The NEW Phayze Boss in BROKEN In Bloons TD 6

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so I've got to beat five waves of this terrifying boss and it all starts with my free Dart monkey and then putting saura right around that little Bend and now I probably need to get as much money as fast as I possibly can all because there's no pausing between rounds and this boss appears every 40 with more and more Health good thing Saura is good at slashing well normal looking balloons and now we can get in my first banana Farm put the farmer on the chair that just looks nice increase production on him Saura is still doing all the work and greater production I'm hoping Saura is gonna be enough to get me all the way to round 40 I don't think they're gonna be enough to pop the reality shifting Moab though so probably have to work on a few different things for now though I'm only seeing yellow it would be green but everything's yellow in this game so more production can get a third banana Farm down now there's regrow balloons in the mix but that's still A-Okay greater production once again and now if I'm making a bunch of money I think there's one specific tower that I can use Monkey Village down larger radius and start going into this bottom path which gets expensive round 28 here we have our lead balloons which kinda can't be popped so we just stab those down and that works out nice you can get the plantation down for this more stabby and I think I want to make sure I get a ninja monkey down to hopefully get flash bomb might as well smack him down now flash bomb perfect because this boss Moab has a thing where he just takes away like additional camo properties so you need night vision goggles and now my sniper can always shoot the tower and then probably faster firing oh and he's gonna appear in three rounds all right this is fine give my sniper monkey shrapnel shot and then make them semi-automatic it'd be nice to get fully auto but in two rounds I don't know if I'm actually gonna be able to make that oh it's gonna be close survey says yes I can get it full auto always keeps him going at first and then jungle drums keeps them attacking faster of course and here's our first star so it's kind at a 10 000 HP Shield to start off with but my full auto sniper monkey is helping out and then his shield drops to where we can do like what three thousand of his HP or so mething like that just stab those down but the issue is when you get to one of these skulls he just teleports forward a bunch and now balloons starts spawning where he left his little portal luckily he's now within range of Saura and my flash bombing ninja monkey so that's all going well and good I can also get monkey town now extremely handy to generate more cash off my sniper monkey and it looks like we were able to at least get him to half here so far so good but now balloons Spawn from this little portal that's so annoying he flies forward once again but that's all right I'm gonna get monkey City here just because I do want a monkeyopolis for huge cash and I think with enough power and hope we can kill this first version of him oh tier one pop the next one appears in 11 rounds how fun for me that's all right though moab's flying in as normal my sniper is doing the work monkeyopolis to just absorb all those farms so that frees up space for more of them let's get a couple more farms down for banana plantations kind of a round like that works make them valuable too why not next boss appears in seven more rounds so we're gonna go ahead and get another full auto sniper monkey down I think just to help out also upgrading my ninja monkey to Sticky Bomb and then I'm actually gonna place a little raft down there because I think what I can do is squeeze a wizard down give him monkey sense and then give him well summon Phoenix in his range covers a decent portion of the map that I think he's going to be able to keep fighting our balloon guy but he also helps with these camo leads that just appeared and here's the second one elite Defender the sniper monkey oh yeah we're kind of shredding that I think the Phoenix also does damage for it but I'm not a hundred percent sure but so far first shield down working on his regular HP bar life is going good I'm hoping that oh my gosh she just teleported forward that's horrifying all right keep it going I'm not not entirely sure on how that ability works all that I know is that it does and it's scary get to the second skull buy my more research he's gonna be just going around another bit of that turn another Phoenix the bombs going off on him right now what are these little things he's got what are these little prongs are they like talismans metal wind chimes I don't know they don't make them look any cooler he's just an idiot banana Factory he's in the last little bit of his life just kill him yes oh tier two popped only three more of those things to go trying to think of what else did I note that actually has camo properties I believe that they ship does with Crow's Nest so we can Crow's Nest and then monkey Pirates him ah screw it pirate lord I think I'm also going to go plutonium reactor for my sub just so this is an always active damaging Zone in there and so in seven rounds the boss appears and we'll see how things are going so I'm just gonna get crossbowmaster with quick shots on I told you it always starts with a free Dart monkey and I'll get another crossbow Master down here quick shots as well now I've hired two Ninjas the price of one thing of corn and a nuclear submarine hopefully we'll be able to do this next one fine I think what I can do is also sneak another Dart monkey down and as long as I give him enhanced eyesight everything will be fine but give him Ultra Juggernaut which does more damage to moabs can I make a paragon actually squeeze another one of these guys down plasma monkey we'll see if I end up getting enough money for that but for right now hopefully it's at least a little helpful and here he is 175,000 this guy sure does love his HP huh that's fine once he gets to my pain Zone that's when everything starts coming together a little bit more he's going down at a decent rate the only thing that I'm worried about is his teleportation ability that he does where he just rips open a hole in reality and then keeps it going okay that's going down pretty fast though I'm feeling a bit better about myself after this one but I'm still not the most confident man in the world by another Phoenix please and he's almost a halfway Thank You by my banana central a bit of a riskier purchase but I'm having hope ideally it's hope instead of cope but you know I guess I'll find out soon enough here he's I think onto his last Shield so I'm gonna buy master bomber my tier 5 ninja monkey hopefully get even more damage out I think he's about to leave this Zone though I'm not entirely sure this is fine he's still taking a bunch of damage and I believe he's going to die therefore more banana Farms tier 3 is popped as quickly as I can I barely hung in there for that one meaning my darling Gunner that gets Advanced targeting and then becomes a tier V mad balloon should hopefully help out with the Moab destroying I'll try and squeeze some more markets down no I didn't mean to do that for even more cash generation you know the next boss appears in four rounds but this time I have my little mad popper man and I almost wonder if getting a druid down and then getting Spirit of the forest would actually still be worth it oh here we go all right start popping abilities now shoot my little mad storm unlock this guy so I can always Point him at the moabs and he's got 375,000 HP that's so much that's so much and for what what do you need all that for go Rocket Storm again there's so many balloons over there that are doing so many things I don't know if I'm actually gonna be able to pop him because he just realm shifts again wait I have an idea wizard Lord Phoenix Apex plasma Master come on out a 36 Paragon degree okay that's some damage in on him that definitely is helping yeah that's what I needed all right tier four is popped way to hang in there me I think I'm gonna go ahead and buy my way to maybe getting my ninja monkey Paragon as well and getting two more full auto sniper monkeys down hopefully that'll all help with everything can I Alchemist I think the permanent Brew helps if I were to Alchemist and then if I were to come down here and just XXL trap Sentry Gun oh and now we're fighting purple balloons you know what that's fine I want to ultra boost my mad shooty guy pretty much as fast as possible you got him yep let them have it okay where did it's good damage I think more Ultra boost on Mr mad shooting man buy my tech bot so that Ultra boost is just always going out he's got 1.5 million HP what is this man where's the universe where this is supposed to be fair huh because it's not this one just keep going just keep throwing a bunch of crap at him it's fine my plasma Master is definitely hard carrying the team right now this was my secret all along just needed him and everything works out even though this guy still has a few more phases and balloons are changing where they spawn at oh God it'd be so embarrassing to kill FaZe and then still die to the other balloons just get him he's Gotta Be So Close yes he's dead he's dead he's dead I did it screw this boss he has nothing on me and yeah my Paragon is 6.5 million pops is definitely the start of the show this time oh man all right now let's do it on elite
Channel: ImCade
Views: 93,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cade, imcade, iamcade, indie, pc, funny, gameplay, btd6, bloons td6, imcade btd6, imcade bloons td6, bloons td6 imcade, btd6 phayze boss, new bt6 update, new update bloons, imcade phayze boss, The NEW Phayze Boss in BROKEN
Id: xv79GZ5csEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 3sec (543 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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