from piers and then I headed on over to Ginger Island I planted down my parsnips as I only needed one more golden Walnut from farming and it was killing me that I didn't have it riding along the beach I saw an artifact spot so of course I dug it up and holy cow I swear this series just gets even luckier that is now one of two snake vertebrae that I need for Professor snail's Museum I did find another artifact spot nearby and thought I could get Super Lucky but it wasn't meant to be back in the valley I popped by clints to open a few golden coconuts I'd been hanging on to where I managed to get the fossilized skull another part of Professor snails Museum so of course I ran it back to him on the island and then I finished the day off putting the heaters I'd bought into my pig farms it may not be winter for a while longer but hey we had another nether day 288 was a ginger Island kind of day before I left though I handed Clara sunflower she got off the bus because it was her birthday that's not creepy right and then I headed on over to the island I got myself a couple more golden walnuts completing Professor snail's Island survey looked around for some more artifact spots and fished in the digsite river where I got a fossilized spine one quick trip to snails tent and I handed him the spine leaving me with just the second snake vertebrae to finish the museum back over at the dig site it was once again time for another installment of with returning special guest Sally it was another unfortunate day today though as I couldn't add more lucky rings to the collection that night though I did place a banana on this pedestal where a gorilla came out and traded it for three more golden walnuts and I finished my day back in the valley collecting up my wine and shipping it off I won't lie a day 289 was an admin kind of day I collected up my engine through wine and dumped them all onto my kegs collected some Jade stone bought a prismatic Shard from the dunamo village went to Elliot's book reading dropped off an artifact to gun through the museum I stocked up my Silo with my hay tended to my slime Hutch and made some more truffle oil all before heading to bed after a long day full of chores day 290 started with a wee bit of a whoopsie I may or may not have forgotten to press record until halfway through the day but you didn't miss too much all I did was hand over four Prismatic shards to Mr key to complete that Quest and while I was there I accepted another skull Kevin Invasion quest which leads us to right now I made my way down the Kevin's collecting radioactive or when it was close spy and a short while later I had made it all the way down to level 100. back home I made and collected some more truffle oil before heading to sleep it was Jody's special day on day 291 so I rode Sally Through the rain to hand her a diamond I quickly popped by the island Farm where I picked up my parsnips and finally received the last farming Walnut and after a stop back home I returned with some strawberry seeds which I planted because you know why not back in town I was passing by a blue moon Vineyard and Sophia decided to tell me about her parents who sadly passed away and she was the one who was left to take over the vineyard so I said I'd come and help her sort out all of these boxes tomorrow because I'm a caring person impatient but caring all I did on day 292 was a bit of fishing I caught myself the angler the final legendary fish and the kitty fish which I caught over by the West Bridge although I didn't have space in my main tank for the angler I had to make his own little tank day 293 was spent giving Abigail a birthday gift and smelting gold uh yeah that's about it to be honest I started day 200 and 194 with another trip to the desert Trader where I got a whole lot of staircases and then back in the valley I had to take over the tell at the movie theater for a while Claire wasn't feeling well so I thought I'd help out afterwards I finally headed to Sofia's to help her unpack all of her parents boxes shortly afterwards we got a cute little cut scene of Sophia walking through the town absolutely loving life and I think that's super wholesome that afternoon I found myself back in the rain on Ginger Island where I purchased the island travel system with some spear golden walnuts I had from day 295 to 299 I was honestly pretty standard stuff I gave out birthday gifts and completed chores around the farm on day 296 I re-kicked all of my ancient fruit and rushed so quickly to the Valley Fair that I completely forgot to get things for a grange display over days 297 and 298 I went around the valley collecting secret statues Scala also showed up at my door on day 298 asking her to visit her in grampleton so if that's a thing I'll have to save that for 400 Days and on day 299 I found another golden Walnut in one of the oyster clusters and added 14 more oil makers to the shed which finally puts us on day 300 and as this tradition I spent the day soaking in the spa reflecting on the last 100 days as I enjoyed the hot water I was ready to finish this series and vowed to reach perfection in the next 400 Days [Music] 301 the rain was pouring down and I took a moment to myself before getting to work like I said my main focus for the next 100 days is to achieve Perfection which requires a lot of things to happen including a few RNG elements so let's hope luck is on my side I spend the morning reacquainting myself with the farm and making a start on the shipping collection I popped by Harvey's to pick up a sports drink and a stamina capsule and back on the farm I picked out a few things from my chests I hadn't shipped yet I then warped my way over to the desert where I paid Sandia visit to buy some rhubarb seeds because silly me had forgotten to grow some so I made my way to Ginger Island destroyed my strawberry seeds on my Island farm and planted down my rhubarb down on the beach I was rudely denied a snake vertebrae for a snake skull instead you see the last item I need to complete Professor snail's Museum as a snake vertebrae I was lucky enough to get one in the last 300 days but I still needed one more so let's again cross our fingers and hope the luck will be on my side after circling back to the farm to gather some rice shoots I returned to the island to plant them down by the river just another crop I hadn't shipped yet that night I finished the day off with some chores around the farm like getting hay to The Silo collecting some stray Truffles and shoving them into my oil makers all before heading to bed after a very successful first day back on the farm which means we're on to day 302 and I was feeling up for a bit of fishing so I grabbed my trusty rod and rode the minecart over to the mines I had it on down to level 20 and I got comfy I will say now that I have a lot of fish to catch over the next 100 days and there's going to be a lot of fishing but for now I spent a long time catching nothing but ghost fished in rubbish until I finally caught myself a stonefish and decided to move myself further down the mines to level 60 where I did the exact same thing once again I was here until the final hours of the day unsure if I'd catch an ice pip or not but I managed to hook one just before it got too late back on the farm I hardly ran around collecting up my weekly round of ancient fruit wine from all of my kids before shipping it off and heading to bid day 303 I of course started the day picking all of my ancient fruit if you've seen my 300 days you'll know it's kind of a thing and then I shoved them back into my empty kegs afterwards I spent the rest of my day catching more fish that I hadn't caught yet I traveled through my Enchanted Grove to Sprite spring where I caught myself a golden fish and a meteor cup and down in the mutant bug layer I caught another new fish called a water grub which if I'm being honest isn't much of a fish water grub more like water ugly oh brother sorry anyway catching those fish turns out had taken up the rest of the day so we're on to day 304. I was feeling generous today and something I needed to do a lot of was gift giving turns out giving out gifts on birthdays isn't enough to win the hearts of everyone so I'll spend a lot of my time running around handing out the same gift twice a week to the same people because you know that's normal and definitely not weird at all so I spent the better half of the day handing out some gifts that afternoon I ran into Claire in town who was hung up on not being a part of the Tuesday Fitness class so I just told her to go for it while I was around I popped into Caroline's Greenhouse where I picked a tea leaf I'll need two for the shipping collection so I'll grab them while I remember and then I was back to fishing I made my way back down into the mutant bug layer where I fished up a snatcher worm which to my surprise looks even uglier than the water grub and a slime Jack I ran out thanking God I never have to return there ever again I went to bed that night and I had nightmares of water grubs chasing me day 305 started with truffle collecting and Tea Leaf stealing well I I guess it's not stealing if she says I can take it so back on the farm I put the Tea Leaf into a spare keg I had to make some green tea I then Wrote Sally down to marnie's Ranch where I purchased a couple new animal friends a cow and a goat who I called Bert and Ernie you see I had stupidly never shipped any normal milk or goat's milk from the last 300 days because when I had them I put them all straight into my machines and my animals produce large milk now so this was my easy solution that afternoon I ventured over to the highlands where I cleared a nice space between the monsters to go fishing in the lake where I caught myself a daggerfish and back in the valley I waited very patiently that night up at the mountain lake for the clock to tick past 10 pm so I could catch a midnight carp which I did just in time it was day 306 and I knew I had a few Crab Pot items still to catch so I crafted a couple more crab pots collected the ones I already had from the ocean and relocated them up to the mountain lake so I could catch some fresh water Critters I'll just have to wait a day to see what I've caught speaking of fishing it's boring isn't it why not add some danger to it by heading to the Crimson Badlands and trying to catch fish while monsters watch on ready to attack in any second I did manage to catch a Bonefish without any problems but as I was catching a second fish the serpent decided he'd had enough watching and took action trying to kill me but being the skilled fisherman I am I real deficient slayed the serpent and sorry I caught an undead fish all right that's enough danger for Monday give me the hell out of here Ah that's better I continued my fishing adventure to the witch's swamp where I battled long and hard with a void eel but after wearing it down I finally caught it I definitely deserve my sleep tonight that's for sure day 307 was a day full of promise and gift giving until I realized the Spirit 2 Festival was in town so I I wasn't allowed it meaning today would not be full of gift giving instead I took a day trip to the desert where I collected some cactus fruit and coconuts and fished up a scorpion carp another fish I can take off my list back in the valley I paid a visit to my crab pots to refresh the bait and accidentally handed Linus bait as a gift which he obviously loved whoopsie I then stayed up way past my bedtime to attend the spirits Eve Festival I made my way through the Maze and collected up my golden pumpkin at the end of it I backtracked through the Maze and hit it on Home day 308 was the final day of fall and I was ready to fulfill the gift giving I was meant to do yesterday did visit Morgan over at the Wizard's Tower and they did a great job of impersonating Magnus and I didn't get them into trouble so yeah hey that's a win and then I ran around the valley handing out gifts to The Villages of Pelican town by the late afternoon I had finished my gift giving so I traveled over to a gloomy day on the island where I sliced down my unmilled rice and ticked off another item from the shipping collection to finish the day off I completed some chores back on the farm before sleep time [Music] I awoke to a frosty change in the air on day 309 and the valley was looking a lot more snowy today I guess that means it's winter I got to sighting down my now did cranberry plants and replaced them with some winter seeds I had saved from last winter after filling my Fields full of seeds I passed by the sewers to hand krobus a birthday gift and made my way to the highlands I rode Sally across the snow-covered forest and made my way back through the monster filled caves once I found a safe spot I cast my line into the cave Pond where I went after another fish I hadn't caught yet it was a tough battle but I managed to reel it in and I added a gym fish to my collection but of course I wasn't finished just yet back in the valley I'd perched up on the pier fishing until I finally caught a squid and just before bed I collected and shipped off my ancient fruit wine which means day 310 started with some ancient fruit picking between this and my truffle oil I'm saving up 10 million gold to afford the golden clock so yes this may seem tedious but but trust me it's necessary after re-kicking all of my ancient fruit I finally shipped off a small milk and goat's milk and rebated my crab pots up at the mountain lake down in the sewers I found crobus with a friend of his who upon seeing me immediately wanted me dead so I got out of there before things got ugly I was down in the sewers to catch another fish and that fish was a radioactive bass however the day had just flown by so on today 311. if I'm being honest with you well I spent the whole day scrambling around the valley handing out gifts to as many people as I could man who would have thought gift giving would be such a grind day 312 started off with a trip to buy some star fruit seeds from sandy's shop I then popped by The junamo Village to buy some Deluxe fertilizer and Piers to get some quality fertilizer what am I doing with this you may ask well I'm running low on star fruit and apples absolutely love star fruit and with the fertilizers I can increase the chance of the fruit being a higher quality making gaining hearts with apples a little bit easier in the long run although my rhubarb wasn't ready to be picked yet so I'll just come back soon which as you can see I was very happy about definitely not at all annoyed anyway back in the valley I spent the rest of the day with my chef's hat on whipping up some more cooking dishes to add to my cooking collection day 313 I kind of just ran around like a headless chicken for a while I'm I I wouldn't even ask because I don't know what's happening but when I finally came to my senses I decided to take my mountain of geodes over to Clint One mine cart ride later and he is not here of course he's not here instead I headed over to Ginger Island that evening to try and catch some more fish and my luck finally turned around when I caught myself a shiny lunaloo at least I achieved something today day 314 Clint was back in his Services were available once again so I hauled my 267 Omni geodes over to him and he got to hammering them open I spent a while here opening geodes donating new minerals to Gunther dropping off the other ones back home and repeating the process Over Again by midday I had done this about four times and I wasn't getting any more new minerals so I decided to stop over on the island Farm my rhubarb had finally finished growing so I picked them all and got to replacing them with my starfruit I then waited around until the evening time to fish out into the ocean where I ended up catching a baby lunalu no why can't all fish look this cute and looking at you water grub back home I just decided to call it in for the night I started day 315 with a trip to the desert Trader where I traded 401 Jade stone for 401 staircases now that's a lot of staircases but hey you can never have too many today was also Caroline's birthday so I popped by peers to hand her a summer spangle I then decided to relocate the crab pots back down to the beach since I had caught all the freshwater Critters and then I added four more because you know why not am I right over on Ginger Island I was wandering around the beach where I found an artifact spot and oh damn it oh another artifact spot ah damn it that afternoon I potted around the farm doing some chores and paid the beer a visit I bought a couple of cooking recipes he was selling and a few salmon since I need some for cooking and speaking of cooking I spent the rest of the day back in the kitchen whipping up some dishes to add to my cooking collection day 316 I awoke to a field full of winter forageables so I went along picking them all turning them back into seeds and replanting them back on Ginger Island I passed by Key's Walnut Room where I accepted the key kindness quest which tasked me to hand out 50 love to gifts that's a lot of gifts so I'm gonna leave that for another day I think but for now though I took to digging up some artifact spots and uh oh my god with the second vertebrae acquired I rushed to proficious snail's tin and gave them the final piece to his Museum his collection was complete and for my hard efforts I received the ostrich incubator crafting recipe and a few golden walnuts which put me on 129 out of 130 golden walnuts so I had a quick chat with Leos parrot who told me the last Walnut was stuck in a Shelly Stone and sure enough I found the last Walnut which ticked off my first goal towards perfection back on the phone that night I used Professor snail's recipe to craft an ostrich incubator which I put down in my barn and popped my egg in to incubate and just before bed I collected up my ancient fruit wine and shipped it off for that juicy cash money it was back to picking ancient fruit on day 317 and after filling my kegs full of ancient fruit I was ready to find love I bought a bouquet from piers and I was ready to find my soulmate now I did put up a poll to see who you thought I should end up with and with overwhelming votes it went to Sofia so I made my way down to Blue Moon Vineyard and handed her the bouquet wait what no oh no he's gone Rogue poxious where are you going I decided to go with Magnus screw the pole This is Love Magnus and I have been through a lot together and you know what they say the heart wants one at once and trust me he's an absolute sweetheart so you will not be disappointed with my decision back on the farm that night I started preparing a whole lot of gifts because over days 318 and 319 I gave out gifts and that is seriously all I did 50 gifts there's a lot of damn gifts to give out and by the end of day 319 I hadn't even given out all 50 gifts although I was very close also Andy showed me his new seller that he built with the materials I gave him during the last 100 days Morgan was also feeling the pressure of being a wizard and I helped them cheer up by saying they'd be special to people in the future which I think they appreciated and Victor broke the news to his mum that he got an apprenticeship helping build and maintain Bridges around the valley but uh yeah I loved gift giving which puts us on to day 320. Sam paid a visit to the farm letting me know that his band was playing in Zuzu city which I definitely don't forget about whatsoever and I started my day doing some chores around the farm restocking my hay from monies and handing out some gifts I didn't get time to hand out yesterday and after handing a salad to Leah I finished Key's kindness Quest and received my key gems finally so I walked my way back over to Ginger Island and I moved my way over to Keith's Walnut Room I had quite the Hall of key gyms now and I spent it all buying the crafting recipes he sells an aquatic sanctuary and Mr Key's hat I will admit I misclicked on the fish tank and accidentally bought it I didn't mean to buy it but hey Sally looks pretty flash with a cool new hanama right as she should be being the ultimate keeper of hats back on the farm I thought I shouldn't waste a good fish tank though so I replaced the old one with this bigger one meaning I could fit all the legendary fish in it I then said hello to all of my Piggies before calling it in for the night day 321 I started to make some progress with crafting every item after buying a bunch of Stone from Robin's and a lot of ore from Clint's I got to work slowly but surely crafting anything I could I took a break from crafting mid-afternoon to visit the desert Trader to buy another crafting recipe and I pass by the mines to purchase a rare Crow from the dwarf which left me with one more to get from the casino you see once you get all eight rare crows you get the crafting recipe for a deluxe scarecrow but for now I kept on Crafting anything and everything I could but it was getting darker after a big day I finally went to bed day 322 was Harvey's birthday so I hopped into bed with him and handed him some truffle oil that's not weird right today I wanted to get the final rare Crow I mentioned yesterday so I headed on over to the casino once I got there I purchased myself some key coins pop the cork on some aged Blue Moon one for plus seven luck and hit the slot machines it took a while but after hitting three Nautilus shells I finally had enough key coins to get the rear Crow a nice skidadled out of there before I got addicted and back on the farm I popped it down and my collection was complete that afternoon I decided to brew some pale ale and Mead by chucking some honey and hops into kegs as there are two items I still need for the shipping collection I then had a steering contest with the Ghost of Christmas Past because they just did they're not doing all too much so let's move on to day 323 my winter seeds have produced their forageables again so I took some time to pick them all turn them back into seeds and replant them all afterwards I rode Sally up to Robbins where I purchased a few Brazier crafting recipes this seems a bit silly that you have to keep going in and out of the shop to get the next recipe but hey that's just me I then circled into town where I popped by cleanse to break a few magma and Frozen geodes in hopes of obtaining a couple more new minerals I did get one new mineral so I donated it to the museum but it should be noted I only needed a couple more minerals to complete the set one can be found in a magma geode and the other in a frozen geode so I paid a visit to the dwarf boards and bombs and started blowing up every level of the mines it's tedious to mine every Rock for a small chance of a geode so why not just get a bomb to do it for you by the end of the night I had 12 magma geodes so hey that's proof it works I then finish off the night collecting and shipping off my ancient fruit wine day 324 started with well I I bet you can guess what I was doing and then for the rest of the day I continued to collect geodes this time opting to find Frozen geodes around level 40. I started day 325 with a trip to cleanse to see if my hard work over the last couple of days have paid off and well it kinda did my magma geodes let me down but the frozen ones did not as I got a piece of Gemini which I rushed over to Gunther to donate all I had left was one piece of dolomite to find however I could not be bothered going back to the mines today instead I spent the afternoon back on the farm continuing to craft the last of every item I was at the point where I thought I had crafted everything but I still hadn't yet received the achievement so after a lot of big brain thinking I remembered about the island Trader and after a quick visit I purchased the final crafting recipe so back on the farm I crafted the deluxe retaining soil and completed another goal off the list day 326 I awoke to a very ominous message from Magnus asking me to meet him this afternoon just west of his Tower sounds interesting but that's for later for now though I gave my newly hatched ostrich name and called him Paul like a cute baby bull isn't he just adorable and then I decided to cook a few more dishes towards the cooking collection it was getting close to 2PM so I popped by the Hat Mouse and got Sally a new Christmas hat because tis the season to be jolly before meeting up with the wizard he said he wanted to show me something and teleported us to a beautiful spring he talked about how much joy I've bought him over the past while and conjured us up a beautiful table full of food Magnus certainly outdid himself this time see I told you he's an absolute sweetheart back on the farm I spent a while writing Sally aimlessly around the farm probably smitten with feelings after a perfect date day 327 was a day reserved for your favorite segment of all time that's right it's the final season of paning with Park seal painting with poxious a segment where I pan in the ginger Island dig site in hopes of obtaining The elusive lucky ring currently our counter is at three lucky Rings this series and I was hoping Sally could bring me some extra luck today any words from you Sally very well Sid unfortunately though I didn't have much luck so I walk home into handed today it was day 328 and once again I was back to running around the valley giving out gifts hoping to win the hearts of all the villagers and also we convinced Leo to move back to the mainland so yeah hey that's pretty cool the birds even renovated a tree for him to move into day 329 started with more gift giving and apple showing me his starfruit friends who he named I swear this little guy can do anything and it's goddamn adorable while I was out and about finishing off my gift giving I came across a ticket box by the train stop which took me all the way to a grandpan suburb called Pond wood where I stumbled across Scarlet alright let me just add another person to my gift giving list then I explored around a little bit where I met triven and Hank who I believe is Scarlett's parents but back in the valley it was getting late so I collected more gifts to hand out from around the farm and called it in for the night day 330. yeah it was another day of gift giving that night however I was ready for a big payout you see I'm pretty close to 10 million gold so after collecting all of my wine up I grabbed my two in a bit stacks of truffle oil and shipped them off want to know how much gold I made [Music] day 331 I started with the weekly ancient fruit picking but lucky for you and for me this would be the last ancient Fruit Harvest after filling my kegs full of ancient fruit one last time I decided to say goodbye to half of my tree farm and chop down all of my oak trees and because this was one of the first things I had ever made on this Farm it was a hard goodbye but because I had no more space on the farm big enough for a golden clock area I wanted to make it was a necessary goodbye and then I got to work planning it out I added a pathway some fences and torches a few trees and some grass that are around the outside and it was a pretty good start which meant on day 332 I woke up to continue work on it I took all of my secret statues I had found at the end of the last 100 days and placed them beside the fences and warped my way to the Wizards Tower where I dropped a casual 10 million gold to finally get the golden clock my pockets may be feeling very light right now but I can take off another goal towards perfection over on Ginger Island I pass by Keys Walnut Room where I picked up the danger in the Deep quest which tasked me to make it to the bottom of the mines again except this time it was a lot more dangerous but hey nothing for an adventurer with over 300 staircases at his disposal am I right so that's exactly where I headed I passed through the mines with ease by staircasing my way down and landed on level 120 without a single scratch on me okay that's a lie I got hit a couple of times I moved my way back to Mr Key's Walnut Room where I spent my profits on some key seasoning and mushroom tree seeds if you've never seen key seasoning before it makes any dish you cook gold quality I'm hoping it'll make some dishes I give out to villagers for gifts worth more friendship points speaking of gifts day 333 was the Feast of the winter star yay I finally didn't call it Christmas my person this year was Lewis so of course I gave him a hot pepper my secret Gift Giver this year was Sebastian and he gave me yeah I've had worse definitely had better though it was day 334 and I finally decided to replan all of my winter seeds I'll admit they'd been ready for a while but I just couldn't be bothered however with spring just around the corner I thought it'd be best to get it over and done with afterwards I decided to get some chores done around the farm before heading up the normal mines once again to look for magma geodes I had finally rekindled my passion for blowing up rocks with bombs and I was determined to find the last mineral I ended up spending the rest of the day here and I ended up with nine geodes by the time I called it in for the night fortunately on day 335 my hard work from the day prior turned out to be worth it as Clint whacked open a piece of dolomite so I ran it over to the museum and donated it to Gunther now all I needed to complete the museum was a few more artifacts so after a quick trip to the desert Trader where I traded some Omni geodes for artifact troves I was back at cleanse unfortunately I think I used all of my luck on the piece of dolomite because out of 18 artifact troves I got zero new artifacts to donate instead I went around visiting secret note locations and digging up some artifacts and treasures I hadn't found yet after which I had two dolls to donate so I I guess that made me feel a little better that night I'd kind of just stared into nothing as I usually do so on to day 336 it was the final day of winter and the final day of my third year in the valley over on my Island Farm I collected up mate now ready to harvest star fruit and replace them with some full seeds now you may be thinking that's a weird thing to grow while there's a certain cooking recipe that requires 15 blackberries which I I definitely don't have so I'll slowly but surely be gathering them from all of these four seeds over the next while and then for the rest of the day I gave out gifts seems very fitting since I've been doing it so often and after a day of handing out gifts I headed to bed ready for a new year [Music] welcome back to Spring in my fourth year in the valley it was day 337 and in typical first of the month fashion I sat down my now did winter seeds I then replaced them with some strawberry scenes I bought a whole year ago see I told you you can never have too many strawberry seeds while I was paying a visit to the dunamo Village I found Abigail and apples having a fun time together I was here to buy myself a prismatic Shard you'll soon see why that afternoon to pass the time I decided to hand out a few more gifts although I went on a wild goose chase to find scarlet and I couldn't find her anywhere until finally that night I caught it just in time as she was heading home and then I finally went to bed I started day 338 with a trip all the way to the forge with Prismatic and Cinder shards in hand I put my fishing rod through the forge until I had the master perk which adds a whole nother fishing level while I'm using it this is also why I was buying Prismatic shards if you are confused you'll see why I did this in a second however before I can tell you that Vincent decided to show me the secret to cleaning spring onions making them worth five times the value when selling them and I offered a helping hand to Andy and Scarlet as they worked on preserving all of Andy's strawberries which means I'll know exactly where to find Scarlet since she helps him out on weekdays alright back to the rod with the master perk and Downing some seafoam pudding you can cast fire out enough to reach the water where I got myself an iridium Kroger statue which I place by my golden clock area yep I did all of that for a statue but hey now it's even it looks great afterwards I collected up my ancient fruit wine one last time before shipping it off and doing some chores around the farm that evening I decided to decorate this bit of land below my crop Fields with a cute little pathway I planted down my mushroom trees placed some fences with torches on them and surrounded it with grass and I like where this was hitting but it was getting late so I hopped into bed before it got too late day 339 started out with some chores around the farm before making a trip out to the highlands I heard through the grapevine the green mushrooms can be collected there after slaying some green dust Sprites I had three green mushrooms and back home I shipped one away taking off another item I kind of just fluffed it around for a while but I was about to make a big decision that decision had to do with buying a mermaid's pendant from this gentleman here and I took it all the way to Magnus where I asked him to marry me and he accepted he was halfway through a listing with Morgan though so bad timing on my part but yeah we're getting married day 340 was Ken's birthday so I surprised him in bed with a bowl of roasted hazelnuts I'm sure Jody doesn't mind today was a day full of fishing I went around the valley catching fish I hadn't caught yet including a Dorado a king salmon a grass carp and a Frog not a bad effort for a day's worth of fishing it was day 341 and honestly I didn't do too much that morning kind of just ran around aimlessly however that afternoon I got stuck in trying to figure out how many more oil makers I'd need to fill the shin I came to the conclusion it was a lot so used in the vast area of the expanded desert I laid out a square of mahogany tree seeds I know this won't cover all the oil makers I want to craft but hey it's certainly a good start and then I decided to hit the hay early because it was my wedding day on day 342. okay okay our wedding day after our beautiful ceremony I decided it would be a good idea to venture out into the Crimson Badlands once again to try and find a treasure room some of you told me about in the comments of the last video but once I did find it I got absolutely wrecked not once but twice now my Nemesis old mate's stinky face was too one up on me and I wasn't happy about that to be honest but I have to come back and try again another day that afternoon I found myself back at the valley and saw Leo getting to know the other kids which was nice and I bought Sally another hat that night I collected up my Peggy's Truffles and popped them into my oil makers and after a roller coaster of day full of highs and lows I headed to bed day 343 and 344 I'm happy to say we're a lot more relaxed than yesterday as I spent my time over these two days wandering around the valley handing out gifts to everyone which is honestly about all I did Lance did pay me a visit on day 344 who said I should meet him on my Ginger Island farm at my earliest convenience foreign sounds intriguing and on day 345 that is exactly where I headed he informed me that we'd be visiting the Guild of the first slash which is the guild Lancers a part of and after using a makeshift warp point we arrived on the remote island once inside Lance introduced me to the fellow Guild members and showed everyone the monster crops I had helped grow our trip came to an end though and I wandered around for a while trying to find a way back but I think I'll have to be patient because I couldn't find the what point we're taking the first time so I filled my time that afternoon back on the farm finishing up some chores day 346 started with Magnus informing me that I could use his warp point and his Nexus to visit the first slash Guild Hall which was Grand news so obviously through the warp gate I went and here I was on the island I did some foraging around the beach and picked up some goodies before entering the hall being the Curious being I am I found my way to an empty bedroom which Jolene The Guild leader let me take up residency outside I decided to cast my line out to catch the last fish I needed and not only did I end up catching a torpedo trout but an octopus too which was the last fish I needed to catch so I ticked off another goal back home on the farm that afternoon I shipped off a golden ocean flower I had found on the island earlier which was the final item I needed to ship off completing yet another goal two goals in one day and two shabby I didn't achieve all too much for the rest of the day so we're on to day 347. after waking up and checking my mailbox I was excited to see another star drop from Willie from catching all the fish so hey that's cool and for the rest of day 347 and day 348 I decided to do some expeditions to the skull Kevin each time I'd staircase down to around level 80 and start carpet bombing each level and that was because I was on the lookout for Omni geodes because I still needed some artifacts to complete the museum training Omni geodes for artifact troves would be my best bet I took a break from the caverns on day 349 since it was the egg festival and I reclaimed my title back as egg hunt King you know I don't want to talk about what happened last year [Music] I really don't want to talk about it it was day 350 and I started my day on a high as Magnus gave me again another star drop what a sweetheart today I was still on the hunt for Omni geodes but I decided to ditch the skull Kevin idea for a bit and try out the gym caves in the Highlands since I'm pretty sure I'd seen a lot of geode Stones the last time I was in there and oh boy I Was Wrong by the time I had made it around the caves I had six geodes and if I'm being honest I died too you'll never see me back in there again that's for sure instead I traded what Omni geodes I had for artifact troves at the desert Trader and hauled them over to cleanse it wasn't all bad though as I got one of the three artifacts I was missing so I've only got two more to go that night I took some time to stare out over my Strawberry Fields probably still thinking about that water grub nightmare day 351 was another day full of gift giving and attending a party apples had put on for his friends but sadly no one came because his friends thought turning the abandoned Vineyard into a new home was a mistake but the bear came and saved the day so there was a happy ending but uh yeah that's about all I did today day 352 was honestly pretty similar I started my day gift giving and only took a break halfway through to finally get the last movie poster I needed which I'd put back at my farmhouse and my collection was complete ah isn't that satisfying over on Ginger Island I quickly popped into Mystic keys well not room to pick up the danger in the Deep Quest once again before calling in him for an early night I started day 353 staircasing my way down the mines again and once I reached level 120 I received my 50 key gym reward afterwards I made my way down to the edge of the cinder sat Forest where I found Morgan undertaking their final test with Magnus and after a lot of concentration world power and strength they managed to call the woodland animals to their side also because I witnessed it my animals now produce higher quality produce not that that matters but hey pretty cool nonetheless back on Ginger Island I picked and replaced my full seeds slowly but surely I'll get those blackberries that evening I paid a visit to the desert where my mahogany trees had grown so I got to chopping them all down and just before bed I collected up my Truffles and ran them through my oil makers from Days 354 to 357 I decided it was skull Kevin time baby because as you know I'm after two more artifacts and to get artifact troves I need a bunch of omni geodes so for four days straight I ventured down the caverns blowing up each level hoping to get those precious Omni geodes and hey a radio more and Prismatic shines are a welcome bonus too oh and I also found my first skull Kevin lucky ring and I'm gonna add it to the counter because why the hell not which of course puts us on to day 358 I started my day with some chores since my farm had kind of been neglected over the past four days and then I met up with Magnus on Ginger Island I had recently reached 14 hearts with him and he was going to show me something special so he wrapped us up in bubbles and we headed into the sea once Under the Sea Magnus treated me to a beautiful concert from this mermaid and I was gifted a mermaid's bracelet and I just think there's the sweetest thing ever after that perfect date I replaced my four seeds once again and replanted my square of mahogany trees seeds in the desert while I was there I traded all the Omni geodes I had for artifact troves before heading back to the valley where I replaced Sally's goofy looking hat with a beautiful green bow I started day 359 hauling my artifact troves to Clint's where he got to smack them open to my surprise I got not one but both missing artifacts thank God I think I might have thrown something if I didn't so I ran over to the museum where I donated them to Gunther I received my final star drop and I had completed another goal towards perfection afterwards I circled around to The Saloon where I waited very patiently for Gus to show up but I picked the one day he isn't here didn't I instead I headed down into the sewers where krobus introduced me to next the leader of the shadow people they were willing to mend a broken relationship between them and humans if I bought them five dozen void Souls I then tried bringing crobers five dozen void Essence thinking there were void Souls PayPal you're just blowing from stupid down I was so embarrassed I set a top seller for a while thinking about my actions anyway moving on to day 360. it was time for another episode of your favorite Sigmund panning whoa poxious unfortunately I walked away disappointed today as I couldn't add another ring to the counter but Sally was here to keep me company so that was nice day 361 was a day full of gift giving however the gift numbers I had to give out was significantly smaller than when I started now that's what I like to call progress for the rest of the day I kind of just moved around the farm so I hit it to bed however overnight the adoption agency dropped off our beautiful baby boy who I blessed with the name bingas I started day 362 off with a few chores around the farm it took me a while to find some motivation to get moving again but once I did I filled my jade stone shed with more crystallariums those four days straight in the skull Kevin really set me up with a lot of resources and then I went back to lazing around again so let's move on to today 363. I filled my morning handing out gifts to those who needed them and the afternoon with more chores that evening however I popped by Keys Walnut Room to pick up danger in the dip for the third time in a row and collected out by four seeds for the final time and just before bed I paid a visit to the judoma village where I purchased a few Hyper Speed growth for my coffee beans I'm about to plant day 364 was the final day of spring and I was right back to Ginger Island where I used my spare sprinkler to plant down my coffee beans with Hyper Speed grow I need beans to turn into coffee for a cooking recipe and totally forgot you need five beans per kig but with the hyper speed grow there'll be really another time at all I also decided to plant some strawberries around the coffee bean plants afterwards I grabbed some staircases and once again made my way down the mines until I hit the bottom where I was rewarded with my 50 key gyms and if I'm being honest I didn't achieve much for the rest of the day so Sally and I just watched the day pass by with Summer just around the corner sun's out guns out cause it's summertime as you can see it's very exciting I started day 365 of the trip to Piers to buy a mountain of blueberry seeds which I used to replace my now did strawberry seeds I then spent majority of the day up in the mountain like fishing as I was after a rainbow trout for a cooking recipe and by the late afternoon I finally managed to hook and catch one and if I'm being honest that's about all I did today day 366 I was back to gift giving and I spent a long time waiting here for Scarlett to show up I'll make it easy for you she did not show up if I'm being honest with you all the rest of the week is pretty boring so I'm gonna save you the details all I did was give out gifts to the last villagers who still weren't at full Heart Day 373 however was a much more important day my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined with my coffee bean plants now growing I had everything I needed to complete the cooking collection so I ran around the farm collecting up all the ingredients I'd need put my Chef's head on one last time and finally cooked every meal from The Collection meaning I could take off my second to last goal towards perfection and then I slipped for five days straight and I finally awoke for my Slumber on day 378 you have to understand I was so close to Perfection all I needed was to win the hearts of two Villages and that's exactly what I did I found scarlet and ponderwood and handed her some goat's cheese which finally got her to Max hearts and back in the valley I walked my way to Aurora Vineyard where I handed apples his final star fruit and I could finally took off my last goal the next day on day 379 I awoke to birds flying in the sound of the summit calling me Sally and I rode to the base of the summit and I walked to the top who was waiting for me there but none other than my own husband Magnus I watched crobus the dwarf Camilla the Witch and fairies fly past and the credits started to roll Perfection is definitely no easy task and I was happy to have seen it through although afterwards I found Scarlet phasing through walls and I thought to myself no wonder I can't find her some days so there you have it Perfection has been achieved and you may be wondering poxil it's only day 379 well you're right so let me take you through what I did afterwards [Music] from Days 380 to 383 I decided to go on a massive decorating spree around the valley I started off in my Island Farmhouse which I think turned out quite nice I then headed back to the valley where I added some finishing touches to my Obelisk area and worked on my jade stone shed which ended up with a bit of a blacksmith theme and it turned out quite cool I also realized these back machines are kind of useless because I can't reach them but hey I'm going for Aesthetics here people I finished my decorating with a basement bar which actually turned out way better than I thought it would days 384 and 385 I collected statues from around the world including two gem statues and two statues of endless Fortune from the casino my statue of perfection from inside my house and the statue of True Perfection from Key's Walnut Room which I then put down in front of my clock and finished off my golden clock area day 386 I purchased some potions from Camilla which I used to zip my way into the Crimson Badlands treasure room and I collected up my rewards unfortunately I didn't have a prismatic Shard on me so I couldn't open this Treasure Chest however up at the forge I finally turned my Galaxy sword into the Infinity Sword by infusing three galaxies Souls into it and also picked up concerned ape's head which I must admit looks pretty creepy on Sally day 387 I decided to decorate my oil maker shed and by taking inspiration from the layout of the Jade stone shed it turned out pretty good A lot more cozy than the other one day 388 I reserved for the final episode of panning with Park seal the rain here was really summing up my luck and once again I did manage to pan one up but after what's happened over the last 400 Days I honestly couldn't be too disappointed and my special guest Sally has been a wonderful co-host day 392 I watched the Moonlight jellies roll into Shore and bobbed along to the best song in the game foreign [Music] from Days 393 to 398 I went into full hibernation mode and slipped away the days I think you can tell I'm ready for this all to be over on day 399 I rode Sally around the valley for the last time just enjoying the views seeing all the places we ventured to and visiting places I may never visit again and finally on Day 400 I soaked in the beautiful hot water of the spa as is tradition in all of my 100 Days videos I do this to reflect on the past 100 days and I can safely say I was very happy with how the last 100 days have gone and I couldn't have asked for a more perfect ending well there you have it 400 Days of stardew Valley expanded is finally complete here's a look at the final Farm I'm stoked with how this series turned out and I hope you have all enjoyed following along with the expanded series unfortunately this will be the last video in the series of hey have nothing to achieve now but I'm excited to get into the next series that I've been planning for a while now if you have enjoyed these last 400 Days be sure to like the video and subscribe to the channel as it helps push these videos out for more people to watch and as always you're all wonderful people so have a wonderful day and thank you so much for watching thank you [Music]
Channel: Poxial
Views: 2,030,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stardew Valley, 100 Days, Movie
Id: mR9bHXNC8gQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 234min 4sec (14044 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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