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I feel like I just gave him PCP or something he's tripping balls gum please thank you that is a giant piece of why would I expect any chip for ye up that was that was laced with something I'm sorry dear God I got it from a pig I thought he was a good dealer what's up guys and welcome back to floor plan so I was really happy to see that you guys enjoyed the first episode of this game and I figured today even though I don't really have any idea how much more of the game is left we would return to dress our silly little astronaut here so he's still missing a boot which we haven't seen yet and his helmet which we do know is on the third floor and at the end of last episode we also unlocked half a dozen new floors we have a gum machine cooling a pig a hat and a fireplace like how do you make an educated guess where to start we have the Hat of a snowman who I may or may not have murdered in cold blood and a dollar bill so who would want a hat or a dollar and technically this floor is a hat right maybe we can reunite the Hat brothers don't look at me like that dude I don't know I'm just guessing here all right what could go wrong howdy partner did you want a hat you've already ghoul you've already got a hat here you go whoa whoa yeah you can have the Hat you ask real nice there we go hey hey hey rude rude so I assume that's a big no I don't suppose I can pay you off could I yeah here we go a bribe boom I don't want to just grab his hand yeah there we go that that's what I'm talking about okay a man of morals I see he can't be purchased that's that's fine I guess Nancy look in place you got here a partner who I was fancy I have that gun that might come in handy murdering more snowmen no you just want to hold hands it's weird seeing something reach into the elevator they don't they don't usually do that hold on a second what if we and then let's move on to gum yeah we're gonna move on to gum is that a good idea okay it's kind of what I expected listen man it's not what it looks like I was kind of hoping that this thing would like work you know what I mean like it would extend out how we reach stuff that I couldn't reach before oh okay so I just have to use it on an object you're ticklish are ya I don't think that's what I'm supposed to do though I would like a piece of gum do you accept bills yeah how about that you into that kind of thing whoa whoa okay okay calm down calm down it's it's something great I'd ask the giant rainbow be for ah the bees got a boot on him I was gonna ask him for change but now I'm gonna have to murder him don't judge me you stupid little flowers okay if I need to murder something for an astronaut boot then I will and you best hope that I don't find a lawnmower on my travels so let's move on to bowling I guess do I have anything for bowling not really just I'm just finding more items but not really using them other than the happy bowling pins hi can I do anything with you guys no oh it's really cool just looking into these areas yeah little arcade over there and we recognize him interesting I feel like a lot of these places will probably have hints for us you'll give us some indication what we need to do so maybe this floor has something to do with the sheriff I don't think any of this is gonna be useful what if we move on to the pig I get the feeling a pig is probably gonna be a little bit more ticklish than a gumball machine okay you were not quite the pig I was expecting you sir you look more like like a piggy bank don't you would you maybe have some change don't make me break you open come on I don't get it you said he said he doesn't want to give me change listen man I really don't want to go looking for a hammer to get a quarter out of you for a piece of gum just work with me here maybe you'd like a dapper hat oh you have a monocle yeah oh there we go who's feeling better yeah okay I'm sorry I don't speak piggy bank what was this would you take my dollar now wait it seemed okay he ate my dollar I need change for that man please please yeah that would Jesus you got anything smaller you best consider yourself lucky okay most people come by and give you a dollar bill and you give them back a penny even if it's a giant freaking penny that's the kind of thing gets piggy smashed all right so let's try to put this in the gumball machine I don't suppose he's gonna be too happy with this who knows maybe this is a gumball machines wet dream would you like no no he doesn't like that [Music] okay a little bit too big so that must be for something else great again a hammer would solve everything oh that is really unsettling everything outside is floating and the elevator is on a cloud so it's just kind of rocking back and forth that's the stuff that gets to you not the 6 foot tall walking gumball machine just the demotion in these kind of games so we have a gumball machine we have bowling we you just calm down okay I'm working on it just just calm your balls we got oil key we have a hats and fireplace move on to the fireplace that's all that I've got left maybe I can grab something out of the fire without burning my little hands ease this is just now that's the lobby oh [Music] we're tiny in a lobby and there's a picture of anchors I see so if we put that there and then go down to the lobby and hopefully that'll change sighs right it's like I said they give you hints and all of the little details in the level uh-huh now this should be able to fit just right is there anything else in here for us I don't think so okay we'll go back to the gumball machine so now we have a piece of gum did anybody want a piece of gum and what do I want those robots and for I stole a robot's arm and I don't even know why I know it's shocking right here just just calm down I really wish I had found a hammer that would have been way funnier I feel like I just gave him PCP or something he's tripping balls gum please thank you that is a giant piece of why would I expect any chip for ye up that was that was laced with something I'm sorry dude god I got it from a pig I thought he was a good dealer you guys saw nothing okay remember snitches get stitches even if you're a flower and I still need to figure out what I need to do with the bug maybe I can reach them from here with this let's know almost almost I feel like I'm just massaging his butt from a distance know that that's nothing so we have gum we have a robot arm and we've been everywhere how about we call up her friend I probably could figure this out without a hint but I just want to hear what she has to say hey you need something can I get a hint one sec I'm a little unorganized the gumball is too small to use as a bowling ball are you satisfied with that hint that's not a hint let's just go make the gumball vicar okay so we got it figured out now we're gonna go to the fo wait no we don't want to xi won't do this in Reverse right we need to go to the lobby and then come back here and it should be bigger rather than smaller can I make anything bigger or smaller maybe I should try get a gigantic robot arm or put a giant boots on the astronauts so you just hang out right there and we're gonna head back up to the fireplace and hope for the best should make it bowling ball-sized right she's never lied to me I assume it's a she she's kind of like that's that's this is a little excessive now that that will do that'll do now I need to go demolish some bowling pins why are my fingers dancing across the gum ball and I'm making weird little noises I'm not doing that okay listen guys I'm sorry I know I'm sitting here looking at my fingers like an idiot but I just got a I got a bowl this at you there we go oh yeah that's the stuff can I get that gum back by the way that should probably get ejected back up whoo got the strike got nice okay I got a magnet gun very good and a brick but a bowling is this we might be able to use this to get the helmet out of the volcano right I can't imagine it stuck in the lava it just has to be too hot for me to handle but that's what magnets are good for right let's give this a try yeah there we go little bit little jiggle jiggle-jiggle no well maybe I need to hold it okay hold on we're just gonna know okay was worth a shot I don't suppose you want to help me out with this do you oh here we go oh it's not even kind of close stupid robots well has anything changed on the floors that we've gone to already how about we go back and check on the plate it's green around the edges now it's blue around the edges what why oh you want more water weird but I already killed a snowman for you you demand more sacrifices okay so I need to figure out how to turn off everything above you I might be able to do that I figured I would have been done on this floor we have a brick we have a yes maybe the arm I do anything with this no no that's no good and how about you we give it a try no I don't know man I'm just trying anything here maybe I can pluck you and bring you to a place of water no all right then so we have something that interacts with metals something that gives me an extended reach and a brick one of these things is not like the other a break a brick well no he left right I can't smash him he took off that's done that's done oh man I guess we could go back here yeah you see this is orange around the edges so I still need to do something here and I still need to figure out what I'm gonna do with that stupid bug listen man I can give you your arm back if you want it's here we're cool right no no maybe I can grab that gun from you white it just changes the aim I don't want to tickle his balls I want to grab his gun no stop going directly for the ball sack of the robot you stupid are huh what did you train this thing to do sir you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of floorplan guys and we made quite a bit of progress this episode it might end up being a bit of a shorter one because I really don't wanna make these videos like 25 30 minutes long but I definitely want to do more it's like I said I'm really happy that people are enjoying this because it's one of my favourite VR games to play right now so if you guys want to see a final episode we surely like in the video let me know and we'll return to get this figured out next time I think suppose watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 2,456,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: floor plan, floor plan vr, floor plan virtual reality, floor plan htc vive, floor plan funny, floor plan funny moments, floor plan gameplay, floor plan game, floor plan walkthrough, floor plan playthrough, floor plan let's play, floor plan solutions, funny vr game, vr funny moments, vr video, virtual reality funny moments, virtual reality game, vr game, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: qNi7NrCeYos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Wed May 02 2018
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