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ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it is finally time i have been waiting so so so long for this game and this feels so reminiscent right here on the main menu so reminiscent of the first time we played through some nautica the first one um that was a time when i basically said hey i love doing zombies i'm still gonna do zombies but this is a turning point for my channel and you know i'm not gonna be scared of playing other games doing more playthroughs and expanding my horizons beyond the single game mode of call of duty and since then we've had some of the greatest times on the channel that subnautica like play through was one of the greatest playthroughs i've ever had it meant a lot to me it meant a lot to i know a lot of the people in the chat um and yeah this is this is a big day this is a huge huge day subnautica below zero if you don't know is a survival game and today or i believe yesterday it came out fully like it's no longer an early early alpha it is the full game it has the ending in it i haven't been spoiled at all about what goes on with this game i haven't watched any videos i haven't watched literally anything and this is it man this is it so without further ado part one of subnautica strap on in hopefully none of you guys are hydrophobic we are plunging in to subnautica right now chat here we go survival like survival with that yeah this is this this is the just standard experience freedom yeah so we just play literally the normal experience here we go strap in let's get it let's get it i'm so excited because i literally have no idea what the storyline is about like at all in this thing um dude it feels so surreal it really does feel so surreal oh my gosh the loading bar is incredible down there um we're all hydrophobic actually skin will do that to you all right listen listen what's it called when you're scared of like deep water and stuff 100 donut thanks so much for coming to tier 3 simp i appreciate it and ladies and gentlemen here we go this is the farthest that i can take you on company space bucks robin you sure you want this the research isn't everything it is to me and sam we need to know what happened the meteor storm i can use it for cover from altera's eyes gonna miss you robin i'll find my way back oh shoot oh shoot so we're on purpose going down to the planet this time wait this is already so different it's not a crash approaching 45 46 feet surface temperatures [Music] uh oh shoot well oh shoot okay hold on so real quick let me change some keyboard mouse sensitivity let's throw that down to like eight i love that yeah that's perfect all right here we go here we go nutrient block we always gotta grab those that's like the the the most important thing in the entire world is our health oh got a flare let's go [Music] tried to play this game and it kept crashing for an hour oh pain blueprint synthesized filtered water oh we got a blue we got a blueprint for picking that up say dude i feel like i'm about to get like hit by a meteor right now let's let's get away from the storm oh oh no um oh i'm getting cold wait you have to worry about your temperature as well okay that's not good holy smokes that did not go as planned all right we got our initial drop pod into the water and get to the drop pod all right here we go yeah if we're already cold on the surface hello all right let's see if we can get all the way over there wait so are we are are we good to swim yet oh i see the fishies come here fishy come here fishy dude this oh my god it feels so good to be back chat it's the penguin it's the penguin fish dude it feels oh i remember these guys are really useful okay we're gonna have to get some flippers or something going on first we're gonna have to get some flippers or something get our pot underwater oxygen grab some o2 we'll dive right back why does that look like a like a weird tentacle looking thing all right fabricator here we go cooked food cook some boomerang um let's see resources we have basic materials um electronics cured food tough but flavorsome dehydrating but keeps well oh i see i see equipment okay so we got the basics here we just need to start collecting stuff huh scanner survival knife all the necessary tools water pool waterproof locker and then we've got all right let's go ahead and throw some flares in there already we got a cooked boomerang that'll keep for a while let's throw one of these in here all right oh and then you can actually pin different recipes and stuff wait that's pretty cool okay look so let's pin this knife um we need to we need to pin the knife silicone and titanium so and then we need some titanium that's and literally these two things are the first thing we need to make these two things are the absolute first things we need to make uh ribbon plant well sam i guess i might as well gather some tools and resources before starting my search hope that radio tower's as easy to spot as lil said okay let's move this over here okay pog there we go that's a lot of flares bro i know that was way too many flares i actually didn't need that many at all break limestone do we have anything to even break yet should be able to use this quartz titanium good stuff uh dude it feel it literally feels so good to be back new creatures splatter fish that's how we that's how we make some water i love how you just hold it you just straight up hold it by the neck what's happened so far uh we just we just landed and we have absolutely no idea what's going on so far oh here we go here we go this is something to scan c c glide yes dude okay so we know we have a sea glide right right right close by we need to find some more outcroppings we need to get to building oh dude the noises how's the volume chat how's the volume this volume sound good i want to make sure we're uh upper or good stuff ribbon plants contain electrolytic materials that can be used in energy storage nice thank you pda okay so we have enough to make a battery we okay we can make our scanner we can make our scanner and then we need a red plant uh we need a red plant in order to make that is this red plant we just need a red plant in order to make a knife let me let me real quick see if i can find it anywhere dude once we get the sea glide oh we're literally gonna be cruising dude oh what is that hello is that a fri a dude i i i remember them feeling when it first felt like last time it's literally what i'm feeling now trying to figure out what what sea life is friendly and what is not friendly so yeah that's that's first things first is to figure that out hopper or the cog oh no we're gonna need sea glide we're gonna need the sea glide to go down and deeper where is the red plant having trouble finding the red planet we got a couple outcroppings here 15 seconds left on oxygen on that go straight up this looks fun bro if you how many of you guys have never seen a subnautica game before how many of you guys have never never seen this i'd be interested because this is literally one of my favorite game series of all time i've been i've been so excited to finally finally play this supply cash nearby oh emergency supply cash i really i really want to make the scanners stuff before we before we go any farther okay here we go got more of these these seem like they're gonna be like the new uh i don't know what the right word is um oh shoot that's a big old iceberg huh that's a that's a big old iceberg okay so we have that emergency pod area let's um let's start heading back we got another sea glide part okay i don't have any markers right now that is a huge fish again i hope no one here gets too scared by uh hope no one here gets too scared by deep sea stuff cause you are gonna have a bad time with this we probably need to go drop some stuff off in the uh what's it called as well another c glide part you see it right there so we have three sea glide parts okay oh hold on hold on get to the roof there we go make sure you listen to all pda logs okay got you got you all right let's go inside so let's see he's a little nervous about dropping into an unknown area but luckily this biome seems to have an abundance of minerals i can use for tools and upgrades i didn't want another situation like byzantos five when xenoworks dropped me off there were barely any resources i survived off the land for three months with just a knife my lucky pda and some rope i am still kind of proud of that though yeah i would be too dude literally i if this was me here chad i straight up would just die all right i have a scanner all right so we have our personal log electronics we can make some glass now uh cooked food we have don't we oh we already have the bladder first okay so we're gonna make this into some water we really need that knife so we need to find the creep vine indigenous seeds with high silicone and oil content that's what we need to make right now let's store up the rest of this stuff real quick some ribbon plants some waters okay so let's let's go ahead and eat this whoa what does it look weird now okay so we have our trusty okay how do i reorder this stuff okay so we have our trusty scanner we don't need that so scanner will be on one we'll do like knife on two and then uh oh pick up narrow leaf pink narrow leaf we got we gotta literally like scan everything now here we go pog oh we only need three to build that wait that's actually incredible that's actually really really good because that means i if i am not dumb which you know we'll see if i'm not dumb that means we we can really really quickly uh finish all this off i'm gonna try to listen to some pda stuff too oh i hear hear the big i hear the big monsters of the deep twisted mandrake here we go i love i love researching dude oh dude this game this game man hoop fish [Music] grab the hoop fish watch a hoopla and we'll grab all these down here discovered you've created your discovered ribbon plant view violet view yeah we're we are we are literally we are literally a a scanning society here for the for the first couple of seconds of this game oxygen yeah yeah yeah i know yeah yeah yeah all right we got we need to find those seaglide parts the first step of this if it's anything like the first one the first step is gonna be sea glide parts here's one here's one now um and then step number two is really straight up dude that fish is huge uh and then the second step is going to be um being able to uh dive deeper and everything all right do we need to scan this no we don't all right there's one more sea glide part a little bit closer by oxygen i'm gonna grab those out croppings real quick your fish food is going right i i ate it already i already ate it shelf coral that's the stuff you can knife if it's anything like the first game i'm pretty sure you can knife that stuff delaying out crop that's isn't that new chance of lead i thought that was new but maybe not we got a little floating uh thing here bro these fish are huge they're huge oh here we go here's the sea glide fragment let's go oxygen okay blueprint synthesized oh dude i just realized that might actually be a thing in this game at some point is uh i i need to catch some fish for food um that actually might be a thing where you go up and the roof is ice and you might just die straight up that might be a thing that we have to worry about and i'm not looking forward to that arctic peeper all the peepers are just straight up the the best food stores if it's anything like the uh fish go ahead and cook that stuff up all right we gotta go up we gotta go up big fish are safe and replenish your oxygen wait that's actually kind of sick bladder fish this is like literally the water source capital of the world right here catch a couple of those there we go all right let's see what we need for the sea glide so cook some let's cook some let's cook some fish up cured food okay let's let's make one of these that uh that stays for longer and i mean we just need to eat we're we're already low on uh low on that stuff water let's make a filtered water was the hoop fish in the last game i can't remember chat was the what's the hoop fish in the last game okay and then resources oh here we go so we need a lubricant copper wire copper wire battery yeah we can make a copper wire so let's see here um let's eat this cooked food there we go okay so we're full on that drink of water um and then i'm gonna keep this stuff in my inventory let's go to blueprints filtered water no big deal there we go okay so battery lubricant copper wire titanium so really lubricant is the oh shoot we don't know how to make lubricant yet let's untrack that on track on track so wait do we already know how to make lubricant no we just need we just know how to make water ah okay well that's not not ideal i'd say do an extra locker battery so we need some more copper let me let me grab a copper here there we go craft this battery okay i really need to get my knife going we need to find out where you get these uh these red stuff these red uh thingamabobs from let's drop all this stuff off okay so we have our battery copper wire let's drop these fish off ribbon plants and i mean we have to come back here anyway all right oh hello dude how do you get this red i i guess let's go let's go to the emergency supply cache because we're gonna need to figure out how to i mean the lubricant was in the last game but i don't remember how to do it so we're gonna need to figure it out again let's go to this emergency supply cache and see what's going on what is this down here what is this plant it seems like weirdly spaced right here oh it's a little outcropping of these thank you i i have a feeling by the end of this playthrough we're gonna need to have done like a billion of those like actually a metric a billion of them oxygen yeah yeah yeah i know i know i know creeping clusters i haven't seen a cluster i can actually pick up from yet i haven't actually seen that let's see uh voice log all right i have a scanner uh data bank blogs and communications sweater approaching seek shelter okay there there's a ton of stuff to listen to already there is a ton of stuff oh is it raining wait is that or is it snowing bro that looks so cool that's so that looks so cool uh yeah let's let's just go here why not right yes here we go okay i i feel like i should if this is this is it creep vine beautiful refined seed cluster i feel like oxygen i feel like i should oh shoot dude the ice is gonna scare me so bad new blueprint synthesized um i i think i should definitely go back and uh craft a knife before i before i try to go to the next area let me grab some cords there's a lot of oh gosh they're huge okay i mean hey the only way to learn about the local wildlife is to go up and say what's up titan whole fish replenish oxygen whoa dude they just give you a little boost of oxygen what is that oh that that looks like the kind of thing that's like not aggressive but if you mess with him he'll come he'll come after your neck type thing that that's what that looks like all right we got a bunch of seed clusters we are we're kind of big chilling right now if i see a bladder fish i definitely want to go after it because water is always uh needed there it is come here bladder fish come here there we go got it yeah we need to keep a lookout for any seed clusters yeah scene clusters are used for lubricant isn't it all right let's get this stuff crafted and if we once we find the lubricant recipe we'll be able to make the sea glide i believe uh so we need uh silicone rubber and titanium oh lubricant there we go wait are we gonna be able to make a sea glide already uh silicone rubber dude we are we're gonna be able we're gonna be able to make all this dude let's go um okay so we need copper wire and battery and i probably want to uh make an extra battery huh because i it's pretty much just something you want to do all the time see glide baby let's go the seat light is a personal transportation device used for high speed free defense we contains do fins too translates vertical limb moves under water for forward test enhance swim speed how do we do a fiber mesh if we if we can figure out how to make a fiber mesh as well can we do that yet silicone rubber so let's do an extra battery just for all of our for all of our things uh tools the fins i i think we gotta go fins right yeah we got we gotta go fence we gotta go fins fins are just i mean that's just the way the way the way it goes right uh oh we can make another silicone rubber and then with that we should be able to grab one titanium and we would be able to make a knife from that fool's knife all right we just had the major come up right there okay so i mean might as well right let's go ahead let's just carry two batteries on deck just in case okay let's see here so we have our fins on we have our sea glide let's do our c line on one let's do our scanner on four knife on two let's do that uh blueprints we got the lubricant done we don't need that anymore we don't need that anymore okay we're pretty much i mean we're we're kind of we're kind of bumping right here um i want to offer my sincerest condolences on the passing of your sister i got to know sam better towards the end of my mandate with altera on 4546b when we were thrown together as basemates at outpost zero she spoke often and fondly of you i thought you should know it didn't sit right with me when altera blamed sam's death on negligence the samantha iu i met was many things kind clever devoted to her work but never negligent i wish i could offer you something more substantial but my access to information has been cut off [Music] you may be in a better position to look into things than i am if you're able to delta station was our hq they were in a big hurry to leave and there might still be information to be found there it has a big radio tower impossible to miss i hope you find the answers you seek lillian bench interesting what the wing oh gosh okay don't mess with the brine wing dude the brian wingle hello sea monkey ow oh my gosh you are adorable you are adorable wait that's my seagull the wildlife down here is very crap stole my amy stole my effing fig yo me and all my homies hate hey that that thing all right here we go so let's see pda got a med kit dude he just yanked it what the heck all right oh hello that's a scary noise a cargo container mineral detector fragment okay uh huh from that stuff new blueprint synthesized let's go wait what are we synthesized synthesized oxygen they fool you with the cuteness yeah they really they really did huh all right so grab can can i oh my inventory is full oh dude these things take up so much space so much space okay so we can't we can't do any more of those oh a couple more of these fell down here let me make sure we do not really have space but uh shoot go ahead and drink the water nutrient brick that's huge okay i think that's get out of here sea monkey oxygen all right pretty much everything we got there cool cool cool check inside the boxes i thought i did oh oh the light stick research that tech pretty sure i looked inside all of these that literally looks like a lightsaber chat i sure have everything looks like i have everything go away see monkey oh the beacon i can scan the beacon nice go away oxygen i can't believe they could just go up and steal your sea glide that's so funny okay let's go underneath here oh what are you paint the penguin you're so cute oh my gosh i love how it starts you off with all this the the cute wildlife i really appreciate that part like hey there's nothing to be scared of here come on guys all right i really need to drop some of this stuff off i need to start making some lockers and stuff i really need to start making some lockers literally inventory full or i could just craft all this into some titanium that would be that work too so if i hold shift well in this menu i can keep it open oh uh i don't need fins compass do we need a compass we need a fiber mesh that's what we need we need a fiber mesh that's for sure uh let's do another one of these [Music] deployables we got a beacon light stick mineral a proximity detector used to locate mineral fragments and other items with identifiable signatures huh that seems like something we should make now that's probably okay so we need a titanium we need a copper wire so we just need some copper ore grab this okay let's see let's make a copper wire i feel like yeah that is definitely what we want to do mineral detector there it is the mineral detector can sniff out raw materials potentially saving you hundreds of hours of searching for all you always always can use more always can use more lubricant and always can use some more silicone rubber so let's just keep making keep making some of these how many of these how many creeping clusters did i pick up oh i did not mean to make some glass but here we are uh okay so next up fiber mesh is next up on the list all right we have a ton of these a ton of lubricants mineral detector we'll put that there first aid kit we'll keep one on deck that's probably a good idea battery uh scanner drop another flare off h2 let's hold oh shoot we need to let's go ahead and make a uh let's go ahead and make a waterproof locker we just we just need to at this point there we go okay so we'll drop our first waterproof locker right there wait what drop oh pack it up open storage okay so let's go ahead and throw some water in there and do we really need the flare we probably don't need the flare okay what is this limestone chunk oh silver or gold copper ore gold frag oh fragment wait you can straight up go after a fragment fragment oh that's sick okay let's head back this way uh let's knife some of the creep mine let's do that that is the next thing we need to do excuse me thank you thank you blueprint new blueprint synthesized wait do i knife this yeah that's that that's what we needed right there and that's a quick inventory full right there that is a real quick inventory full in about three seconds oxygen oxygen grab the beacon too i guess i could just literally yoink that beacon huh because i don't need that area anymore it's kind of nice to orient myself a little bit there but all right let's see uh we can build the scanner fiber mesh pog there we go [Music] uh let's go ahead and make another one just because that's i think that all we can really make out of it right now uh oh that's how you make the blueprint okay so i need titanium grab a titanium yes sir and standard o2 tank let's go now we can uh stay in water longer blueprints to your data bank oh floating air pump a floating device that pumps air into the pipe can be upgraded for deluxe and vip breathing deluxe and vip breathing repair tool is pretty important uh yeah that's pretty important actually floating air pumps this is what's gonna allow us to start making our base it's a repair tool we pretty much just need a crystalline sulfur that's pretty much all we need in a compute we can do a computer ship now and a wiring kit okay so we we can start grabbing all this stuff here let me grab one of these fish real quick why not both right um okay let's i guess let's head out this way so no no nearby fragments i guess i could do uh oh i need some table coral huh table coral is just this right here right or no it's not deposit bro i love the addition of these fish though actually being able to replenish like that is super super nice uh i need to so i need table coral i need uh table coral copper silver this is creepy right now logan thanks for coming to tier one appreciate that i just straight up grab this use to mark traverse territory show or hide the signals of your choice with your xenoworks pda now with surface support wait did i i have this on right yeah i was about to say um is this silver this is that sports uh okay let me see here fragment no fragments close by i guess i guess it's just we we gotta start you know we gotta start venturing chad we gotta we gotta leave the safety of our home world oh what is this mobile vehicle bay wait isn't that like one of the most important things it wasn't the first one wasn't it chance of silver oh that okay that's that's what you get silver from let me okay this cave right here is really really good let me let me go up let me go up and then we'll go back down this this cave right here is gonna have it's the cave of wonders this is gonna have everything we need help root stuff upper oh what is this radiance steve curl my knife it doesn't do anything doesn't give me anything okay i need to i'm slowly i'm slowly but surely making my way through here i i can't remember is it the mobile vehicle kill bay or like the rocket launch platform that it's i think it's a separate thing i get some silver nice we got our first thing of silver words what is this replenish oxygen i like that oxygen plant so there's lots of things to replenish oxygen oh my gosh what in the world [Music] i i i mean these things look good they're super far down in the uh they're like super far down in this uh cave system anything anything below 100 meters we we basically lose a lot of efficiency and uh let's go see monkey oh i thought this was a buildable oh i forgot about those guys dude i forgot about this guys that's silver ore let's drop uh let's drop the titanium where'd that silver ore go there it is okay so i just need to go i i have i have officially overstayed my welcome here silver ore let's drop another titanium for that nope nope nope nope no no f you bro grab trap fragment okay titanium titanium should i come back here i feel like i should come back here seemed like it was a pretty good pretty good spot not gonna lie i mean a compass would be really nice too we just need to drop some of this stuff off we have way too much dude laser cutter in the nest shoot okay where's that beacon i picked up we'll oxygen know which way to go it'll be a little halfway point oh shoot i'm like out out i sneezed don't look at me all right let's see here so we can make the wiring kit uh we can cook some of this need a little food and water real quick nice uh equipment pipe a chain of pipes that can be used to transfer breathable air from a functional floating air pump i guess let's go ahead and make it maked it good words no ingredients on no so these are just things that i'm working on first aid kit we don't need that let's go ahead and make another wiring kit we're gonna we're gonna need a lot of them i can already tell uh lubricant let's make a silicone rubber i guess another one bro i feel like we're gonna have so much of this already lubricant okay see what what you got room for found in kelp caves contains highly reactive compounds oh that might be some like straight up in-game stuff right there okay let me cook this fish drink this water root oh yeah that's that thing okay let me go ahead and throw some more goodies in here here you go sir hold on to this uh wait oh i i ruined that one advanced wiring kit boom floating air pump that that okay so we can drop this because i did i drop it yeah i did wow that that little thing right there took up my entire inventory very nifty very cool okay let's keep it going actually real quick before we do keep it going let me let me play another pda it's from sam oh this is the notice of your sister's death robin guess what i got the job oh this is from are we sam i think we are able to improve the mechanical av and amphibian under real world stress conditions listen i know your stance on altera but i just hope you're happy your sis is happy i sure hope my first is happy i can't wait till we talk again oh i wanted to ask you something can you watch my augie while i'm away i need someone i can trust to look after my best little potato potato that sounds like a distress call transmission of unknown origin source of transmission depth calculated at approximately 200 meters wait what um okay so let me drop my b let me drop a beacon here warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining let me drop a beacon here um edit beacon name uh distress okay so whenever we are able to oh that's that's a creepy looking crawly uh let me go grab some oxy ooh oh gosh i'm really low right now well let me go there's something to scan there so let me let me go down there let me scan it and then we'll come back up and we'll try to figure out where that uh oh i thought that was something on the surface i was so confused so here's where the distress is dude i love this game man i really do i'm titanium okay so there's something to scan right here warning boxing 100 meters mobile vehicle bay fragments okay nice okay so we need we need the better suit before we're able to go down there for sure that's a for sure for me bud hey i've got another one of those man i i can't i already lost that uh i already lost that uh what's it called that cave that i was gonna go down down to again how much room do i have halfway not too bad not too bad shoot where was it ah literally my worst fear right now the glide frag oh this just gives you extra titanium doesn't it yeah it just gives you titanium if you scan something you've already forgotten we're just kind of collecting resources right now we're gonna be a little set up um shoot okay let me let me use this scanner uh select next i want to look for this oh what is that noise whoa dude what is that noise straight up chad i don't like that i don't like that i'm going back i'm going back to the ship i don't like that one bit oh coral bridge scan this there we go i don't like that one singular bin let's make another mobile locker here uh copper wire might as well make that um personal air pump that's pipe don't need all that right now let me grab another beacon actually a beacon is actually super super useful to just mark stuff so that we know when we get to certain areas we can keep on going uh did i do i really not have enough for oh i do okay waterproof locker let me drop another one of these out here we'll drop everything in there big pog here we go uh drop this storage no did my game just crash okay i thought my game just crashed i was about to cry bro hold on to that dude i it was close it was close what do we need for a battery again blueprints uh battery battery battery where is the battery oh right here ribbon plant copper ore dude i thought my game was done for proper ore i think i had some urban plants in here okay let's just have an extra battery on hand okay i really need the crystalline so i can make the repair tool yeah the game this game is not free now but it is worth it dude let's explore a little bit this way i i haven't really explored the i'm gonna call this north i don't actually know if it's north but i'm gonna call this the north side of the area check the new pda log okay let me see let me get down to get up to the surface oh my gosh imagine being able to see anything uh altera personal log stress call inside human maybe remnant from the architect technology there's something important here even if it's a mimic from one of the more intelligent uh species it could be a major fine orbits from altera it could be a bearing picked up what sounds like a distress call who or what is out here calling for help didn't sound human maybe it's from a remnant of architect technology in her message sam's colleague did say there was something important here even if it's just a mimic from one of the more intelligent aquatic specimens that could be a major find or if it's from altera it could have bearing on what happened to sam i should definitely check it out interesting interesting oh that's open water boys oh what is that that's open water i don't the meteor storm's still going on do i get out of here um how do i get out see do i jump up here oh ladder big pog all right hey nice mineral detector fragment we already have this desk we'll go ahead and get that blueprint synthesized it's like a research station right here blair oh hi dangerous weather approaching seek shelter hello penguins all right bye penguins bye guys i'm sorry i gotta leave you oh i see so it's hailing and if you're outside when it starts hailing you get clapped i see i see i see i see okay there was really like nothing of value at that research station huh you want tips to rather explore on your own um kind of a mix obviously no like spoilers as th that is always the case what is this crescent moon coral that's huge oh here we go is this a pda down here warning passing 100 meters off the truck sea truck that's pretty fog [Music] uh the damn ugly thing followed me into the shallows didn't think something that big would follow me up here what in the sea truck again i guess i could try to go back for the parts when it leaves if it leaves i really don't want to sit in another meeting with emmanuel manu as he likes to be called ugh i just want to drive around and deliver cargo in peace wait what is really big i mean he didn't seem he didn't seem too scared running 30 seconds that dude did not seem like he was like in danger for his life he was just had to you know respect whatever it was which i'm sure was nothing too scary right guys oh i was gonna play that fred great to see you come on in you don't mind if i were you here we go i found it uh am i in trouble no you know me just a fanatic for details and my memory is not what it used to be i don't know what that's like yes is that why you've been running so many personal errands for your colleagues and we asked you to limit them uh so i am in trouble that's not how i want you to look at it here's what i see feed me fish him hungry you want to get the job done i think i have a pretty good record there you want people to like you has anyone complained fred the trouble is not everyone is as reliable as you are sometimes people need help being where they need to be and concentrating on their work all the trips were work related it appears you transported tech for lil rather far out from her base well it needed to go deep and she needed a sea truck her work is currently on surface installations she shouldn't be anywhere near the water hi uh well i no more favors the friends agreed yes sir i keep telling you call me manu yo me and all my homies hate mono dude me and all my homies hate manu chat show of hands who here is a manu hater i'm really i would i would raise my hand if i wasn't playing the video game right now these things just shoot water pellets that people was that is that what's going on what it looks like um my oxygen efficiency is not great right now i need i need to find the suit dude i have a feeling the next uh okay let's get oh i want to go over there okay that's where we're going next that's where we're going next yeah chad if i if i'm if i'm like right next to something and i miss something important feel free to like tell me that i don't mind that oh power cell we can make more stuff titanium in it pog okay i guess i could start on my mobile vehicle bay um lubricant and computer chip don't i have all that boomerang um nothing i can build there i already have the mineral detector repair tool would be nice i'm gonna lie okay so let's build a mobile vehicle fray you've been sold for three times now i'm not worried about it i'm not worried about a little sulfur right now okay so we need a lubricant and a computer didn't i already make lubricant in a computer chip i feel like i definitely oh dude these these things right here apparently are just game crashers apparently these things are not good uh okay let's drop a nutrient block we have two waters here titanium titanium what was i looking for again i was looking for a lubricant what was the what was the other thing i was looking for okay let me eat this drink one of these one of these again i'm done what am i what am i looking for oh yeah oh yeah did i build a computer chip that's what i'm looking for chip i did not put it in here if i did no stop i don't want to edit the name oh i built a wiring kit okay so i need to i need to build a computer ship dude it pauses so you can type on the edit name but it's not popping up uh where's computer chip computer chip table coral copper copper wire okay i think i had all that table table coral gold copper wire i think i have a gold i think i have a gold somewhere i just gotta find it table coral copper wire i just need that piece of gold didn't i get a piece of gold somewhere chat yeah there it is okay so grab this computer chip and that should be enough to build the mobile vehicle bay let's go oh wow we're going dude you should build a base i i don't have the fabricator yet i can picture it now ice leviathan imagine dude i mean i'm sure they did something i just don't know what it is yet release vehicle bay oh oh wait wait wait wait wait there we go there we go okay no recipes available but it is built never forget chat it is built all right real quick let me grab some of these fishies let me cook them up over here try to get the seed truck oh i'm trying cooked food bladder fish and then we'll save one for water she's like let me cook up one more i just want to be i want to be full up before this expedition because this is going to be a big boy big boy expedition right here cooked food quick bladder fish do i have two extra batteries beautiful bladder fish all right we're full up on everything let's let's go it's time it's time chat yeah why is so cute today wtff changed power source why am i so cute today why you so cute today though why you so cute okay we're going this way this time i'm not oh i thought that was a thing [Music] i'm looking for more sea truck parts if i can get more sea truck parts oh i can go on land here oh shoot this is my first time back on land since the start oh i have a temperature gauge thermal lily it's a temperature gauge so you can only spend so much time on land and so much time in the water there's literally nowhere that is safe that's pretty funny thank you lily and this is where i landed at the beginning um is there anything interesting i mean the scanner no oh another water missed that the first time during the meteor storm let's see let's see i think dude that's really cool that's really cool how they make it like uh you just have a certain amount of time for everything thank you thermal lily we love our thermal lilies here what happens if you go this way let's say this is the same area all right good stuff i forgot sweater approaching seek shelter i forgot is there uh oh gosh wow that really just started real quick huh um is the subnautica map the same for i think it's the same for everyone right i think it's like straight up the same for everyone titanium titanium again uh oh this is kind of oh this is kind of interesting what is this oh little gold deposit or vane let's go gold is oh and this is silver i thought this was useless oh my god okay that was the big resource come up right there those are very very very very good stuff to have that was a big resource come up all right go ahead and grab some extra air from these what is this creature egg chat chat we need we need to we need a pet penguin can i get a pet penguin that's all i care about okay so that way that way it doesn't really yield much that's kind of the spawn area uh this is the way i'm coming from so let's go drop this uh drop all these ore resources off oh is this is this where i entered this cave no all right i need to start going deeper i i i'm scared to do it but i do need i just straight up need to start going deeper that's what i need to do um okay some resources drop some of this stuff off out here storage there we go open storage make another storage i really need to get the fabricator so i can start building a real base here as much as i love having all my stuff just in little mobile stuff mobile boxes outside storage okay creature egg throw water in there depleted battery oh yeah can't you wait can't you charge up batteries i i think you could in the other game eventually you're able to charge the batteries all right let's go let's go this way and let's start going a little deeper i'm feeling brave chad i'm feeling brave oh there's a hole here okay okay here we go see glide fragment that's not what i needed so they basically take a bunch of fragments and stuff and then hide them in there hide them in their little base huh the monkeys monkey oh i see something down here please be a mobile vehicle bit is this more sea glide oh my gosh there's so many sea glide fragments holy crap there's so many they really wanted you to be able to build the sea glide if you came this way oh here we go mobile vehicle bay we already have you titanium at the wazoo warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining got your fam got you fam oh there's stuff over here don't know what but there is stuff it's new again water i wonder whenever the speed run for this game is done if you're going to be able to literally speed run the entire game before you run out of like oxygen or anything 30 seconds of oxygen remaining i do want this table coral it's kind of rare to find it seems like what is that noise what is that noise what is that noise voice oh i don't like the open water man i really don't oh we've been here okay that's my inventory looking about halfway all right we can we can venture a little bit deeper into this ravine is that that looks like a dangerous a dangerous creature right there that definitely looks dangerous hundo p hundo pee i need to get the repair see is this oh no not limestone chunk need bro how come no one has sulfur anywhere huh ain't nobody know what sulfur looks like salt we don't really need salt right now we're right on 100 we're gonna stay right above the hundred meter mark we're gonna stay right above the 100 meter mark we're gonna just scan for more uh oh that's a plant nevermind and that's over by where the monster is so not interested huh huh that's mobile vehicle day i i i can't really fit much more titanium if i want to keep checking out other stuff that's another mobile vehicle bay warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining lead oh that's good lead is good what is that chat chad oh my god oh my god it saw me okay okay guys guys listen i'm not scared i'm just i just have to i'm not scared i just have to drop my resources off guys again just a reminder not scared just have to drop resources off that's all okay don't don't don't you forget it not scared just resources i can't find crystal and sulfur anywhere okay all right all right all right we're just full on resources that's all for what why are there so many more noises than there were before hello we go warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining got you got you don't you worry oh what's down here i already scanned this huh i already found this one oh crap should i chat is it worth it to build the uh is it work is it worth it to build the thing that like shoots you up to the top of the uh uh to the top of the water when you're about to like die is it worth building do y'all think okay so let me make some titanium ingots because i have a feeling we're gonna need those for sure altera beacon signature detected unique identifier delta station dock delta station this is the place lil mentioned in her message hey good stuff we're just we're just making a ton of titanium ants it's a good way to consolidate the uh good way to consolidate the resources good food go ahead and cook this okay let's see here we want to all like that and we're gonna drop all of this stuff we need another one don't we yeah bro i have so many resources it's great but it also like my goodness dude the air bladder yeah is it what do you guys think it's worth um we don't want to pack up we want to open storage okay all right delta station dock all right we're going on a trip boys here we go delta station dock and we also need to be looking for a new place to call home we need to be looking for a nice open buildable area whenever we do finally get the fabricator have crystalline sulfur [Music] what is that okay that looks scannable correct me if i'm wrong chat warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency all right window on oh okay hold on oh no don't don't attack me don't attack me don't attack okay it seems friendly okay i really need to have full oxygen before i dive down to this because this has a below 100 meters all right here we go this this looks this looks like good stuff right here we have a window we can build now oh there's one of these these are always the best things in the entire world in a box high capacity o2 tank new blueprint synthesized wall locker fabricator [Music] builder fragment warning 30 seconds of oxygen yeah we need to come back down here dude let's go the high capacity o2 tank gotta be the most important thing that we can build right now in a bioreactor holy crap battery charger oh my gosh we just we just got so much stuff all right blueprints blueprints electronics advanced wiring kit hi habitat builder wiring kit computer chip battery wait i think i can build that i need a computer chip i believe but i think we computer chip dude oh my gosh we just did so much this is like literally the entire habitat dude battery charger let's go let's go standard o2 tank two glass four titanium a silver ore chad do we go back and see how much of this we can make right now yeah the oxygen is just such a big use the oxygen is just a huge huge huge huge upgrade warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased dude can i just move can i just move this and have it be my new base please oh there's lots of table coral oh i need all this table coral because i'm about to have to make so many wiring things warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining oh that's a big boy over there that's the big boy that was loud too holy crap this area is stacked oxygen go go oh shoot okay we're fine we're fine dude we're fine totally not gonna be close don't start passing out please okay we're good okay all right let's go down let's grab some more resources and then let's go back up and then let's go to the base we should be able to start making stuff oh there's a thing down here too long i love things a little bit deeper like this check for monsters no monsters some lead which is huge 50 seconds left oh here we go warning 30 seconds of oxygen we got to go back up we got to go back how much stuff do we have the damn ugly thing followed me into the shallows that's not what we need i think something that big would follow me up here i had a jettison the sea truck oh okay tim's message this one 4546b to robin come in robin remember when we used to play old-timey space explorer this is kind of like that but it's even harder to communicate well let's see i got your last message altera is not as you put it all terrorizing me things are going well that's a good one project has a new name say goodbye to the mechanical avian amphibian and hello to spy panglings we're training the bots to mimic the creatures check out the photo and i think i'm kind of seeing someone i know it's not like me to just find a date let alone on a mostly uninhabited water planet but actually you know what forget i said anything yeah it's probably not even a real thing but anyway um i'm sorry to hear xeno works might be strapped in the revenue department sounds like they still have you busy xeno working though i know there's no way to guarantee an alien intelligence startup will succeed but you put so much into it i hope they find a way to keep going i know how much it means to you getting to work at a small place where you have control over your research all right i gotta go later baby sis love you oh and then she died and then she died chat that's the sad part okay we need some more glass okay so we we have i think i have another glass sitting somewhere we need a silver so we need a glass a silver and then we're pretty much ready um silver ore there it is glass somewhere i know for a fact that i built some glass shoot where is it chat i know for a fact i built some glass um there it is okay let's make this the habitat builder is also available all right let me cook this food real quick cook this uh for titanium oh so we literally have everything we just need two against wiring kit okay so we just need to take this off shoot um let me let me deposit some of this literally just need to take that off okay cool uh personal and high capacity o2 tank boys let's go okay so we now have 90 seconds of oxygen big pog okay so the next thing up we need to make let's go ahead and get rid of the mobile vehicle bay we don't need that and we'll go ahead and get rid of this so we need a wiring kit and a computer chip i'm gonna need all the copper i can i can get right now iron kit i think i have at least one of those open storage i swore i had at least one of those already copper wire definitely gonna need that there's a storm a blue in chat there's a storm a brewing um let me drop one of these in here drop some titanium some lead i want that i have a bunch of copper okay all right so we need to go ahead and oh shoot we need gold still glad we found that little outcropping of gold that's gonna be really really useful like obscenely useful there we go we have all the gold we need all the gold and all the copper we can get there we go all right cool this game is so good oh it's incredible oh i really want a compass dude i really want a compass copper wire we can we can build both we can build both we can build both let me just grab the other wiring kit we can we can just grab the other wiring kit because i built two give us this one no harm no foul chat no no harm no foul come on come on guys guys come on we're fine we're fine shoot where is the without any further ado we're just going to build another wiring kit okay and now we need to build some copper wire okay so computer chip computer chip done we can build another copper wire which will allow us to build another computer so we now have two computer chips and we can build the habitat builder let's go adding emergency shelter blueprints to your data bank oh that's it that's the one with the builder tool you can construct sea bases from raw materials advising against exploring a frozen water continent without a base no bed no storage no place to put a fabricator module no fun no fun okay so the real question now becomes chat the real question i need some bladder fish let me let me grab some butter fish did this run out of batteries wait what we ran out of batteries again uh let's see let's un are we still we still need the repair tool uh battery we need the ribbon plant grab this two ribbon plate that's actually not great that's actually not great um advanced wiring kit okay need some more of these ribbon plants yeah i i definitely want to have a uh on deck battery at all all points in time you should have a like an extra battery okay these are empty we will work on recharging those in a little bit pinning features cracked oh i love it okay so really honestly what we need to do is we need to find a place for our base um i also need to find a bladder fish because i am very thirsty thirsty do we make the battery charger i need to make the base first before we do anything like i can't do anything until we make the base there's a bladder fish um chad are there any really good places to make a base i don't mind if y'all spoil a like like close by i'm not trying to like literally pack up and move my entire life across the world right now but are there any really cracked places close by to start up a base we just had a major come up this is just establishing ourselves like once we have a base of operations we can really get it going dude you get sulfur from the exploding fish oh yeah that's how you get sulfur i forgot about that see fluid intake fluid intake i'm on it i got the bladder fish already here we go give me that give me that all right let's make some water real quick it's middle of the map and every guy says to build that wait so like literally the live pod actually is like the best area to uh to start [Music] okay and open storage that's that copper and then go i like gold that wiring kit in here too uh all right a little bit of extra of everything especially water stabilizing um so so basically so basically just somewhere in this area is pretty good huh does it it has to be close to the ground right like it's not a floating base you like have to craft it like literally on the ground i wouldn't mind i wouldn't mind a little something something there's that um this this place looks kind of flat i just i just want to make the base in like a good location that is it doesn't have to be close to everything but i just want to have room to expand out you know what i mean bro i can already feel the difference so much with this expanded water uh tank capacity so nice high capacity o2 tank is incredible let me also hey robin i got your auggie photo thanks so much for taking care of him even though he's a cranky hey the nickname actually fits that way a cranky potato i know he can be a handful but i really appreciate it i'm a bit worried about my other baby the mission one of my panglings found something something big but altera is just like nothing to see here honestly kind of glad you can't answer so you can't you know rub it in my face go ahead bask in the fact that you were a little bit right about them oh this is a good area right here my job my safety um i heard about xenoworks getting bought i'm sorry but at least you still have your job actually i don't know yes you're one of us now i don't know i don't know where to build the base welcome to the altera family i should probably go before i say something i regret love you keep your chin up eye on the alien prize all right on the alien prize oh how little they do know if you played the first game you know um dude i i i feel like it's just i'm not gonna find something that's really that great build close to delta base delta all right let me let me just go let me just head straight in that direction to delta base and if i see a really good spot we'll pick it i mean honestly it doesn't it doesn't make a huge difference okay so that's where we stopped before to get all this stuff um i see if i see kind of a cracked spot in between here and there we'll we'll mark it with a beacon oh wait wait oh no oh no okay you see fellas that might be a deal breaker for me having my home constantly terrorized by multiple all right look we just got to try to sneak past him we just got to try to sneak past him i need air oh f me hydrothermal spine what are these oh god oh god oh god oh god zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom all right that's fine so this is the base huh coffee vending machine scanning does this actually help you with your warmth that'd be pretty funny trash can we will scan disinfected water blood light we'll grab this hit them with a knife and they'll run off what is that was bigger that was the monster i could giant alien sea creature thing i wish i could speak it too what do you think they're talking about who puts the coffee machine outside i guess ever i mean i guess you have to whatever a recorded message if you can hear this you're trespassing if you know it's good for you you'll get the hell out of here nice step on this oh it warms you that's my inventory i i'm checking it out don't care you don't scare me lady you don't scare oh pick up snow what's the i'm guessing i don't need snow uh oh we can we can finally make the repair tool that's kind of hog uh let me take a quick surf sulfur bath hi guys hi you're so cute you're so you're so precious look at you and your little so oh my gosh look at him in his little circle oh oh they're friendly scared me for a second but i'm pretty sure they're friendly look at them in their little sulfur bath just taking a little just take a little snooze all right yeah we're trespassing what of it what are you gonna do honeycomb fungus the fungus is among us chat with sulfur bad there's no sulfur to pick up here there we go inside bro imagine being this cold you can pick them up and steal them shrub nut that's the shrub nut oh i think i gotta go this way when the penguin is sus oh let's go here we go sulfur manual gave me this jailbroken scanner tool the thing said i need more shower heads uh master certificate applies geology gets used to say a job is a glorified construction worker i don't know where he did the scanner's great job of zeroing in on specific minerals oh this i mean we already had the mineral detector fragment we done diddly already had that um all right very warm cave i'll talk i i can feel the warmth coming from my monitor being around this how do i get up maybe this way i wonder i wonder if you can throw the snowballs at the penguins what do y'all think the the penguins do if you chuck some snowballs at them um horseshoe shrub might as well might as well eat some of these shrub nuts right they're kind of yummy uh how do i get up there the bright side is i don't feel like pressured at all that's not a sword uh i don't feel pressure at all because there's plenty of stuff to survive here but i don't know do we go this way is it on the back side oh my is that a i thought that was a creature for a second straight up i thought that was a creature it seems like you heal over time in this game i i didn't heal from when i got bit by that little tiny baby fish maybe you just heal over time maybe i just need to follow this path oh okay okay found a little something something here hardcore parkour parkour oh shoot okay we're gonna have to go around we're gonna have to go around for this shoot wait how do i get this let me let me save real quick just in case just in case hardcore per car parkour parkour okay the wait this we can i think there's there's a back exit there so we're wherever it is we'll we'll get through hardcore parkour um yeah we we we're clearly missing we're clearly missing an entrance or something right now got to here a little room down there imagine you like fell in there and that's the end of the game um oh my god stop right there altera you're out of bounds i'm not with altera then your position is doubly precarious what do you mean if you're telling the truth you're out of your mind if you're lying there'll be hell to pay wait who are you stay off [Music] as far as my technology will allow it would appear i'm far less alone on this planet than i had anticipated what in the world location uploaded to pda what in the world brother for the last time i'm not cheating then what's your theory what's going on if you ask me zeta's been blinking a lot i think it's a tell he does have a point there it's allergies allergies oh is something in bloom in this frozen sector thermal lilies and if you gang up on me i swear you're all fired you're not even my boss oh you're all so gullible you're fighting each other meanwhile look at parvan just look at him what am i doing i'm not doing anything let's just take this to a vote all those who think zeta's allergies are a bad case of alienitis say intruder intruder intruder intruder danny oh i'm just an observer here i'm going to use my pass is there some kind of scientist conspiracy going on here zeta sam danielle you three are suddenly very aligned or like i said parven is cheating i'm starting to wish i was cheating a map will come in handy i should be able to find my way to phi robotics where sam worked nice little blueprint in here jukebox speaker yes sir pick up snow so there's a little room in there enjoyed watching the first one glad you're streaming this one survival games are the best they really are though huh they really are the best okay we got a ton of stuff from there which is really nice big ol antenna time tower maintenance lock okay this time the birds have really done it i don't know what they've been eating but it's corrosive when it comes out the other end i'm gonna need to rewire i'm short an element to fabricate the right cable i remember seeing some when i did that dive to the old ship i'm gonna go out there and see if i can get some more that should fix it maintenance status in progress two active human life forms detected unauthorized habitat construction vehicle or activity detected observe and prepare for possible intervention huh so that they've been surveilling me but they said there's two people i'm one of them who's the other one new employee training is recommended it's trying to be complete with the test is in tower test mode test override module port so what literally anything in a matter of seconds still uses a jukebox still uses a jukebox yes it is optimal where's that thermal plant i need i need i need some warmth brother okay we got everything down there so there's some sort of test module and if we get that we can override that area who is the other person though all right chad have we have we gotten everything we can do from here so far have we i'm oh there's that uh backside remember uh what is that up there is that a bird are those birds oh there's more over here no we have not out splatted my legs real quick there is more oh is that oh i need i need uh what's it called i need the uh the tops cushy setup must belong to one of those higher uppers daniel's bed oh this this is where he where he was emmanuel we hate hey we hate we hate him good morning frost pack just a quick update to inform you of some key achievements and priority shifts we need you all to get behind the spy pangling project was a resounding success please join me in congratulating samantha iu who is now reassigned to outpost zero helping us dream of future initiatives congratulations are also in order for daniel valenti and her team at omega lab the closing of phi robotics means important funds can be redirected to their cara bacteria study which has important positive implications for the life sciences you're all doing an exceptional job and i don't want to promise anything but hq has been taking notice keep up the good work and i think we can start discussing bonuses soon really got under management's skin i know she had it in her okay we're getting the observatory what is that chat is that uh cara bacteria does that have anything to do with um the the first game i'm trying to remember it if the name of it david you'll be happy to know the frost pack is making excellent progress i must say my management style appears to be uniquely well-suited to isolated planets i miss you of course but i wonder if you feel it too as great as we are together we're almost better apart just look at how well prosperina did in her last show i'm sorry i couldn't be there to see it but i'm sure if i'd been around i'd only have made her nervous once this mission is over i'll come home for a few good months and then what do you think if we look at reorganizing our expectations to facilitate longer term separation success i really think this could be a great model for us going forward romantically and otherwise don't forget i love you from the depths of my heart keep on succeeding in your projects you know there's nothing i find more attractive wow guys what a lady killer am i right can't lie can't lie i might uh might loving myself after that ruizing speech of hey i i think i'm thinking about going to another uninhabited planet again and uh it's really it's really romantic when you don't care if i leave for years oh i can i oh i can scan this nice executive toy how do i get on the roof dude um who was the dude who was the chick in the mech suit and how do i get one for myself do i already have the solar panel blueprint let me look um i don't oh i do solar panel nevermind i am dumb we don't need it okay i think we oh skyray adam uh okay so last thing we need i believe um last thing we need is the thing where you can jump down yeah so we we we have this you have that ready the last thing was that thing on the side of the cliff all the stuff on it how do i get that stuff i'm looking i'm looking i know it's here somewhere it looked like there was a back entrance uh is that it no that's not it oh shoot i need to watch my warmth i'm kind of just i'm kind of just running around chilling right now but i actually really really need to watch my warmth out here all right warm me up yes sir i want to i want to ingest do you think that would taste good chat if you just literally oh you know what i'm saying like a big old chomp out of it uh maybe it's here on the left oh wait did i come up this way the penguins did i come up this way and we got another outcropping pants of gold oh no i did not come up this way okay titanium that's gold which is way more valuable than this gold sun titanium gold oh my gosh there's so much no okay i'm gonna need to i'm gonna need to dump a bunch of titanium listen i'm sorry all my titanium lovers out there oh okay did not mean to do that um okay bright side we got plenty of room now gold and sulfur two of the two of the basic necessities of real life chat gold and sulfur never forget it titanium gold okay oh my gosh there's still more i wish there's a way to just teleport all this titanium back to the ship for real what's my crouch button save save real quick options keyboard do i have a crouch button pda jump bindings old it doesn't seem like you have a crouch button in this game oh here we go okay we got to we got to it affected water nutrient block and one last go gold all right beautiful all right now we definitely need to go back so we have the last known position or was it wait i just saw it on my map where where was the last known position of the thing wait i just saw it where'd it go now pingus oh baby that is the last thing hello you seem nice honestly they don't seem super aggressive and chad said if i just hit him with my knife once they leave me alone oh gosh they look bam oh hello look it's it's a cryptocurrency shark likes beast behavior a bit of a contradictory creature but despite its fearsome appearance it's more rare than bite where territorial tends to retreat from confrontation after being attacked once this is slightly and talking to uh antagonistic posturing aggressive fauna tend to avoid fights if the probability of injury is too uh high assessment of void but can be handled in a pinch okay so they really do just straight up run away they straight up dude just run whenever they they get attacked good enough i'm sorry my last message was awful i've been under a lot of stress and i'm not sure what's going on with anything i can't really talk about it either oh and i'm definitely not dating anyone on this water planet don't know why that's right have i told you how cold it is here get this i can't even get my wash and go dry before the wind freezes the moisturizer in my hair wild right well anyway i'm sure you're mad at me after what i said but uh i could really use a friend you're my sister i love you the sea truck i'm sorry oh that there's the pilot's last known location rich crevices detected below geothermal activity detected see truck we can make the sea truck let's go okay so we have the full c truck chad this seems like a pretty good acquired this seems like a pretty good place to build a base i'm not gonna lie foundation reinforced so can i literally just like build this here and just you know apartment i feel like just straight up building out from like this would be even be incredible look at this this is already like here like is this not an amazing place to build a base right here i mean there's some there's some monsters but they're not even like you just hit them once and they run you know you don't need a foundation for the base we got the sea truck i can't i'm kind of digging this this area it's super wide open and honestly like it has geothermal activity so there's so close to a lot of stuff i i feel like this is it i don't know multi-purpose room [Music] like no would this not be dope to just start this right here you can build super high up [Music] it seems really good and as far as compartments go like here let me look around a bit because maybe if i build it a little bit deeper oh like this depth right here and i just build the base all through this vein right here i feel like that would work really really well [Music] you know what i mean i feel like i feel like that would be incredible just right here in this vein it's already kind of close to the ground i i think because because once that that's one thing about me once i build the base i don't move it i will never move my base so we we i really want to find the perfect spot this is another sea truck fragment right here the truck there we go oh don't have any room for titanium oh my gosh i have so much stuff if i drop stuff it'll still stay there right yeah i think everything still stays that stays there even just like right in here oh is this better a little bit of a vine forest a bit but honestly you know what i'm saying think this is it hold on all right let me drop some of this material so i can start the base let's make it make it rain here okay oh they're going through the ground no okay i think i can still pick him up all right i think we're okay all right let me grab some titanium and we'll start building let's go boys base time it's time for the base it's time for the base all right let's see i think we want the multi-purpose room first uh so we just need titanium for it warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining just do it don't let your dreams be dreams all right let me grab this hi hey chill brother chill brother oh shoot he just wait is this this isn't the same type of creature that one i mean i guess that's a brute shark um um um assessment minor threat okay thank goodness all right looks like i'm gonna have so i'm gonna have a few predators here but nothing i can't handle minor threat i i needed to scan him um okay proper ore what is this oh that's lithium oh lithium is a big pog silver warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased fragment that's going to give us some extra titanium all right okay i think we have enough to start our base we just got to go for it all right so i'm gonna go grab some water and then we'll we'll get it started there we go oh all right i'm gonna start off with foundation reinforced habitat foundation should i start with a foundation i feel like like starting with a foundation is like usually what you do when you're building stuff but you know what do i know right what do i know all right so this will be the main entrance like right here right here okay total base hole strength is not great uh quartz power transmitter extends the range of a power source uh so i need a quartz i need a quartz to build the power source because i don't i think the very first thing you need is you need a power source right so let's let's look for a quartz here hello brute shark these are my pets i i can't be scared of them if i call them my pets right don't make foundations just build reinforcements on the compartment later that's what i gotta do you call good call i could call warts and of course okay so we got to build solar panels here we go warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay then i think we need to um if you change your brake uh keyboard keyboard to scroll yeah yeah i know i know it's probably easier oh gosh that's hostile oh what are those oh those are the geothermal things right there oh did this die put a new battery in solar panel at the bottom of the ocean okay listen i'm gonna make a lot of them i'm gonna make a lot of them um i mean i don't i i don't know how to build subnautica bases interior modules how do i like make a hatch window hatch here we go that's how we make a hatch what was that woman's problem the one in the exo suit like i need to say which woman and what the hell is she doing how do i get extra how do i get some power today this is a happening vacation spot oh it's not it's not it's not night time or it's not daytime that's why it's a cliff so i guess she's playing your pieces into your modules how long has she been following me she said to keep away from her grow bed off her land what in this frozen slush bog could she be protecting unless she's i need to work out somewhere definitely heard of altera though did she meet sam it works okay let me go get some air and then we'll go get some quartz so i think i think we need uh it needs to wait for daytime and that charges up the base over time and then by night time the idea is you just we literally have to uh have enough power by that time i think i think that's what we need make a bioreactor words power restore yeah see there we go power restored all primary systems online let's get it warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased nice imports let's scan those uh the uh sea truck another sea truck part down here here we go lots of big poggy woggies there okay dude this game is sick oh not gold silver ore not silver ore where is it salt quartz there it is we need more quartz it's the only problem right now that's the one thing that seems to be lacking from all this i probably should put a beacon right here huh i probably should just do a beacon let's see uh don't i have one i think i have one right motivational pose how do i have a motivational poster beacon drop okay edit beacon name new home here we go all right i think i got one quart so i should be able to finish this off construct warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining okay so does that give me a higher power supply oh it does nice so the more solar printers you panels you build the more power supply you actually have oh that's really nice that's really really nice okay let's make a reinforcement plus seven to base to base oh there we go okay i can't do any more reinforcements okay let's see here we need to make a fabricator [Music] quartz of course we need effing cores bro we literally need so much quartz it's insane right now we need so much quartz it's insane when you watch the cdl tomorrow tomorrow there we go there's a little bit yeah we need to get our fabricator going hey quiet you now that i know now that i know more about your species i'm not even scared of you anymore now you're just annoyingly loud lithium pog lithium is a huge pog right now words no quartz words bruh bruh where is all the cords oh here it is let's go we're gonna we're gonna need two cords the main problem right now um i want to make multiple fabricators because just having multiple fabricators is a lifesaver a lifesaver don't forget the gold you dropped earlier yeah i know so it's all still there we won't miss it i think we need one more quartz oh we got some on the radar um lost it warning 30 seconds of october i think it's literally right underneath there um let's go down to new home oh here's some okay cool cool cool uh sports i couldn't figure out what button to click for a second oxygen what do we need to build first heartbeat sensor op yeah for real okay let's finish constructing this and poggy woggies all right let's get a locker i i will probably move this locker in a minute but um nice okay we finally have a locker okay let's start throwing all of our stuff in here uh i kind of want to do it what do you guys think about next thing up doing a uh i'm just gonna go ahead and eat one of these nutrient blocks drinking one of these waters um should i put my chat should i put my motivational poster up nice okay um i think next thing up should be oh i think we can do another reinforcement i want to reinforce both walls really that's not that's too close oh come on that's so lame it's a reinforcement it doesn't even matter okay let me grab all the stuff let me deconstruct my locker and then let's reinforce the wall reinforcing the wall is the most important thing ever because if you don't then you just literally screw yourself over bioreactor composites composed organic matter into electric energy we do love that we do love that um okay let's do it where's the wall locker again yes yes yes that's all the decoration wall locker okay all right here we go one thing i am not looking forward to is moving all this stuff back okay let's see what what do i need to make for a battery charger battery charger can charge multiple batteries simultaneously shoot got a jukebox coffee vending machine it's pretty much just these two these two things that i can build right now wiring kit i mean we really just need to go back and go back go back to our base and just bring up bring as much stuff back as i can let's literally deposit everything in here and let's let's just let's do a ferry run let's go back to the original c pod and oh hey dude if we if we also can build a c truck we can all we can uh bring more stuff with us as well because i have like a bunch of wiring kits and gold and everything that i need over here did i turn off donations i don't think so um i might just need to refresh it why is noah so cute today wtf thank you man oh no they're not off they're on uh yeah yeah no-no's are still on oh i need to grab any and any quartz that i see on the way is well worth the inventory space let's go quartz again dude i don't think i remember quartz being so important but i guess i just haven't been picking up very much of it because it's always super common until you need it isn't that the truth with anything in this game there's always just an obscene amount of it until you need it all right rubble this junk cool well this junk and all right gotta go back go kiss the leviathan chill chill chill all right let's see what you need for the sea truck just to see all right vehicle c truck advanced wiring kit glass and two power cells wait a second i might be able to i might be i might be able to make that low key hold on um can i pin that oh yes okay so i need an advanced wiring kit i need a big power cell we might be able to do this chat hold on just throw some of this stuff in here real quick uh huh uh okay so we need one big titanium survival drape would be greatly enhanced with the construction of an underwater vehicle i think you were right sea truck upgrades don't need that right now okay so we have a wiring kit and we have the advanced wiring kit which is a wiring kit and a computer chip so if i do both of these together we can do an advanced wiring kit which means we just need a big battery and two glass new glass i think we need enough for one more glass synthetic fibers high strength synthetic fibers high uh so we need a big battery two batteries and a silicone rubber so i need my ribbon plants i need four ribbon plants one two three i'm using one more there's nothing there four okay here we go been waiting so long for this dude i have been waiting so so long for this so long for this okay so we're gonna need to go collect a little bit more quartz outside big battery oh all we need is two cords that we can make the seat truck how how is that how are we already doing that uh okay we need two courts dude let's go we are building so much stuff right now though my material actually i mean this is perfect because literally i'll just combine all my materials into like one area i left the uh i left the locator back the locator low-key doesn't seem super good chat it looks like it only really works when you're super super close even then it doesn't give you like a height just gives you like a direction i don't know if i'm a huge fan of the uh locator there's one quartz one more for the boys and there it is look for any more on the way back yes sir here's two more i'm gonna do this because we need we need bat always can use more batteries rest of the stuff is not needed at the moment oh i don't have my scanner with hopefully that's not anything useful i don't think it is oh more quartz cogs that looks that look like a sea creature for a second i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie that looked like a gigantic sea creature oh we are really far away from that okay let's go back all right chad we're looking good we're looking good i need one more glass we can build the sea truck and then hopefully the sea truck will just let us transport all of our materials over to our new base your tweet went out early no i it didn't go out early it's a it's a pre-recorded thing you'll see okay there we go it's a pre-recorded thing if you're watching you'll see it vehicle vehicles let's go we got an achievement trucking dude i'm so happy right now all right can i pick this up let's go there it is boys the sea truck beautiful in all of its glory it's so glorious that i don't know how to get in there we go wait does the sea truck not have a storage how do i get out oh that's weird why why is his e dismark okay does this have a storage the other ones have made maybe it's an upgrade you have to do let me look let me look upgrades depth kit wait is it something you have to oh i guess i guess we're kind of bone huh probably nothing we can do about it right now um in storage modules okay let's i mean either way this is really good we can just zoom now to new home full on zoomage yes we need to figure out how to craft it where's the health so 100 health 100 battery six degrees celsius this game is the ultimate astronaut in the ocean all right i hate you this thing needs some some turbo jets dude some nos now it just hit me hello what did i just bump into if we hit a fish do we kill it oh that's that that's really sad all right welcome aboard captain thank you thank you all right let's let's make another storage locker i think that's the first thing that we want to definitely definitely do the first thing we need to do let's let's where's my habitat constructor thing let's keep our scanner in our habitat and then my knife too all right so habitat constructor let's do another locker here sir i need titanium okay construct it nice okay so let's throw our cords in there let's throw everything in there and our mobile vehicle bay we can deploy this right up here there we go okay so we'll deploy our mobile vehicle bay right above and we go back and i think we honestly should be able to carry everything back in one maybe two trips in the second trip i might just swim and just collect materials along the way so we're we're kind of we're kind of banking dude i feel fully motivated by your post finally hit one year love you big job also finally moved and unpacked everything in the new house big old gg that is literally the best feeling in the entire world big old ggs across the board big old ggs across the board congratulations congratulations to you mackenzie that's awesome how about how much have you missed uh we have uh landon we've explored delta base and we have uh built our first vehicle our sea truck and right now we're building our base that is the overall plan or today inside oh boy that's a lot of stuff okay all right we're gonna we're gonna need to take a third trip definitely gonna need to take a third trip there's just i just collected so much stuff in the early early game but it's gonna this is gonna save me a lot of collecting later so i'm pretty happy about it there's parts that you hook onto the back of the truck you have to find and scan yeah i assume so i mean really honestly what we need right now is the depth module of this thing the depth module is the next thing we're building because once we have the depth module we can really start going down to the geothermal areas and uh oh no there's a quartz right there and we all know quartz is literally the most important thing known to mankind we'll drop all this off oh i need to remember there's a free titanium real close by as well okay and we go and drop off we do drop off the battery of flair do we need flares chad straight up do we need flares be honest with me here i'm going to construct a another locker like is flares a thing that we need be honest with me for caves maybe yeah all right pull up on a little bit more lockers can you name the lockers chat i would love to be able to name the lockers um okay so let's do this is titanium titanium and only titanium stuff oh that's silicone um where did i put that stuff you can titanium didn't i didn't i make it but i think i lost they're still in the storage titanium there we go you can name the smaller ones ah that's kind of lame oh well okay so this is gonna be anything that has to do with electronics is gonna be in this one anything that has to do with electronics so gold coppers um batteries anything electronicky goes in here that's the plan with this coral that floating air pump and i guess the rest is just going to be like whatever right like what can you really do and build another locker over here walker this one will be like personal stuff like tools um this goes in titanium locker this this one will be like i guess uh anything not plant-based this needs to go in personal so anything not plant-based will go in here anything plant-based goes in here we're going to get organization going from the get-go anything that's not plant-based that's not plant-based that's not plant and then all of our personal items come over here okay and then this is gonna be all personal items like miscellaneous but anything you actually like use and this is gonna be the that oh cool cool cool cool um peeper's gonna go bad well i kept it alive i i didn't cook it so that i could literally whenever i was ready i could take it out go over to the fabricator cook it and then boom i could have it i could have it ready to eat big brain it's big brain if you don't cook it it can't go bad you know what i'm saying all right let's see battery charger we need a wiring kit copper wire titanium we need a wiring kit copper wire we need two silver two silver two copper uh let's see hold on blueprints and get rid of this yeah so we are now building we still need to build our rep we can actually build our repair tool now once we go outside and get all that stuff oh shoot i forgot about all that stuff oh shoot last deal ingot um an enameled glass okay so i need all that stuff shoot i forgot about all that stuff so we need one of these copper wire let me see two of these two of these any one of these yeah you can you can pin stuff now it's really cool compass is not what we needed what was that building again um oh yeah i was building for this so we just need one titanium now okay battery charger there we go okay and then where's my electronics here two batteries and these things will start charging up dude so i love this game chat i love this game so much uh okay let's go back and get the rest of our stuff so that we can uh continue on with our base i want to add another room do you guys think adding a bioreactor is worth it what do you need to pack is it is it just plants in the bioreactor seems like the first game with more features yeah i'm i'm super excited for the story we've done like literally two things with the story so far it's been mostly exploration because it's literally the best part about the game but i'm really excited for the story as well can i still drive while i'm looking at this i wanted to look at the data bank and see if uh good morning frost pack just a quick update to inform you of some key achievements and priority shifts we need you all to get behind the spy pangling project was a resounding success please join me in congratulating samantha iu who is now reassigned to outpost zero helping us dream of future initiatives congratulations are also in order for daniel valenti and her team at omega lab the closing of phi robotics means important funds can be redirected to their cara bacteria study which has important positive implications for the life sciences you're all doing an exceptional job and i don't want to promise anything but hq has been taking dude this guy is like the least likable person ever and i think we can start discussing bonuses soon it's like actually so unlikable all right let me grab the rest of my stuff and we are officially waving bye bye to home base dude waterproof locker empty storage barely anything left there no i don't want to name the locker grab all this stuff oh that was a big one i forgot i had so much stuff already made there forgot the distress call um so did this distress call come from that location that i marked with a beacon or was that just like did that just end up being what was going on whenever i got the distress call where did that beacon go oh there it is go look there okay that'll be the next thing that we do we gotta we gotta go figure out that distress call so we're gonna build out with what we have here and then just kind of chill for uh for a minute until we uh figure out the distress call dude i literally i'm so excited because i literally have seen nothing about this game oh hey buddy you big pansy all right new home you can't take the storage containers with really no reason for me to take the storage containers out honestly i'm not gonna lie it's much better when everything's just here in the base you know what i mean titanium we got a lot we got a lot of stuff here world table stuff and drop two of those two of each grab a med kit plant-based stuff goes in here other stuff or silver is uh what's it called this can charge up this battery silver is that all right beautiful so let me now go grab all of the uh coral and stuff like that up here and go grab all of this i i need this water fish i need to need to cook cook me some uh some stuff yeah these are these are super super useful all the gold too oh my gosh how do you uh farm dude i forgot i completely forgot how to farm i feel like we should definitely start up a farm no should we start up a farm room in the other room of our house that's just a good a given right like we should we should set up a farm room can you set up a farm inside is there a medkit fabricator yes there is indoor and outdoor grow beds okay so let me see here we have a lot of this so the the gold goes here cool ladder fish let me let me cook this for water real quick see that was that flicker are we dying is this it is it over uh this is power based stuff so let me see if i implant you have to knife it maybe uh this is silver or that through the sulfur in here okay you haven't unlocked indoor grow beds yet though oh sad uh let's see let's see what i have unlocked my knife goes here scanner goes here habitat goes here all detector goes there scanner goes here um single wall shelf interior modules box yeah we can't really build much useful stuff just yet composed organic matter into electrical energy okay that's really really good could build a scanner room locates resources and wrecks within range worth it or not worth it or not chat okay should we let's build out a three titanium for that let's just go collect it he's just floating 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah got that x compartment greater than t compartment oh look at that what what is the x compartment i know we had some titanium real close by that i didn't want to forget trying to sort it over this way seem like go ahead and grab this we're gonna definitely need it later on quartz silver ore man there's some go we're finding them 30 seconds ago what's that there's some good stuff around here boys more chords titanium quartz upgrade your c truck i think i think that's the next thing i want to do actually oxygen shoot oh shoot five four three two one okay okay um so what'd you say the v or the x compartment i don't think i really uh yeah i might as well might as well make an x compartment [Music] next compartment so multi-purpose room why can't i build that observatory [Music] scanner room and i can't build anything cool here it's too small it's too small i can't build anything um let's do let's do another multi-purpose room in here no can't okay do it here i need three more titanium warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased it's a news story 10 years later is it so it it is an actual direct sequel all right yeah yeah yeah we're we're not scared brother we're not scared of you brother or that i feel like i'm gonna need so much course dude and there was something up here that i could scan i believe even more titanium i'm titanium yeah right here cute [Music] beautiful another one right here oh no that's not that's salt salt salt low key keem seems kind of useless reports there we go and grab it here we go yeah chad should we use the speed runner technique of binding the the button my scroll wheel so i can instantly break three break things hey total is now 12.5 so as long as the the whole strength doesn't go to zero i should be fine right i think that's i think that's the idea as long as we don't go to zero we are chilling of course in lead salt as well okay let's actually let's actually make a battery um what do we what do we need here resources electronics battery is copper ore and ribbon plant i don't like when the power flickers look like that i'm not gonna lie um i need some of the ribbon plants battery okay we got one more battery in our inventory here and then that fish cool let's see that we got an extra battery now toss all this in here all right looking really good okay so plastil in an enameled glass the next thing i need to make so we need a plastil ingot which is that and two lithium so we need a glass a lead and a diamond which i do not have all of those oh i need to build my repairer too let me build my repair tool real quick um i need one of these one of these one of these okay finally can make my repair tool tools nice yeah depth module right now you're losing a lot of power because the new room you made i mean it's still a net positive on power because i'm i'm still charging that uh i think i'm only losing power because it's night time and i'm charging up that thing uh we we probably need to carry the repair tool okay nice so here is going to be something i don't know i don't know what we're gonna build yet chat i don't know what we're gonna build yet but trust me we're gonna build it i want an aquarium i want an aquarium really bad i want an aquarium really really bad what is it two glass and a titanium looks like i'm wasting all my resources for an aquarium voice new glass and a titanium say less dog say less uh what is this thermos insulated storage for receptacle for for beverages wait that actually seems really useful thermos that actually seems really really useful just make a window no can i put my creature egg in here is that is that how that works can i start hatching my creature how do i how do i hatch this egg make a coffee machine and put the thermos inside of it how do i dude i wanna i wanna know i wanna know thermos so we need to make a coffee machine now we're only making the essentials here chat coffee machine where is it trash can jukebox coffee vending machine let's go alien containment for eggs dang it so i should just so i should just get rid of this for now put the egg in the thing uh well i guess can i just put a fishy in there can i just make a little colony of fish let's just have a nice coffee machine the sweet scent of dirty bean water sweet sound of dirty clean water okay so we got a coffee machine one disappointed that there wasn't a heist sorry to miss you liv uh heisenberg miranda fight oh dude that would have been legendary that would have actually been legendary i'm not gonna lie come here come here you're going to my aquarium i hope you've had a good life out of captivity because the rest of your life will be lived in captivity uh okay there we go we got fish for it and if we somehow get a penguin i want to put a penguin in there these are gonna be my three fish big dill and pickle look at them look at them they're so cute cool uh okay so back lead goes there do i have any uh i'm gonna need some more storage for this stuff i'm gonna need some more storage for this stuff uh all right give me give me some titanium we're gonna build out we're going to build out a little bit more storage um multi-purpose room how come i can't build another oh you can you can build a second floor wait that's kind of cool bro how come i can't build any of this crap anywhere huh f is that that all about on singular titanium 18.5 multi-purpose room there we go there we go okay this is going to be big boy storage room that's going to be big boy storage room right there oh shoot i was trying to go in there i don't know why three need a ladder for a second floor i i do i do already have the ladder or should i should i make a second floor up here now let's let's just let's just stick with this for now this is gonna be a storage room and only a storage room uh scanner room locates resources and wrecks if i build this up here can i can i put a ladder up to it is that possible five titanium two copper or gold table coral five titanium two copper ore gold five titanium one gold gold table coral okay here we go not possible dang son here maybe i'll put my scanner room over here construct that in an l shape then a in a room here question mark i need to move my the truck my c truck is in the way you need to build a vertical pipe first oh i see let's gain a room see vertical pipe vertical connector vertical base connector that's weird uh scanner room let's see here bro the scanner room does not want to cooperate right now i'm not gonna lie i'm sure to check based integrity i think we're okay right now i put i built two reinforced uh walls pretty early on another x connector here see fully build it out does that allow me to make a scanner room and connected to anything there we go there we go can we put it right here no there we go i think we're going to need i think we're going to need some titanium yeah what is that straight down listen buddy i was already told you were a low thread 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased what's this right here oh wait is this the alien thing oh wait chad is that the alien thing from the first game because i'm not gonna lie that looks like the alien thing from the first game i'm not gonna lie that looks like the alien thing from the first game hey come on chill don't be that way don't be that way brother away dude boys the story is about to get real the story is about to get so real um okay let me grab lead titanium dude i can't it's it's on this planet too 30 seconds of oxygen remaining [Music] hey let's hit a quick refill on the old oxygen we did that did that refill anything okay i'm gonna wait for a second seek fluid intake seek food and take how about you don't tell me what to do huh in a room will allow you to survey the surrounding region for fragments and material resources like lithium or copper or titanium if you need help finding it for any reason okay so this will literally literally find everything data boxes let's see if there's any data boxes in range scanner room upgrades oh yeah i don't have any of that see lithium i need some lithium right now [Music] actually what is the air stuff dude i'm just airing the pipes as a star starting point for a pipe chain what are the pipes for guys does anyone know uh do i have any lithium i think i think lithium is the next thing i need [Music] this is this is going so slow [Music] pipes are useless they wouldn't put them in if they were completely useless right but it is kind of weird how am i how are my bestest fishes in the entire world doing good we love them we love it love to see it i think vending machine body heat plus 50. so if you're going somewhere cold you want some you want definitely want some of those all right this is going to be our um our room vital signs stabilizing stuff um all right what do y'all say we go check out uh what do y'all say we go check out the um we're gonna go ahead and switch out these batteries for fresh ones and then we're gonna charge all these batteries up have our extra one oh wait is that not a full battery okay we need to build one more battery so uh we need a big battery too so we need to build three batteries so six ribbon plants three copper copper ore three four five six okay let's let's build let's build some batteries here you have to make the scanner room hood chip in the scanner room for it to work i see oh and then we need a silicone rubber which is a plant-based thing which i am putting in here there we go big battery so we now have an extra big battery in case our thing dies on us and then we have an extra battery there and we can put that in there oh all right we're feeling real good scanner room used fabricator oh computer chip and magnetite don't have that copper or magnetite don't have that camera drone can make that i remember those being useless speed upgrades silver or gold okay let's go do that real quick even though i'm not able to use it yet might as well right silver ore and gold losing power slowly that's because it's night time that is cause it is night time all right there we go perfect all right so we need a magnetite your boy johnny thanks for the tier three simple i appreciate you and all right what do y'all say we uh we make like a make like a distressed man and go check out the distress signal now that we now that we have this oh what what is the depth that we can take this to right now i i need i need to be able to go down to lower depths with it i think it's good for up to 200 though i i would guess up to 200 because my i mean my body is literally good up to 100 so 150 meters really that's it this thing only makes me 50 meters more powerful than my uh just normal body that's kind of sad actually grab this quartz cuz yes oh i see i see how it says at the top of the screen okay so the distress signal came from down here we are going to check out what is going on these boys warning passing 100 meters oxygen efficiency decreased lots of cords oh my quartz okay i'm gonna need this for the for the glass later we don't need lead just yet hey chill all right now nothing nothing here is too scary that we haven't seen it yet morning maximum depth reached hull damage imminent oh okay here's another alien structure hey chill come on man rebreather let's go let's go let's go let's go all right hold on it's a rebreather where is that at i'm not still taking damage am i oh my gosh i set it down i'm so dumb rebreather rebreather um yeah the truck was a little bit too low there just a bit last deal and enabled glass so i need uh to do ammo class last deal okay and then where is the rebreather rebreather absorbs oxygen while diving deeper absorbs and recycles co2 into breathable air so we need to do that as well that's a that's a big pog right there [Music] okay let's see i mean this is looking pretty fishy here i'm not gonna lie [Music] so bro is it the same planet creature egg hello is someone there dude we're back boys we're back boys you mean you don't have a physical presence are you one of them an medium architecture we will be lost unless we find a new hose can you help can you use my pda for storage from before your cybernetic compartments no my equipment is uh borrowed there's a little little aliens keep jumping that are the little robots um i need to look out for those green power sources man they were so important in the other game dude this is crazy i can't believe i can't believe we're back oh yeah here we go ion cubes cubic valuable energy source they're so good for energy sources man they're so good okay let's save let's say let's save oh dude how long have you been stored here complete yes okay hurrying storage accepted place from what's happening how do you feel why do you sound like you're inside my head the facility identified hospitable capacity within your cerebral cortex you are in my head i offered you my pd8 get out oh no does your kind perceive a boundary between cybernetic and organic components my mind is not a component you sound angry we will allow you a moment to process don't you go silent on me hello this is not happening that's the explanation it's not happening [Music] dude architect containment cube while advanced human civilization has attempted for centuries developed successful whole brain emulation techniques it appears that the uh architect race has built a platform for accomplishing this holy grail of life extension technology physically the containment cube appears to be comprised of a redundant array of quantum holographic storage layers supporting a hyperdense capacity of 35 bit per electron the energy field that feeds the suspended animated cube also serves to power the operating software allowing the intelligence and the storage to maintain a consciousness through the throughout the storage period once this uh stored consciousness has been transferred out of the cube the component bars will come inert without witnessing or carefully observing the backup process it is difficult to ascertain how a transfer works and whether or not the process is truly lossless so this was a brain of one of the aliens who just transferred themselves into my brain electronically i think we'll be fine chat i think we'll be fine what in the world what in the world okay so now we have mr alien man in the head no no big deal no big deal how full is my storage i got a lot of room we got our first three uh ion cubes though i'm not gonna lie that's pretty good that's pretty nice this is another creature egg i already have i already have a creature egg can i put the creature egg into uh oh warning fasting 200 meters oxygen efficiency greatly decreased i don't think we can go down 200 yet we can build the rebreather though hey chill chill come on come on hey don't be that way don't be the way all right let's hop in after we grab a few more components here led i think we need to go down to the geothermal we areas this arrangement is undesirable to you you're not real go away to go we require a suitable body for transfer why do you keep saying we how many of you are there one of us and all of us we do not think of ourselves as individual distinct why don't you start by telling me who you are you may append your seed code to my species designation please call me my whole life i've been dying to meet a sapient space-fearing alien up close and you're telling me your name is alan is it insufficient no it's fine perfect where are you from ellen your client calls us precursor race but what are you doing here that is a long story perhaps you would prefer to focus on the construction of a new storage medium to which i may transfer yes fine absolutely how do we get you out of my head i have added the information to your databank you will need to find the necessary components any idea where i can find them this is unclear i have been disconnected from my network for so long i the story is just it goes a lot more hands-on in this one huh and like you know into the old brain go ahead and repair this since i decided to park it beneath uh beneath safe levels okay and then let me put the habitat builder back in there good stuff welcome aboard uh let me replace out this battery okay so um throw this alien egg in here for now is is that one that i have to have an alien uh alien thing for chat this game is so beautiful oh i love it dude i absolutely love it copper titanium more copper paracel throw our iron cubes there let me actually let's just build some more lockers let's just build some more lockers while we're at it um locker locker locker interior pieces and locker there we go okay we'll build another one right here all right here another one right here and last but not least one right here this will be oh shoot i'm out of titanium out of titanium there we go okay so we need to focus on getting uh the depth module going we need oh we do have a we do have a lithium we have one singular lithium big pog wait is this is that what i need lead oh we need lead we still need lithium though um yeah we need the hud component to to go in for that oh yeah the rebreather for the rebreather wiring kit fiber mesh silicone rubber easy peasy wiring kit silicone mesh and easy all right we now get to breathe longer underwater facilitates extensive free diving by recycling air more efficiently at significant depths breathe the freedom breathe the freedom breathe the freedom chat oh my gosh that's where you start getting some crazy stuff right there computer chip and magnetite so these are the three things i need to focus on right now um i need glass and i need a diamond i need glass i need a diamond actually i need a lot of glass i need i need double of everything here i need two diamonds the theme is found pretty deep the problem is that's for a depth module so how am i supposed to get that low in order to get see my conundrum is it's like the chicken or the egg type thing space um oh i can go pick up my beacon for the uh for the distress beacon because i'm not gonna need it anymore let me go pick up my beacon and see if i can find anything along the way stress becomes pretty close honestly uh because i won't i won't need that distress signal anymore oh oh no that that's something we've already been to that is something we've already been to dude i'm so i'm so excited to beat this game man subnautica just really is like 100 one of the best game experiences of all time for real like for real for real i go grab for some fibers grab some clusters i freaking love it man i love it so much hopefully you guys love it as much as i do oh my inventory is completely full hopefully you guys love it as much as i do man so when we see this the emperor again no i think well technically technically the uh what's it called i think that's the next place i need to go um technically the emperor had babies right the the mama one died but technically it had babies so you know i don't know how fast the emperor's grow but yo that's awesome jacob congrats man just congrats i also need to grab some fishies real quick now just go ahead and crash real quick okay let's make a fiber mesh [Music] another fiber mesh let's make lubricant make another lubricant make a glass lubricant again and there we go okay cool plant-based stuff this goes right here led that that okay let me go let me go catch a few fishies real quick should be good for food i need some water though um dude i remember this happened in the first game too straight up i would just run out of bladder fish i'd be i'd be chilling and i would have just eaten all the bladder fish like anywhere near my facility i thought i totally remember that being like a huge issue oh i knocked on my goals all the way down here that was like a big thing well this is turning into a very profitable profitable swim here i'll tell you what oh here we go and now i can build a grab trap i think grab trap helps out with a fish problem yeah i might i might build that up next yeah silver what is this seek fluid intake yeah yeah yeah propulsion cannon fragment chat say it ain't so what in the world what you found is more than just an artifact it will help me follow the traces my people left on this planet i'm glad it could help i know you would still prefer me to have a corporeal form well yes if you continue searching i may regain some of my connection to the network piece by piece oh shoot i need air save i need air laser dude i'm finding so much stuff down here oh thank you monkeys have changed their tune what he just brought me lithium dude what a pog sea monkey he just brought me lithium i literally needed that so bad i stole their baby and they were like yo we love you yeah i'm like getting really close i'm gonna go ahead and just vital signs stabilizing sea monkeys are the goat dude the greatest the greatest creatures on planet earth i'll tell you that much i really need to get out of here i really need to get out of here i'm running out of plants to feed off of how do we get out how do we get out this way oh this was great dude this was great i found so much good stuff here i'm like almost able to make like laser cutters and stuff are you kidding me four seconds pretty close to surface now should be able to just chill yeah i just need to go back down into this area over here new home is right here let me just bring my uh what's it called bring my seat truck over this way you can almost make an ultra o2 tank yeah i know i'm pretty close need i need to find two more 30 seconds of oxygen remaining ultra o2 would be fantastic if i could make that well the sum of these have changed how do your people communicate if you are not networked what do you mean we just talk to each other do you not find that primitive we exist as data we are all aware of each other's thoughts and needs scientific endeavors are accomplished much more smoothly there's more to life than research i can't lie work would go faster if i could read my colleagues minds but thoughts are private and people have their own inner lives people change and need space to think space helps you think i find that being separated from my network is very quiet what do you mean by quiet imagine a thousand strings each playing its own range of length none louder than the others each one builds harmony the continuous throbbing in the background of existence i am now a lone string in search of familiar harmonies i'll help you find them that's kind of sad allen i'm not gonna lie kind of you you can't you kind of ruin the mood if i'm if i'm not i'm just kidding okay cooked hoop fish i need ultra water okay chat how do i how do i hatch the monkey how do i hatch a sea monkey i i need to hatch a sea monkey immediately how do i how do i do that anybody okay i'm going to drop this right here so this will help me uh catch a bunch of fish basically you need an aquarium i have an aquarium it's right here alien containment is needed for all eggs sad okay um let's go ahead and pop this battery oh wait i don't have a battery and what happened to my battery i thought i had an extra battery somewhere what happened to that i have a bunch of ion stuff which is really really nice okay kind of chilling right now kind of chilling all right our lithium is our big boy thing that we need right now we need lithium we need a dot so right now we need diamonds and lithium and if we can do that we're chilling we're straight chilling [Music] marcel diamonds and lithium okay let's go grab trap catching some fish for me love that [Music] all right let's find let's find more areas to uh swim down to wait what kind of fish is this feather fish beautiful what is it what does it do creature discovered oh cool it's just a new type of fish no i don't think that was in the first game make a shopping list my shopping list is basically just find new areas right now that's my entire game plan [Music] what's up homes this is the sea truck fragment i think this might be a truck director that is that all right we need to go deeper we need to go deeper chat i think that that's the sea truck fragment we just need to find where you can go down because that all of this area over here is thermal stuff so if i could oh this is oh yeah here's a ravine boys here is a ravine i think i i think this is the one i've already checked out right here but let me let me make double e sure warning maximum depth reached hull damage imminent this is the one i already went to correct yeah but i keep going down truck don't need that don't need titanium taking up a bunch of space right now oh i am diving diving chat oh i am diving diving holy crap okay this is the f what's that what is that it's not even a leviathan okay that's some highly dangerous business right there okay we need to find we need to find some materials down here and we need to get out instantly broken mandrake scan c truck fabricator module fragment huge um okay again lithium huge diamonds yes okay this is where we need to be right now storage module fragment okay i i don't like this i don't like this it wasn't even a leviathan it was just that big okay diamond again sir diamond again yes sir more stuff okay see's truck fabricator is done storage module two out of three got a battery hydrothermal oh is this to keep me warm dude i am so deep i'm 370 meters dude oh god i don't want to die i don't want to die where's my car where's my car there it is it's straight above me oh god it's huge dude it's actually huge is there another one oh they're everywhere they're everywhere oh that's sorry i already used that plan um i need to find one more i need like one or two more lithiums and i'll and i'll be so good okay we already have the m we already have that we don't have room to carry in more titanium sport resident evil what did you think of it did i just waste 60 dollars a month no it's an incredible game it's literally my game of the year so far i hate this game i hate this game um holy f it's huge dude it's like a squid shark how do i get out how do i get out huh we're fine everything is fine is that lithium what's lead do need light as well though oh my god bro freaking stressful my guy like actually so stressful i need i don't have everything i need yet i don't i really need more famous last words let me save let me save let me save yeah we already have the fabricator module we have we have like a bunch of c truck stuff there's really really good right now okay this is where i started messed up bro this is actually messed up bro their diamond it's been a great run for diamonds i'll tell you that much new creature discovered um where is sea truck is right there if i can just find a little bit more lithium that's literally all i need let me see if this gives you extra titanium now you got me excited for it i haven't watched any gameplays yet because i want the true experience much love yes sir the way to do it for sure the way to do it good luck brother what is that red that red looks useful dude where where's i can get titanium anywhere i got this this is diamond central right now um yes let's go oh i have my scanner as well oh my god he's right there oh god oh god lithium lithium on the radar bro this handheld scanner thing kind of sucks low-key i'm not gonna lie i need a little bit more oh my god let me out let me out let me holy this game sucks i hate this game so much no the squid shark i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running i'm running hole please please this looks like where rocks would be please just give me expensive rocks and then i'll leave i will literally never come back if you just give me a little bit of expensive rocks to take oh it's diamonds i mean diamonds are great again diamonds are awesome guys haha i'm just gonna drop a beacon here uh diamonds just gonna drop that there in case we ever need yes there we go okay i i think we need one more oh don't you dare ow really from that distance oh no no no oh my god where is my car where's my car it's right above me truck he shells seashells by the seashore [Laughter] i i think i have one saw me managed to eject the cargo modules and hide sitting here with the lights off sweating through my shirt i'm not gonna get pooped out of the back end of a sea monster to save altera some money manuel not going to be happy not one bit okay well that was fun didn't everyone have a lot of fun then okay that's not the scary one where's my oh right here didn't everyone have fun wow i love this game dude this is a good game this is a really good game everyone should try it guys really great oh my god now i'm being punched by a sea monster really great game guys all right you guys are literally not scary at all compared to what i just went to out away wait okay we got going on here let me let me hit this with a quick uh quick repair while i'm here i always want to make sure you're you're repairing up never know when that last two percent could help you all right welcome let's see so first things first let's make some water always need water all right two new types of fish aerogel oh yeah yeah so i wanted to i wanted to see i think the way you do this oh i need to drop off everything first i have way too much stuff okay so i need a glass lead in class wait no i needed that lead shoot um um let me get that glass and wait one too many oh gosh there's just so much stuff here let me get rid of the sea monkey egg here we go lead okay now we can make an enameled glass here we go that's what we needed um and then i think we need two of those for the depth module upgrade right i need two two of these enameled glasses so drop some diamonds in here let me go over here and drop some more diamonds sir we only need one i believe we are we are chilling on diamonds though i will tell you that much we are big chilling on diamonds okay so we can make our second enameled glass noise and then for plastiel we just need one of these i have determined the location of some important technology i implore you to investigate will this help us build your body i do not know what we will find i just know it is important okay we got the first upgrade loaded to pda and swap this out signal location updated pda architect artifact good stuff um so now we can go over here where's my oh my gosh look how many look how many fish i caught uh huh where's the upgrade module thing on this oh it's right here access upgrades seek fluid and jake yeah yeah yeah i know um here we go depth module crush step now at 300 meters big pog that is really really nice okay so we should also know how to build um let's call it the wait how do we how do we build the other upgrades guys um so we can get rid of the blueprints for this we'll try capacity tank an enamel glass synthetic fibers yeah yeah we don't need we don't we don't need all that oh yes these how do we oh if you build it on the mobile vehicle bay i see i see so we need another plastiel for the fabricator we need plasteel for both fme plastial wiring kit okay so does that mean i need i need one more lithium i need three more lithium doesn't that mean i need three more lithium because i'm about to cry if yes um so i do not need enameled glass anymore i can get rid of that though which is nice although i actually that would be better because i literally can make it enameled glass so i need a computer chip see computer chip is what i have but also with two tables okay your chip and then we need a wiring kit we need a plastiel oh my gosh we need so much stuff oh no let let's find so it's just a plastic that's the problem mother of pearl chat mother of pearl okay so now that i have this done let me go ahead and drop off all the computer east stuff gold also goes in there we need water vital signs stabilizers a lot of water actually uh is isn't there something that you can build that helps with water i'm pretty sure there's something that that helps with water lithium so we have one lithium we need a lot more okay jail sack jail sack uh i'm pretty sure oh my gosh grab trap going in right now with all the fish uh i'm gonna go over here since i have these planters close by i might as well just use them right so i'm pretty sure the way this works oh oh are these just scannable and then you can't actually they're actually like not usable that kind of sucks actually playing creep fighting seats for water yeah i think i think that my my i think water is my biggest thing that's an annoyance right now don't i have oh yeah exterior grow bed okay so i need let me build two exterior grow beds here [Music] the grow bed lets you grow plants and vegetables providing flavorful options for evading scurvy for evading scurvy okay let's use the planter so do the do you knife these for their seeds oh yeah you unite these fruits for the seeds because i remember you need you need gel sacks so i'm gonna literally just start the biggest gel sack farm you've ever seen in your entire life sir and one more okay i hate when that glitches okay cool so we have a lot of gel sacks there and then let's go plant the battery stuff out here as well please the water game water is my biggest annoyance right now okay you know what i mean not the water that i'm swimming in the water that i'm drinking you goofball okay so you can't grow table coral huh throw a bunch of seeds in there good stuff nice solar zero percent charge oh yeah so the solar panels are are great but they they only work during the night time or the daytime i mean breather [Music] um so throw this table coral back in i wish you can grow the table coral that would be really nice if you could throw our titanium back in cool how much is it to build like spotlights floodlights power transmitter dude let's do a floodlight and a titanium yeah let's build some floodlights i want uh also i might build another fabricator as well thoughts chat thoughts on another fabricator thermal vents near the base for lithium okay i want i want some industrial i'm on some industrial strength spotlights going on here let's light this puppy up yes sir let's go oh yeah oh it looks beautiful i might need to build some more solar panels too of course titanium copper probably we're probably good for now right oh yeah our base is looking fire the fabricator is plenty it's always it's just nice to be able to do multiple at once all right boys we need lithium and that is that is what we're gonna do lithium how many do we need i think we need so you need two for that we need three lithium we can now dive deeper sure but we need three lithium that is the uh that is the game plan oh shut up you you're not even scary i've seen real terror and let me tell you you ain't it um a lot of titanium over here a lot of titanium the creep behind seed clusters in a grow bed is a very poggers okay let me go this way see if i find a place to dive deep because here are the geothermal vents but it seems like all the vents lead to that island right so that that part's not very poggers [Music] so loud and annoying use your tool i don't have the hud indicator just yet that i need a magnesium for i think wait is this lithium huh okay well that's one of the one of the three wait i'm so confused this is it literally like when you say it's by the geothermal vince you mean it's like literally just sitting around here oh my god i was risking life and limb down at the bottom of the effing ocean when i could have just been doing that i'm actually pissed i'm actually pissed right now uh chad i want you to know that i'm actually pissed hey grab trap fragment again there's a lot of grab traps over here okay let me let me get one of these refine refined seed cluster these have life life spans prevent sample does [Music] dude this whole time this whole effing time chat i didn't even need to go all the way down given i wouldn't have the stuff to build very loud very loud titanium silver warning 30 seconds of oxygen remaining sometimes i do kind of forget that i need that i have oxygen there's another one and another one and another one oh my god was that literally all the ones we needed we have five now i'm actually pissed i'm actually pissed risking life and life so wife's up to you at level three and when is the five meters saving eyebrows coming out uh no all right let me make this one yellow drop pod do we need we don't really need our drop pod indicator's still on huh and then actually speaking delta we don't actually need that one on as well all right big pogarooski's uh no she's level three in real life though it was the five million eyebrows shaving yeah no not gonna happen ever but thanks okay oh i was gonna go plant this stuff up up here do another fabricator exterior grow bed yep that's the one just planter growing creep vine growing oh so both work i see so both work okay so we'll have some cr creep mine going um all right let's use this fabricator i need a titanium ant go ahead and do that i probably shouldn't have done that because i already have a couple titanium ingots plus steel we need one more of these oh shoot we're running out of power not poggers grab one of these we need some uh lead okay we got plenty of lead dude the be able to being able to pin this stuff is the greatest addition ever man for real okay and then we need to make one more plastiel in it yeah okay plastiel so in theory chat in theory we now can go up top i don't know if i uh i don't know if i still have a or i have to bring the truck up here for upgrades but let's see vehicle bay upgrades storage module dude let's go let's go my sea truck about to get shonky wait how do i attach it inter-sea truck um i do i literally just have to like back the dump truck up in order to also let me make another grab trap actually changed my mind where's my truck do i do i literally just have to dump truck it in there i'm done where is it there it is adding modules decreases speed i'm fine with that it's supposed to be a deep sea exploration vehicle so all of this stuff is well worth it um i literally just like nope that didn't work i mean that looks like what you're supposed to do let's see that work dude there's lockers lots of lockers that worked dude um oh pilot storage module boom let's go baby uh okay okay okay okay is there hazardous hail outside right as i'm going i mean i guess they just need to climb up do it and then jump back in the water i'm gonna get pelted by hail here fabricator can you make multiple of the same thing oh you can literally separate them wait that's actually insane so if you want to do the fabricator up front you can i'm gonna do that dude this this game is sick man okay i love the storage module are there any other modules or just these two disconnect modules exit c truck it comes with a little storage hey hey go on go again you rammed it a lot so to repair it yeah i probably should let's see cool okay i'm not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie to you if i had broken this module after spending so long on it i would have cried i would have straight up cried i can't believe that was so low health that would not have been good monka monka monka that means i can literally just like store the additional power cell here edit locker name power so all the additional power stuff can be just right here keep the battery in my inventory dude this is so dude let's go i feel so good now um where's home sweet home right below us point blew us yeah i can notice it going slower all right looking very good oh is there a way to just straight up exit like is there a way to like fully exit or do you always have to do that it's kind of annoying if you have to do that every time now but let's see blueprints we can take that off i really need to find the last laser cutter thing because that that'll be that'll be really good whenever i get that scanner for the hud room we want definitely want that these are wait are these fully grown ribbon plants i guess they are good stuff we'll go ahead and do these glow pods as well or a gel sacks rather [Music] all these goodies there last but not least is this still growing it's still growing okay got our farm going got the beacon going oh my gosh we are looking absolutely stellar jet if you look straight down that exit it's much faster straight down that exit oh yeah that's kind of weird how that works oh and then i see it has like a little carriage in the middle that's really cool yeah straight down and exit is the play look at that donk chat [Music] oh i see but then you can't uh i got i got i got it all right so that basically disables that good okay open the locker so lithium so this will be lithium and titanium will be quartz lead silver goes into the electronics compartment along with copper and i believe that is a very good place my friends to stop we are gonna go ahead and oh real quick real quick before we do it before we do that let me recharge that let's take that and put that in that is a good place to stop my friends i hope everybody has enjoyed uh watching this is uh the end of part one if you guys have enjoyed this please please please please leave a like on this series if you guys want me to continue it subnautica is literally one of my favorite game series of all time um like by far it's it's actually actually just the the greatest series and i literally love it so much i can't wait to figure out the story for this one keep on surviving keep on living big dill and pickle all all looking absolutely fantastic in there and uh yeah four full hours we'll be back again tomorrow uh i'll be streaming basically uh probably like three three ish hours of it and then we're gonna be transitioning over and we're gonna be uh reacting to the cdl finals all in the same stream so it's a little double trouble stream if you guys are uh are interested so part two will be tomorrow uh cdl reaction will be after that and then i mean pretty much uh monday we're we're playing this game for like three or four days five days if it takes it in a row until we completely completely finish the game uh and then on so but we're beating it by thursday and then thursday we've got a new easter egg coming out for zombies brand new easter egg uh and we'll obviously be trying to solve that with the with the boys so hopefully you guys enjoyed hopefully y'all had fun watching i had an absolute blast i will see all of you guys tomorrow for that stream i love you all i appreciate you all we'll see in the next one peace
Channel: NoahJ456
Views: 1,358,775
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resident evil, resident evil 8, resident evil 8 village, ending, boss fight
Id: XTe-DOF0b5k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 24sec (14184 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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